Rich girlfriend ($500M)

My girl friend’s dad is worth ~$500 million. Should I just quit IBD and plan to marry her ? Or should I keep grinding and try to do it on my own? Not crazy about her but starting to like her more and more over time.

I’m post mba associate at top 3 bb


Rich fathers with daughters have always existed. Gold digging IMO is marrying someone who has made or will make money themselves. Marrying into an inheritance is just smart, by either gender ahaha.


The hoe could leave you any day. Don’t quit shit till the papers are signed.


...What did you think OP was doing?

hint: it wasn’t the gf OP was thinking about when he climaxes...


You can work at her dad's firm  and be that family business son-in-law boss lol


Because that's what people in real life do, not imaginary people with imaginary problems



My girl friend’s dad is worth ~$500 million. Should I just quit IBD and plan to marry her ? Or should I keep grinding and try to do it on my own? Not crazy about her but starting to like her more and more over time. I’m post mba associate at top 3 bb

Why would you ever consider quitting. Unless, you want to be owned by her family then yes. Willing to give up your freedom WTF????

SafariJoe, wins again!

Dump her, quit your job ... write a book, make millions, buy an island, promote your life, find the love of your life, marry, divorce, write another book, liquidate your island, live in a van; beg for money, learn guitar, get found and record your debut single, get deals, make millions, marry, divorce, look back, look down, look up ... you're 10 feet under ... what did you accomplish? Probably nothing ... life too short bro, live in the present


"Yes. Money has been a little tight lately. But, at the end of my life, when I'm sitting on my yacht, am I gonna be thinking about how much money I have? No. I'm going to be thinking about how many friends I have, and my children, and my comedy albums. I mean, I have a yacht, so I obviously did pretty well money wise." -Michael Scott

“Millionaires don't use astrology, billionaires do”


In all honesty your girlfriend isn't rich, her father is. Seems a bit precarious to structure your whole life's plan on his or possibly her money... Get your own money, pursue your own dreams. If you truly want to be with her and you end up marrying her then that money will be a bonus as opposed to the be all and end all of your existence.

Thank you it really boils down self esteem and emotional fortitude in my opinion. I cannot even think about living off someone's else life. Just does not compute to me.

SafariJoe, wins again!

What I never understood is say you have person A who has 1 mm and person B has 1 mm but during the marriage person A spends all of her money and now has nothing while person B has made 1 mm during the marriage and now has 2 mm. If they divorce how would it be split up? I’m assuming it would be 500,000 A and 1.5 mm B ? It wouldn’t be A 1mm and 1 mm B? You would have to look at money flows during the marriage from what you had Pre marriage ?


Isnt that what VCs do for a living? Court some investors to throw money into their fund then go sit on linkedin writing nonsense all day? Well, this guy courts this chick to have her/her dad throw money into his expense account so he can sit and write nonsense like this on WSO all day.

Sounds like a solid plan to me, if millions of gold diggers throughout the years have made it work, surely so can this guy.


My girl friend's dad is worth ~$500 million. Should I just quit IBD and plan to marry her ? Or should I keep grinding and try to do it on my own? Not crazy about her but starting to like her more and more over time.

I'm post mba associate at top 3 bb

First of all, how old is your girlfriend? Is she at an age where the majority of her friends/peers have already settled down and she is feeling pressure to do the same?

Also, what does she do for a living? (is she ambitious and hardworking?) I'd split this into three categories:

Category 1) She is a doctor or lawyer or other professional = thumbs up 

Category 2) Cushy job at Christie's or Sotheby's or in some equivalent in art / fashion / etc. in which schmoozing is more important than having brains = neutral 

Category 3) Unemployed, underemployed, or working at her daddy's company = thumbs down / red flag

In my experience, a girl with a daddy worth 9-figures+ (and I've met quite a few in my life) can come in one of two flavors:

A) Down to earth and feels guilty or embarrassed about her family wealth and wants to live as normal a life as possible (and they are usually in a professional job as I described in Category 1 above)

B) Stuck up bitch with a huge sense of entitlement who is completely out of touch with ordinary life (Invariably in Category 2 or Category 3) Girls in this category often also have issues with drug addiction and other mental problems

If she is in the latter, I would tread carefully. If she is in the former, I would recommend treating her as a covered call option and continue grinding it out at your current job. At least make it to VP first before re-evaluating your options.



Such a moron, you are delusional beyond belief.. You think Category 1 are down to earth and feel guilty? Haha, what a joke. Money is money - doesn't matter. 

Rule no. 1 - as a man, never marry/date someone who's your economic superior. It never ends well. 

So, so true. And we are not even talking about if they have kids, how they would be raised, etc.

SafariJoe, wins again!

Deo et Patriae


My girl friend's dad is worth ~$500 million. Should I just quit IBD and plan to marry her ? Or should I keep grinding and try to do it on my own? Not crazy about her but starting to like her more and more over time.

I'm post mba associate at top 3 bb

First of all, how old is your girlfriend? Is she at an age where the majority of her friends/peers have already settled down and she is feeling pressure to do the same?

Also, what does she do for a living? (is she ambitious and hardworking?) I'd split this into three categories:

Category 1) She is a doctor or lawyer or other professional = thumbs up 

Category 2) Cushy job at Christie's or Sotheby's or in some equivalent in art / fashion / etc. in which schmoozing is more important than having brains = neutral 

Category 3) Unemployed, underemployed, or working at her daddy's company = thumbs down / red flag

In my experience, a girl with a daddy worth 9-figures+ (and I've met quite a few in my life) can come in one of two flavors:

A) Down to earth and feels guilty or embarrassed about her family wealth and wants to live as normal a life as possible (and they are usually in a professional job as I described in Category 1 above)

B) Stuck up bitch with a huge sense of entitlement who is completely out of touch with ordinary life (Invariably in Category 2 or Category 3) Girls in this category often also have issues with drug addiction and other mental problems

If she is in the latter, I would tread carefully. If she is in the former, I would recommend treating her as a covered call option and continue grinding it out at your current job. At least make it to VP first before re-evaluating your options.

SB'd - agree with this. OP - I see what you're saying, but tbh for me personally I can see just as many downsides to this situation (obviously I'm generalizing here as I don't know your gf).

As the above poster says, if she is category 2 or 3 (i.e. stuck-up/entitled) imagine what your life will be like:

- Lack of support - you work insanely hard in IB, after a couple of years get your first $100k bonus. I can tell you from experience that's a huge rush/high the first time (wears off in subsequent years unfortunately) - but can you imagine if you break the news to your gf/wife and she's that entitled that she's nonplussed? Talk about a huge downer.

- Expectations - similar to above point, in IB you make great money compared to 99% of the population but for most people in the industry you won't be making eight or even seven-figures annually. If she's been brought up in an extremely entitled/luxurious lifestyle, is she going to expect to spend $30k on a 2-week vacation?

- Understanding - if she is entitled and comes from loads of money, is she going to understand you working 80-90 hours a week in IB and never seeing her? To her, she might see it as the equivalent of someone working in a job 80 hours a week that pays $20k a year (i.e. what's the point). So you probably won't get much empathy/support.

- Being indebted - Ok, you might say, well all the above points only matter if I stay in IB/finance and don't quit and just live off her money. Umm... are you sure that's the life you want? The fact you're on this forum suggests like most posters here you're driven and hardworking, would you be happy just being a "sponge" off her dad's money for your entire life? Or working in some mediocre job for his company to keep your gf/wife happy? Say you are happy with that - imagine the family dynamic (and her dad will be your family when you get married) - if he controls the money, he ultimately controls you and your wife's life. Even assuming he's a nice guy and doesn't want to control you, even if he doesn't mean it then the money will always be the elephant in the room. If he insults or puts you down, are you going to stand up to him when he's paying for your vacation or buying your next house? You might be able to swallow your pride and put up with it, but personally I would find that eats away at me.

- Prenup - even if your gf doesn't want one, if the dad is smart enough to amass such a fortunate I'm sure he will insist on getting one. "And if you really love her then why wouldn't you sign it?" will be the question if you refuse. So then as well as her dad, your wife also controls you - if she ever gets bored of you etc, she can get a divorce and the lifestyle all goes away. Good luck trying to go back to your IB career at 40 when you've been working average jobs for the last 20 years or so.

Of course all of the above is on the basis she is entitled etc. If she is really a lovely supportive person who doesn't care about money, then go for it. But then by the same token, if she doesn't care about money that much then the $500m shouldn't matter - at best it means her parents are there as a supportive safety net in hard times, which isn't any different really to her having parents worth $2/3/4m.


First, marry her only if you love her. Don't be a douche. Period.

Second, ever consider that she might like you partially because you're a hard-working ambitious guy?

What makes you think she doesn't dump you after you become a lazy couch potato leech? Unless you've got the world's best personality or a 12" cock, think she will get tired of your crap pretty quick.


Nancy Mitford’s ‘Love in a Cold Climate’ precisely centers on this subject. In short, it’s not as simple as you may think.


See if you can marry without prenuptial and then divorce ASAP if you don't like the relationship. If you do love her, you obviously know what to do


keep grinding, it's much better to make it on your own instead of getting rich just because you married a rich woman. btw, it's her father who is rich not your girl.


My wife is in this range and I have never taken a penny from her parents.  You will never be happy unless you find your own path.  You also significantly overestimate how this money could actually flow to your actual dispensable income and have any sense of freedom.  Reality is maybe you get some nice meals? wedding? use of vacation homes?  so what?


Wife, but keep working man. Have some pride.

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

Depends on your personality haha. If you're like myself and what I imagine most folks on this site are, you're going to want to work to make your own riches as that type-A personality isn't going anywhere regardless of what net-worth family you marry into. If you're just tryna chill and actually love this girl, then go for it. But be warned, just because the father in-law has that money doesn't mean she or you will have access to it so don't think it'll be a free ride off the bat just because you guys are married. And the father will definitely push for a prenup if you don't come from much money anyway.


Yes that's true lol but it's almost an itch which prevents you from 100% leaning on a payout for me at least. Like I'd need to have really loved this girl and she happened to be rich haha


A close friend of mine married up his father in law has an estimated worth estimated 650mm+ to around $1.5b. Guy got into PE on his own& recently launched his own firm. Positives & negatives to marrying up based on my observations. 


1) he has been rejected from jobs. For as much as an employer would like hire you for the contacts they also know you can quit on a whim and have more money than they do. There is also jealousy an MD makes a lot but when your employee has more money than you there is a jealousy to it. 

My buddy was an associate making $140k base and bought a $4mm house as a starter home. His boss had bought a $2mm forever home and there was tension over it and jealousy. 

2) people assume he got handed his job. He recently launched a firm with zero help from his FIL but people assume he was backed by him. He gets pissed when people assume that. 

3) Not trying to speak negatively about my buddy his wife is a solid 3/10 and he is an 8.5/10. Guy used to slay and had side pieces for his side pieces that also had side pieces. People make assumptions about why he is married to her. He definitely has gotten comments that he can do better.

His now wife pursued him nonstop full court press. She was not taking no for an answer & literally pursued him to a point to where he agreed to a date. It worked they are now married. 

4) when you have a high profile family you do not want to embarrass them. He has been forced to bite his tongue and tolerate disrespect. Incredibly hard to do.

5) people try to use him

6) jealousy again because when we worked together I saw VPs, directors, MDs and partners get jealous when he got a new car, house, watch. One of our main partners wanted to join his country club and my buddy told him he couldn’t help him. 


1) Guy launched his own firm on a whim last year. Currently does not pay himself & instead hired some top tier guys from mega funds to help grow the platform & raise money. He has no bills and was able to accumulate a few MM on his own. Seeded the fund and they have closed a few deals in a year with over $250mm AUM

2) not having to put up with BS literally had an argument with his boss and quit during bonus season. Did not care about health insurance or a bonus he said his bonus was immaterial. 

3) butt kissers - he gets his butt kissed at times and those butt kissers helped with raising money. 

4) Doing things in his 20s & 30s that most will not experience until their 50s+. Luxury vacations, has a vacation home, multiple country club memberships, nice cars, huge house. 

5) stayed down to earth. Guy is still the same broke guy I knew when we first started working together. Fully cognizant that he works hard but also realize he had the ability to take some risk to make money.

Take Aways 

I’ve known this guy for a good time and have seen the negatives & positives but would say he’s made his own way. He grew up poor went to semi target on an academic scholarship crushed it on grades and did a M7 mba. He’s remained humble, down to earth & I give him credit he did a lot of it on his own but definitely leveraged the contacts he met via his FIL and financially was able to launch a firm due to have zero bills. 


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Perferendis repudiandae eos deleniti tempore ut accusamus. Molestias architecto harum illum voluptatibus in. Dolor ex ut nulla reiciendis quae fugiat. Expedita amet molestias et ad hic nobis. Eius possimus eum et ipsam enim.

Nostrum reiciendis accusamus error odit. Aut consequuntur molestiae tempora sit. Iste magni alias voluptatem qui sed optio aut. Iure nihil alias rerum est dignissimos. Non ipsum ipsam quo quod magnam sed.

Tempore eaque et ut amet aut et. Commodi ducimus id doloribus illum amet blanditiis cupiditate. Aperiam quo fuga nemo blanditiis soluta ut laborum.

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