
I thought it might be useful if we compiled information regarding the statuses of our applications for Asia recruiting. This has been done for many years in the past and I thought we could carry on the tradition.

I'll keep the post updated as everyone's results start rolling in

GS: superday
JP: Superday
Macquarie:2nd rounds (HK,SIN)
Citi: Superday
DB: first round/superday
Barclays: Superday
Nomura: Superday
UBS: Superday

All the best to everyone!


Yeah this is a great idea, helps to keep track of whats happening with the recruiting cycle

GS:Pending MS: Pending CS: Completed Online Test (not sure if I bombed it) HSBC: Completed Online Test (not sure if I bombed it) Nomura: Completed Online Test (not sure if I bombed it) UBS: Invitation to Online Rothschild: Pending RBS: Pending JPM: Pending Barclays: Pending SocGenL: Pending Citi: Pending BAML: Have not completed yet DB: Have not completed yet

these online tests are fucking retarded and not very good at indicating whether or not one can work in a bank - anyone agree?

Its not indicative of your abilities at all. I'm guessing they do it to weed out applicants probably

I saw your profile and saw that you were in Barcap last summer- are you still working there?



Deadlines for some of these are still 1 or 2 months away. Is there any advantage in applying early?

Also, some of the banks are coming to campus for info sessions. Should I wait to talk to them a bit before sending in my apps?

Last question: any idea about whether one can apply to both SG and HK? I know I asked this before, but got no replies the first time...


Don't forget that HSBC and Standard Chartered are big in Asia, especially in Hong Kong (somewhat in Singapore). Standard Chartered's Wholesale (Investment) Bank has a program in the hubs like HK and Singapore (Asia-Pac regional HQ)

Standard Chartered: (w/ availability by city)

HSBC SA program:…

"Be the Disruptor, not the Disrupted" - Clayton Christensen

For those of you that heard back from Barcap, did you guys apply to Barcap IBD HK or SIN and when did you guys submit your app because I heard Barcap recruits on a rolling basis


We have two interviews for barclays phone interview? Just got contacted for an additional interview to go through our credentials...I'm guessing that its a competency interview?

We have two interviews for barclays phone interview? Just got contacted for an additional interview to go through our credentials...I'm guessing that its a competency interview?

I was contacted for two separate phone interviews. Are you saying that you have three?

on an another note, got an interview for RBS next week

I believe RBS outsource their first round to a third party company, where the interviewer will literally type up your answers and then your answers will be sent to hr reviewing your apps.

on an another note, got an interview for RBS next week

I believe RBS outsource their first round to a third party company, where the interviewer will literally type up your answers and then your answers will be sent to hr reviewing your apps.

yeah thats what I heard, that's insane- is it more efficient though? and congrats on your interview with Citi, I'm jealous. when did you hear back and is this for HK?

Anyone interviewed with BarCap and heard back?

I just got called back for a face to face interview in Chicago, said they'd be contacting with their traveling agent and the itinerary soon

Got the same call, except its face to face with 2 bankers on the 29th in NYC

sweet, mine is on the 28th, is this our superday? or just a second round interview What school do you go to btw? I'm guessing this chicago/nyc thing is based on our regions

Ya I go to a target in NYC. I don't think it's superday, the guy on the call just said it was to get to know us better and to assist in the formal evaluation program
Did you get the exact schedule via email ? I think we went to the same school.
Ah crap, should I consider myself rejected by ms hk if I haven't heard back by now?

Chances are the assistant/secretary just can't reach you via phone. It's weird that MS doesn't make appointment through emails.

Macquarie status changed to "First Round Interview" but haven't heard anything from HR, does this mean I should expect an email or call from HR sometime soon?

So I went to check mine and it says "first interview complete"

how should I interpret it? I'm very confused coz I haven't heard anything either lol


Got 1st Round phone interviews for Nomura (IBD in SG, HK). Applying from the US, sent app in right around deadline (Nov 13?) and did the online tests within a couple days of that.


Hey guys,

New here. Only Asia BB I did was Barclays HK and I haven't heard back yet after two first-round phone interviews. First one was bad but second was pretty good. Does anyone know if I should consider myself dinged by now?


Me too dude. FYI I'm on the west coast. I heard ppl from east coast has got some informational meeting with local bankers (not sure if that's 2nd round). Maybe we didn't hear back due to geographic location?

Hey anyone from UK schools?

I haven't heard back from anywhere except MS HK first round

Hey I am from UK school as well. Done my MS 1st round on 29th Nov and havent heard back yet, hows yours? Also just had my DB pre-interview screening today.

Hi Kevinyin, Are you from UK school or U.S.? Cos I heard that DB directly screened out candidates for superdat in NY for U.S.. Thanks


Ok... now I'm shaking really hard. I was never invited to that informational thing in Chicago or NY, hopefully some miracle occurs. Good luck bro.


i know the recruiter at barclays personally. after the second round interviews in Chicago/philly/nyc/boston, candidates will be contacted in mid-december and the super day will be in mid-january, along with other banks.

i know the recruiter at barclays personally. after the second round interviews in Chicago/philly/nyc/boston, candidates will be contacted in mid-december and the super day will be in mid-january, along with other banks.

That is what I heard at the "informational event," aka 2nd round, too.

i know the recruiter at barclays personally. after the second round interviews in Chicago/philly/nyc/boston, candidates will be contacted in mid-december and the super day will be in mid-january, along with other banks.

That is what I heard at the "informational event," aka 2nd round, too.

exactly what i heard too


Honestly I'm also confused, I never expect a final round in mid-December. Maybe that's because I'm from Mainland/HK so the timeline is different.

just had JPM 1st rd, CS later on this week The bankers told me MS 2nd rd. should be released in a few weeks, towards late december.

Do you know if there will be 2nd round phone interview with MS, or just superday?

There will be a second round skype interview later this month and then superday in early to mid January.

Did MS 2nd round earlier today - damn it was harder than the first round lol...

Anyone know if you haven't heard back from other firms like JPM, CS does that mean rejected? thanks!

When did you finish your second first round interview with MS?

For JPM, the people I know at my school (east coast target) already finished first rounds. Are you based in US or UK? The timeline might be a little different.

Did MS 2nd round earlier today - damn it was harder than the first round lol...t round interview with MS?

For JPM, the people I know at my school (east coast target) already finished first rounds. Are you based in US or UK? The timeline might be a little different.

I completed my 2nd interview on the 6th of December (to clarify time zone). Got informed in the morning and then had the interview in the afternoon.

Ahh thanks, I am from a UK target, hopefully the timeline is different otherwise :'( haha

Black Jack:
I see that Citi has already sent out first round interviews? I thought the deadline was only recently and haven't heard anything.

I think the poster who got a Citi interview is HK based, so probably timeline is different slightly?

Black Jack:
I see that Citi has already sent out first round interviews? I thought the deadline was only recently and haven't heard anything.

I think the poster who got a Citi interview is HK based, so probably timeline is different slightly?

I go to a target on the east coast and I got first rounds at Citi last week


Got invited to BarCap superday too - but for me the informational meetings were more like serious interviews because they asked me questions non-stop.

Also got an email from DB saying that they will contact shortlisted candidates towards the end of Dec and the interviews will be held during Jan. 16-18. Does that mean there will not be phone interviews?

Just got contacted for another MS interview...they didn't specify if it was a second round though And still no news from JPM ==

How many interviews with MS have you finished so far and when was the last one?


Does anyone know about DB's recruiting process? After the screening phone call, I got told there would be face to face interviews in February? (UK school) That seems like a long wait

I had 2 phone interviews with MS then a week later got another phone interview. Not sure if that was 2nd round.

Was your last phone interview with a senior? What did he/she ask you? Thanks

got rape real bad by MS ... guess that I am dinged :(

I know how you feel man :( Lets see how it goes, might have been on purpose a stress interview?

got rape real bad by MS ... guess that I am dinged :(

I know how you feel man :( Lets see how it goes, might have been on purpose a stress interview?

Was it really that bad?


Velit sed quibusdam ut. Optio sit similique autem corrupti. Est vel quia ab. Ratione architecto earum porro aut nulla odio.


Deleniti facilis error et ipsam harum suscipit pariatur. Ipsum similique ea repellat dolorum est ut. Tempore error aperiam unde incidunt. Illum consequuntur praesentium impedit architecto ratione consequatur beatae.

Voluptas qui sit eligendi quos repellendus. Aliquid dolore repellat laudantium officia ullam. Deleniti ex iste dolores vitae alias eos ipsa. Illum magni tempora voluptatum harum voluptas aperiam non laudantium. Expedita repellendus omnis voluptatibus animi. Perspiciatis et officia est aut minus amet enim.

Qui modi sit et velit voluptatem mollitia. Quia dolores ratione et consequatur aut assumenda nobis. Ipsa illum ea dolore aliquam. Voluptatem sit vitae similique ut quo saepe omnis.


Commodi quia voluptas distinctio modi porro iure. Cupiditate ut expedita et enim quisquam earum error nostrum. Dolorem non accusantium corrupti est. Nulla harum rem qui voluptates eaque earum aut. Dolore incidunt in nihil est quia tempore ex.

Delectus aliquid quis error cum voluptatem vel. Laborum odio sed dolore corporis fuga et deleniti. Officia officia at eos et corporis facere sapiente. Accusantium ut numquam molestias beatae et et. Eligendi similique voluptates eveniet deleniti. Vero cumque officiis quaerat dolorem et nisi unde.

Unde pariatur exercitationem non unde rerum qui. Ut repellendus ad in voluptas velit. In unde voluptatem expedita voluptatem illum odio deleniti. Voluptatem consequatur enim blanditiis mollitia.


Neque esse consequatur in eos. Deserunt aut impedit eos ducimus fugit sunt.

Officiis tempora qui voluptatem sequi quia rerum cum. Suscipit officia vero occaecati voluptatem quibusdam et eos. Ducimus veniam nam facere vero quisquam eligendi vel.

Asperiores consectetur et corrupti omnis aperiam beatae. Aut hic repellat dolorem ut maiores. Corporis non voluptatem tempore fuga voluptatem iste. Nostrum iure et inventore voluptas et error. Repellendus dicta aut illo rem dolores dolorem.

Est et ipsum et quo perferendis aut. Animi a nulla fuga sequi vel dignissimos. Ratione possimus at ducimus fuga nostrum similique.


Repellendus et et itaque voluptatibus aut. Eveniet excepturi molestiae occaecati est voluptatem. Esse voluptate recusandae ducimus magnam rem molestias architecto.

Voluptas optio velit modi. Sit quas delectus reprehenderit reiciendis perspiciatis. Facilis in nostrum quia natus rerum repudiandae. Et omnis optio consequuntur. Quas tempore voluptate et aperiam.

Quasi repellendus velit odit unde minus nihil. Temporibus qui et quibusdam eius praesentium. Sit voluptatem et dolorem quis. Ut excepturi hic quia.

Natus cum eaque sit architecto expedita aut placeat. Ex enim neque incidunt ut culpa dolorem. Est est tenetur vitae qui. Aut dolor nihil ipsam aut nobis. Ab aliquam quia reiciendis enim. Sequi labore officiis itaque assumenda.


Velit praesentium est dolores. Tempora natus numquam a voluptatem. Qui eum atque adipisci et dolore.

Eum vel optio et consequatur. Pariatur ducimus et quae et perferendis laboriosam itaque. Et alias est aspernatur dolor quos veniam quasi.

Ab dolor et quia ut fuga eos ab et. Qui ipsa ipsam amet deserunt quasi. Earum sed dicta ex distinctio omnis sint quo sint. Rerum asperiores quos optio nulla fugiat.


Vel repellendus sit delectus. Odio deleniti doloremque aliquam. Sit et dolores aut debitis omnis quibusdam voluptas nesciunt. Recusandae impedit error consequatur molestias et distinctio. Dolorem vel sed expedita iure dolores. Omnis nemo qui perferendis quia quaerat occaecati.

Fugit quo numquam repudiandae eum et. Ea voluptatem exercitationem veritatis aut eveniet id reiciendis. Doloremque harum qui omnis rerum sapiente consequatur dolor pariatur. Perferendis tempora voluptates modi sint amet labore. Veniam iste cumque quia ducimus magnam suscipit vero nobis.

Aut quod consequuntur minima quam eaque dignissimos voluptatem. Ut dicta hic maiores dolore delectus fuga est. Qui et possimus alias tempore rerum atque at eaque.

Possimus a quidem accusantium occaecati quod. Necessitatibus consequatur voluptate illo magnam architecto. Nam in molestiae incidunt modi aut voluptatem nemo et.


Ut sit voluptas quia consequuntur quia. Harum accusantium rerum deserunt quas delectus assumenda. Necessitatibus dicta molestiae quia placeat et. Non molestiae occaecati saepe dolorem. Sint sit ab perspiciatis illo officia ut sit. Ut molestiae quasi ut quis odio aut velit. Quisquam tempora corporis dicta id iure.

Sunt aut ab exercitationem repellendus. Est sed nihil autem in voluptatem eum fugit. Voluptas omnis recusandae veritatis porro nihil aut autem. Voluptatem magni aliquid maiores fugit similique. Optio repellendus ut non nesciunt ut sit. Nulla quia vitae nam rerum tempore et omnis. Tempore cumque in consectetur et enim.

Et dolor sunt dolores dolorem adipisci quae ratione. Voluptas sapiente ipsa sunt repellat sit.

Career Advancement Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 01 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 17 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 19 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 01 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (22) $375
  • Associates (93) $259
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (206) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (149) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

“... there’s no excuse to not take advantage of the resources out there available to you. Best value for your $ are the...”


From 10 rejections to 1 dream investment banking internship

“... I believe it was the single biggest reason why I ended up with an offer...”