
Why would anyone be excited about this?  We have two choices, a self serving, pathological liar and narcissist versus a guy who seems to be in cognitive decline.  I would rather have the guy who is in cognitive decline because I do not trust the other guy to put the country ahead of himself. 



Why would anyone be excited about this?  We have two choices, a self serving, pathological liar and narcissist versus a guy who seems to be in cognitive decline.  I would rather have the guy who is in cognitive decline because I do not trust the other guy to put the country ahead of himself. 

Impressive cognitive dissonance to take the position that Trump is the one looking out for his personal interests. Not the guy who is clinging on to power with one foot in the grave while actively encouraging the largest humanitarian crisis in this country's history at our border, and whose family has made tens of millions from backroom deals with politically-connected people in Russia, Ukraine, and China over the course of his 50+ years in the public sector. And you people said Trump made us a laughing stock internationally meanwhile Biden's been the feature of the foreign equivalents of SNL in allied countries for being such a doddering old fool. 

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

PrivateTechquity 🚀GME🚀


Why would anyone be excited about this?  We have two choices, a self serving, pathological liar and narcissist versus a guy who seems to be in cognitive decline.  I would rather have the guy who is in cognitive decline because I do not trust the other guy to put the country ahead of himself. 

Impressive cognitive dissonance to take the position that Trump is the one looking out for his personal interests.

You act as if I have introduced some radical idea that Trump is a self focused narcissist.  This is not a radical idea unless you have living under a rock. Most people know this except for you and people who have no ethics or just do not care.   Trump used a defunct foundation's money to buy a portrait of himself.  

PrivateTechquity 🚀GME🚀

Impressive cognitive dissonance to take the position that Trump is the one looking out for his personal interests. Not the guy who is clinging on to power with one foot in the grave

Well, we know that Mr Trump used his office to sell out America to pursue his own interests.  Remember when he used his personal lawyer to subvert the State Department and withhold Congressionally-approved aid to a foreign power until they fabricated some dirt on a political opponent?  Pepperidge Farms remembers.

And it's so fucking rich to hear someone complain about Mr Biden's age and mental fitness (which aren't ideal) as opposed to Mr Trump, who if anything is even less mentally competent and just as old!

while actively encouraging the largest humanitarian crisis in this country's history at our border, and whose family has made tens of millions from backroom deals with politically-connected people in Russia, Ukraine, and China over the course of his 50+ years in the public sector.

Wait, you're seriously accusing Mr Biden of profiting from foreign connections.  As opposed to Mr Trump?  I mean, this is absurd.  I think Hunter Biden is a sleazeball, and getting paid by a Ukrainian company because of the perception of access to his politically connected father is terrible.  And we know how desperately Mr Trump wanted to make that connection - remember, he sold out his country for that (non-existent) dirt!  But you simply cannot make this argument when Mr Trump and his progeny have profited so much more in so much less time for the exact same thing!  His son in law got billions from the Saudis.  His daughter got preferential business treatment from the Chinese.  And none of this touches the extremely obvious and open pay-to-play scheme he had going on at Mar-a-Lago.  He spent 250 days of his Presidency at his own properties (and another 130 days or so on vacation as well).  Since you're so informed, you'll recall how Mar A Lago doubled their initiation fee right after Trump won in 2016... quite the coincidence!

And you people said Trump made us a laughing stock internationally meanwhile Biden's been the feature of the foreign equivalents of SNL in allied countries for being such a doddering old fool. 

Right... he makes a lot of gaffes.  He's too old to be the President, no question.  So is Donald Trump, whose mental decay is just as obvious and just as concerning as Mr Biden's.  Moreso, given his inability to actually keep talented staffers and Secretarys around.  This isn't an argument against Mr Biden as much as it's an argument against both candidates.  If the best you can do is "there are a couple of things about Joe Biden in which he's no better than Trump" you've got a long way to go.

There are two main questions for me in this, or any election, that need a strongly affirmative answer I consider voting for someone.

1 - Is one of the candidates obviously unfit for office before and beyond his political beliefs?

2 - Does one of the candidates, or both, or neither, have an actual policy platform that they want to enact (not, "do I agree with it" but "is there a reason to vote for this person at all).

On both those counts, Mr Trump falls flat.  He's obviously unfit for office, and very obviously views the entire political process as a means to grift his supporters and anyone else he comes into contact with.  His first term was an unending series of scandals in which he tried to take credit for anything he could and pass off blame in the most egregious way possible for anything bad.  He filled in his spare time using the apparatus of government to openly enrich himself and his family in a way that Mr Biden does not - whatever you believe his son is doing, even the GOP has found literally zero evidence that Mr Biden is involved with it.  And as far as a policy position goes... if Mr Trump wins office, and the GOP takes a supermajority in both chambers, name three things they'll do that aren't "a wall".

They have no plans to reform the healthcare system.  They have no direction on foreign policy.  The GOP has never had an actual plan to deal with illegal immigration except grandstanding and race-baiting.  Education?  Nothing.  Police reform?  Nothing.  The GOP is a post-policy party and has been since 2010, when the white nationalist and evangelical ressentiment wing of the party decided to stop following the big business wing.  Conservatives in America in 2024 exist only in opposition to liberals.  Agree or not, the Democrats have a vision and have acted on it (or tried to) in terms of global warming and inequality.  Republicans don't.  They have a series of culture war issues that they'll inevitably eventually lose, like every other one from slavery to civil rights to gay marriage, and their only actual idea, which they've achieved with aplomb, is to pack the courts to enshrine what little remaining privilege and power they have.

It's sad when the most coherent position a Republican has taken in the last decade and a half is in regards to Jewish space lasers.


PrivateTechquity 🚀GME🚀:


Why would anyone be excited about this?  We have two choices, a self serving, pathological liar and narcissist versus a guy who seems to be in cognitive decline.  I would rather have the guy who is in cognitive decline because I do not trust the other guy to put the country ahead of himself. 

Impressive cognitive dissonance to take the position that Trump is the one looking out for his personal interests. Not the guy who is clinging on to power with one foot in the grave while actively encouraging the largest humanitarian crisis in this country's history at our border, and whose family has made tens of millions from backroom deals with politically-connected people in Russia, Ukraine, and China over the course of his 50+ years in the public sector. And you people said Trump made us a laughing stock internationally meanwhile Biden's been the feature of the foreign equivalents of SNL in allied countries for being such a doddering old fool.

Non-China/Russia international WSOer here, Trump is a laughing stock to most people in my continent. I wouldn't trust him with my dog let alone a country.

Biden is senile but I'll take a senile man any day over Trump. At least Biden knows when he's out of his depth and will delegate tasks to someone more capable. Trump would insist that he's the smartest in the room and royally fuck it up.

Personally, I'm willing to spend the money get on a plane, fly to Florida, buy a 12 inch dildo and shove it up Trump's ass. Only reason I'm not doing it is because I'll get arrested and assaulted by the Trumpers in America.


Why would anyone be excited about this?  

I love our country and am excited to see the prospective next president!!!

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee
C.R.E. Shervin

"seems to be in cognitive decline" I think he is there man, I've got zero confidence he knows what he is doing.

Ideally we need age limit restrictions on over 70.

That did not age well.

Most Helpful

Loved that 9-0 SCOTUS decision coming out this morning to put the leftists in their place. The Twitter blow ups are priceless. 

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion
PrivateTechquity 🚀GME🚀

Loved that 9-0 SCOTUS decision coming out this morning to put the leftists in their place. The Twitter blow ups are priceless. 

What are you talking about?  You mean the decision that the conservative majority was so craven about and believed in so little they wouldn't even admit to authoring it?  At least Roger Taney had conviction in his beliefs, as abhorrent as they were.

Look, it's pretty self-evidently absurd that a State can ban someone from running for political office.  Donald Trump is a traitor, as he and his defense team are well aware (just look at the argument they've made in his defense) but to act like the SCOTUS decision is some kind of triumph for anyone but the liberal left is absurd.  You know, the ones who had the courage to stand up and declare what they believed, why they believed it, and to actually defend the concept of jurisprudence in this country instead of abdicating responsibility for a decision that was theirs to make in favor of scuttling


What are you talking about?  You mean the decision that the conservative majority was so craven about and believed in so little they wouldn't even admit to authoring it?  At least Roger Taney had conviction in his beliefs, as abhorrent as they were.

You're raving about the conservative's part in the decision when it was 9-0 (listen to argument audio, it's the liberal justices that have some of the most damning questions) - then you randomly bring up some Chief Justice from literally 200 years ago... LOL

Look, it's pretty self-evidently absurd that a State can ban someone from running for political office.  Donald Trump is a traitor, as he and his defense team are well aware (just look at the argument they've made in his defense) but to act like the SCOTUS decision is some kind of triumph for anyone but the liberal left is absurd.  You know, the ones who had the courage to stand up and declare what they believed, why they believed it, and to actually defend the concept of jurisprudence in this country instead of abdicating responsibility for a decision that was theirs to make in favor of scuttling

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

Kind of weird how libs think the best way to "defend democracy" is to try to jail political opponents or otherwise keep them off ballots.

"Work ethic, work ethic" - Vince Vaughn

Democracy only matters if you agree!

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion
Yankee Doodle

Kind of weird how libs think the best way to "defend democracy" is to try to jail political opponents or otherwise keep them off ballots.

Well, Donald Trump did try and overthrow the federal government in a violent putsch in order to install himself in power.  Your rhetorical question makes as much sense if you substitute "unapologetic serial killer" and "innocent victims" instead of Donald Trump and "defend democracy".

Mind you, the actual political alignment of this is absolutely hilarious.  What ever happened to states' rights?  Kind of weird how conservatives think the best way to "defend the rights of citizens" is to allow the states and not the federal government to make decisions, right up until it is a liberal state who wants to go their own way...

Yankee Doodle

Kind of weird how libs think the best way to "defend democracy" is to try to jail political opponents or otherwise keep them off ballots.

Well, Donald Trump did try and overthrow the federal government in a violent putsch in order to install himself in power.  Your rhetorical question makes as much sense if you substitute "unapologetic serial killer" and "innocent victims" instead of Donald Trump and "defend democracy".

Mind you, the actual political alignment of this is absolutely hilarious.  What ever happened to states' rights?  Kind of weird how conservatives think the best way to "defend the rights of citizens" is to allow the states and not the federal government to make decisions, right up until it is a liberal state who wants to go their own way...

It is trade off for him in that as long as Trump persues policies that restrict the rights of women, it okay for him to be above the law


It's amazing how obvious this is. "Defending democracy" translates to defending our institutions, which the Democrats control entirely, with the intent to continue to trample the American people.

You mean except for the Supreme Court and the House of Representatives?  Doesn't seem like the Democrats "control entirely" our institutions.

Moreover, given that Republicans have performed from bad to downright awful in every election since 2016, at every level, I'd argue that the voters seem to think that it's conservatives who are trampling on their rights and institutions.  

Goldman's Ballsach

i find liberals to be insufferable whiny babies. I have nothing else to say. I just would like to vent my frustration. Thank you for your time.

The irony here is that you are whining about liberals but this idea probably went above your level of comprehension



"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

I'm curious whether the Trump supporters on this app feel comfortable openly supporting him at work.

Regardless of personal political views, I think it's a huge problem that so many people are scared of work repercussions for supporting a major party candidate (not to mention recent president).


I wouldn't be comfortable sharing any opinion in public except support for Trump in this upcoming election.  

The left is tearing down everything that made this country successful.  They hate freedom of speech, they hate secure borders, they hate law & order, they hate business/economic freedom, and they don't want any individual to have any concept whatsoever of building a better life for themselves.  They read Orwell's 1984 and don't even realize it's a scathing critique . . they think 1984 is an owner's manual for how to run a country.

I will legitimately question my professional interactions with anyone who thinks the left is anything less than totally destructive.  It signals to me that they haven't thought at all about how anything works.

You'll notice, I didn't say a single negative thing about Biden specifically, or a single positive thing about Trump.  If you're comparing the personal qualities of these two guys, I honestly want to know how you can miss the bigger picture so badly.  You're not voting for a guy, you're voting for a regime.  One wants to tear down everything that works, and the other doesn't.

Dr. Rahma Dikhinmahas

I wouldn't be comfortable sharing any opinion in public except support for Trump in this upcoming election.  

May be you meant to write, " I would be comfortable"    If you mean what you wrote, it has to be one of the dumbest comments I have ever read on WSO.  Why you publicly share your opinion about a controversial candidate at work?

Dr. Rahma Dikhinmahas

The left is tearing down everything that made this country successful.  They hate freedom of speech,

Says the guy supporting the political faction banning books

they hate secure borders,

Says the guy supporting the political faction that is doing absolutely nothing to stop illegal immigration - most illegals are visa overstays, and anyway the only real solution is an easier path to legal immigration and a crackdown on employers who use illegal labor.

they hate law & order,

No, we hate a militarized and unaccountable police force which suffers no consequences for the violence it inflicts on the citizens they're meant to serve.

they hate business/economic freedom,

No, we understand that business/economic freedom isn't the end goal of public policy.  This is a massive paradigm shift that needs to happen in general, and while I'm sure you disagree, I think it's important.  "The market" isn't something public policy should exist to support.  Whether the stock market goes up or down should not be a primary concern for government.

and they don't want any individual to have any concept whatsoever of building a better life for themselves.  They read Orwell's 1984 and don't even realize it's a scathing critique . . they think 1984 is an owner's manual for how to run a country.

Yeah, you've clearly never engaged with a liberal that wasn't a Russian bot on Twitter.

I will legitimately question my professional interactions with anyone who thinks the left is anything less than totally destructive.  It signals to me that they haven't thought at all about how anything works.

Says the guy who supports a political party that hasn't had a positive policy idea in several election cycles.  And by positive I mean, not "we think Democrats are wrong" but "here is our idea for a better future."

I mean, name a couple things Donald Trump will do if he regains power.  What do you expect him to accomplish?  Maybe he tries to build the wall again, a "policy" as useless as it is bigoted and stupid (again, when he starts targeting white people for overstaying visas maybe I'll take his complaints about 'illegals' as something more than a bigoted dogwhistle).  What else?  The GOP hasn't actually had a real platform in more than a decade.  It's "Democrats are bad" not "lets do X Y and Z".  I mean, the GOP had all three branches of Congress for two years and did nothing except fail to repeal the ACA, because suddenly they weren't campaigning and realized that people loved Obamacare and hated losing it with nothing to replace it (which they had 7 years to think of!) and an absolutely absurd tax cut which did nothing for the vast majority of Americans.

You'll notice, I didn't say a single negative thing about Biden specifically, or a single positive thing about Trump.  If you're comparing the personal qualities of these two guys, I honestly want to know how you can miss the bigger picture so badly.  You're not voting for a guy, you're voting for a regime.  One wants to tear down everything that works, and the other doesn't.

Mr Biden has a plan.  You may not agree with it, but he's got some idea of what he wants to do with the power he wants to wield.  You simply cannot say the same about Mr Trump, who has no game plan except to bilk the US government and his supporters for more money.  You're sitting here saying "you're not voting for the man," but Mr Trump attempted to overthrow the US government, actively used his position in government to enrich himself, blatantly and admittedly stole state secrets, and subverted the entire US government to run his own shadow foreign policy, not for the benefit of the American people, but specifically for his own benefit.

So no, I actively disagree with you, and vehemently so, that this "isn't about the candidate."  It absolutely is.  We know what we're getting with both of these guys.  Mr Trump will use his power to attack his opponents, enrich himself and his family, and that's about it.  We saw this show, we saw the aftermath, and we don't need to guess what the encore will look like.  You may not like Mr Biden, you may think his policies are ruinous, but as a person, a politician, and a servant of all of us it is insulting and frankly idiotic to put himself in the same category as Mr Trump.  If you honestly believe that, then you aren't qualified to have an opinion about anything, because your judgement is too suspect and the sources of information you're reading/watching are obviously lying to you and you don't have the intelligence to parse that.

When one candidate will absolutely actively endanger American lives and American interests to serve himself and the other might not, you don't need to go beyond that to know who to vote for.  If Mr Rogers and John Wayne Gacy wanted to move into the house next door, I wouldn't need to see who brought over the nicer gift basket to know whom I'd rather have as a neighbor.


bddjfj1345I think it's because a lot of people don't support Trump the person and more about the principles he is fighting against.

ding ding ding we have a winner

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

I think it's because a lot of people don't support Trump the person and more about the principles he is fighting against.

This is amusing, because every conservative on this thread has comprehensively failed to mention a principle which Democrats hold (and Republicans don't) which Mr Trump will fight against, made doubly so because Mr Trump so clearly has no principles except self-aggrandizement.

Look, the GOP held all the levers of government, including SCOTUS, for two years, and what did they do with it?  Cut taxes and failed miserably at literally anything else.  In other words, of all the vast constellation of problems in the country, they solved none of them.  Failed comprehensively to solve some, and exposed their party as a bunch of hacks in the process (Obamacare repeal comes to mind). 

Democrats had the same situation (minus a liberal majority on SCOTUS) and managed to pass a lot of meaningful legislation to address core issues facing the country.  Addressing infrastructure, climate change, supporting domestic manufacturing, committing to a coherent foreign policy... Biden accomplished a great deal.  And none of this is "evil" even if you disagree with it; most of it would have been applauded by the right if it had come out of a Trump presidency, is my guess.  would have applauded it if Mr Trump had passed any of those bills, instead of spending his time milking the government at Mar a Lago.

You may disagree with those policies.  I disagree with parts of them.  But Democrats have a plan to fix some of what ails this country.  Republicans don't.  And haven't, not for decades.  So don't bring this shit about "principles" in here, because only one party has them.


I'm curious whether the Trump supporters on this app feel comfortable openly supporting him at work.

Regardless of personal political views, I think it's a huge problem that so many people are scared of work repercussions for supporting a major party candidate (not to mention recent president).

If you dumb enough to express your political views at work, you should not work in finance.   They should be concerned about repercussions about supporting Trump at work.  Who do you think rises to the levels of authority in the investment business?  I will give you a hint, it is liberals who went to target schools


Really? You're excited about the next election cycle? The same regurgitation of two candidates no one wants? America has lost its sense of democracy, forcing Americans to pick between two ancient skeletons of human beings that have already run against each other, and that no one wants in office.  

America is a full on oligarchy at this point anyways, so I guess how much does it really matter who the puppet is, but still, even more reason to be impartial or unexcited about the next election cycle. 

To actively be excited about the next cycle where the press holds your eyelids open and runs the same news stories in perpetuity about THE SAME TWO PEOPLE WE ALREADY KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT has me sick to my stomach. And to watch everyone justify their rationale behind which candidate they support based on something immaterial that really has negligible impact on how they live their life is even more tough to stomach. 

I realize this site is >50+% Jesus freak 18 year olds so they're beyond amped to vote for the first time and prove their conservativism by supporting Trump, but the whole thing is just one massive eye roll. If you are a full on adult who gets excited about the notion of the next election cycle, I genuinely worry about you. 


Trump is the man. I’ll be happy to see him back as Commander in Chief. There have been obstacles, but we will prevail!

Thanks for worrying about me - that means you care. Fist bump. 👊🏻 

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee
Deal Team Six

Really? You're excited about the next election cycle? The same regurgitation of two candidates no one wants? America has lost its sense of democracy, forcing Americans to pick between two ancient skeletons of human beings that have already run against each other, and that no one wants in office.  

America is a full on oligarchy at this point anyways, so I guess how much does it really matter who the puppet is, but still, even more reason to be impartial or unexcited about the next election cycle. 

To actively be excited about the next cycle where the press holds your eyelids open and runs the same news stories in perpetuity about THE SAME TWO PEOPLE WE ALREADY KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT has me sick to my stomach. And to watch everyone justify their rationale behind which candidate they support based on something immaterial that really has negligible impact on how they live their life is even more tough to stomach. 

I realize this site is >50+% Jesus freak 18 year olds so they're beyond amped to vote for the first time and prove their conservativism by supporting Trump, but the whole thing is just one massive eye roll. If you are a full on adult who gets excited about the notion of the next election cycle, I genuinely worry about you. 

It is kind of bizarre that this site heavy favors Trump.  The highly educated person is not the typical Trump supporter.  I do not interact with many conservative people, but the ones I do know personally support Trump and are not very educated.  100% of the highly educated people in my circle are very anti Trump. 


The country hasn't lost it.  The institutions lost it in 92 when Perot ran for president and got 19% of the vote.  The insiders then circled the wagons a took away a real democratic process to elect representatives for our Republic by putting up huge hurdles for non party chosen members from running in the election.  It wasn't until Trump running in 16 that this monopoly began to break down.


Donald Trump tried to overturn the last election, and a majority of House Republicans voted to support him in that effort. He continues to be an election denier and has sent millions of Americans into a delusional alternate reality. I don't care how old Biden is, or how stupid the far left has become. If we do not have a functioning democracy, nothing else matters. Republicans continue to show they have no ability to govern or pass helpful legislation, and instead focus on Bud Light, Mickey Mouse, and deciding what you're allowed to do in your own house.

Also, Biden is old, but his administration has been effective. Infrastructure bill, CHIPS act which has supercharged on-shoring and domestic industrials, reduced Medicare prescription drug costs, pulled out of Afghanistan after 4 administrations promised to and failed, offered strong support of Ukraine and appropriate support of Israel - despite the pressure of the far left. Record high stock market, record low unemployment, and a soft landing which seemed impossible a few years ago.

The "vibes" simply do not match the effectiveness of the administration. I wish he would pass the torch to someone 30 years younger, but this isn't a tough call for normal, well-adjusted voters.

"I don't know how to explain to you that you should care about other people."

Donald Trump tried to overturn the last election, and a majority of House Republicans voted to support him in that effort.

This does not matter to  the majority of people on this site.  They mostly care about restricting a woman's reproductive rights, declaring frozen embryos to be children and paying less in taxes.  They don't care if benedict Donald sells the US to a foreign country.


Donald Trump tried to overturn the last election, and a majority of House Republicans voted to support him in that effort.

This does not matter to  the majority of people on this site.  They mostly care about restricting a woman's reproductive rights, declaring frozen embryos to be children and paying less in taxes.  They don't care if benedict Donald sells the US to a foreign country.

“My body my choice,” right? A woman should have the right to choose what to do with her own body.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

You realize you are trying to vilanize a majority of people who view rights, over individual "rights". The pro-life people believe in the right of the fetus/baby. Believe their stance is that abortion is murder. And let's face it, if we can come to a conclusion where(and people have e.g. Europe), that abortion over Xmos are illegal, it is on the grounds that it is murder. 

Nobody wants to restrict women's rights, just preserve the rights of the fetus. 


Donald Trump tried to overturn the last election, and a majority of House Republicans voted to support him in that effort. He continues to be an election denier and has sent millions of Americans into a delusional alternate reality. I don't care how old Biden is, or how stupid the far left has become. If we do not have a functioning democracy, nothing else matters. Republicans continue to show they have no ability to govern or pass helpful legislation, and instead focus on Bud Light, Mickey Mouse, and deciding what you're allowed to do in your own house.

Also, Biden is old, but his administration has been effective. Infrastructure bill, CHIPS act which has supercharged on-shoring and domestic industrials, reduced Medicare prescription drug costs, pulled out of Afghanistan after 4 administrations promised to and failed, offered strong support of Ukraine and appropriate support of Israel - despite the pressure of the far left. Record high stock market, record low unemployment, and a soft landing which seemed impossible a few years ago.

The "vibes" simply do not match the effectiveness of the administration. I wish he would pass the torch to someone 30 years younger, but this isn't a tough call for normal, well-adjusted voters.

South Park Mob GIF

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

What I'm more excited for is the Trump v Biden debates. Wouldn't be surprised if Biden cowardly ducked the debates given his steep cognitive decline though 


What I'm more excited for is the Trump v Biden debates. Wouldn't be surprised if Biden cowardly ducked the debates given his steep cognitive decline though 

Trump would crush Biden in debates. Biden and his team will likely do anything to get out of a debate unless the questions are scripted. If they do have a debate, it will be highly entertaining to me.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Yeah let's hope for at least 1 debate. I doubt they'll do the full circuit 

There's so much evidence of Biden's decline, both from official reports and a decade of ridiculous gaffes. Even the way Biden walks and speaks is like that of a fragile old man with dementia. Trump has shown he's been able to flip a bunch of counties in the primary that he didn't in 2020, but what it looks like in the election might be different 

Really depends on what the voters consider to be the most important issues -- right now, #1 seems to be immigration with #2 as economy and #3 foreign policy and #4 maybe abortion. On #1, Biden is clearly handling it horribly as agreed by 80+% of Americans. Economy is chugging alone and sentiment is better vs. 1yr ago but no one is really happy with it. #3 is incredibly divisive with Biden taking fat L's on Ukraine and Israel/Palestine. #4 is where Biden has the edge 

Dem voters are mostly a lost cause. All you really need is for the balance of independent voters to just stay home (not even vote for Trump necessarily) in key swing states like Michigan to carry the day. It was hilarious seeing 9-0 SCOTUS decision to end Colorado's blatantly undemocratic decision, but there are a few other cases that could be swing factors for Trump. All in all, just too early to call

Isaiah_53_5 💎🙌💎🙌💎

What I'm more excited for is the Trump v Biden debates. Wouldn't be surprised if Biden cowardly ducked the debates given his steep cognitive decline though 

Trump would crush Biden in debates. Biden and his team will likely do anything to get out of a debate unless the questions are scripted. If they do have a debate, it will be highly entertaining to me.

The opposite is probably true. Trump does not know much about policy and lacks self control.  He would likely try to bully Biden and the moderators, which would be viewed very negatively.  His track record in debates has not been very good.  I think the moderators have reprimanded him in debates. 


Why are most ultra vocal trump supporters almost always single and lonely? 

Because most educated woman hate Trump.  If you are looking to date an educated female, it is probably not a good idea to be vocal about liking Trump.  


100%.  Trump will bully the media into hosting a debate even if Biden is a no show.  He will the go on to lecture the media about how shit at their jobs they are, make fun of Hillary, talk about how Biden should be in a memory care facility, and whip his dick out on live tv and measure it. 


Im placing the chances below 100% but think everything else you’re saying is right. I could see a scenario in which Biden gets COVID before a debate, things along those lines.

This may be the straw that breaks the camels back though as far as trust in Biden / media which is already low. Not debating wouldn’t play great with undecideds. Libs will of course think it’s totally normal for Biden to not debate on the grounds that Trump is a bully, (insert Jan 6 reference here), etc but think people will see through that. 

It’s a lose / lose for the Biden camp really. I’m not sure how lucid he can be during something that contentious at this point. If Trump is able to control himself (probably not) and allow Biden to flounder and stumble physically / mentally, it’s an easy win.


Quia inventore repellat consequuntur. Sit eum eligendi quis hic. Qui et non est enim velit dignissimos. Provident modi eligendi autem quas perspiciatis.

Sapiente voluptatem accusantium dolore cum. Nostrum sit architecto numquam optio porro.

Dolores ad in reprehenderit. Rerum delectus debitis maxime voluptas. Eligendi laudantium accusantium hic ipsum.

Debitis ab laboriosam soluta dolore adipisci. Architecto sed asperiores aliquam non velit. Non aut temporibus temporibus commodi quod.


Aspernatur sit repellendus deleniti id voluptas quibusdam explicabo aut. Aliquid ut nihil voluptatum nisi voluptatibus. Numquam architecto ut incidunt nostrum libero. Id pariatur laboriosam consequatur quas aliquam. Molestiae similique velit et quasi enim ea.

Sunt rem voluptatum quasi tempora est dolorum. At a atque ipsam et at dolorum. Quisquam ipsum sit nobis id blanditiis occaecati laborum. Quisquam qui totam est. Quam dolore nobis voluptas nesciunt dolores.

"I don't know how to explain to you that you should care about other people."

Et sequi sunt minima autem. Dolorum fugit porro aspernatur voluptas odio eos et. Vero qui excepturi earum. Vitae perspiciatis dolor error itaque error delectus et. Sit iste laboriosam voluptatem commodi numquam sapiente esse molestiae. Sed fugiat omnis eius est.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Quasi ullam ea et id nostrum. Nesciunt sunt tempore labore exercitationem. Blanditiis incidunt fugit vitae laborum quidem. Est blanditiis aut consequatur recusandae magnam facilis. Est itaque debitis sequi sed mollitia qui non ullam.

Consequatur eos accusantium ut esse animi. Quos totam tempora adipisci quis. Sequi odio voluptatem blanditiis eos necessitatibus culpa mollitia consectetur. Est nesciunt accusamus sed.

Nemo amet natus dolore excepturi iste voluptas quaerat. Ea et ex quos accusantium.

Error beatae vero nam molestias eos. Aperiam ducimus eum autem ut culpa enim et.

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