Vaping - a looming crisis?

Not sure what it's like in the US, but in the UK literally EVERYONE 20 years ago, but we all know how that went…
Surely this will bite at some point? The mg of nicotine is orders of magnitude higher than in cigarettes, and from what I understand the LT health consequences are unknown.
Thoughts? I don't vape myself, only once per month when drunk/out with friends… but that's it.I fear the worst for people my age. Hopefully it isn't as bad as I predict.


I vape THC Delta 8 as it is legal where I live and my building doesn't allow smoking. It's pretty meh compared to bong hits. I miss bong hits. 

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

I would avoid those Delta 8 disposibles/carts that you get in NYC. A majority of them contain heptane (listed in the ingredients), which is literally gasoline. 

I get my vapes from Sun State Hemp - the ingredients are pure and lab tested.…


"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Isaiah_53_5 💎🙌💎🙌💎

I vape THC Delta 8 as it is legal where I live and my building doesn't allow smoking. It's pretty meh compared to bong hits. I miss bong hits. 

You are very into diet and physical fitness, so I am surprised that you vape.


Isaiah_53_5 💎🙌💎🙌💎

I vape THC Delta 8 as it is legal where I live and my building doesn't allow smoking. It's pretty meh compared to bong hits. I miss bong hits. 

You are very into diet and physical fitness, so I am surprised that you vape.

“Vaping remains one of the least harmful cannabis consumption methods. Research proves it.”

“Vaporizing for me is something I support,” says Dr. Macias.“…

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee


"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

The Pharma Guy

What's the other 8%?

MCT Oil and Vitamin E

”What I loved about the Sun State Hemp Delta-8 vapes is the healthy additives inside. The vape is suspended in an oil formulation that contains MCT oil and Vitamin E. Get you some medium-chain triglycerides! They are good for you. Ask anyone who follows a keto diet.

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble antioxidant that helps keep your cells healthy and remove free radicals. Free radicals cause cellular mutations that contribute to the development of chronic diseases like cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, and other health conditions. I regularly use MCT and Vitamin E, and I liked that they were formulated into the Delta-8 vape oil. MCT also helps cannabinoids absorb rapidly into the bloodstream.”…

Medical content reviewed by Dr. Joseph Rosado, MD.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Yeah it’s not ideal - I actually get mad when I see kids doing it and will sometimes yell at them. Probably doesn’t do much, but better than nothing imo.

They’re getting addicted to a substance for no reason


It's definitely pretty bad for you, people are starting to realize it - vaping has finally started to fall off massively in the US in the last year or two, mostly after a few highly publicized incidents with lung injuries right before COVID. That amount of nicotine is also just not good either. FDA has cracked way down too, no flavored vapes which were the real draw and they are trying to get even regular menthol ones off the market (Juuls were banned for a day or two last week, they got a temporary stay though).

Think even socially it's starting to become less "cool" - every FT analyst used to vape in the office without anyone even glancing, and now if someone's sneaking vape hits at their desk they definitely get some side-eye.


I usually chalk things like this (vaping, binge drinking, impulsive / addictive actions) up to escapism. My general belief is that the most recent generations are a bunch of fucking pussies and can’t handle hardship, stress, anything mildly difficult, so they turn to forms of escape and allow themselves to become addicted thinking that it will help them cope. (Surprise - it doesn’t and they still suck)

“Bestow pardon for many things; seek pardon for none.”

Perhaps I need to make myself clear. This current generation does not have much of anything to be coping from. Yeah, WW2 was a global threat and probably traumatizing to every person linked to it in any which way, not to mention those who actually fought or even had loved ones overseas. 

That is so incredibly different than what we have right now. Even taking the pandemic into account. 

If you think I’m just an old person shitting on a younger generation, re my title. Literally born in the late ‘90s and I’m talking about the generation I am part of. 

“Bestow pardon for many things; seek pardon for none.”
CRE Finance

I usually chalk things like this (vaping, binge drinking, impulsive / addictive actions) up to escapism. My general belief is that the most recent generations are a bunch of fucking pussies and can't handle hardship, stress, anything mildly difficult, so they turn to forms of escape and allow themselves to become addicted thinking that it will help them cope. (Surprise - it doesn't and they still suck)

I’m sure it has nothing to do with housing prices quadrupling over the last decade while wages went up 10%


I get that some of the financial aspects today's generation has to deal with can be stressful, I'm not going to say things are easy; that'd be ignorant. but I'm not really sure this necessitates a need to cope or utilize escapism.

“Bestow pardon for many things; seek pardon for none.”

From any material respect, it's dope to be in this generation.  Have it way better than every other generation in the history of man.  It comes at the cost of being surrounded by a bunch of annoying pussies who have it so good that they invent existential crises to breathlessly bitch about. 

You could not scoop up a bunch of random Millenials and Gen Z'ers, successfully take the beaches of Normandy and push through occupied France into Germany, while simultaneously fighting the Japanese for every inch of a series of hellacious jungle islands.  Some generations are better than others.  The Greatest Generation is better than the Millenials or Gen Z.  Gen X was better than the Boomers.  The Millenials & Gen Z are going to give the Boomers a run for their money as shittiest generation.

I come from down in the valley, where mister when you're young, they bring you up to do like your daddy done

IMO anything that's not air is probably bad for your lungs, and the negative impact is probably related to how much you're consuming. I wouldn't be surprised if people who vape every now and then were just fine, but I would be surprised if there are no serious negative impacts on people who vape constantly

I knew a guy who taped 3-4 Juuls together into a "harmonica" to increase dosage, and have other friends who effectively always have one Juul charging and another in use since (often waking up multiple times per night to vape)

IMO a big problem with vapes is that they're so easy to use constantly compared to other forms of tobacco. Kind of like how chain smoking is orders of magnitude worse than an occasional cigar (higher frequency with lower magnitude harm product can add up to more than lower frequency with higher magnitude harm product)

It gets even worse when you consider the counterfeit products high schoolers were often using a few years ago


Many Hospitals use Volcanos for vaping - it’s healthy.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

My buddy and I had a volcano back in the day when that was all the rage, before the ubiquity of vapes and oil. It was sweet

Yeah Volcanos are legit. Very healthy too.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

The danger in vaping is additives in vape pens. 

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

I guess vaping is the new way some young people try to fit in socially into society.  Young people tend to have a high risk tolerance and because vaping does not seem like an immediate threat to their health, it seems like an okay thing to do.  It is hard to think long term when you are young but you should try to learn from the mistakes of others. When I was a kid a long time ago, everyone in my family smoked cigarettes, except my parents.  My grandfather smoked 2-3 packs per day and eventually died of lung cancer.  It was a terrible experience watching this strong guy go through chemotherapy.  When he started smoking, probably as a kid, the dangers of cigarette smoke were not as well documented as they are today.  I could make a similar comment about vaping. 


if you think lighting up oil and plastic from companies with virtually no safety regulations and inhaling that into your lungs is benign I've got a bridge to sell you

if you're going to smoke pot, smoke flower (less processed) and be ready for potential negative health effects (while it doesn't appear to be as bad as cigarettes, there's likely some level of harm above 0)

if you're going to smoke tobacco, just know what you're getting yourself into

vaping isn't lindy, we can't say for sure whether it's good or bad, but what I can say is that if you're sticking a flash drive in your lips multiple times a day I sincerely hope you break the habit


if you think lighting up oil and plastic from companies with virtually no safety regulations and inhaling that into your lungs is benign I've got a bridge to sell you

if you're going to smoke pot, smoke flower (less processed) and be ready for potential negative health effects (while it doesn't appear to be as bad as cigarettes, there's likely some level of harm above 0)

if you're going to smoke tobacco, just know what you're getting yourself into

vaping isn't lindy, we can't say for sure whether it's good or bad, but what I can say is that if you're sticking a flash drive in your lips multiple times a day I sincerely hope you break the habit

With 420, the better bong you have, usually the more smoke it filters out. 

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

never done it but I wouldn't pick up the habit if you're not already smoking. like if you're smoking a pack a day, yeah a pipe is probably better, but from nothing to smoking? nah

what is lindy is smoking occasionally as part of a ceremony, it's unclear to me if habitually smoking was done in ancient cultures. so the one thing we can say for sure is smoking plants occasionally is lindy, but idk that a habit is lindy

for me? I smoke maybe 2 cigars a month, and the ceremony is my father in law and I discussing sports, italian food, woke culture, and fart jokes. v lindy


Anybody can chime in on how a lot of people in France smoke?  Seems like they live normal lives without too much health consequences. Wondering if there are other data points to consider. 


Anybody can chime in on how a lot of people in France smoke?  Seems like they live normal lives without too much health consequences. Wondering if there are other data points to consider. 

It’s a cultural thing. 

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

The cigarettes over seas are much different in terms of the added chemicals in them. I'm not exactly sure if that's regulatory force or just societal preference that’s molded itself as demand


Novel post. Critical thinking game super strong.

Answer: Unlikely to be proven as an optimal addition to a balanced, healthy lifestyle.

Sidenote -- pretty sure these mythic cigarette smokers still exist, and continue to outnumber those who vape (not supported by data; only a guess). Maybe we should try to save them. Oh wait, we did that and they said thank you, but no thank you. We could do better with vapers. Oh wait, there is actually little/no chance we do better. I'll keep the long tail in play, but it's a no unless completely banned. Give it half a decade more, and we'll walk by a vaper the same way we currently (or used to when we cared) walk by a smoker. 

However, you watch closely for the moment the three-letter agencies begin to aid the efforts of the Canadian Contras' Juul trafficking operations if the ban takes hold. The 1980s on repeat. Main difference? The intended target: the Caucasians who could be doing perfectly well, but...aren't, for whatever reason(s)? Post-COVID plight reigns supreme in their forever-darkened worlds. We're on the verge of mass Pod raids, Vape Gods calling shots on the corner, you name it. Syndicate this dystopian mini-series now; thank me later. 


I just think it’s bizarre that of all the more pressing of issues in the US, even within the scope of power of the FDA, they randomly choose to go after nicotine in a prohibition like manner. Especially in the midst of a fertilizer shortage given our sanctions against Russia. Good ol’ big brothers got your back!


The anti vape is all deep state reaction (with support from Karens) as they securitized all of their tobacco settlement receivables which are drying up due to the conversion to vape. We need more variety of vapes not less - to include DPT, DMT, Salvia Divanorum 10x extract, and 5-Meo-DMT

Pio nono

The anti vape is all deep state reaction (with support from Karens) as they securitized all of their tobacco settlement receivables which are drying up due to the conversion to vape. We need more variety of vapes not less - to include DPT, DMT, Salvia Divanorum 10x extract, and 5-Meo-DMT

I think the main issues behind the regulators going after vaping and Juul are the unknowns and related lack of disclosure.  I am not a big fan of banning Juul but they need to make it crystal clear as what the potential detrimental effects might be on a person's health.  I really do not know enough about it but I assume the disclosures may not be adequate.  



Vaping become really popular, and it's hard not to wonder about the long-term effects, especially with the high nicotine levels. I've been following the debates about it, and honestly, it's a bit of a gray area since there's still so much we don't know about the long-term health impacts.

I vape, but it is 0% Nicotine. The hazards are the additives they add to it to make it taste better or smoke cloud better. Look for companies that produce the vapes with 0% additives. 

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

I get the concerns – the rise was swift, and who knows what the long-term effects might be.

The nicotine levels do raise some eyebrows, and you've got a point about the potential unknowns. It's always a bit nerve-wracking when we're in uncharted territory health-wise.

Your once-a-month approach sounds responsible! Wondering, has anyone dug into how much nicotine is in a vape? Let's share some insights and keep each other in the loop on this evolving landscape.


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Fugit rerum explicabo corrupti veritatis recusandae. Quia eos excepturi praesentium saepe. Accusamus consectetur reprehenderit possimus modi consectetur veniam. Aspernatur tempore nihil et eum. Quas est pariatur et magnam esse.

Quia minus quia assumenda quibusdam. Quo reiciendis repudiandae blanditiis ut velit enim non id. Sed voluptas aliquid voluptates rerum corrupti excepturi. Dignissimos vel quo aut quia ad vitae ut. Quas occaecati necessitatibus nemo aut.


Saepe rerum alias impedit beatae. Vero fugiat omnis ipsum vero recusandae harum saepe. Perspiciatis nam velit nihil in dolores fugiat molestias. Libero similique ullam voluptatum odit vel quidem. Qui tempore amet sint. Placeat nesciunt rerum est minus.

Eius molestiae quia omnis accusantium ut eaque impedit molestias. Odio quod consequatur eum ipsum facere qui consectetur nihil. Occaecati quam accusamus aliquam doloremque. Unde nam autem aut modi id esse unde.

Non sed voluptatem accusamus temporibus pariatur libero repellat. Vel molestiae distinctio sit. Sit ut et facilis veniam possimus sunt et.

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