Let's Talk India

The censorship here is way over the top. Yesterday I made a thread reflecting my bad business trip experience in India, and that thread got deleted.

All I said was India has 4 classes of citizens, has no respect for women, and has bad hygiene. I know it might sound a little offensive to someone but why censor instead of discuss?


India isn’t that bad... probably not too different from Pakistan when it comes to hygiene. The last time I was over in Pakistan, like 10 years ago, I had stomach issues and the worst diarrhea I’ve ever had from drinking the water. The summer was unbearable, the power would go out every few hours, it was not a fun 3 months. I guess it is pretty bad...

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The reason your post was deleted is because modern society is terrified of the idea that certain cultures can, on a wide demographic scale (while respecting the importance of individual variability), have defects or flaws. This is because modern Western society is haunted by an existential guilt that stems from the horrors of its past (colonialism, holocaust, slavery, Jim Crow laws) so the ideas that have served as building blocks for the justifications of these horrible deeds are censored heavily. The West is terrified of slipping back into its past, and by arguing that one culture might be flawed, you imply some cultures are better (or can be better, rather) than others, which can lead, through distortion, to racist ideologies that have led to the great crimes of past. People need to realize discussing such ideas with nuance and reason won't always lead to pernicious or destructive ideals or regimes. 


Yeah completely ignore that this so called VP dog whistled and made generalizations about a billion people but it is the fault of modern society? Some whack logic for not being able to understand how there are plenty of racist ideologies that stem from these ideals in spite of preferences. 


You seem to misunderstand my point. I believe one can make generalizations about large groups while respecting individuality. I can say certain ethnic or socio-economic groups in certain countries seem to have a higher crime rate or more social issues without assuming that every single person I meet from that group is a criminal, ill-educated, or affected by that greater trend (which would be racism and prejudice.) To operate in this world one must rely on a certain degree of generalization (in order to acknowledge trends and wide-spread issues) without implying that every single constituent of a discussed group invariably has the characteristic in question. There are indeed racist ideologies that stem from certain ideas (such as the true and benign idea that a culture can have flaws, which can dovetail into the idea that some cultures are superior and deserve to dominate other cultures.) However, that doesn't mean we should never address those ideas in the first place because a constructive dialogue around them can be helpful. 

If OP thinks the country of India seems to have an issue with hygiene for instance (perhaps because of lesser infrastructure, poorer education, etc.) he should be able to do so without being censored; instead, offer a counter-argument or explanation. In fact many of my Indian acquaintances in college shared that opinion, so maybe this is a real problem, idk. I'm more focused on the ills of censorship.


Lol its so funny how we Americans always think we're so much better than others. I am a world traveler, have been to most of Asia including India. Yes, India has issues, but honestly so do many countries. Also you say India doesn't respect women, but technically they rank a shit ton higher on the scale than many other countries (ie. Middle East and parts of Africa). Hell, wasn't one of their most prominent presidents a woman, but yet America hasn't had a woman president yet. Also wasn't there just a thread of this board called "How do you rate a 10?". I know some recent Indian immigrants from previous jobs and trust me the women wear the pants in those houses. 

As for bad hygiene, you have a billion people and limited infrastructure. I agree this is an issue, but again, this is not specific to India, its common in developing countries. My wife's in medicine here and I can tell you one of the most annoying issues is that patients stink. Yes, that's right, medical staff bitch about patients not showering...in America. Despite how awesome of a human being you must be, most Americans are not the type of people on this board. We all live in bubbles and ignore the poverty and filth in this country.


Not exactly sure how it works against my point. Women in Saudi Arabia can't even drive a car. Hell I have friends from Iran and Pakistan that say women can drive cars, but it is frowned upon heavily. Its also insulting to walk in public by yourself without a man accompanying you. In contrast, this is no big deal in India. You are so culturally misinformed if you think India's women rights are less than that of middle eastern countries that primarily are Islamic based societies. Even the women from these countries that live in the US state the difficulty they have there. If you still believe that, I think your biggest problem is that you hate India blindly. I am guessing someone served a warm bowl of Chicken Tikka that blew out your intestine and now you despise the country to death.


1864 Sand Creek massacre, 1919 Elaine Arkansas massacre, 1921 Tulsa massacre, Colfax massacre, Wounded knee massacre, Genocide of California's Native Americans, Massacre of heroic Attica prisoners, Guantanamo torture chamber, Conquest of Hawaii, Vietnam War, Invasion of Libya, Invasion of Iraq, Invasion of Afghanistan, Invasion of Panama, Invasion of the Dominican Republic, Bombing of Cambodia, Palmer Raids, Operation Wetback, 1973 CIA coup in Chile, 2009 military coup in Honduras, 1899 conquest of the Philippines, 1988 shoot down of Iranian passenger flight, Edward Snowden, Julian Assange


Colonialism bs. Why are other countries that started later than India more advanced? The four Asian tigers are the best example. Even China is farther ahead than India. All these countries got screwed by the West at one point. India is where it is because of its own shitty policies. They started out half socialist/protectionist which subsequently slowed their economic growth and efficiency. The overregulation made it impossible to do business and caused massive corruption you still see today. Some countries need to stop pointing fingers and take accountability for their own shitty actions .


Colonialism produces corruption, inequality and a multitude of social and economic issues buddy. Take a look at South American countries, Caribbean countries, Latin American countries, African countries and it is not hard to see how that manifests itself. Using 4 countries as a model for success post colonialism while ignoring the majority of others is naive to say the least. 


you retard, china never got screwed by western countries. All the other economies are so small in size they can fit inside Mumbai and we wouldn't feel a thing. You say you go to a target school on your profile but can't understand that you can't compare a country that's smaller than the biggest city in India, with India. There are so many problems that come with scale but you can't get that in your dimwit brain. go fly a kite bro because that's the only thing you'll ever be good at.


Because you clearly came across as racist. The difference is saying that people are lesser for their situation versus institutional issues. India gained independence when? Like 1947 right? They have not had that long to develop and improve. I agree that India has a lot of issues, but calling them dirty and sexist is a broad generalization. We also tend to ignore the issues in America. Sexism is rampant almost everywhere. Their class system is wack but I mean other than having it as a religious institution, it isn't much different from other countries. 


I've worked with half a dozen Indians, half of whom were 'off the boat.' All of them were great people, with very good hygiene, and they were the nicest vegetarians I ever met, being almost apologetic about it. Outside of one incident where a guy picked out our free lunches it never inconvenienced me. (and he heard about that lunch for the following year)  One guy was even more of a carnivore than me.  I've got good stories about him ordering a half of a cow into his NYC apartment.

That being said, these were all high level employees, and a bunch of people on the train to work stink to the point that they smell worse than the homeless.  Those are the worst.

The only difference between Asset Management and Investment Research is assets. I generally see somebody I know on TV on Bloomberg/CNBC etc. once or twice a week. This sounds cool, until I remind myself that I see somebody I know on ESPN five days a week.

Also depends on everyone's perspective; usually these problems are not simply right or wrong as most people and media make them seem to be.


^Some of you need to stop with this "all countries have their problems" horseshit. Which direction are people migrating? Are droves of people moving from India to America or the other way around? Yeah, exactly. 


I dont think a single person on this thread is arguing that India is more developed than America. Everyone is aware America is more developed, even those in India, people are just calling out the OP that he is making false generalizations and inaccurate statements by saying India has the worst womens rights and such. He's not basing it on facts but rather his own bias.

I have traveled to India and other parts of the world. Honestly, I found India way more developed than Africa and many other nations. It is also a democracy with the freedom for its population to do as it wishes. Unlike China which can effectively oppress its population, India's govt cannot do that.


You say all this and yet you know it's racist as shit which is why you posted anonymously

Get off your high horse. What, you realized that making fun of black people & hispanic people is a no-go in the Western world today so now you want to take pot shots against an ethnic group that is less attacked because you think they're a weaker target? You're no different from the guy to call COVID "the Wuhan virus" 

Always finding some outlet to discriminate, people like you fucking disgust me


I'm not going to lie when I say OP doesn't seem to know how to express himself properly but raising issues around women's rights, hygiene, etc. in India can be done respectfully without being inherently racist. A lot of my Indian friends raise these points very often. 

I wouldn't immediately assume that OP is racist, perhaps just oblivious and  poor at communicating.


Hey buddy, I'm not posting anonymously and I'm saying right here that India is borderline shithole, making fun of black or hispanic people or heck, any group of people is not off limits (comedy is comedy. chris rock's jokes about black people would be just as funny imo if bill burr said them), and COVID19 must be called Wuhan virus because China is primarily (not solely) responsible for the mess we're in today.

Edit: I'm not white, fwiw.


This is literally microagression / broken window theory. When people are allowed to get away with saying crap like this, others feel emboldened to go even farther & discriminate...

This is the problem with anonymous posting...

@WallStreetOasis.com are you really going to let this slide?


Stfu. People are rational enough to distinguish between sincere criticism and racism/discrimination. We don't have to start censoring in order to coddle people and "protect" them from words.


Calling an entire country shithole is not racist? Hmmm I guess your MD calling you a cockgobbling dumb fucking retarded twat is also a constructive criticism for you then? You seem exactly the type of person who would vote for trump and think the earth is fucking flat. Some people legit are waste of oxygen and internet and you bet you seem like one of them


I think the China and Pakistan vs India threads are the best. I never read them though

Never discuss with idiots, first they drag you at their level, then they beat you with experience.

You fucking pussy, you want a debate? (you asked for it in your previous thread, so if you have the fucking balls, reply to this)

My first comment on the previous thread: 

Its funny because US (29.8) has more no. of rape cases per 100,000 than India (1.8). Also, at least we don't go about blowing schools and marathons up. We actually use bidets and sprays. 

And are you as stupid as Columbus? because, just like him, you seem to have seen the wrong place and believed it to be India. 

Also, "Why do India suck much?" Seems to me that its your English that sucks so much.

My second comment:

https://www.rainn.org/statistics : Every 73 seconds there's a sexual assault in US. Only 5/1000 people are ever sent to prison (talk about people not getting justice).

even if just 1/15 cases are reported, its still less than the US number. And there's no way that that many cases are not reported. 

What about your other points? I spoke to them. 

Cows: they are part of the Hindu religion. So what? 

4 Classes: Its actually beneficial to be in the lower class. All the colleges have 50% seats reserved, and government also gives better jobs to them. I am supposed to be from a "1st class" and I am from a lower middle class family. So, your trust fund analysis is wrong.

Bare hands: we don't eat with bare hands. I am willing to bet that the cutlery sales is amongst the highest in India compared to the world. You must really be blind if you think everyone eats with their hands. About wiping shit, we use something called bidets and sprays if you didn't my comment

You aren't replying because you probably need to go work on your endless pitches (assuming you even are working) cuz no one wants your business. But, if you've got the balls, reply to this.


You're the real pussy for not including my counterarguments for all of these points in the previous thread.

1. India has less rape because they do a worse job in reporting cases. There's a billion people in the country and nearly 60% live in villages. How well do you think they report cases here? No to mention the underground female trafficking that is unaccounted for.

2. Honestly I'm against the reservations for lower caste members, same way I'm against AA in the US. Here, AA mismatches minorities with colleges they may not be fully qualified for, so they end up dropping out or choosing a easier, less lucrative majors. Hurts them in the long term. I believe a similar trend could be happening to the lower castes in India.

3. No one gives sht about eating food with hands. In the US we eat burgers with hands and Indians do the same in their homes. Nothing wrong with that.


I have addressed your point. I said that the numbers, even if you account for the underreporting, don't add up. Even if we assume 14/15 people aren't reporting, the number is still lower. And that's the case with US too. So you have to add on that side too. 

I, too, am of the opinion that affirmative action is bad, but it is what it is and no one discriminates against people based on their caste. Hell, I don't even know what castes my friends are from. That's all historic and inaccurate.

The thing about the hands wasn't me. That was just as a reply to the guy who started the thread. 


- expand -

You aren't replying because you probably need to go work on your endless pitches (assuming you even are working) cuz no one wants your business. But, if you've got the balls, reply to this.

LOL what? WSO has the funniest insults thrown around.

"Bro, you can't model for shit, where did you learn to do your macros brah? Probably from a non-target!"

This site has made the pandemic bearable.


Voluptas dolor consequatur sint quod incidunt ab. Odio quia eos qui minus incidunt veritatis expedita. Voluptas veniam eos ratione sunt et deserunt ratione repellat. Culpa placeat quia maxime nulla quisquam corrupti est. Voluptatem aliquam ipsa omnis libero accusantium voluptas dignissimos.

Amet minima sit corporis debitis unde enim debitis voluptate. Earum reprehenderit quod est aut et. Quia nesciunt rerum voluptatem. Nostrum quod aut dolor. Consequatur porro ad aut accusamus aliquam hic.

Suscipit nihil earum modi repellat molestias laboriosam. Sunt hic sunt perferendis quibusdam.


Dolore sed unde ipsa adipisci culpa dicta fuga aut. At non accusamus temporibus ipsum animi. Deserunt maxime doloribus sed quidem officiis id. Eligendi numquam quam ut dolor. Eligendi molestias impedit molestiae veniam unde delectus.

Optio fugiat illum ipsum quos. Repellendus vel et est a et. Incidunt illum placeat id natus dolores.

Ut et et voluptas sint cupiditate. Perferendis dolorem accusantium velit ut. At cupiditate adipisci soluta omnis voluptatum quas. Enim repellat asperiores laudantium enim officia. Voluptas et dicta ut voluptatem error est.

Accusamus magnam molestias rerum nam natus placeat. Deserunt non tenetur voluptatem est fuga. Et ab odio illum fuga dolorem quis. Aut quaerat quis blanditiis sit repellat aliquam sint distinctio. Aut magni et ratione nemo. Qui quia explicabo ut sint odio incidunt tenetur.


Iure eos officia nam ratione. Ut accusantium nesciunt quia pariatur. Qui dolorem blanditiis amet consectetur non temporibus provident.

Omnis et quos sunt necessitatibus aut sed nihil sed. Maiores qui autem omnis voluptatem ipsa. Quam commodi voluptatem similique libero nisi earum nostrum nostrum. Qui et fugit molestiae quia. Molestiae corporis eum ut iusto aliquid quos quo et. Animi odit nam iste consequatur eos quia sint maxime.

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