Disheartened by the prejudice, racism and hate in this world

Hi everyone, 
I'm just posting this to shed light on my reasoning and POV. 
Looking to have a non hateful convo with y'all. 

The suffering that's going on in Syria, African countries, Yemen, Palestine, and others in the middle east is heartbreaking. What the Ukraine War shows us is the INSANE IN Your Face racism and prejudice people have against people of colour and various religions. 

When people found out via scientific research that Jesus was in fact  NOT white but a brown man... it made ppl in the west go mad and many couldn't believe it. I was shocked at how  people would just pick and choose what to believe for no reason. A racist person can understand gravity exists based on scientific research but cannot believe their beloved Jesus was as brown as those in the Middle East.... Like make it make sense? 

Or how so so SO many people can hate on a religion without going through its teachings. People... If a preacher tells you X but you find Y to be true in the bible, what do you do?? You would lean towards the bible! But so many people wouldn't even do that... They'll take the Preacher's word and call it a day. So its up to you to actually read the bible... But nope, people take whatever they see  and hear at face value... 

What Israel is doing is nothing new. But the funny thing about this is how Israel condemns Hitler's actions but are the ones following in his footsteps when it comes to suppressing muslims (THOSE muslims were born and raised in Israel... and are as much Israelis as those in Jerusalem. How ironic is that? My brain hurts trying to make sense of their actions. 

Or.. when people in the west see a lady in a hijab they they the lady is oppressed... News flash, the lady chose to cover herself and not have her skin or hair be shown for the public because it's her belief... Yet when a lady wants to wear a short skirt, we congratulate her... How does that make any sense.... 100s of years ago many women would be covered up... and no one cared... 

Today nuns are not assaulted or looked down upon for wearing what's essentially similar to a burka. OR a Jewish person who has long beard vs a Muslim with the EXACT beard length... 

The blatant hate & ignorance people have is just too much for me sometimes. 

People are going to ask me now, why am I ranting when I cannot do anything productive? At this point in my life all I can do is give monthly dividends to charities and explain to people that the ONE thing Islam, Christianity, & Judaism have in common is to treat people with love and respect... Yet the world does the opposite and preaches "Love your kind only, if they don't pray to your god... Hurt em, if they not the same shade as you... hurt em" 

My goal with this rant was to ATLEAST invoke a thought process for some folks on here. Let's take a step back and think about why we may think Religion X is so evil or race Y is so evil. 
A scientific approach would be to speak to a diversified pool of religious scholars and sit down and read into their teachings with someone who is knowledgable and then come to a conclusion on why this race or religion is inferior (ie - NONE  ARE...). 

If there's one thing we should be in this world for 70ish years... it's to be a good human being.. 
At least die with dignity. 

I trust that at-least 60% of those on here are smart, kind, rational, and beautiful souls who understand the hypocrisy in this world. 

Notice how I didn't refer to a specific race or group of ppl.. It's because I didn't want this rant to be against any ONE group.. because it can be anyone. 

I wanted to neutral and objective. 

Thank you everyone, 

Happy Easter, my Christian friends

Happy Passover, my Jewish friends

& Happy Ramadan, my muslim friends. 


Yeah, I hear you loud and clear. I grew up in a super yee-haw area, and honestly people's minds are already hardwired with prejudice, so I don't care to educate them or try to change their minds, because they don't want to. Doesn't help that every other Arab-American is a closeted self-hater anyways. 


Pretty spot on. I've noticed in liberal areas they basically infantilize you if you are a minority, assume you are a monolith, and need nurturing help from some all powerful force (in their case the federal govt) so you dont get yourself killed 


When I mean educate and remove prejudices -- I mean that as a boss it's probably not wise to refer to your 16 year old co-worker as "Osama Bin Ladin's son." Or, you know, referring to your fellow Arab classmate as a "sand n....." Get the picture?

It's pretty funny reading you and MonkeyNoise response, it sounds like you both are bitter minorities are getting attention and validation in society, lmao, shit I don't mind one bit. 


Not at all. I left the comment as a place holder so I can comeback to this later. It’s always been mine and yours. Us vs them. We should make the effort to understand but it’s so hard because it’s so easy to be ignorant. Look at the legacy media, how they report the “news” it’s not journalism it’s propaganda. I’m not talking about left or right here. You know, Yale did a study where they paid people who only consume right wing media to watch more left wing stuff and after a few weeks they actually softened their stances on some issues. However, when the stopped being paid most went back to watch only right wing news. The funniest bit is that interview was done on CNN of all places and the host took that all in and said something like “so people who watch Fox are in the dark!?” Instead of actually listening to what the researcher was saying. CNN, of course, is the other side of the coin. Just felt like relevant example to give you.

All of this is wrong and the most we can do is open our mind to another perspective. With that said, our beliefs consume us and when there is something better to believe in we choose to ignore it because it’s easier to remain in your comfort zone. We’re all guilty of that in way or another.

I read some of your posts in the RE forum and you sound like good, smart guy trying to do what’s best.


The one philanthropic thing I'm passionate about doing once i have enough capital would be ~~ 

Set up refugee programs in friendly countries (ie Canada, etc) and work to a.) bring the family to a safer country, b.) set up their lives with a strong job, housing and more, c.) Ensure their well-being until they can safely run on their own feet. 

To do this my goal would be to dedicate 5% of my annual income alongside others who believe in this program. 
A refugee based charity program that doesn't only bring people from War torn countries... but also helps them get a life set up for many years. 

This program would be dedicated to the major war torn areas - Yemen, Syria, African countries, and Palestine. 

Only requirment for this program from the refugees would be "they too have a kind heart and be willing to do good to others as well"

This is something I HOPE to stick by as I'm only 23 right now. 
The reason I'm putting this on here is because I feel safe about my ideas on a forum like WSO

All I am doing right now is donating the income I make monthly. 

Most Helpful


Hi everyone, 
I'm just posting this to shed light on my reasoning and POV. 
Looking to have a non hateful convo with y'all. 

The suffering that's going on in Syria, African countries, Yemen, Palestine, and others in the middle east is heartbreaking. What the Ukraine War shows us is the INSANE IN Your Face racism and prejudice people have against people of colour and various religions. 

When people found out via scientific research that Jesus was in fact  NOT white but a brown man... it made ppl in the west go mad and many couldn't believe it. I was shocked at how  people would just pick and choose what to believe for no reason. A racist person can understand gravity exists based on scientific research but cannot believe their beloved Jesus was as brown as those in the Middle East.... Like make it make sense? 

Notice how I didn't refer to a specific race or group of ppl.. It's because I didn't want this rant to be against any ONE group.. because it can be anyone. 

I wanted to neutral and objective. 

You come here with your buzzword laden title and magnanimous attitude preaching unity, then for whatever reason lead with this drivel. I guess only non-white (because you only seem to specify POC?) nations suffer when the entire world is going through massive shifts and instability right now. You manage to make the Ukraine conflict somehow about people of color (like what?) and religion. Then decide to go off on a generalizing tangent about how western Christians are collectively racist and losing their minds over the skin color of Jesus for whatever reason (bringing in "the science" as though they're mailing Jesus' spit to 23andMe). But thanks for trying to "stay neutral and objective" (e.g. I'm not racist but...). People like you are more frustrating than the blatantly obtuse folks like Drumpfy because I can tell you're smart enough to be better than this post and want to believe you're not talking out of the side of your mouth in bad faith. 

What's really depressing is you either can't see or just don't care that you're doing the exact same thing you're ranting about. 

Happy Easter.

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

Damn you're delusional.... 

I pointed the the middle east because if you look at the actual stats buddy boy... Syria & Yemen been most hurt.... So logically speaking you help those in most pain... Genius.... 
The Ukraine war is sad.. but you know the funny thing? There are more nations willing to help Ukraine than Syria... So LOGICALLY SPEAKING.. MY  help is negligible...

I didn't even mention "White people" YOU DID!!!! 

Regardless, my point has been interpreted in a wrong way by you ONLY so far... 

I'm up for a civilized call. Let's actually talk about it with an open heart. 


Oh and I never said "ALL Christians" you did... Like C'mon buddy... 
The hate and hypocrisy is clearly in your post... 

At least Re read the post before posting. 


Here's another mental exercise you further explain my point since you believe I'm targeting White Christians. 

There are MUCH More  considerate and powerful nations helping Ukraine. Canadian soldiers are at Poland's border.. 
US slapped many sanctions on Russia...

No sanctions are slapped on Israel... SO logically speaking my help should be directed at a nation who is BARELY getting any help from a powerful nation like the states. 
Just a though for you my good sir. 


TheJoker'sAdvocate doth protest too much, methinks 🤡

You give the impression of someone who talks about how everything has nuance and then proceeds to completely gloss over said nuance.  


Damn you're delusional.... 

I pointed the the middle east because if you look at the actual stats buddy boy... Syria & Yemen been most hurt.... So logically speaking you help those in most pain... Genius.... 
The Ukraine war is sad.. but you know the funny thing? There are more nations willing to help Ukraine than Syria... So LOGICALLY SPEAKING.. MY  help is negligible...

I didn't even mention "White people" YOU DID!!!! 

Regardless, my point has been interpreted in a wrong way by you ONLY so far... 

I'm up for a civilized call. Let's actually talk about it with an open heart. 


And Notice how you only said "Happy Easter" clearly it had a purpose... 

You didn't say 
"Happy Passover" 

Happy Ramadan

The hypocrisy is in your post my friend. 


Oh and I never said "ALL Christians" you did... Like C'mon buddy... 
The hate and hypocrisy is clearly in your post... 

At least Re read the post before posting. 


Here's another mental exercise you further explain my point since you believe I'm targeting White Christians. 

There are MUCH More  considerate and powerful nations helping Ukraine. Canadian soldiers are at Poland's border.. 
US slapped many sanctions on Russia...

No sanctions are slapped on Israel... SO logically speaking my help should be directed at a nation who is BARELY getting any help from a powerful nation like the states. 
Just a though for you my good sir. 

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

I hope to unite with all my monotheistic brothers and sisters. And to those who don’t believe in God, but believe in love, I think there is hope for you too. 

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

The good news is that there is less bias today than 50 years ago.  I am an older monkey but I can tell you from experience that more people were biased than not biased when I grew up.  I am a minority from a  religious perspective and the ridicule I received for it when growing up was intense.  The bias was not only against religions.  The bias was against everyone who was not white, straight and Christian.  I was able to cope with with it mainly because I excelled at sports, and especially baseball. I was not naturally gifted athletically but I had a strong work ethic. I worked harder at it than almost anyone.  I was constantly going to batting cages to get better at fast pitching.  

I am not going to publicly criticize anyone for following a religion unless it would have an negative impact on me personally.  I grew up with no religion but as an adult studied religion for about 5 years.  However, eventually I concluded that it just was not very useful for me. 


Several points:

1) Not everyone in the Middle East is brown so I find your point about Jesus being brown to be questionable and somewhat of a strange point. Obviously he’s not pale but it’s difficult to argue that Persians or Jews are actually brown. More of a lighter tan/ different shade of white. When you say brown I think of Indian skin color.

2) You refer to countries entirely in your generalization which is dangerous and what let to numerous wars in the past. Most actions are orchestrated by the elite and the common person has very little say or knowledge about what is going on and the information they receive is carefully censored. What is different about the Ukraine conflict is that plenty of footage outside of government controlled news networks has been released via social media so people can see the atrocities committed. Unfortunately this does mean that wealthier countries will have more sympathy because more people have phones and cameras to post images but hopefully that will change over time. 

3) Regarding modesty, I think people should just wear whatever they feel comfortable in. The reason people say the burqa is a symbol of oppression is because the woman does not have a choice as to what she can wear or even the fashion level. There are several middle eastern countries where the women has to wear the hijab and that’s the problem. If you look at Iran during the time of the Shah you can easily see what happens when more conservative women are given a choice of apparel. It’s true they don’t immediately go for the short skirt, but they do go for much more fashionable shirts and pants with designs rather than a black piece of cloth and many of them ditch the hijab too (although not all which is their choice). Note that this problem is not necessarily isolated to Islam although certainly more mainstream there. The Amish and Hasidic Jews are also groups that put tight restrictions on dress that are in the States. All of the children who are raised through this are forced to comply to all of these restrictions in the name of freedom. I agree with you things have swung a bit too far but to act like the pressure to undress in society is the same as the pressure in the groups I mentioned above is completely ridiculous.


Et facere explicabo aut vero magni. Fugiat eos dolor porro dolor. Nemo libero quo facilis suscipit voluptatem.

Eos ullam accusantium non omnis vel eum. Accusamus ullam maiores nulla qui incidunt. Dolores et consectetur eum eaque quis. Molestiae tempore ut nulla.

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