The WSO awards – Let’s make it happen!

A few months back, HarvardorBust suggested that we should do an annual WSO Posters Awards night to recognize those who have either helped, or set back the community in whatever way and while a lot supported the idea, after much fanfare it pretty much just died.

Well, I thought we should resurrect the matter to see how it works out this time around.

First off,

The Judges:

I agree with what Gekko21 said, assuming that they’re up to it; a nominations committee of around 10 to 20 of the top posters should be gathered. Who they are and how they’ll be chosen I leave to you.

The voting system:

Once again Gekko21 was right on the money on this.

“In addition to the panel discussing amongst themselves, ordinary users may post suggestions to the panel. Once the panel decides on the top5 for each category, everyone gets 1 vote regardless of if you are on the panel.”

I think this is great, but if you have other suggestions it would be very much welcomed.

The Host:

It would’ve been awesome if Blastoise or Happypantsmcgee could do this, but then again this would lead to formatting problems. Initially I thought this would be a great segment for NSFW, but that would also mean unnecessary work for the guys so I think we should keep things simple. Unless, of course they’re up to it.

And lastly...

The awards:

Most Thought Provoking Post

King of the Monkey Trainers (most helpful to new monkeys)

Best Rant of the Year

Troll of the Year

Top post about the Culture of Wall Street (kind of like a Monkey Business type thing--what working on WS is really like)

Most Bananas in a year

Most Silver Bananas in a Year

Most Monkey Shits of the year

WSO poster of the year (like Best Actor)

Best WSO Thread of the year

Best Trading Thread of the year

Best Banking Thread of the year

Craziest true story---not really about posters, but it would be nice to honor the Jeffrrey Chiang or KPMG moments that happen every year.

Most likely never to break in to finance

Most likely to become a BSD

Most SBs received on a single thread

Funniest troll (or post)

Most politically incorrect

Worst thread of the year

Those were simply the awards suggested, if you would like to add or subtract anything from the list then feel free to suggest.

We're already way behind for a 2010 awards night, so lets get this ball rolling.

Who do you want as our judges?

What else do you want to see?

Let's get this show on the road people.

Have a good one.

This is a great idea. I would add best success story of the year.

Military Pe wins that in a runaway...

The answer to your question is 1) network 2) get involved 3) beef up your resume 4) repeat -happypantsmcgee WSO is not your personal search function.
This is a great idea. I would add best success story of the year.

Agreed, will add to the list for sure.

I should be removed from the running--I only have the most active list because Patrick consolidated my old bananas from an old account.
You've earned your shit other ways. Take it and smile. success story for sure. Military straight to PE, damn son. Let them acknowledge your accomplishment, it's an inspiraton to all of us

Oh come on man, you've earned it.

@NR, Great job man, and I agree with D M here, 9 (assuming Patrick's in) would be more than enough. Frieds would be a great addition there though so lets make it an even 10?

[quote=Nouveau Richie]Funniest troll (or post) - The responses to the Dawn Boyer thread:…]

Haha! Hap, that 80's glamour girl line killed me. Thinking we should we add a best line award? Or do we have alot already?

People like Coldplay and voted for the Nazis, you can't trust people Jeremy

As long as there are silver banana trophies I'm happy. Oh, and I'm hoping its top 20 SB leaders as judges lol

I might be biased though.

looking for that pick-me-up to power through an all-nighter?

Though I would benefit most from using LIBOR's method, I think the most fair would be a composite of the Most Active, the Most Overall Bananas, and the Most SBs lists. Method goes as follows:

-Take the top 20 from each list.

Most Active:
happypantsmcgee 995 Military_PE_Guy 911 econ 689 ANT 652 rebelcross 578 UFOinsider 570 blackfinancier 430 monkeysama 423 txjustin 397 Nouveau Richie 385

IlliniProgrammer 368 D M 345 cphbravo96 344 Edmundo Braverman 336 Midas Mulligan Magoo 335 A Posse Ad Esse 324 heister 323 ivoteforthatguy 315 manbearpig 299 VanillaThunder12 230

Banana Leaders:
ANT 7382 Edmundo Braverman 6721 happypantsmcgee 4865 monty09 4126 IlliniProgrammer 3561 CompBanker 3376 drexelalum11 3332 3270 Midas Mulligan Magoo 3128 Marcus_Halberstram 2786

Jimbo 2554 cphbravo96 2474 Gekko21 2371 CaptK 2009 trade4size 1960 blastoise 1780 econ 1706 GoodBread 1696 monkeysama 1641 ideating 1601

SB Leaders:
ANT 555 Edmundo Braverman 383 CompBanker 320 happypantsmcgee 310 monty09 255 IlliniProgrammer 241 Marcus_Halberstram 225 Midas Mulligan Magoo 212 CaptK 192 cphbravo96 192

Nouveau Richie 172 drexelalum11 153 Gekko21 150 manbearpig 145 blastoise 113 rebelcross 112 Frieds 109 LIBOR 91 International Pymp 89 jhoratio 88

-Any user that is in the top 10 of all three lists is a judge: happypantsmcgee, ANT

-Next people to make the list are any users that appear in the top 10 of two lists and top 20 of a third: Edmundo Braverman, IlliniProgrammer, Midas Mulligan Magoo

-Next people to make the list are any users that are top 10 of two lists only OR top 10 of one list and top 20 in the other two. monty09, CompBanker, Marcus_Halberstram, cphbravo96

-Next is anybody on all three lists: ...

-Next is anybody in the top 10 of one list and the top 20 of one other list: CaptK, econ, rebelcross, monkeysama, Nouveau Richie, drexelalum11

-Final 6 spots are a wildcard between anyone who is on one top 10 list OR two top 20 lists: Military_PE_Guy, UFOinsider, blackfinancier, txjustin, manbearpig, Gekko21, blastoise

Admittedly a spot should also be reserved for Patrick should he so desire to participate.

Any thoughts?

“Millionaires don't use astrology, billionaires do”

^ cool

award for post that most clearly demonstrates intoxication and loss of judgment
I second this motion ^
Get busy living
award for post that most clearly demonstrates intoxication and loss of judgment
I second this motion ^

Lol. Thirded.

People like Coldplay and voted for the Nazis, you can't trust people Jeremy
Best Response

Are these LTM or Calendar year 2010 awards? I'm not gonna pay much attention to it for now. Here are some suggestions.

King of the Monkey Trainers (most helpful to new monkeys) - CompBanker

Best Rant of the Year - I don't know what the rant was or was about, but ANT probably said it

Troll of the Year - Eamon

Most Bananas in a year - happypanysmcgee

Most Silver Bananas in a Year - happypanysmcgee?

Most Monkey Shits of the year - Jerome Marrow or International Pymp

WSO poster of the year (like Best Actor) - happypantsmcgee

Most likely to become a BSD - Marcus_Halberstram

Most SBs received on a single thread - Not to self-promote, but probably me on the Regional Boutiques (IB) thread.

Funniest troll (or post) - The responses to the Dawn Boyer thread: //…

Worst thread of the year - The one where a new user named Venusaur tried to fight Blastoise (it got deleted though)

“Millionaires don't use astrology, billionaires do”
Nouveau Richie:
Worst thread of the year - The one where a new user named Venusaur tried to fight Blastoise (it got deleted though)

I wish I saw that one. haha

Men are so simple and so much inclined to obey immediate needs that a deceiver will never lack victims for his deceptions. -Niccolo Machiavelli
Nouveau Richie:
Troll of the Year - Eamon

I just finished reading that thread. It's hysterical. I kind of find it disappointing that no one called his BS sooner.

San Franciscan:
Why the fuck were you in Antarctica?

One of my uncles is a travel writer. My entire family did an Antarctic voyage via this adventure travel agency. I was like 12. I'll try to find the link if you're interested.


Men are so simple and so much inclined to obey immediate needs that a deceiver will never lack victims for his deceptions. -Niccolo Machiavelli

Co-sign the above.

I'll record my acceptance speech and post it as a video like NSFW

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford

Woah.... I am going to nominate myself as a Judge... While I like the idea of a collective of the Top 10, pick one list and go with that... Silver Bananas is arguably the fairest of the lists as its implicative of "user respect" so to speak, but that's just my take.


Just the first three categories should do it, 8 judges is more than enough, 9 if you include patrick.

"You stop being an asshole when it sucks to be you." -IlliniProgrammer "Your grammar made me wish I'd been aborted." -happypantsmcgee

Jorge, you never make it an even number. What you do is have 10 judges and have an 11th who serves to officiate and moderate tie breakers. My suggestion is that Patrick serves as the Tie Breaker.

Raj for troll of the year

I second that. I completely and totally second that, and if you haven't read the thread... let me introduce you to Raj. Never in my 3+ years on WSO, have I see this much hatred directed towards one person in one post. 14 Monkey shits thrown at him just for posting that. Hell, he had 46 total piles of crap thrown at him, all in that thread alone, and his -29 bananas says something.


Fun idea. We used to do this every year when I was more active in the motor sport forums a while back. We didn't have a nominations committee, though; we just made a poll of the nominees and let all the users vote on their favorite for the specified category.

We had more awards for specific users based on opinion and not points (SB's or Shit's) though:

Best New Registered User (Rookie of the Year) Funniest User Kindest User Favorite Moderator Most Thought-Provoking User Resident Curmudgeon Most Improved Most Controversial User etc.

And awards specific to the community interests (perhaps we can vote on big stories in finance and Wall Street since this is a finance board):

Best New Supercar Best New Trackcar Worst Design of the Year Best Grand Prix of the Year Ferrari or McLaren or Renault or Williams Audi or Peugeot Favorite F1 Driver etc.

I like the idea of doing this. It takes a LOT of time and effort to put together though but it's pretty fun to do.

In 1976, James Hunt broke the sound barrier through Eau Rouge only to retire before the event finished... following the race he had sex with three Belgian nurses at the clubhouse near La Source.
James Hunt:
Fun idea. We used to do this every year when I was more active in the motor sport forums a while back. We didn't have a nominations committee, though; we just made a poll of the nominees and let all the users vote on their favorite for the specified category.

We had more awards for specific users based on opinion and not points (SB's or Shit's) though:

Best New Registered User (Rookie of the Year) Funniest User Kindest User Favorite Moderator Most Thought-Provoking User Resident Curmudgeon Most Improved Most Controversial User etc.

And awards specific to the community interests (perhaps we can vote on big stories in finance and Wall Street since this is a finance board):

Best New Supercar Best New Trackcar Worst Design of the Year Best Grand Prix of the Year Ferrari or McLaren or Renault or Williams Audi or Peugeot Favorite F1 Driver etc.

I like the idea of doing this. It takes a LOT of time and effort to put together though but it's pretty fun to do.

I think everyone would agree that I am the kindest.

More is good, all is better

I am rofling at awards like "most improved" and "most likely to succeed" etc... it's like high school all over again.

Maybe we need a WSO yearbook?

Anyway I would love to see this as a NSFW episode, or at least as a massive awards thread.

Also I would like to make a motion that all the winners get a special DOLLA SIGN next to their name (like the gold star).

Wall Street leaders now understand that they made a mistake, one born of their innocent and trusting nature. They trusted ordinary Americans to behave more responsibly than they themselves ever would, and these ordinary Americans betrayed their trust.

Ha, this is great.

Category suggestions can be posted in this forum or in a special forum that we designate/create. We will have to give like a week or two period for other to make suggestions.

For vote counting there a few options: 1. Set up special account where people PM all of their selections 2. Set up special Gmail account where everyone emails their votes.

The key is to have an account that can be accessed by several users at once so that the voting board can have checks and balances when the full forum needs to be counted (deciding on the categories and nominees is easy since we just need to make a group). The committee would probably have 3-4 separate groups counting votes so that we can insure accuracy (all 4 groups should have the exact same numbers and any differences would need to be investigated by the committee). I would probably vote for the WSO account, but the Gmail account does provide an extra level of protection since in an email you are either an email or a name (no one can really tell who you are the site, even if we have your real name) where as WSO accounts we only know you by that username---your username is more real/meaningful to us than your actual name.

"Greed, in all of its forms; greed for life, for money, for love, for knowledge has marked the upward surge of mankind. And greed, you mark my words, will not only save Teldar Paper, but that other malfunctioning corporation called the USA."

Most Thought Provoking Post - definitely one of my posts

Troll of the Year - ME

WSO poster of the year (like Best Actor) - Definitely ME

Best WSO Thread of the year - my thread on prestige

Best Banking Thread of the year - my thread on GS TMT

Funniest troll (or post) - ME by far

Worst thread of the year - any thread without me


Devil's Advocate of the year: Monkeysama.

Valor is of no service, chance rules all, and the bravest often fall by the hands of cowards. - Tacitus Dr. Nick Riviera: Hey, don't worry. You don't have to make up stories here. Save that for court!
Am I a judge?

of course.

"Greed, in all of its forms; greed for life, for money, for love, for knowledge has marked the upward surge of mankind. And greed, you mark my words, will not only save Teldar Paper, but that other malfunctioning corporation called the USA."
Am I a judge?

monty, terribly sorry about that. I swear I remember writing you in on that list and if you look at my methods, it's clear that you should be. I'll fix it, you should definitely be a judge.

“Millionaires don't use astrology, billionaires do”

First off, who the fuck would ever google 'midwest quant hang gliding'?

Secondly, Eddie needs a life time achievement award.

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford
First off, who the fuck would ever google 'midwest quant hang gliding'?

Secondly, Eddie needs a life time achievement award.

Jesus Happy. Do you not understand sarcasm/irony AT ALL?

More is good, all is better
First off, who the fuck would ever google 'midwest quant hang gliding'?

Secondly, Eddie needs a life time achievement award.

Jesus Happy. Do you not understand sarcasm/irony AT ALL?

Do you? Clearly I was being deathly serious
If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford
First off, who the fuck would ever google 'midwest quant hang gliding'?

Probably 40 people googled this after reading the thread - myself included.

looking for that pick-me-up to power through an all-nighter?
First off, who the fuck would ever google 'midwest quant hang gliding'?

Google 'Margin Call Review' and see who shows up on the first page.

In 1976, James Hunt broke the sound barrier through Eau Rouge only to retire before the event finished... following the race he had sex with three Belgian nurses at the clubhouse near La Source.

Given all of the lists and basis for whom we are considering as Judges, I propose the following act as judges:

1) Eddie 2) Ant 3) Happypantsmcgee 4) Monty 5) IlliniProgramer 6) CompBanker 7) Gekko21 8) Midas 9) Myself 10) CaptK 11) Patrick - Serving as a Tie Breaker if we need it.

It offers a fairly well rounded list of well known and well respected posters within the WSO community that tend to be decently enough respected for their insight. I based the proposed list off of the Top WSO users list and the Silver Bananas board, as there are people who may not be able to post 300+ times in a 30 day period for whatever reason.The list was done in no particular order either, by the way.

If there are any issues with the proposed selection, lets work it out, otherwise lets ratify the list and have the judges set in stone.

Given all of the lists and basis for whom we are considering as Judges, I propose the following act as judges:

1) Eddie 2) Ant 3) Happypantsmcgee 4) Monty 5) IlliniProgramer 6) CompBanker 7) Gekko21 8) Midas 9) Myself 10) CaptK 11) Patrick - Serving as a Tie Breaker if we need it.

It offers a fairly well rounded list of well known and well respected posters within the WSO community that tend to be decently enough respected for their insight. I based the proposed list off of the Top WSO users list and the Silver Bananas board, as there are people who may not be able to post 300+ times in a 30 day period for whatever reason.The list was done in no particular order either, by the way.

If there are any issues with the proposed selection, lets work it out, otherwise lets ratify the list and have the judges set in stone.

Frieds, I think you're both excellent posters (certainly more helpful than myself), but if we're doing a 10 person format, the inclusion of you and Gekko21 seems illogical. Even if you remove the Most Recent posts as a valid list to compare from, Marcus_Halberstram, drexelalum11, and cphbravo all have more bananas and more SBs than both of you. If it's a matter of being certified, Marcus and cph are both starred as well. Furthermore, Marcus consistently writes content that gets published to front-page.

I'm aware that you have a specific group of friends on this site, but not having the above three guys instead doesn't make sense to me, I definitely think the topic needs further discussion.

“Millionaires don't use astrology, billionaires do”
Given all of the lists and basis for whom we are considering as Judges, I propose the following act as judges:

1) Eddie 2) Ant 3) Happypantsmcgee 4) Monty 5) IlliniProgramer 6) CompBanker 7) Gekko21 8) Midas 9) Myself 10) CaptK 11) Patrick - Serving as a Tie Breaker if we need it.

It offers a fairly well rounded list of well known and well respected posters within the WSO community that tend to be decently enough respected for their insight. I based the proposed list off of the Top WSO users list and the Silver Bananas board, as there are people who may not be able to post 300+ times in a 30 day period for whatever reason.The list was done in no particular order either, by the way.

If there are any issues with the proposed selection, lets work it out, otherwise lets ratify the list and have the judges set in stone.

Question now is (assuming we go with this list), are they actually interested in this? I know you, monty, gekko and hap are but we haven't heard from the others yet.

People like Coldplay and voted for the Nazis, you can't trust people Jeremy

Only thing about that list Frieds is that most people on that list are already established(working).... don't you think it would be good to at a college student or two..

Just a thought.

The answer to your question is 1) network 2) get involved 3) beef up your resume 4) repeat -happypantsmcgee WSO is not your personal search function.
Only thing about that list Frieds is that most people on that list are already established(working).... don't you think it would be good to at a college student or two..

Just a thought.

There is no such thing as WSO affirmative action, and there never will be so long as I'm around. Also, have you read some of the selected judge's posts (mine included), there is plenty of "college" representation.

"Greed, in all of its forms; greed for life, for money, for love, for knowledge has marked the upward surge of mankind. And greed, you mark my words, will not only save Teldar Paper, but that other malfunctioning corporation called the USA."
Only thing about that list Frieds is that most people on that list are already established(working).... don't you think it would be good to at a college student or two..

Just a thought.

There is no such thing as WSO affirmative action, and there never will be so long as I'm around. Also, have you read some of the selected judge's posts (mine included), there is plenty of "college" representation.


The answer to your question is 1) network 2) get involved 3) beef up your resume 4) repeat -happypantsmcgee WSO is not your personal search function.
Only thing about that list Frieds is that most people on that list are already established(working).... don't you think it would be good to at a college student or two..

Just a thought.

There is no such thing as WSO affirmative action, and there never will be so long as I'm around. Also, have you read some of the selected judge's posts (mine included), there is plenty of "college" representation.

This had me laughing my ass off!!

The above list of judges is spot on.

ThaVanBurenBoyz:'s this going to work without looking like a circle jerk amongst the judges (not that there is anything wrong with that /seinfeld)?

At least 6 of the proposed judges are deserving winners of various awards.

Judges only count votes and decide which five selections are chosen for each category. WSOers decide how much the judges get to circle jerk each other.

"Greed, in all of its forms; greed for life, for money, for love, for knowledge has marked the upward surge of mankind. And greed, you mark my words, will not only save Teldar Paper, but that other malfunctioning corporation called the USA."

NR, essentially, as judges we are just a bunch of glorified bean counters. Not that I am going to discount Marcus at all, but our main difference is that he posts more in terms of creating topics than I do. I prefer to comment and answer questions as opposed to him, who has made more topics than I do.

Yeah, we whittle it down by beancounting and then we propose the final ballot. Propose a life time achievement and special honors type awards and then we set up a survey to resolve who the winners are.

we should add... monkey of the year...
Was that an Obama joke?
If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford
^^^wow, speechless Happy
I'll take that as a compliment
If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford

Would like to further support the motion of adding: Marcus_Halberstram, drexelalum11, and cphbravo. I think they contribute a lot to this site. Unless they are not interested in this, but I really think they deserve to be in the group as much if not more than a couple peeps on the current list.

Would like to further support the motion of adding: Marcus_Halberstram, drexelalum11, and cphbravo. I think they contribute a lot to this site. Unless they are not interested in this, but I really think they deserve to be in the group as much if not more than a couple peeps on the current list.
motion seconded
Get busy living

Enim aut autem deserunt quos commodi et. Consequatur porro rerum aliquid. Neque vero quasi facilis consectetur. Rerum error magnam rerum et nulla ad consequatur. Velit laboriosam unde autem. Laudantium voluptatum doloribus esse nobis.

Hic repudiandae rerum dolorem sit nisi sapiente accusantium. Qui et deleniti ratione consequatur animi sapiente est est.

Odit expedita occaecati minus tempore natus amet aut. Quod aut dolorem nesciunt optio aut. Consequatur blanditiis dolorem nemo consequatur beatae dolorem enim eligendi. Et quis dolor ea provident.

Get busy living

Mollitia repudiandae et enim culpa esse totam. Enim repudiandae aut necessitatibus dolor. Odit praesentium maiores voluptatem aliquam. Ducimus alias quis tempore occaecati itaque perferendis at.

Sed porro quas cum quo. Ea eum hic est quibusdam. Quia distinctio doloribus voluptas quis consequatur praesentium impedit. Eos eius nesciunt quisquam aut cumque excepturi magnam. Dolores sint deleniti et harum deserunt ut quos eligendi. Sequi pariatur voluptate sapiente consequuntur dignissimos architecto ut ea.

- Capt K - "Prestige is like a powerful magnet that warps even your beliefs about what you enjoy. If you want to make ambitious people waste their time on errands, bait the hook with prestige." - Paul Graham

Cupiditate sit est veniam ducimus voluptate corporis esse. Eum dolorem quasi doloremque occaecati aliquid. Impedit reprehenderit molestiae consectetur possimus. Modi necessitatibus quis atque consequatur itaque voluptatem. Voluptatibus quo consequatur magnam repellendus voluptatibus laborum dolore.

Perspiciatis corporis rerum molestiae repellendus dolor voluptas voluptatibus. Odio voluptates ex suscipit inventore rerum. At non rem modi.

Voluptas quia quam possimus. Minima aliquid aliquid occaecati exercitationem numquam facilis quidem. Qui itaque dolorem reprehenderit nisi autem. Dolores aliquam in est quos.

"Greed, in all of its forms; greed for life, for money, for love, for knowledge has marked the upward surge of mankind. And greed, you mark my words, will not only save Teldar Paper, but that other malfunctioning corporation called the USA."

Ea quia culpa totam incidunt ipsam et voluptas. Nemo eos accusantium molestias odit non veritatis. Sunt fuga porro nihil maiores et quia.

Numquam adipisci laborum debitis in voluptatem officiis ducimus. Iusto est aperiam quia. Culpa quia quae perspiciatis repudiandae repudiandae nam ea. Autem quaerat consequatur nisi rem. Magni amet quia in error eum. Qui ea culpa et aut atque expedita laboriosam. Eveniet ab exercitationem et consequuntur voluptatem.

Sequi recusandae sunt provident magni. Saepe ut iure similique beatae doloremque. Odit sunt molestiae optio qui non vitae enim ad. Earum laborum earum quo repellat est dicta exercitationem ipsam.

Career Advancement Opportunities

June 2024 Consulting

  • Bain & Company 99.4%
  • McKinsey and Co 98.9%
  • Boston Consulting Group (BCG) 98.3%
  • Oliver Wyman 97.7%
  • LEK Consulting 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

June 2024 Consulting

  • Bain & Company 99.4%
  • Cornerstone Research 98.9%
  • Boston Consulting Group (BCG) 98.3%
  • McKinsey and Co 97.7%
  • Oliver Wyman 97.2%

Professional Growth Opportunities

June 2024 Consulting

  • Bain & Company 99.4%
  • McKinsey and Co 98.9%
  • Boston Consulting Group (BCG) 98.3%
  • Oliver Wyman 97.7%
  • LEK Consulting 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Consulting

  • Partner (4) $368
  • Principal (25) $277
  • Director/MD (55) $270
  • Vice President (47) $246
  • Engagement Manager (100) $226
  • Manager (153) $170
  • 2nd Year Associate (158) $140
  • Senior Consultant (331) $130
  • 3rd+ Year Associate (108) $130
  • Consultant (590) $119
  • 1st Year Associate (539) $119
  • NA (15) $119
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (148) $116
  • Engineer (6) $114
  • 2nd Year Analyst (347) $103
  • Associate Consultant (166) $98
  • 1st Year Analyst (1052) $87
  • Intern/Summer Associate (191) $83
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (553) $67
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