Anti-Asian Racism is out of control in the US

Two days ago, we saw a horrific murder of eight people in two Atlanta massage parlors in Atlanta, six of which were Asian women. The police chief, who previously posted anti Asian content on his Facebook page, said the killer "had a bad day." The American media has widely reported that the killer committed it because he had a "sex addiction," while one of Korea’s big newspapers, Chosun Ilbo, has a witness at the spa saying the killer shouted “I am going to kill all the Asians."

Asian women are 2.7% of the population. Do you really think that it's a coincidence that the majority of the victims were Asian women? This attack was almost certainly racially motivated.

Meanwhile, in San Francisco and New York, there has been an unprecedented rise in unprovoked attacks on elderly Asians. Vichar Ratanapakdee, a Thai grandfather living in San Francisco was brutally shoved down and murdered in the street. The response by San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin? He said the murderer was having "some sort of temper tantrum."

This country has a terrible history with anti Asian racism, ranging from the Chinese Exclusion act to literally locking up 120,000 American citizens for three years just because they were Asian during World War 2.  

Asian hate crimes are up 150% in the past year. America is a very deeply racist society against Chinese people and against Asian people as a whole. For me personally, three of my friends who are Asian have been verbally harassed and intimidated since the start of the pandemic while they were walking across the street, in the post office etc and no one stood up for them while it happened. Every hate crime and harassments is unbelievably tragic and completely unacceptable.

Yes, the media and Donald Trump are fucking responsible for this. Saying "China virus" and "Kung Flu" and more broadly, when people are blaming China for the failure of the United States to adequately deal with the virus, it spreads over to overt racism against Asians in this country. Racism against Asian people and violence and verbal abuse against Asian people is accepted and commonplace in this country. We should not have to have volunteer groups to help protect elderly Asian grandparents walk to the store safely in our cities. We cannot be silent about this any longer.

Edit: Very disappointed by the comments which are stating that anti-Asian racism is not a problem, parroting the Atlanta murderer's talking points about how "sex addiction" caused him to commit the murder which doesn't change the fact that six Asian women are dead, deflecting by saying that African Americans are the problem, Asians placating the white conservative majority by saying that "we need to stop being offended" by the President of the United States saying Kung Flu, saying that Asian Americans being triggered over identity politics is the problem, this is ridiculous and just painfully demonstrates of how prevalent and ingrained anti-Asian discriminations is on this website and in the US. 

I'm just going to drop this article here:

Racist anti-Asian hashtags spiked after Trump first tweeted ‘Chinese virus,’ study finds

As the coronavirus spread across the globe last February, the World Health Organization urged people to avoid terms like the “Wuhan virus” or the “Chinese virus,” fearing it could spike a backlash against Asians.

President Donald Trump didn’t take the advice. On March 16, 2020, he first tweeted the phrase “Chinese virus.” That single tweet, researchers later found, fueled exactly the kind of backlash the WHO had feared: It was followed by an avalanche of tweets using the hashtag #chinesevirus, among other anti-Asian phrases.

"The week before Trump’s tweet the dominant term [on Twitter] was #covid-19,” Yulin Hswen, an epidemiology professor at the University of California at San Francisco and a co-author of the study, told The Washington Post. “The week after his tweet, it was #chinesevirus.” Hswen is among a group of researchers who analyzed hundreds of thousands of #covid-19 and #chinesevirus hashtags drafted the week before and after Trump first referred to the coronavirus as the “Chinese virus” on the social media platform.

Not only did more people use the #chinesevirus hashtag days after Trump’s tweet, but those who did were more likely to include other anti-Asian hashtags in their tweets, according to the peer-reviewed study published by the American Journal of Public Health on Thursday. The group’s findings come amid a wave of racist attacks and threats against Asian Americans, which some advocates have blamed on Trump’s anti-China rhetoric over the pandemic. Trump repeatedly referred to the disease as the “Chinese virus” and the “Kung flu” during White House briefings, campaign rallies and other public appearances. Earlier this week, he once again called the disease the “China virus” in an interview with Fox News’s Maria Bartiromo.

The study also arrives days after eight people, including six Asian women, were shot dead in Atlanta-area spas. While the suspected gunman allegedly blamed a “sex addiction” for the rampage, authorities have not ruled out whether the killings were racially motivated. A nationwide horror: Witnesses, police paint a picture of a murderous rampage that took 8 lives Despite public health experts’ request that people refrain from attaching locations or ethnicity to the disease, Trump argued that the term “Chinese virus” was not discriminatory or racist because the virus “comes from China.”

Researchers, though, suspected they could demonstrate how his rhetoric inspired racist backlash against Asians. “We wanted to provide evidence to show that the term ‘Chinese virus’ is associated with racist undertones,” Hswen said. To test their theory, Hswen and other researchers analyzed nearly 700,000 tweets containing the hashtags #covid-19 and #chinesevirus published between March 9 and 23, 2020, corresponding to the week before and the week after Trump’s tweet. (All of the tweets analyzed were in English, and although most were published by U.S. users, the team did not set any geographic limitations when collecting the tweets.)

The group’s analysis found that the week after Trump first tweeted the phrase “Chinese virus,” the number of users tweeting the hashtag increased more than 10 times compared with before his post. Most who tweeted the phrase used it with a negative connotation and were more likely to display anti-Asian hate, the study found. Half the users who tweeted the #chinesevirus hashtag used other anti-Asian hashtags, while only 20 percent who used the #covid-19 hashtag did, according to the study.

 “It perpetuated this idea that the disease was the fault of the Chinese,” Hswen told The Post. “It normalized these racist attitudes. That might have perpetuated these beliefs and behaviors offline.” The findings did not surprise Russell Jeung, a professor of Asian American studies at San Francisco State University and co-founder of Stop AAPI Hate, which tracks incidents of hate and discrimination against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the United States.

Jeung argued that Trump’s repeated use of the phrase “Chinese virus” has a direct correlation with the rise in hate crimes. “It demonstrates how words matter,” Jeung told The Post. “The term ‘Chinese virus’ racializes the disease so that it’s not simply biological but Chinese in nature, and stigmatizes the people so that Chinese are the disease carriers and the ones infecting others.”

Dean Winslow, a professor of medicine at Stanford University, said the study’s findings are consistent with what the public has continued seeing in the news: a rise of violence and harassment against Asian Americans. He wonders whether Americans would have used a geographical location to refer to the virus had it originated somewhere in the United States.

“It just happened that this particular virus may have arisen in China,” Winslow told The Post. “If this virus had arisen from a cave in New Mexico, I don’t think that people would be tweeting or calling it the ‘New Mexico virus.’ It’s not appropriate. This is science, and viruses don’t discriminate.”


I mentioned this in my comment on the thread about China becoming the world’s superpower. People are unable to differentiate between the government of China and Asian Americans as a whole. Is China mainly to blame for the whole COVID situation? Yes. Did America fail to properly address it on many, many fronts? Also yes. But what is not up for debate is what you said: that Asian Americans have been going through some of the worst discrimination/hate crimes since Jim Crow. I agree it needs to stop right now as should any person with a shred of morality, decency, and logic. However, I’m not sure what the best route to take would be. How do we have all of the Trumpists unlearn the prejudice they’ve been fed for the past year? My first instinct is a baseball bat, but I’m not sure the Geneva Convention allows that. You’re right- it’s time we all come together and fight this. I can’t imagine being Asian-American right now, but I hope this incident opens people’s eyes about how bad it has gotten and finally gets us to move to a solution (even though the fact it takes a shooting to make us realize this is fucking pathetic).


Hate crimes against Asian people don’t just go up 150% in one year. Who is responsible for this? For the most part it is white Trump supporters who are scapegoating a minority for the virus as well as a black perpetrators such as the killer in San Francisco. Throw all the MS you want, but it’s true. White Trump supporters harassed my Korean American friend in the post office and told her to back to China (she’s lived in Illinois her whole life) and a white Trump supporter just shot and killed six Asian women in Atlanta. As a direct result of Trump calling it a China virus, anti Asian racism has spiked. 


Do you have any evidence the dude who looked up a rub and tug place on an app called rub maps and killed white and hispanic people as well was motivated by Asian hatred?

What is the demographic of people who commit most violence against Asians and why did you leave that out of your comment? We have the stats.


Just stop the race baiting dude. Please, just stop.

The killer specifically stated it wasn’t  racially motivated, two white people were also killed, and it’s been confirmed that the killer has previously sought institutional help for sex addiction. The vast vast majority of violent crime against Asians has been perpetrated by a certain 13% of the population, but yea, blame white Trump supporters.

It’s honestly disgusting that people like you will use a horrible situation like this to scapegoat a political segment of the country that you hate rather than face real facts and look at data. Pathetic.


Weak-ass take, Lloyd. Most of the attacks against Asians are from Blacks (which you would know if you read the police reports), and blaming "le MAGA QAnon crowd" (that only makes up a tiny percentage of actual Trump voters) for everything that is happening just makes you look no better than all the leftist journalists who so gleefully divide this country. I mean, I don´t know your real name, but for all that division and rabulisms, I´d bet "Blankfein" is not that far off.

...and the Truth shall set you free

You ready to get off your soap box and put down CNN's talking points? Have you ever looked up the crime stats against Asian-Americans? Did you know the Atlanta shooter killed 2 white people? Yeah, you did. But you hate Trump supporters so much that you still blame them for all the problems in this country. I think you should do some serious soul searching, get off social media and stop racializing every crime and incident that pops up in the media. 


How do we stop all these black supremacists from overwhelmingly and disproportionately committing violent acts against all Americans, and specifically Asians? Can you believe they’re only 13% of the population but commit ~50% of all violent crime (murder, rape and assault), as documented by annual FBI crime statistics!? Wow! My first instinct is a baseball bat, but you know, the Geneva Convention.


I remember at the height of "Me too" (late 2017) a Houston baseball player hit a homerun off a Japanese pitcher and when he went back to the dug-out he mockingly pulled his eyelids to the side to make squinty eyes and muttered "chinaman" in Spanish. This was on national TV in the world series. He was banned for 5 games but not until the next season so he still got to play in the rest of the World Series (same world series Houston was cheating in I believe?).

But I remember it was over really fast, no one really cared. I always thought it was telling that at the height of a progressive moment like "me too", Asian racism is swept under the rug so fast. Glad that's not the case this time around


Overt racism against Asian people is completely normalized in American society. There are thousands of reports but very few hate crime charges ever filed. It’s shameful.


Lloyd BIankfein

Overt racism against Asian people is completely normalized in American society. There are thousands of reports but very few hate crime charges ever filed. It's shameful.

And Asians are the only group that truly suffer from actual institutional racism in hiring and academics fully endorsed by the Biden administration. Those evil, racist, horrible Trumpers were the ones suing to end the institutional discrimination. 


Out of curiosity, does the fact that these women were likely sex trafficked and probably (at least in a form) sex slaves bother you at all? Is that even a thing or is the statistical anomaly of a mass shooting involving 6 Asian women somehow just being used to fit into some ideological agenda that you hold?


Of course not. This disturbing fact has nothing to do with blaming everything on "white supremacists."

I didn't mean to reply to you. I was replying to OP. I can see why my reply seems confusing.

My point to the OP was that I don't think he actually cares about Asian people. I think this just fits into an ideological agenda that he has. To the Left, every form of depravity is ok, up to and including sex slavery, except the depravity of racism. They are an ideological hammer; everything they see looks like a racist nail.


Lloyd BIankfein

Honestly I think you guys did a good job of proving that racism against Asians is very prevalent. 

Yes, it's really prevalent among the Democratic Party and the black community, the Democrats' strongest constituency. Yet your rant singles out conservatives and proves, once again, that tragedies and crises are nothing more than tools of the Left to achieve a wicked ideological agenda and that leftist ideologues are cold-blooded psychopaths. 



Lloyd BIankfein

Honestly I think you guys did a good job of proving that racism against Asians is very prevalent. 

Yes, it's really prevalent among the Democratic Party and the black community, the Democrats' strongest constituency. Yet your rant singles out conservatives and proves, once again, that tragedies and crises are nothing more than tools of the Left to achieve a wicked ideological agenda and that leftist ideologues are cold-blooded psychopaths. 

I love how now that it's suddenly convenient Democrats are pretending to care about Asians. We're not like the rest of the minority groups that have flocked to your base. We're not proud of ignorance and we don't forget the slights that have been building up over nearly a century. All Asians need to know about Democrats is that the first Democratic Socialist who became President put Asian-American citizens into internment camps purely because of their race.

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

I've already accepted the fact that the majority of people on WSO are major assholes and definitely don't give a fuck about Asian Americans. Reading the comments, it's like they just want to put us against Black Americans or something. 

I agree with the asshole part but please explain why you think WSO people do not give a fuck about Asians.  In the past two days, there have been two topics dedicated to the discrimination and targeting of Asians.  There are many topics dedicated to how affirmative action hurts Asians.  What kind of support do you want? There are very few topics dedicated anti-Semitism or racism against blacks or hispanics.   Yesterday, one of the Asians topics received unanimous WSO support via bananas.  Try creating a topic dedicated to racism against blacks...better duck because the monkey shit will fly


I've already accepted the fact that the majority of people on WSO are major assholes and definitely don't give a fuck about Asian Americans. Reading the comments, it's like they just want to put us against Black Americans or something. 

Except for the fact that the media is trying to get Asian-Americans and White Americans to fight right now... even though all the crime data shows that the overwhelming majority of crimes against Asian's are not committed by whites in this country...

So please tell us what this narrative is really about...


Yeah, prevalent from Democrats and more broadly the black community. Discrimination from major universities, you've got NYC closing down elite schools because they have too many asians/whites and not enough blacks (because not being able to test high enough to get in is clearly racism), and of course even though they're a smaller minority than both black and latino, they're treated as bad if not worse than white people by the progressive left for being a "model minority" and excelling economically. Except of course when we become a useful tool to highlight "white supremacy".


Anecdotes and heated rhetoric are nice, but let’s take a look at some stats. Let's focus on NYC, since this issue has come up there recently and they helpfully make their data available. (Many jurisdictions obscure their racial crime stats, probably deliberately.)

Here’s the 2020 NYC data:…

You could nitpick this data in various ways, but the overall trends are obvious. There are several key takeaways.

First, the black crime rate is way higher than that of any other group. Black people make up about 22% of the city’s population but commit 65% of all murders. The Hispanic crime rate roughly tracks their share of the population, and the white and Asian crime rates are substantially lower than their shares of the population.

Second, while each racial group primarily victimizes itself, white and Asian people are disproportionately victims and black people are disproportionately perpetrators. This skew is greatest for crimes less severe than murder- exactly the kind of crimes at issue here. For example, black people are 30% of robbery victims but 66% of robbery suspects.

The imbalance appears repeatedly across virtually every type of crime. Trump-loving MAGA hat wearers aren't the issue here. But don't expect to read about this kind of data in The New York Times or hear about it on CNN. It simply isn't discussed in mainstream news sources. As a result, huge numbers of Americans who consider themselves smart and well-informed have views on crime that aren't even in the ballpark of reality.


I literally can’t believe things like this still have to be posted as if people don’t already know it.  I’m convinced the left is full of people who are logically unsound (really, I am).  

A lot of feelings being thrown around by OP and all the actual facts are coming from the rebuttals.  Guaranteed not to change his opinion though.  Logically unsound with an agenda. 


Why would the media report this? That isn't their job. The media sets the narrative using spin, opinion and hyperbole. 

Watch this segment from CNN's Don Lemon from 2013... he argues heavily that the problems in the black community are due to the black community and no one else, there is no victim blaming or mention of white supremacy anywhere... which is the TOTAL OPPOSITE of what he is saying today. The media lies: 


But if the virus comes from Wuhan, China... then it's a chinese virus. That is a fact.

Imagine what would Xi say if the virus came from the US... he would probably bash the US and then expulse all americans from China.


So let me get this straight. Black people, who commit the most of these anti-Asian hate crimes, were motivated by Trump's rhetoric. Sure whatever you say.

Most Helpful

Racism against Asians (I'm Asian by the way) ?

You mean affirmative action and college admission criteria being much stricter on Asians. We score higher and have adequate extra-curricular activities, but it is clear these universities have a secret quota limiting the amount of Asians who can be admitted.

All of a sudden Liberals care about Asians.

In fact, stricter college admission criteria on Asians will lead to Asians who live in poorer areas getting less opportunities. Hence, this will keep them poor, and living in poorer suburbs will mean you are statistically more likely to be a victim of a hate crime.

Imagine being offended by the term "Kung-Flu" which is clearly a meme. Almost no Asians were offended by this until White Liberals got offended on behalf of them. If the virus came from the US, everyone would be calling it - the American virus, the Big Mac virus, Orange man virus, McVirus, etc. If it came from Italy, it'll be the Spaghetti Virus, Super Mario Virus, etc. STOP GETTING OFFENDED BY MEMES!

Unfortunately, this incident will lead to more censorship of individuals speaking out against the Chinese Communist Party. Anyone who opposes them will be labelled a racist. and just like that, Communism succeeds not because it defeated us but we defeated ourselves.

All of a sudden, nobody is talking about what the CCP is doing in Hong Kong, Taiwan and enslaving Uighurs. Anyone who brings this up is now a racist.

Moreover, a lot of these attacks on Asians are happening in very Liberal cities like San Francisco, NYC and Atlanta. #DefundthePolice #ACAB

It seems like Trump lives rent free in the heads of most of you people and the media. Since Trump is gone, you might have to seek a new purpose in life.

My advice to all fellow Asians is to purchase guns and protect yourself.

Remember during the LA Riots when Asian businesses were targeted by white supremist? 

Oh wait no. It was other minorities destroying Asian businesses.


tell em, king.

xi fucking jinping is ultimately responsible for this spike in violence - but lets not pretend every other race hasn't been racist towards Asians since the beginning of time, the whole ching chang chong fu manchu stuff has been perpetrated for decades, not to mention hollywood blatantly stereotypes asians negatively

we keep our heads down and work hard, only for you people to say we're not "diverse" enough whatever the fuck that means and perpetrate more hate.


Xi fucking jinping is ultimately responsible for an elderly Thai gentleman getting shoved down and murdered in the street? No, Americans are fucking responsible for this. This is an American mess, created by Americans, after a very long track record of being racist against Asians, by Americans.


I am half Asian as well and have a bunch of elderly Asian family in the cities where the violence is occurring so I'll respond on this. Yes, Asians are blatantly discriminated for college admissions, that's a fact, and white liberals (and some Asian liberals) are for this. The amount of Asian friends I have who wanted the University of California to start letting race count in the admission process (which would mean less Asians getting in) is staggering. 

The problem isn't people called Kung Flu or "being offended by memes," though it's really not okay to tolerate that shit and quite frankly, the fact that you're saying that to appease the white majority is demonstrative of the ingrained racism that Asians in this country have to be okay with. The problem is when the President of the United States says this and blames a minority group for the pandemic, and hate crimes and violence against Asian people skyrocket. 

No one is conflating criticizing the CCP with being racist. But Americans who can't tell Thai and Chinese people apart are conflating all of the CCP's behavior with all Asian Americans and it's resulting in racist attacks. 

Yes, most Asian people live in blue cities SF, NYC, and Atlanta, and many of those people committing those attacks are black liberals, Hispanic liberals, white liberals, in addition to white Trumpers. I actually think that we should have more policing in Asian communities (which differentiates me from the ultraliberal Asians in this country) to keep people safe. 

But between the quagmire of anti-Asian racism in the black community, ultraleftist Asian Americans who are okay with implementing policies that hurt Asian Americans, white liberals who are racist against Asians, and white Trumpers, and the systemic racism against Asians that is everywhere in this country, I don't think things are going to get better. Buying a gun might not be a bad idea.


Lloyd BIankfein

I am half Asian as well and have a bunch of elderly Asian family in the cities where the violence is occurring so I'll respond on this. Yes, Asians are blatantly discriminated for college admissions, that's a fact, and white liberals (and some Asian liberals) are for this. The amount of Asian friends I have who wanted the University of California to start letting race count in the admission process (which would mean less Asians getting in) is staggering. 

The problem isn't people called Kung Flu or "being offended by memes," though it's really not okay to tolerate that shit and quite frankly, the fact that you're saying that to appease the white majority is demonstrative of the ingrained racism that Asians in this country have to be okay with. The problem is when the President of the United States says this and blames a minority group for the pandemic, and hate crimes and violence against Asian people skyrocket. 

No one is conflating criticizing the CCP with being racist. But Americans who can't tell Thai and Chinese people apart are conflating all of the CCP's behavior with all Asian Americans and it's resulting in racist attacks. 

Yes, most Asian people live in blue cities SF, NYC, and Atlanta, and many of those people committing those attacks are black liberals, Hispanic liberals, white liberals, in addition to white Trumpers. I actually think that we should have more policing in Asian communities (which differentiates me from the ultraliberal Asians in this country) to keep people safe. 

But between the quagmire of anti-Asian racism in the black community, ultraleftist Asian Americans who are okay with implementing policies that hurt Asian Americans, white liberals who are racist against Asians, and white Trumpers, and the systemic racism against Asians that is everywhere in this country, I don't think things are going to get better. Buying a gun might not be a bad idea.

I would never have guessed you are Asian.  I never knew that an Asian guy would like the expression, getting rammed up the ass.  



Racism against Asians (I'm Asian by the way) ?

You mean affirmative action and college admission criteria being much stricter on Asians. We score higher and have adequate extra-curricular activities, but it is clear these universities have a secret quota limiting the amount of Asians who can be admitted.

All of a sudden Liberals care about Asians.

In fact, stricter college admission criteria on Asians will lead to Asians who live in poorer areas getting less opportunities. Hence, this will keep them poor, and living in poorer suburbs will mean you are statistically more likely to be a victim of a hate crime.

Imagine being offended by the term "Kung-Flu" which is clearly a meme. Almost no Asians were offended by this until White Liberals got offended on behalf of them. If the virus came from the US, everyone would be calling it - the American virus, the Big Mac virus, Orange man virus, McVirus, etc. If it came from Italy, it'll be the Spaghetti Virus, Super Mario Virus, etc. STOP GETTING OFFENDED BY MEMES!

Unfortunately, this incident will lead to more censorship of individuals speaking out against the Chinese Communist Party. Anyone who opposes them will be labelled a racist. and just like that, Communism succeeds not because it defeated us but we defeated ourselves.

All of a sudden, nobody is talking about what the CCP is doing in Hong Kong, Taiwan and enslaving Uighurs. Anyone who brings this up is now a racist.

Moreover, a lot of these attacks on Asians are happening in very Liberal cities like San Francisco, NYC and Atlanta. #DefundthePolice #ACAB

It seems like Trump lives rent free in the heads of most of you people and the media. Since Trump is gone, you might have to seek a new purpose in life.

My advice to all fellow Asians is to purchase guns and protect yourself.

Remember during the LA Riots when Asian businesses were targeted by white supremist? 

Oh wait no. It was other minorities destroying Asian businesses.

Preach brother. Also lets not forget, FDR our first loving Democratic Socialist President threw Asian-Americans into internment camps purely based on their race.



Racism against Asians (I'm Asian by the way) ?

You mean affirmative action and college admission criteria being much stricter on Asians. We score higher and have adequate extra-curricular activities, but it is clear these universities have a secret quota limiting the amount of Asians who can be admitted.

All of a sudden Liberals care about Asians.

In fact, stricter college admission criteria on Asians will lead to Asians who live in poorer areas getting less opportunities. Hence, this will keep them poor, and living in poorer suburbs will mean you are statistically more likely to be a victim of a hate crime.

Imagine being offended by the term "Kung-Flu" which is clearly a meme. Almost no Asians were offended by this until White Liberals got offended on behalf of them. If the virus came from the US, everyone would be calling it - the American virus, the Big Mac virus, Orange man virus, McVirus, etc. If it came from Italy, it'll be the Spaghetti Virus, Super Mario Virus, etc. STOP GETTING OFFENDED BY MEMES!

Unfortunately, this incident will lead to more censorship of individuals speaking out against the Chinese Communist Party. Anyone who opposes them will be labelled a racist. and just like that, Communism succeeds not because it defeated us but we defeated ourselves.

All of a sudden, nobody is talking about what the CCP is doing in Hong Kong, Taiwan and enslaving Uighurs. Anyone who brings this up is now a racist.

Moreover, a lot of these attacks on Asians are happening in very Liberal cities like San Francisco, NYC and Atlanta. #DefundthePolice #ACAB

It seems like Trump lives rent free in the heads of most of you people and the media. Since Trump is gone, you might have to seek a new purpose in life.

My advice to all fellow Asians is to purchase guns and protect yourself.

Remember during the LA Riots when Asian businesses were targeted by white supremist? 

Oh wait no. It was other minorities destroying Asian businesses.

- expand -

Preach brother. Also lets not forget, FDR our first loving Democratic Socialist President threw Asian-Americans into internment camps purely based on their race.

FUCK FDR. FDR is responsible for planting the seeds of American Crony Capitalism



Racism against Asians (I'm Asian by the way) ?

You mean affirmative action and college admission criteria being much stricter on Asians. We score higher and have adequate extra-curricular activities, but it is clear these universities have a secret quota limiting the amount of Asians who can be admitted.

Aye Aye. This is what I've been saying all along. 

All of a sudden Liberals care about Asians.

Like I keep saying. White libtards are 21st century European colonialists. They believe in the same "white man's burden" BS they used to justify colonizing Africa. Guess what, the last thing minorities need is bunch if white people standing up for us. We all know you're trying to take advantage of us under the pretense of "protecting" us.

It seems like Trump lives rent free in the heads of most of you people and the media.

Holy shit, is Trump the Holy Ghost? Lol

My advice to all fellow Asians is to purchase guns and protect yourself.

Remember during the LA Riots when Asian businesses were targeted by white supremist? 

Oh wait no. It was other minorities destroying Asian businesses.

Rooftop Koreans here we go again


Asian hate crimes are up 150%

useless information, up from what? 10 assaults a year? 20? 10.000?, are you giving an apple keynote? 

"oh, its 4x faster. it has 8x more power."  lol


[email protected]

Asian hate crimes are up 150%

useless information, up from what? 10 assaults a year? 20? 10.000?, are you giving an apple keynote? 

"oh, its 4x faster. it has 8x more power."  lol

Right. Lies, damn lies, and statistics. There has been a surge in crime in the last year, largely in big cities. One can cherrypick facts to tell their story, but the reality may be something less helpful to a narrative--crime has surged in big cities, Asians get caught up in this crime surge disproportionately because they live disproportionately in these major cities. 

I think the idea that Trump calling C-19 the China Virus being linked to a spike in anti-Asian crime IN BIG, BLUE, ANTI-TRUMP CITIES is sort of preposterous. 


The facts have been pretty clearly laid out already, not much to add there. But I will say to to the Asian millennials and Zoomers caught up in the woke cult: You fucking know that your grandparents are far more worried about being attacked by black people than white Trump supporters. Come the fuck on.

In real life put on your NPC face and take the path of least resistance, fine. No reason to lie here.


In real life put on your NPC face and take the path of least resistance, fine. No reason to lie here.

wow. the age-old "asians are timid and irrelevant" stereotype - see how casually racist you lot are against Asians?

Lmao fuck off you IDpol obsessed sensitive dork. The NPC insult has been overwhelmingly used against white liberals. 


There is an element of institutional racism against Asians that I think supersedes Trump or the left. I don't have the statistics and this is purely anecdotal, so if anyone wants to either back this claim up or tell me what I am missing please feel free. 

1) The obvious discrimination against Asians for job applications, college admissions, etc. Not much to say here, it's pretty obvious.

2) Asians might be the only minority group it is somewhat acceptable to publicly use slurs against.

A friend of mine was kicked out of a bar back in June and called all the racist anti-Chinese slurs (he's Korean). On countless other times, he and my other buddy who's half Chinese are the only ones who I have seen get called racist slurs out in public. Most of the time it was some drunk asshole walking on campus or something. But it just amazes me that it was so publicly acceptable. Had he been black, I couldn't imagine he be called the n word so casually. It seems like society has a general line it doesn't cross, and Asians do not fall into the same category of other minorities. Even growing up, it seems like anti-Asian slurs are a "you shouldn't say that" whereas anti-hispanic/anti-black slurs are "you cannot say that "

3) Asians don't like other Asians. Why do we group them all together?

It seems like there is a lot of resentment between Japanese/Chinese or Chinese/Korean cultures. As Americans, we just group them all together. That seems pretty racist to lump very different groups together because of one common characteristic. This specifically I don't know if it's true or just anecdotal based on my Asian-American friends. But if that is the case, it just shows that America does not give a shit about the plight of Asians and it's just the next fad of wokeism. 


Unfortunately I think you're mostly right. But it has undeniably gotten worse since the pandemic, we've seen a massive increase of anti-Asian violence and hate crimes.


The political right doesn't use Asians as a political football. All we're doing is responding to the cold-blooded psychopath who uses a likely non-racially-motivated shooting to attack conservatives and Trump supporters, regardless of the actual facts. The Left doesn't care about anything or anyone, just pure power. They will use any wedge to get themselves a little more power, the facts be damned.


Start by including us in your fucking diversity programs then instead of pretending like you are about Asian Americans


Race-based affirmative action was created to fight segregation of schools and offices. What evidence is there that Asians need extra assistance to integrate into these communities? 


Dude it's people like you that are part of the problem — lack of inclusion into diversity programs hinders us from achieving any sort of legitimacy as well as suggests that Asian-Americans are minorities that never had to face struggle like others. We can clearly see from these events that Asian-Americans face horrendous discrimination but people don't see this discrimination as that serious. Being racist towards Asians is almost socially acceptable and brushed under the rug, whereas if you offend a black person, gay person, or woman— THEN you automatically get thrown into the guillotine. Like WHAT? Double standards much??? Discrimination should be wrong no matter who faces it.

Why don't we have the same protections as the other URMs like blacks, hispanics, and white women? This probably explains it. WHITE WOMEN...of all people — WHY THE FUCK do white girls need extra help from these diversity programs? They've been bred within money and spoon fed all the privilege they'll ever need and then some. Makes zero fucking sense.

Oh wait, no — it actually makes perfect sense. All these firms care about is pretty pictures for PR stunts. Diversity is supposed to be something that's taken seriously, but instead investment banks and PE firms turn diversity into a publicity stunt to keep clients and LPs happy. Rosy on the surface, but the ugliest underside I've ever seen.

At the end of the day, these sleazy fucking snakes in finance are built to rob value in a zero-sum industry. The more fees they can snag from companies who are trying to provide value (IB) and the more they can saddle investments with leverage to pay themselves and cut people's jobs to boost top line (PE), the better. All they care about is that next dollar, not their people.

Moment profits begin to turn down, layoffs plaster the front pages. Firms prioritize their penny before their people. So how do you expect us young people to be loyal to any of these banks if they're willing to drop us like a dime? NEVER give any young person shit again for wanting to jump ship and leverage offers. We're constantly keeping one eye open because you never know when the same firm you trusted to invest in you will push you the pink slip tomorrow morning.

I know this started out with Asian discrimination, but all this shit feeds into the philosophy of the industry like some sinister squall built in hell. Downvote me all you want — it's the truth, and any of you trying to deny it are the same pussies that'll try to work your way up the chain in finance only to realize that your upside will always be capped due to your risk averse natures.


Multiple attacks on Asians by... African-Americans, all of them racially motivated: liberals silent on the perpetrators. Blame white supremacy instead.

European dude shoots up a place, most victims are Asians - motivation, sex addiction: ''duurr anti-Asian racism!''. Non-Asian victims completely unacknowledged because they don't fit the narrative.

Ladies and gentlement, the dumbest, most dishonest nation on earth.

Never discuss with idiots, first they drag you at their level, then they beat you with experience.

The motivation is not necessarily "sex addiction" - why are you taking the killer at face value? In a nation that is 97.6% not Asian female, having a mass shooting that is 75% Asian female is very likely racially motivated. The El Paso Walmart shooter wanted to kill Hispanic people, so he chose a Walmart in El Paso. I think that it's very likely that this is the same situation here. 

How about instead of bitching about how liberals are blaming white supremacy, you actually focus on the problem at hand - a huge spike in anti Asian hate crimes and violence in this country? 


Lloyd BIankfein

The motivation is not necessarily "sex addiction" - why are you taking the killer at face value? In a nation that is 97.6% not Asian female, having a mass shooting that is 75% Asian female is very likely racially motivated. The El Paso Walmart shooter who wanted to kill Hispanic people, so he chose a Walmart in El Paso. I think that it's very likely that this is the same situation here. 

How about instead of bitching about how liberals are blaming white supremacy, you actually focus on the problem at hand - a huge spike in anti Asian hate crimes and violence in this country? 

1) because a) there's no evidence in favour of it being racially motivated. Even the statistical point is moot. The country is 97% non-Asian female. So what? Does that mean that it's not possible for Asian females to be primarily victims of a single shooting episode? It's not even contextualized among all shootings in a single period. B) there are non-Asian victims. That's counter-evidence to a claim backed by nothing. Of course, in the US political climate, the colour of the skin of the victim matters. If you are pale enough, your life doesn't matter as it's clearly this case. Nobody gives a shit about thenon-Asians who died. How about we start giving a shit about everyone? No?

2) Who's committing those and why? African-Americans? Why? Because of Trump? Oh god no. I'm just going to post #StopAsianHate so that I can fit in, claim my moral supremacy, even though it does absolutely nothing to solve any problem.

Never discuss with idiots, first they drag you at their level, then they beat you with experience.

Lloyd BIankfein

The motivation is not necessarily "sex addiction" - why are you taking the killer at face value? In a nation that is 97.6% not Asian female, having a mass shooting that is 75% Asian female is very likely racially motivated. The El Paso Walmart shooter who wanted to kill Hispanic people, so he chose a Walmart in El Paso. I think that it's very likely that this is the same situation here. 

How about instead of bitching about how liberals are blaming white supremacy, you actually focus on the problem at hand - a huge spike in anti Asian hate crimes and violence in this country? 

It is hard to say for sure that it is racially motivated but the appearance is that it could be. Hate crimes have been rising over the past few years.  Part of it is due to Trump's rhetoric.  Anyone who thinks that Trump is not to blame for any of the spike in hate crimes does not have any common sense.  Several of the rioters at the Capitol said they did it at the direction of the POTUS.  Some people do not realize how influential a leader can be on its people, especially those who are vulnerable intellectually.


Trolls online are talking about white supremacy but mainstream liberals and media are just talking about anti-racism and surge of Asian American violence. Some have called out stuff like the "China Virus" and "Kung-Flu" but I haven't seen them specifically blame white Americans.


Nihil voluptates voluptatem odit et occaecati quia quia. Labore libero aperiam nulla. Sed vero ut qui nemo a.

Dolorem voluptatem qui perspiciatis maiores molestiae ut libero. Quo qui perferendis odio sed et sunt. Ut earum accusamus ea voluptate qui dignissimos quia. Voluptate cumque culpa commodi consequatur. Vitae aut repudiandae distinctio et deleniti. Ea hic sapiente recusandae repellendus omnis maxime nisi.

Voluptates maxime ut blanditiis et. Ipsam rerum facilis natus consequatur.

Eum doloribus magnam dolorem molestias amet molestiae. Quod ut culpa et laudantium est. Dignissimos dolores deserunt aut officiis. Quod iure modi sunt molestiae aliquid.

Never discuss with idiots, first they drag you at their level, then they beat you with experience.

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