Prestigious Pete

I would like to extend a warm welcome to myself, Prestigious Pete. I am a jealousy amalgam, created from combining all the conceited, self-assured finance super douches into one man called Prestigious Pete.

After finishing up at Andover, I went on to attend Yale University, where I majored in Sociology, played Varsity Golf, and was president of the Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity. I then marched over to Blackstone M&A upon graduating, because Goldman Sachs was not prestigious enough.

After my brief stint at Blackstone, I went swiftly to Harvard Business School, where I spent two years going to costume parties, travelling the world, and adding hundreds of notches to my bedpost. After graduating from HBS, I now work at a private equity megafund. At the tender age of 25, I make 450K base, wear a $40,000 watch, and have outsourced the tying of my shoelaces in the morning to some nice Puerto Rican chaps.

Feel free to ask me anything, and make sure to nod silently in genuine admiration of my achievements, greatness, wealth, and prestige.

Mod note (Andy):Throwback Thursday, this originally went up on 9/22/12.


This just seemed kind of appropriate...

I just picture you filling in for Denis Leary.

That's just my way of saying welcome to another crappy troll to WSO.


Pete -- need your help with some prestige questions:

Mercedes or Audi?

Equities, fixed income, or other?

Natural conception or fertility clinic?

Tax haven: Cayman Islands or Luxembourg?


Best Response
Mercedes or Audi?

One of each, of course. Though sometimes if I'm in a good mood I'll let one of my drivers choose which one he'll drive me in for that day.

Equities, fixed income, or other?

I don't have time to deal with those kinds of minute details. I'm very high level.

Natural conception or fertility clinic?

When a chick starts even approaching the topic, I take her off my rotation.

Tax haven: Cayman Islands or Luxembourg?

I'm not sure what taxes are, sounds like a poor person problem.


Neither, Financial Times is the most prestigious reading material so naturally that's what I carry around. The pale salmon color makes me smile.

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Prestigious Pete:
Tax haven: Cayman Islands or Luxembourg?

I'm not sure what taxes are, sounds like a poor person problem.

This ones my favorite

You told us your base, but we are all curious as to what your all in comp was.

I don't have time to count all those zeroes, I just let my accountants sort it out.

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Who/What is more prestigious, Ditka or God?

Neither, football and religion are for the middle class. I'm too busy worshiping my biceps, and the only "wide receivers" I care for are size 34D.

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Prestigious Pete:
Who/What is more prestigious, Ditka or God?

Neither, football and religion are for the middle class. I'm too busy worshiping my biceps, and the only "wide receivers" I care for are size 34D.

Clearly you missed the point there... Buddy. That's a Rookie mistake on your part brosephus.

Prestigious Pete:
Who/What is more prestigious, Ditka or God?

Neither, football and religion are for the middle class. I'm too busy worshiping my biceps, and the only "wide receivers" I care for are size 34D.

You'd settle for a 34D over the standard 32D? As far as I'm concerned the only things that need that solid of a foundation are multistory buildings and bank accounts. If you're going to settle for a 34 then atleast go 34DD.

-Are you really still going to be with her when she gets back problems?


One more thing, what exactly is prestige? Is it possible to become prestigious or do you need to be born prestigious? If I work really hard in life and make a ton of money, can my kids at least become prestigious (even if I can't)?

One more thing, what exactly is prestige? Is it possible to become prestigious or do you need to be born prestigious? If I work really hard in life and make a ton of money, can my kids at least become prestigious (even if I can't)?

Prestige is a quality of supreme excellence. Further explanation is not possible, because if you have prestige then knowledge of it is self evident, and if you don't have prestige, then no amount of words can elucidate it. I'm sorry you had to hear it from me.

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Prestigious Pete:
One more thing, what exactly is prestige? Is it possible to become prestigious or do you need to be born prestigious? If I work really hard in life and make a ton of money, can my kids at least become prestigious (even if I can't)?

Prestige is a quality of supreme excellence. Further explanation is not possible, because if you have prestige then knowledge of it is self evident, and if you don't have prestige, then no amount of words can elucidate it. I'm sorry you had to hear it from me.

I was afraid of that. But, can my kids become prestigious if I amass, let's say, $2 billion? Then I buy a spot at HBS for them at the age of 16? Then a managing director role at Blackstone by 21?

Pete: What is the more prestigious, Greenwich or the UES? I mean what is more balling, a sick estate in the back country or Belle Haven or a 5000 sq ft. apartment on 5th avenue in the 65-72nd street range?

Also, how many clubs should a truly prestigious fellow belong to?? My personal take is at least 3 but no more than 5 with good geographical dispersion. Something along the lines of Stanwich for local outings, Crystal Downs for the real rustic experience, Bandon Dunes on the West Coast, and Shinnecock for summers in the Hamptons?

Please enlighten us, oh prestigious one.

Gray Fox:
Pete: What is the more prestigious, Greenwich or the UES?

Prestigious is having it all. I don't need to choose, I have it all. Greenwich proper and Old Greenwich. UES, UWS, Soho, Tribeca. Vail, Beverly Hills. You name it, I've got it, because that's just what I deserve.

Gray Fox:
Also, how many clubs should a truly prestigious fellow belong to?? My personal take is at least 3 but no more than 5 with good geographical dispersion.

A truly prestigious fellow only belongs to one club. Of course, if you don't know which one I'm referring to, then you're not in it.

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In a game of wit who would win - Prestigious Pete or Chuck Norris?

"If you want to succeed in this life, you need to understand that duty comes before rights and that responsibility precedes opportunity."
In a game of wit who would win - Prestigious Pete or Chuck Norris?

Remember, prestige always wins over oafishness, regardless of the nature of the contention. And the fact is, that all the commoners love Chuck Norris. And if all the commoners love you, then you're doing something wrong and you lack prestige. So I think the answer is pretty clear here.

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Pete is not a prestigious name

I agree. In fact alliterative names in general really lack prestige. Rather plebeian and juvenile.

Game over, Pete

Pete is not a prestigious name

I agree. In fact alliterative names in general really lack prestige. Rather plebeian and juvenile.

Game over, Pete

Pete is short for Petetholomew. I just call him mew for short. He gets a real kick out of it.

Hey mew, bridge game at my other other other other estate tonight if you're interested. Ciao babe

Bankerella can come too but only if she promises to show the goods, unlike last time. What a tease.

Pete is not a prestigious name

Pete is short for Peter, a strong Roman name, a product of the finest Western European blood, mixed over time to produce a true American mutt, the epitome of prestige.

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Prestigious Pete:
Pete is not a prestigious name

Pete is short for Peter, a strong Roman name, a product of the finest Western European blood, mixed over time to produce a true American mutt, the epitome of prestige.

True prestige on Wall Street is having a pedigree, not being a mutt, and going by your first name is not prestigious, it should be First Initial, Middle Name, Last name for true prestige. Also Peter, it sounds very ethnic and unoriginal, not prestigious at all.

Pete is not a prestigious name

Hahahaha I am sitting in class and laughed out loud when i read this... I have no idea why.

"Well, you know, I was a human being before I became a businessman." -- George Soros
Bone with sillian braille print or eggshell with romalian type?

Neither font, I had a team of calligraphers and IT guys whip up a personalized font just for me. It's a kind of super-elegant cursive that only the prestigious are able to read.

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About time we got some more preftigious people on here. Welcome brother. We should form a clan.

What sort of ..uhh... clan are you talking about here?

About time we got some more preftigious people on here. Welcome brother. We should form a clan.

I've seen you around, NewGuy. You've got potential kid, I'll give ya that, but you still have a long road ahead. Stick with me and you might end up fine. I'm going to grant you the privilege of being my protege, but this is currently temporary. We'll see how you do. Your first task is helping me to fend off these disgusting hordes of ignorant, unprestigious buffoons.

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<span class=keyword_link><a href=//>GS</a></span>:
Peter, why were you rejected by Skull and Bones while you were at Yale?

I was not rejected you slimy vermin, I turned them down. That's just how prestigious I am.

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Prestigious Pete:
<span class=keyword_link><a href=//>GS</a></span>:
Peter, why were you rejected by Skull and Bones while you were at Yale?

I was not rejected you slimy vermin, I turned them down. That's just how prestigious I am.

Calm down, sugarplum. We wouldn't want wrinkles on that prestigious little face would we. I'm curious, why did you feel the need to grind out 100 hour weeks at Blackstone M&A? Do your parents not have the cachet to get you into Harvard directly? Do they not have a large enough business to merit an executive position for you? Spouting upper-middle class dreams is not for the upper class

I don't think prestigious Peter is preftigious enough to work at Camp Hope

Weight loss camp is for poor people, just like treadmills and jogging. When a chick in my rotation starts putting on a few, I don't tell her to exercise, I just pay for a quick tummy tuck, fast and easy, no fuss. Usually I'll tell the surgeon to add on other liposuction and a few slight touch ups to keep things fresh.

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If there was a way I would pee on your leg

All this tells me is that you're basically a dog. And I don't mean a Ruff Ryder, I mean like a little chihuahua or cocker spaniel. Roof roof. Go eat a dog biscuit.

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Prestigious Pete:
If there was a way I would pee on your leg

All this tells me is that you're basically a dog. And I don't mean a Ruff Ryder, I mean like a little chihuahua or cocker spaniel. Roof roof. Go eat a dog biscuit.

To me it means you're my toilet seat. Get ready for #2, HBS guy !

Anyways, moving on to something of more substance, I was wondering if there was a Prestigious Girl in your life. Who would you prefer, Ivanka Trump or perhaps Lynn Tilton ?

Guys, if you don't know who these gals are, please click on the linked names, so that you can see they are both gorgeous. Lynn Tilton is a stunning MILF also worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

Winners bring a bigger bag than you do. I have a degree in meritocracy.

Look Petey-boy, I'm sure there is a Growing Concern amongst us that you are just trying to fake the funk to make up for something you're lacking. Prestige doesn't get you everything, especially when it sounds like you had a silver spoon up your nose the entire way through life. Your inconsistencies belay the truth. You're just a Non-Target Backwater Subpar State School educated kid who wants to fake the funk through out life.

Look Petey-boy, I'm sure there is a Growing Concern amongst us that you are just trying to fake the funk to make up for something you're lacking. Prestige doesn't get you everything, especially when it sounds like you had a silver spoon up your nose the entire way through life. Your inconsistencies belay the truth. You're just a Non-Target Backwater Subpar State School educated kid who wants to fake the funk through out life.

First you spew your holier-than-thou attitude demeaning the value of prestige, and then you say I'm "just a Non-Target". Listen up and listen well. Your inconsistencies are so abundant that you're going to need a prestigious member of the elite, such as myself, to untangle them all from the mess you've created.

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Prestigious Pete:
Look Petey-boy, I'm sure there is a Growing Concern amongst us that you are just trying to fake the funk to make up for something you're lacking. Prestige doesn't get you everything, especially when it sounds like you had a silver spoon up your nose the entire way through life. Your inconsistencies belay the truth. You're just a Non-Target Backwater Subpar State School educated kid who wants to fake the funk through out life.

First you spew your holier-than-thou attitude demeaning the value of prestige, and then you say I'm "just a Non-Target". Listen up and listen well. Your inconsistencies are so abundant that you're going to need a prestigious member of the elite, such as myself, to untangle them all from the mess you've created.

There was a little subtext you missed... oh well.

As to my views, I don't spew a holier-than-thou attitude. I take the approach His Holiness, the Dalai Lama.

We should be contented in material areas, for those are bound by limitation, but not with regard to the spiritual, which can be extended limitlessly. Though it is true that a discontented person who owned the whole world might want to own a tourist center on the moon, that person's life is limited, and even the amount that can be owned is limited. It is better right from the beginning to be contented.
We must attempt the impossible. I am convinced that if we continue to follow a social model that is entirely conditioned by money and power, and that takes so little account of true values such as love and altruism, future generations may have to face far worse problems and endure even more terrible forms of suffering... Each one of us lacks one thing or another. I am not exactly sure what we lack, but I can feel we lack something. In the West, even if at the moment you are going through a crisis, you actually have everything, or at least you think you do; all kinds of material goods are there, and are no doubt distributed better than they were in the past. But it seems to me that you are living in a constant state of tension, in an atmosphere of never-ending competitiveness and fear. And those who are brought up in such an atmosphere will find themselves lacking all their lives: they will not know that wonderful quality of depth and intimacy that is the richness of life. They will stay on the surface of the troubled sea, without ever knowing the calm that lies beneath.

I am dismissive of Prestige because it limits ourselves and limits the focus of our lives. Prestige is an illusion that creates a metaphysical barrier on happiness. An empty, hollow life filled with material goods acquired under the guise of prestige is still a shell of an existence. Prestige is a joke, invented by man to help create the illusion of an appearance and spark materialistic rivalry. It's a life you've chosen to live that lacks the true richness of a life fulfilled. You can, by the way, take all that prestige of yours and shove where the sun don't shine.

I'm surprised you didn't go to Le weren't part of your year's american quota?

I didn't want to go "hang out" with a bunch of foreigners.

Ferreti or Azimut?

Obviously Ferretti, since they make gigantic mega yachts.

Patek 5970 or A Lange Datejust?

I will have to go the Patek route on this one, but even the 5970 is just too plebian, though it's probably ok when I'm not in public. Ref 1527 is much more in tune with my status, prestige, and wealth.[/quote]

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FACT: I know several HBS MBAs. They are, as I said, fuckheads. They think they are the center of the world- what they don't tell you they suck at what they do. I call them the Parasites Bunch.

Hey - Did you know that HBS MBAs have destroyed more wealth in 50 years than was created in the last 150?

FACT: I know several HBS MBAs. They are, as I said, fuckheads. They think they are the center of the world- what they don't tell you they suck at what they do. I call them the Parasites Bunch.

Hey - Did you know that HBS MBAs have destroyed more wealth in 50 years than was created in the last 150?

They couldn't create anything but big farts. That's what Harvard it all about.

You know, the world would be a better place without those Harvard MBAs. You'd be able to get the decent job you seek that (otherwise automatically) goes to HBS Alumni

Winners bring a bigger bag than you do. I have a degree in meritocracy.
FACT: I know several HBS MBAs. They are, as I said, fuckheads. They think they are the center of the world- what they don't tell you they suck at what they do. I call them the Parasites Bunch.

Someone obviously has a chip on his shoulders because he can't get into HBS.

Gray Fox:
I really had higher hopes for this thread.

What do you bring to the table, Gray Fox ?

P.S. Nice watch: Franck Muller Imperial Tourbillon Diamond (it's only almost $200k). I gotta go to HBS to get my hands on that one. Gotta learn how to fart and scream out loud my pedigree.

Winners bring a bigger bag than you do. I have a degree in meritocracy.
Gray Fox:
I really had higher hopes for this thread.

What do you bring to the table, Gray Fox ?

P.S. Nice watch: Franck Muller Imperial Tourbillon Diamond (it's only almost $200k). I gotta go to HBS to get my hands on that one. Gotta learn how to fart and scream out loud my pedigree.

If you think you need to "fart and scream out loud" to convey your prestige, then you my friend, aren't anywhere close to prestigious, and your thinking is so convoluted that it appears to be beyond repair.

Class and prestige are all about subtly, which I am all about in the flesh. When people out there in the real world ask where I went to study business, with all the false humility I can muster, I say a small school near Boston. Then they secretly look me up on LinkedIn and discover the H-bomb on my page, and stare wide-eyed, unable to blink even while small teary drops start dripping from their eyelids and down their cheeks. See, that independent discovery from their end carries three times the punch of prestige than if I had just blurted it out to their face. You have so much to learn it's not even funny.

When I wear my $200,000 watch, it's mostly hiding beneath my Brioni Vanquish suit coat and french cuff monogrammed shirt, but on occasion when I move my hand or need to check the time, the watch becomes visible for a brief instant, and in that moment if someone looks carefully, they can catch that bright glow as light hits the glossy analog display and bounces straight into their brain, burning an indelible mark of pure, unadulterated prestige.

In short...I feel bad for you.

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Gray Fox:
I really had higher hopes for this thread.

Hope is a very middle class notion. Prestigious people such as myself don't need hope because they know what's going to happen since they're the ones making it rain.

And side note...Titleist clubs are what I give as a gift to my plumber for unclogging my sink. He doesn't even know what golf is. However, if you need a stash of 2,000 golf balls to hit into the ocean because your time is literally worth that little, then Titleist might be a great option.

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I miss Blumie and no fat chicks, the level of trolling on WSO has gone down.

Why don't you take your feederism and abysmal attitude and get lost in the mountains somewhere with the rest of your troll brethren. This is a serious Q&A w/ discussion.

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The first few posts of this thread were rather humorous. But that ship has long since sailed.

Prestige is no laughing matter. If you thought there was something funny or amusing about any of this, then just speaks to your lack of prestige and wealth and class and status and appreciation for nice things.

This is not a joke.

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Prestigious Pete:
The first few posts of this thread were rather humorous. But that ship has long since sailed.

Prestige is no laughing matter. If you thought there was something funny or amusing about any of this, then just speaks to your lack of prestige and wealth and class and status and appreciation for nice things.

This is not a joke.

Listen you little alliterative punk, I'm Art motherf****** Vandelay! I'm an importer AND exporter of the finest latex goods this planet has ever seen. I made my bones when you were going out with cheerleaders! I have more prestige in my left pinky than you do in your entire body, which is why I was a hand model!

Prestigious Pete:
I'll take the approach of His Holiness, the Dalai Lama over the unfettered emptiness of materialism you value as prestige, thank you very much.

Listen, guy, I don't know why you continue to spew this incoherent, inconsistent drivel. Even taking this Dalai Lama chap, it's pretty clear that he believes that emptiness eliminates all suffering and that emptiness is the supreme state of being. So if my prestigious materialism is full of emptiness, then he would obviously be all for it. You're just not prestigious enough to connect the dots.

Then you miss the point of what he is saying. Your prestigious materialism is a hollow shell of an existence. It is an empty existence leaving a giant void in your soul incapable of being filled, but it is not the emptiness you quoted. Materialism leads to an empty existence. It's a shame that the Sanskrit translation doesn't work well in English as emptiness really is not the best word to use. His Holiness, the Dalai Lama has said that to understand emptiness, you must understand the wisdom of emptiness, that is the idea of selflessness and that everything is dependently originated. Prestige and materialism lack both selflessness and dependent origination as prestige and materialism represent the possessory interest of "I", the is the self as a reflection of mind and body, and lack of dependent origination. Come on man. I expected more out of you.

Then you miss the point of what he is saying. Your prestigious materialism is a hollow shell of an existence. It is an empty existence leaving a giant void in your soul incapable of being filled

What's a soul? Sounds like something poor people made up so compensate for their lack of a Hamptons summer house. What a farce. I bet you've never even been to a waterfront summer house. I bet you don't even own a three-piece, LOL!!

Why don't you go back to drinking your bud lights and shopping at Walmart, while I try on my crisp new pair of Testoni alligator skins.

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Prestigious Pete:
Then you miss the point of what he is saying. Your prestigious materialism is a hollow shell of an existence. It is an empty existence leaving a giant void in your soul incapable of being filled

What's a soul? Sounds like something poor people made up so compensate for their lack of a Hamptons summer house. What a farce. I bet you've never even been to a waterfront summer house. I bet you don't even own a three-piece, LOL!!

Why don't you go back to drinking your bud lights and shopping at Walmart, while I try on my crisp new pair of Testoni alligator skins.

So you accept then that Emptiness is Selflessness and you clearly are unable to be selfless.


I say, this man looks a bit of an oily tick to me. When I was at Exeter, we used to line up 4 or 5 of his type, make them bend over and use them as a toast rack.

I heard prestigious pete also goes by the name Kinky Kelly

See my post above.

Yes, although we got detention for calling him that after he began to cry. It was sad... tears streaming from his eyes. And a hot crumpet burning his cheeks with shame.


Thanks for taking the time to do this Q&A, Pete. Something I wanted your advice on:

I was planning on Yale for my undergrad for max prestige, but I took one step on the local golf course and nearly vomitted on my caddy, the first few holes were so run down they looked like Warren Buffet's back. Is commuting to the Hampton's for tee time prestigious? The word "commute" seems kind of middle class to me.

Thanks for taking the time to do this Q&A, Pete. Something I wanted your advice on:

I was planning on Yale for my undergrad for max prestige, but I took one step on the local golf course and nearly vomitted on my caddy, the first few holes were so run down they looked like Warren Buffet's back. Is commuting to the Hampton's for tee time prestigious? The word "commute" seems kind of middle class to me.

You should have more than 1 caddy.

Thanks for taking the time to do this Q&A, Pete. Something I wanted your advice on:

I was planning on Yale for my undergrad for max prestige, but I took one step on the local golf course and nearly vomitted on my caddy, the first few holes were so run down they looked like Warren Buffet's back. Is commuting to the Hampton's for tee time prestigious? The word "commute" seems kind of middle class to me.

Good thoughtful question, Zargo. I see you have prestige potential. Now, as hamm0 pointed out, you obviously need more than one caddy, like a troop of caddies. Just like you need more than one chick in your rotation, more than one private investigator in your rolodex, and more than one alibi in your courtroom cheat sheet.

Now, when I was at Yale, to get to my nearest and prestigious golf course for tee time, whether that was Hamptons on a Thursday or Greenwich on a Monday or what have you...I didn't "commute". I cruised, gleefully, in my Bugatti Veyron...with complete denial of traffic lights and pedestrians.

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Prestigious Pete:
...I didn't "commute". I cruised, gleefully, in my Bugatti Veyron...with complete denial of traffic lights and pedestrians.

This is patently false. My private pilot, Prescott Williamson III, whisks me away in my private chopper in absolutely sterile comfort.

Let me know if you're unprestigious wheels need a real luxury travel experience.

Metal. Music. Life.
What internships did you do before graduating and going over to blackstone m&a?

All my internships were at Goldman Sachs, because even I was a little naive during my Yale days and erroneously assumed that GS was the classiest spot to swipe in. And they literally called me nonstop, begging and pleading like little schoolgirls for me to intern got a little awkward.

But finally I decided to bless them with the gift of my presence for a few summers. GSIP. SSG. GSPS. I surfed them all. But by the end, I realized how pathetic they were, and I was right, all part of this faux-prestige GS umbrella that was slowly but surely dissolving into flat out banality. Becoming a bank-holding company? Taking deposits? LOL!! Sure, they tried to play it off like it's "exclusive", but it's only a matter of time before you start seeing them set up shop inside your local supermarket with full teams of community college tellers who don't even know what a banker is.

What a bunch of unprestigious main-street wanna-be's. Thankfully I was prestigious enough to see right through their sad pitiful charade. My prestigedar is top notch.

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I checked ISP adresses Prestigious Pete is the Bankerella

I thought about this..and im going to have to agree with you..both are nouveau-preftigious

I eat success for breakfast...with skim milk
Hey, Pete, nice to see you have signal on the boat (finally). How's the Cap? You doing Oktoberfest or Kili?

He's coming with me to London to get some suits at Savile, followed by a short trip to St. Tropex for the re-opening of Nikki

You lost all credibility when you said you play golf with Callaway irons.

Prestige is an art, but it's also a science unfortunately. If I score even a hair above 70 on 18 holes I get so furious that I smash up my clubs pretty badly, into little pieces. Against anything that's around really - trees, rocks, caddies, you name it. And given just how many tee times I have every week, I go through a lot of golf clubs. So I can't realistically play every round with my Majesty Prestigio clubs. I'd love to, but they only make so many of these, so for standard tee times I just go with my trusty Callaways. It's just math.

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Prestigious Pete:
You lost all credibility when you said you play golf with Callaway irons.

Prestige is an art, but it's also a science unfortunately. If I score even a hair above 70 on 18 holes I get so furious that I smash up my clubs pretty badly, into little pieces. Against anything that's around really - trees, rocks, caddies, you name it. And given just how many tee times I have every week, I go through a lot of golf clubs. So I can't realistically play every round with my Majesty Prestigio clubs. I'd love to, but they only make so many of these, so for standard tee times I just go with my trusty Callaways. It's just math.

Oh man, you have to get tee times? I usually just walk on at Augusta a couple days before the Masters when it's in tip-top condition. I'll send one of my Dreamliners to pick you up sometime and we'll play.

MBA at HBS? Pete, baby, that's basically saying you earned a silver medal. Everyone knows that MBAs are for kids.

And prestigious people don't have bosses, remember? You forgot to mention that the Puerto Rican wipes a lot of shit off your chest after he's done with your shoes.

But anyways, just thought I'd congratulate you on finishing 2nd. The People's Republic of China is still recruiting for their Rio campaign in 2016. Any thoughts or concerns and I'd be happy to meet with you out here in Palo Alto.

Tommy Too-toned:
Everyone knows that MBAs are for kids.

You better check yourself before you wreck yourself, son. An MBA is so mind bogglingly prestigious it makes me drool, it's the purest form of prestige possible in an academic setting. Just thinking about my HBS days and seeing the letters MBA on the screen gives me a chubby.

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PP --

What is the most prestigious sport? Or is sporting not prestigious at all? Don't say golf, because that's just a game (on par with bowling). I would think white rhino hunting, but want to hear your viewpoint.

PP --

What is the most prestigious sport? Or is sporting not prestigious at all? Don't say golf, because that's just a game (on par with bowling).

This is so outrageous I can only assume you're trying to make me mad. Golf is THE sport, with a capital S. Period. Full stop. The only sport that's potentially more prestigious is yacht racing. Of course, honorable mentions go to squash, sailing, and polo. And also horse racing, that's pretty prestigious too.

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Presitigious Pete- I will admire you if I get your referral for an M&A internship in Blackstone or any other presitigious firm. Neither I am from Yale nor from Harvards. You get a base of $450 K, I would just settlle down for $120K or more. What is the best way to reach you?

Since when is blonde hair prestigious?

In terms of hair color, I'm sure it's fairly obvious that the darker you get the more your appear like an immigrant. So it goes without saying that my glossy blonde shade avoids even the possibility of appearing the slightest bit ethnic.

Hair prestige is a fascinating subject. As men of class like to say, your hair is your head suit. That's why it needs to be maintained with the utmost of care and finesse.

So in Manhattan for example, every few days I'll go to a hairdresser like Orlando Pita or Ted Gibson for a $950 haircut. Nothing too fancy, just a quick clean cut to stay sharp and classy. Usually I'll pair that with 40 minutes of head massage and some truffle shampoo on my eyebrows. Truffle shampoo, like a nice Fuente, is great because it contains diamond dust as well as meteorite dust from space. It just what I need to keep my hair prestigious.

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Gray Fox:
Pete: Everyone knows there are only two prestigious buildings in Manhattan, 15 CPW and 740 Park.

Finally, someone who speaks my language. Although One57 is going to be potentially even more prestigious, but construction isn't going to finish until next year. Some things in life make me so mad. I already have a penthouse there on lockdown though, so it's all good. Even more prestigious than the CitySpire penthouse. I think next time I'm giving private equity interviews I'll ask potential candidates how many maids can fit into my One57 penthouse. You know, just as a friendly brainteaser to get the ball rolling.

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Hi Pete,

You are correct in that true "prestige" is earned not given - but given that many infidels who clearly lack prestige but believe they possess it come from similar educational backgrounds such as yours work for me at Wayne Enterprises, I guess it is not a sin to believe you are in a league comparable to mine. However, don't think for a second that just because you get to shake my hand, you are qualified to be a part of the "true elite."

Nonetheless, your potential has certainly been recognized, and I will check back to see how you have progressed over the next few months, but for now, please bring your yacht racing skills up to par as your competency in the Sport is vital in having a peek at the next echelon of prestige.

M. Wayne. M for Master.


Hi Pete,

You are correct in that true "prestige" is earned not given - but given that many infidels who clearly lack prestige but believe they possess it come from similar educational backgrounds such as yours work for me at Wayne Enterprises, I guess it is not a sin to believe you are in a league comparable to mine. However, don't think for a second that just because you get to shake my hand, you are qualified to be a part of the "true elite."

Nonetheless, your potential has certainly been recognized, and I will check back to see how you have progressed over the next few months, but for now, please bring your yacht racing skills up to par as your competency in the Sport is vital in having a peek at the next echelon of prestige.

M. Wayne. M for Master.


Which race is the most prestigious? What about sex? And finally height/eye color/hair color and maybe weight? Give me dimensions so I can work on my prestige. My lax bro body might need work as I am confined to a rugby polo, chubbies and sperries on the weekend in my 6'4 225 lb frame as a white male with blue eyes and brown hair. Help me out, I need to breed the prestige out of me.


Pete, I did not realize you or your family were billionaires. One57 is 50% sold, but the top nine floors have all been purchased by billionaires. Good move, it is certainly better than the Time Warner Center's excuse for apartments.

If you don't mind, what college you were in at Yale? Did you do DS?

Golf? No, it is definitely tennis. However, if I hadn't had done summers at Windridge, I probably would agree with you.

And Greenwich is your hometown? Sometimes I'm in the Conyers Farm area when I'm not in the city. Is that YOUR obnoxiously loud Veyron we hear off North Street at random hours that correspond with the tee times at Stanwich?

If you don't mind, what college you were in at Yale?

Is this some sort of joke here, amigo? Obviously I was in Davenport College. If you don't understand why then I have neither the time nor the inclination to hand-hold your way through it.

Golf? No, it is definitely tennis. However, if I hadn't had done summers at Windridge, I probably would agree with you.

Tennis is just for whose who are delusional about their true level of prestige...and foreigners.

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Prestigious Pete:
Tennis is just for whose who are delusional about their true level of prestige...and foreigners.

Is this golf thing a joke? If your sport can be dominated by a black guy... no prestige at all. Prestige will always be tennis, squash, polo, fencing, shooting. Maybe even swimming just as an homage to the glory days of my slave-owning ancestors and the Middle Passage.

I hate victims who respect their executioners
And Greenwich is your hometown? Sometimes I'm in the Conyers Farm area when I'm not in the city. Is that YOUR obnoxiously loud Veyron we hear off North Street at random hours that correspond with the tee times at Stanwich?

I'm more of a Burning Tree man myself, and my close friends who're mostly in the Stanwich camp always chide me for it. But you have to be bold amigo, otherwise people will walk all over you. Though I'm not bold enough to golf at Round Hill or more importantly set foot in Pemberwick...ugh, nasty.

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Is this supposed to be funny?

No amigo, this is a serious Q&A.

If you want to laugh, try walking into a post office or laundromat.

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Prestigious Pete:
I would like to extend a warm welcome to myself, Prestigious Pete.

Pete, what are your thoughts on rich kids flaunting their wealth on ?

It's not a bad start, but unfortunately these amigos aren't seeing the bigger 'picture'. The only 'picture' that's worth a thousand words is the one of my 8 inch schlong.

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Prestigious Pete, I was listening to CNBC and a british sounding host was asked if he had noticed prices going up at grocery stores - he responded that he didn't "really go to grocery stores." On that note, what of your personal expenses are you aware of? What expenses should you consider, if any? How much of a trust fund do you have, and how much will you look to put away for your kids?

“...all truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” - Schopenhauer
How much of a trust fund do you have

The simple fact is that I have so much money that one family office does not even come close to cutting it. My family has dozens and dozens of unique family offices to manage all of our massive sums of wealth, just so it stays fresh and prestigious more than anything else. We treat each family office like a silo, all of them arranged in an intricate criss-crossing network across many many locations. None of them know the others exist. Kind of like the setup I've created with my dozens of "girlfriends", where each one thinks that I'm their special sugar daddy.

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hey there petey! i hear yale is like a lot like harvard, if harvard students were a bunch of retards. glad to see you are so successful despite going to a non-target... you give people like me hope.

love, sayandarula

Money Never Sleeps? More like Money Never SUCKS amirite?!?!?!?

I think I love you.

Under my tutelage, you will grow from boys to men. From men into gladiators. And from gladiators into SWANSONS.
I think I love you.

Very refreshing to see an amigo who understands where I'm coming from. Unfortunately, most of these muchachos are nothing more than prestige virgins.

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Pete, other than nantucket-white, what is the most prestigious race to take to bed?

My drinkin' problem left today, she packed up all her bags and walked away.
Kenny Powers:
Pete, other than nantucket-white, what is the most prestigious race to take to bed?

Typically a good rule of thumb for a woman is:

1/3 Brazilian/Colombian 1/3 Swedish/Russian 1/3 Silicone

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Prestigious Pete:
Kenny Powers:
Pete, other than nantucket-white, what is the most prestigious race to take to bed?

Typically a good rule of thumb for a woman is:

1/3 Brazilian/Colombian 1/3 Swedish/Russian 1/3 Silicone

Implying 1/3 Silicone is really disappointing Petey-Boy. The fact that you think adding Silicone really helps make things prestigious really shows that you don't have an eye for beauty. Everyone knows that Silicone is as unprestigious as you get. If you think getting a slice and dice makes you prestigious, clearly your sense of beauty was built on the look of silicone infused porn stars and any girl who feels that they need plastic surgery means they are aren't prestigious to begin with. So why are you looking for unprestigious women when you have said that you can't lift up prestige no matter how you dress it.


I have to agree with Prestigious Pete here. The Plebs are very easy to unseat in polo. Mainly because their horses aren't thoroughbreds and can't run as fast. The ideal polo pony is a combination of arab and spanish bloodlines.

<span class=keyword_link><a href=//>GS</a></span>:
I have to agree with Prestigious Pete here. The Plebs are very easy to unseat in polo. Mainly because their horses aren't thoroughbreds and can't run as fast. The ideal polo pony is a combination of arab and spanish bloodlines.

Spanish bloodline? That is extremely offensive to my prestigious sensibilities, amigo. While I will grant you that thoroughbred ponies are more prestigious than quarter horses, prestigious thoroughbreds have Arab, Barb, Turkoman bloodlines.

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Prestigious Pete:
<span class=keyword_link><a href=//>GS</a></span>:
I have to agree with Prestigious Pete here. The Plebs are very easy to unseat in polo. Mainly because their horses aren't thoroughbreds and can't run as fast. The ideal polo pony is a combination of arab and spanish bloodlines.

Spanish bloodline? That is extremely offensive to my prestigious sensibilities. While I will grant you that thoroughbred ponies are more prestigious than quarter horses, prestigious thoroughbreds have Arab, Barb, Turkoman bloodlines.

Well more specifically, the Spanish bloodlines owned by the Spanish royal family. The Spanish kings bred Arab horses specifically for war, sometimes mating them with local breeds for more explosive power and less endurance. Mounted warfare is a lot like polo, save for the fact that you have no armor and no shield.

That's it, Pete. I'm calling your dad.

Oh you know how to use a phone, amiga? That is great news. Assuming you can dial out, can you also answer a phone on the receiving end?

Speaking of which, quick question- what are your measurements?

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Exercitationem dolores fugiat eveniet sunt ut at. Quia repudiandae et qui animi et. Consequatur in ullam in dolores officiis velit atque. Molestias non beatae rem delectus. Illo iste ea quae rerum. Tempore sint omnis earum quas repudiandae eius.

Modi nesciunt fugit sit commodi quisquam at dolorem. Facere error eos nostrum fugit nihil qui. Unde ipsum est sed itaque quisquam fugit. Nesciunt esse impedit fugit dolores aspernatur dolorem.

Maxime iure qui sed occaecati enim voluptatem quo. Consequatur vero fugiat et rerum. Voluptatem repudiandae et ex autem. Id est voluptas et est repellendus qui aut.

Commodi est laudantium veritatis vitae. Neque earum maxime vero magni sunt. Voluptates est aspernatur explicabo neque animi.

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Quo porro non qui minima ea adipisci. Voluptas et recusandae error magnam eum sequi ullam. Impedit at molestiae nostrum deleniti non. Aut non blanditiis nihil quia. Aut est exercitationem earum est et qui. Asperiores eveniet reprehenderit dignissimos et. Accusantium rerum quam voluptatem.

Iste molestias ut rerum adipisci quasi eius libero. Hic ut quos quos nulla hic. Dolor sequi rerum et est et. Dolorem autem et voluptatem quis deleniti nobis animi. Rerum nihil doloribus aspernatur officiis rem. Et numquam perferendis et laudantium. Eos veritatis ipsum beatae incidunt cupiditate a officia est.

Adipisci vel rerum iure natus neque quam excepturi ab. Nemo nihil numquam quia et qui. Placeat commodi aut odit perspiciatis maxime eum. Ut nisi earum magnam possimus est vel pariatur. Accusamus dignissimos sint sit consequatur quo nesciunt.

Winners bring a bigger bag than you do. I have a degree in meritocracy.

Beatae nihil autem dignissimos temporibus veritatis neque nisi. Temporibus voluptatem sed ab dolorum. Consequuntur recusandae et ea et ipsa dignissimos aut eveniet.

Et velit est blanditiis est. Non ipsa voluptas eum doloribus voluptas. Voluptatem ipsam culpa corporis. Rerum aliquam sint repudiandae occaecati.

Aliquam necessitatibus sit et odio nihil. Harum nesciunt et similique aut est voluptatem fuga vero.

Omnis facilis assumenda error unde nulla provident deserunt. Est rem dicta fugit aut.

Winners bring a bigger bag than you do. I have a degree in meritocracy.

Incidunt est officia voluptate quo quaerat qui vel. Reprehenderit facilis quis odio dolorem quod. Quod tempora autem dolores et velit. Nihil eum delectus perspiciatis dolore et voluptatem. Cum repudiandae vero nesciunt magnam.

Consequatur aliquid et sequi consequuntur. Aut qui assumenda corrupti voluptas ea quisquam reprehenderit nihil. Ex commodi inventore fuga repellat. Aut dicta ex tenetur fugiat.

Nulla ut nihil quo eum et eius excepturi. Et numquam consequatur iste. Nisi et in sapiente iusto laudantium dolorem beatae.

Excepturi quos eaque qui minus quos. Consequatur ut adipisci esse odit ratione explicabo dolores. Labore mollitia et autem numquam. Autem mollitia quis vel ex voluptatem dolorem.


Quis consequatur fugit ea tenetur voluptate quis molestias. Dignissimos quo incidunt quibusdam fuga. Enim est voluptatibus cum veniam quae.

Sequi eveniet aut sunt. Tempora nesciunt temporibus sed dignissimos voluptatem a fuga. Et provident quis ut et.

Sit sint magni corrupti eligendi porro. Magnam voluptatibus dolores id repellat. Pariatur itaque officiis qui aut sunt consequuntur. Soluta omnis corrupti culpa qui quibusdam facere.

Repudiandae sequi et fugit assumenda. Nihil vel ea nihil incidunt. Sint quia sed ducimus reprehenderit molestiae. Corporis quis quisquam occaecati repellendus dolorem sed. Assumenda dolor quasi debitis et voluptates.

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Ipsum autem ea quis. Aut est aut quod assumenda. Nobis fuga impedit voluptates deleniti id. Inventore quidem quod rerum placeat velit. Mollitia rerum dolor aperiam suscipit voluptatem vel odit. Qui molestias qui quo deleniti corrupti. Est voluptate exercitationem ad voluptatem sint dignissimos.

Fugit iste consequatur sapiente ducimus. Est deleniti provident voluptatem et. Consequatur autem assumenda est odio. Iure id a voluptatem unde qui. Et eius officia aliquid. Omnis sed asperiores non labore reiciendis expedita ab. Quod rerum ut possimus occaecati.

Velit tenetur ut explicabo. Eligendi omnis ipsam blanditiis itaque. Esse numquam amet voluptas aperiam laboriosam minus non. Vel ut eveniet esse ab dolor aspernatur quis. Sint soluta delectus eum ab ut amet. Qui voluptas ea id nesciunt harum asperiores tempore exercitationem. Labore illo a libero ducimus tenetur sequi officiis laboriosam.

Career Advancement Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 01 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 17 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 19 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 01 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (22) $375
  • Associates (93) $259
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (206) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (149) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

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From 10 rejections to 1 dream investment banking internship

“... I believe it was the single biggest reason why I ended up with an offer...”