What car do you drive?

I'll be starting work this year at LEK and I'm getting a car soon. I'm considering something like a preowned (probably between 2003-2008) BMW 3-series, Infiniti G, or Acura TL. In a driving city (Not NY).

Does this work for a first year consultant out of college?

What cars do the consultants on here drive (and could you give a general idea of what kind of firm you work at)? What have you seen other analysts (1st - 3rd year), consultants (post-MBA), and directors/partners drive?



If I get a job at MBB I'm definitely buying an Audi A4 or something around that price tag and spend maybe $200 a month less on rent to make up for it (in 5 years that's $12k, around the difference between a new A4 and a preowned Toyota Camry)

I mean, I'll be using my apartment only 3 days a week anyway.

If I make $65k base and $10k sign on, that's $75k pre-tax and ~$52k post-tax = ~$4.3k a month. For simplicity, say my bonus goes straight to retirement (McK does no bonus but contributes a generous 12% of base to 401k).

Car: $35k car, 4 year payment plan with $5k down payment and 6% interest rate --> $580 a month Housing: say $1.5k rent for a decent apartment Weekend living expenses: $600 for food, alcohol, going out, etc. Gas for car: $100 Clothes: $200 Internet, phone, TV, heat, electricity, etc: $200

Still leaves $1.1k to save up for a down payment on a house and give my mom money.

If I get a job at MBB I'm definitely buying an Audi A4 or something around that price tag and spend maybe $200 a month less on rent to make up for it (in 5 years that's $12k, around the difference between a new A4 and a preowned Toyota Camry)

I mean, I'll be using my apartment only 3 days a week anyway.

If I make $65k base and $10k sign on, that's $75k pre-tax and ~$52k post-tax = ~$4.3k a month. For simplicity, say my bonus goes straight to retirement (McK does no bonus but contributes a generous 12% of base to 401k).

Car: $35k car, 4 year payment plan with $5k down payment and 6% interest rate --> $580 a month Housing: say $1.5k rent for a decent apartment Weekend living expenses: $600 for food, alcohol, going out, etc. Gas for car: $100 Clothes: $200 Internet, phone, TV, heat, electricity, etc: $200

Still leaves $1.1k to save up for a down payment on a house and give my mom money.

if you are gonna be giving her money, at least live with her to save on rent...

More is good, all is better
If I get a job at MBB I'm definitely buying an Audi A4 or something around that price tag and spend maybe $200 a month less on rent to make up for it (in 5 years that's $12k, around the difference between a new A4 and a preowned Toyota Camry)

I mean, I'll be using my apartment only 3 days a week anyway.

If I make $65k base and $10k sign on, that's $75k pre-tax and ~$52k post-tax = ~$4.3k a month. For simplicity, say my bonus goes straight to retirement (McK does no bonus but contributes a generous 12% of base to 401k).

Car: $35k car, 4 year payment plan with $5k down payment and 6% interest rate --> $580 a month Housing: say $1.5k rent for a decent apartment Weekend living expenses: $600 for food, alcohol, going out, etc. Gas for car: $100 Clothes: $200 Internet, phone, TV, heat, electricity, etc: $200

Still leaves $1.1k to save up for a down payment on a house and give my mom money.

You'll only spend 3 days a week in your apartment which means your car will spend 4 days a week in the parking lot at the airport getting dinged by the kettles. Why not skip the car and just take the subway? You know, going along the whole save money theme. That's another $680/month in the bank. Minus the metrocard so $580.

I don't know what your city is but for NY parking can be a bitch and cost $800/month. And um, you forgot to account for insurance.

"We are lawyers! We sue people! Occasionally, we get aggressive and garnish wages, but WE DO NOT ABDUCT!" -Boston Legal-

how presumptuous that you consider yourself worthy enough to not earn a bonus from McKinsey. if you spent half the time and energy on your work as you just did with this ridiculous expense analysis, you'd probably make a half-decent consultant.

how presumptuous that you consider yourself worthy enough to not earn a bonus from McKinsey. if you spent half the time and energy on your work as you just did with this ridiculous expense analysis, you'd probably make a half-decent consultant.

Dang, it must be really easy to be a half-decent consultant if it takes only half of 2 minutes to become.

I dont think I am ever going to get a car unless I move out of the city. Really no point if you are in a large city as its cheaper just to take cabs/tube.

The kids who are going through detailed expense analysis (im looking at you Audi A4), need to read Edmundo's post on wasting assets.

I'm planning on living in LA in the long run - having no car is similar to having no legs in Los Angeles. There is literally no other form of feasible transportation available. I don't need to read someone's post on wasting assets just because I want to buy a decent car lol. Someone else's preferences are not my preferences.

NYC and SF are the only two areas that have great public transportation. NYC is probably the only city that has enough cabs to make riding cabs a feasible form of transportation. Boston has maybe decent subways? But aside from those three cities, you're going to need a car.

I dont think I am ever going to get a car unless I move out of the city. Really no point if you are in a large city as its cheaper just to take cabs/tube.

Callin The kids who are going through detailed expense analysis (im looking at you Audi A4), need to read Edmundo's post on wasting assets.

I'm planning on living in LA in the long run - having no car is similar to having no legs in Los Angeles. There is literally no other form of feasible transportation available. I don't need to read someone's post on wasting assets just because I want to buy a decent car lol. Someone else's preferences are not my preferences.

NYC and SF are the only two areas that have great public transportation. NYC is probably the only city that has enough cabs to make riding cabs a feasible form of transportation. Boston has maybe decent subways? But aside from those three cities, you're going to need a car.

Chicago has more than enough taxis and public transportation to get around. In fact, I'd put it second only to New York's transit system. Although, considering we're in the Midwest, we don't exist.

"I don't know how to explain to you that you should care about other people."
I dont think I am ever going to get a car unless I move out of the city. Really no point if you are in a large city as its cheaper just to take cabs/tube.

The kids who are going through detailed expense analysis (im looking at you Audi A4), need to read Edmundo's post on wasting assets.

I'm planning on living in LA in the long run - having no car is similar to having no legs in Los Angeles. There is literally no other form of feasible transportation available. I don't need to read someone's post on wasting assets just because I want to buy a decent car lol. Someone else's preferences are not my preferences.

NYC and SF are the only two areas that have great public transportation. NYC is probably the only city that has enough cabs to make riding cabs a feasible form of transportation. Boston has maybe decent subways? But aside from those three cities, you're going to need a car.

i'll second the recommendation re eddie's post. you won't be using your car much. it'll rust, get scratched, stolen, have its hood-ornament stolen by some kids or the guard at the parking lot. dude, get a friggin hyundai getz if you need it for city driving. unless you're have a road trip every week or you feel like your dick is too small to feel comfortable with a small korean shoe box, get a golf. until you're rich enough to live in the suburbs, you won't need a car except to show off to your friends and their girlfriends. by the time you'll be able to use that audi its value will have shrunk to half if you're optimistic.
"... then, lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it."

^Get a used car, thank me later. (and I love cars, but if I could do it over again, buying a used car is the way to go, you'll see that there are a lot of random expenses outside your budget that add up quickly)

Oh and btw, in Philly you can get by without a car, and I think in Chicago and DC that's easy to do also...it's more than just 3 cities where you can get by without a car (though you're right in that the US is horribly car-centric)

Have a 2006 325xi and love it.

How much did you get it for? I'm definitely thinking about getting an AWD, considering the occasional rain/snow I'll be seeing.

http://ayainsight.co/ Curating the best advice and making it actionable.
Buy a used powerful/massive SUV. Fun to drive, and you won't drive enough to get hurt by gas price.

Great idea. Gotta be pretty used though, given you're a first year analyst, and you're not at mck or bain, but only at lek, you're gonna need to get a pretty used/cheap


I usually take my Ferrari Enzo or Lamborghani Alar. Depending on which matches my pocket square.

"What do you mean, you're gonna pass. Alan, the only people making money passing are NFL quarterbacks and I don't see a number on your back. "

gsduke, I'm not entirely sure why you despise LEK so much. But... randombetch, spending 580 a month on a car is too much. Even given that MBB now pays 70K base salary, you don't want to be including your signing bonus in your long-term forecasting, because your second-year salary is performance-based, and the vast majority of MBBers leave after 2 or 3 years, often for business school -- and you won't have 580 a month to spend on car payments in business school.

One of those lights, slightly brighter than the rest, will be my wingtip passing over.
gsduke, I'm not entirely sure why you despise LEK so much. But... randombetch, spending 580 a month on a car is too much. Even given that MBB now pays 70K base salary, you don't want to be including your signing bonus in your long-term forecasting, because your second-year salary is performance-based, and the vast majority of MBBers leave after 2 or 3 years, often for business school -- and you won't have 580 a month to spend on car payments in business school.

Haha yeah I just realized I wouldn't be able to pay for it during b-school. Fiiine you guys are right, I can't buy an Audi A4 right out of college.

Okay I'll buy a motorcycle ($6k Ninja) and buy a car after b-school. I'll take a cab to and from the airport, and when it rains (like 30 days a year in LA), I won't leave home. The motorcycle will help me get around when I go to Stanford GSB =D (haha I wish).


I would second the Mazda 3 (or 6) suggestion. Very affordable, awesome warranty and really fun to drive.

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford

A Good car is something that can bring you a lot of joy over the course of owning it. You'll make plenty of money throughout the course of your life so don't listen to all these people saying you can't afford it. A nice used car in the 20-25k range is definitely doable. I recommend a nice B7 A4... good all-season car and highly modifiable if you so choose.


There's no need to own a car in Boston or DC as well. I could see it in Atlanta, Houston or LA.

However, why would you drive to the airport? Everyone I know takes cabs, regardless of whether they own cars or not...the time you waste in the morning getting from the parking lot to the terminal is much better spent sleeping.

Most 1st-3rd years I know don't own cars, unless they live in a place where it's necessary. Many live in places where it's feasible, but it frankly doesn't make economic sense.

Life, liberty and the pursuit of Starwood Points
However, why would you drive to the airport? Everyone I know takes cabs, regardless of whether they own cars or not...the time you waste in the morning getting from the parking lot to the terminal is much better spent sleeping.

Exactly, plus you can expense the cab ride, so it's free.

One of those lights, slightly brighter than the rest, will be my wingtip passing over.

If you are planning to go to B-school in 2 years, why buy a car? You are in LA, you can easily find a lease on a 3-series for like $350 a month. Even if dealers aren't offering deals, you can always take over someone else's lease. I think there are lease trading websites where you can chose a car by the amount of miles left, months left, etc etc.

More is good, all is better

Get a beat up Toyota. They'll run forever and they're cheap.

"We are lawyers! We sue people! Occasionally, we get aggressive and garnish wages, but WE DO NOT ABDUCT!" -Boston Legal-

2007 Fusion... 30+mpg, less than 250/mo payment and you can get 08's for less than 15k. Super dependable and cheap to insure.

Can easily fit normal sized people in the back seat comfortably.

"Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish"

you guys are all funny. I live in NYC and drive a Mustang GT custom everything. The 550 HP is my escape. If your young, you better be driving hot because with chics, IT DEFINITELY SEALS THE DEAL.

Dude, get a car that will boost your confidence and happiness, and screw all these guys who are negating your energy.

by the way, the guy who said you should live with your mom for financial purposes is actually right.

Khara 3alekon:
you guys are all funny. I live in NYC and drive a Mustang GT custom everything. The 550 HP is my escape. If your young, you better be driving hot because with chics, IT DEFINITELY SEALS THE DEAL.

Dude, get a car that will boost your confidence and happiness, and screw all these guys who are negating your energy.

by the way, the guy who said you should live with your mom for financial purposes is actually right.

Maybe in NYC you need a car like yours to seal the deal, but I don't need any badass car to seal the deal on some pussy. Well, back in my single days that is.


nobody needs to live with their mom. i make peanuts (i'm studying in tandem) and i live in a small yet cute apartment with my girl. we pay for everything ourselves and we get by beautifully with public trans. sometimes we leas a car for a couple of days for a trip if we want out of the city. but getting a car for confidence-building?!?! relying on a tin box to get girls?!?! ---i'll let the "?!?!" speak for themselves--- if you're looking for the kind of girls that would hang out with you because of the car you drive, you might as well pay for hookers, coz that'll be cheaper in the long run and you'll get a better bang for your buck. plus they don't call you afterwards, you don't need to pay for dinner, instant gratification.

"... then, lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it."
nobody needs to live with their mom. i make peanuts (i'm studying in tandem) and i live in a small yet cute apartment with my girl. we pay for everything ourselves and we get by beautifully with public trans. sometimes we leas a car for a couple of days for a trip if we want out of the city. but getting a car for confidence-building?!?! relying on a tin box to get girls?!?! ---i'll let the "?!?!" speak for themselves--- if you're looking for the kind of girls that would hang out with you because of the car you drive, you might as well pay for hookers, coz that'll be cheaper in the long run and you'll get a better bang for your buck. plus they don't call you afterwards, you don't need to pay for dinner, instant gratification.

ya okay hot shot, i want to see a picture of your "girl" and then you can mouth off like the typical person who makes "peanuts". Very great solution by the way, eliminate your chances of getting a very upper class girl with hookers... what'a guy, you remind me of the coffee boy at the office.

Khara 3alekon:

ya okay hot shot, i want to see a picture of your "girl" and then you can mouth off like the typical person who makes "peanuts". Very great solution by the way, eliminate your chances of getting a very upper class girl with hookers... what'a guy, you remind me of the coffee boy at the office.

Why are upper class girls and hooks mutually exclusive?

A nice car does help a little if you're really into that type of scene. But at clubs it's all about the approach. You should of pretty much sealed it before the car. At other locations like coffee shops, it's about the approach and charm.

If you want to meet upper class girls, a car is not going to cut it unless it's like a Maserati or something. You sound like the dumbazz intern who got his paycheck and splurged it on a Hot Mustang and think you're the shyt. Getta a life. I drive my Honda Accord, I got my during my summer internship, and it's great. I take taxis to airport, parking and walking to the terminal is not worth it. Just expense it.

----------------------------------------------------------------- Hug It Out
nobody needs to live with their mom. i make peanuts (i'm studying in tandem) and i live in a small yet cute apartment with my girl. we pay for everything ourselves and we get by beautifully with public trans. sometimes we leas a car for a couple of days for a trip if we want out of the city. but getting a car for confidence-building?!?! relying on a tin box to get girls?!?! ---i'll let the "?!?!" speak for themselves--- if you're looking for the kind of girls that would hang out with you because of the car you drive, you might as well pay for hookers, coz that'll be cheaper in the long run and you'll get a better bang for your buck. plus they don't call you afterwards, you don't need to pay for dinner, instant gratification.

No straight guy would ever call an apartment "cute".

...so we will definitely need a pic of this gf your spoke of.


"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan
nobody needs to live with their mom. i make peanuts (i'm studying in tandem) and i live in a small yet cute apartment with my girl. we pay for everything ourselves and we get by beautifully with public trans. sometimes we leas a car for a couple of days for a trip if we want out of the city. but getting a car for confidence-building?!?! relying on a tin box to get girls?!?! ---i'll let the "?!?!" speak for themselves--- if you're looking for the kind of girls that would hang out with you because of the car you drive, you might as well pay for hookers, coz that'll be cheaper in the long run and you'll get a better bang for your buck. plus they don't call you afterwards, you don't need to pay for dinner, instant gratification.

No straight guy would ever call an apartment "cute".

...so we will definitely need a pic of this gf your spoke of.


Damnit, beat me to it.

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford

Khara 3alekon, you're cool too.

Wait, no you're not, because you can't even fucking tell the difference between you're and your.

No wonder you're a second rate professional in corporate finance instead of IB or S&T.

Peace out


For my first few months at MBB, I rocked a 1989 Saab. Sadly it died after 6 years of me driving it. I guess it was bound to happen. Currently going with a borrowed Prius, and trying to see if I can avoid purchasing a car before B-school. Their so damn expensive.

Basically, the moral of the story is don't splurge, you're only an analyst. And that applies at MBB or LEK or wherever else.There are better uses for your money, at least for the time being.


I am interned in a driving city and would definitely suggest something at least 5 years old if you are gonna go for something German. A couple new people who started right as my internship ended rolled up in brand new cars and look pretty foolish and get the "what are you compensating for?" all the time. Everyone you work with knows exactly what you make, so you aren't impressing them.

That being said I drive a 20-year-old sports car that has no A/C, radio or power-steering that certainly got some comments.

You will pretty quickly not want to drive at 5 am on a Monday or late on a Thursday night and will take a car. You'd be amazed how much you are willing to spend of someone else's money for some extra sleep. (Car vs. cab to get someone who will drive calmly)


this is starting to get a little childish... i'm not arab, ya bin sharmoota (i know a few words tho). and that pic argo found.. i thought you were a little higher class until now. well, have a nice weekend.

"... then, lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it."
this is starting to get a little childish... i'm not arab, ya bin sharmoota (i know a few words tho). and that pic argo found.. i thought you were a little higher class until now. well, have a nice weekend.
What do you mean? I think it's a very classy pic. You don't like the girl?
More is good, all is better
this is starting to get a little childish... i'm not arab, ya bin sharmoota (i know a few words tho). and that pic argo found.. i thought you were a little higher class until now. well, have a nice weekend.
What do you mean? I think it's a very classy pic. You don't like the girl?

Thats nasty, she needs to cut her fingernails


something else to think about - leasing a car, this solves the I'm going to b-school in a couple years issue if you don't have the credit history to lease, then go one class down or get your parents/sibling to co-sign this works really well if you want to get a gas guzzler too, since they are still being leased cheap as they live out their product life but don't sell


I haven't owned a car in >10 years. My driving has been limited to rentals on a few holidays.

Those who can, do. Those who can't, post threads about how to do it on WSO.

I have a host of automobiles that I drive. I have a Jeep Wrangler, my 01 335, a CBRR 1000, a 67 charger RT, a 68 GTO, just bought a 93 Ferrari 456, I have a replica Ferrari 250GT California Spyder I love that car drive it at least 3 days a week. Yea Yea Yea its not the real thing but frankly I could care less, I'm not going to drop several million dollars on a car that I would be terrified of driving anywhere. I also have been looking at a getting some mid 80s Mercedes SLs. Cool little cars. They fetch a pretty penny these days.

Follow the shit your fellow monkeys say @shitWSOsays Life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid - John Wayne

I also have been looking at a getting some mid 80s Mercedes SLs. Cool little cars. They fetch a pretty penny these days.

Wonderful car. My grandfather bought my grandmother one and she ended up never driving it. they still have it; only has 50k miles. I drive it to Lime Rock a lot and it always gets compliments. I really want it.

Picking up a 99 M3 on Friday.


Lexus RX 350. Nothing special but my bigger interests are with motorcycles. My (2) favorites that I own are the 899 Panigale and a Multistrada 1200.

Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.
Best Response

Is this a trick question or are you asking what my driver drives? You think these manicured cuticles are going to perform manual labor?

My mom drives a minivan btw.

This to all my hatin' folks seeing me getting guac right now..

2013 Optima. Burgundy. With the dopest bumper stickers. But I recently fell asleep at the wheel and caused a 5 car accident and now it's in the shop. Didn't get a ticket because the first guy I hit is a lawyer who lied to the cops for me and said a dog ran in front of me. Total bro. And Allstate is fixing all my shit. BAM. AMERICA.

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad. https://arthuxtable.com/

2013 Optima. Burgundy. With the dopest bumper stickers.

it has the dopest bumper stickers!? man, you must be the coolest dude around


05 honda accord

The answer to your question is 1) network 2) get involved 3) beef up your resume 4) repeat -happypantsmcgee WSO is not your personal search function.

Just got a 2014 Audi s4 -- love it

"If you want to succeed in this life, you need to understand that duty comes before rights and that responsibility precedes opportunity."

'11 Equinox and the wife still drives (and likes) her first post-college car an '06 Grand Prix. We really need to step our car game up, but with a 2nd kid coming this month daycare goes from being overly expensive to damn near a 2nd mortgage.

When my wife goes back to work I'm going to upgrade to something a little bigger (Acadia or the like) and she's taking the Equinox.

I do have permission to get something fun to drive for the summers as long as it's relatively cheap (was thinking old Porsche), but even with 3 car garage I have nowhere to put it.

After typing this, I realize that we are the most suburban upper middle class young family ever.....It's both depressing and ok.

twitter: @CorpFin_Guy

'11 Equinox and the wife still drives (and likes) her first post-college car an '06 Grand Prix. We really need to step our car game up, but with a 2nd kid coming this month daycare goes from being overly expensive to damn near a 2nd mortgage.

When my wife goes back to work I'm going to upgrade to something a little bigger (Acadia or the like) and she's taking the Equinox.

I do have permission to get something fun to drive for the summers as long as it's relatively cheap (was thinking old Porsche), but even with 3 car garage I have nowhere to put it.

After typing this, I realize that we are the most suburban upper middle class young family ever.....It's both depressing and ok.

HA-HA, I basically could have written this same exact thing!!!

We rock an 09 Touring Pilot and 09 CRV, booster seats in the back of both, ballers.

I would say go touring pilot, it’s been the best thing we ever bought and can still sort of looks like a real SUV.

I'm glad you mentioned daycare, as I hope these younger monkeys realize daycare is about $12k per year, per kid. so with my 2 kids I pay about $25k per year just to be able to go to work.

I also have no room for a fun car being that the garage is full. But I am wondering how you even fit one car in the garage with all the yard and kid junk everywhere?!?!

I am actually hoping to trade the CRV in, on what the wife will be told is a BMW X5, but what in reality will be a BMW X5M. I am just hoping that she doesn’t notice the exhaust noise and 547hp :) I'm just going to tell her that the M on the back is the dealers logo. 

GTAA Mistmaker

'05 G35 coupe. Have been driving it for 7 years and I still love it. Planning to look for an '09 or '10 M3 early next year... unless I decide to buy a house instead.


Before I moved to NYC I had:

A race prepped 2005 Scion tC and a 2005 Honda CBR 600RR.

Now that I'm in NYC I have:

A metro card, and zipcar card, and a Cannondale CAAD-8. Talk about a downgrade.

make it hard to spot the general by working like a soldier

1994 Dodge Viper with a Natural Light vinyl wrap

[quote=mbavsmfin]I don't wear watches bro. Because it's always MBA BALLER time! [/quote]

I just bought a '91 Bronco with the 351 and the 5 speed manual tyranny. Gonna have it painted candy apple red. Taking the top off and putting in the roll bar. Simply will be the biggest panty wetter in the collection.

Follow the shit your fellow monkeys say @shitWSOsays Life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid - John Wayne
ST Monkey:

done with cars for now, getting into bikes nowadays. Riding a Honda street bike at the moment, looking to upgrade to a Monster 796 or Street Triple by next year.

Damn, I wish I had Ducati money. My next bike's an R1.
heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad. https://arthuxtable.com/

Just sold my car and paid off a 20k loan on it to attack some debt. Pulled a Dave Ramsey and bought (out of my grandmother's estate) a 1997 Mercury Grand Marquis. 60k miles, a/c never used, great shape, garaged, and gets 26mpg highway with a 4.6L Ford V8. Definitely not a car to pick up ladies, but it'll have a drastic impact on my net worth. I drive 40+ miles roundtrip for work, so a smooth ride is a bit of a plus. I, too, will be driving it till the wheels fall off. Daycare is not fun (3 kids, 2 in daycare), and the more debt we can get rid of, the more free cash flow every month... the more I can have to invest. Wife is cool with me getting a bike next spring around bonus time with cash. I'm looking at maybe a Moto Guzzi V7 Racer. We'll see. The next car will be paid for in cash about 5 years from now. I'm thinking that when the super uncool Mercury is parked, it might be a good candidate to turn into the ultimate sleeper. A 302 Mustang motor can be dropped in and still fit, and they have some interesting Roush supercharger packages. It would be interesting to put 500+ hp in a car like that and keep it as stock looking as possible. Probably would never happen, but it would be fun.

If I bought a car right now, and had, say, 25 or 30k to pay cash, I might look into a Maserati Quattroporte. I hated those 4 door cars until I started looking into them recently. They are gorgeous on the inside, quite fast, and by god, it's a Maserati! The 2006 and 2007s can be bought quite cheap with low mileage. It seems that the used market for a 4 door Italian isn't super hot. I'd love to be able to afford a Maserati or a Ferrari, but a newer coupe with low mileage isn't anywhere near my price range right now. Just a thought if some of you were interested in Italian rather than German. Not knocking BMWs, cause I think they are great cars.

"Decide what to be and go be it." - The Avett Brothers

Just sold my car and paid off a 20k loan on it to attack some debt. Pulled a Dave Ramsey and bought (out of my grandmother's estate) a 1997 Mercury Grand Marquis. 60k miles, a/c never used, great shape, garaged, and gets 26mpg highway with a 4.6L Ford V8. Definitely not a car to pick up ladies, but it'll have a drastic impact on my net worth. I drive 40+ miles roundtrip for work, so a smooth ride is a bit of a plus. I, too, will be driving it till the wheels fall off. Daycare is not fun (3 kids, 2 in daycare), and the more debt we can get rid of, the more free cash flow every month... the more I can have to invest. Wife is cool with me getting a bike next spring around bonus time with cash. I'm looking at maybe a Moto Guzzi V7 Racer. We'll see. The next car will be paid for in cash about 5 years from now. I'm thinking that when the super uncool Mercury is parked, it might be a good candidate to turn into the ultimate sleeper. A 302 Mustang motor can be dropped in and still fit, and they have some interesting Roush supercharger packages. It would be interesting to put 500+ hp in a car like that and keep it as stock looking as possible. Probably would never happen, but it would be fun.

If I bought a car right now, and had, say, 25 or 30k to pay cash, I might look into a Maserati Quattroporte. I hated those 4 door cars until I started looking into them recently. They are gorgeous on the inside, quite fast, and by god, it's a Maserati! The 2006 and 2007s can be bought quite cheap with low mileage. It seems that the used market for a 4 door Italian isn't super hot. I'd love to be able to afford a Maserati or a Ferrari, but a newer coupe with low mileage isn't anywhere near my price range right now. Just a thought if some of you were interested in Italian rather than German. Not knocking BMWs, cause I think they are great cars.

I did something similar in high school with a late 70's Caprice: bored out the 305, 4 barrel carb, big headers, switched the tranny gearing, fatter rear tires and a few other things and it was amusing how fast the thing was. And how poorly it handled... But it was a blast blowing Mustangs out off the line.

Beware of Maserati's of that age. A guy I used to work with had one, bought it maybe a year old with very low mileage, and while it was a great car when it ran the thing constantly broke down. And when it broke down it cost A LOT of money to fix little things. I'm not partial to German cars over any other, but the engineering is just awesome. Italians are temperamental and maintenance, which is always, is really expensive.


Yeah, a Maserati Quattroporte is worth buying for the sound alone.

Although that reminds me of a dialogue in Top Gear where they were talking about the new Maserati SUV called the Kubang, because that's the noise it makes when the warranty ends.

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw
Golden Valley:

2002 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am WS6.

Was the talk of the town back in high school haha

Friend of mine in high school was given a brand new 35th anniversary SS Camaro in 2002. We had wayyyyy too much fun in that thing. I would be his designated driver just to pimp that thing around. Good times...
"Decide what to be and go be it." - The Avett Brothers

From highest to lowest use:

Citibike 2006 Toyota Sienna Minivan 2008 Trek 1.2 road bike various 100-150mph airplanes 200 mph kit airplane (in progress)

A ride is just a ride to me. I drove a shitty looking Toyota pickup with 200,000 miles until it (literally) exploded one day. I owned it well past the day I could afford something nicer, but it did what I needed it to do.

I was looking at a McLaren 650S Spider. I realize that I could afford it (as in buy it for cash), but I don't really need to nor want to.


I have a monthly zone 1-3 Oyster Card. It gives me access to a double decker red limousine with a driver than will stop at the ring of a bell... I've realised that having kids doesn't sound like a good idea unless you are rich, also having to get permission from the wife to buy a car certain type of car...? I hope I don't fall in love and get married anytime soon


maserati gt

How do you like it?

[quote=mbavsmfin]I don't wear watches bro. Because it's always MBA BALLER time! [/quote]

I own a:

2007 Honda s2000
2011 Bmw 1M
2009 Lotus Exige
2012 Chevrolet Volt.

Selling the bmw soon.

How do you like the Lotus? I heard the 05's and 06s are decent

They also came out with an automatic transmission recently...

speed boost blaze

Anyone knows any finance guys having sick garages? I can only think of Jim Glickenhaus having a pretty nice one.

Colourful TV, colourless Life.

Anyone knows any finance guys having sick garages? I can only think of Jim Glickenhaus having a pretty nice one.

His collection is nearly Jay Leno worthy. He has some incredible cars in his stable to say the least.

Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.

So Goldie's car is officially totaled. Goldie lives in Chicago and recently read an article saying that it doesn't make sense to own a car in Chicago unless you drive over 35K miles a year.

Should Goldie take that insurance money and skate into the sunset?

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad. https://arthuxtable.com/

Depending on whether they actually produce it, my goal is to be able to afford the new BMW-Toyota Supra. Then again they could go ahead and make the price tag 100k in which case I'd say eff that.


Just picked up a '14 428xi after putting 210k miles on my '06 525i (could've leased a helicopter with all the engine maintenance but was a good car overall)... great thing about BMW, zero cost maintenance for the life of the lease Alleyuah!

"Go for a business that any idiot can run – because sooner or later, any idiot is probably going to run it." - Peter Lynch

A jeep patriot, that's a carryover from my days stationed in Colorado Springs.

It's hardly the preppy ideal, but it fit my needs perfectly. It handles well, fits into cramped parking, and handles excellently in the winter snow....which is extremely important because I'm an avid skier.

Most of the time I commute on a 2003 Victory, 92TC. If you're not familiar with them they're a Polaris brand of large V-twin motorcycle's that are Harley's largest domestic competitor.

Quite frankly I doubt I'm ever going to own an extremely fancy car with the possible exception of a high end Cadillac SUV. I'm married so I don't have any need to impress the ladies(not to mention that they get what we call "hos" rather than "good girls"). I also do a lot of winter driving and don't see that ending any time soon so I have no use for any vehicle without excellent 4WD handling.

Easy C:

A jeep patriot, that's a carryover from my days stationed in Colorado Springs.

It's hardly the preppy ideal, but it fit my needs perfectly. It handles well, fits into cramped parking, and handles excellently in the winter snow....which is extremely important because I'm an avid skier.

Most of the time I commute on a 2003 Victory, 92TC. If you're not familiar with them they're a Polaris brand of large V-twin motorcycle's that are Harley's largest domestic competitor.

Quite frankly I doubt I'm ever going to own an extremely fancy car with the possible exception of a high end Cadillac SUV. I'm married so I don't have any need to impress the ladies(not to mention that they get what we call "hos" rather than "good girls"). I also do a lot of winter driving and don't see that ending any time soon so I have no use for any vehicle without excellent 4WD handling.

Nice. How do you like the Victory? I was thinking about getting a newer one, Vegas, Gunner or Hammer (although that big back tire seems like it would be tough to muscle around turns even if it looks really cool) with the 106. I was looking at their baggers but I don't know if I want to have the hard bags on there all the time and if it's not long distance I like the option of not having the bat wings on there.

When you give up the Patriot go for a 4 dr Wrangler. I have a Rubicon and the thing is absolutely unstoppable in the snow and it's fun taking the top and doors off in the summer.


'06 Honda Accord. Interior and trims look absolutely brand new. Actual parts are total POS. The power steering has fucked up four times in the past month.

Want a Tesla but can't justify spending so much on a Model S, so I'll probably spring for the Model 3 once it comes out. Alternatively, a Toyota Prius, because as hippy as it seems, I actually really like the look.

Currently: future neurologist, current psychotherapist Previously: investor relations (top consulting firm), M&A consulting (Big 4), M&A banking (MM)

Even though I am still in High School, I can answer this question.

Some people drive their own cars, others use public transportation to commute to and from work. What specific car they drive has no relevance. Not that I am not a fan of a fine automobile, but they are a means to get from point A to point B. Whether people drive a jalopy or brand new Ferrari California, it makes no difference.

Even though I am still in High School, I can answer this question.

Some people drive their own cars, others use public transportation to commute to and from work. What specific car they drive has no relevance. Not that I am not a fan of a fine automobile, but they are a means to get from point A to point B. Whether people drive a jalopy or brand new Ferrari California, it makes no difference.

What was the relevance of your post to the OP's question?

Even though I am still in High School, I can answer this question.

Some people drive their own cars, others use public transportation to commute to and from work. What specific car they drive has no relevance. Not that I am not a fan of a fine automobile, but they are a means to get from point A to point B. Whether people drive a jalopy or brand new Ferrari California, it makes no difference.

Are you not the guy who was talking about $50,000 suits in some other thread? Haha niceee one.


To drexelalum11: The relevance of my post to the OP's question was this, What does it matter what kind of car you drive or whether you take public transportation. I guess because the OP properly placed the question under monkeying around, its ok.

To see.saw: The post you are referring to had to do with what the best suit is, i merely gave my opinion to what i thought was the best suit.

To drexelalum11: The relevance of my post to the OP's question was this, What does it matter what kind of car you drive or whether you take public transportation. I guess because the OP properly placed the question under monkeying around, its ok.

To see.saw: The post you are referring to had to do with what the best suit is, i merely gave my opinion to what i thought was the best suit.

What does it matter? Who gives a fuck what it matters, it's OT. He didn't ask for your opinion, he asked what you drove. And LOL If this is the type of kid who's going to be on the street in a couple of years--we'll all be fucked.


Honda, and I am in no rush to upgrade...

~~~~~~~~~~~ CompBanker

CompBanker’s Career Guidance Services: https://www.rossettiadvisors.com/

If you live in Manhattan and own a vehicle, you're a clown. I don't care what your net worth is. Plain and simple.

"Cut the burger into thirds, place it on the fries, roll one up homey..." - Epic Meal Time
If you live in Manhattan and own a vehicle, you're a clown. I don't care what your net worth is. Plain and simple.

Nothing wrong with having your 6 series parked in your Manhattan building for your occasional drive to the Hamptons. (Of course, if you already own your condo and bought your parking spot with it (good investment on its own if you bought awhile ago)). Of course my line of reasoning applies to those earning above associate knda $.

You're an awesome guy Vadremc, plain and simple.

Love my M3....but thinking of selling it since moving to NY for my third year.

nice car. do you find it's too small for you though, are you a kinda big guy. i always find 3 series bmw's to be on the 'small side'. what's your thoughts?


3 series are tiny...my brother used to have one and you basically should just think of it as a 2-seater because there's literally no leg room in the back unless the guys up front are dwarfs


Voluptas dicta necessitatibus quaerat veritatis enim voluptatem ad expedita. Quae non accusantium dolor quia. Animi provident quis sed consequatur. Sit et fuga earum nulla.

Ipsa cumque perferendis voluptas temporibus exercitationem omnis ab. Molestias animi et rerum. Illo nesciunt doloremque voluptatibus reiciendis adipisci dolor quia minima. Maxime perferendis qui necessitatibus est nisi. Neque sequi odio aliquam.

Ea quis odio delectus ut ex. Ab iusto in accusantium ut. Dolores optio minima beatae sunt in.

Nemo quia et provident adipisci id. Cum sequi vel nam. Nihil cumque nihil velit enim incidunt voluptates consequuntur. Voluptatem quis qui perspiciatis sit.


Earum dolorem aut cumque non ea rerum. Nulla omnis consequatur ut repellendus blanditiis. Voluptatem ipsa ut et fugiat quae.

Ad sed unde optio reiciendis. Velit expedita iure laudantium harum provident. Velit reprehenderit quae error et. Omnis nulla optio soluta recusandae. Temporibus doloremque cupiditate libero recusandae dolorem et.

Beatae eveniet eum rerum. Et assumenda eligendi illum vel. Corporis quibusdam qui consequatur nobis ut veritatis quae. Quae in voluptatem cupiditate eum.

Sapiente dolorem nihil vel quasi laudantium pariatur. Laboriosam architecto enim veritatis qui modi aut fugit. Et reprehenderit repellendus iusto in asperiores est in. Voluptas odit aspernatur quidem. Soluta nesciunt dolores et ut debitis voluptatem quia.


Iusto harum autem voluptas id ratione. Impedit et quia autem in perferendis rem quia similique. Voluptate debitis quia nihil amet nulla dolorem. Dolore at deserunt sed asperiores sed. Repudiandae et neque provident dolorum minima.

Est nisi incidunt omnis repellat. Atque officiis sequi facere. Vel porro eum cupiditate repudiandae. Expedita dolorum sunt provident sunt qui odio veritatis.


Rerum vero voluptas facere in incidunt laudantium sed. Sint debitis placeat sed ut fugiat itaque ut. Magni fuga id quod eveniet. Delectus qui eum quis debitis est. Vitae nostrum maiores itaque quisquam.

At eum iusto expedita quibusdam facere. Amet eaque eum ea officia ut ab. Consequuntur eum quis et non. Vitae molestias a corporis eum laudantium maxime. Molestiae adipisci dolorem mollitia doloremque ut.


Beatae est ea impedit aliquam odio nesciunt ea. Saepe tempore et similique corrupti dolores sit magni dicta.

Reiciendis rerum voluptatibus ab sed dicta dolorum. Qui quae corrupti omnis veniam laudantium. Ut temporibus voluptatem sunt consequatur molestiae.

Reprehenderit consequatur rerum dolorem qui. Rerum consequatur eligendi tempora fuga. Aut omnis ea et dolores architecto rerum voluptates.


Doloremque vitae dolorem beatae et non tempore ab. Eos at aspernatur et ullam maiores unde quia. Perspiciatis voluptatem id cum perspiciatis. Aperiam fugit doloremque incidunt est ab velit et.

Voluptatem nam voluptatibus dolorem repudiandae fuga beatae. Sed aspernatur ab distinctio rerum. Omnis inventore in aliquid sint labore nostrum. Ex facilis cupiditate suscipit mollitia omnis corporis et. Mollitia ullam eos non doloribus nesciunt iusto tempora vel. Nemo fugiat asperiores nobis.

Dolor quia ex iure libero et. Vero in dolorum doloribus temporibus. Consequatur illum eveniet nostrum quia minima adipisci ipsum qui. Hic est culpa quibusdam nesciunt. Perferendis autem atque nisi ipsam suscipit perspiciatis.

Commodi aut est eligendi voluptatum natus. Dolores et non distinctio et sunt fuga. Voluptas nobis consequatur a est. Nesciunt eligendi perspiciatis dicta enim. Qui fugiat quis ea ad. Eius magnam molestias perspiciatis dolorum aspernatur.

Career Advancement Opportunities

June 2024 Consulting

  • Bain & Company 99.4%
  • McKinsey and Co 98.9%
  • Boston Consulting Group (BCG) 98.3%
  • Oliver Wyman 97.7%
  • LEK Consulting 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

June 2024 Consulting

  • Bain & Company 99.4%
  • Cornerstone Research 98.9%
  • Boston Consulting Group (BCG) 98.3%
  • McKinsey and Co 97.7%
  • Oliver Wyman 97.2%

Professional Growth Opportunities

June 2024 Consulting

  • Bain & Company 99.4%
  • McKinsey and Co 98.9%
  • Boston Consulting Group (BCG) 98.3%
  • Oliver Wyman 97.7%
  • LEK Consulting 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Consulting

  • Partner (4) $368
  • Principal (25) $277
  • Director/MD (55) $270
  • Vice President (47) $246
  • Engagement Manager (101) $227
  • Manager (153) $170
  • 2nd Year Associate (158) $140
  • Senior Consultant (331) $130
  • 3rd+ Year Associate (108) $130
  • Consultant (590) $119
  • 1st Year Associate (539) $119
  • NA (15) $119
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (148) $116
  • Engineer (6) $114
  • 2nd Year Analyst (347) $103
  • Associate Consultant (166) $98
  • 1st Year Analyst (1052) $87
  • Intern/Summer Associate (191) $83
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (553) $67
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