Half of this forum is ccp shills (awaiting their appearance in this thread).  You won't get a good discussion here.


The other half are China haters so that's why there won't be a good discussion.

Most Helpful

What is there to not hate about China? The country is fundamentally opposed to everything the free world stands for (except the radical left, but they are essentially the same group, like the Nazis, so it makes sense)

Extreme gun control

No freedom of speech

No freedom of religion

Forced population control

A long history of people being "disappeared"

Prevents citizens from seeing part of the outside world including Chinese criticism

Public monitoring system/surveillance state which puts the rest of the world to shame (this isn't easy)

Their culture of eating cats and dogs (which should be punishable by death, but what do I know)

For anyone unfamiliar with the Bill of Rights, China breaks all of the rules and gives its people no protections. Their government gives itself the right to quarter, the of unreasonable search and seizure, the right to jail without cause or proof, the right to a proper trial, and the right to give out excessive and cruel/unusual punishments.

Who the fuck in the Western world WOULDN'T want to be against China? Except for 95% of our government officials on their payroll, of course. Imagine sitting in the freest country in the world, sipping your Starbucks latte, and typing into your MacBook that China isn't an authoritarian shithole that the US should be attempting to beat the shit out of. 


1864 Sand Creek massacre, 1919 Elaine Arkansas massacre, 1921 Tulsa massacre, Colfax massacre, Wounded knee massacre, Genocide of California's Native Americans, Massacre of heroic Attica prisoners, Guantanamo torture chamber, Conquest of Hawaii, Vietnam War, Invasion of Libya, Invasion of Iraq, Invasion of Afghanistan, Invasion of Panama, Invasion of the Dominican Republic, Bombing of Cambodia, Palmer Raids, Operation Wetback, 1973 CIA coup in Chile, 2009 military coup in Honduras, 1899 conquest of the Philippines, 1988 shoot down of Iranian passenger flight, Edward Snowden, Julian Assange. 2015 bombing of Doctors Without Boarders in Afghanistan, US army raping Japanese women, US army raping under-age kids in Iraq, Invasion of Haiti, Invasion of Bolivia, Invasion of Honduras, Cuba Bay of Pigs invasion, Bombing of Yugoslavia, Illegal use of bio weapon in Vietnam, Injecting syphilis into Guatemala men, Nuclear tests 67 times in Marshall Islands without consent from its government and people, Sanctioning ICC investigators and their families. Andrew Jackson's 1830 Indian Removal Act that literally inspired Adolf Hitler. Thousands of homeless people in every single city, mass shooting every day, kids can't go to school without being scared of being shot, violent riots every year, can't figure out how to treat women and minorities, can't figure out how to deal with wild fires, can't figure out how to deal with opioids, thousands dying from COVID every single day, have the most fat people on the planet, broken healthcare system, f'ed up bureaucracy.


@ dude shitting on China. Do not act like the U.S. isn't the only country in the world whose economy upon inception was based upon slavery. Laugh my fucking ass off. 

Who was on "U.S." soil prior to y'all coming over and "taking over?" So i take it the native americans didn't just "disappear"

No wonder the U.S. ranks shitty in world wide education. You guys can barely even recall your own 250 year history.


Imagine sitting in the freest country in the world, sipping your Starbucks latte, and typing into your MacBook that China isn't an authoritarian shithole that the US should be attempting to beat the shit out of. 

Just when you're about to post your comment, a guy walks in with an AK.

Point being, nobody lives in a perfect nation, and there's no point to hate on others that are different from what you are used to - it just shows your insecurity.


Not to defend China but:

1) Us gun rights are bs - everyone one and their grandma can get an AR-15 these days it seems. Probably why there are so many schools shooting's every year. 

2) The world doesn't need more babies so that's fine.

3) If you think Western Intelligence Agencies haven't been tracking you from the moment you were born and know every link that you've ever clicked you're deluded my dude. 

All other points I agree with.



What is there to not hate about China? The country is fundamentally opposed to everything the free world stands for (except the radical left, but they are essentially the same group, like the Nazis, so it makes sense)

Extreme gun control

No freedom of speech

No freedom of religion

Forced population control

A long history of people being "disappeared"

Prevents citizens from seeing part of the outside world including Chinese criticism

Public monitoring system/surveillance state which puts the rest of the world to shame (this isn't easy)

Their culture of eating cats and dogs (which should be punishable by death, but what do I know)

For anyone unfamiliar with the Bill of Rights, China breaks all of the rules and gives its people no protections. Their government gives itself the right to quarter, the of unreasonable search and seizure, the right to jail without cause or proof, the right to a proper trial, and the right to give out excessive and cruel/unusual punishments.

Who the fuck in the Western world WOULDN'T want to be against China? Except for 95% of our government officials on their payroll, of course. Imagine sitting in the freest country in the world, sipping your Starbucks latte, and typing into your MacBook that China isn't an authoritarian shithole that the US should be attempting to beat the shit out of. 

Love "gun control" is first on your list


somewhere a billionaire should not be. thank god I don't live in that communist shithole


Cringe. Blame China for lying and letting the virus get out of hand. The virus is so deadly you have to get tested to know if you have it. The virus has magically reduced the deaths by flu/old age in the U.S by 90%.


Once again Wall Street sells it soul to China.

Do anything for a dollar even though most Wall Street executives already have multiple vacation homes, cars and access to the best education & healthcare.

Does the CCP pay some of you guys a commission for each time you post Communist propaganda?


Can always count on WSO's chief China hater to show up here. How much you get paid?


Kid despises Wall Street, yet comes to the Wall Street Oasis to shit post.

Kid stands for the common people, yet whines about China for trying to break up big banks.

How versatile!


China Uncensored? FLG affiliated media just like Epoch Times. These are the same fellas who thought storming the capitol when congress was in session was a good idea.


Probably gulag possibly dead.

You’ll know he’s dead when the government gives some bullshit reason for his disappearance like those two altdata founders in Beijing who left to assist the CCP in an investigation three years ago and haven’t been seen since.

Or will be imprisoned on “corruption” charges which is like giving out speeding tickets at the Indy 500 in China.


The sensitivity levels of Chinese CCP defenders is off the charts. Like if you think SJWs or Trump supporters can’t take criticism just take a look at these people.  

You would think they’d look at Jack Ma as a success story but instead they are terrified of making a criticism against the party, and even want to prevent other people from doing the same. 

Imagine denying there’s anything fishy here. Then saying “oh well he knew the rules anyway”. Finally ending up at “it’s ok because other countries also did bad things”. 

But then again these are the same people who let the party dictate how many children they could have without doing anything about it so maybe they like being humiliated. 


My MBA bro, not surprised to see you here again. No one is defending anything. It's more like people throwing random insults at China (and its culture, not just the government) and some "CCP shills" fighting back. Just look at the first reply.

If you would stay on topic and ask if it's ok to illegally detain some billionaire, no shill would show up and say he deserves it.

Also hilarious how you insult the Chinese people with the one child policy and at the same time bitch about China taking away your jobs. Guess what, if it weren't for the one child policy, there would be more cheap labor out there.


Why would I care about what happens to some lunatic Chinese oligarch? Guy probably dipped out to Dubai or he's already been dismembered by Chinese secret police. Either way I don't care.

I wish some of our billionaires would go missing though. I wonder how Mark Zuckerberg or Jeff Bezos would fare in a CIA blacksite.

"Work ethic, work ethic" - Vince Vaughn

It’s a shame the CCP is the way it is because in my experience the Chinese are fundamentally decent, hardworking people. A lot of them attended at my high school as international students and quite surprisingly, sometimes I got along with them better than I got along with other American students.

Here’s one thing I will say about these Chinese internationals though: they all support the CCP. They’re not doing it out of fear because they’re in the United States and Big Brother Xi isn’t watching them, so I think their sentiment is sincere. One of them unironicaly told me that authoritarianism is a better form of government than democracy. Another student told me that most Chinese people don’t care about authoritarianism because their lives are not only going well but improving.Whenever I mention the atrocities committed by the CCP, they respond with the same bullshit spewed on this forum by the CCP shills. “Well America is not any better. Police brutality, racism, Native American genocide..” blah blah blah as if China doesn’t have a worse version of all of these things. It seems from my understanding that as 1) China rose as a superpower and 2) the CCP spread more propaganda, the Chinese became a very nationalistic, “patriotic” people who are willing to overlook or even justify anything done by the government. It seems to me they are not even being suppressed at this point. The CCP has their unquestioning support starting from their youth. Meanwhile, in the United States (a flawed but fundamentally good and free country) our own citizens are becoming America-hating pricks like the person who posted the orange “controversial” comment on this thread. It’s very, very scary. I would not be surprised if China ultimately surpasses the United States in this century.


We are all human beings. There is really not that much fundamental difference. When I (a Chinese) was active on this site several years ago, I never encountered a China thread that turned into a shit show. People debated civilly and reasonably. When I came back on here post-COVID, every single China thread turns into a god damn zoo.

I think there are several reasons for this:

1. Anti-China rhetoric has been up recently, i.e., Trump trade war, COVID, etc.

2. Xi is more dictatorial and aggressive than past Chinese presidents.

3. Chinese economy is large enough now that some Chinese people are complacent and some Americans are "threatened", for lack of appropriate words.

4. Demographic of this site is trending younger, so more combative.


"China is such an awesome country.  Stop hating on it!" - says a bunch of trolls simultaneously trying to break into US investment banking on this forum....


Well, if they just told you "industrial espionage", it would give the game away wouldn't it? Joking of course but had to say it.

This would actually be a good interview question.  Just like a bank will ask, "Why JPM or why BAML?" maybe a new question should be, "Why the US?" Fair question if someone wants to work halfway around the world. Would like to know the reason why.



"China is such an awesome country.  Stop hating on it!" - says a bunch of trolls simultaneously trying to break into US investment banking on this forum....

Just like US companies that would want to invest their last penny into China voluntarily, even though they know that China is the biggest adversary of the US? 


I remember the good old days of Wall Street where we were the true Alphas like when JP Morgan bailed out the US Government in 1895 and saved the US economy; and the Jordan Belfort Wolf of Wall Street era where the office was filled with chads and Alpha males.

Nowadays, the US went from the world's largest debtor nation to the world's largest creditor nation; and needed to be bailed out in 2008.

That is what happens when you hire SJW's and low testosterone ED beta males who simp for China and Social Justice causes.

If it wasn't for the west, the people of China would still be living in tents and using campfires while dancing to tribal songs.



If it wasn't for the west, the people of China would still be living in tents and using campfires while dancing to tribal songs.

Historically FALSE. East Asian civilizations were the center of the world up until the 1500s. They were still competing head to head with the West up until the Industrial Revolution.

Up until the 1700s, the West was getting its ass kicked by the Ottoman Empire.


Milton Friedchickenman


If it wasn't for the west, the people of China would still be living in tents and using campfires while dancing to tribal songs.

Historically FALSE. East Asian civilizations were the center of the world up until the 1500s. They were still competing head to head with the West up until the Industrial Revolution.

Up until the 1700s, the West was getting its ass kicked by the Ottoman Empire.

Battle of Lepanto is in 1571 but okay. You guys all need to chill. You are all wrong.

Never discuss with idiots, first they drag you at their level, then they beat you with experience.

Thank you for all the comments on here from everyone on all sides of the issue! Isn't it great to live in a country where you can talk about the biggest failures of the US or China throughout history and not be taken to jail for doing so? 

Kind of speak volumes on who is on the right side of history.....


I genuinely considered eating popcorn while scrolling through this entertainment. Classy as always WSO.


China last fought a war in 1979 while the US killed at least 1 million in Vietnam alone, and that for no reason at all. Furthermore, Americans (and other westerners) don´t seem to grasp the amount of American/Western Propaganda that they are subjugated to as well. China is going to be the next super power, whereas the trajectory of the US seems to be in a steady decline, whether you like it or not. 



China last fought a war in 1979 while the US killed at least 1 million in Vietnam alone, and that for no reason at all. 

In hindsight, the Vietnamese gov't has ended up with very good relations with the United States, but at the time, the U.S. was allied with South Vietnam, which was invaded by the the Vietcong with the support of Communist China (which had just murdered 45 million of its own people) and the Soviet Union, which had murdered tens of millions more. Vietnam was just as likely to end up like North Korea (a nation-sized prison camp hellscape with nuclear weapons) as it was to end up the way it is today (a generally friendly ally of the United States). To say there was "no reason" for America's involvement is a pretty bastardized version of history.


LOL what? South Vietnam, supported by the US, lost to North Vietnam supported by China and Soviet Union. Vietnam became a unified country unlike Korea.

Vietnam's relationship with the US only got better after China's relationship with the US got better. Vietnam basically took China's steps in the 1980s economic reform, and became friends with the leader of capitalism (hats off to USA).

Had the US not participated in the Vietnam War, the result would be the same: Vietnam is unified by the North and did whatever it needed to grow.

North Korea is a different story. If the Communist alliance (China, Soviet, North Korea) had beaten the South (USA, South Korea, the West) like in Vietnam, would Korea be like Vietnam today? We don't know. But what if Vietnam was like Korea? What if the US didn't lose and Vietnam was divided like Korea? I assume it would be worse than what it is today.




China last fought a war in 1979 while the US killed at least 1 million in Vietnam alone, and that for no reason at all. 

In hindsight, the Vietnamese gov't has ended up with very good relations with the United States

Just like with the Japanese.... on which the US literally dropped the only nuclear bombs in history. Must be American exceptionalism. 


The real question is: which American enterpreur will suffer the same under Kamala?

Never discuss with idiots, first they drag you at their level, then they beat you with experience.

I'm working on a business presently that would require entering the Chinese market in order to be truly successful (since the market is just so damned large). I think I'd be willing to operate in China, but there is no way I'd step foot inside of its borders at this point. So long as my surrogates are there doing the job that's ok. But the risk of being "disappeared" by the Chinese gov't is not one I'm willing to take.


LOL this guy pretends he is some big shot that the Chinese government actually cares about him. You are just a random fat white boy son.


Sed laudantium in dolor esse. Aut quod voluptatum velit sint odio.

Expedita autem quisquam voluptatem ut. Similique aut fugit dolorem velit iste. Necessitatibus magnam autem aut non sit. Quibusdam consequuntur necessitatibus est eos in consequatur. Aut omnis unde delectus nihil ut perspiciatis error.

Hic eveniet delectus libero placeat incidunt. Magnam est deserunt rerum. Ut impedit nam blanditiis aut qui.


Illo consectetur totam aut ut. Quidem velit magni ex architecto corporis. Quibusdam molestias est consequatur sint.

Eius voluptatem quos magnam et dolorum. Odit iste aut eaque ut voluptatem veritatis et et.

Ut minus necessitatibus rerum sed itaque. Non optio et repellat architecto in neque deleniti. Earum quasi qui quaerat voluptatem.


Iste qui est quam recusandae est iure. Nesciunt enim harum magni id veniam. Nobis nesciunt magnam quisquam nulla et quo. Saepe earum et autem ex nihil ex.

Architecto voluptas ut quia consectetur eos et vel. Rerum necessitatibus consequuntur optio enim nostrum debitis nemo.

Quasi voluptatem voluptate dolorem aspernatur eligendi possimus modi. Qui quisquam odio et molestiae quidem modi. Expedita fugit corporis placeat aut nobis dolores vero.

Fuga ut et tenetur iste quo et quia. Laborum aliquam ut cupiditate.

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