Average Revenue Per Paying User (ARPPU)

The average amount of cash you generate from a single paying customer during a specific period.

Author: Ahmed Fagiry
Ahmed Fagiry
Ahmed Fagiry
Reviewed By: Matthew Retzloff
Matthew Retzloff
Matthew Retzloff
Investment Banking | Corporate Development

Matthew started his finance career working as an investment banking analyst for Falcon Capital Partners, a healthcare IT boutique, before moving on to work for Raymond James Financial, Inc in their specialty finance coverage group in Atlanta. Matthew then started in a role in corporate development at Babcock & Wilcox before moving to a corporate development associate role with Caesars Entertainment Corporation where he currently is. Matthew provides support to Caesars' M&A processes including evaluating inbound teasers/CIMs to identify possible acquisition targets, due diligence, constructing financial models, corporate valuation, and interacting with potential acquisition targets.

Matthew has a Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Business Administration and a Bachelor of Arts in German from University of North Carolina.

Last Updated:May 24, 2024

What Is The Average Revenue Per Paying User (ARPPU)?

The Average Revenue Per Paying User, or ARPPU, is the average amount of cash you generate from a single paying customer during a specific period. Customers could pay for your services through subscribing, downloading, or in-app purchases. 

This article is written to cover the definition and the difference between ARPPUARPU, and ARPDAU.

In addition, it will cover its formula, how to calculate it, and three common mistakes people make when calculating it. It will also cover factors that will impact this KPI and why it is important, as well as five ways to enhance it.

This metric doesn't involve customers who don't pay for your services even though they are engaging with them through free downloads, trial periods, or limited feature usage. Instead, it is usually used by mobile application businesses to identify their valuable users.

It is usually a very accurate metric to generate as it needs to differentiate between customers or users who pay on different plans, for instance, those who pay annually versus quarterly. 

The value of this metric is not only to identify those who pay for your services but also to identify those who will need to see more tweaks and new features of your services with time to ensure their retention and loyalty to your product, service, and brand.

Key Takeaways

  • Average Revenue Per Paying User (ARPPU) is a key performance metric used by businesses, particularly those with subscription models or freemium services, to measure the average revenue generated from each paying customer over a specific period.
  • ARPPU provides insights into the spending behavior of users who make purchases and helps businesses understand their monetization effectiveness.
  • Higher ARPPU indicates that paying users are spending more on the company's products or services, which can be a positive sign of successful monetization and high customer value.
  • Lower ARPPU may suggest that paying users are spending less, indicating potential issues with pricing strategies or product value.

Why Is ARPPU Important

This metric is important for you to see how your products and services are positioned in the server market and how they're being adopted by the potential customers or users you are targeting. 

We could say that the importance of this metric can be mentioned in five points. Still, the actual value of this metric can vary from one business to another depending on the type of information they want to see and their strategic planning

Loyalty is one of the valuable insights you can extract from your ARPPU, as it will directly show you how many of your customers are constantly paying for your products or services. You can also target those paying customers to give them promotions and value-added services. 

In addition, it is important because it will demonstrate the value ratio for your products and services and at what price customers and users find your provided services valuable. This allows you to see if you need to increase your prices or lower them.

This metric is also important as it will indicate your company's financial performance and overall health. For instance, if your ARPPU is growing, your business is growing, and more customers find great value in what you provide.

On the other hand, if your ARPPU is hitting lower rates, this can mean that either your pricing is too high compared to the provided value or the problem it’s solving is not an actual problem but merely a trend that resolves itself with time. 

Moreover, this metric is important for you to validate the performance of your marketing and sales teams. The metric will demonstrate this achievement if these teams reach their targets and the targeted segments in your business plan.

Five Ways To Enhance ARPPU

There are 5 ways through which organizations can optimize their ARPPU. They are as follows:

  1. Increase your prices wisely. This approach will enhance your metric, but you need to avoid creating tension between you and your already paying customers unless you add new features or have a strong justification for this increase. 
    • Another approach to increasing prices is micro-increases. This will allow you to see the reaction of your already paying customers by causing major friction and enhancing this metric. 
  2. Identify major touch points that will allow you to attempt to up-sell. This involves inviting potential customers or users to upgrade their plans to higher-priced plans with more valuable features. 
    • You can also try to conduct a cross-sell action, in which you offer additional relevant products or services to your customers or users. 
    • In addition to up-selling or cross-selling, you can provide limited free trial plans for your products and services, which will require users or customers to sign up for these limited plans, which will require fees. 
    • The idea behind all these approaches is to study the behavior of your current customers and see where they are at a turning point in terms of prices, packages, and value and when they are willing to switch from their current plans to others. 
    • Moreover, it gives you insight into your potential customers or users, the key points they are looking for in your products and services, and the price they are willing to pay to be fully committed to acquiring them. 
  3. Another approach to enhancing your ARPPU is pitching your other products and services to your loyal customer base, who already pay for your services or products. Since they are already paying customers, they might be more willing to purchase more products from you.
  4. Focus on your top payers. This simply means those who have been paying for your products and services for a long period of time. They should have your attention so you can design promotions and special memberships for them. 
  5. Don't focus on customers or users with low growth potential. Instead, narrow down or segment your customer base and focus on those who will be valuable if you conduct a cross-sell or an up-sell action. This will positively impact your ARPPU. 

What Affects Your ARPPU

When we mention those two metrics, we need to understand their core source. These metrics tackle elements in the business that deal with the end user and their direct interaction with the product or services through their purchases. 

The first element that will impact your ARPPU is your prices. Your prices are one, if not “The” main element that will directly manipulate and impact your ARPPU. Low prices mean low ARPPU, which means slow growth in terms of infrastructure, expansion, and so on.

On the other hand, higher prices mean higher ARPPU, but you need to have a thorough understanding of your pricing in correlation with your customers' purchasing power. 

In addition, you need a thorough understanding of your future goals and growth. 

The second factor that will impact this metric is your customers and the value-added services in your packages. 

This means that even if you price your packages low, they should have crucial value or provide valuable features which can guarantee you a broad customer base.

Your customer base growth is a crucial factor if you decide to offer low prices for your products and services. Alternatively, you could provide value-added services that would be well-received by your existing customer base and bring in additional potential customers. 

You could categorize your customer base into different segments, meaning you could provide low-priced products and services to a segment and, simultaneously, high-priced products and services to another part. However, the value would differ from the features provided. 

As long as you understand the importance of your customer base and its growth, then you will realize its direct relation with your ARPPU. Simple adjustments in your prices and providing value to your customers will directly impact your ARPPU.   

Three Mistakes While Calculating ARPPU

When calculating our ARPPU and ARPU, a mistake can occur. This is because they both measure and calculate users' contribution to the aggregated revenue. Although they have relatively close names, they are different metrics and provide different results and information. 

ARPPU is counted as the monthly recurring revenue (MRR) divided by the total number of active paying customers. So, you need to focus on the keyword ‘Paying Customers’ who pay for features in your app or services, not only one-time subscribers or users. 

Contrary to ARPPU, Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) is measured or counted by dividing monthly Recurring Revenue / All users (paid + free). For instance, if you attract 200 customers, out of which 100 are paying users, your monthly recurring revenue is $4000.

So, your ARPU will be 4000/100 = $40.

This means one user brings you $40 per month.

To calculate your ARPPU, which is 4000/40 = $100, this means one paying customer brings you $100 per month. This is a major difference between both calculated values. Hence, if you are utilizing both ARPPU and ARPU, clarify that.

ARRPU = Total Revenue / Total users

People may consider the total revenue earned rather than monthly recurring revenue. But for subscription-based endeavors, monthly recurring revenue shows your business's actual performance.

In both cases, the total user count will always be greater than the paying. Therefore, the average Check and ARPPU are the same.

Moreover, one of the common mistakes businesses make when calculating ARPPU is taking the Average Check as ARPPU.

The result may not be unpleasant; hence it could mislead the business.

Average check = Revenue / Transactions

The Average Check is the average transaction value, and the number of transactions can’t be the number of paying customers. So, for example, if one customer regularly pays in a month, his number of transactions will not be taken in ARPPU but will be part of the Average Check calculation.

We could try to understand this with an example.

Imagine we have 100 users who pay $100 each, and then 20 of them again pay $20 each. In this case, the ARPPU will be (20 x $20 + 20 x $100)/100 = $24.

On the other hand, for the Average Check calculation, we will divide the revenue by the number of transactions, which is (100 x $24 + 20 x $100)/20 = $220


ARPPU focuses exclusively on paying customers and their contribution to the generated revenue, but it's not the only measure of users' contribution to the generated revenue. For example, there is ARPU and ARPDAU, which also measure this factor. 

What Is ARPU?

This term stands for 'Average Revenue per User,' and it measures the average paid cash or generated revenue by all the users of a service or all the downloads of an application. 

This metric, in its calculations, will include both types of users: those who pay for the service and those who did not pay. 


This is an abbreviation for 'Average Revenue per Daily Active User,' a metric that measures users' daily interactions or paid interactions with your services or application. 

This metric differs from ARPU and ARPPU in terms of the period it calculates users' contribution to revenue generated. 

The formula for ARPPU, ARPU, and ARPDAU & how to calculate them?


How to calculate it and its formula?

ARPPU is calculated once you have your total revenue and the number of paying users. To calculate your total revenue or monthly recurring revenue (MRR), you need to include your:

  • upgrade revenue 
  • existing paying users' revenue 
  • revenue earned from new subscriptions (Full price + non-zero discounted)
  • Normalize revenue on a monthly basis for annual/quarterly subscriptions 
  • Deduct revenue lost from downgrades and cancellations

Once you have these two factors, it will be easy to calculate the ARPPU by simply dividing them. 

How to calculate ARPU and its formula? 


The average revenue per user is simply calculated by calculating the yearly generated revenue or the annual generated revenue divided by the total customers or users you have during a month or a year. 

Contrary to ARPPU, to calculate your generated revenue for ARPU, you are not required to know the paying customers or users; you simply need to count all the users you have on a monthly or annual basis.

How to calculate ARPDAU and its formula?

Daily user

As ARPDAU calculates users who engage with your services or applications daily and generate revenue for your business daily, you need to count the number of users who use your services daily and make daily payments basis. 

Once you have this number, you will divide your total revenue by your daily active users to have your ARPDAU.

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