Bonus Bananas September 27, 2013

1) Fed investigating whether news media leaked QE news early (Talking Biz News) - Some of you were wondering how I knew ahead of time that the taper was a no-go...

2) Madoff Business Partner Arrested (FIN Alternatives) - Better late than never, I guess. I wrote an in-depth exposé on the whole Madoff thing for a European economics journal (don't bother Googling, it's already out of print), and believe me when I tell you that there are still many more out there who need to be called to account for this thing.

3) Brown University Students To Host Nudity Week (CBS News) - Woo-Hoo! Naked college chicks! Oh...wait. It's Brown. Nevermind.

4) How Buffett, Musk and Other Multi-Billionaires Hit It Big (Entrepreneur) - Wanna make a billion dollars? Here's how to do it in a nifty infographic.

5) Jacob Barnett, 14-Year-Old With Asperger's Syndrome, May Be Smarter Than Einstein (Huffington Post) - Probably the best thing you'll read all week. They told this kid's parents he'd never tie his own shoes, and now he's the world's youngest astrophysicist. Suck it, haters.

6) New California Law Allows Teens to Scrub Their Dumb Decisions from the Internet (BetaBeat) - A lot of you have been hoping for an Internet get-out-of-jail-free card to erase the stupid shit you've forever immortalized online. Well, if you're from California and you were a minor when you posted said stupid shit, you might have some hope. If you're not or you weren't, then yeah, you're screwed.

7) MASS EXTINCTION AND THE STRUCTURE OF THE MILKY WAY (Los Alamos National Laboratory) - Full on nerd porn here, but if there's one thing I love contemplating in my spare time, it's the extinction of our vile species. This paper posits that the Vegas odds are stacked highly on a meteor strike spelling doom for Earth, and that we'd better put together some plan to un-ass this miserable rock in a hurry.

8) Sugar is 'addictive and the most dangerous drug of the times' (The Telegraph) - Pay attention, because this is something that's going to happen in your lifetime: sugar will one day be illegal. Tim Ferriss (in The 4-Hour Body) went so far as to say that the FDA would probably ban it today if it were just discovered.

9) Driven to distraction? Businessman smashes up BMW (CNBC) - I understand shitty service, but c'mon. You don't bust up a $160,000 vehicle in front of an auto show just to make a point.

10) Russell Brand and the GQ awards: 'It's amazing how absurd it seems' (The Guardian) - I like this guy more and more every day. So it's okay for Boris Johnson (a sitting member of British parliament) to crack a joke at the expense of Syrian kids murdered in a chemical attack, but Brand gets thrown out for correctly pointing out that the sponsor of the event used to provide uniforms to the Nazis? GMAFB.

Video of the Week:

I often have some difficulty deciding between all the different contenders for Video of the Week. Not this time. Just watch him grab that rack and bare those teeth like a goddam boss. Majestic.

That's it for this week, gorillas. Have a stupendous weekend and let me know what you think about this week's Bananas in the comments.

Edmundo Braverman:

8) Sugar is 'addictive and the most dangerous drug of the times' (The Telegraph) - Pay attention, because this is something that's going to happen in your lifetime: sugar will one day be illegal. Tim Ferriss (in The 4-Hour Body) went so far as to say that the FDA would probably ban it today if it were just discovered.

Sugar is absolutely terrible for you. And we know. But we've known it for a long time. I am not sure it is addictive (you won't suffer withdrawal from sugar...) but it triggers a reward mechanism in our brains. There's a huge amount of misinformation out there on nutrition. You do not need 9 servings of grains every day. Grains are converted to glucose almost instantly. Bread has a higher glycemic index than sugar.

I'm not 100% sold on Tim Ferriss's approach (dairy / fruit aren't the devil, especially if you're doing strength training; if you want to get to


I hate sugar as much as the next guy, but nothing comes close to the destruction brought by alcohol. Sugar allows lazy fat persons to kill themselves. Alcohol allows lazy whatever persons to kill innocents (and causes much more havoc to one's family than being fat and lazy).

Crack and whatever else aren't TV cool (even sugar isn't) - alcohol is the only dangerous drug brainwashing society


I hate sugar as much as the next guy, but nothing comes close to the destruction brought by alcohol. Sugar allows lazy fat persons to kill themselves. Alcohol allows lazy whatever persons to kill innocents (and causes much more havoc to one's family than being fat and lazy).

Crack and whatever else aren't TV cool (even sugar isn't) - alcohol is the only dangerous drug brainwashing society

You are aware that alcohol is created from sugar, right?

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.

I hate sugar as much as the next guy, but nothing comes close to the destruction brought by alcohol. Sugar allows lazy fat persons to kill themselves. Alcohol allows lazy whatever persons to kill innocents (and causes much more havoc to one's family than being fat and lazy).

Crack and whatever else aren't TV cool (even sugar isn't) - alcohol is the only dangerous drug brainwashing society

You 'hate sugar as much as the next guy'..? I've literally never met someone who claims to hate sugar. That's simply a preposterous claim and I'm not letting you get away with it. You sound crazy right now. I'm also genuinely intrigued to see how you made the jump from sugar in the Netherlands to 'killing innocents' to alcohol and crack. You need a CAT scan buddy


You 'hate sugar as much as the next guy'..? I've literally never met someone who claims to hate sugar. That's simply a preposterous claim and I'm not letting you get away with it.

Believe it or not, I actually don't like sugar all that much. Hate is perhaps a strong word, but except in very small and occasional doses I stay away from sugar. I don't drink soda, I don't put sugar in coffee, and I definitely don't inhale a bundle of pixie sticks. I like things spicy and savory...just not a sugar guy.

You 'hate sugar as much as the next guy'..? I've literally never met someone who claims to hate sugar. That's simply a preposterous claim and I'm not letting you get away with it. You sound crazy right now. I'm also genuinely intrigued to see how you made the jump from sugar in the Netherlands to 'killing innocents' to alcohol and crack. You need a CAT scan buddy

Thread digging a little bit here, but the point is that pure processed sugar is borderline uselessto your body - it's pretty much a drug. If you really think you absolutely need the taste, artificial sweeteners are actually much healthy, no matter what unemployed holding posters may say.

Posters before me were actually discussing bans on sugar, so I have some trouble understanding the origin of your strong feelings.

Sugar is as useless as alcohol, but alcohol is more damaging to society (also more damaging than crack). If you think bans work, ban alcohol. Drunks want alcohol and glutons want sugar - the key is to find the balance between freedom, number of deaths and effectiveness of bans and countercampaigns.

Best Response

Here's a question, why don't they do this with caffeine? Why should Starbucks get away with selling you large cups of coffee with three to four times the amount of caffeine as Red Bull? I should think they deserve a massive warning label with a skull and cross bones on their cup just like cigarettes. Frankly, I would bet that a large proportion of this country is hopelessly addicted to caffeine and don't even know it. That can't be good for you over the long haul any more than massive amounts of sugar is.

Obviously I'm just being a dick and throwing out a dumb argument, but I think that at some point everything has become bad for you. Red Meat, Salt, Sugar, Fish (mercury), animal fats in general blah blah blah. Every day I hear something else 'could' be bad for me or 'is' bad for me. Frankly, no shit a ton of sugar is not good for you. I don't need science to tell me that the idiot sucking down snickers, regular soda, cheeseburgers and a sundae isn't healthy. I can see it.

The problem, as West coast pointed out, is that people just don't get it or refuse to listen to it. That, or they are told the wrong things because of misinformation. I'm of the ilk that the information is out there but even I'll admit that there are so many freaking ways and thoughts on how exactly our bodies work best to diet and eat that it is mind numbing. I'm not certain what you do about it, but I will say that massive warning labels and taxation are not in my opinion the way to go about it.


Here's a question, why don't they do this with caffeine? Why should Starbucks get away with selling you large cups of coffee with three to four times the amount of caffeine as Red Bull? I should think they deserve a massive warning label with a skull and cross bones on their cup just like cigarettes. Frankly, I would bet that a large proportion of this country is hopelessly addicted to caffeine and don't even know it. That can't be good for you over the long haul any more than massive amounts of sugar is.

Obviously I'm just being a dick and throwing out a dumb argument, but I think that at some point everything has become bad for you. Red Meat, Salt, Sugar, Fish (mercury), animal fats in general blah blah blah. Every day I hear something else 'could' be bad for me or 'is' bad for me. Frankly, no shit a ton of sugar is not good for you. I don't need science to tell me that the idiot sucking down snickers, regular soda, cheeseburgers and a sundae isn't healthy. I can see it.

The problem, as West coast pointed out, is that people just don't get it or refuse to listen to it. That, or they are told the wrong things because of misinformation. I'm of the ilk that the information is out there but even I'll admit that there are so many freaking ways and thoughts on how exactly our bodies work best to diet and eat that it is mind numbing. I'm not certain what you do about it, but I will say that massive warning labels and taxation are not in my opinion the way to go about it.

RE Caffeine: Comparing coffee to red bull is a bit of a stretch. I worked with a guy that would drink two 20 oz red bulls a day. Because he was basically poisoning his body, he began to look like flesh eating bacteria was getting the best of him. It was like his body was failing from the inside out. Also, I did an analysis one day and showed him he was spending like 2 grand a year on red bull. (two 20oz cans a day at like 4 bucks a pop, five days a week).

Regarding everything else: People should have enough foresight to understand what they are putting into their body. It is their body, after all. But the golden rule is moderation.

Someone mentioned slow to low carb dieting, and that is fine for people trying to lose weight, but if you lift weights regularly, like me, low to no carb diets will deplete those sweet sweet gains.

Life is all about balance.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.

Here's a question, why don't they do this with caffeine? Why should Starbucks get away with selling you large cups of coffee with three to four times the amount of caffeine as Red Bull? I should think they deserve a massive warning label with a skull and cross bones on their cup just like cigarettes. Frankly, I would bet that a large proportion of this country is hopelessly addicted to caffeine and don't even know it. That can't be good for you over the long haul any more than massive amounts of sugar is.

Obviously I'm just being a dick and throwing out a dumb argument, but I think that at some point everything has become bad for you. Red Meat, Salt, Sugar, Fish (mercury), animal fats in general blah blah blah. Every day I hear something else 'could' be bad for me or 'is' bad for me. Frankly, no shit a ton of sugar is not good for you. I don't need science to tell me that the idiot sucking down snickers, regular soda, cheeseburgers and a sundae isn't healthy. I can see it.

The problem, as West coast pointed out, is that people just don't get it or refuse to listen to it. That, or they are told the wrong things because of misinformation. I'm of the ilk that the information is out there but even I'll admit that there are so many freaking ways and thoughts on how exactly our bodies work best to diet and eat that it is mind numbing. I'm not certain what you do about it, but I will say that massive warning labels and taxation are not in my opinion the way to go about it.

But I enjoy coffee. I don't need it for "energy". I just like drinking it.


Well, at least the cartels will have something to do when drugs are legalized, they can sell me twix bars and Coke (cola). Bloombergian bastards.


This might sound messed up, but sugar gives me a boner--I absolutely love it. I could bathe in a sea of brownies, or Twix, or donuts, Snickers, cheesecake, ice cream, M&Ms peanuts, and so on!!!!! Ahhhhh!!! Gawd I just rubbed one out! I'm overweight...


RE #8 - in a hundred years, humanity will look upon the way we currently live the way we currently look upon the cavemen. Sure, it was probably great to go out and club someone and kill wild animals, but all in all life was pretty brutish and stunted. Life is pretty good compared to ages past, but there's plenty of room for improvement.

....and a FORTUNE to make on bringing the upgrades to humanity!!!!

Get busy living

Sugar intake is like salt: too much leads to health problems.....too little is literally lethal.

You body needs a certain amount of this stuff and our bodies evolved to hoard this stuff (and others) before agriculture created a plentiful food supply. The point was to eat as much as possible and bulk up because you never knew when you'd be going hungry for an extended period of time. Diet moderation is not something our bodies evolved for, so it's a relatively new thing in the human experience, give or take 10K years.

Moderation of the diet has mostly been a personal or group issue for a long time, but we're approaching the point where it's being integtrated into the overall management of civilization. It's inevitable. Just like electricity, food, war, and gov't itself....

Get busy living

Repellendus at sit quia tempora. Est modi aliquid sequi modi sed repellat. Temporibus a repellat assumenda quia deleniti facilis. Rerum veritatis sed cupiditate ut nemo quo iure.

Recusandae est maiores autem non qui. Quia rerum repellat voluptates ad omnis eius. Molestiae et facilis repudiandae aperiam dolores dicta quidem.

Optio est animi omnis vitae molestiae et natus. Harum sed et nobis quia commodi sit. Vel perferendis maiores aliquid labore. Doloribus quis voluptate a dolor minus adipisci. Nobis quia sunt ut ut quaerat. Id cupiditate dolor saepe error. Adipisci ut officia neque hic molestias qui.


Enim aut voluptates incidunt aut doloribus doloribus rem. Aut veritatis quisquam dolor voluptatem dolores. Culpa quia repudiandae aut consequatur aut accusantium eum. Dolores rem totam at animi deserunt. Error expedita reprehenderit inventore ut ut natus.

Dolorum ad repellat assumenda ut. Eos et optio repudiandae soluta quaerat. Nihil ullam iusto hic perspiciatis sint excepturi. Nihil deleniti enim nostrum quos qui.

Alias quaerat sed dolore debitis expedita eos doloribus. Dignissimos suscipit eveniet est tenetur molestias modi nesciunt nemo. Ea qui dolorem occaecati quia qui quam explicabo. Et blanditiis et veniam vero voluptates.

Career Advancement Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 01 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 17 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 19 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 01 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (22) $375
  • Associates (93) $259
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (206) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (149) $101
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