Biggest flexes for impressing girls?

Aside from being a billionaire or celebrity, what are the biggest flexes for getting girls? How would you rank these flexes?

-Elite pedigree+job

-Ripped body

-Being super well traveled, interesting hobbies

-Network of super cool connected friends

-Super wealthy family

Of course these flexes are not mutually exclusive. 


666 club member 

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee
God's Sanest Cokehead

Unironically, I’d say 34215.

Depends what you want out of “impressing girls” but as a straight guy I can say that I’d want to get a beer with somebody with cool hobbies and traveling stories more than somebody who is from a loaded family.

Grab a beer or grab a bump?

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Network of fun/cool girl & guy friends in my experience.

everyone loves an initiator with a plan to bring everyone together, it’s something alot of people lose after college

  1. network of super cool connected friends
  2. Super wealthy family 
  3. Super well traveled, interesting hobbies
  4. Elite pedigree + job 
  5. Ripped body

swap 3 and 4

Girls don't give a shit what your "pedigree" is.  The overlap of WSO users and people who give a shit about where you went to school is probably 99%.

Being confident and comfortable in your own skin (as an adult) is by far the most attractive thing to women.  If you lead with your money and "pedigree" you'll only ever find women (or men) who are interested in using you for that and that alone.  If you want an honest relationship that is based on something more than a transaction, you need to have something other than money to offer.

Who your friends are, what your interests are, to a certain extent how well you take care of yourself - those are the things which will impress people, not which group you work in at GS or what university you graduated from

Most Helpful

Attempting to impress others with certain achievements or possessions can appeal to some, but it's fundamentally misguided to pursue or acquire things solely for the sake of others' approval—whether it's to impress potential romantic partners, friends, or strangers.

The truly valuable pursuits, such as securing a fulfilling job that aligns with your passions, maintaining physical health and fitness, exploring various destinations, cultivating meaningful friendships, or appreciating one's background, should primarily serve to enrich your own life. Focusing on these aspects for personal fulfillment rather than as means to display status is more rewarding. After all, relationships built on superficial attractions to materialistic symbols, like owning a luxury car or having a high-paying job, are likely to attract individuals more interested in those superficial qualities than in genuine connection.


Fame would be the ultimate quality to have. You wouldn't have to do much to get a girl. 

The important thing is never to let oneself be guided by the opinion of one's contemporaries; to continue steadfastly on one's way without letting oneself be either defeated by failure or diverted by applause.

It's a balance of all five of these. Be healthy and wealthy enough to travel the world and fully pursue your hobbies. Have a good enough education that you're interesting to talk to. Go to a good enough school so your peer group aren't hapless fucks but equally interesting and worth talking to. Have a healthy relationship with your family, and have enough family wealth that you're not the breadwinner for all of your relatives. Have a good enough job that you're well compensated and creating value, with a good network of helpful people. Better to know two bankers than a passel of whores. 


This board is and will continue to overrate 'prestige' in terms of career, and how important salary is. In attracting very niche market of women (women with elite education, lives in NYC, and also in finance) then the plane of 'prestige' that this board lives on may matter. For vast majority of women, the name of your firm doesn't mean shit.

Secondly, 'prestige' for getting girls probably isn't what you think it is either. A pilot, or hell even a successful influencer, for example will have more prestige to attracting majority of women than working at a BB/MBB tier firm, despite less compensation and not being surrounded by Ivy peers. 

In terms of $$$ for most women (again not WS clout chasers, which is still a micro niche), it's a 'check the box' thing. Does he bring home a good to great income? How he does it doesn't matter, and if he has to sacrifice substantial free time or his physical health to do it then it becomes a negative. Ex: all things equal a ripped engineer will beat out a fat banker who makes double the engineers comp. Of course, all things aren't always equal - and there is no reasy why the banker cant also be fit/interesting. But there is definitely diminishing returns to how much you make and how much it matters. 100k - > 300k probably a big difference. 300k -> 500k not really (non-NYC/SF salary numbers), and at a certain point the extra income just becomes numbers on a computer screen in your brokerage account

On the inverse, this board is underrating hobbies/interests. If you are into several things that are cool, display value, and most of all show your competence then it is a big draw for women. So many men just focus heavily on the salary number to define themselves while being complete bores otherwise. If you are making a dating app profile then if you are able to display to women that your life is super interesting, and that by dating you they will live a super interesting life as well, then you will have as many options as you want. Of course, more money unlocks more hobbies/interests and often driven people at work are driven outside of work too so there's overlap.

Just saying dont define yourself just by money because then that is how other people will define yourself too. 


On the inverse, this board is underrating hobbies/interests. If you are into several things that are cool, display value, and most of all show your competence then it is a big draw for women. So many men just focus heavily on the salary number to define themselves while being complete bores otherwise. 

Could not agree with this more than I do.  Well put.  Having hobbies and interests is also super important for a career.  I've said this before, but the obsessive way in which people position themselves to get a job at a bank, by joining the same generic investment clubs, talking about work in social settings, etc does not translate well to longer term success.  Yes, as an analyst your bonus may be dependent on how fast you can create a DCF model vs your peers, or how many hours you work.  But in the longer run, it all comes down to who can bring in business or make money for the firm, and that often involves an interpersonal component.  Maybe it's finding clients to bring in new business.  Maybe it's schmoozing a broker.  But having something other than "finance" to talk about, even if it's an interest that doesn't align with the other person's, is a huge help.  No one wants to deal with some boring cretin who doesn't have an opinion on anything other than which way stock prices are going to go.

Just saying dont define yourself just by money because then that is how other people will define yourself too. 

Yep.  People on this site are obsessed with money and salary, which isn't a bad thing in and of itself, but the same people turn around with the Pikachu face when their huge salary and elite banking group only attract women who want to use them for their money.  Plus, someone is always making more, worth more, spending more, etc.  


Thanks. I was trying to walk the line between 'money doesn't matter at all' (it does), and 'maximize all your prestige points'.

You are right on the hobbies piece. But, at least personally speaking, I cant force myself to do some activity in the hopes of it translating to networking opportunities down the road - even the idea makes me sick. I have colleagues for example who learn golf and try to golf regularly just for the business importance, despite not really caring about the sport. I hate golf, and I think being that committed to your job where you are now forcing yourself to do things in the hope it can impress a client down the road is silly. I'd rather have that free time to do what I want even if there is a professional tradeoff associated with it. 

But then I got into cycling, which I love - unlike golf it's actually a sport. Working on your bike is fun, upgrading parts, doing races, etc. And then inadvertently that has turned into incredible networking, people I ride with in my weekly group are often older but very influential across a spectrum of fields (real estate development, medicine, etc.), even have become friends with two different executives that work in the same industry I do, people I otherwise would have no social access to.

Cycling is known as a pretty expensive white-collar hobby, so maybe not the best example. But I've found the more stuff you do, the more often you become surprised in conversation when another person has a similar interest or experience. Some are more common around upper-middle-class social circles (golf, cycling, skiing, boating, etc.), but say you like to do other stuff - like restoring old cars, or building furniture, etc. Guarantee you will bump into others in that space that also can be useful from a networking standpoint. Long winded way of saying just try to do a bunch of shit and find things you like and that are fun, and if you want to do things that can be used to help you profesionally or impress chicks, then be aware of how they are viewed as well. There is no shame in doing something, at least at the start, for those benefits - but you are best off if its something you actually come to love and enjoy 


Having a personality is negatively correlated with being a “prestige” obsessed baby banker on WSO.

And “prestige” and finance actually don’t even go together. If you have to work for your money it’s not prestige, period.


Agree on the personality being negatively correlated with this kind of work.  All the more reason it's attractive to women, I suspect. Hard to find a guy who has his shit together and isn't boring. 

I wasn't saying anything about prestige and agree nobody should be leading with that.  In fact I know a couple guys who would otherwise do well with girls, and turn them off by leading with that.  


I’m a woman and this post reminds me that the only time I have to interact with incels is when I interact with industry people, but anyway, to attract girls you ideally…

(1) have alot of money, (2) are hot and (3) have a great personality, with the following important caveats:

  • girls care about generosity + resources, not just resources
  • looks tend to be the lowest priority; money and / or personality take centre stage. Source: have dumped smoking hot but annoying af men.
  • except for gold diggers, the importance of money usually falls away past a certain wealth / income level and personality becomes much more important
  • personality is a catch-all for character, being interesting, being a great partner. A really impt part for all y’all to pay attention to is that a very large part of being interesting is listening to and being genuinely interested in the other person. And also having interests outside what the typical WSO-er cares about (and that nobody else gives a shit about). Being a great partner would require, for starters, to not be the misogynistic a-hole that is commonly found on this site.

If you just want to bang hot chicks, then splash the cash and / or be smoking hot yourself. Maybe some dudes have enough personality / charm to regularly reel in one-night stands, but I doubt most of you have it. “I work at [insert whatever]” generally doesn’t impress girls - those outside of finance usually have no clue what your firm does and aren’t interested in finding out.


I've found women became much more impressed by my 'personality' when I cut 40 pounds of fat, and then proceeded to add 20 pounds of muscle in my early 20s. But you absolutely do need a good mix of personality traits to make attraction last. Women can find a hot guy and be turned off in minutes if he seems weird, the inverse really isnt true with men. Things that help if you're a man:

- Being able to take a joke / banter

- Being properly assertive

- Having an opinion on things. No, not about Gaza. But if you are going on a 3rd or 4th date dont just punt the ball to her and ask 'what do you want to do'

- Dont be insecure. About whatever your insecure about, even if you have reason to be. Height, income, your car, your sexual experience, etc. Women can sniff this idk how it's a sixth sense dudes dont have 

- Being able to have a backbone and disagree with her. Women get used to guys folding like lawnchairs about any topic they bring up that might be slightly controversial. Dont be an ass, but they will respect you more if you can hold your own

- Being able to control your emotions. Better if you can actually understand what is driving your emotions. But most dudes dont have that self awareness/emotional intelligence in their 20s

- Yea Ill agree with you on active listening. Will also add with conversing is prioritizing each others time, especially early on

Disagree a bit on the money/welth piece. If you're a dude you are better off being above average at everything , than great at one thing and shit at the rest. I have several friends that are wealthy and in high status careers but are significantly overweight or otherwise bores and they either have problems getting laid or can only attract similar looking women on their end. Sure, if you are worth $XXXM then rules go out the window. But for 99.9% of dudes if your income and career are 'good enough' sounding, then you are better off investing in other areas of your life (developing real interests, getting fit, having a nice social group, becomming more outgoing) than double downing on career. You can be a partner at a law firm but if you are overweight, only hobby is watching sports, and have a crabby personality then the only quality chicks you will be attracting are escorts. Of course - if you can do it all and have a great career then you will really be cooking with gas.


Agree with most of this but with one major caveat: given that dating apps are now by far the #1 way couples meet, looks have become more important than ever before. Women on apps are inundated with likes and have their pick, so the ones who get quality matches are the best looking guys. Once they meet up on a date, of course, other factors come into play. 


Things that matter the most are:

1) Your archetype (are you a tall blue eyed white finance bro or a bearded medium height white male in Kansas)

2) Your social status (are you the most popular guy in social groups?)

3) Your looks

4) Money and wealth

5) Your hobbies and being well travelled (let's be honest this one does not matter one bit)

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

What you've listed should all be secondary

Be funny, be charming, be generous, be empathetic - if you can do all that, and already have the other attributes, she's yours forever

Be an absolute catch, my friend - and do it with dignity 

"Work is the curse of the drinking classes" - Oscar Wilde

Unfortunately if you live in a cold place like NYC you can barely even show off your gains unless you wanna freeze to death. Being slim is more than enough. I’d say height is pretty huge. Being 6’2+ will make you stand out. Strong jaw lines, cerulean (or some other cool) color eyes, nice trimmed beard. Stuff like that. Money doesn’t really matter tbh everyone is pretty well off these days u less you have a jet and a yacht but then at that point you’re just attracting gold diggers and getting used 


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Voluptas eaque tempora et dolorem dolore non eum. Aliquid sit pariatur commodi odit nihil magni. Nihil vel veritatis sapiente quod sit ut consequatur.

Dolorem nisi reprehenderit blanditiis iste. Unde doloremque sapiente est delectus mollitia.

Non voluptates sunt qui vel eveniet possimus quia aspernatur. Et et quaerat minima ad vel.


Corporis in explicabo amet atque. Est occaecati praesentium autem eos et accusamus. Consequatur ut autem omnis alias. Ipsum quia qui exercitationem nostrum doloribus doloribus omnis. Fugit repellendus doloribus aut aut ut pariatur tempore. Quis voluptas fugit quia ipsum quod excepturi. Aliquid amet accusantium aut ut voluptates itaque debitis temporibus.

Suscipit nihil nostrum et laudantium necessitatibus molestiae magni. Fugit dolorem sapiente veritatis asperiores optio. Fuga asperiores qui odit quo.

Necessitatibus quas modi voluptas. Voluptate eum sed quia laboriosam. Nulla enim suscipit sed dolorum dignissimos nam. Ducimus voluptate ut quia odit aut voluptas ab earum. Vel consectetur sed voluptate similique.

Career Advancement Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 01 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 17 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 19 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 01 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (22) $375
  • Associates (94) $260
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (206) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (149) $101
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