2016 APD/ADC MBB Full Time Recruiting Updates

Hey guys,

Thought I'd start another thread for those of us APDs/ADCs (read: spent too many years in school) who are applying for full time positions either earlier this year in the Spring (BCG) or now during the Summer.

Let's try to provide sufficient data so it's less confusing:

Current location(Northeast/west/south)/institute(target?):
Firm(s) applied (spring/summer):
When did you receive an invite/rejection:
Additional info (invite or no? when are they scheduling the interviews?):

To start off:

Current location: southeast + semi/non target
Firm applied: BCG (spring)
When did you receive an invite/rejection: waiting
Additional info (invite or no? when are they scheduling the interviews?): Last year, Bridge to BCG took ~2.5 weeks until invites went out. I think this year may be the first time BCG is recruiting for full time consultants officially in the Spring (heard some office is growing by 40% annually for the past few years).

FYI, last year's roster can be found here: //www.wallstreetoasis.com/forums/2015-MBB-advanced-degree-candidates-interview-roster

Good luck to all of us!

Mod Note (Andy): Best of 2016, this post ranks #15 for the past year


Thanks for starting the thread suehlee88. I am applying for the full time cycle this year. I didn't realize that BCG was doing spring require- I am at a non-target school in the midwest so information is scarce. Could you give some details suehlee88? Or a link to the spring application?

Current location: smidwest + semi/non target Firm applied: Bridge and Insight programs When did you receive an invite/rejection: waiting Additional info (invite or no? when are they scheduling the interviews?):


Hi - I'm still waiting to hear too for the full-time interview. ADC. I'll be sure to let you guys know if I hear back.

Current location: northeast Firm applied: BCG (spring) When did you receive an invite/rejection: waiting Additional info (invite or no? when are they scheduling the interviews?):


Current location: southeast + semi/non target Firm applied: BCG (spring) When did you receive an invite/rejection: 4/28 just now!! from Atlanta office Additional info (invite or no? when are they scheduling the interviews?): Invited to FT R1 interview in ATL to be held Friday 5.13.2016.

I am so so so excited! Hope many of you share positive news and let me know if any of you would like to practice case on gchat/skype etc!!


Unfortunately, I didn't get an offer from BCG.. yet again. But without a doubt, it was an incredibly positive and enriching experience.

What I noticed this time was that the first round had many curve balls in it for both the fit portion and the cases (and funnily, the interviewers were kind enough to tell me they were going to throw me curveballs). First, on the fit portion: I'm not sure if it was designed to be, but the fit portion was a lot more conversational for the first round and it flew so naturally that I almost forgot I was being interviewed at one point. Also, one of the interviewers phrased his first fit question rather philosophically that I can see people tripping if they're nervous: relax and be yourself!

The cases are definitely not difficult-actually they are more straightforward than most you see in casebooks-but I can tell that BCG is looking for creativity and the extra bit after solving the case. For example, I was also asked to go a step further after my final recommendation for the CEO and explain how I'd convince the shareholders of my rec. Another note on BCG cases is that the amount of data can be overwhelming at times (eg. 2 sets of bar graphs + some text information in one exhibit or a detailed cost/rev breakdown of 5 different plants for comparison), and one should feel free to take time to digest the data and pick out relevant pieces/trends to note/dig deeper.

The final round interviewers for me were a bit more reserved and formal, yet they were very pleasant and approachable. For the fit, they both cared a lot about why I wanted to do consulting and why BCG/why that office etc. The other aspect they both cared a lot about was how I am as a team player. While selling one's strengths and contributions are important, I got the sense that they look for humility. The cases again weren't complicated, and they were interested less in my arithmetic skills but more interested in my business acumen and creativity. Ultimately, it was the first case where my brain just wasn't computing fast enough at the beginning during brainstorming that held me back.

Finally, it might be of interest to know that the final round feedback was given in 3 buckets: fit (does consulting/BCG fit in your career? can you deal with people in a mature way? are you a leader? did BCG consultants like interacting with you etc), case (math, framework/driving the case, creativity), and communication (clarity, presence, credibility).

I hope this information is helpful for those prepping for the summer/fall cycle, and if so, please pay it forward! Good luck everyone!


I submitted my application in Feb. way too early. I don't know if they reviewed my application. Does anyone have any suggestions for me?

fight for MBB

I think that this means that you passed the first of the resume screening. At least for the Insight program, they only invited some people to take the PST test.


What's your background? target/non target? I applied before the 7/18 deadline but still haven't heard anything yet (while a lot of my target/non-target school fellow applicants have received something)

Ph.D/Non-target school McK submitted 7/18, waiting BCG submitted 7/24 waiting Bain submitted 8/4 waiting

I think my school is target (since i can find the link in their system?). Phd in BME. graduating next year~


Hey guys,

I also applied to MBB FT position for next year. I don't know if you guys all attended McKinsey Insight and BCG Bridge. I didn't get invitation for those programs and encouraged to apply for FT (yea, standard response).

  1. I wonder if any of you didn't get an invitation for the programs, but now have an interview offer?

  2. If I included international office as my first choice, where would I be interviewing? Over the phone or do they interview in the US office?


Hi thereo, I applied to BCG and McKinsey summer programs and got rejected. For FT, I heard from McKinsey to complete the SHL test. Upon my performance, I will (or will not) have an interview in 3 weeks. For your second question, I do not know the answer.


Same here. I did the McKinsey CEB test three days ago but I haven't heard back yet. Any ideas how long McKinsey takes to let you know your results?

Still no news on BCG. I am applying from a Canadian target school as an advanced degree candidate so I think that timelines are quite different based on your location and education status. That being said, I have a feeling that if you are very good, they generally let you know right away:)

Ph.D/Target school/Canada McK submitted 7/18, CEB completed, waiting BCG submitted 7/24 waiting


Any threads for the 2017 full time application updates? (i.e. deadlines 7/18 for McK, 7/24 for BCG, 8/5 for Bain)

Ph.D/Non-target school McK submitted 7/18, waiting BCG submitted 7/24 waiting Bain submitted 8/4 waiting

the deadline for BCG is 7/24? I didn't see any info about deadline on their website and I applied on 7/27 : (. I received an auto confirmation email from BCG after I submitted my application. Hopefully it still counts..


Applied and dinged by both Insight Healthcare and Bridge to BCG this summer.

McKinsey cited since I had already graduated from medical school and was in the consulting workforce, they wanted to give other applicants a shot to experience it.

BCG dinged post-Bridge interview so I wonder if they will give me another shot for full-time interview.

M.D./ Non-target school/ USA McK - submitted 7/18, dinged 7/28 BCG - submitted 7/24. waiting Bain - submitted 8/01, waiting ClearView - submitted 8/07, waiting


Status about me:

  1. I applied to McK Internship 2016, didn't make it to an offer, but was invited to be in Keep-in-Touch program, meaning I am automatically invited to Sept fulltime interview, but I still need to fill out the fulltime application again and submit before deadline
  2. I interviewed with BCG Bridge, didn't get a spot, but was given an invitation to interview with BCG fulltime position early October this year, and I didn't need to submit my fulltime application again
  3. I applied to AIC, didn't get in, submitted my Bain fulltime application before the deadline, and I am waiting to hear back from Bain

SO, if you apply regularly to Bain fulltime, would you please let me know if you have heard from Bain?

The confirmation email from Bain says that they will only contact candidate they want to interview, so I want to be notified at least on this forum that whether I am dinged at the resume round or not.

Thank you all :)


Is the McK Internship the same as McK Insight? Just wondering if there was a Keep-in-touch program for Insight applicants (I know people who made it to the interview round of Insight also got early first-round full-time interviews in August)

For what it's worth - I don't know anyone who has heard back from Bain for the full time application yet.


McK internship is internship recruiting, Insight is workshop. I think there may not be a Keep-in-touch for insight given that the people who made it to the interview got invited automatically already.

Thank you for the update for Bain!


Hum, I also applied to McK internship and was rejected after 2nd round interview. After that I was also in the Keep-in-touch program, but I thought that program is just a newsletter kinda thing that inform you upcoming webinars & etc... and I didn't get any automatic invitation to fulltime interview, even did not get an interview invitation after apply for full-time this summer.


The program is not just news letter. You will be invited to fulltime. If you still have doubts, you can email your recruiter! I know for a fact that for the people who are in KIT, they don't get invitation to fulltime at the same time.


(1) Don't think Keep-In-Touch means an automatic interview for full time (2) Full time timelines at Bain will vary by country. I am supposed to hear back by the end of the week


Hi thanks which country did you apply to?

For keep in touch, I am sure it means an automatic interview because it was what my interview told me and I doubled check with my recruiter before I submitted my fulltime application, my recruiter told me, word by word, it means "you are automatically invited for fulltime"


Hi Ekans, can you share your experience with the CEB test, was it similar to the practice tests given on the CEB SHL website ?


Hi xiaopangp - So after interviewing for B2BCG and not making the cut, did you get an email about automatic interview for FT or you received a phone call? Also, what were the details of these interactions?

Curious as I got dinged after the B2BCG interview as well and received a phone call from my interviewer explaining how I could improve but no word on FT interviews.



Hi MD.C, I got a phone call from my interviewer, telling me that I did well in the interview, although they couldn't offer me a seat on the workshop, they would like to invite me to the fulltime interview in the fall.


So update on my status: Ph.D/Target school/Canada McK submitted 7/18, FT 1st round next week BCG submitted 7/24, rejected for the first round of interviews ( I made it to the interview for Bridge program, but did not pass it)


(Not sure if it's exactly the same as when I took it in the spring, but) Yes it was very similar to the practice test on the CEB website. Brush up your fast calculator skills, do a few practice tests, and you'll be fine :)


Hey guys, I just joined the community! I am currently a Principal in BCG (joined 10 years ago straight out of university). I am also responsible fore MBAs and undergrad recruiting for my home office. If you have any question, I am happy to help

BCG Principal, leading recruiter of undergrad and MBA candidates, founder of www.casepreparation.com

@BCG Principal" Care to share what is happening 'behind the curtain' right now? What are the timelines that we can expect to hear back? Does the process vary by 1st choice office? Who actually makes the decision to offer ther interview? Feel free to answer only the questions you are comfortable with :)


The process may vary from office to office, in general when the application is received the first screening is made by recruiting department (i.e. not consultants). They look for the three core consulting skills in your application and evidence of excellence in your past experience. After that, if they deem your application good enough they invite you for interviews.

Interviews are held in different rounds (the process here can be different according to your target office), but in general the first rounds are done by PL/Engagement Manager/Principal and the second round by partners. Interviews in first and second rounds are pretty much standardized in format so you can expect the typical case interview structure for each interview session. After each interview, the interviewer evaluates you. Any interviewer has veto right, so for example if I interviewed you and I didn't like you, you will be dinged also if all your other interviews went well.

The whole process usually last around a month (but again it depends on target office and period).

If you want you can also visit casepreparation . com where I post tips and tricks about how to succeed in interviews.

Hope I answered your main questions. If something is not clear just let me know.

BCG Principal, leading recruiter of undergrad and MBA candidates, founder of www.casepreparation.com

Thanks so much for doing this! I know that some ADC candidates have heard from BCG and been invited to have "phone chats" with consultants. Does this mean that for folks who aren't invited to these "phone chats", we won't be getting first-round interview invitations?


I honestly don't think so. Phone chats are usually for someone out of reach and they want to know if you're serious and if you want to know more about their regional offices.

The interviews are not guaranteed from the phone chats.

Cheer up!

It's still long way to go.

The only reason I burned out is, it's like you thought your date went well, and it felt like awesome experience, and when you text next day, it's gone "poof" kind of feeling.

I got a nice reply from BCG, not from Bain though.


If I am applying as a experienced hire, do you think my case interviews would focus on the industry of my expertise or would it be a general mix of different cases. I am focused on life sciences and would like to know as I prepare for the same.


My friend who did Insight Healthcare (in SF) and interviewed last Friday heard back this Wednesday. Not sure about anyone from Insight Healthcare who interviewed this week.

Nobody I know has heard back from BCG (other than Bridge participants) yet. Some have mentioned they had phone chats, some haven't.

We're all playing the waiting game!


I did Bain AIC in July. Submitted the application before August 5th and got invited for the 1st round. Did anyone, who did CEB test for McK back in May but did not do Insight, hear anything about the 1st round?


A few people I have talked to have a theory that the initial phone screen for BCG was testing the candidate's English. The two people I know who got phone screens were international and listed names that sounded foreign on their resume. Is there anyone on here who got an initial phone screen from BC phone screen and was not international?


Actually, my data does not completely negate your hypothesis! Just because they do call people who aren't international doesn't mean they don't also call some international people to check their English skills. They could have different reasons for calling different people. I think?

In any case, I would take it as a good sign because they probably wouldn't bother calling people if their resume wasn't of interest. :D


Sorry to hear Zion. I had applied on 8/07 to CV and still awaiting a response. Did you receive an application submission confirmation from them?

Good luck with the rest!


Thank you for your interest in ClearView Healthcare Partners. As you are aware, ClearView is a life sciences strategy consulting firm, and our hiring needs are particularly specific. After careful consideration, the team at ClearView has decided that, while your experience and capabilities are substantial, we will not be able to move your candidacy forward.

We wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.

Best, Ellis, on behalf of the ClearView Recruiting Team


Ditto for me..Thank you for your interest in ClearView Healthcare Partners. As you are aware, ClearView is a life sciences strategy consulting firm, and our hiring needs are particularly specific. After careful consideration, the team at ClearView has decided that, while your experience and capabilities are substantial, we will not be able to move your candidacy forward.

We wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.

Best, Ellis, on behalf of the ClearView Recruiting Team


I'm still waiting to hear from ClearView (submitted a couple of days before the deadline). Seems like they sent out rejections and interview offers out today. Is anyone else still waiting?


I got a phone screen for FT and was a B2BCG applicant who interviewed but didn't make it in. I was told in the phone screen that the interview invites would go out mid August...


PhD./ Non-target school/ USA-midwest McK - submitted 7/15, rejected 8/1 BCG - submitted 7/27. waiting Bain - preapproval for 1st round interview (9/12) a week after attending AIC ClearView - submitted 7/22, rejected 8/16 OW - submitted 8/1, waiting


Received McK interview invite 13:38 today (8/17/16). 1st round interview will take place between Sept 6-8.

Detail: applied for McK 2016 internship Jan this year, didn't make it to an offer, was signed up into Keep-In-Touch program and told that would be invited to fulltime interview in the fall (didn't need to take the test again but still needed to reapply formally by the deadline in July).


I'm applying to West Coast, took the test recently (before the 14th August deadline), and haven't heard back yet. Looking back at the initial email from the recruiter, it said we'd be informed of next steps on "Thursday August 17." Given that Thursday's the 18th not 17th, it's possible news will go out tomorrow ... Or maybe we're the only two who haven't heard ;)


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Sit quae animi et delectus aut est tempora. Delectus facilis porro earum impedit enim rerum. Accusantium id iste aut.

Career Advancement Opportunities

June 2024 Consulting

  • Bain & Company 99.4%
  • McKinsey and Co 98.9%
  • Boston Consulting Group (BCG) 98.3%
  • Oliver Wyman 97.7%
  • LEK Consulting 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

June 2024 Consulting

  • Bain & Company 99.4%
  • Cornerstone Research 98.9%
  • Boston Consulting Group (BCG) 98.3%
  • McKinsey and Co 97.7%
  • Oliver Wyman 97.2%

Professional Growth Opportunities

June 2024 Consulting

  • Bain & Company 99.4%
  • McKinsey and Co 98.9%
  • Boston Consulting Group (BCG) 98.3%
  • Oliver Wyman 97.7%
  • LEK Consulting 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Consulting

  • Partner (4) $368
  • Principal (25) $277
  • Director/MD (55) $270
  • Vice President (47) $246
  • Engagement Manager (100) $226
  • Manager (153) $170
  • 2nd Year Associate (158) $140
  • Senior Consultant (331) $130
  • 3rd+ Year Associate (108) $130
  • Consultant (590) $119
  • 1st Year Associate (539) $119
  • NA (15) $119
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (148) $116
  • Engineer (6) $114
  • 2nd Year Analyst (347) $103
  • Associate Consultant (166) $98
  • 1st Year Analyst (1052) $87
  • Intern/Summer Associate (191) $83
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (553) $67
16 IB Interviews Notes

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