Black suits: yes or no? THE definitive thread (finally)

Alright guys, i've seen some mixed opinions on this so let's set the record straight: can you wear a solid black suit to the office or not? (not referring to charcoal nor pinstripes - straight black). I want to hear from professionals on this one. If not, when (besides the obvious times, e.g. funeral) is it appropriate to wear a black suit? What about black pinstripe suits?

Or... does no one really care?

I am a professional but don't work in a traditional office nor wear a suit to work. When I do wear a suit I wear brown or gray but never because I read it in some rule book, just because i like the look better. Here's what got me started on this topic:
In this thread written by a "prospective monkey" (though what seems to be a very bright and well spoken one) who wrote this:

I would advise starting with black, grey, or navy suits.

Then later on in that thread the user slayer said

as soon as you said black suit I knew you had no idea what you were talking about.

Then user APAE (whose opinion I really respect) said:

Pleats, black suit, and mandatory break on pants? Please, this goes beyond subjective taste to just objectively wrong.

Are we talking straight black or even including textured suits or those with a pin stripe? I think a black suit worn no mor ethan once a week with a bright shirt and tie can look fine but I only own black suits with some other feature (aka texture/pinstripe) to temper the stark color of the suit

"I am not sure who this 'Anonymous' person is - one thing is for certain, they have been one hell of a prolific writer" - Anonymous

No, don't even bother buying one.

"My caddie's chauffeur informs me that a bank is a place where people put money that isn't properly invested."

You don't wear black in the office. Black is a strong, formal color. Wear it for a funeral or wedding, or something of the sort. If you want to wear dark, go charcoal/grey/dark navy blue/brown/etc.


1) If you wear a black suit to a formal occasion you will stand out. That is what a black TUX is for.

2) You wear black to a funeral because your outfit is supposed to mirror the mood. Serious and subdued.

A black suit can look fine. I have one, although rarely wear it. I've never received anything but compliments.

These clowns tend to have mixed opinions. If they can't decide, we can't decide. Stop asking style advice and start wearing what you want.


It's not rocket science guys, you can worry about colors later, for now, stick to:


"You stop being an asshole when it sucks to be you." -IlliniProgrammer "Your grammar made me wish I'd been aborted." -happypantsmcgee

My question is, why do they only sell solid and pinstripe black suits rather than Navy or Charcoal in stores like Macy's and Bloomingdales? Keeping the proletariat down and exposed...


Do whatever you want. I wore black suit to interviews and killed it, the only suit I have though. Unforunately most guys like above^ are judgemental pricks. If you have one of them interviewing you...well you're already ding-ed

So interview, no-i think you'd want the job, not worth the risk. Anything else, hell ya!


Okay so I understand that no black suits unless you're at an event, wedding, or funeral. What about interviews? Is the black suit okay since it is more formal and professional? Or go with the charcoal/navy? I wore a black suit to my interview for an internship and I killed it (MM, not BB)


Okay so I understand that no black suits unless you're at an event, wedding, or funeral. What about interviews? Is the black suit okay since it is more formal and professional? Or go with the charcoal/navy? I wore a black suit to my interview for an internship and I killed it (MM, not BB)

A black suit is not more formal or professional. A black suit is wrong. The only time black pants or jackets are worn are for semi-formal or formal wear (i.e. black tie, white tie, morning dress), and that's not the kind of suit you are talking about.

The answer is no. I wouldn't even wear a black suit to a funeral. There is no appropriate time to wear a black suit.


There is no need to ever ask this question again - the answer will always be no.

This isn't to say you can't get an offer or go to work in a black suit - you can. But that doesn't stop it from being wrong.

Hi, Eric Stratton, rush chairman, damn glad to meet you.

As long as a suit fits perfectly, you'll look good in any reasonable color. I'd rather wear a black suit that fits me like the models who where them as opposed to a baggy navy blue suit you wore as a kid and still had room to grow.

Calm down.

As long as a suit fits perfectly, you'll look good in any reasonable color. I'd rather wear a black suit that fits me like the models who where them as opposed to a baggy navy blue suit you wore as a kid and still had room to grow.

Fine, but that's kind of a ridiculous comparison.

First - you can look good in a black suit. Johnny Cash looked good in a black suit. But that doesn't make it correct to wear.

Second - yes obviously if the choice is quadruple pleated pants and a 48L jacket from Men's Wearhouse in charcoal vs. a perfectly fitting black suit, then wear the black suit. But realistically, those aren't going to be your only options. If you are thinking about buying a black suit, don't. If you have no other options and only own one suit and it happens to be black, then obviously wear it. But once you have some income and thus clothing options, buy some charcoal and navy ones and donate the black one to charity.

Hi, Eric Stratton, rush chairman, damn glad to meet you.

While an average person may not notice, anyone with even basic knowledge of style will think that you look like an idiot (maybe even that you ARE an idiot). Posting a picture of DiCaprio at a red carpet event isn't the same as some doofus wearing a black suit to work.


As long as a suit fits perfectly, you'll look good in any reasonable color. I'd rather wear a black suit that fits me like the models who where them as opposed to a baggy navy blue suit you wore as a kid and still had room to grow.

Fine, but that's kind of a ridiculous comparison.

First - you can look good in a black suit. Johnny Cash looked good in a black suit. But that doesn't make it correct to wear.

Second - yes obviously if the choice is quadruple pleated pants and a 48L jacket from Men's Wearhouse in charcoal vs. a perfectly fitting black suit, then wear the black suit. But realistically, those aren't going to be your only options. If you are thinking about buying a black suit, don't. If you have no other options and only own one suit and it happens to be black, then obviously wear it. But once you have some income and thus clothing options, buy some charcoal and navy ones and donate the black one to charity.

Mr. Fashion Police over here. Nobody gives a shit what color suit you wear.


As long as a suit fits perfectly, you'll look good in any reasonable color. I'd rather wear a black suit that fits me like the models who where them as opposed to a baggy navy blue suit you wore as a kid and still had room to grow.

Fine, but that's kind of a ridiculous comparison.

First - you can look good in a black suit. Johnny Cash looked good in a black suit. But that doesn't make it correct to wear.

Second - yes obviously if the choice is quadruple pleated pants and a 48L jacket from Men's Wearhouse in charcoal vs. a perfectly fitting black suit, then wear the black suit. But realistically, those aren't going to be your only options. If you are thinking about buying a black suit, don't. If you have no other options and only own one suit and it happens to be black, then obviously wear it. But once you have some income and thus clothing options, buy some charcoal and navy ones and donate the black one to charity.

Mr. Fashion Police over here. Nobody gives a shit what color suit you wear.

I was under the impression that this was a thread about what color suit to wear, so I'm answering the question. But your input is much appreciated.

Hi, Eric Stratton, rush chairman, damn glad to meet you.

If you want to be a real contrarian, I can think of a few other things that would be more radical than a black suit.

If all the sheeps refuse to wear a black suit based on some superstition, I'll wear one in a heartbeat. Actually, I'll wear one tomorrow.

No idea how to imbed:


Thanks man. You just reminded me of my old manager (Roy, for those of you who've read the book) who just thought he was the cat's ass in this lavender pimp suit he'd wear every couple weeks. It was a custom job and was just loud as the bejeezus, but he was stylin' in it against the backdrop of his canary yellow Porsche. It was a different time back then, lol.


I haven't seen anyone wear a suit at the buyside shop I work at. I did see one of the partners wear fluoroscent shorts one friday. But all this talk about black suits makes me want to buy one mainly because I have been told by the fairi... sorry no fashsion conscious gentlemen.. I have no taste. I will just keep my lack of taste and lack of fashion sense going. It has worked for me so far. It is interesting though to see the passion of the anti-black suits to work brigade.


Whenever i see someone wearing a black suit, I automatically think they're a tasteless pleb. Midnight Blue is the way to go.

You know you've been working too hard when you stop dreaming about bottles of champagne and hordes of naked women, and start dreaming about conditional formatting and circular references.
David Aames:

Alright guys, i've seen some mixed opinions on this so let's set the record straight: can you wear a solid black suit to the office or not? (not referring to charcoal nor pinstripes - straight black). I want to hear from professionals on this one. If not, when (besides the obvious times, e.g. funeral) is it appropriate to wear a black suit? What about black pinstripe suits?

Or... does no one really care?

I am a professional but don't work in a traditional office nor wear a suit to work. When I do wear a suit I wear brown or gray but never because I read it in some rule book, just because i like the look better. Here's what got me started on this topic:
In this thread written by a "prospective monkey" (though what seems to be a very bright and well spoken one) who wrote this:

I would advise starting with black, grey, or navy suits.

Then later on in that thread the user slayer said

as soon as you said black suit I knew you had no idea what you were talking about.

Then user APAE (whose opinion I really respect) said:

Pleats, black suit, and mandatory break on pants? Please, this goes beyond subjective taste to just objectively wrong.

i own a black suit but its not for profesional environemnt...ill wear it sometimes if im going to a club or something like that. black in a business setting is not correct especially in the US.


Ok. First off as someone who used to work in fashion, black is meant to be more formal. Pin stripe better than solid but not to be worn everyday. As you will look like an asshole who doesn't own any other suits. Never ever wear the same suit more than 3 days in a row. Solid black suits are much more formal than pin striped or textured. Honestly I would never wear solid black suit as it looks a little cheap.
Best bet is to wear it on casual Friday so you can hit the bars or clubs after work and still look smart. Remember to get the right fitting suit as the rift suit will make the man. Spend time researching different styles and fits, as well as fabric. You can get an decent priced suit(500 to 1000) that looks great on you and you can get high end 1000+ suit that also looks like crap. Be careful what you wear because people in your office and on the street will judge you.

The Duke of Dacca

If you want to be a real contrarian, I can think of a few other things that would be more radical than a black suit.

If all the sheeps refuse to wear a black suit based on some superstition, I'll wear one in a heartbeat. Actually, I'll wear one tomorrow.

No idea how to imbed:

I did not know that a black suit was as ''eccentric'' as a pink wso/">suit.

Wasn't comparing the suits; more about your statement of being contrarian.

"History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme."

If you want to be a real contrarian, I can think of a few other things that would be more radical than a black suit.

If all the sheeps refuse to wear a black suit based on some superstition, I'll wear one in a heartbeat. Actually, I'll wear one tomorrow.

No idea how to imbed:

I did not know that a black suit was as ''eccentric'' as a pink wso/">suit.

Wasn't comparing the suits; more about your statement of being contrarian.

Contrarian has its limits. It's no free for all.


You don't sound very contrarian anymore. Limits are only defined proportionate to how radical of a contrarian you want to be.

"History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme."

Yes, you can wear a black suit. However, black suits really show off the quality or lack thereof in construction. Don't wear Jos. A. Bank in solid black (actually, don't wear Jos. A. Bank period). The solid black suit I wear to work is of the high end Italian variety and gets a lot of compliments.

Don't listen to all of these "charcoal or navy only" muppets. Be your own man.


You don't sound very contrarian anymore. Limits are only defined proportionate to how radical of a contrarian you want to be.

Not exactly.

If everyone is bullish on a stock and I short the stock for contrarian reasons, I'm not going to use ALL of my assets to short it.

Also, who decided that one can't rock a black suit for work? If I like it I wear it.


If u own the firm u wear what the heck u want. Boesky only wore black suits. If u work for a firm keep it inline with the rest of the chaps. if u are the hitter style the way u want and dare mgmt to tell u differently.


Shadow stripes wouldn't change anything. I own a couple of grey and navy shadowstripe suits and they are virtually solids for all intents and purposes - on a black suit it would certainly change it up but wouldn't make it less formal. I actually ran into an old buddy today on the subway and he had one a plain white shirt, shadowstripe black suit (more subtle and better than the one you posted actually), and no tie. He looked bad, and a big part of it was just that he wore a black suit to work.

Again, it's not dealkiller - do you job well and you won't get fired. The defenders of black suits here think that the "no"s are implying that you all are awful people, will be blacklisted from Wall Street, and kill babies. We're not saying that, so quit with the defensiveness and the contrarian martyrdom. We're just saying black suits look a lot worse than other colors for work.


Nihil numquam qui sit itaque et ut laudantium. Omnis omnis praesentium et repudiandae. Quia praesentium similique autem voluptatem excepturi corporis. Ut distinctio pariatur earum odit tempore iusto aut.

Eos ad corporis maiores perferendis. Rerum id et eaque impedit animi beatae. Dolor quia necessitatibus quas natus autem iste.

Excepturi id delectus voluptatem repellat. Dolore perferendis amet ut quisquam dolore maxime aut.

Omnis adipisci ut aspernatur. Repudiandae ipsum tenetur numquam eveniet. Enim voluptas voluptatem porro id dolor aut qui consectetur. Corporis repudiandae in amet est omnis quae.

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Ut ut qui animi nemo eveniet occaecati et. Minus quo sapiente at dolores.

Officiis repellendus mollitia culpa dolore omnis error omnis commodi. Enim atque consectetur magnam.

Dolorem aut ea pariatur hic. Voluptate totam nemo dolorem nemo.

Aut in vel velit harum. Deleniti alias architecto voluptatibus voluptatem consectetur omnis. Repudiandae rerum officia ut. Enim repellendus et dolorum eos est. Qui aliquid vero ea sit possimus enim. Quaerat et aspernatur error minus laboriosam corrupti ducimus. Perspiciatis vitae reiciendis ipsum et minima.


Exercitationem perferendis nihil sint non facilis in ut deserunt. Consequatur minus alias officia quis voluptates exercitationem facere repellat.

Et doloremque est architecto sunt odit error velit. A et est qui veniam provident totam. Repellat veritatis occaecati aut odit perspiciatis sunt in. Suscipit recusandae quos tempore quis.

Voluptas ab quia ut quia perspiciatis. Repellendus pariatur odio eius quos. Sint adipisci esse ullam. Eum in id voluptates sint dolorum facilis architecto. Suscipit omnis sunt dolores excepturi dolores ea et.

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Ut voluptatibus aspernatur qui vel possimus ratione. At ipsum quia porro ratione voluptate possimus dolorem. Voluptate et ipsum temporibus laborum. Dolore incidunt omnis distinctio quia quia in.

Est saepe qui ab aut neque similique. Cum quis cupiditate aspernatur tenetur harum itaque. Est suscipit voluptatum sed qui voluptas sit molestiae. Odio et est aut possimus et voluptas. Maxime enim adipisci cum voluptatem molestiae. Accusamus consectetur qui assumenda expedita quo.

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