Is the gap between IB pay and "ordinary" corporate jobs getting too narrow to justify the hours?

Everyone knows that the heyday of pre-2008 banking pay is probably dead forever, but it seems that the reputation of how much this job pays has persisted despite the trending evidence to the contrary over time. The perception that bankers (especially at the non-senior level) are living large as they were in the 80s and 00s seems to not completely jive with reality

Don't get me wrong, banking has paid well when compared to the labor market as a whole, but the compact that is agreed to when going into banking (no WLB, it's a "lifestyle" and not just a job) seems to fall apart when the payoff for that sacrifice is only a 20%-30% premium in comp compared to typical corporate jobs that have much better working conditions.

At that point, the main justification is the accelerated timeline to becoming a senior banker (eg. "think about how much money you'll make in 5 years!"), which is enticing but not all that compelling for a lot of people especially when the hours only get marginally better

Is the gap between IB pay and "ordinary" corporate jobs getting too narrow to justify the hours?


Sometimes I wonder for all the talk about automation displacing “high finance” jobs, maybe it’s equally possible we enter a new “golden age” of banking/pay from increased productivity/investment/M&A. This is also true of the hours with AI likely reducing them at least partly if not substantially over next several years.

Does anyone else think this is a possibility, and maybe contrary to OP, think banking could be an incredible LT career for this reason?


When factory work became automated, did the people left on the floor get paid twice as much? Work half the hours? No. As always, headcount will be reduced and i’ll all go to the shareholders.


I don't doubt headcount will be reduced but I disagree that major productivity increases did not/do not lead to an increase in wages/wealth - that is verifiable by simply looking at the enormous amount of wealth accumulated by even the average person in the United States, not just the shareholders. 


This is why investment banks going public was the biggest betrayal from the CEOs that oversaw the whole thing.

I think it would be best talent just drips away from public banks and towards private boutiques over time.


Investment banking is basically a normal job now. Used to be the case that when people heard investment banking they thought you were really rich / making more money than everybody else. Now our industry barely pays higher than consulting and literally pays the same or less than tech. 

After bonus I’m clearing over $200k this year working about 70-80 hours a week as an analyst 2. I’m happy with it and grateful for the comp but to think it would impress any of my friends, family, or anybody at all is laughable.

My software engineer homie clears $150k working lightly 30-40ish hours a week fully remote. If he wanted to, he could easily work harder at a different company and be clearing $250-300k, but he enjoys his lifestyle too much. A 30% premium for 100% more hours just goes to show that banks have given up trying to attract talent or offer outsized pay. They’re phoning it in for now but that can change. Definitely some banks out there (Qatalyst/Centerview) that actually pay impressive amounts to juniors but very few. 


When I was in analyst in 2001 (when dinosaurs roamed the earth) at what you folks call an “EB” (but no one in the industry does, other than some low rent headhunters), I was paid what I think was top comp on the street of 102.5k. My homie at Microsoft got paid 85k. Markets went south and my comp went up to 130k as a third year analyst (still top of the street) so virtually no upside. Then things turned again and four years later by the time I was a first year VP, I was making 700k (above the street). Then the financial crisis happened and markets stagnated and my career stagnated and my comp stagnated. Of course then, I made  MD and then group head, the markets came back and for the past few years, I’m making 5mm+.

so a few observations, first both banking and PE are long games. It was never the case that in the first few years, it pays much better than in other jobs. 

Second, there are a lot more junior bankers and MDs than there were pre 2008. In my view, more than the industry needs to serve its clients well. There are just as many MDs making f@ck you money than there were pre 2008,  but where people make it is different. The real rainmakers are more often than not at “EBs” and the real money making opportunities are at mid market firms. The average MD at Blair, Piper, Baird, Cantor makes more than a JPM or MS. And the average partner at Evercore a ltot more. Similarly for junior bankers, look at where people are getting paid vs where they are not.


Point is there are very few groups that will ever pay a VP1 $700k now in 2023 even in the best of markets, and we're taking almost 20yrs later after ridiculous CPI and real asset inflation. 

I was probably the top ranked guy at one of the top paying groups. Not saying this to boast, I made some career mistakes shortly thereafter and things went sideways / down for 5+ years before picking back up. 

But you’re right - it’s a much rawer deal for VPs and Ds (less so As and As actually) than it was 15 years ago, I think the street has made a conscious decision to pay less for execution, on the other hand the pay for the top guys at EVR, CVP is unthinkably high compared to their BB heydays. Like many things in society, banking has given more wealth to the top 1% and less for everyone else 


I'm calling bull shit on their being more junior bankers these days. Over the past twenty years the industry has consolidated and analyst classes pale in comparison to what they were before 2000. 

My  investment banking analyst class at my BB in 2000 was smaller than the analyst class at Evercore today. The difference is there were 200 kids in S&T and a fraction of that today.


I'm going into a corporate role that pays 185k TC with 40 hour workweeks (3 YOE). Seeing how analyst bonuses shook out this year, 30% premium TC for being an associate isn't that big of a stretch

just like how IB / PE is relatively selective, if you are selective about what role you try to get into in corporate (and try to stretch your experience past what you actually have), I'm confident that most people at the analyst / associate level are able to snag very competitive corporate roles for the hours worked


Is it a corp dev role or something else in corporate (corp fin, strategy, etc.) and what type of company (F500, startup, PE portco, etc.)? Would appreciate any advice on how you approached corporate recruiting and what you viewed as "competitive." Also curious how you expect your comp to progression in the medium/long term.


I'm going into a corporate role that pays 185k TC with 40 hour workweeks (3 YOE).

This type of shit gets lied about all day long. That's my biggest problem with this website. People start pulling bullshit anecdotes out of their ass to prove their points. 

I'm not saying I don't believe that exists, I'm just saying you are the only Associate I have ever heard of going into a corporate 9-5 job at a $185K total comp. It's literally a job that has ensured you that you will never have to work past 5PM? That part is weird too. Even FP&A guys I know typically work more than 40 hours. Not saying you're lying, just saying I guess you found like a top 1% opportunity relative to the rest of us. If this was standard I think most people on the forum would take it in a heartbeat but it is definitely abnormal (and frankly just sounds made up)


What role is this? Im happy to call bullshit.

Are you a Director of Corp Dev for a PE platform?

I suppose some naïve firm could hire you as a Manager or above in Corp Dev or Corp Strategy but you would be grossly underqualified relative to someone with 2+ years as as Associate. Sorry, but its true. Being able to know the steps in an auction process and how to model does not qualify you to be in a role where you define the investment thesis for any acquisition.

Maybe you're joining some F500 strategic that doesnt know how to do M&A, but not at any legitimate firm that's running proper processes. With that said, there are many firms that have a braindead approach to M&A and essentially just try and buy businesses via their proprietary outreach methods that aren't engaged by bankers and sell for a fraction of what they're worth. A lot of speculation on my end I know, but Im very very curious as to what job offers 180k+ at 40 hours a week.  

Lastly, I have never found anyone to make 180k+ working 40 hours a week. My comp is close to that and I work 55-65 on average and much more when on a live deal. I am at one of the higher paying shops 


Lawyers make more money than us. Let me say that again, lawyers make more money than us. That is not a sign of a healthy society - us lusty men of commerce should be paid top wages!


This is a bad argument IMO. If you’re referencing the WSJ article on banker vs. lawyer pay, there are plenty of other threads pointing out the major flaws in that article (primarily that it is comparing top equity partners to average MDs, especially an issue because it is increasingly difficult to make equity partner and you’re seeing a whole new class of non-equity partners who make far less)

As an AN1 at an EB this year, I cleared $220k, compared to $235K for 1st year biglaw associates (, and didn’t have to pay for 3 years of law school or sacrifice 3 years of income. This also doesn’t consider the optionality that IB gives you to pursue even higher earning careers, like PE or HFs.

I recruited for MF PE and was guided towards $325-$350k all in as an Assoc 1, which is comparable to an Associate 4 in biglaw (which will be 3 years out of UG vs. 7 for biglaw). Associate 1s at my EB are clearing at least $300k all in. Unless you’re a SWE (where career earnings are arguably lower because fewer clear senior roles) or at a top HF out of UG (where there is obviously much more risk), then you’d be hard pressed to find anything that pays close to IB, especially considering risk adjusted career earning potential. Lastly, my friends in MBB consulting are making $110k base with $10k signing and top bucket bonuses of $20-30k for an all-in comp of at most $150k. There are plenty of issues with IB and it is far from a perfect job, but I’m still extremely grateful I chose IB and would still recommend it for students looking to maximize career earning potential. 


Market pay for SWEs with 2-3 YOE of a high caliber are also around 320k +- 30k for normal tech jobs.

It's much higher at reputable quantitative hedge funds.

FWIW I think people should just pick careers based on what interests them.


The issue here is how much analyst comp varies by bank. I see your point with making $220k as an A1 and completely agree that that’s great and worth it. I only made $150k as an A1 (~$50k bonus, salary was only bumped up partway through year) at a BB in NYC. So at that comp level it was definitely not worth it and OP’s argument is more relevant.


Not really. It's comparing average MDs to average equity partners. You can argue about which is easier to make (and judging off of number of partners vs MDs its probably quite similar) but equity partner comp at reputable v50 law firms is minimum $3m and top 10 firms is minimum $5m. That's nowhere near IBD comp. The fact is that making high comp at public firms is significantly harder than private firms (which is why EBs pay a lot more). Oh and before you say "that's an average", yes that means that there is top rainmakers making even more than that, and also some firms like Wachtell pay every partner equally i.e. all 91 partners make $8.4m a year

Yes you can argue top MF PE partners make more but you've got a lot better odds at making partner at Kirkland than MD at KKR

Also comparing random salary data points from top MFs/EBs to average big lawyer comp is stupid. Some of the top law firms are known to pay 50-100% bonus. Also opportunity cost of law school is irrelevant in grand scheme of 40 year career.


one of my mds said it super super normal for a VP to make 700 to 800k in the early 2000s..20 years ago.  adjusted for inflation its well over 1 million in todays dollars.

the pay is really bad now especially with the 30k bonuses people are getting.  all in comp of 130 to 190 k is actually pretty bad relatively to the hours.  theres lots of corporate jobs paying that much that are attainable for a recent grad with 1-2 years experience (srs)

associate and vP is helped by the higher 200k+ base salaries, but the bonuses again are pretty bad in comparison to 20 years ago and depending on the bank, mirror what people in corp dev get.  I know this is a bad year, but the bonuses I see posted here are horrendous.  even last year and 2021 had some pretty parred back bonuses that were not that impressive and frankly, not worthy of the 100 hours weeks people did during covid.

add in the fact a lot of the bonuses now are deferred and yes I agree.  its getting close.  plus the quality of recruits is starting to reach "normal corporate" recruits as well. 


I agree at the junior level its possible to make lets say 120-150k in a regular corporate job vs maybe 160-220k in analyst years in IB and that's not a great tradeoff for incremental pay to hours. However, irrespective of what a VP made 20 years ago, a 27 year old A2A VP making 5-600k is far above what a 27 year old corporate guy is gonna make. Not sure if you've seen differently, but I don't see corp dev/finance guys at 27 (likely a manager title in corporate) making anywhere near even 300k. 


I want everyone on this forum to work in the coal mines for at least two weeks before they open their mouths again.


I want everyone on this forum to work in the coal mines for at least two weeks before they open their mouths again.

working in a mine in australia is pretty sweet. i tried to find an article i remember reading a few years ago about miners earning 200k+ but couldnt find it but even recent ones say 110-160k:…

i know oil rig workers get crap loads too. you wouldnt believe how much some oil rig managers get, its literally CEO level salary (granted of small busines but still). 


How much more would a AN1 at EB make than their BB counterparts? 50k?


Where are you coming up with the 20-30% gap to corporate jobs? That can't be true. Furthermore, each year you're in the industry the gaps widens. You don't do IB as an analyst/associate for the comp per se but for either 1) massively higher long term earnings within finance, or 2) accelerated access to corporate jobs that typically require IB/consulting. 


The gap may have shrunk a bit, but so has the sacrifices.  Hours are marginally better than they used to be, and “culture” has softened too.

I’m not some big IB advocate, I left at VP level. 

But I would generally choose IB over corporate because it’s a little more under your control, you’re a bit less of a cog.  If you’re dedicated to constant improvement and willing to work hard, the odds are in your favor.  I’m not as confident that corporates can say that. Internal politics seem to loom large over everything.

[Comment removed by mod team]

Completely agree with the point of this post and looking back I would have taken a discounted corporate job with signifigantly better WLB over IB.

It’s also important to point out that IB analyst comp varies greatly; I made ~$150k A1 and ~$160k A2 (BB NYC, left after 2nd year) which is pretty shitty comp and barely above consulting salaries. Now if I had been at an EB and cleared $200k both years, then maybe I would have felt otherwise.


Are you leaving after two years and wondering what you would do next? Even if you didn't make much more than a regular corporate role as an analyst, you will probably make a lot more even as an associate in IB or buy-side than a regular corporate job with 2-3 YoE, let alone the gap widening over time.


Yes, absolutely! It's why I chose corporate finance (big tech company) over IB. Your point about there being a "20%-30% premium in comp" for IB is misleading at best and completely wrong at worst IMO, since it depends on what you value/consider as comp. My "comp" is not as high as any of my friends or people I know working in BB IB as a number amount, HOWEVER, it is I who actually has the higher PER HOUR salary (40-55 hours per week), which is what matters more to me. 

If I were to leave my current company (quite unlikely), my exit opps are also much better than you'd (and even I when I first joined) think. I've had quite a few colleagues go to top PE, VC, and consulting firms. 


What’s your role in corporate? Corp dev, strategy or something else? Just curious how your role translates to traditional high finance exits and also do you think it’s because of the big tech name and doing the same role at less sexy corporates wouldn’t have the same opportunities?


I officially work in corp dev; however, the lines between the different departments under corp fin are pretty blurry (as they are in most top tech firms, to my knowledge). I've pretty much done work in every type of corporate finance role imaginable. I suppose PE/VC firms like us because of our extremely broad and valuable skillset. I've had very extensive experience in modeling, restructuring, M&A, corporate treasury, software development & management, AI, etc. With that said, I don't think it's a coincidence that I have a disproportionate number of colleagues from LACs (I went to a top one myself). Very similar to going to an LAC, as the famous saying goes, I've found my job has trained me for nothing but prepared me for everything. Also yes, doing the same role at "less sexy corporates" wouldn't give me the same opportunities, however, this is true for companies/industries across the board. Working at Goldman or McKinsey will obviously always give you more opportunities than working at lesser firms. 


I officially work in corp dev; however, the lines between the different departments under corp fin are pretty blurry (as they are in most top tech firms, to my knowledge). I've pretty much done work in every type of corporate finance role imaginable. I suppose PE/VC firms like us because of our extremely broad and valuable skillset. I've had very extensive experience in modeling, restructuring, M&A, corporate treasury, software development & management, AI, etc. With that said, I don't think it's a coincidence that I have a disproportionate number of colleagues from LACs (I went to a top one myself). Very similar to going to an LAC, as the famous saying goes, I've found my job has trained me for nothing but prepared me for everything.


Your per hour salary is higher now but 5-10 years from now, people in IB will have a much higher per hour salary than corporate finance.


At that point, I'd really just be wondering why the heck someone would want to stay in IB for 10 years. Again, I also have exit opps in traditional finance/investing that would certainly raise my per-hour salary as well. I certainly don't want to move now, but we'll see what the future holds. 


Of course, you would expect it to be "far from average" since I work at a far-from-average company. Going from big tech corp fin to PE definitely isn't a "normal" path, but I'd argue it's better. Unlike coming from IB, I and most of my colleagues have a much broader and more extensive skillset including modeling, restructuring, M&A, corporate treasury, software development & management, AI, etc. 


Average household income at middle age is 75k in NYC ( or something similar give or take )

IB analyst makes 180k first year, and 500k+ 5 years later. It’s not the top game, the top game has always being prop traders and will continue to be. but it’s still way way way way way above average.

Stop living in the high-income club and look at the earth


Not aware of any corporate jobs that pay someone w/ 4 years experience w/in 20-30% of low-mid $300s

I come from down in the valley, where mister when you're young, they bring you up to do like your daddy done

Not aware of any corporate jobs that pay someone w/ 4 years experience w/in 20-30% of low-mid $300s

First year associates are not clearing low-mid 300’s this year - especially considering deferred comp


a lot of this comes down to background. i went to a very average high school in the midwest (flyover state), where the highest earning students from my high school class will make, at max, $70k working at the regional office of an F500 company. My parents didn't touch a COMBINED income of $200k until they were in their mid-to-late 30's, so yeah, making $550k as a 30 year old IB VP is an insane opportunity for me and most others.


That was my background but I felt the other way when I realized I don't need $500k for the type of life I am used to which makes it harder to justify the lifestyle in the long-term for the money alone.


50% of ASO1 pay so like 150-175k all-in corporate? Would you want to go back to IB at some point?


As someone who works in a corporate job, I think you have a wild misconception of what they pay (outside of SWE in Tech).  Even software engineers tend to cap out at a lower level - it's much harder to make $2MM a year as a SWE than as a banker.   For those who work in non-tech industries, you won't hit ASO3 comp (~$400k) until you're in your mid to late 30s at best, and often not until your early 40s.  The gap is way, way bigger than 20-30%.  


Nah all my bros from Harvard with a 200+ IQs who went to Jane Street make $7M a year while working 15 hours a week. Happens all the time. And now I will use my fabricated anecdote as a bludgeon to convince you that your job is pathetic because I myself cannot handle it and want to feel like I'm not leaving much behind me. 


Idk what the fuck yall are talkin' about, truly. 

My parents are each 60+ and I grew up in one of the richest areas in the U.S. (Buckhead, Greenwhich, Orange County, etc.), where I was lower-middle class by the neighborhoods standards but still easily upper middle-class by any non-rich person standards. 

My father JUST got promoted to VP of a mid-size company, previously making something like $135K as a Director as a 50+ year old man. Now, he still probably only clears like $175K. My mother is a Director in a government role, also has worked her entire 60 year life and makes under $100K. 

I have been out of school for 3 years and make more than both of my 60 year old, upper middle class parents do combined. If yall wanna benchmark to other Top 1% type of positions like Prop Trading or being a PM at Apple, that's cool, but understand that all that shit is still super unachievable for most people. 


Haha I actually should specify that it isn't so people don't get it twisted, I definitely wasn't in a LCOL suburb in GA somewhere. We were in a suburb of NYC in CT, expensive ass area.  I remember seeing their combined income on a financial aid document for my university and their combined income was $125K at that time, at which point they were in their high fifties. 

So yeah, making more than my upper-middle class combined family income on salary alone as a 20-something is AIGHT to me. Certainly if I were a genius I coulda done better and picked up quant trading. I'd be retied living as a yacht master now, but not to worry, I'm just happy to be afloat and on the vessel! 


I don’t know what corporate jobs you are talking about because IB has very quick promos and comp almost doubles between each level.

Besides big tech where else is some 30 year old clearing $500k? Most VPs in F500 companies are closer to 40 years old and probably make like $200-250k all in. So I think there still is a big gap.


This is a great question - OP you are overestimating how much people in corporate get paid. An average 2nd year associate in IB makes ~$350k, which is more than most directors make in corporate.

To clear $500k in corporate (what VPs make in banking), you need to 1) reach VP/c-suite/etc or 2) get an equity stake in a high performing company.

If you want to cruise and make $200-300k as a manager or director in corporate with limited upside, that’s great. I’d venture to say that’s not the audience you’ll see on WSO, though.


With all due respect, I think a lot of you are incredibly misguided about how much corporate pay is (corporate development / strategy) - also, I've noticed in general on this forum there is a tendency for the people making the most money to post on here and the ones making less to not talk about it.... 

I know people at ~5 different companies and they all make less than $150 after 2-3 years of banking... It DOES happen at some though for example Chenier randomly pays corporate development like $180K, but that is <5% of roles that are like that.... Just putting that out there. 


Given the boom or bust nature of banking I think this is a function of timing the market bad (not your fault M&A went down and you got paid less when you got the job as a sophomore) but overall the fact that your pay scales so fast and you have great job security (across both your firm, the industry, and the overall corporate world) should be weighed more.

I left IB / PE for the corporate world with 3+ YoEs for a job with ~$160k TC and 40 hours a week, which is great, but wouldn't have gotten there without my years in finance. Folks at the company who started at the company and have similar YoEs to me make a lot less than I do now. Generally have a higher title as well.

So if the question is out of school is the premium still worth it, then on average the answer is yes; this year was just a tough one and that happens. Happened to me to as an analyst 1 as my group had a bad year. I still clear more than most of my friends excluding the ones still in IB / PE, so again I don't think it's that simple to get a high paying job or scale as fast in your career without the years in finance.


Most MDs are bringing in 1-2mm /year. It is difficult to think of many other career paths outside of finance where you are bringing in even 500k+. IB MDs probably work 60ish hours a week, which is probably 1.5x what most other jobs would work. I would take 1.5x more hours for 4 or more times the salary any day.

At the junior levels on an hour by hour basis it’s a bit less clear, but probably still worth it for the career progression.


Corporate salaries usually grow inline with inflation. Unusually high inflation the past 2 years have led to fast rising corporate salaries the past year or two. That generally doesn't happen.

2022 was not a great year and this year is shaping up worse. No doubt IB bonuses will be down materially. Again, this generally doesn't happen for 2-3 years in a row. Markets will turn as it always does. Fed won't be able to keep rates at 5-6%, when GDP is growing at ~2-3%. There is a lot of money waiting on the sidelines.

You are comparing peak cycle corporate earnings to low cycle IB earnings, and generalizing to make long term life decisions?


I agree with the general sentiment of the post. I have been working in investment banking now for 6+ years, with very good knowledge of comp at different firms and levels (my firm pays ~median) as well as decently good insight into comp in other fields. A few things that seem to be missed by the "my mother worked 40 years and only makes $50k crowd":

  • Banking requires considerably more hours / checking your phone constantly / in-person / sacrifice / travel / job uncertainty than most of the jobs being compared to. We all know this but it doesn't get any better as you advance into more "lucrative" levels of your career. In reality, your tolerance for this sacrifice becomes less as you progress and the incremental dollars oftentimes don't feel like they offset this
    • Banking pay levels have only roughly kept pace with inflation while other fields have seen more substantial increases
    • Progressive tax bracket starts to offset a significant amount of take home pay difference between careers. Being tied to a high cost of living area while paying ~50% marginal tax rate erodes a lot of the benefit you get from incremental earnings over your career
    • Deferred equity becomes a substantial portion of your pay at most (not all) firms at the VP level and above - worse at MD level. Speaking generally, 30-40% of your bonus is deferred and vests over a 3-4 year period. Cash pay starts to cap out around late associate level until deferred comp starts vesting (at firms where there isn't deferral at the associate level); in bad years like last year, cash comp was lower at most firms
    • When combining the higher tax bracket you are in + deferral, you are taking home 30-35 cents on each dollar of bonus
  • In comparison, I have a friend making ~$175-200k with a fully remote job doing consulting-type work working 15 hours a week. He went to a mediocre school, got mediocre grates and put in middle-of-the-road to low effort throughout his life. We are late 20s / early 30s for reference
  • Also in comparison I know people in non-engineering tech jobs making $300-400k similar age as myself

So yes, banking does offer incremental earnings and quicker pay progression compared to many fields. It also offers outdated hierarchical cultures, psychopathic bosses, a ton of office politics, and a grind. Each person needs to determine what tradeoff makes sense for themselves, but I'm not sure the incremental pay is worth the tradeoffs in the same way it may have been 15-20 years ago. In the post-COVID world we live in with millennial / gen z work styles people care more about flexibility / remote work / etc than in the past and it doesn't feel like banking is paying more for offering the opposite

FWIW I am a highly motivated person who always did well in school, grew up not well off and plan to stay in banking because where I am at in my career offers the best earnings potential. However, I am not deluded enough into convincing everyone they should be grateful for having a banking job and that it's a better role than tech / other fields by comparing to government jobs and the local fast food worker. Maybe 15-20 years ago banking offered a lot better relative pay compared to most jobs so people were willing to put up with all the ridiculousness of the industry, but today banking pay in my view is not high enough to offset this


not a banker, but just exited MBB after 2 years, 3 YOE total. managed to land a corp strat role in tech paying ~205k TC, with a 5k sign on, and from my due diligence on the culture, it's very much a 9-5 outside of a few weeks in the year (annual planning, board meetings, etc.). was it pretty much the best offer i received? absolutely. was I expecting to only take a ~10% pay cut from my comp if I had stuck around for my promo (~40% raise if comparing against AN2 comp at my MBB)? hell no. but these types of roles exist, you just have to find them.


$200k after two years is great especially for the lifestyle you describe. Can you explain a bit what your role entails and how you see your progression moving forward? Also any advice on maximizing comp on a corporate exit? From speaking to people, it seems like corp strat/dev/strategic finance roles generally are bound by the same pay bands as every other corporate function support role and far below comp to what you got. Is it mostly a function of being at a growing tech company?


Vel voluptatem ipsa est soluta illum sit omnis. Consequuntur suscipit quia ab unde velit qui et. Voluptatum nobis quasi quia quae incidunt pariatur labore.

Et qui modi consequuntur soluta odio. Rem est fugit nulla. Distinctio assumenda ratione eveniet consequatur qui placeat molestias.


Porro dignissimos voluptatibus id nulla voluptatibus assumenda dolorum. Sapiente beatae et laudantium et ut molestiae tempore. Accusamus corporis illo reprehenderit.

Culpa repellendus cumque maiores. Quia ad libero repellendus reiciendis error voluptatem laborum veniam. Ea impedit ut deserunt incidunt rerum repellat rerum.

Et tenetur ipsum velit ea quia pariatur error. Harum rerum maxime assumenda aut sint.

Eligendi consequuntur aut molestiae nihil quam cum qui natus. Repellat possimus ea vel. Voluptatum nihil tenetur nihil odit.


Maxime alias dolores numquam autem molestias sequi exercitationem. Consequatur eligendi reiciendis atque aut. Aspernatur cupiditate natus ipsum qui ipsa laudantium.

A quaerat deserunt sed qui enim. Delectus porro perferendis error hic placeat veniam. Autem voluptatem optio quia et quis culpa. Vitae est architecto vel consequuntur inventore. Voluptatem rerum tenetur impedit. Sed dolorem voluptatem officia.

Expedita quo eaque saepe corporis. Veniam numquam sit alias dolorem in quas quibusdam. Est et est voluptates expedita.


Optio sapiente dolorem labore vel consequatur perferendis. Quia autem repellat sed voluptates quo aut illum. Odit cupiditate dolores totam mollitia omnis optio. Distinctio odio veniam voluptatem dolorum dolores.

Ullam quod adipisci quos enim neque et. Dolorem dignissimos omnis ab a nihil pariatur magni. Sint non odit quia inventore nulla laudantium.

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May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.8%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 07 97.7%
  • William Blair 03 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.8%
  • Goldman Sachs 17 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 07 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (21) $373
  • Associates (91) $259
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (68) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (205) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (146) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

“... there’s no excuse to not take advantage of the resources out there available to you. Best value for your $ are the...”


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From 10 rejections to 1 dream investment banking internship

“... I believe it was the single biggest reason why I ended up with an offer...”