Wow, I am in a BIG dilema...Cornell help!

I am at a Community College in California, my plan was to do 2 years, and then apply for transfer at: Stanford, UCB-Haas, Brown, and Cornell.

I just finished my first year at Community College so I said what the hell and just applied to Cornell, the reason why I only applied there was becaue that was the only school that I had completed the prerequisites for so far.

I applied to AEM and ILR as backup.

I got my accpetance letter to ILR, but not AEM.

So right now I am shitting my pants trying to decide whether to just attend ILR or go for another year of CC and then apply to all the schools I mentioned at the top, I think I'd probably get into Haas, Brown, and AEM....but it would be a risk.

The reason why I was rejected at AEM was becaue when you apply for sophmore status, they look at your High School grades, and college grades. I fucked up high school and got a 2.5, so If I did another year of CC, they wouldn't really look at my High School grades, and focus only on the 2 years of 4.0's I will have at CC, so in that regard I think I'd have a great shot at AEM, haas, and brown.

Is ILR really that inferior to AEM that much? Could I still get interviews from ILR, or would it be more difficult?

What should I do guys?


Don't college acceptances last for one year? Or is that just for out of HS?

If they do, I would just wait it out with ILR and see where other things go after next year.

One other things you're not considering though is that you will miss out on one more year of the "college experience" if you opt to wait one more year. It's all up to your preferences though.


i dont know the diff. in recruiting bet. cornell aem/ilr and brown. probably both are pretty bad. stereotype of brown students is that they don't exactly fit the mold of ibanking, and cornell just has too many kids gunning for limited spots. you should call career services at each school and see if you can get #'s out of them.


if i were you, i'd go to ilr and then transfer again, either to aem or another school. message me if you have more questions, i went to cornell engineering.


go to ILR, I know plenty of ILR students who get ibanking interviews and offers.

not to mention it's the easiest major so your gpa will be very high.

and u can always take AEM classes


It's funny how people think twice about going to an ivy league school?

You think you've got a shot at Stanford, think again?

When you compare/contract UC Berk vs. Cornell... it boils down to whether you want to stay up in the east coast post graduation or stay in California.

Although people on this board think UC Berk is the shit, remember it's just a good state school. "State School" being the operative word. In California, it has pedigree but not nearly as much as people attribute here to it.

It's funny how people think twice about going to an ivy league school?

You think you've got a shot at Stanford, think again?

When you compare/contract UC Berk vs. Cornell... it boils down to whether you want to stay up in the east coast post graduation or stay in California.

Although people on this board think UC Berk is the shit, remember it's just a good state school. "State School" being the operative word. In California, it has pedigree but not nearly as much as people attribute here to it.

Totally agree about Cal. I noticed how it has a strong rep on the East Coast, but in CA, its not that prestigious. Maybe its because its relatively easy for instate ppl to get into Cal compared to out of state ppl. Plus, unless you are engineering, computer science, or molecular biology, its really easy. I think the real prestige about Cal is due to the grad school programs, which do a lot of research and etc. Those guys are extremely smart.

It's funny how people think twice about going to an ivy league school?

You think you've got a shot at Stanford, think again?

When you compare/contract UC Berk vs. Cornell... it boils down to whether you want to stay up in the east coast post graduation or stay in California.

Although people on this board think UC Berk is the shit, remember it's just a good state school. "State School" being the operative word. In California, it has pedigree but not nearly as much as people attribute here to it.

Dude, you're seriously delusional if you think Berkeley is "only a good state school". It's one of the top universities in the WORLD, as proven by various international rankings (#2 University in the world after Harvard in The Times London ranking couple years ago) It's consistently ranked as high Harvard in peer academic assessment, ie what other universites think of Berkeley. The only ranking where it suffers is US News, where they jack public schools in a variety of ways that's not worth getting into. If you want the best education, the only schools that might be better are harvard/stanford/MIT overall and arguably Princeton/Yale for undergrad. Possibly Columbia and Penn in the mix. Dude Berkeley is the only school to have every single department ranked in the top 5 or 10, even harvard can't claim that. Look at the number of nobel prize winners. Look at the international reputation. The ONLY reason it might not have a super awesome pedigree in the Bay Area is because there are so many Berkeley and Stanford grads running around. Even a genuis won't stand out among a shitload of other geniuses. Yeah its a public school, so you get shittier dorms, shittier food, and nobody to wipe your ass if you fuck up. You learn how to make it on your own. As for education? You get the best, for an affordable price.

It's funny how people think twice about going to an ivy league school?

You think you've got a shot at Stanford, think again?

When you compare/contract UC Berk vs. Cornell... it boils down to whether you want to stay up in the east coast post graduation or stay in California.

Although people on this board think UC Berk is the shit, remember it's just a good state school. "State School" being the operative word. In California, it has pedigree but not nearly as much as people attribute here to it.

Dude, you're seriously delusional if you think Berkeley is "only a good state school". It's one of the top universities in the WORLD, as proven by various international rankings (#2 University in the world after Harvard in The Times London ranking couple years ago) It's consistently ranked as high Harvard in peer academic assessment, ie what other universites think of Berkeley. The only ranking where it suffers is US News, where they jack public schools in a variety of ways that's not worth getting into. If you want the best education, the only schools that might be better are harvard/stanford/MIT overall and arguably Princeton/Yale for undergrad. Possibly Columbia and Penn in the mix. Dude Berkeley is the only school to have every single department ranked in the top 5 or 10, even harvard can't claim that. Look at the number of nobel prize winners. Look at the international reputation. The ONLY reason it might not have a super awesome pedigree in the Bay Area is because there are so many Berkeley and Stanford grads running around. Even a genuis won't stand out among a shitload of other geniuses. Yeah its a public school, so you get shittier dorms, shittier food, and nobody to wipe your ass if you fuck up. You learn how to make it on your own.

Wow, someone has a chip on his shoulder.


This is great advise. Although, after graduation it is more thank likely I will live in California.

I wouldn't have problems getting interviews with a Cornell degree in San Francisco would I? Because I'm not sure I want to take the risk of rejecting Cornell, and maybe not gettin ginto Haas or Cornell next year.

I think my best bet is to go to ILR, get a 4.0 and try to transfer to AEM internally.

Cornell is just a good state school just like Berk.

You're entitled to your opinion, now stop typing and go to your home, or happy place, or both.

Shut Yo'r mizazzle fizzazle, before I muzzle yi'z biznitchizzle azzazzle..

Best Response

I feel i need to clear some things up. AEM = Applied Economics and Management. The Cornell undergrad business major. ILR = Industrial and Labor Relations and is geared more toward those interested in going to law school. There are definately plenty of people getting into banking from ILR and I know a few people going to Lehman specifically from ILR for fulltime. AEM definately has the most kids going into banking but that is because it is a business school. There are also plenty of arts kids and a lot of hotel students who go into finance and end up at every bank. Next, Cornell is not a state school. The College of Agriculture and Life Science that AEM is in is a state endowed school as is ILR but you still recieve the same degree as any other college in the university, you just save money on your tuition. This fact has never even come up in my time at Cornell. I don't know what your specific deal is but for most people who can manage a pretty good gpa (3.3 or higher) and are able to speak coherently, you can get a job at a BB from COrnell.


Defer Cornell and apply to Berkeley (Haas) and Stanford.

If you get into either Haas or Stanford, I would recommend choosing one of those over Cornell.

You can't get a better value then Haas if you're from California - and Haas sends many kids into I-Banking in both NY and SF.

Basically, if you're at Stanford or in Haas, working in NY will NOT be a problem...and you can always stay in SF.


Congrats, I was a transfer student myself. Take Cornell now as long as the financial burden doesn't matter. Once you're there, you have so many more options - stay, transfer to AEM, other Ivies, etc. At a CC, even with a 4.0 your options are somewhat limited.


Do this. Go to Cornell, get Straight A's... apply to Harvard. Get Accepted, go there. Worth the 50K investment.

What a road

2.5 High School GPA --> Cali CC (4.0) --> Cornell (4.0) --> Harvard/Princeton/Yale --> Models/Bottles/Herpes

Live the American dream.


As part of new york's college system, cornell has a few colleges that are state endowed. meaning that the tuition is like 15 for instate kids at these colleges, other colleges there are not and the tuition is still like 30 or whatever it is. i dont feel like looking it up right now, anyway, it is still an ivy league university, however new york decided to help put kids through it.....pretty smart if you ask me.


Owned? By you? Puh-leeaaasse. Did you get rejected by Berkeley? Yeah I thought so.

I have nothing against Cornell, and I think it's a great school. But your arguments make no sense whatsoever. So you're saying geniuses go to other places for undergrad, ie Cornell. Please. Harvard? MIT? Fine. But Cornell? Cornell is no different than any of the other 20 or so top undergrads in that they pretty much have the same caliber of students. One may argue that Cornell is the easiest Ivy to get into and my buddies at Harvard/Yale/Priceton think Cornell is "barely" Ivy. That's not Cornell bashing from me, that's from the 60 or 70 people I know who went to Ivies or are going there. Like I said I have no problem with Cornell.

And thousands of Berkeley degrees? Um, dumbass, there are thousands of Cornell grads out there too so what's your point?

My comment is as real as it gets. Apparently you have not lived in the Bay Area, or even Cali for that matter. The original poster is from Cali and interested in going back, so if you don't live there you are in no position to talk. Anyone who lives there will tell you how respected a Berkeley degree is. What I can guarantee is, a Berkeley degree will get you MUCH further than a Cornell degree IN CALI. In fact a Berkeley degree is probably more valuable than Cornell anywhere else in the world other than East Coast USA. You can argue that all you want, but once again, unless you've lived for years in Asia+Europe you can't talk.

So now its up to the poster to decide whether he wants to take the risk of NOT getting into Berkeley. I would in fact recommend him to take the Cornell offer, as it is a great school already, no need to take additional risk.

I don't know which Berkeley grads you hang out with, probably some athlete or transfer student or Berklee School of Music grad, but to judge one of the most respected institutions in the world based on a couple people is ridiculous. Hell I know Harvard grads who are idiots, but do I diss Harvard?

I know literally ~200 or so folks who went to various top schools across the country, including 3 or 4 ppl who went to BOTH Cornell and Berkeley (and agree with what I said). I've lived 5 years East Coast, 5 years Cali, 7 years Europe, and 10 years Asia. Where have you been?

Owned my ass.

Owned? By you? Puh-leeaaasse. Did you get rejected by Berkeley? Yeah I thought so. ((((((({{{This comment is pure bravado, pure silliness, pure intellectual exasperation on display, good job))))))))))))00

I have nothing against Cornell, and I think it's a great school. But your arguments make no sense whatsoever. So you're saying geniuses go to other places for undergrad, ie Cornell. Please. Harvard? MIT? Fine. But Cornell? Cornell is no different than any of the other 20 or so top undergrads in that they pretty much have the same caliber of students.

((((((((((Look at resume books at BB's, there are plenty of Cornell grads, most people want to be in NYC for banking purposes so having a respectable east coast education works)))))))))))))))))))))

One may argue that Cornell is the easiest Ivy to get into and my buddies at Harvard/Yale/Priceton think Cornell is "barely" Ivy. That's not Cornell bashing from me, that's from the 60 or 70 people I know who went to Ivies or are going there. Like I said I have no problem with Cornell.

(((((((Ok, point taken, we agree that it's hard to talk that much shit about Cornell, but your buddies at HYPS are a lucky few... all this ivy league vs. ivy league is garbage talk, leave it at that goofball))))))

And thousands of Berkeley degrees? Um, dumbass, there are thousands of Cornell grads out there too so what's your point?

((((((Hey goofie, Berk puts out probably ten thousand graduates a year... Cornell, maybe 1000 or 2000. How am I a dumbass for pointing that out)))))))))))))

My comment is as real as it gets. Apparently you have not lived in the Bay Area, or even Cali for that matter. The original poster is from Cali and interested in going back, so if you don't live there you are in no position to talk. Anyone who lives there will tell you how respected a Berkeley degree is. What I can guarantee is, a Berkeley degree will get you MUCH further than a Cornell degree IN CALI. In fact a Berkeley degree is probably more valuable than Cornell anywhere else in the world other than East Coast USA. You can argue that all you want, but once again, unless you've lived for years in Asia+Europe you can't talk.

((((((((((((I've lived in Italy for 2 years, Britain 1 year, Australia 4 years, and the USA the rest...I've shown you mine, you've shown me yours...mine is bigger now go home and play with your dolls))))))))

So now its up to the poster to decide whether he wants to take the risk of NOT getting into Berkeley. I would in fact recommend him to take the Cornell offer, as it is a great school already, no need to take additional risk.

(((((((((((((((((9My whole point was to take the Cornell offer, it works better than UC Berk if he wants to get into banking. your argument about respect for Berk being so Universal in California is wrong. I haven't lived in CAlifornia but my gf is from there, works in the industry, her friends visit, we talk, information as given to me says it's just considered the top school in California.)))))))))))))))))0

I don't know which Berkeley grads you hang out with, probably some athlete or transfer student or Berklee School of Music grad, but to judge one of the most respected institutions in the world based on a couple people is ridiculous. Hell I know Harvard grads who are idiots, but do I diss Harvard?

(((((((((((((((Stupid comment, pointless, no response needed)))))))))))))))))000

Like I said in the previous post, you've been owned. Take that to the bank and cash it assman, I mean aceman.

I know literally ~200 or so folks who went to various top schools across the country. I've lived 5 years East Coast, 5 years Cali, 7 years Europe, and 10 years Asia. Where have you been?

Owned my ass.

(((((((((((((9Yes mate, you've been owned and thus don't qualify for ownership of others....))))))))))))))))


Your comments are so naive you make me laugh. Look at resume books? Do you ever realize that people on the West Coast maybe, just maybe, want to stay in sunny california?? EVERY Berkeley grad I know who wanted to work in NY in banking or consulting was able to do so easily. Most people CHOOSE to stay on the west coast. I can bet there are more NYU kids on the Street than Stanford. Does that make NYU better than Stanford, even for banking? HELLZ NO. And the number of graduates?? Since when is fewer graduates/smaller school better? I can find 1000 schools smaller than Harvard, does that make them more exclusive and better? You've gotta be kidding me. The fact is both schools graduate thousands of kids, so the point is moot.

I guess you can't read or have problems understanding basic logic. Like I mentioned a million times, I have NO problem with Cornell, it's a great school and all that. It is the Berkeley bashing that I have a problem with. It is you saying Cornell is a much better choice when it arguably isn't, that I have a problem with. It is you saying ridiculous shit like "Berkeley is just a good state school." Um, try the BEST state school in the world. One of the best schools period.

And what are your sources? Some of your girlfriends friends? Great. Really fucking convincing. You've never lived there so you can shut up now. And you're wrong, Berkeley is extremely well respected globally. That's a fact. You need to get over your denial, really. And oh, according to your friends, Berkeley's considered the best school in California. WRONG. Stanford is. So apparently your friends have no idea what they're talking about.

And why are you even talking about NY? Like I said Cornell is fine on the East Coast (and like I said, Berkeley kids have no problem there either). BUT WE'RE NOT TALKING ABOUT THE EAST COAST ARE WE?? the poster said he will most LIKELY STAY IN CALIFORNIA. Jesus fuckin christ.

Hey numbnut, I'm not sure why you have such as hard on for Cornell, and frankly I don't care, but you might want to do your homework before you go around dissing every other school.

WTF is with "oh i own you" "oh you're assman" great you sound like a fuckin 18 year old playing video games. Berkeley REJECT.

Your comments are so naive you make me laugh. Look at resume books? Do you ever realize that people on the West Coast maybe, just maybe, want to stay in sunny california?? EVERY Berkeley grad I know who wanted to work in NY in banking or consulting was able to do so easily. Most people CHOOSE to stay on the west coast. I can bet there are more NYU kids on the Street than Stanford. Does that make NYU better than Stanford, even for banking? HELLZ NO. And the number of graduates?? Since when is fewer graduates/smaller school better? I can find 1000 schools smaller than Harvard, does that make them more exclusive and better? You've gotta be kidding me. The fact is both schools graduate thousands of kids, so the point is moot.

I guess you can't read or have problems understanding basic logic. Like I mentioned a million times, I have NO problem with Cornell, it's a great school and all that. It is the Berkeley bashing that I have a problem with. It is you saying Cornell is a much better choice when it arguably isn't, that I have a problem with. It is you saying ridiculous shit like "Berkeley is just a good state school." Um, try the BEST state school in the world. One of the best schools period.

And what are your sources? Some of your girlfriends friends? Great. Really fucking convincing. You've never lived there so you can shut up now. And you're wrong, Berkeley is extremely well respected globally. That's a fact. You need to get over your denial, really. And oh, according to your friends, Berkeley's considered the best school in California. WRONG. Stanford is. So apparently your friends have no idea what they're talking about.

And why are you even talking about NY? Like I said Cornell is fine on the East Coast (and like I said, Berkeley kids have no problem there either). BUT WE'RE NOT TALKING ABOUT THE EAST COAST ARE WE?? the poster said he will most LIKELY STAY IN CALIFORNIA. Jesus fuckin christ.

Hey numbnut, I'm not sure why you have such as hard on for Cornell, and frankly I don't care, but you might want to do your homework before you go around dissing every other school.

WTF is with "oh i own you" "oh you're assman" great you sound like a fuckin 18 year old playing video games. Berkeley REJECT.

It's hilarious because I owned you on a point by point basis , simple as that. Now, could you please wipe my ass, I just shat on your face.


Soluta doloribus in iste. Itaque reiciendis quisquam a qui vel perspiciatis aperiam.

Velit sed suscipit facere enim. Placeat pariatur quia amet libero commodi inventore consectetur. Iste accusantium similique modi praesentium distinctio.

Ipsa qui sequi ut sapiente alias voluptas. Aspernatur tempore id sit consequatur reiciendis accusamus earum.

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