What do you splurge on?

It seems like lately there have been more posts about saving money and how to accomplish fiscal responsibility. That's nice and all, but everyone splurges on something, no matter how fiscally conservative they are. I happen to think a topic like this would be a lot more interesting than eating rice for every meal to save money.

I personally splurge on an expensive gym membership next to my office, even though I have a pretty sufficient one in my apartment building. The convenience and amenities (I have a locker and they do my laundry, the steam room, basketball courts, etc. despite being in an urban area) make me much more likely to be consistent with my gym routine, so the expensive price tag every month is completely worth it to me. There are also pretty awesome networking opportunities there, so perhaps that's another way I justify it. Other things I splurge on would be travel, but I think that's a pretty standard thing for everyone.

So, what do you all like to splurge on?


honestly, the only reason my house even has TP is cause i have a wife. if i lived alone, i wouldnt even buy it. ive been washing my asshole exclusively since a young age.

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad. https://arthuxtable.com/

One of the wealthier self-made individuals I know (childhood best friend's father) once told me that "he didn't amass wealth buying expensive toilet paper". I don't think he meant explicitly toilet paper, but the underlying sentiment stuck with me...

I'll admit though, I only buy Charmin extra soft. The downside of cheap TP far outweighs the cost save.


some craft brews seem like scams. like they charge $10-15 for a 6er of some test sh*t they whipped up that isn't good or interesting. lot of get rich quick guys in the biz now


doesn't matter what you're smoking on xanx and dude do they even make bad weed? everyone keeps bragging how good their weed is. im over here having to fucking make my own hippie ass 70s low-thc weed cause all this modern day shit just makes you retarded. you know who has bad weed? italy they have "light weed" they legalized weed with THC content below 0.6% for "scientific purposes" so there are shops everywhere that sell low ass THC weed and no prerolls and these fucking little italian wannabe streetwear fashionista teenagers run around blowing clouds of their garbage made-up ass baby weed i have a client - this rich old cuban guy. he told me once he won't do business with an italian. at the time, i thought, well that's kinda shitty. now i get it.

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad. https://arthuxtable.com/

Really, the biggest “splurge” you can think of is a ~$150 per month gym membership??? I almost forgot I was even paying for mine until now..


damn get a load of this fucking big baller shot caller losing track of $150 expenses shit dawg0 you got gold trousers too or what

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad. https://arthuxtable.com/

A lot of people in finance tend to spend a lot of money on expensive clothes for work. While I don't buy cheap clothes for work, I don't buy particularly expensive clothes (except shoes). However, I do spend a lot more $ on fashionable street clothes for outside of work. Maybe it is different for those in more client facing roles but I honestly do not give a flying fuck if my coworker notices my hermes tie or some other meaningless branded status symbol. I'm a huge fan of high-fashion casual and/or 'going out' clothing. Spending a lot of money on clothes I sit at a desk in next to the same people day in and day out seems excessive.


Interesting thought - I am the exact opposite. I splurge quite a bit on work clothes and buy most of my casual stuff from places like Gap or Club Monaco (usually on sale). I always thought, pound for pound, you get more when you pay up for formal wear. Like, you could spend $200 to get a good made to measure shirt or $400 for a great bespoke shirt that will flatter your unique body shape. You could easily spent more money on a casual shirt and look like a slob because its never going to fit you as well as something made for your measurements.

Same goes for shoes too I think. Don't get me wrong - Lanvin sneakers look fantastic but for that price you could get a goodyear welted shoe made using top quality full grain leather from a reputed Northampton shoemaker.

Interesting thought - I am the exact opposite. I splurge quite a bit on work clothes and buy most of my casual stuff from places like Gap or Club Monaco (usually on sale). I always thought, pound for pound, you get more when you pay up for formal wear. Like, you could spend $200 to get a good made to measure shirt or $400 for a great bespoke shirt that will flatter your unique body shape. You could easily spent more money on a casual shirt and look like a slob because its never going to fit you as well as something made for your measurements.

Sure. You have to know how to shop for yourself. But part of the magic of designer clothing is that the cutting tends to flatter almost any body type. It's hard to look like a slob buying designer clothing. You also can get a lot more unique looking casual clothing when you buy designer. I get that bespoke shirts are great for fit but I also care about the uniqueness factor. Nothing crazy or out there but I have found that a lot of the casual designer clothing that I own friends and strangers will ask me "hey that's a really cool xyz, where did you get it?". I also may have a different perspective because I kind of hate looking like a 'finance guy' on my off time. Having a custom made dress shirt is great and all but I almost never wear a collared shirt outside of the office. I think men (at least on the east coast) have collectively decided that the casual/going out uniform is a button down slim fit shirt with the sleeves rolled up and dark jeans. The best dressed people, in my opinion at least, are those who can look just as presentable and put together without adhering to this unwritten uniform.


food...love to eat. never would give up my gym membership - $90/month which some may consider high. otherwise my rent is low, i hate shopping, and i dont booze at the bars 3x per week like i used


Really depends on what the splurge is. Currently as a lowly analyst, not much of that happening.

Associate goals: Spacious / modern apartment in a luxury high-rise (I like battery park area). Lease S-550. Side note is that I'm in a two income household. Car would be more of a weekend toy, as it's entirely unnecessary in Manhattan.

Side question: The S-550 probably struck a lot of people as unusual / outlandish. Even in the preftige dripping WSO, even in the "desired cars" threads, I never hear anyone drop the S-bomb. Is it because most bankers are more frugal than to drop 1k+ on a lease, or are people not enjoying Benz's like they used to?

Side question: The S-550 probably struck a lot of people as unusual / outlandish. Even in the preftige dripping WSO, even in the "desired cars" threads, I never hear anyone drop the S-bomb. Is it because most bankers are more frugal than to drop 1k+ on a lease, or are people not enjoying Benz's like they used to?
Kind of an old man car, don’t you think?

That was my sense, too. To impress your immigrant parents because in the old country government officials all drive black s-classes stolen in Germany.

Side question: The S-550 probably struck a lot of people as unusual / outlandish. Even in the preftige dripping WSO, even in the "desired cars" threads, I never hear anyone drop the S-bomb. Is it because most bankers are more frugal than to drop 1k+ on a lease, or are people not enjoying Benz's like they used to?

Did anyone even question it before you posted this? Is this even an edit or was it in your original post?

Commercial Real Estate Developer

Can confirm. Had a couple friends growing up whose dads owned them, and while they truly are one of the most comfortable drives, being a passenger in them is otherworldly (though I have yet to try a Phantom I imagine its even more so, and I prefer the S over the Mulsanne).


Screens, pfft bro it's all about working in VR these days. VR on excel bro, Everyone at work thinks im crazy when I hook up but I dish my models out faster than Iron man puts his suit on.

Quand on veut, on peut.

I want to get some Browns for work. I have a cherry blue’s at home.

The answer to your question is 1) network 2) get involved 3) beef up your resume 4) repeat -happypantsmcgee WSO is not your personal search function.
My PC. Not dealing with these pre-built pleb computers. Top of the line GPU and CPU, tempered glass case, RGB fans all over, 16 GB ram, 10 TB storage, flashy AF LEDs all over, 1440p monitor, mechanical keyboard.

A nerds gaming paradise.

How much did this run you? Guessing 600-800 excluding peripherals. I’m thinking of putting together one of these setups just for the hell of it. Did it when I was younger, definitely badass


If it's actually top of the line, 600-800 is way low. I'm not as up to date on the parts I was a couple years ago, but I'd guess around 700 for GPU, 500 for CPU, 200 for mobo, 200 for case, 200 for RAM, 200 for a good power supply, 150 or so for fans, and assuming he has a 1TB SSD and the rest in hard drives, like 300-400 for storage. So for his setup minus peripherals, like 2500, but 600-800 is easily doable, you can build a solid PC with that much.


Whilst passing away, no one has ever said "I regret travelling so much."

As such, If I died tomorrow, I will be content and (slightly) smiling, knowing I've seen the world, it's cities, countries, continents, and islands in (near) entirety.

May I rest in peace, whenever, wherever and however my end will inundate my existence..


weed, weird exercise equipment, and supplements and mushrooms and shit off amazon and ebay

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad. https://arthuxtable.com/

They get pricey, man. It's mostly how frugal I am about everything else though

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad. https://arthuxtable.com/

I always wanted a sub (I grew up ogling my father's 16613). An 116613 is a bit tough to wear daily (imo) but I wanted something more unique than the typical black dial. The day the AD called and told me there was a hulk available and I was at the top of the list, I jumped on it- they're impossible to find at AD's these days.

And yea I bet the wait for the SS pepsi is going to be insane. I think the new full everose GMT they released was the nicest looking one!


Not me, but I knew a guy whose "splurge" was socks. Yes, socks. He would only wear brand-new, unwashed socks out of the package, for one wear, and then he would donate them.

Not what I would pick, but fairly harmless in the grand scheme of things.

"Son, life is hard. But it's harder if you're stupid." - my dad

I splurge on travel every year (but still save every month) in the past few years ive been to (bearing in mind im from the UK), Orlando, Miami, New york x 2, LA, Vegas, San Fran, South of France, Croatia, Thailand (Bangkok down to the Islands), Ibiza x 2

Clothes, both work and casual. My casual wear is usually all Reiss or Cos, and work wear is usually Boss. And also books, but I tend to pick them up second hand on amazon.

Edit: Also i'm not cheap on things that will last a while like glasses and sunglasses (oliverpeoples) and i bought a mountain bike too.


When I was a PE associate I splurged pretty heavily on clothes, but nowadays I spend almost nothing. Every year I take a few international trips but I don't spend particularly lavishly on them. My biggest splurge lately was my home combined with some of the furnishings. I'm incredibly happy with my purchase but wow was it a mental blow making a large down payment and staring at a massive mortgage. It has definitely changed my perspective on how I spend my money.

CompBanker’s Career Guidance Services: https://www.rossettiadvisors.com/

If I splurge, I'll do so in order of importance: 1.) Personal Health / Diet / Fitness 2.) Education 3.) Housing 4.) Transportation

But currently I'm putting +60% of my income into savings and it feels great.

"A man can convince anyone he's somebody else, but never himself."

amen. are you new to the sport? the longer you fish, the more you'll become attached to a few pieces of equipment that you have really good stories with even if its not the best. i have a few abel reels that collect dust because I was gifted a few old school reels that remind me why I like the sport so much- the heritage.


Private country club. It's not outrageous by any means but the golf course is a golden age course. Certainly doesn't go cost neutral over time to public play. The convenience of a private clubhouse, locker room, dining, and free-roaming golf course / practice facilities is unmatched to any daily fee track.


A few little things: - Food: both at restaurants and when grocery shopping, I love eating amazing food. I would easily pay a bit more for a great cut of meat or freshly baked bread than cheaper options to save some money - Watches: this may be very personal because I'm a huge watch enthusiast but there is no cheap for me and watches. I will wait and save for a 50K limited edition Lange than go straight for the steel + gold Rolex when I have the money. - Travel: when I stay in places it doesn't have to be a Four Seasons as you can find many good hotels for slightly less, but the flying there makes a big difference; if possible upgrade to first or business class


Which Lange is that? I'm looking to get the Moon Phase Lange 1, which is about the same price range.

Cash and cash equivalents: $138,311 Financial instruments and other inventory positions owned: $448,166

Travel: we love to travel, but the time is tougher to come by than the money. So no more budget travel, doing it up when we have the time has become commonplace.

Food/Restaurants: We love trying new restaurants, so moving through the best places in NY has been a goal of ours. Dropping a few hundred a meal (a few places are more than that, but you have to space those out) every week or two seems like a ton, but again it's one of the few things my wife and I make time for together that's expensive. Otherwise it's just chilling together with our dog.

Building with amenities. Having a concierge who handles housekeepers, dry cleaning, laundry, dog walkers, etc is a fucking life saver if both partners have demanding jobs.

As a side note, you mentioned networking at your gym. I know you said it has some country club amenities, but I really fucking hate when people talk to me when I'm working out. Don't interrupt a dudes set to talk about his firm.

Having someone who handles housekeepers, dry cleaning, laundry, dog walkers, etc is a fucking life saver
Spending money on services like this is the best type of thing to blow money on. It literally makes your life better and is much more enjoyable than stuff. It gives you more time, which is the most valuable thing you can buy.
Having someone who handles housekeepers, dry cleaning, laundry, dog walkers, etc is a fucking life saver
Spending money on services like this is the best type of thing to blow money on. It literally makes your life better and is much more enjoyable than stuff. It gives you more time, which is the most valuable thing you can buy.

100% agreed. Within reason, spending money on freeing up time and/or maximizing comfort during your free time, is almost always worth it. You get way more utility out of that than you do out of expensive cars/clothes/etc.


Business class airline tickets on top tier airlines (Qatar/Cathay/Singapore/etc., no way in hell am I flying 8-across business on United or one of Delta's tiny 767s) and domestically whenever the price premium makes sense (it's so nice having a lie-flat bed on a LAX-NYC red-eye when you have work the next day), I splurge on hotels every once in a while (club level room at the Ritz Carlton Singapore was just amazing), and 3-4/week "boutique fitness classes", ie. SoulCycle and [Solidcore]. We also do some expensive dinners but honestly we eat cheap pho most of the time so that kinda washes out. Otherwise, just saving up for MBA/firm equity down the road.

I wear smoking slippers to work

Personal preference - spinning is a sprint workout at 100% capacity, whereas outdoor cycling is endurance 80% - I prefer running for endurance.

I wear smoking slippers to work

CX very recently had fares between Chicago and the Maldives for $2,400 ish, probably could include a stopover for $100 on that too. It's not hard to book top notch business products to Asia for sub $3k now-a-days. Flyertalk is an amazing resource.

I wear smoking slippers to work

One a month, an indulgent dinner with a friend: no price cap on the wine list. Every few months, I might buy a couple of new clothes - I keep an ongoing "wishlist", and I'll dip into that. Could be a watch, headphones, whatever really. My most recent splurge was at a watch auction: bought myself a 1950s Omega.

"Work is the curse of the drinking classes" - Oscar Wilde

Oh yeah, definitely a hot take waiting to happen. I would never change out vintage watches strap, somebody's grandpa wore that!

Cash and cash equivalents: $138,311 Financial instruments and other inventory positions owned: $448,166

My main/consistent splurges include quality liquors/wines for the home bar, quality weed, quality whole bean coffee, nice vacations, massages/spa stuff/lash extensions and live music/concerts/shows/hockey tickets.

I don't often buy myself jewelry, but a couple of years ago I spotted a gorgeous snake ring in rose gold and a range of different colored diamonds and tsavorites [green garnets] and so treated myself to a rare instance of blingy splurge.

I also occasionally splurge on certain clothing, shoes and boots - especially if hand-worked, embroidered and/or an interesting cut, style or fabric - recently I bought a stunning suede dress in pale gray.


I don't often buy myself jewelry, but a couple of years ago I spotted a gorgeous snake ring in rose gold and a range of different colored diamonds and tsavorites [green garnets] and so treated myself to a rare instance of blingy splurge.

Bvlgari Serpenti?

Cash and cash equivalents: $138,311 Financial instruments and other inventory positions owned: $448,166

you fucked up your timing immensely. im not at all against test. but youre doing it all wrong. you know in elite athletics, everyone is on gear. but one of the biggest mistakes a coach can make is getting excited about having great talent to work with and gearing them up too early. this cuts their career off at the knees. tragic. enjoy your titties, tittyboi

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad. https://arthuxtable.com/

Where does "splurging" end being an unintelligent consumer begin? You can have nice shit, but just do it smartly. Like Goldie, do you spend a lot on supplements and teas and bullshit on Amazon? Yes. Do you time it all so it's 15% off on subscribe & save and buy in bulk from the highest quality but lowest $/unit suppliers and keep bulb in your pantry in air-tight bags with pillow packs? Yes. Do you have two "luxury cars"? Yes. Did you buy them CPO with low miles and splurge on an extended warranty in December? Yep. Safest cars on the road too. Yep. Splurge on safety. Paying less for both than homeboy with the S-class is paying for his lease for sure. Do you have a sauna in your house? Yeah. But that only sounds like some hot shit. I got it on sale on Costco.com. Some of you have probably had bad months you spent more on liquor. Do you take a bunch of trips all the time? Yep. Do you have a smart wife who gets airfare for like less than half of going rate consistently and finds great AirBnB deals and sets up all your early check-in line-skipping situations? Yep. Rental properties with mortgages being paid by tenants while I reap the tax perks? Yep.

And electronics shit is like, can you even call it splurging? Like yeah I have a bigass TV. I bought it once when it was on sale and nobody is coming to take it from me. Nobody's taking all my speakers, computers, all that shit is paid for. And even the nicest electronics are what like a few hundred dollars? I remember I bought the very first Beats By Dre for like $400 when they came out. I was like 17 making $15/hour and selling a little weed. Thought I was hot shit. Now I only buy some $12 Panasonic earbuds - but they're the best shit on the market for under $15 - because just this month, I lost 3 pairs. Used to wear expensive sunglasses. I have a bag of free sunglasses from conventions and shit. Just wear those. Leave them around.

I don't know. I guess I'm lucky to not have expensive taste. I know a dude who races porsches and runs his companies just to fund that. He's into Porsches and he owns every tequila ever made. This dude has $10K bottles of liquor. Like, that does nothing for me. But I enjoy being like, yo how come my office doesn't have an old timey topographically accurate wooden globe? Go cop that shit on Amazon for like $60. I guess that's splurging.

I like to buy my wife shit. She grew up super frugal so she might have the money, but won't buy herself shit. So I'll buy her a nice camera or a cool coffee maker I see on an Insta ad. I'll buy my mom shit. I enjoy just sending shit to my mom's house if she so much as hints that she could use something. Like less than $100 or a couple hundred dollars type shit can make someone really happy. And like, I'm gonna wake up tomorrow and do the same shit regardless. I won't miss it.

I used to be a big proponent of leverage, but honestly, I've been getting drunk and putting thousands at a time to the mortgages and car notes lately. It makes me feel good. idk why. I guess cause fuck your interest. idk

I actually do not splurge on weed. I'll smoke an ounce in 3 days if I have it. I buy like a quarter at a time. And my wife holds onto secret emergency weed for me she keeps hidden from me for me.

idk. Whatever food you want, whatever you wanna smoke or drink. Maybe I'm lucky to not have very expensive taste. But I can walk around a new city with my wife buying whatever the fuck I want all day and only spend like $300 and it feels like splurging to me because I spent the majority of my life living super frugally. I see some vintage silk shirts with the crazy patterns, you know goldie conna cop. I've been into dope hawaiian shirts for a few years, but on this last trip, I fell in love with vintage crazy pattern silk sportshirts. got pics if anyone is interested. copped a few. gonna cop more. also plaid pants. oh also we copped matching '80s tracksuits and wore that around. so yeah i guess i splurge on retarded outfits and then i just buy whatever else i want with planning and intelligence. i guess real baller shit is just pulling the trigger on literally anything you want with no research at all. but like, you can save thousands with a couple minutes of research and some planning a lot of times. so you really better make a lot to do that. but if you wanna do a little planning, you can live pretty nice.

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad. https://arthuxtable.com/

Used to be drugs.

Now it's fancy dinners and books. I know, what a nerd.

Currently: future neurologist, current psychotherapist Previously: investor relations (top consulting firm), M&A consulting (Big 4), M&A banking (MM)

The illicit kind =P

Currently: future neurologist, current psychotherapist Previously: investor relations (top consulting firm), M&A consulting (Big 4), M&A banking (MM)

Insulin, Zoloft, and the occasional Cialis are a huge splurge for me. I draw the line at my heart medications # YOLO # Lifeinsurance


I'm mad about high quality tea and always looking for new tastes. Sometimes I catch myself thinking that I spend too much money on it


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Nesciunt ut maiores dicta est enim. Cum qui quidem ut in velit aspernatur possimus. Consequuntur magni quis placeat libero qui ducimus.

Saepe quis enim nisi eos est exercitationem. Eum eligendi quia tempora. Libero blanditiis quo soluta. Eligendi itaque eligendi aut ea.

Et a sunt culpa id adipisci. Repellendus dolores architecto laboriosam praesentium ullam aliquam. Praesentium delectus autem quia.

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad. https://arthuxtable.com/

Quia voluptatibus officiis nemo accusantium dolore velit qui. Vitae cum voluptas ea rerum. Et perspiciatis est voluptatem adipisci. Ducimus qui quidem natus voluptatem autem reiciendis. Enim quis praesentium soluta voluptates expedita beatae.

Quia voluptatem quos omnis ullam quis. Libero et quod sint maiores rerum eligendi ut. Vel magnam eaque nobis libero.

Sapiente est nihil aspernatur earum. Et unde odio soluta quod dolore. Voluptatem animi tempore vitae. Dolores animi doloribus dolor ut tempora qui ipsam consequuntur. Quia ad ea repellendus quia.

Ut vitae illo voluptas. Et molestias sit dolores cum corporis doloremque. Autem et iste sed rerum. Non temporibus molestiae iure aliquam. Aut aut tempore voluptatibus nisi. Necessitatibus doloribus quia aliquid voluptatem fugiat consequatur. Et deleniti molestias ipsam adipisci quia. Aut quaerat autem illo nam voluptatibus enim unde.


Numquam totam aut quia hic non provident. Et maxime eum est repellat. Aut quasi expedita voluptas laboriosam. Aut similique accusantium sint fuga nihil. Ut sint sint omnis est est. Expedita necessitatibus voluptas quaerat minima.

Eligendi voluptatem delectus quam modi quisquam provident delectus quia. Ut adipisci non omnis ut voluptas. Qui ipsum blanditiis nihil reprehenderit facere minima est. Omnis debitis officiis vel. Provident ut consequuntur quo praesentium est nostrum iste.


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Quis repellendus asperiores non repudiandae. Dolorum suscipit harum voluptates voluptatem. Voluptates blanditiis assumenda nihil perspiciatis placeat.

Et ipsa fuga quo debitis vel qui. Consectetur consectetur molestiae qui qui nisi. Unde sit tenetur modi.

Blanditiis alias repellat id illum. Delectus illum porro tenetur maiores aperiam in debitis veritatis. Rerum cumque ut qui exercitationem similique.


Quae tempore nam dolor exercitationem neque. Ut sed natus ut eos.

Ducimus recusandae omnis in minima. Nemo distinctio tenetur nemo.

Autem suscipit iusto doloribus autem rem placeat est. Maxime omnis qui officia eligendi ad nobis. Laudantium distinctio ut enim dolor est voluptatem. Et ipsum corporis eligendi est. Aliquid placeat sed eveniet in sunt odio exercitationem. Ipsum eos aut quia nostrum asperiores.

Natus odio et sit corporis quisquam ipsa necessitatibus. Recusandae repellat dignissimos eos qui ab et.

Career Advancement Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 01 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 17 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 19 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 01 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (22) $375
  • Associates (94) $260
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (206) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (150) $101
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