Concerned about maintaining current physique

I workout seven days a week and am consistently in top-shape year round with defined abs. During my SA I worked out during calls (remote) during my SA, but this might not be possible when I start FT.

Will be starting FT soon and am really concerned about being able to improve my physique over the next two years. Fitness is one of the most important parts of my life and I need it for my sanity. It also obv helps with girls a lot and I can't imagine dating if I am out of shape.

How can I continue to make progress at the gym and stay lean while working IB hours? An important point is that my diet is shit and I think that might be an issue if I can't continue to workout with the same intensity.  

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How long have you been training, if you've been doing it for 5+ years, the progress you make from here on out won't be mind boggling, you should just focus on maintaining. I've never worked in banking, but am somewhat serious about working out. I pretty much focused on getting myself in shape before age 22 so that the rest of my life can be more about maintaining it and focusing on other priorities. I think you'll be surprised about how little you care about missing meals, PR's, your abs when you are getting slammed with work. This genuinely isn't super helpful, but unless there's a specific reason you want to be in outrageous shape, you should accept that you are going to sacrifice optimising your training/sleep etc. if you're working a super demanding career. Counting calories stringently, tracking macros, checking your weight consistently, working out 3 times a week should be enough for you to stay looking in shape and is doable even with IB hours.


If you use the search function then there's a decent amount of threads on this. In each thread there's always like 10 people saying it's not possible with 1-2 saying they made it work. I think it comes down to discipline and how much of a priority it is to you. I make it work with my hrs (~80/week). I haven't done a bulking cycle since starting banking bc I'm scared I won't be able to cut as effectively and don't want to end up fat. So I've just maintained the muscle mass I have and stayed ~10% body fat. It definitely takes more effort. I meal prep my lunches for the week on sundays example. There's definitely weeks where it sucks but at the end of the day it's a priority in my life. I think most groups go and wfh at 6pm so you could definitely squeeze a workout in during that time. Even on days where I'm slammed, I'll find time to get a quick mile or mile and a half in. It only takes like 10 min for 1.5 miles so idk how anyone can say they didn't have a spare 10 min from 6pm to 2am.

You're going to have to clean up the diet though. This is paramount to maintaining the body you want. I still will have a drunk meal on Fridays or Saturdays that's unhealthy but I eat clean during the week.


2nd that. 

For me it works if I schedule some long intense workouts on Saturday and Sunday. During the week I try to run once for 30-60 mins before work, depending on how busy I am. At home there is always time for a quick 15 min HIT workout. Depending on group/bank you might get the chance to go for 1 hours at some point during the day when you wait for comments. You will be able to maintain your physique but its definitely important to stay on top when it comes to  prepping food and your discipline in general. 


I was/am you. I lift Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday morning. I try to go one other time during the work week besides Monday morning and Friday night.You will have to focus on faster workouts with larger compound movements and fewer specialty finishers. I am able to make it work. My group is not a total sweatshop. I usually work from 9-12/1. Signing off at 11pm is possible occasionally (on those nights, I get up at 7 the next morning and go to the gym. We work almost every weekend, but usually only like 4 or 5 hours off work each day, so can go to the gym then. 


Like above poster said, I’m going to emphasize never bulking. You won’t be able to keep a consistent schedule (eating sleeping or lifting) enough to justify eating that many excess calories (you might have to skip several days or some meals not to mention sleep) that will just be fat. You don’t want to be ‘caught out’ on a bulk. Especially doing much less cardio overall (I try to do a lot on weekends like 20k steps)

You can make it work, and your main priority should be maintaining with some basic attempt to improve strength gains. I get 1-2 weekdays right now (and things have been pretty light) with 2 days WFH (often can swing a workout on both WFH days) and every single weekend day (so far, but I’ve definitely skipped when I’ve been super tired). But you have to do it when you can e.g. 11 AM or 8 pm, which is weird.

In previous jobs or tough situations I’ve been able to wake up at 6 am or workout at 1-3 am and wake up at 8 the next day because it’s not just about motivation, but the difference was I knew I could sleep the next day (predictable schedule that I had control over).

You do not have any control over your schedule starting out (for the most part) which made it tough for me to justify waking up early (sacrificing guaranteed sleep) and the gyms close early AF in NYC (like 10 pm what the fuck am I paying all this money for…)

Been able to do 1 hour workouts and trying to keep a somewhat consistent diet staple wise (basically keep 2 meals the same everyday and weekends eat whatever else I want without going too overboard). I’m pretty experienced with knowing what my maintenance is and how to dial it back etc etc and always make sure to kill it in the gym when I go out or eat a lot (massive pump). It works pretty well. Opt for protein shakes / salads / veggie based things during the weekdays for lunch and when ordering dinner. Pretty easy to stack the calories with the add-ins (nuts etc) on the salads to fill macros along with protein bars and stuff. But sometimes you can’t eat when you want dinner (too busy) and have to skip lunch and just eat a protein bar or something. That’s why it’s so tough.

That’s what I do, pretty simple and it works. I’m not as big or strong as when I had a consistent schedule (sleeping eating lifting) but I’ve also tracked macros and did all that stuff way back when and don’t bother now, to whatever minor difference. Also I skipped legs for like 2 months straight but I just started back up again.

NEVER stopped stretching it out / foam rolling etc tho. Super important cause you sit all day


Like above poster said, I’m going to emphasize never bulking. You won’t be able to keep a consistent schedule (eating sleeping or lifting) enough to justify eating that many excess calories (you might have to skip several days or some meals not to mention sleep) that will just be fat. You don’t want to be ‘caught out’ on a bulk. Especially doing much less cardio overall (I try to do a lot on weekends like 20k steps)

You can make it work, and your main priority should be maintaining with some basic attempt to improve strength gains. I get 1-2 weekdays right now (and things have been pretty light) with 2 days WFH (often can swing a workout on both WFH days) and every single weekend day (so far, but I’ve definitely skipped when I’ve been super tired). But you have to do it when you can e.g. 11 AM or 8 pm, which is weird.

In previous jobs or tough situations I’ve been able to wake up at 6 am or workout at 1-3 am and wake up at 8 the next day because it’s not just about motivation, but the difference was I knew I could sleep the next day (predictable schedule that I had control over).

You do not have any control over your schedule starting out (for the most part) which made it tough for me to justify waking up early (sacrificing guaranteed sleep) and the gyms close early AF in NYC (like 10 pm what the fuck am I paying all this money for…)

Been able to do 1 hour workouts and trying to keep a somewhat consistent diet staple wise (basically keep 2 meals the same everyday and weekends eat whatever else I want without going too overboard). I’m pretty experienced with knowing what my maintenance is and how to dial it back etc etc and always make sure to kill it in the gym when I go out or eat a lot (massive pump). It works pretty well. Opt for protein shakes / salads / veggie based things during the weekdays for lunch and when ordering dinner. Pretty easy to stack the calories with the add-ins (nuts etc) on the salads to fill macros along with protein bars and stuff. But sometimes you can’t eat when you want dinner (too busy) and have to skip lunch and just eat a protein bar or something. That’s why it’s so tough.

That’s what I do, pretty simple and it works. I’m not as big or strong as when I had a consistent schedule (sleeping eating lifting) but I’ve also tracked macros and did all that stuff way back when and don’t bother now, to whatever minor difference. Also I skipped legs for like 2 months straight but I just started back up again.

NEVER stopped stretching it out / foam rolling etc tho. Super important cause you sit all day


I think this discussion is a lot simpler than people make it out to be. It all depends on whether you are WFH/hybrid or not. WFH? No reason you can’t run down for 10 minutes to use an apartment gym or knock out some push ups or something even indoors if desperate. Also makes cooking whatever you want whenever wayyyyy easier. In the office? Maybe some of you are more disciplined, but good luck with that unless you can leave the office early


Don't work in banking work in strat fin so can still be grindy but def not banking type. I think if you can ensure you lift Fri-Sun, that's key. Then, if possible, do 1 more workout at some other point in the week and I think you'll be covered. If you want to be aesthetic, look into FST-7 workouts. Incredibly efficient. Workouts can be literally ~30 minutes. If you're WFH, what I do is keep my laptop with me and walk to the gym. Lift. If I get comments / anything comes up, I just hop on and get to it. Once that subsides, get back to your workout. Not ideal but as others have said you'll make it work if you want to. Eat clean, stay hydrated, train HARD even when you feel like literal shit, and you'll be more than in the clear. For me, my two priorities are lifting and work, so I can make it work. I've had to trade off so many social events but ultimately time is a finite resource and if we assume that banking consumes some majority % of time then those remaining hours are incredibly delicate. Use them how you will but understand that each way you use any given hour has an opportunity cost. In my example, lifting on a friday night after getting crushed > getting fucked up with friends. It can suck, but, again, what can you do? I've learned in this life - specifically for those of us who want to work hard / get forced to work long anyways lol - we have to pick and choose. Unless you are some anomaly and can thrive off some suboptimal sleep, your hours per day are very limited. Just don't burn time, please.

Most Helpful

Couple of important things to consider/understand as it relates to fitness in IB

1.  It sounds like fitness is a very important of your lifestyle and likely garners an outsized share of your time/attention.  I was the same way before I went into banking - counted every calorie/macro, gym 6 days/wk (you shouldn't be doing 7x ever, counterproductive.  Body needs rest to rebuild tissue and realize gains), could count annual cheat days or missed lifts on 1 hand, 6-pack year-round.  It required a lot of time, effort, and attention.  You simply are not going to be able to invest that amount of time and energy into your physique when you're working 80+ hours/wk every week, have constant hard deadlines, and are running on minimal sleep. 

2.  Your focus should be on overall health and maintaining a lean enough walking around weight and prioritizing the fuck out of sleep instead of gains or a perfect physique (i.e., prioritize cardio, abs, body weight & lower weight higher rep shit to get blood moving and maintain w/out overworking CNS).  From experience, if you're in a sweaty group or stack up sweaty staffings, the degree of sleep deprivation, caffeine/stimulant consumption, and stress can have a real impact on your circulatory system.  I went into banking perfectly healthy w/ a body sculpted to the proportions of Michaelangelo's David, got a physical shortly after I left, had blood pressure so high that I had to stay for monitoring, and found out I was exceptionally fortunate not to have had a stroke on many different occasions.  Turns out that heavy lifting, downing Bangs at 10-11pm to do heavy lifting, and the forfeited sleep as a result negatively impacted my health. 

If you stay in reasonably good shape during banking, you'll be able to get back into great shape relatively shortly once you leave for greener pastures...unless you fuck up your overall health during your banking tenure.  This job can take a legitimate physical toll, so make sure to think big picture because you may fuck yourself up if you don't.  


This is a top post. Thank you!

Judging from the variation in the comments, it seems like there isn't a set answer to the question. If there is enough interest, I am down to create a program for bankers that are working 80+hrs a week.

In terms of programming after FT, I was thinking of doing a slightly longer (1.5hrs) upper/lower split on Saturdays and Sundays with an emphasis on very slow linear progression and strength. During the week, shorter 15-25 min workouts right after you get out of bed with DBs only. Could get those adjustable DBs and do a couple of 10x10  + a couple of quick accessories. For example:

Monday could be chest / back with flat DB presses + one arm DB rows 5x10 each and two sets for triceps

Tuesday could be legs + biceps with 5x10 each for DB squat + RDL and pullups / curls 

Wednesday rest

Thursday shoulders + calves (lower volume since its shoulders a smaller muscle group so a standard 3x8-12 should work) Could hit front, rear and lateral delt + calves 

Friday rest 

Saturday & Sunday Upper / Lower split with heavy compounds. 

German volume training usually works well and can be done in a HIIT 

This + elite diet + prioritizing rest and recover over the weekends (fewer night outs) might work on all weeks, unless I am pulling 100+ hours, which should be less than a dozen weeks (hopefully?) over the course of my analyst split. 


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