Solana is the Bitcoin killer. It is so fucking fast and reliable. Just invest with x10 of 1k and close your app and reopen in 10 years thank me later


Isaiah, stop deleting your comments damnit.

I don’t have the power to delete comments, it’s a WSO glitch.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

I can repost what I said before though from memory:

Some dude on here recently posted about doing well in LUNA and putting in $60K and getting back $1.2mm or so. 

I’m in ETH and MATIC, but only have a tiny bit invested just to be in the game.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

I would invest mainly in ETH and LINK rn, maybe some others if you want a chance at a moonshot. But ETH and LINK are solid. The thing is we're still really early right now so I'd just DCA in and hold. Honestly don't even watch prices just check like once every 6 months or something if you want. Think of the investment as an investment in the technology/project they're building though. If you believe in innovation then crypto is a decent bet to make.


Prices are high right now, but it's difficult to predict where it's going, so I'm just holding for the long term.

One of my top holdings is OGN.

Team: Former early employees / founding members of Google/Youtube/Paypal/etc.

What it is: Brings NFT and Defi to the masses. Currently has two main products: NFT Launchpad & Origin Dollar (OUSD). You can have a look on the NFT on their web. OUSD is a 1:1 stablecoin pegged to USD which earns yields anywhere, even in your wallet (without you needing to stake it, unlike other stablecoins). Trailing 7 days APY on holding OUSD is currently 16%+. Team is aiming for mass adoption of OUSD, including for offline merchants; the high yield is a good incentive for adoption. The more OUSD gets adopted, the higher the value of the OGN token (as 10% of the Defi yield goes into OGN token buyback).

Pretty cool, but of course, just my own opinion and not a financial advice. Prices could head anywhere. Do your own research.

Interested to hear your opinions too on this


All my savings are into crypto, similar to the last guy who posted on crypto, I'm all in. Best advice in this market is to DCA (Dollar Cost Average) during certain time frames.Im not going to tell you what projects to invest, that's for your own due diligence to read white paper, leadership, products, etc. Basically, most projects in crypto are speculative with a few that have a working product that's in early stages like VET, ETH, etc.Just don't go look for validated opinions on which project is best to invest bc everyone is shilling their own projects. I would suggest you look into projects that have been around for a while and build on the scalability of Ethereum blockchain network since a lot of those projects Interconnected survived the last bear market in 2017. However, there are other great projects to look at, so you can diversity your portfolio. people come into this space thinking it’s quick bucks, but you gotta be a long term holder to really see life changing gains, so you kinda need a lot of capital to be dropping on projects you like


It's best to have certain time frames, so yes, I would suggest either doing monthly or weekly (totaling 1k per month in weekly strategy). I personally like to do weekly due to extreme volatility, so I tend to catch both pumps and dumps from institutional money. To answer your question, most people right now think we might head for a bull run given Bitcoin has had 5 consecutive weeks up of uptrend from the major crash we had not too long ago (given alts move on Bitcoin as of now still). I suggest going over on Reddit, tons of crypto groups and also an ethereum subreddit that posts many updates. There is some really good informative research that gets posted on their by people who actually understand the blockchain technology and not just price movements. 

Most Helpful

It's worth a look. I've done quite well with some of my investments up over 1,000%. I treat investing in crypto the same way I do the stock market, do my research to understand what I am investing in and determine whether there is a viable use case for the crypto platform/product offering. A lot of people focus on technical analysis which can be useful if you are a trader but for those who view crypto as an investment, understanding the core technology and platform use case is far more important, I'll use some technical analysis to time when I make an investment but that's only following considerable research and determining that I want to invest in a platform.

There is a youtube channel called 'Coin Bureau' that is incredibly useful to get a quick 20 minute overview of a platform before diving into the whitepaper and other things. If you are looking to learn more about the crypto space it's a good starting point.


I just started trading alts in January and I think it's pretty cool trading a highly volatile, 24/7 market not (yet) bogged down by regulation. I've had some decent picks since I started so I like that too. Got in AXS back in February and ~30x'ed all though I clearly could have had a 70x if I just hodl'ed. Had another decent win where I went from $4k in one token to $24k in like a month and a half. Didn't get hit that hard in the May crash because I mostly consolidated and went into stablecoins right before the crash. 

My approach & resources: 

1) Twitter -  This is where a lot of my alpha comes from. I follow crypto VCs, Devs, and good alt pickers. Just be careful though there's a lot of p&d and exit scamming from Twitter influencers who get early allocations in tokens and don't disclose. Find low follower count accounts who have a good track record. Twitter is also a good gauge of wider market sentiment and is a pretty good indicator of what narrative/sub-sector in crypto is hot at the moment. When I first get introduced to a coin, I usually search the cashtag/ticker there as one of my first steps to get a quick gauge of sentiment and find out if there are any informational posts on the project. 

2)Telegram - I spend a lot of my research time in the respective token telegram groups just seeing what questions were asked, asking my own questions, gauging how excited the community is about the project (big part imo), gauging what kind of token holders are onboard . There are also a few good free tg groups out there that make alt calls/picks, so I look at those for ideas or for new stuff to put on my radar. 

3) Fundamental research: 

-I read the whitepapers - if it's poorly written or too esoteric/high IQ, it's a pass for me unless someone in the TG can help me understand.

-I pay a lot of attention to tokenomics: coin supply (circulating vs max), vesting schedules (token unlock), token distribution (how much team owns, how much % of largest holders own), burn/buybacks if applicable. Market cap as well: My general approach is I only touch stuff < $100 mm since those are the coins with the highest upside in a bull market. I enjoy assuming this level of risk even if the token can possibly go to $0 or might not survive a bear market because the potential returns make it worthwhile.

- The above are basically just checkbox parameters for me. Finally, I try to assess a project based on four things: Marketing, Community, Narrative, Product. If I were to hierarchize these four, I generally think the first two are potentially the most crucial issues from a token appreciation standpoint. 

Outside of all that, I also have a shitcoin portfolio where I just put pocket change (low 3-figure amounts) into memecoins. If you participate in this space, you will come to agree with the saying that "scams pump the hardest". A lot of the fundamental coins lagged/underperformed before the May crash because new retail never cared for/bought defi & projects with use cases - it was Doge, Shib, Safemoon and a shit ton of BSC scams that captivated retail.


Appreciate the advice. Will definitely try to apply your type of analysis if I do this myself. Any good twitter accounts, alt-pickers, you'd recommend to learn from (that are low bullshit)? I assume, like fintwit, there's a lot of BS but a lot of good insights too, you just have to sift through the mud.


For all of you guys asking about twitter, someone made a thread a few weeks ago about useful big accounts to follow on CT (crypto twitter):

Of that list, I follow a few:  @fiskantes, @darrenlautf, @hasufl, @redphonecrypto, @bantg. These guys aren't pickers but people involved in the space (particularly defi) who are insightful and help to expand my knowledge. They also interact with traders from time to time and retweet interesting projects, so you just have to pay attention. If you want guys to spoonfeed you or think you can get away with mirroring other traders, you are going to get dumped on and lose your money. Learn to absorb information and distill it.

My following list is my alpha, I can't give away too much here. But here's a few pickers that give their rationale: @Crypto_McKenna,@godeLives (if you scroll down far enough on his timeline and look for his #FF posts, you will see pickers he recommends), @TraderNoah (picks are public and talks a lot about defi valuations), @altcoinpsycho (one of the biggest CT accounts but he always shares good info). Just observe who they follow, interact with and retweet and then you can figure out whether or not they are worth following. Good luck


Final post since I am feeling generous and have some time on my hands. I'm mostly in two positions right now: VISR & Dop. Both positions are bets on the growth of NFTs and increasing functionality + growing marriage of NFTs & Defi. Always DYOR! 

VISR is basically a project that allows buyers of NFTs to stake (google!) them and earn rewards for staking; NFTs essentially become income-generating assets. Betting on it because there are only 2-3 other projects working on this type of product, VISR already has a product out, preliminary talks of partnerships with good defi projects underway, synergistic relationship with AMMs like Uniswap V3, had a strategic fundraise from VCs just last month which is a major legitimizing force in my eyes. If the bullrun continues, this is definitely going to double digits.

DOP is a project that allows you to collateralize your NFT and possibly earn yield on it. I've been observing what's going on in the past two months while the market was basically in distribution and NFT markets have been booming. People initially buying shitty Jpeg art for 3 figures and within weeks flipping it for 5-6 figures. Truly crazy stuff but it definitely made me think about what was the next step - my bet is that owners eventually take collateral out against their higher-valued NFTs. There are about 3-4 projects working on NFT collateralization but I think there's only one with a token and these guys are pretty close to getting a product out. I also chose this project because the team is doxxed and already has a track record in place - their first project last year 30x'ed in 9 months. I feel like this one is a bit higher risk, but it's an interesting project.

[Comment removed by mod team]

go on a slot machine forum and ask if anyone there has done well lol. yea of course you can do well with any kind of gambling/investing


I made a thread about this but I'll post the whole story here:

I put in 60k last year and have over 1.2mm in gains, most of which is realized. Vast majority from LUNA. Combined with my career savings I am gearing for extended sabbatical / early retirement (now mid-20s). 

With tips from friends and research, I screened a bunch and came down to ETH and LUNA being the best plays in terms of ecosystem, tech, and exposure to potential positive catalysts (the latter of which tbh is what 90% of crypto gains trade on). Earlier this year I also had a very bullish case on MATIC, but uncertainty about how the ETH 2.0 upgrade will affect need for scaling solutions made me exit early. I would still be wary of going into MATIC even though the coin has popped. Likewise I also sold ETH early on at a modest gain (~1.5x MOIC, which is "modest" for crypto). I held LUNA (and reinvested exit profits from ETH into it) for various reasons both tech-related and not (i.e. team, hype-potential). I sold 80% of my holdings from March until August at weighted avg 20x MOIC, making ~$1mm. Looking back I wish I didn't take so much money off the table because the coin POPPED this month. I'd be worth $800k more if I had just waited until now to sell. But Hindsight is 20/20.  

With crypto there is no sensical way to get a sense of valuation beyond comparing total coin market cap to BTC or ETH. Maybe you can do some fancy math on fundamentals like modeling gas fees / transaction volume / etc, but in my experience that work doesn't pay off as much as it would in L/S equity world. But mainly you aim to get a directional sense of magnitude of exposure to positive catalysts (much like punting in many VC sectors) and you get lucky the catalysts coincide with your hold. 

Look I think if you are under 30, no family/responsibilities and have high earning power ahead of you, I think odds are you would probably regret not making some informed punts on crypto with tightly controlled amounts (e.g. <20% of your NW). If you are wrong and lose everything, you'll make the money back. If you make 20x or 10x, it could be life changing at your age, and it means you will be ahead of the wealth compounding curve compared to your peers by A LOT even if you never touch crypto again.


Hey man I saw that post and I definitely look up to you in learning what is possible out there. Is it too late/do I have to wait for a pullback for ETH? You mention 20x or 10x returns, I'm assuming those are like smaller projects or "shitcoins" as they call it right not BTC/ETH? There is just so much noise out there making it hard to narrow down to what is legitimate and has potential especially since I'm willing to take a large bet.


My own take is that the potential ceiling on gains for BTC/ETH don't compensate you enough for the inherent risk of getting into an untransparent/speculative space like crypto. Even in crypto bull "base case", I wouldn't count on ETH jumping more than 2x over the next couple years. The market has become desensitized to ETH catalysts (at this point everyone thinks the ETH 2.0 upgrade will get delayed), which, combined with the fact that the market cap is already larger than the foreign exchange reserves of a lot of 1st world countries (France, Germany) means that you probably won't see crazy gains from ETH. In an optimistic world you'll see decent equity-like gains and so if it comes down to it you should just play the stock market where things are more transparent and platform risk is minimal. 

If you want to make good risk-adjusted returns on crypto the only way to do it are these "shitcoins" (hate the term btw). The whole point is to get into projects before they are on the radar of the general hype-seeking public. My quick-and-dirty advice is to buy coins which are less than 5% the market cap of ETH but seem superior to ETH in every way (technology, team, legitimacy). And to answer your question, looking for "legitimacy" is actually super simple - if you want a quick heuristic, look at the team. In general for these projects, the heuristic is similar to VC/growth: the use-case and technology are important for sure, but equally important is how well this founding team can create positive valuation catalysts and convince legit institutions to commit money and involvement AFTER I get in. If you look at the Terraform Labs (LUNA) team what will you find? Stanford + Ivy League grads who left super solid previous experiences to do this (often ex-BB/MBB for business people, ex-FAANG/Big Tech for tech people). These are people who I can count on to raise money and grow a project. And the fact that LUNA was able to get $150mm in fiat from VCs to back their ecosystem fund is testament to that (google it).  SOL is a similar story: star-studded team which was eventually backed by a16z (one of the top VCs period) and polychain (one of the top crypto funds). The lesson is that the crypto world is full of a lot of crap, and so there is a huge "flight to quality" effect which capitalizes on these signaling factors. 



In the next two weeks the place to be is in the AVAX ecosystem. The VCs have committed $180m for distribution to bootstrap the network, which will incentivize a lot of capital to flow over to the network. These distributions will be going to LPs who deposit/borrow on Aave/Curve (the blue-chip lending protocols) once started.  

Pangolin (PNG) - (the Uniswap of Avalanche) should see a nice jump in liquidity and volume during this period. Benqi (Qi) in the meantime before Aave is up and running is the primary lending protocol on the network (most will stop using it once Aave/Crv arrive)

Easy to bridge assets over from the Eth network to Avax using the bridge supported by the network devs (

As said by others, gains should always be converted back to Eth.


How sure are you bro? I'm seriously willing to go all in. I'm looking for someone that really knows this space and what they're talking about. I'm a little concerned because it already seems to be a bull cycle and the price on Fantom I'm looking has already run up big in the last few months. Should I wait for a pullback? Also what exchange should you buy this on?

Thank you!!!


Just don’t get burned on low cap alt coins when taking advice from here. I would be extremely careful bc not every story in crypto ends up with a good ending.


MATIC isn’t good?

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

go Solana gooooo!!!!


"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

How do I see “post date” on mobile?? Idk how long ago some of these posts were


How do I see "post date" on mobile?? Idk how long ago some of these posts were

I don’t see post dates on mobile either.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Eius cumque delectus aut doloribus sint nemo. Sapiente molestias voluptate aut velit esse. Nesciunt rerum et voluptates placeat temporibus tempora.

Aliquam sint iste nam quibusdam illo. Velit veritatis repellendus non consequuntur. Recusandae eum facere ea fugiat id.


Dolore quod aut et labore nostrum voluptatem voluptatem et. Adipisci non amet rem deserunt consequatur. Sit impedit unde non accusantium quasi aliquam iusto est. Eligendi sint labore pariatur. Autem est fugit impedit soluta amet asperiores ex. Ut ab quidem debitis consequatur qui iste dolores. Dolorum eum omnis doloribus sed aut pariatur.

Quod voluptatem et hic expedita ipsam molestiae reprehenderit. Voluptas vel assumenda quibusdam ullam perspiciatis. Quos earum recusandae cum nostrum illo. Perferendis molestias eveniet expedita nostrum. Ab est ut autem voluptates.

Assumenda in laborum magnam facilis aut. Nostrum placeat et eos. Sunt molestias eaque officiis exercitationem rem eveniet voluptatem non. Porro accusantium placeat ea qui.

Nisi soluta et quis aspernatur dignissimos facere. Quia beatae ipsa recusandae rerum. Rerum magnam unde rem in dolorem molestiae.

[Comment removed by mod team]

Totam esse officiis neque maiores est ut. Sed enim voluptas asperiores. Similique delectus et tempora consectetur corrupti id quam. Consequatur quis eligendi dolore doloribus est qui vitae.

Non iusto odit quia. Reprehenderit delectus dignissimos enim voluptate est quam. Fuga sunt minus nemo ipsam et. Consequuntur vel aspernatur enim officia qui autem harum quia. Ipsam qui saepe qui amet doloremque quam vel. Voluptates aut atque tempore est aliquam dolores.

Rerum tempore velit officia. Sint et et molestias ipsam. Tempora commodi qui quasi repudiandae qui. Suscipit quia harum molestiae est. Adipisci quia nisi nobis occaecati. Quam eaque accusamus culpa inventore autem facilis et. Quasi quidem est magnam asperiores sint.

Cum officia velit inventore illo. Explicabo aut alias odit id consequuntur occaecati tenetur totam. Quod iste aut et quis vel.

Career Advancement Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 01 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 17 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 19 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 97.7%
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Professional Growth Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (22) $375
  • Associates (93) $259
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (206) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (149) $101
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