1st Year Asking Out 2nd Year??

At BB doing coverage. Was at some analyst work thing and briefly met a girl that was a 2nd year. Blew the eyes right off my head. She was very sarcastic in a fuck you way and I loved it and from first moment I knew I had to get this girl's number to even just chat it up some more. Didn't ask for it because it felt wrong (also new to the workplace). if we were in college I'd have done it on the spot. Was going to send an email asking to connect to learn more about her group saying I found her perspective interesting or some shit and make the ask then but honestly shitting bricks about asking out a peer. She's in a different group, but our team does work with the product group she's in but I've never seen her email pop up in any chain I've been on. How do I play this? Just try to build a friendship slowly and see? I found her IG and she only has like 400 followers so this is a win folks. This is just waiting for a kill. Help me out big ballers. This is one of those TV moments. 

Most Helpful

how is it weird to find someone's instagram if it's just their name... also follower count speaks volumes bro. IFYKYK and if you don't know now you know


And now you put it on a public forum that's very popular within the IB space.

Bravo retard


ah the nuclear option. the temptation to do this is overwhelming. love it. 


Clearly someone missed the memo on why the company went out of its way to buy so many ink vials. Diversity intiatives do in part have a purpose.

(Please don't kill me, ladies. It was too funny not to write it.)


Statistically one or both of you will be gone in the next year or two (lateral, exit, quit, etc.). 

Ask to grab lunch or coffee to connect (Hey, noticed you were at that event, don't know a ton of folks in your group, can we grab coffee / lunch to chat, I'd love to learn more), build a friendship and see what happens naturally.

Not knocking you but the odds of something going wrong by outright asking her out are astronomical (she could just not be into you, already have a SO, could've drawn her own line in the sand and refuses to date at all in the workplace, etc.).



Statistically one or both of you will be gone in the next year or two (lateral, exit, quit, etc.). 

Ask to grab lunch or coffee to connect (Hey, noticed you were at that event, don't know a ton of folks in your group, can we grab coffee / lunch to chat, I'd love to learn more), build a friendship and see what happens naturally.

Not knocking you but the odds of something going wrong by outright asking her out are astronomical (she could just not be into you, already have a SO, could've drawn her own line in the sand and refuses to date at all in the workplace, etc.).



Anything more than 1k and she belongs on the streets (95% probability)

Not sure though about a couple hundred, what's your experience been with that?


amen to everything but over teams? always get nervous to chat up people on teams about anything personal since ik bank is watching

[Comment removed by mod team]

I'm going to go the lunch route. just try and make a friend for a while and see the situation out. This is window shopping. Will circle back in 1 years time. Just marked it on my calendar. 


I'm going to go the lunch route. just try and make a friend for a while and see the situation out. This is window shopping. Will circle back in 1 years time. Just marked it on my calendar. 

It’s as simple as this. Just ask her to grab lunch. See where it goes. As long as you don’t do anything shady and can determine that she’s not crazy, it will be fine. Banks don’t really care if peers date, and you are in different groups. I know analysts from the same group who are now married. They just kept it low key. We knew, but they kept it professional at the office. 


OP  here - If you ask me on 9.999 million days out of 10 million days, I would tell you no chance would I ever even think about talking something up in the office. However, I'm drawn to cool people. People with stories and people who I believe are not "institutional". She fits the bill. I am not just sending a calendar invite. I'm going to just go for coffee and try and be friends. If it becomes nothing than so be it. Definitely not going to start pushing it in a direction. Just seeing the type of person she is. Even if this were another guy I wanted to mentor me, I wouldn't just run up and email and ask. I'd go to lunch and feel out if he would even do that. similar situation here 


Don't do it. Not worth risking your career over some average girl. 

You have a scarcity mindset. Women are abundant, just find another girl outside the workplace. 

"I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse."

WSO has a lot of beta males who won’t even stand up for themselves in the slightest manner.

People who are saying this will ruin your career are simply wrong… something like 20% of married couples met at work. It’s obviously not as high in a large city like NYC, but it certainly happens.

Go for it, but just make sure to not approach her like you’d do at a bar.

I’d send her an email or Teams message to the effect of:

Hi X,

I enjoyed our conversation at the analyst event particularly when we spoke about Y [Bonus points if you have something specific]. As a recent starter in the bank it’s nice to meet other juniors who work at the bank. I’d like to learn more about your group and getting adjusted to NYC as a junior and was wondering if you have any time in the next week to chat over lunch or coffee. 

[Whatever greeting you use],


The “getting adjusted to NYC as a junior “ line Is already setting up the wiggle room that the conversation isn’t going to be entirely work related and you plan to have a casual conversation as well. 

Based on that, make sure to follow up and ask for lunch again or if you’re feeling confident take it to dinner / drinks on the weekend / evening. You don’t need to frame it as a date but by the 2nd / 3rd interaction as you transition away from work settings she’ll get the memo and hopefully you are an enjoyable enough guy for things to work out.



WSO has a lot of beta males who won't even stand up for themselves in the slightest manner. {...}

Seriously. If you two work in different groups, report to different people and there's no overlap that could be construed as conflict of interest? Go for it. I get why people threw up the supposedly obligatory "don't dip your pen in company ink" type comments, but Tyson also pointed out that "everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth." Dating coworkers happened to me a couple of times...ok...a handful of times. But no one gave a good {fill in the rest in Ice Cube or Samuel L. Jackson's voice}.

Don't be creepy obviously, but just chat to her a bit and say "Hey, I don't know if you had lunch plans, but I need to get out of here for a bit and wanted to pick up our conversation in a more casual spot." Don't even wrap yourself around the pole of thinking you have to pay for everything, or setting exact time and place or whatever. If she has any like of you, the worst would be "I appreciate that! But I have a group lunch today, but how about tomorrow?" You're still in it to win it. I mean Jesus, have none of you seen how it really goes down?! 

And IncomingIBDreject is co-rrect that it starts with a lunch in a casual setting where you can leave work at the door and talk about goofy crap like why did they name an entire breed of dog shih-tzu if just to mess with english speakers. Then that turns into "hey did you hear about the xyz concert this weekend? I was thinking about going but my friend backed out. I don't suppose you're into them too and would want to go?" Or the hockey game, basketball, etc. Even if it's the local D-league teams because those are fun as hell. Worst case, she says no and you just began a new conversation to explore other ideas.

Harden the fuck up WSO.

The poster formerly known as theAudiophile. Just turned up to 11, like the stereo.

This will never go to the “friend zone”” because at some point the OP is obviously going to ask the girl out. The purpose of what I wrote though is to transition the relationship between the two from professional to platonic friends before OP asks her out which makes it a lot less awkward. 

I’m not sure what you mean by the template not being able to be used anymore because my comment was simply how to transition away from the professional feel. It doesn’t have to be used for romantic purposes. Also, what I wrote is fairly generic. With a bit of personalization based on the bank, intern event, etc. it goes a long way.


Age difference isn’t relevant if you aren’t a direct report. 

For the frequency, you need to bring the frequency down each time. There will come a point where she will notice something is up and you can’t avoid this crossover. Scheduling meetings once every 2 months conveniently avoids the crossover, but then she’ll never know you’re interested at all, and girls don’t respect guys who don’t show interest. 

I’d start at 3 weeks - 1 month but then you have to decrease the time span to 2 weeks after a few times. You also have to change the venue from a professional lunch to drinks. The first time you do 2 weeks later and drinks will be a bit awkward but that’s an unavoidable part of cold approaching. A lot of modern men get afraid to do this last step and stay as an orbiter (which you were going to be with your monthly+ meetups) and get nowhere. You’ve done your best to ease the setting away from the workplace in the first 3 or so meetups. Then it has to go off work, more frequent and in settings that are clearly unrelated to work.


“I found her perspective interesting or some shit”

Lmfaoooooooooo. Bro you made me laugh



On your death bed, you will regret not asking this girl out. Just do it. 


Edit: Made an updated version for ya'll.

The poster formerly known as theAudiophile. Just turned up to 11, like the stereo.


On your death bed, you will regret not asking this girl out. Just do it. 

Pizz Wins


"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

A friend of mine was asked out by a colleague when he (the colleague) resigns. Thought it was clean and reasonable and my friend actually agreed to go out with him. If you intend to just do your two years, it doesn't hurt to maintain a profession relationship till you leave the firm. 


Evaluate everything based on risk / reward:

Risk -Somebody else said this but nobody gives a fuck about 1st and 2nd year employees dating each other. Especially if in different groups. Especially if you've never even had a work (non social) interaction.So if you like each other - there is absolutely no problem at all!If you try to ask her out and fail - it will be awkward. Your worst downside is deal w awkward (which nobody cares about)!

Reward -You find a way to chat: email, teams - in a friendly fun way - NOT "Tell me about your group" (that is an awful awful way to go).Start off fun and funny if the dialogue keeps going then you know you got something to work with. If it keeps going well then plan a lunch. If that goes well then ask her out. Can't go wrong with this.And if it works out that you get a gf - then it's fucking awesome!Biggest downside is "it's awkward when I see that chick once a quarter". Upside is you got a great girl.Do it! Risk / Reward is very much in your Favor.

Just don't do anything stupid like be mean or make her uncomfortable with not taking no for an answer.


if you want to be respected by everyone involved, probably her too, ask her out after one of you leaves. it's going to be within the next 1-2 years anyway. 

Word of caution on the "becoming friends first" approach: Since she's hot and smart she probably gets approached all the time, and probably more guys than you can count have tried the "friends" approach to shoot their shot. It's very tiring and it makes some women lose all respect for you, particularly if she was never into you in the first place


I've dated colleagues / clients who have asked me out and this is 100% spot on.

It worked only for them because I was already attracted to them to start with, but it's not like they had any clue that I reciprocated (I'm usually friendly to people in general for the sake of networking). Both were pretty surprised when they found out that I did.



ill say it one more time

these kinda things only work in an office setting if there is strong MUTUAL attraction from the get go, which there clearly isnt here otherwise you wouldnt be asking

How can you say there “clearly isn’t” mutual attraction??

You have no clue and neither does OP until he tries to get something going.


I would ask her out, but you gotta do more research. Fewer followers is a good thing, but that could also mean she is more reserved with who she hangs out and is much more disciplined. Do you know her true personality? Is she religious? Look up Facebook, VSCO, who she Links on Linkedin.... find her college/high school and any posts/yearbooks that associate her or her friends. With that info you will be more confident in your approach.


I would ask her out, but you gotta do more research. Fewer followers is a good thing, but that could also mean she is more reserved with who she hangs out and is much more disciplined. Do you know her true personality? Is she religious? Look up Facebook, VSCO, who she Links on Linkedin.... find her college/high school and any posts/yearbooks that associate her or her friends. With that info you will be more confident in your approach.


The poster formerly known as theAudiophile. Just turned up to 11, like the stereo.

Shoot for the stars OP. She's not in your group and doesn't have the same boss. Worst that can happen is she says no (unless you're a total creep about it). Life is too short!

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

Sapiente labore sint at necessitatibus distinctio. Magni ex in iste magnam voluptatem ipsa consequatur.

Reprehenderit cupiditate error placeat et. Excepturi dolorem sunt iusto iste beatae cumque. Quo itaque debitis ipsam molestiae. Vero omnis praesentium assumenda labore alias. Quos dolor doloribus sed et. Quo et enim voluptate dolores.

Eos nihil ab modi rerum nam dolor similique. Est enim placeat qui accusantium voluptatem voluptatem. Fugit modi assumenda dolorum natus impedit.


Id maxime qui earum similique minima reprehenderit et. Doloremque maiores voluptatem inventore dolor soluta officia. Ut impedit doloremque sunt id nobis. Perferendis et autem vero cupiditate qui distinctio iusto.

Quod recusandae vel dolores id magnam hic consectetur. Praesentium rerum architecto repellat quibusdam fugiat consequatur eaque. Et accusamus rerum deleniti neque doloribus rem mollitia odio.

Ut ut laborum eum culpa rem. Dolore neque consequatur eligendi enim nemo voluptate ipsa.


Eum odit accusantium fugiat esse eligendi corporis. Doloribus sint eveniet adipisci itaque soluta totam. Amet nisi eos nisi doloribus aut quod. Enim quo et accusamus. Ut ullam totam eius quisquam officia eum.

Fugiat harum est molestiae odit eos. Pariatur totam et ut enim. Quis optio eveniet ea ea magni. Qui voluptatum iste assumenda quia.

Earum quidem non repudiandae et. Porro et ipsam accusantium aut sed et eos.

Repudiandae soluta iusto qui. Quasi dolorem illum dolore enim officia accusantium blanditiis. Illo molestiae quia non nihil corporis. Aliquid voluptatibus numquam soluta nesciunt. Quidem velit blanditiis exercitationem omnis.


Ipsum aut qui cum fuga mollitia. Qui dolore tempore sit dolorem perspiciatis ratione voluptates. Qui voluptatibus alias veniam soluta excepturi et. Sapiente occaecati error vero modi laudantium accusantium. Ab ipsum aliquam est ut sapiente quis.

Labore veniam laudantium nihil necessitatibus laborum ut eum. Accusamus sequi porro tempore ipsum non aut perspiciatis.

Est dolorem commodi voluptates nisi autem recusandae et. Pariatur hic odit ex delectus voluptatibus qui nulla sed. Quasi sunt enim qui ea occaecati excepturi. In quia corrupti modi nemo eos iusto corrupti. Sapiente nisi non unde et voluptatem numquam. Quo aperiam ut consectetur molestias corrupti.


Illo distinctio qui est reprehenderit dolor modi pariatur. Perferendis consequatur corporis quod ex voluptatem ea. Quam ipsam modi dolor tempore voluptas est. Omnis aperiam laboriosam ea quae et dolores minima. Quia qui quibusdam soluta dolor ipsum quisquam. Laborum consectetur aut commodi. Similique doloribus et ratione exercitationem voluptatem.

Aut pariatur fugit asperiores eum. Dicta est ipsa tempore omnis. Eligendi et porro in sed.

Laudantium minima esse corrupti dolor. Voluptatem rerum aut consequuntur alias suscipit ex. Ratione aliquid alias cum aut modi error. Harum accusamus nesciunt accusantium eum dolor rem. Odit occaecati mollitia dolorem.

Career Advancement Opportunities

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  • Goldman Sachs 17 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

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  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
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Professional Growth Opportunities

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  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Investment Banking

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  • Vice President (22) $375
  • Associates (94) $260
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (206) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (149) $101
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