Welcome to the New Wall Street Oasis!

After many months and many hours toiling away, we are finally here, a new and improved WSO. Here are a few of the benefits you should enjoy:

1. Fully adaptive theme so that the site works great no matter what device you are on (smart phone, tablet, desktop)

2. Stronger server to speed up pageloads

3. Voting scores on content is now broken out so you can see # of Silver Bananas and # of Monkey Shits that hit each piece of content (not an aggregate score like before)...

...this is among many other minor fixes/upgrades to the back end by moving from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7.

Please note, we still have a LOT to do including the following, so please be patient as we finish this transition over the next 2-3 weeks:

1. Reindex search function so that search works the best it can and you can filter properly (going to be adding these filter blocks right above results so you can't miss them)

2. Theme user profiles...right now they are live, but they are damn ugly. We have some great plans to make the user profiles look awesome, but it will likely take us another few weeks and we didn't want to delay any longer (watch out for this)...

3. Iron out the bugs..

Undoubtedly, with a transition / migration this big there will be unexpected bugs that we didn't uncover in our testing. Please feel free to e-mail me or just leave a comment in this thread so that we can make sure it's on our list as well to fix.

Thanks and hope you guys like it!
Patrick, Joao & Khalid


I DON'T LIKE CHANNGGGEE. Honestly looks pretty good though. What's up with the 3 blocks in each signature?

Fill the unforgiving minute with 60 seconds of run. - Kipling

Looks great. User Avatars (on the right hand side), however, are covering part of the text from their posts on my screen...could just be my browser though.


I like the change overall. The only downside (opinion obviously) is the color scheme. As you scroll down past the portion of the screen that has info and icons on the right hand, the white background coupled with the white space between posts blends and makes it look empty. Though overall, great job!


Site is much more responsive and looks great overall.

I will respond back when gripes have formed. From what I can see first glance is the left side of the screen (the share buttons are somewhat cut off).

Follow the shit your fellow monkeys say @shitWSOsays Life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid - John Wayne

Too bright. 'Have a hard time reading.

Haha was thinking the same thing. Most important thing is that all the content is there :)

Not sure if there's any way to personalize my webpage, but there seems to be a lack of contrast between font colour and the white background. Strains my eyes and is more difficult to read than before


Also, change the color of that red circle around the message box. Looks like an alert for a new message when there is none.


I second that. If there are no new messages, circle with "zero" inside should be greyed out or, even better, absent at all.

Other: 1. Ctrl+scroll now does not change scale of the page (which is not convenient for people with poor eyes) 2. Some text of the comment is hidden under the avatar (which I think was the case in old version as well but I never had chance to tell). For example, see screenshot: http://awesomescreenshot.com/0d14qv9v7b 3. You finally should make it so that after login I go back to the page where I was before the login (now after login I always go to my profile page which is nonsense - why do I need to look at my profile page at all) 4. Text should definitely be black or close to black in the comments. Again, for people with poor eyes, grey text on light grey background is hella painful

Long way to go...


Looks nice - the one thing I'll add is that the menu bar at the top of each page seems a little misaligned as there is some overlap of between the row of options in blue starting with "career" on the left and the row of options in grey starting with "financial modeling" on the left.

I love the static menu bar, although personal preference point but the shrinking mechanism of the WSO logo seems a bit clunky as you scroll down initially. Not sure if that's the site or just me. I'll also second comments about the brightness and readability


i too was just testing, it works

Well, I can't see the poo you threw, so it actually does NOT work. I was simply testing the dual SB/MS functionality, apparently you were testing something else. I've been waiting for banana/poo counter on each message. It's better that you can tell that something has 5 SBs and 4 MS, instead of just seeing one SB net.

I like the site overall but I do have a few suggestions.

I think others mentioned this already but it really is very bright and difficult to figure out what's going on. It's almost overwhelming how much shit is moving around and how a lot of things just seem to be floating in blank space.

More importantly, the scroll rate is way too fast. I use my touchpad on my macbook to scroll and I'm having an extremely difficult time with precision which really has never been an issue for me on any site before.


What do you think about making the perimeter / outside-part of reading these threads a different color instead of white? The entire page is white and it looks fairly bright. Maybe contrast it with blue on the outside?. Just an idea - looks great otherwise


A little too much white space for my taste, but really love the clean look!

Also having some problems when moving to different threads and trying to comment, I get "logged-out" (I have toe refresh the page over and over until my login loads through).


A little too much white space for my taste, but really love the clean look!

Also having some problems when moving to different threads and trying to comment, I get "logged-out" (I have toe refresh the page over and over until my login loads through).

hmm, that's troubling. how do you typically navigate? using the Recent menu up top or through the forums...will log into normal user account and try to replicate it...

anyone else with this issue?


It seems like it was an initial log in problem, since after browsing the site a bit it seems to have disappeared.

I normally start with the home page menu and check out front-page threads first before either searching for what I am looking for or following the suggested threads box.


Initial thoughts, beautiful re-design. Much cleaner! Congrats and thank you for all the hard work to pull this off.

The error of confirmation: we confirm our knowledge and scorn our ignorance.

thanks guys for all of the kind words...means a lot after ~5+ months of hard work. I hear you on your recommendations...in no way is this final today and there are a lot of bugs and clean up we are still working through (design, functionality, etc)...

Ideally in ~2-3 weeks we are settling into a more "final" theme...your feedback is dead on. The white is a bit jarring for those accustomed to browsing WSO with the darker grey background, and the grey font on grey background does not provide enough contrast (also, text is smaller, so that increases difficulty in reading).

We might be able to "darken" the white background slightly and still keep the comment boxes the same shade while getting the text darker to provide more contrast to make it easier on the eyes.

Will keep you updated as things progress in here. Thanks again for all the feedback! We've always done it this way and while I can't deliver on everything, if people are all complaining or demanding the same thing, it's a no-brainer :-)

Stay Tuned! Patrick


I love the simplicity and how clean it looks but.... there's way too much white.. to the point it actually hurts my eyes. I think if you change the font or the boldness that will certainly help.


it's too bright. There is a lot of free/empty space and all the white in the background is killing my eyes. Could you consider reverting to a light grey?

>Incoming Ash Ketchum, Pokemon Master >Literally a problem, solve for both X and Y, please and thank you. >Hugh Myron: "Are there any guides on here for getting a top girlfriend? Think banker/lawyer/doctor. I really don't want to go mid-tier"

Thank you! The new interface looks much cleaner. I bet this is a long time coming. Nice work!

I just tried to refer to someone in a post, and it didn't work. For example, I wanted to say: @AndyLouis said XYZ ---but I cannot tell if Andy will get pinged, and it didn't do the auto-fill like it usually does when I put in the "@" sign. Am I doing something wrong?
Would be great if in the new site you have a guide to those kinds of tricks and codes.

Betsy Massar Come see me at my Q&A thread http://www.wallstreetoasis.com/forums/b-school-qa-w-betsy-massar-of-master-admissions Ask away!

Overall, good job on the new layout! A few issues for concern (if I had to be picky);

1) While accessing the recent threads page via the iPhone, I can view a preview of the thread by gently tapping the thread title. However, although it's quite useful it can block out some of the other thread titles and it doesn't seem to disappear. Anyone else experiencing this problem?

2) too much white space 3) signature box needs trimming 4) I agree with another member in that the red box hovering over the inbox could be misleading when there are "0" new messages 5) Really picky but perhaps bring back the "gold" coloured stars or make them more apparent - gets hidden in blue, sitting besides 2-3 other (unnecessary) icons? Although advice on the forum is generally top notch, it serves a useful purpose.

6) I don't have a problem with the speed of scrolling up/down nor the font size

7) seems to be something wrong with the spacing. Although it appears to be spaced out while typing the post, it doesn't appear that way whilst reviewing my post.

8) the word 'edit' in the signature seems to be referring to editing one's profile rather than one's post. Confusing and would rather it be the other way around I.e switched with the editing icon which is small and thus difficult to select on iphone.

Edit: just wondering if you can add a "cancel" button when editing posts, which returns you back to the page you were on, rather than having to press the back button - tedious while on the phone.

Thanks and again this is just me being really picky!!

P.s accessing wso via smartphone

Bitch please, I love bananas! If you found my advice useful, hit me up with one.

Thanks for the detailed response Percy!

  1. haven't had a chance to look at this yet, but i think that the previews should be removed on mobile just to keep things cleaner

  2. dimmed/darkened the white background a bit and darkened the grey font to improve readability (thinking what else we can do here without anything too dramatic that will ruin the clean theme)...we may bump it a shade darker

  3. not sure what you mean here?

  4. This was fixed / changed

  5. This was fixed / changed

  6. I haven't been able to replicate the scrolling issues that some users have mentioned, but will keep looking

  7. This was css and paragraph spacing has been fixed

  8. low priority...

On top of that, we have some other changes / fixes coming today including making sure you can see the SB/MS votes on your own nodes / comments :-)

Stay Tuned! Patrick


Don't know if this has been mentioned yet, but on the iPad version sometimes the text is blocked by the their avatar (on the right side) perhaps others may be experiencing this problem, or maybe it's just my ipad. Overall site looks good!



Hey Patrick,

I put up this post today: http://www.wallstreetoasis.com/forums/approaching-a-well-known-pe-firm-…

For some reason no matter what I do only the first couple sentences are showing up. Am I missing something? I see this new 'summary' box on the page to start a new discussion... I tried using it in part, entirely and not at all and the ending content that posts to the forum keeps getting cut off...

Am I missing something?

"If you want to succeed in this life, you need to understand that duty comes before rights and that responsibility precedes opportunity."

I get why you put the background to white - it looks clean and all. It ain't bad but for a website with much reading I find it painful to read, the monitor is emitting too much light, the white background is my biggest problem. . . I think that the white works best on pages like google search page. In cases like this it does not look well. Just my 2 cent, but I'm struggling. . . Must be some research on this, dunno, but looks like white is shooting my eyes from outside when I'm focused on the grey box. . . However, I think that the contrast of the light grey box with blue and dark grey text is pretty good. . . Also, maybe it's already possible - but it'd be great to be able to change the time zone on the website. . . Overall much good stuff has been achieved, but I'll focus on the bad stuff in comments.


The white background is still much too bright; I didn't realize that issue had been addressed at all yet until I came across this comment. I don't think the white is working at all. (I have a big screen so the problem may be worse for me than it is for some others.)


Awesome. Could you consider getting rid of the big red 0 on the mail symbol. Maybe make the 0 a light green (or not show it at all), and only the non 0's get the big red treatment.

>Incoming Ash Ketchum, Pokemon Master >Literally a problem, solve for both X and Y, please and thank you. >Hugh Myron: "Are there any guides on here for getting a top girlfriend? Think banker/lawyer/doctor. I really don't want to go mid-tier"

How is the search re-index coming along? I don't have the option to sort or filter by date but I imagine that will become available after the re-index?

I also am not a fan of the scrolling (by block, I guess?), it feels clunky.

Otherwise, great job, thank you guys for putting in major effort for the benefit of the community.


When I'm on a thread with multiple pages I have no idea what page I'm on (unless I look at the URL). Button for the page I'm currently browsing might want to be highlighted or something at the bottom? Just a thought, idk


In addition to this, would it be possible to add the page #s after the initial post? This way, you don't have to scroll all the way to the bottom to get to pages 2-3


You can not see the MS/SB count if you do not have any credits. You also can not see them for your own posts whether or not you have credits.

Also, I still don't see the search bar anywhere on my phone....is it just sitting somewhere obvious and I don't see it or is it really nonexistent?


There needs to be more contrast between the background and the box of each individual comment. The bursts of red (msg counter on inbox and new flag on each post) are too much against the rest of the layout, red text against transparent fill might be better. Maybe experiment w the classic blue banner to mix up the white-out look?


I also don't see the search bar on my phone. Additionally, when someone posts a company review it no longer says "Company Review.." in the title. I just accidentally clicked on one because the thread only had the title 'Analyst' (and the formatting on that page i got directed to didn't look that great to be honest)


I know you're probably busting your ass with this, but just a few thoughts requests:

1) Can you test a dark background (not text background, the far background) and see how it works as a possible option? I like the look but it IS intense on the eyes. I've been here for about 5 minutes and I can't imagine spending much longer on here.

2) Bolder/larger forum and thread titles. Maybe I'm getting old haha

3) I can't tell what a new post is - how do we distinguish? (took me a minute heheh)

EDIT: 4) first post is real easy to miss

"You stop being an asshole when it sucks to be you." -IlliniProgrammer "Your grammar made me wish I'd been aborted." -happypantsmcgee

Much better. Good job.

"After you work on Wall Street it’s a choice, would you rather work at McDonalds or on the sell-side? I would choose McDonalds over the sell-side.” - David Tepper

Ok guys, you should now be able to see the # of SBs and MS thrown at each of your posts (you can't vote on your own, but you will see a green SB and MS icon)...still working on fixing notifications for that.

I cannot see SB/MS for anyone, including myself. It just says 'credits'.

Looks great! Just a few recommendations from me:

  1. Reorder the forum dropdown so that the forums are in the same order as they were on the old site.

  2. Bold threads that have updates that haven't been read.

  3. This was a complaint I had about the old design too, but is it possible to either create a notification button for monkey shit/bananas or just generally make the notification on messages go away if I click on it to show what my messages are? It's annoying to get messages about notifications and have to click on them all to make the notifications go away.

  4. The bulleted "Add new forum topic" link seems out of place. Would look better as an image.

That's all for now. I like the new layout but think it'll take some getting used to.


Hi again WallStreetOasis.com

On mobile, I'm having that same log-in problem as before. I can log in on the page, but as soon as I hit the home button I am essentially logged out, but once I navigate to a new page I am showing as logged in again. Not really a problem, just kinda clunky when scrolling between home and other pages.

I'm on an iPhone 6 Plus if that makes any difference / helps.


Don't know if this has been raised before, but whenever I click on "new" [responses] on the all recent content page (f.e. total responses 60, 4 new responses) I will only be directed to the bottom of the last page. However, if a topic has f.e. 3 pages, the 4 new responses appear on the third page but I will be directed to the bottom of the first page. Someone else with this issue?


yes, this is known. sorry for the delay guys, we've been stuck on few back end bugs that are not as visible but pretty critical. One is creating an infinite redirect loop on home page that was crashing safari / macs (we thnk we've found the bad code and have stopped it for now) along with plenty of issues with spam and moderation tools that did not transition well. When we are sending spam / violations to the trash, it is unpublishing them but they are still readable by anonymous users...

Sorry for the delay on all these user interface and user experience issues...this week will be hitting it hard again and hopefully making much more progress. I am looking for more Drupal help to supplement the team because progress is way too slow.



I'm sure you're busy working on this, but I want to reiterate two UI updates that have been making me dread spending time on this site since the update:

1) touchpad scrolling for Macbooks is just completely broken. A light scroll will send the page flying and it's quite dizzying/nauseating (for me, at least).

2) I understand the desire for "cleanliness" and that pastels are in design-wise these last few years, but clean != no contrast, no borders. I have never personally seen an online forum that didn't have borders and contrasting colors everywhere on the page (including the Facebook newsfeed...). You might be able to figure out the solution to this coloring issue within a couple weeks just with automated A/B testing cycling through different color gradients, but if not for some reason... can you consider putting a couple alternative skin options that we can choose from in our profile page? Would really appreciate the options.


Posts aren't being displayed in the layout paragraph wise. Puts it all in one paragraph.

Lastly, is it possible to put a feint grey border around each post just to distinguish it. Other than that, the look as really grown on me.

Keep up the good work Patrick. I know fixing small things can be a b*tch and CSS issues have driven me up the wall before.


@DickFuld ...now when you have 0 wso credits, you should still be able to see the content scores. If you try to vote the site will trigger a pop-up to purchase more credits, or explain that you get them from participating (5 WSO Credits awarded for every 30 bananas attained)...

I was just coming back to this bread to let you know it is now working. I just realized the @ function does not seem to be working (or Imm doing something wrong). Thank you!

I was thinking maybe just not have the User Name show up in the dropdown? But show up instead if you click something like 'My Profile'. I don't know how many people really need to be reminded of their user name on the main page (and I imagine some people sitting in close quarters would prefer the anonymity). Besides, your user name would already show up when you are making a comment on a thread.


I don't know if this has been said already, and I'm not reading through 4 pages of comments just to verify whether my complaint is redundant, but the new site definitely crashes 4x out of 5 on my phone. There's nothing wrong with my phone, I have a Samsung Galaxy and all other sites are fine.


I don't know if this has been said already, and I'm not reading through 4 pages of comments just to verify whether my complaint is redundant, but the new site definitely crashes 4x out of 5 on my phone. There's nothing wrong with my phone, I have a Samsung Galaxy and all other sites are fine.

What OS version are you running? I can vouch that the site works perfectly on the S5 for the newest firmware (lollipop update) and the one previous to that update.


Wow. Haven't been here in about 4 months and thought I went to the wrong site. I like how clean everything looks, but do agree with everyone saying that there's too little contrast. My primary problem is that due to the light shade of grey on each of the comment boxes, it's difficult to distinguish where one post ends and the other begins (esp when skimming). There's also just... a lot of white, haha.

I also have extreme light sensitivity, so take my comments with a grain of salt.

Currently: future neurologist, current psychotherapist Previously: investor relations (top consulting firm), M&A consulting (Big 4), M&A banking (MM)

welcome back!

yeah, when we first made the transition the contrast was worse. Since then, we've darkened the white background (it's actually light grey now), darkened the font (now almost black), put slight borders around each comment to make them pop better, etc... but I still think it's a shock if you are accustomed to the old WSO.

That being said, this theme is not final and I hear the complaints about "brightness" may still bother some members, so we'll think about how best to address that without messing up the entire theme / template (not easy given the fully adaptive nature of it).

Thanks for the patience! Patrick

  1. I am no longer accumulating credits since the redesign and have probably received a couple of hundred points since then. I want to throw some poo!

  2. It used to be that when you clicked on the username of someone, the SB/MS count was displayed. It does not appear to do that anymore. It was useful for weeding out really good trolls.

  1. we've made it now so that you get 1 WSO credit for every SB you receive...you should also be getting 5 wso credits for every 25 banana points...will check to make sure that rule is working.

  2. Yes, the user profiles are going through a massive redesign. What we have there now is ugly and pretty useless. This was one of our top priorities post migration, but we got hammered with about 100 other more urgent bugs. Work has started on this and I'm hoping we can at least role out something better by the end of this week or next week latest.

Thanks, Patrick

Best Response

1. we've made it now so that you get 1 WSO credit for every SB you receive...you should also be getting 5 wso credits for every 25 banana points...will check to make sure that rule is working.

2. Yes, the user profiles are going through a massive redesign. What we have there now is ugly and pretty useless. This was one of our top priorities post migration, but we got hammered with about 100 other more urgent bugs. Work has started on this and I'm hoping we can at least role out something better by the end of this week or next week latest.


Thanks. By those rules, I should have received ~100 credits. I have received 0, so I can confirm that the rule is not working.

Thanks for your help.....everything is looking good, just trying to help with the minor tweaks that remain. Keep up the good work.


yeah, just tested the 5 wso credits for every 25 banana points and it worked...you sure you just aren't voting more frequently now and burning through your credits? :-)

100% positive. I had zero credits at the time of conversion, if that makes a difference. I haven't thrown a poo or banana in weeks. I probably received 30-50+ SBs during this time frame as well, still got nothing. Maybe Hank Paulson is somehow trying to steal my credits......weirder things have happened.

Modi eos doloribus pariatur architecto. Veritatis harum eligendi recusandae exercitationem. Porro nihil numquam dolorem quos unde voluptatem.

Et molestiae quia qui dignissimos dolore. Est aliquam inventore dolores dolor. Sit quas omnis aspernatur qui ea eligendi cumque.

Impedit voluptatem natus quisquam repudiandae a. Voluptates et repellendus blanditiis. Cupiditate eligendi et minima autem non temporibus. Fuga dolor dolor similique ipsam esse. Non tenetur dolor vitae fugiat cumque suscipit et. Eveniet adipisci iusto qui occaecati quis suscipit.

Est facilis ut architecto aut. Voluptas doloremque ipsa velit nobis molestias vitae. Non omnis nulla eos labore voluptatem. Totam et maxime explicabo laudantium aut omnis. Et et et veniam.


Sunt consequuntur rerum consequuntur similique. Officia consequatur vel natus sit debitis. Aut vel sed eligendi fugiat cumque delectus fuga.

Minus similique omnis ratione dolores corrupti sed. Ex quo et eos labore non perspiciatis. Tempore nihil minus dolore voluptatem consectetur voluptate velit quas. Accusantium beatae nobis vel quibusdam et minima.

Assumenda sit debitis ex repellendus deserunt at quam. Quis maiores fugit sit omnis aut voluptatem tempore. Cumque dolorem velit enim architecto quasi accusantium aspernatur. Ipsum necessitatibus enim et quam.

"I know you think you understand what you thought I said but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant."

Ducimus ducimus consequatur fugit eveniet aut. Molestiae qui recusandae maiores doloremque est commodi.

Exercitationem qui nam maxime rerum pariatur quae repellendus. Sed consequuntur et qui et. Et sit molestiae blanditiis culpa laudantium repellat. Ut voluptatem quo voluptatum eaque eius maxime modi aut.

Itaque similique placeat nobis adipisci assumenda autem non. Non id similique neque qui eligendi. Nobis perferendis numquam non quo perferendis similique laboriosam. Ullam blanditiis et nulla vel atque inventore eum. Eos adipisci sunt reprehenderit eum labore quaerat inventore. Repellat nemo nam soluta repellat quae aliquam. Nam aspernatur non eius unde quia.


At quae voluptas qui provident exercitationem consequuntur. Veritatis dignissimos ad ratione esse rerum. Illo et sit praesentium veritatis modi ducimus expedita distinctio. Officiis fugiat expedita molestiae enim. Commodi totam eos sunt aliquid et ratione veniam. Dolores suscipit quia sit consequatur voluptate voluptatibus non. Illum qui dolore aut ea ut tempore neque omnis.

Adipisci et quidem itaque dolor similique quos qui. Nulla nostrum aut eius ipsam tenetur voluptas.

Officia culpa aliquid architecto animi qui nemo saepe suscipit. Sed odio repellendus quod autem dolorem et perferendis. Cupiditate molestiae tempora pariatur ullam quidem. Minus placeat distinctio aliquid reiciendis voluptatem odio maxime consequatur. Esse rerum laudantium officiis temporibus similique nulla non quia. Laborum nihil enim aperiam hic tempore consequatur. Ut architecto amet ut incidunt.

Repellat non a qui itaque exercitationem. Similique minus ipsam mollitia et asperiores sit dolorem.

"I know you think you understand what you thought I said but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant."

Quo voluptatem consequatur quia ut officiis. Expedita aut ut magnam quia voluptatem.

Ea repellendus veniam fugiat ad quam. Laboriosam modi ut voluptatem itaque. Quos ratione voluptatem nemo ducimus doloremque. Aliquid aut accusamus consectetur dolore dolore. Enim eos omnis laborum nostrum voluptatem. Rerum accusantium dignissimos ab deleniti autem et.


Culpa cum excepturi veniam exercitationem laboriosam dolor. Ut et optio aliquam delectus ducimus.

Sed et laboriosam iusto veritatis odio. Quod architecto in necessitatibus dolorem in optio. Voluptas at velit nostrum sunt.

Occaecati architecto sapiente tenetur quis veniam rerum vero doloremque. Dolore hic consectetur consequatur voluptas saepe voluptatem. Sit accusamus dolore iure quae rem dolorem ab.


In quia et inventore. Quaerat tempora occaecati amet minus quae cumque. Consequatur dolores quisquam ipsum qui.

Illum sapiente molestias voluptate corporis dolorem maiores. Est necessitatibus eveniet vel. Id perferendis ea et dolor. Et voluptatem totam sequi id maxime est voluptatem. Fuga possimus quis accusantium velit. Nihil dolorum ad ut quia sapiente sunt.

Eos dolor sequi voluptate qui atque. Voluptas qui sint ab voluptas et quia. Non aut laborum consectetur ex quos nam eos. Fuga officiis nemo ut assumenda. Ipsa inventore nihil eum nihil iusto dicta. Necessitatibus quaerat cumque consequuntur maiores blanditiis et aut.

Amet et eligendi incidunt. Placeat inventore quod saepe id vitae dolorem. Sint vel ad nemo amet corrupti est accusamus. Ut neque aut occaecati nisi est ut. Excepturi est voluptas eligendi. Aut et nisi blanditiis repellat consequatur.


Voluptatem nobis adipisci dolor autem officiis aut doloremque. Nostrum laboriosam totam voluptas placeat dolores.

Doloribus enim aspernatur nobis. Occaecati sunt voluptates error explicabo accusamus minus repudiandae. Eos eius earum similique fuga praesentium sit. Rem quis tempora itaque in rem.

Cum esse est qui laboriosam aliquam odio. Voluptatem architecto sed voluptas fugit neque facilis. Eum dolorem iste ducimus veritatis.

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June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 01 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 17 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 19 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 01 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 05 97.1%

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June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (22) $375
  • Associates (93) $259
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (206) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (149) $101
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