Career Switch to Consulting

An undergrad(BBA-Marketing) with 2.5 yrs of work-ex in the Insurance & Advertising Industry.
Planning to get into MC-General Business Analyst/Jr.Associate!
Will be applying to all major players & boutique/specialized firms.
Currently working(ad agency) for clients from diversified industries.
Reason for getting into MC:
* Learn this business on a broadbased level by working with several industries.
* Getting an MBB's name on my Res will push me ahead.
* Would be in a better position to decide on what industry to settle post 5-7yrs of consulting.
* Learning at one of the MBB"s is always worthy!

Query on GPA:
I have a low CGPA:6/10;Major-7/10
* Went into grave depression for the first 1.5 yrs at univ. & ended up with this score.
* Finally woke up at the end of 3rd sem with a CGPA of 2.5/10 & turned it into a 7/10 by graduation.
- Now I see it as a challenge of turning around a very-low CGPA into an OK score.
- The question is?? -> Should this score be mentioned on my Res or not? OR;
- Could I tell the recruiter somehow that I had a situation & only I know how I came out of it!

p.s I have a Senior School score of 75% (CBSE Board-Indian-12th standard). Should I put that on too?

Looking forward to every suggestion/advice/bashing/feedback on this Resume!

Till then; back to case interview prep.


seedy underbelly:
Everything looks decent other than GPA.
Went into grave depression for the first 1.5 yrs at univ.

If I may ask, what was the reason for this?

Hi, Is it decent enough to apply? CGPA - Yes I know! But what do you thnk. Should I remove it or keep it & if made to the intrview; perhaps could explain the stuation I had.

Now coming to your last question. Reasons:
* Wasn't able to get into my desired college for which I had prepared Vigorously.
* Had family problems back home.

Sooner or later; did realize what blunder I had done & was back on track. Atleast saved myself from wasting a year or two more & completed degree in time with an OK score.

So once again, should I mention this score or not?? Thanks,

I subscribe to the law of contrary public opinion... If everyone thinks one thing, then I say, bet the other way...
Best Response

i dont think you can leave your GPA off your resume, just looks suspicious. i would say your chances of getting into MBB are slim. i would focus more attention on smaller consulting firms, where your chances may be higher, to get some good consulting experience. then if you still want to go into MBB, get an MBA from top-10.

Also, saying: * Getting an MBB's name on my Res will push me ahead. * Would be in a better position to decide on what industry to settle post 5-7yrs of consulting. * Learning at one of the MBB"s is always worthy!

as reasons for getting into MBB is probably not a solid idea. sounds like you will just use consultancy as a stepping stone to something else. why would they want to innvest in you if you are just gonna peace out in a couple of years.


i dont think you can leave your GPA off your resume, just looks suspicious. i would say your chances of getting into MBB are slim. i would focus more attention on smaller consulting firms, where your chances may be higher, to get some good consulting experience. then if you still want to go into MBB, get an MBA from top-10.

Also, saying: * Getting an MBB's name on my Res will push me ahead. * Would be in a better position to decide on what industry to settle post 5-7yrs of consulting. * Learning at one of the MBB"s is always worthy!

as reasons for getting into MBB is probably not a solid idea. sounds like you will just use consultancy as a stepping stone to something else. why would they want to innvest in you if you are just gonna peace out in a couple of years.


I'm from the advertising industry, so my opinion might be slanted.

The account size numbers aren't large. At my internship I looked over the Oreos account for its 100th anniversary campaign; that was over a $200 million account over several continents.

The key is to reflect your accomplishments and the results of those accomplishments. Being part of a team doesn't mean much because you aren't the one that creates the value (creatives do) or executes it (media planners do).

Again, MBB might not know anything about this and it could sound impressive. But if anyone looking at your resume knows anything about advertising, they can sniff the fluff.


Thank You all! I appreciate your effort.

@Ppandey: * GPA: - Agreed! Will mention it . * Chances of getting into MBB's: As I said; will be applying to all boutique/specialized firms as well. Thanks for citing my reasons as NOT good enough to break into Consulting. Will re-work on them & make sure I don't come out wid some crap in the interview(once invited)!
Now tell me something buddy; is this Resume good enough for applying or do I need to make some further changes?

@Xepa: * A/C size numbers: Yes, these are not large as it's an Independent Consortium with adequate billings. When I interned @ another agency; Client I was working for- was a $50Mil/yr a/c!

  • As far as reflecting accomplishments,results & being part of a team:
    • A Creative won't write or visualize untill unless briefed aptly by an Idiot!
    • A Media planner won't execute anything untill unless consulted & confirmed by an Idiot! & Both the aforementioned; they don't get to face the kind of Shit this Idiot gets from clients!

Look buddy; I appreciate your feedback rather than getting into this stupid Creative v/s Client services argument. Now, having said that ; I appreciate your last part of the comment. But tell me; does this Resume need some more work or it's good engough for applying as I need to apply soon.(Within a week)

Thanks again,

I subscribe to the law of contrary public opinion... If everyone thinks one thing, then I say, bet the other way...

i think your resume could use a little work - the verbiage needs to be more directed and concise.

for example: your first two points starting with "Worked for account director..."

i would say something like: - "Developed advertising strategies and managed up to US$xxxx budget including media costs and invoicing for diversified industry groups, including bla bla bla." - "Executed ad campaigns for XYZ companies" (actually i would try to put more meat on "Executed" - i am not in advertising so not sure if you can but being in consulting, i am not sure what executing an ad campaign entails) - "Coordinated work effort closely with Account Director and with the Marketing team of X people."

general idea being that i like to (and in my experience it is beneficial) start with an action verb.

thats my personal opinion. maybe you ought to consider some of the services offered on WSO or elsewhere. i know they are pricey... PM me for further help.


I transitioned from advertising to MBB - initially into a non-client facing role, then eventually into consulting (without an MBA - currently wrapping up my analyst program and headed to b-school). TBH, your resume needs a lot of work. A few things:

  • You need to focus on IMPACT. Things like "Worked with / for so-and-so" and "Was part of team that did XYZ" will get you nowhere, especially with MBB. You need to talk very specifically about what you in particular did to make your firm / team successful - quantifying where possible - and demonstrate that you're a leader. What new accounts did you generate? How big were they? Kill phrases like "helped with" / "worked for" / "assisted" altogether, they don't care.

  • If you don't put your GPA on your resume, they'll just assume it's bad. So put it on there, provide an honest explanation in your cover letter (I wasn't focused, but realized what I needed to do to achieve my goals and turned things around), and don't shy away from talking about it in interviews - if asked.

  • Check your grammar / spelling, because it matters. "Serviced as an intern" is not good English anywhere, even a global MBB firm won't buy it. Something of this quality will get tossed quickly.

  • Don't puff up your employers with descriptions like "Leading blah-blah-blah," just stick with the name. And don't spell out what BBDO stands for like it's a law firm, no one has mentioned those names in 30 years (I worked there). Anyone familiar with them will laugh at you.


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Aliquam dolorem ullam molestiae aliquid voluptas. Nostrum aut exercitationem nesciunt dolorem. Et consequuntur odit rerum id culpa veniam. Consequatur et autem perferendis error nihil sed repudiandae.

Saepe optio rerum aut sint. Quo a quia et consequatur et tempore repellat. Cumque nobis qui maxime. Animi mollitia et optio saepe soluta aliquid. Aut ea temporibus est rerum sunt eos. Et esse incidunt deleniti inventore. Excepturi vel labore nam qui.

Qui id veritatis et. Itaque sint unde itaque. Quae molestias deserunt animi provident facere. Architecto et nam dolorem cumque iusto est. Quaerat mollitia nulla et tempora omnis.

I subscribe to the law of contrary public opinion... If everyone thinks one thing, then I say, bet the other way...

Career Advancement Opportunities

June 2024 Consulting

  • Bain & Company 99.4%
  • McKinsey and Co 98.9%
  • Boston Consulting Group (BCG) 98.3%
  • Oliver Wyman 97.7%
  • LEK Consulting 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

June 2024 Consulting

  • Bain & Company 99.4%
  • Cornerstone Research 98.9%
  • Boston Consulting Group (BCG) 98.3%
  • McKinsey and Co 97.7%
  • Oliver Wyman 97.2%

Professional Growth Opportunities

June 2024 Consulting

  • Bain & Company 99.4%
  • McKinsey and Co 98.9%
  • Boston Consulting Group (BCG) 98.3%
  • Oliver Wyman 97.7%
  • LEK Consulting 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Consulting

  • Partner (4) $368
  • Principal (25) $277
  • Director/MD (55) $270
  • Vice President (47) $246
  • Engagement Manager (101) $227
  • Manager (153) $170
  • 2nd Year Associate (158) $140
  • Senior Consultant (331) $130
  • 3rd+ Year Associate (108) $130
  • Consultant (590) $119
  • 1st Year Associate (539) $119
  • NA (15) $119
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (148) $116
  • Engineer (6) $114
  • 2nd Year Analyst (347) $103
  • Associate Consultant (166) $98
  • 1st Year Analyst (1052) $87
  • Intern/Summer Associate (191) $83
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (553) $67
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