Mental Disorder called Liberalism

In which direction is this world heading? I don´t think there is anything I hate more than Liberals. What do you guys think causes this "trend"?

Do you guys face a lot of liberals at work? Are there a lot of them in IB and high finance?

PS: Fuck that Trump debate. I don´t want to live in a world where guys like Bernie Sanders are president.

Mod Note (Andy): top 50 posts of 2017, this one ranks #28 (based on # of silver bananas)


Seriously? They want Chick A Fill out of campus? How can they discriminate against a belief of a company while at the same time criticizing and demanding punishment for discrimination against its own? It's clearly double standards.

Best Response

A friend of mine who just matriculated from the California University System gave me the low down. It's bad. I didn't want to believe the talking heads... I chalked it up to yellow journalism. But my friend actually told me that he spent his entire college career pretending to be liberal so that his grades wouldn't suffer. That's a huge condemnation of the entire system.

He gave a lot of examples, such as how the gen-ed courses are intentionally vacuous such as to fill that space with liberal rhetoric on gender, race, equality, socialism, et cetera. How the faculty and administration are quick to condemn any speech which runs counter to the campus consensus. How they do not push back against the consensus when it is quick to label innocuous economic rhetoric as "Nazi hate speech". How TAs openly condemn Trump supporters. It goes on.

From our time in the military, I've known this friend to be level-headed and candid. I don't think he would make something like this up.


Can also confirm issue in the California schools. One of my best friends told me they essentially were not allowed to have an alternating view in a Gen-Ed course without risking lowering their grade / being harassed by the rest of the class. My friend is right in the middle too, doesn't lean much left or much right - but it is a serious issue.


I currently attend a school in the CSU system and have witnessed some of this behavior. If you're either a Trump supporter/Republican, you're a minority. Any class discussion regarding politics will end with that person against a whole lecture hall.

I personally don't care much for politics, but it's definitely unfair for someone not to be able to speak their beliefs/thoughts without being attacked.


top tier ones? none of them.... they are all attraction points for ultra liberals. You just go there, ignore them, get your great job, and then never look back from your gated community


I think the mental disorder is dogmatic partisanship.

"There's nothing I hate more than liberals."

Maybe liberals would say the opposite, but where does this get us? Definitely not towards progressive discussion and debate...


Progressive discussion and debate is exactly what Liberals don´t want. They trample together with mainstream media on the first amendment rights from conservatives. Just look at CNN where they cut people off, when they say things they don´t like...

Don´t say this in a banking interview: Which superhero would you be and why? I want to be like Robin Hood, stealing from the rich and giving to the poor - me.


It is completely impossible to have a genuine debate about differing political views with liberals when as soon as you disagree with them for any matter of reasons, they immediately brand you as a fascist/sexist/etc. with no facts to back up the statement other than you disagreed with the position and therefore, must be a 'bad person'.

I think the days of educated debate around these issues have long since passed and has given rise to an age in which it is fine to silence someone with a conservative point of view due to this invading your 'safe space' with 'hate speech'.

'I'm jacked... JACKED TO THE TITS!!'

"Liberalism is a mental Disorder" - Dr. Michael Savage

Ironically the political cycles have flowed to the point where the Conservatives are the Classic Liberals and the "Liberals" are the Fascists looking to limit rights

Its going to be comical when these Antifa losers grow up and get real jobs... oh wait they are just going to get a doctorate in "Feminist Studies", accumulate students loans, fail at writing a book, and then spend the rest of their life as a professor teaching their students how to hate free market capitalism and all that is normal.

<span itemprop=name>AngryBallCoach</span>:
"Liberalism is a mental Disorder" - Dr. Michael Savage
Savage Nation 3pm-6pm EST, M-F, KSFO in San Francisco on the iHeart radio app. Guy is hilarious.

You know his son created Rockstar Energy Drink? Savage was early investor. Family is worth a billion+

He obtained a PhD in 1978 from the University of California, Berkeley, in nutritional ethnomedicine.22 His thesis was titled Nutritional Ethnomedicine in Fiji.

How is this guy not equivalent to those feminists who take up PhDs in gender studies?

GoldenCinderblock: "I keep spending all my money on exotic fish so my armor sucks. Is it possible to romance multiple females? I got with the blue chick so far but I am also interested in the electronic chick and the face mask chick."

I mainly pick him up on the podcast version.

Its funny you mention his son. He rarely talks about his immediate family on the show (for obvious security reasons), but just the other day he was talking about immigrants and low income workers and how we still need them to work at fast food restaurants and general labor. He mentioned that even though he made enough money so his kid didn't HAVE to work, he forced his son to get a job at burger king in a bad neighborhood just so he could learn what having a real job was like and to create a work effort.

Needless to say the son is very successful and always thanks his father/credits his Burger King job as the key to what taught him about consumers and business.

So I guess the future is bright for those of us who work !@#$ jobs through college as opposed to having everything handed to us.

<span itemprop=name>AngryBallCoach</span>:

"Liberalism is a mental Disorder" - Dr. Michael Savage

Ironically the political cycles have flowed to the point where the Conservatives are the Classic Liberals and the "Liberals" are the Fascists looking to limit rights

Its going to be comical when these Antifa losers grow up and get real jobs... oh wait they are just going to get a doctorate in "Feminist Studies", accumulate students loans, fail at writing a book, and then spend the rest of their life as a professor teaching their students how to hate free market capitalism and all that is normal.

The idea that the average conservative in this country is classical liberal or even pro free market is laughable. The average Trump voter believes fully in the welfare state so long as it benefits them and not people that don't look like them. The average Trump voter does not believe in free trade and wants large scale protectionism to resurrect dying domestic industries. The average Trump voter does not want freedom of speech or freedom of religion or even universal adult suffrage (as evidence by their continued illegal voter hallucinations). They only believe in a narrow definition of individual liberty that coincidentally would only apply to a white lower to lower middle class Christian male. And now we know that the average Trump voter doesn't give a damn about national security either as evidenced by their continued support of Russian cyberterrorism. None of these things are similar to classical liberalism. There is no classical liberal party in America.

A LOT of generalizations in your posts but let me see if I can enlighten you.

a. It is interesting how you say "the average trump supporter" supports welfare when a big talking point by both trump and the rest of the right is that "welfare is taking away the incentive to get out there and work" (actual trump quote). Very poor generalization on your part. Why would a beneficiary of welfare support a political party/ideology that is looking to take away their benefits/way of life?

b. I will agree on the part about the general message of Trump's economic plan being based on protectionism on a global scale. But, on the domestic level the right is always looking for the deregulation of business, as the left looks for a more socialized structure on a domestic level, as well as globalization of the economy as a whole.

c. Clearly you are either living in the 1990's, a leftist safe space, or maybe you don't follow politics as closely as you should to be able to comment on this stuff.

It's funny how the left has been pushing for censorship and "hate speech laws", yet the right is anti free speech. I would refer you to look at the silencing of Milo Yiannopoulos, Gavin Mccinnes, and many other right wing speakers by leftists.

d. so the "bible thumpers" don't want freedom of religion? interesting.

e. "illegal voter hallucinations" this actual made me laugh. You are right about the fact that the right does not want illegal aliens voting in our election, neither does any SOVEREIGN NATION! If there was no voter fraud, why wouldn't the left entertain the idea of voter ID to prove the right wrong?

f. "liberty that coincidentally would only apply to a white lower to lower middle class Christian male" AH the SJW in you really just popped out here! Calling "the average trump supporter" a white supremacist really helps prove your point. Where in Trump's message did he specifically say "only lower and lower middle class white christian males?"....... I thought so.

g. So the "the average trump supporter" is a ethnocentrism, white supremacist who is paranoid over national security, but now doesn't care about national security because the left has no substantial evidence that the russians hacked the election.

h. I never said there was a classic liberal party in America.


Anyways, don't make emotional arguments because you were triggered, you are just wasting time and energy.

The bottom line is if you look at the modern left they have been leaning on the fascist side for years now. Again, I please take a look at this whole "anti-fa" movement and how they are protesting AGAINST free speech. Free Speech is an inalienable right that covers speech that you don't agree with/ triggers you.


In high school, after committing to an Ivy League, I was prepared to be bombarded with liberalism all the time. Lucky for me, I go to a school known for being somewhat apathetic, not really protesting much, and I never really hear people talk about micro aggressions, being gender fluid, etc. In fact, it was a lot worse for me in high school, so it's sort of like a breath of fresh air now.

The worst I have experienced is that some classes clearly expect you to subscribe to the liberal consensus, with all readings strongly tilted, and surely saying anything to the contrary in these classes would leave you with a bad grade. Personally, I care more for my grade than to gamble with whether or not the professor might be open-minded to different fiscal ideas. Compared to high school, where one of my teachers literally had a life-sized, cardboard cut out of Bernie Sanders in the front of the classroom, it's really not so bad.


Guy: "I believe the most qualified person should get the job"

Girl (Student): "If you are saying that the most qualified person is not a minority than yes it would be a micro-aggression"


"microaggressions" "safe spaces" are those college kids completely mental? **


To get an idea how extreme liberalism spreads at universities: "Students say they want more illegal immigrants" ** **

CSU students terrorize conservative **


Students can´t name one accomplishment of Hilary Clinton ** **

College Republicans harassed at UC Berkeley **


College Students question the importance of the constitution ** **

Don´t say this in a banking interview: Which superhero would you be and why? I want to be like Robin Hood, stealing from the rich and giving to the poor - me.

Spot on. It's a diluted world they live in. Equality as long as Preferrential treatment to everyone but Straight white males, Indian and Chinese people.

If you watch 1984, they championed the idea that their language contracted every year. Control of language is how authoritative governments control people.

You can't say illegal, you say undocumented. You can't say male or female, you say they're or them. Mom and Dad is now offensive.

I don't see conservatives hitting people win bike locks because Pelosi spoke on campus. You don't see people supporting Hillary losing their job, getting their tires slashed, etc.

I fully expect things to get much worse.


But hey, there's GS promoting an illegal fatso to VP, and ML promoting her to MD. I think after '08 and the bailout, most banks became liberal themselves.

GoldenCinderblock: "I keep spending all my money on exotic fish so my armor sucks. Is it possible to romance multiple females? I got with the blue chick so far but I am also interested in the electronic chick and the face mask chick."

Fox/right wing media and MSNBC/left wing media do a good job of highlighting the far extreme of the opposition party's viewpoints, and presenting this as the centrist mainstream view to rile up their followers. Not all liberals are flag-burning safe-space college professors, and not all conservatives are alt-right racist, Nazi-worshiping Breitbart readers.

What is worthy of further examination is the direction and viewpoints of the tens of millions of people in each party's core voting base. When 85% of Republicans support Trump's actions thus far, 43% of them believe Obama is Muslim, and Vladimir Putin receives higher favorability rankings than Obama from these same voters, I'd argue that the current mindset to the right of the aisle is far more dangerous to the future of the U.S.

"I don't know how to explain to you that you should care about other people."

where did I say Fox was extreme right wing? I said they present the extreme left-wing as mainstream liberal viewpoint. Which is absolutely their core strategy to brainwash their geriatric viewing audience.

"I don't know how to explain to you that you should care about other people."

Fully agree, but when you have extreme members on the left calling anyone who disagrees with their opinions Hitler and therefore morally deserving of violence, you have a dangerous situation.

I mean we have college campuses resorting to violence to prevent people from speaking. This is reminiscent of brown shirts. The media has created this storm. Half of Trumps policies are standard Republican and the other have have been espoused by Kerry and other traditional Democrats. But now he's been classified as Hitler and anyone who voted for him, including blue collar former democrats are now fascists. Dangerous situation.

Fox/right wing media and MSNBC/left wing media do a good job of highlighting the far extreme of the opposition party's viewpoints, and presenting this as the centrist mainstream view to rile up their followers. Not all liberals are flag-burning safe-space college professors, and not all conservatives are alt-right racist, Nazi-worshiping Breitbart readers.

What is worthy of further examination is the direction and viewpoints of the tens of millions of people in each party's core voting base. When 85% of Republicans support Trump's actions thus far, 43% of them believe Obama is Muslim, and Vladimir Putin receives higher favorability rankings than Obama from these same voters, I'd argue that the current mindset to the right of the aisle is far more dangerous to the future of the U.S.

Can you point to specific policies that have undermined the American constitutional republic? Yes, lot of Republicans say and believe stupid shit. Let's talk actual policies implemented by the Trump administration.

As for this whole Russia conspiracy nonsense, aside from the fact that there is no proof of collusion, Trump has expanded sanctions against Russia, launched air strikes on Assad's regime, and sent missiles to Ukraine. The notion that Trump is a Putin puppet and that our government has been hijacked by the Kremlin is liberal hysteria. It's fine to disagree with Trump's policies, but the notion that Trump represents an existential threat to our country is pretty laughable.


OP, many thanks for hand picking the most representative examples you could find for social progressive issues. Really appreciate it, solid effort. Also if the choice is between not having a Chick-fil-A vs having people carry around bazookas in their bags (because the 10 commandments gives them the right) while waving the confederate flag and certain that global warming is something that happens in your oven, I think I'll just give up the fast food joint


Hey man can you link us to some instances of people waving confederate flags and/or carrying bazookas around campuses?

There seems to be many instances of radical lefties violently assaulting people.... There was even a stabbing that killed 1 and injured 2 at UT Austin in the past few days.


There are countless examples of conservative idiots carrying guns around campus. In fact, they managed to make it legal to do so in the U Texas system last year. Until recently a bunch of conservative states were flying the Confederate flag (that of an enemy state born to perpetuate slavery) over their freakin' state houses. These are the same ppl that once claimed it was their rights not to go to school with blacks, and now claim it is their right not to serve gays. They're also the same clowns that blew up Oklahoma city and ... oh yeah ... started the Civil freakin' war

Examples of conservatives being violent, ridiculous, and generally shitty: ALL OF AMERICAN HISTORY

<span class=keyword_link><a href=/resources/skills/finance/going-concern>Going Concern</a></span>:
OP, many thanks for hand picking the most representative examples you could find for social progressive issues. Really appreciate it, solid effort. Also if the choice is between not having a Chick-fil-A vs having people carry around bazookas in their bags (because the 10 commandments gives them the right) while waving the confederate flag and certain that global warming is something that happens in your oven, I think I'll just give up the fast food joint

Kudos for another really asinine comment. You never cease to amuse me.


Liberalism is the result of multiple failed philosophical movements including the enlightenment, Marxism, neo-Marxism and ultimately culminating with postmodernism and feminism. The movements were revolutions against the social institutions that built civilization and cultivated the progression of capitalism.

  1. The Enlightenment attempted to explain everything without reference to God but failed to do so. It was an attack on the church.
  2. Marxism and neo-Marxism attempted to create an economic system without the price mechanism and without money. It was an attack on property.
  3. Feminism attempted to redefine gender roles and to censor biology through shaming and ridicule. It was an attack on the family.
  4. Postmodernism is closely tied to both Marxism (at least today) and Feminism. It is their philosophical backbone and resulted from the failure of the Enlightenment. Aristotelian essentialism was replaced with global skepticism.

That's how we got to where we are and it's only going to get worse.

“Elections are a futures market for stolen property”

"Only going to get worse". There's little I love more than the conservative idea that things are always 2 steps away from catastrophe. To quote an article from a while back:

"At one point there was even a gigantic projection of the words, “Make America Safe Again” at the back of the stage. Safe from what?" Too much college education? From less teenage pregnancy? Seriously, I was dumbfounded — safe from what? What the hell do we need to be made safe from? Violent crime is at an all-time low, international wars are at an all-time low, there have been precipitous drops in domestic violence, steady declines in drunk driving-related deaths, death from infectious diseases and a rock-bottom child mortality rate. You’re more likely to be killed by a piece of furniture than by a terrorist attack.""

We live in the richest, most technologically advanced nation ever to have existed, but apparently things have been "on the decline" for the past ~300 years. I do hear Colonial Williamsburg is looking for more actors. Should be a nice fit for you.


Maybe he meant safe from an influx of crime that importing refugees could cause, and Hillary obviously wanted to keep bringing in refugees. Crime rates in Sweden have risen 50% since they began their migrant influx. You can look up the crime statistics here:

There are lots of other problems that Europe is having that America currently isn't, maybe he wants to keep us safe from those completely unnecessary risks...


My post has to do with the history of liberalism, which isn't in dispute. I'm explaining to you where liberal ideas come from. What it draws from, philosophically (I can do the same for conservatism, if you like). It had nothing to do with any of the things you're discussing. When I said, "things are going to get worse," i was referring to the current state of discourse and to social conditions. I'm well aware of how resilient the capitalist system is and how dynamic (for now) our medical system is. This happens in spite of liberalism, which aims to tear them down.

Further, many of the items you raise are irrelevant or simply wrong. For example, college education is in no way indicative of a successful society. The USSR had the highest PhD per capita right before its collapse. You talk about international war. There's a marauding caliphate rampaging through the middle east, a lunatic in North Korea with nuclear weapons and a serious crisis with Russia. You can paint a rosy picture if you like, but there's one statistic that really sums things up nicely: depression is at an all-time high.

“Elections are a futures market for stolen property”
"Only going to get worse". There's little I love more than the conservative idea that things are always 2 steps away from catastrophe. To quote an article from a while back:

"At one point there was even a gigantic projection of the words, “Make America Safe Again” at the back of the stage. Safe from what?" Too much college education? From less teenage pregnancy? Seriously, I was dumbfounded — safe from what? What the hell do we need to be made safe from? Violent crime is at an all-time low, international wars are at an all-time low, there have been precipitous drops in domestic violence, steady declines in drunk driving-related deaths, death from infectious diseases and a rock-bottom child mortality rate. You’re more likely to be killed by a piece of furniture than by a terrorist attack.""

We live in the richest, most technologically advanced nation ever to have existed, but apparently things have been "on the decline" for the past ~300 years. I do hear Colonial Williamsburg is looking for more actors. Should be a nice fit for you.

I like Mark Manson but disagree with him. His reasoning is that a slogan such as "Make America Safe Again" is not relevant because judging by the CURRENT metrics, we are safe by historical standards. The whole point though of crime, immigration, and refugee policy, is to address not just current but also future threats, one that could be a problem in the future if unchecked. For example, on September 10, 2001, the vast majority of Americans did not think radical Islam was a threat to the United States. Just 24 hours later, there was a paradigm shift.


Don't drag the enlightenment through the mud. You seriously have a problem if you think marxism is a progression of enlightenment ideals. I mean ADAM SMITH was a enlightenment era figure, the grandfather of free market capitalism, and you're going to group the enlightenment with feminism and marxism? That's just sickening.


Let me try to help you out here.

On Economics:

The Marxian economic framework is a branch of anglo-classical economics. Marx's theory of surplus value (the fundamental pillar of his framework) is based on Smith's labor theory of value and is an extension of Ricardian theory of rent (extended to capital from land). In a literal sense, Marx is an extension of Smith, in the same way that Samuelson is an extension of Keynes. There is perhaps no economist more closely tied to Smith than Marx.

On Politics:

The Enlightenment spawned a political movement referred to as liberalism. The liberals were in opposition to the conservatives. The conservatives, at the time, believed in hereditary monarchies, the social caste system, varying degrees of serfdom and opposed free trade. Marx opposed conservatives on each of these issues. He was a liberal. Pro democracy, pro trade, anti class system.

On Philosophy:

I'll just refer you to a useful article, though I doubt you'll actually read it.…

“Elections are a futures market for stolen property”

You pretty much skipped over the entire portion of liberalism that gave us modern conservatism - I get it, I get it...the evil enlightenment and democracy ruined it all, etc.

But collectivism is the enemy you're looking for. You can have morality and liberty. In fact, they go hand in hand. Family, community, even religion can exist plenty fine, and in fact thrive within the original, classical & correct definition of liberalism. The modern definition is, of course, trash and a vacuous wasteland of emotion, cognitive dissonance and complete lack of any real principal.

"When you stop striving for perfection, you might as well be dead."

My teacher at school the other day asked the class what is the official term for transgender people and I said delusional... The amount of lefties I fired up at once was amazing. Anyway just look at respected and sensible guys like Dave Rubin calling out the left and changing sides.

Also the fact that Bernie Sanders had such a large following is genuinely scary.


You're literally Hitler. Gender is chosen in the morning before work. And we need free college so everyone can get a masters in cycloptic asian women's studies and then complain why they can't get a good job.


Why do you care if they are transgender, why not just say well I personally don't understand it but if a lot of people feel strongly about their identity this way I guess its true. Instead you feel as though someone's life choices are disgusting because they don't align with yours. Also, have fun with dealing with your gay kid because this shit always happens to people like you.


This is gold hahaha.



Don´t say this in a banking interview: Which superhero would you be and why? I want to be like Robin Hood, stealing from the rich and giving to the poor - me.

"DON'T CALL Breastfeeding Natural??" Tucker Tries To Reason With Crazy Feminist

Breastfeeding isn't natural for women It's natural for men She isn't sure of men can breastfeed Breastfeeding isn't beautiful The reason humanity survived is because we had alternative formulas (?)

“Elections are a futures market for stolen property”

As somebody who considers himself a strong liberal, I'm embarrassed and ashamed of situations/people like these. It's kinda why, for the most part, I don't really get mad when conservatives call liberals "spineless" or "snowflakes."


Coming from a liberal college campus, it is my view that a lot of the reasons behind Liberalism are well intentioned and correct, but are projected excessively and detrimentally to the cause. I call myself a liberal, in the name of rights for people of the LGBTQ community and the right for a women to choose. Who cares what lifestyle someone chooses to live and why would their marriage make yours feel any less real? I think the Kardashians 90 day wedding on TV is a strand on the institution of marriage in society, not the happy gay couple who just wants the legal rights associated with being together. Also, a women should have the right to make choices about her own body, and you can leave the moral consequences to her own choices to whatever religious figure you worship or the fact she will have to acknowledge she did terminate the life of her own child.

But, these are taken to the extremes on campus where I know kids who get massacred for having a Tequila party and almost kicked off campus. I employ some conservative friends or mine, and this forum to take into perspective the less crazy liberal way and not associate college kids with anyone who identifies as liberal.



** Dove Soap Ad Features Transgender “Mom"… ** **NYC will fine you up to 250,000$ for calling a transsexual he or she

Things like that do bother me, because society starts to accept people that are absolutely mental. It is not natural. Imagine if everyone is gay or wants to be a transgender? The human race would disappear. There is a reason why it´s man and woman and not man & man or man & dog. Defending basic human rights from gay couples is one thing and totally fine, but all the transgender stuff is just crazy and goes too far. Those people need mental help. They simple lost their mind. It always starts small, but this is going in a direction that is really alarming.

Don´t say this in a banking interview: Which superhero would you be and why? I want to be like Robin Hood, stealing from the rich and giving to the poor - me.
<span itemprop=name>Esuric</span>:

"DON'T CALL Breastfeeding Natural??" Tucker Tries To Reason With Crazy Feminist

Breastfeeding isn't natural for women
It's natural for men
She isn't sure of men can breastfeed
Breastfeeding isn't beautiful
The reason humanity survived is because we had alternative formulas (?)

Retards like this woman are why we should not let women think too much in gender studies programmes.

I find it hilarious when women do shit like this, then ask for equal pay, then criticize their peers who perform for actually performing, then hold up Kim Kardashian, Victoria Beckham and Gigi Hadid as role models.

GoldenCinderblock: "I keep spending all my money on exotic fish so my armor sucks. Is it possible to romance multiple females? I got with the blue chick so far but I am also interested in the electronic chick and the face mask chick."

Congratulations. You found a dumb person who claims to be liberal. Carl Tucker, who is himself an idiot and a conservative, specializes in highlighting the dumbest 'liberals' he can find. Its hilarious watching him get smoked on the rare occasions he finds himself before a true expert


On the subject of free speech, perhaps I'm misinformed, but I heard from within the Berkeley circle that Ann Coulter was never prevented from speaking. She was asked to move the date to a time when the preferred venue (for security reasons) would be available and she refused, but the media spun this as though the university is silencing her.

I'm also hearing that the majority of violent protesters aren't actually students at all. It's mostly nearby residents and to some extent a pro-anarchist group that tails these things.


There is nothing wrong with black people, so I don't understand your "comparison". That's just another example that Liberals don't have any solid arguments when someone disagrees with them. Just silence them with calling them "Nazis" "Racists" or "Hitler". If a man "identifies" as a woman society wants you to consider it as completely "normal". It is disgraceful. Especially for people who have to explain that weird shit to their kids.

Don´t say this in a banking interview: Which superhero would you be and why? I want to be like Robin Hood, stealing from the rich and giving to the poor - me.

So, the guy that was sued TWICE for refusing to rent to black people, has been quoted as saying "blacks are just lazy", among other things, and hired an AG that is dimantling policies meant to ensure equal protection under the law for minorities is the black savior.

The guy that strenghtened these policies did not care about black ppl.

Makes sense :-/


There is a great article by Jonahtan Haidt on this subject. He really breaks down the nature of the SJW movement, and how it is detrimental for not only the people on the other side of the issue, but for the SJW people themselves.

"Suffer today and live the rest of your life as a champion!"

It seems I have upset someone here with this post. One single person searched all my posts on WSO and threw monkey shit at every single one within a minute, starting with this one here hahaha. Thank you very much for giving us a real life example on how liberals deal with different opinions. I hope you enjoyed stalking me and I feel sorry for you that you have nothing better to do. Now it´s time for you to go back to your safe space lol.

Don´t say this in a banking interview: Which superhero would you be and why? I want to be like Robin Hood, stealing from the rich and giving to the poor - me.

The main reason why some liberals annoy me is that they maintain an air of holier-than-thou righteousness when they are products of what they condemn so often -- privilege. It's easy to present yourself as a champion of the weak when your parents pay for your college degree and you don't have to worry about paying the bills. I know this is a generalization, but most people with real struggles and problems are pouring their energy into surviving and supporting those they care about. They're not complaining about BS like politically correct language.


Oh man, a political thread on can I resist....

First, I'd like to quickly point out that what we call "liberal" (or what some call liberal) here in 2017 is quite literally the opposite of. What the modern "progressive" left believes has nothing to do with the ideas laid forth in classical liberal political philosophy. Hayek, Mises, Rothbard would be absolutely appalled to see the word misused the way it's being misused today. Letting these people choose the language has had quite the detrimental effect. Now, "conservatism" has become national populism, and "libertarianism" has been infected with progs to the point that the modern "Libertarian Party" has nearly as little in common with classical liberalism/true libertarianism that they shouldn't be allowed to use the word. So, there is little left that truly means "Individual rights, personal responsibility, limited government, ethical morality" - we're left without a political party that espouses these beliefs.

America started to go down the toilet the moment they tossed out the articles of confederation. As soon as centralization & cronyism took over, this whole thing sort of had an expiration date stamped on it...that is, unless we can reverse what's been done. We don't have capitalism, nothing of the sort. We don't have limited government, nothing of the sort. We have to designate "free speech zones", for fuck's sake. We are so far away from the original intent of this country that it almost seems beyond saving. We're descending into a giant, angry mass of reactionary morons bludgeoning each other to death with ideology...and it was always going to end this way.

The problem starts with the education system. Until we get gov't out of the business of "educating" young minds, we won't see any of the major problems we have in society end. We need to cut back on safety nets, at all levels. We need to cut away massive swaths of the federal government, and many state governments could do with a similar treatment. I feel as if there is a small but growing number of people who feel this way. Question is, will that be enough? Who knows. Until then, all you can do is work your ass off to improve your life as much as you can for yourself. Then try to help those around you.

"When you stop striving for perfection, you might as well be dead."

Liberals have views that us finance folk may disagree with, but I respect some of their views on education, health care, equal rights etc

But what makes me actually dislike Liberals is their utter, unapologetic fucking dishonesty - at least conservatives are honest about their love of free markets and competition.

Many, possibly most, liberals are the most competitive self fulfilling hypocritical scum that you will ever encounter, but they try to conceal their deceitful ways by saying : …

' but I just planted 10 trees or gave $5 to a Save the Whale Foundation.'

So what? What have you produced?

Ok sharing the pie is justified sometimes, but when is the last time you liberal pussies actually cooked a new one?

Liberals: this aspect of your behaviour is despicable.


Classic liberalism is pro free market. You kid yourself if you believe "us finance folks" are conservatives. The professional and educated classes are overwhelming ligeral (basically all scientists, all of silicon valley, a smaller proportion but still majority of finance). The "we own the world and make money" thing conservatives try to do is hilarious - let me repeat: THE MOST EDUCATED AND PRODUCTIVE CLASSES (AND PEOPLE, AND REGIONS) ARE LIBERAL.


Indeed; you rightly point out a few mistakes in my post. I am more of a centrist anyway.

But ...: THE MOST EDUCATED AND PRODUCTIVE CLASSES (AND PEOPLE, AND REGIONS) ARE LIBERAL > does this principle then also apply to Countries as a whole?

Perhaps you are right and classical liberalism has coincided with periods of economic growth across nations and times more than conservatism has.


Classical liberals? You mean someone like Dave Rubin? Is Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton a "classic liberal"?

Are the people advocating for 57 genders and hate speech laws so people don't get their fee fees hurt "classic liberals"???

The left is so far past anything that used to resemble them it doesn't even make sense, they used to be against Theocracy and religion in schools now want Muslim prayer rooms because "muh oppression".

Yeah you're right though man only educated and productive people are liberal, everyone else is inferior because of their ideology...

Isn't this the same logic that the Democrats used to start the KKK and the reason for wanting to keep slavery, other people were inferior?


I believe the problem lies with individuals who genuinely buy into the Liberal vs Moderate vs Conservative mindset.

If you find yourself feeling lost, go climb a mountain.

I'm having a bad day so I feel like posting in this thread even more...

Wanna play a game? Let's call it "Who do the feminists side with?" Check out this image and take your guess.


YouTube CEO says interrupting her is "sexist micro-aggression"



Don´t say this in a banking interview: Which superhero would you be and why? I want to be like Robin Hood, stealing from the rich and giving to the poor - me.

Because conservatives like to debate? Have you watched a Fox News interview? Don't give me this Liberals like to silence bs. Yes it is occurring right now, but don't act like conservatives are any better. People are just bitter partisans now and thats the bottomline.

The answer to your question is 1) network 2) get involved 3) beef up your resume 4) repeat -happypantsmcgee WSO is not your personal search function.

Well there are conservatives who clearly like to debate. Just look at Ben Shapiro, he is willing to debate anyone but can't get any leftists to debate him.

A lot of his speeches just get shut down by SJWs and he doesn't even get to talk to his own audience then...

Lots of these college campuses, conservative speakers are met with serious violence, and can you find examples of liberal speakers being shut down like this? I haven't seen any yet, unless I'm missing them...


Yeah, because Ben Shapiro uses ad-hominems as an integral part of his debate "strategy."

He also does dumb, childish shit like showing people a copy of the Constitution, or threatening to send them home in ambulances. Why would anybody want to debate him?


Nice article, I believe (probably wrong) if it wasn't for Nietzsche, then Hitler would never have gotten the idea for the Ubermensch. Right? Maybe not.... but I remember reading a long time ago that was where he got the idea of supremacy and the idea of the Ubermensch from.

Post-modernist SJW types are even worse than Bible-thumpers.... and it's not even close IMO.


Sorry for "triggering" whoever threw all that MS at me, but can you please respond with actual arguments or refutations, please! I am asking nicely here :)

Most of the people in the thread won't even respond to me, and when they do it is an insult or an attempt to shut down the speech/conversation? Isn't that kind of proving the point the OP is making (even though I believe it isn't true)?

EDIT: I guess @TNA" is right... the time for debate is over I guess, for the reasons I already stated above...


agree with you, I don´t want to know the 2020 nominee...

Don´t say this in a banking interview: Which superhero would you be and why? I want to be like Robin Hood, stealing from the rich and giving to the poor - me.

Voluptas nulla repudiandae exercitationem numquam est. In qui rem quam quisquam placeat. Nulla sint labore beatae non quia ut. Omnis quasi ut et ut rem eum eum eius.

Sed aperiam dolorum natus atque optio voluptatem eum. Nam voluptatem et ullam nesciunt porro quae ut. Et et consequatur tempora harum. Quia animi sed quam incidunt adipisci dolorem. Ex nostrum quam omnis quas rerum odit sed est. Eos cumque est voluptate veniam quia quidem.

Omnis nihil fuga adipisci repudiandae dolores. Praesentium nisi porro suscipit sint. Ea quaerat nisi nulla voluptates.


Consequuntur ut facere impedit minus voluptas fuga animi. Quam nostrum quisquam mollitia deserunt.

Minima laudantium sed soluta in. Itaque recusandae suscipit enim quas. Cum molestiae eum officia necessitatibus alias. In occaecati ad temporibus odit necessitatibus. Molestiae voluptas ducimus unde recusandae quidem et.

Non commodi rem est libero cum rerum. Tempora iusto sed sit. Aliquam consequatur atque ipsa hic et aliquam quis. Quo libero ut dolorem. Inventore qui provident consequatur tempora ea. Repellendus natus officiis ipsum nihil ut rem.

Ipsam est quisquam iure. Alias omnis qui sunt. Soluta non sit tempore molestiae ipsam ipsa. Aut voluptatem eligendi nostrum mollitia minus voluptate. Quod ut suscipit explicabo aut quis eius. Quis cum at quasi aut.

Don´t say this in a banking interview: Which superhero would you be and why? I want to be like Robin Hood, stealing from the rich and giving to the poor - me.

Asperiores inventore assumenda sed reiciendis molestiae rerum. Nulla nisi dolor voluptates maxime et. Quia corporis expedita ea laboriosam id voluptates.

Qui perferendis recusandae velit et recusandae nihil id. Consequatur alias consequatur cum non et molestias. Sed odit reprehenderit unde et cumque quis.

Amet et error cupiditate consequuntur soluta. Delectus voluptate laudantium optio laboriosam repudiandae fugit. Ducimus voluptatum voluptatem distinctio natus laboriosam aperiam.


Aliquam consequatur dignissimos id nostrum. Magnam commodi iusto doloremque nihil aliquid alias voluptate. Voluptatem et sunt commodi.

Repellat qui vero consequatur possimus ab sed. Vero nam eos autem. Aliquid voluptates ut labore aut sit. Rem ullam provident sunt itaque ratione dignissimos praesentium.

Aut dolorem aut numquam eligendi est. Vero provident eaque ducimus voluptatem quisquam occaecati. Modi asperiores odit omnis et et voluptates est. Recusandae id quod ea et repudiandae aut adipisci.

Ut debitis ut recusandae velit molestiae cupiditate est eos. Deleniti quis nesciunt quia. Amet omnis eligendi quia quos velit accusamus. Quibusdam doloribus in laboriosam est. Quo pariatur ullam blanditiis accusamus minus qui.

If the glove don't fit, you must acquit!

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Professional Growth Opportunities

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  • Intern/Summer Analyst (149) $101
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