Good luck maintaining 20" arms and a 50" chest on an ibanking schedule. No time to work out, and certainly not enough sleep to maintain, much less promote growth.

Good luck maintaining 20" arms and a 50" chest on an ibanking schedule. No time to work out, and certainly not enough sleep to maintain, much less promote growth.

thats where my best friend Testosterone Ethanate comes in.


they probably won't laugh at you for your big chest and arms, but rather for your 1/2 inch dick and lack of any self confidence.


I wouldn't care. But you would be on the unfortunate receiving end of many a steroid or "barbells" under your desk joke.

However, the minute you wore your shirt with the first four buttons unhinged or walked in with an extra medium shirt or pair of pants, I would unleash comedy hour on your ass...

You should do some human psychological research on your question in reference to how people would respond to your work. What "quants" or MD's have you ever heard about or seen that are drinking protein shakes in between research meetings? (Think of the whole brain vs. braun debate)

In banking, I would say it's good to be physically fit but don't go overboard man if you actually have the time to work out.

"Cut the burger into thirds, place it on the fries, roll one up homey..." - Epic Meal Time
Best Response
I wouldn't care. But you would be on the unfortunate receiving end of many a steroid or "barbells" under your desk joke.

However, the minute you wore your shirt with the first four buttons unhinged or walked in with an extra medium shirt or pair of pants, I would unleash comedy hour on your ass...

You should do some human psychological research on your question in reference to how people would respond to your work. What "quants" or MD's have you ever heard about or seen that are drinking protein shakes in between research meetings? (Think of the whole brain vs. braun debate)

In banking, I would say it's good to be physically fit but don't go overboard man if you actually have the time to work out.

Yeah, I would never do the buttons thing. In IB I would think it would be a major plus. As an analyst, what distinguishes you from all the other size 40 suits? Well, a 50 suit and a 34" waist. In trading I think it would be a little more dangerous. But if you're an ace trader, man you could be a superstar. A credit deriv trader with 20" arms -one of a kind.

Daniel T Bush:
I wouldn't care. But you would be on the unfortunate receiving end of many a steroid or "barbells" under your desk joke.

However, the minute you wore your shirt with the first four buttons unhinged or walked in with an extra medium shirt or pair of pants, I would unleash comedy hour on your ass...

You should do some human psychological research on your question in reference to how people would respond to your work. What "quants" or MD's have you ever heard about or seen that are drinking protein shakes in between research meetings? (Think of the whole brain vs. braun debate)

In banking, I would say it's good to be physically fit but don't go overboard man if you actually have the time to work out.

Yeah, I would never do the buttons thing. In IB I would think it would be a major plus. As an analyst, what distinguishes you from all the other size 40 suits? Well, a 50 suit and a 34" waist. In trading I think it would be a little more dangerous. But if you're an ace trader, man you could be a superstar. A credit deriv trader with 20" arms -one of a kind.

Bah, I'm working on getting that big. I'm at 46/37 now at 230 lbs at 6'3". But I started at 365 lbs, so it was a 150 lb cut with a 40 lb bulk in the last 2 years.

Also, who cares about arm size? I'm about squats and deads, so I value big legs.


I know a couple of senior bankers who are active marathon runners. My MD e.g. participated in the NYC Marathon last year, so it's not unheard of.

I know a couple of senior bankers who are active marathon runners. My MD e.g. participated in the NYC Marathon last year, so it's not unheard of.

I used to be a runner like 4 years ago, before i got into bodybuilding. the thing with runners is that they look just like everybody else. BBers dont.


With 20 inch arms it will be tough to reach the keyboard. Oh wait, you mean circumference.

There was a guy that could bench 450, serve 140 mph break a stack of bricks with his fist and dance like a butterfly. He got laughed at.

-------------- Either you sling crack rock or you got a wicked jump shot

There's no real point in having huge muscles if you lose your explosiveness, bodybuilders are slow as hell, anybody with minimal training in boxing would knock you on your ass.

There's no real point in having huge muscles if you lose your explosiveness, bodybuilders are slow as hell, anybody with minimal training in boxing would knock you on your ass.

Fuckface, that's not what bodybuilders do. They don't fight. A boxer fights, that is his end game, that is what he trains for. A bodybuilder poses, that is his end game, that is what he trains for -aesthetics. Dumb ass.

Daniel T Bush:
There's no real point in having huge muscles if you lose your explosiveness, bodybuilders are slow as hell, anybody with minimal training in boxing would knock you on your ass.

Fuckface, that's not what bodybuilders do. They don't fight. A boxer fights, that is his end game, that is what he trains for. A bodybuilder poses, that is his end game, that is what he trains for -aesthetics. Dumb ass.

What's the point of all that training when you get knocked on your ass ? That's my point you fuckin retard. Why don't you go on ahead and build big muscles so that your fellow faggots can admire you.

Meanwhile, just hope you don't run into guys like me, cause I'll knock your lights out and make you feel like a complete moron.

Daniel T Bush:
Fuckface, that's not what bodybuilders do. They don't fight. A bodybuilder poses.

Dan, you have to admit, that is not nearly as cool as fighting.


good call seanc, most of the bodybuilding people are closet homos who have no athletic skills. Most seem to do it because they lack any real social or physical skills. A lightweight boxer or 133 lb college wrestler could beat the shit out of most of them.

good call seanc, most of the bodybuilding people are closet homos who have no athletic skills. Most seem to do it because they lack any real social or physical skills. A lightweight boxer or 133 lb college wrestler could beat the shit out of most of them.

You're just upset because you have not the desire, will, strength, energy, and dedication to build a class act body. You don't have the discipline or moral courage. You don't have the ability. Your own self recognition of your inability has got to you. The smoke of defeat and failure has seeped into your shitty little monkeyish mind and has just fucked the shit out of you. You know that if you stared bodybulding you would quit. Just like you have quit everything else in your life. You want to be an investment banker. You want to call yourself the man. You want to be a BSD. Well, just stop -dont even go for it. You'll fail. You'll quit in disgrace because you suck. You have a 36 waist and 40" chest with 18% bodyfat. You can barely run 5 miles. I have a 34" 50" with 10% body fat. I am slimmer than you. I have bigger muscles than you. I can run 5 miles in 35 minutes. Bottom line, I am better than you. Bye.


You know what I shouldn't have wasted 2 mins of my life responding to this retarded thread, everyone knows you're a troll with too much time on his hands.


Arnold started juicing at 15 - he has no idea what his natural limit was, he never had a chance to see it. The amount the classics took though (other than mentzer) was a lot lower than today's.

natural test starts to lower at an average of about 24 years old. peak muscle mass is ~33 years old.

anyone advising someone to take any steroids w/o doing the proper research is a jackass, and anyone who believes said advice w/o proper research is a dumbass. i'm not against steroids, but i am against uninformed use of it.

same for clen... you could take a bottle of AAS at once & probably be okay, if a little fucked up. Clen could easily kill you. I know this is an unrealistic example, but it's just a reference.

People bodybuild for vanity, not for fighting (although I wouldn't want to get into it with any of them - don't get started on "functional strength." you will lose that argument). Most of the arguments against it come from people who are not builders. it's fine, but you're guessing, or looking at people like coleman or cutler, not your average BB. In any case, the argument is silly. Next someone will be saying "OMFG MMA AND BJJ PWNZ BOXING AND ANYTHING ELSE!!" And as far as the closet homosexual part... that's pretty ignorant.

there we go, i think i've insulted about everyone in the thread now.

Arnold started juicing at 15 - he has no idea what his natural limit was, he never had a chance to see it. The amount the classics took though (other than mentzer) was a lot lower than today's.

natural test starts to lower at an average of about 24 years old. peak muscle mass is ~33 years old.

anyone advising someone to take any steroids w/o doing the proper research is a jackass, and anyone who believes said advice w/o proper research is a dumbass. i'm not against steroids, but i am against uninformed use of it.

same for clen... you could take a bottle of AAS at once & probably be okay, if a little fucked up. Clen could easily kill you. I know this is an unrealistic example, but it's just a reference.

People bodybuild for vanity, not for fighting (although I wouldn't want to get into it with any of them - don't get started on "functional strength." you will lose that argument). Most of the arguments against it come from people who are not builders. it's fine, but you're guessing, or looking at people like coleman or cutler, not your average BB. In any case, the argument is silly. Next someone will be saying "OMFG MMA AND BJJ PWNZ BOXING AND ANYTHING ELSE!!" And as far as the closet homosexual part... that's pretty ignorant.

there we go, i think i've insulted about everyone in the thread now.

I think you're right on about gear. You shouldn't cycle unless you want to and you should research on your own. I was just giving him a starting point. Var is the weakest AAS there is, save maybe primo. As for Arnold, I must disagree with you. Arnold started lifting at 15. At ages 15-16 his body went through a natural transformation from lifting. At age 17 his body really took off from all that Dbol.


"The amount the classics took though (other than mentzer) was a lot lower than today's".

It was a lot lower than today's because of the nature of their gear. If you know what youre doing you can run a gram of test/week 1-16, dbol 80mgs/day 1-4, and a truckload of tren. Back then, if you knew what you were doing you could prolly run dbol at 50 1-8 stacked with primo or var. I have no doubt that if arnold were BBing today he would be a cut 6'2" 300 instead of 6'2" 240.


Good spot, he was 17. In any event, 2 years isn't near enough time to peak (especially at such a young age)- but it's very different if your life is bodybuilding. Here, I'll presume life will revolve around high finance.

Good spot, he was 17. In any event, 2 years isn't near enough time to peak (especially at such a young age)- but it's very different if your life is bodybuilding. Here, I'll presume life will revolve around high finance.

have you ever seen the arnold routine? it is absolutley insane. 1 day of rest between each body part. I need at least 2, though i prefer 3. Anyway, do you cycle?


i love it when everybody looks at me with a weird walking back from the gym to my residential college. Especially on biceps day, my arms can pump to 20.5", with veins popping. walking back on a nice late summer or spring day, the ladies just fall over.


That is disgusting. I've never met another girl who thinks guys like you are even remotely attractive. No girl wants to be with a guy who spends more time looking in the mirror, posing, and being vain than she does. Graduate from college, forget this IB stuff because you'll never be able to do both, and make your dreams come true by focusing on this drug-induced bodybuilding idea... invest in a good DVD player and a nice thick stack of your favorite magazines too, because it might be the only action you're getting...

That is disgusting. I've never met another girl who thinks guys like you are even remotely attractive. No girl wants to be with a guy who spends more time looking in the mirror, posing, and being vain than she does. Graduate from college, forget this IB stuff because you'll never be able to do both, and make your dreams come true by focusing on this drug-induced bodybuilding idea... invest in a good DVD player and a nice thick stack of your favorite magazines too, because it might be the only action you're getting...

Excuse me. Are you actually saying that a girl would rather have a skinny fuck or a fat fuck over a 34" waist and 50" chest? Are you sure you're not a lesbian? But you must be speaking from history. Yeah, because Arnold had trouble getting girls in his day. :)


Yes... brace yourself... I would pass up your awe-inspiring 50" chest and 34" waist (and even your 20" biceps) and no, I am not a lesbian, though I bet you I could get more girls than you if I wanted. However, I'm pretty sure I'm not the target group of ladies you want drooling over you anyway... After all, I graduated from high school AND college (cum laude too), I don't have implants and dyed blonde hair, I don't go to tanning salons or wear flourescent-colored acrylic nails, I work in i-banking (which means since you are still in college, I make more money than you this year), and I have enough self-confidence to stay the hell away from cocky a**holes in general. Not that we're keeping score, but I can also beat you for 5 miles, and I'd be willing to bet that a girl beating you in something does not turn you on.

I just recently joined this board, and I've heard you mention your measurements probably about 30 times- sounds like you may want to work out a few issues with your therapist. However, I sincerely wish you the best of luck in your career (both of them) and hope that I never have to actually meet you face to face.

That is disgusting. I've never met another girl who thinks guys like you are even remotely attractive. No girl wants to be with a guy who spends more time looking in the mirror, posing, and being vain than she does. Graduate from college, forget this IB stuff because you'll never be able to do both, and make your dreams come true by focusing on this drug-induced bodybuilding idea... invest in a good DVD player and a nice thick stack of your favorite magazines too, because it might be the only action you're getting...

And all those male hollywood celebs that women of all ages drool over, they dont look in the mirror at all. :)


You're a loser Bush - NEWS FLASH, girls like guys that have innate self-confidence, of which you obviously have none, since your self-worth is tied to the size of your biceps. Not to mention the fact that this is an INVESTMENT BANKING board, so no one gives a FUCK what you put in your body, and you are simply ruining the integrity of this board on a daily basis. Spend some of your gym time learning about finance - it will be much more lucrative for you in the future that shooting drugs in your ass.

On a more serious note, get off the FUCKING juice - you are taking years off of your life, and I personally have had a friend commit suicide due to the crazy juice induced mood swings he got. Be a man and build muscle naturally - anyways, it's 2007 and the body builder look is out in favor of the slender, cut athletic look...girls back me up?

You're a loser Bush - NEWS FLASH, girls like guys that have innate self-confidence, of which you obviously have none, since your self-worth is tied to the size of your biceps. Not to mention the fact that this is an INVESTMENT BANKING board, so no one gives a FUCK what you put in your body, and you are simply ruining the integrity of this board on a daily basis. Spend some of your gym time learning about finance - it will be much more lucrative for you in the future that shooting drugs in your ass.

On a more serious note, get off the FUCKING juice - you are taking years off of your life, and I personally have had a friend commit suicide due to the crazy juice induced mood swings he got. Be a man and build muscle naturally - anyways, it's 2007 and the body builder look is out in favor of the slender, cut athletic look...girls back me up?

Who the fuck are you? I've been posting on this board before you could spell finance. Fuck off. You're probably some disgruntled dude that can't build muscle. That's what haters do. They can't succeed so they seek to abase thoose of us that can. Oh, any by the way, I know about finance than you ever will.

I can back you up. I like the slender look.

Also, chest bulk, the kind you get from steroids, just looks and feels monstrous. Particularly with veins. Ugh. It makes you look like some big subhuman freak.

Dan T Bush: have you fucked at least more than 50 girls? If not, shut the fuck up with your "ladies just fall when I pump my bicpes" shit.

no, i haven't. and your jelousy is really prevelant in your statement. i love it when people hate the one's with the goods.

well if you haven't, then how good are your goods bitch?

Dude, you're an idiot. It is not my sole purpose in life -I don't wake up everyday to see how many girls I can tap. Not to mention the fact that 50 girls is a ton, especially considering my relative youth of 21 years. Additionally, let's not forget that, that is a danergous affiar, as I am sure that I wouldn't bat 1/1 for health issues.


This is such bull shit.

Dan T Bush is trying to have a fucking convo about bodybuilders in banking. It's a fair question. I'm actually interested in how i'm gunna maintain my body w/ all the seamless and terrible eating.

Praahmonkey...what the fuck is your deal. Fucked 50 girls? My ass. I wouldn't go around advertising that shit either. Your dicks prob gunna fall off any day now.

BTW, I'm not a body builder, but I like to work out. Go to the gym with a friend of mine all the time, he's a body builder, gives me tips on how to keep fit etc.

I don't understand why there is so much hate on this board. Grow the fuck up an post your emo angst on some other thread. Some of you guys are just soft.


Hey Dan, way to edit your last post, where you proudly declared you have a 3.2 GPA. Good luck getting interviews with such impressive academic credentials.

Hey Dan, way to edit your last post, where you proudly declared you have a 3.2 GPA. Good luck getting interviews with such impressive academic credentials.

actually, i've already got interviews for SA positions. coming from yale, a 3.2 will suffice. the bullshit thrown around about 3.7s on this board is just that. maybe for non targets, but not for us ivys


Yale. Dan, did your internship at Vayner Capital help you get those SA interviews?

-------------- Either you sling crack rock or you got a wicked jump shot

Dolorum molestias aut ipsa cupiditate molestiae ducimus. Libero qui et et consectetur fuga. Quia aut itaque optio voluptatem numquam ut est aliquid.

In consectetur est velit maiores. Incidunt enim iste molestias similique dolor eligendi minima. Fuga totam quis rerum ab iusto fugiat. Laboriosam praesentium in laudantium sit. Qui et suscipit ipsa et nam.


Consectetur nostrum fugiat tenetur aut earum. Sint occaecati est et est et. Atque aperiam consequatur repudiandae qui atque asperiores qui.

Aut similique dolor cum est soluta et vel. Cupiditate expedita qui commodi sit a magnam vero. Facilis sit at ut ut cum omnis.

Cumque asperiores nihil error vel dolore quod. Blanditiis incidunt sed magni temporibus quaerat sunt itaque.

-------------- Either you sling crack rock or you got a wicked jump shot

Debitis praesentium beatae culpa totam voluptatum error et. Quis sint ea quam autem perferendis illo aut quo. Quis ratione repudiandae quae consequatur repellat dolorum. Vero id qui assumenda qui aut voluptatem. Eos quo saepe laudantium voluptate.

Magnam velit sit aut enim est. Sapiente impedit unde cupiditate iste. Consequuntur sit suscipit tenetur ea eum. Quo nihil accusamus quae omnis et.

Ea beatae natus hic voluptates quia quae. Nam autem iste optio similique illum aspernatur. Alias aut sed rem neque facilis magnam ut accusantium. Labore doloribus veritatis id voluptatem molestiae impedit tenetur.

Career Advancement Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 01 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 97.7%
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Professional Growth Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

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  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (21) $373
  • Associates (92) $259
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (68) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (206) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (148) $101
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