Best Response

Hey, I would do 3 things.

First: Get into all the extracurricular clubs that you can that show you're interested in finance. Does your school have a stock club/student run portion of the endowment? A business club/fraternity you could begin to plant the seeds for acceptance down the road.

Second: What school do you go to? If you're already at a top tier school then just get good grades. If you're at a pretty good school, learn which ones are the best/have onsite recruiting/you can afford and try and transfer if banking is most important following your freshman year. Hopefully you're already at a ballpark school so you dont have to leave your frosh buds though.

Third: Do you have any rich friends that went to private school in new york? Chances are there are some bankers babies at your school. Become friends with them.


Just be realistic.

I mean bankers are professionals and they realize you won't be able to be working on the multi-million dollar merger when you're a freshman. So just keep your grades up, and try to do things that you would want out of a candidate if you thought about it: ie: join relevant clubs, take relevant classes (math, econ, accounting, finance, etc.) and try to get a useful summer position- it doesn't necessarily have to be at a bank but something that shows you're an able and responsible person.


Don't worry too much about banking as a freshman. Fully participate in the college experience and get good grades, but don't be the nerd who studies on a Friday night either because landing a banking job isn't just about grades/expereince. You also need to not be a tool and be able to interact with your co-workers.


all you can do is make your major in finance/economics and get good grades.

you are kind off setting yourself up for a dissapointment in my opinion, college isn't like high school it won't be as easy...and you are already setting your goals to go into banking.

Hell its only september, you didn't even have a college mid term yet. But you are already setting your goals on a career in which you need a 3.5 gpa to even get an interview.

So your future looks pretty bleak, you'll either a) like every other freshman will change your major twice before graduating. b) will worry yourself sick about your grades, will have no social life, and get crushed by the stress of maintaing your gpa. c) will get good grades, get a job at an IB, and quit after a month, when you realize what a dumb decision it was choosing a career path based on monetary compensation alone 4 years ago.

EVERY freshman goes into college thinking they'll be making 100s of thousands of dollars when they graduate. Ask any freshman and they'll tell you they are either "Pre-Med, Pre-Law, Pre-Business, Pre-Pharmacy, or Psychology"

You gotta pick something you like and success will follow, so don't focus on banking right now, diversify yourself, take different classes and see what subjects you like.

How can you set your goals to be a banker...when you haven't even had 1 finance course yet?


aspiring, I changed my major a few times and didn't have alot of focus in college, but I know people that basically went into school knowing they wanted to work in finance, took all the right classes, became bankers and liked it. There are some people out there like that. Maybe Agree is one of them.

---------------- Account Inactive

^I'm actually one of these people, I know what I will like and am capable of doing before I even do it.

aspiringmonkey, I guarantee you 99 percent of unversity people don't REALLY believe they'l make 100's of thousands of dollars upon graduation. Just us Ibanking hopefuls.

^I'm actually one of these people, I know what I will like and am capable of doing before I even do it.

aspiringmonkey, I guarantee you 99 percent of unversity people don't REALLY believe they'l make 100's of thousands of dollars upon graduation. Just us Ibanking hopefuls.

freshmen do. but like i said 99% of them are in the "pre-law etc"

all i am saying is that you have 4 years of college, during that time your outlook on life WILL change, I guarantee it.

so you will like working from 9 till 2 am? Have much experience in that area?

as a freshman, the hardest "project" for school you've worked on was a 3 page double spaced paper on why you like the color red...until you actually see the stress of college(you'll see come finals time, 3 finals on the same day, on 3 different subjects, back to back to back...with you being EXTRA stressed since you have planned your life out to be an Ibanker and you can't afford to even get a B on either of the tests.

That last paragraph is for the freshman...don't throw your college life away in pursuit of something that might not even happen...and have fun in college, while being on top of the ball, because thats the last time you are actually free, and don't have to work insane hours.

aspiringmonkey, how long have you been working in the business?
well you can always check the profile, or figure it out from my username...but to save you time 0.

But I don't really see how anything I've said loses its value based on the fact that i'm not in IB yet.

aspiringmonkey, how long have you been working in the business?
well you can always check the profile, or figure it out from my username...but to save you time 0.

But I don't really see how anything I've said loses its value based on the fact that i'm not in IB yet.

just pointin out a case of the blind leading the blind


You've gotta have the grades, but not at the expense of friday and saturday nights out. If you do land a job after college, you'll definately be spending enough time working to make up for the nights you were out in college. Live a little though, its college after all. Go out, get drunk, hook up, try not to run into the person in the dining hall the next day. Mission acomplished.


agreed, no sense in wasting your youth. Think about it, you waste your 18-22 cramming for IB..then 22-24 as an analyst. And then you go to business school at 25 with no social skills whatsoever


u are not understanding the point im trying to make. u are in the same situation as all the other college students on this board. in a lot of threads u give advice to ur peers when you are in the same situation as they are.

generally the people that give advice have passed through the situation they are advising on. in the case of this board that means acutally working in banking. dont pass off things u heard from talking to other people as your own advice.


well I disagree, there is a lot of information online, and most of it is correct. All of my "advice" is based on things people have talked about.

Example: you know the world is round...because back in the 3rd grade your teacher told you that it is. Have you ever seen the world from outer space? (videos/pics don't count because those can be altered)...yet if someone asks you if the world is round you'll answer their question with a yes...same situation here, I may not be an analyst yet...but I can sure as hell answer other people's questions regarding the application process based on the information i gathered.


i find it funny that you think you have it all figured out when you haven't even been able to land an analyst position yourself.. you're right in that there is a lot of information online. however saying "most of it is correct" is pretty ignorant.

how do you know whether it is correct or not when you are still trying to figure out if it will work for you? you can answer questions about the application process, but why are you answering questions about how to get accepted into a bank? this kid wanted to know what to do as a freshman to raise his chances of getting an offer. how can you tell him what to do when you dont have an offer yourself? this is why i said it was the blind leading the blind.

there are enough people on here that are actually working in IB (myself, mis ind, dan bush, others) that can answer people's questions so rest assured there is no need for: i heard from my friends dads friends that...


If you read the same information 5 times, talk to 5 people who also say the same thing...chances are the information is correct....but hey you know more than me, since as a first year analyst you've finished your training and worked a whole month in IB.

and as you can see I didn't really advise him on how to get the job...because in my opinion its way too early. I mean he didn't even have one college level grade yet...and chances are didn't even have a midterm/final how can he know what he wants to be when he doesn't even know if he'll be successful in college?

Its a message board, you know what that means? More than 1 person can give their opinion . So you can go ahead and give him your insightfull answer...oh wait you didn't even do instead decided to concentrate on bickering with me...and I can give him my advice as a senior.

And he can choose to follow either with a grain of salt...there is a reason in your profile where you can say what your status is, that way your answer may be taken with a grain of salt


first of all who says i am a first year analyst? i have been in the business for two years so yes. my opinion is a lot more knowledgeable than yours and actually based on past experience.

secondly many go into college knowing exactly what they want to do. its called having a goal and working toward it. i knew about ib before entering college and knew that was what i wanted to do after college.. and guess what? i now work at a bb firm.

anyway i dont feel like bickering with you so you just keep on going and giving people your summaries on what you read from the vault guides. i just hope some poor sap doesnt follow your advice and end up striking out.. that's the shitty thing about the internet.. you can't tell the selfappointed experts from the people that actually know what they are talking about

. you can't tell the selfappointed experts from the people that actually know what they are talking about
unless of course you have a few brain cells and check out the person's profile before hand? Of course yours you chose not to disclose anything....which is why it led me to assume you were a first year.

Yes your opinion might be more valid than some...but what good is it if you don't share it? The only posts I've seen you make was to criticize others, I don't think I saw 1 of your posts where you actually contributed ANY information at I would say if its a difference between getting a bad adivice...which I don't think mine was, and getting no advice at all...a person would rather see a bad advice and see a discussion going.

But hey...most IBers appear to be self centered arragont people who think they are better than why should you be different. Granted they are some excpetions.

No its not called having a goal, at 18 you are not mature enough to know what you want to do with your life, at 18 all you care about is money when choosing career, which is why most people go into college thinking they'll do law, med school or some other high paying job. This is why so many people burn out in IB...they make the decision to do it the freshman year, then build it up over their college career, then jump into it and realize...its not for them.

Who do you think will be more succesful? someone who chooses a career path at 21 by weighing pros and cons of the skills they developed thru out their college career...or someone who chooses it at 18 because they heard from someone that the career makes a lot of money.


aspiringmonkey give it up. there are plenty of people that know what they want to do by the time they are 18. some people mature at a younger age.

apparently you are not one of them and so atleast stop projecting that shortcoming onto everyone else.

the kid has a goal he is working toward. let him do it and just assume he is smarter or more mature than you were at that age.


I disagree once again.

Noone truly knows what they want to be as a freshman...this is why all schools tell you to take different classes your freshman year to see waht you like.

The FEW people who know what thye want to be, base that decision on either their parents, or TV shows or $$.

There are very few who know what they want to do at the young age, and make an educated decision.

Apparently I'm not? You get all of that from a few posts on a message board?

If he has a goal why isn't he posting in this thread defending his decision? Huh? I know if someone called me out on being shallow in making a decision I would be defending myself with my real reasons...but he is nowhere to be found.

So just because someone wants to be an Ibanker at 18 he is suddenly smarter and more mature? I disagee, I place him in the same category as all the "pre law, pre med" kids who have no direction in life, and choose a major based on how prestigious it is.


why do I need to defend myself? I'm not going to argue with you over the computer (which is pretty silly.) I don't want to wait till senior year and decide what I want to be, especially when its too late. I want to do something in business and Im not 100% sure that I want to be an ibanker. But I try to read stuff about it so that i can make my decision.

"So your future looks pretty bleak, you'll either a) like every other freshman will change your major twice before graduating. b) will worry yourself sick about your grades, will have no social life, and get crushed by the stress of maintaing your gpa. c) will get good grades, get a job at an IB, and quit after a month, when you realize what a dumb decision it was choosing a career path based on monetary compensation alone 4 years ago."

Your attitude is really negative. You got to be positive especially for a job like ibanking. Well, good luck in college. It's your life, not mine.

PS, I would rather take a advice from someone who is has the experience over someone who just reads about it. Its just the not the same. Also, the person in ibanking has the college experience as well.


i am positive about my attitude for myself, which is why I am glad I enjoyed my college career instead of being a book worm. Granted my grades aren't in the crapper...but thats besides the point.

I'm not really negative, I'm just telling you that freshman year is way too early to concentrate 100% on something, wait till your junior year, then get an IB internship between junior and senior year and do a good job over the summer and get hired full time.

But since you decided to reply...why do you want to be an did you come up to this decision...what personal qualities would you bring to the table?


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Eum explicabo dolorum eligendi at sunt autem voluptas. Voluptas et excepturi enim aut assumenda dicta. Labore et ut laborum. Iusto unde autem enim dignissimos id occaecati commodi id. Voluptatem esse et est sapiente odit.

Voluptas facere velit delectus et et. Et at maiores vel esse corrupti. Itaque voluptatem inventore et totam placeat at est. Ipsa voluptatem possimus odit nostrum. Sed eum quod aperiam animi in aliquid voluptate. Possimus qui incidunt minima sunt.


Sed sed qui ipsum et sit. Est possimus qui quaerat exercitationem cupiditate qui voluptate. Corrupti et sit consequatur dolorem. Non et aperiam eaque atque. Ipsa odio vero atque quisquam. Dicta ut iure nesciunt eos. Vero dolorum ullam vel at cumque odio illum fuga.

Quis expedita vel voluptatibus ex. Et architecto perferendis odit natus consequuntur eos. Non et rerum tempore doloribus et veniam.

Qui aspernatur sequi eius vero aut voluptas. Eaque accusamus nihil quam voluptas inventore sit nostrum sapiente. Et sed enim ratione labore.

Quasi nihil inventore illum ut. Quos ut atque facilis eligendi repudiandae quo eaque.

Career Advancement Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 01 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 01 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (21) $373
  • Associates (92) $259
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (68) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (206) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (148) $101
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