Thoughts on marijuana

Just wondering what everyone's thoughts are on marijuana. It becoming more and more legalized in places, so probably we will all have to get used to seeing. Couple points/thoughts (for reference, I'm not a user). I don't have a problem with people who smoke per say, but I do have two major issues:

1a. I see people smoking in all places, in public, even yesterday I saw a guy roll a joint (didn't smoke it) on public transit. Again, the use doesn't bother me per say, I think that people smoke at all times of day ( I see it when I walk around). If you compare it to drinking, I think a lot of people would get a cross look if they said they kept taking shots all day long, yet with weed it seems okay.

1b. I don't have the data for these, but it seems like a lot of people who smoke aren't doing much with their life. I don't see people who smoke in private, so I don't know it from that angle. For example, if Jamie Dimon said he enjoyed a joint every night I wouldn't have a problem with it (same way if he said he had a scotch every night), but if you don't have a job and are smoking everyday, that's more a problem for me. 


Anyone smoking in public absolutely is a bum and should be viewed as such. Disagree where you see the socially acceptable to hit a blunt on a train compared to take a shot. Both are trash behavior by losers

As for weed itself I have nothing against it, and will partake from time to time. But it's pretty pathetic to use it daily or semi-weekly, and almost everyone I know that does that is a bum or has some other issues. Same with alcohol IMO

Once you reach a point in life where you are happy with who you are (physically, mentally, emotionally), your values, your goals, your personality, etc. then you will not have the desire to alter your mind frequently with alcohol and drugs. Sure socially it is fun from time to time, but it is almost always used as a coping mechanism and IMO it's ridiculous how much alcohol has permeated culture. Want to see a movie, go to the zoo, go to a park to toss frissbee, etc.? Dont worry, there will be beer trucks, alcohol vendors, friends bringing white claws, etc. because god forbid you do anything in life sober. All for what? I very moderate buzz from ~2-3 drinks that will turn into a slight headache later and empty calories? 

No thanks


I agree with all your points. 

As I stated above, I saw someone roll a joint on public transit, not smoke it, and I didn't say I agreed with it. I locked eyes with another person next to me, so we both saw it, just the fact that its tolerated is something. 

But I agree, alcohol is a lot more places than it use to be, definitely a coping system for a lot of people. I think its a lot of issues for people, but from a finance side, breweries are everywhere, so I would assume they are always trying to push it. 


Your view of life is a joke. You just want to raw dog life? No thanks bro. 

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee
But it's pretty pathetic to use it daily or semi-weekly, and almost everyone I know that does that is a bum or has some other issues. Same with alcohol IMO

I have a buddy who is incredible successful professionally, runs a team of employees, makes well into mid-6 figs, has a pretty chill day, etc. and blazes and drinks all the fucking time. But, to your point, he never leaves the house except for work (if even that, I'm not sure if he's 100% remote or not), only talks to the same 6 friends from college, has put on a ton of weight, rewatches the same tv shows all the time, and just generally doesn't put any effort into life. It's honestly pretty sad to see, and we've tried getting him to do more, but he is comfortable doing the same 4 things every day and drowning his brain in intoxicants, so he doesn't have any motivation to change. 


I personally like 420 before workouts. Nitraflex pre workout and some 420.

Lots of athletes like a nice Sativa before a workout and then it is also nice after a workout, sometimes Indica after. 

My fastest triathlon started out with a pre workout and 2 blunts before the race. It put me in a good mood to race. 

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

I share much the same thoughts as you. I don't think marijuana is dangerous or anything but it does seem to have a tendency to take over a person's life (whether addictive or not). In college, I knew a bunch of people who did wake and bakes every single day. I didn't know a single person who starts cracking open a beer at 9 a.m., even the worst drunks. Just doesn't seem like a good way to function to me.


Agree that there is a kind of cringe culture with stoners that almost use it as a personality trait. It's not just the weed, it's music, munchies, being a couch bum, etc. that is all celebrated within that niche. A similar comparison could be middle aged wine moms I guess, where all of a sudden drinking wine is a personality trait.

But part of getting high is the inability to function at a high level. Sure you can probably drive safely, but you are cognitively impaired for a set period of time. Those reaching their optimal selves dont want to just turn their brain off 3+ times a week, unless they are trying to cope with other issues (anxiety, depression, avoidance, etc.)


But part of getting high is the inability to function at a high level. you are cognitively impaired for a set period of time. Those reaching their optimal selves dont want to just turn their brain off 3+ times a week

No no no no no

You have no idea what you’re talking about.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

I regularly partake in marijuana and have found it does wonders for anxiety, pain and is great if you just want to relax. I am glad the stigma around it is starting to disappear.


Serious question - how common is it for someone to make something of themselves in absolute terms? Weed or not? I'd argue you're already dealing with a small pool. If being successful was easy, it wouldn't pay well.

EDIT: dust off your probability books, because you're already dealing with a small % of the population who make something of themselves, so let's say that's 5%. If 5% of them smoke daily then you're dealing with a joint probability of 25bps, so yes very very small, but because you're already dealing with a small likelihood to begin with, it's kind of a weird argument to make. It's like asking "is it possible to be under 6'6" and make it into the NBA? Absolutely, is it common? no." Correlation is not causation.

just trying to live like Hunter S Thompson

I don't have the data for these, but it seems like a lot of people who smoke aren't doing much with their life. 

Nice broad sweeping assumptions. You seem to live in a hole. You don't get it.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Aaand Isaiah has arrived - I knew it was him the moment I got MS.

Isaiah. Think of the most financially successful people you know of. Now think of all of the people you know who are daily smokers. How much overlap is there?


Think of the most financially successful people you know of. Now think of all of the people you know who are daily smokers. How much overlap is there?

The answer to this is complicated. In one way you’re trying to draw conclusions with people’s success being a factor of smoking or not smoking 420. There are many people who are successful who smoke/vape/eat 420. So in a certain way we can look at the relationship of the drug and successful people.

But, there are other factors like the legality of the drug in US laws and also the legality of the drug at certain companies, including those who have security clearances. So in those ways, there is a whole subset of the population that has to break a law to use 420.

Then there is also the fact that most apartment complexes don’t allow smoking indoors, so you have to live in a legal state and own a house to righteously use 420.

When you add up all these people who are excluded, many are successful and don’t partake in 420 because there are negative legal/work consequences. 

With all that being said, I’ve met lots of successful people in NYC who work in many parts of finance that partake in 420. 

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Agree with the OP.

But has anyone started a weed habit bc of a girl they dated or met in life? 

I largely got into it because of a girl I dated. I was 26 in NYC and she was 20 and went to FIT - we were roommates.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Forsure I wasn't smoking everyday before that but when I was in a LTR my girl had a older brother who grew it etc. and we were getting free bags in college. It became a recreational pleasure for when we had down time and stayed in. 

We broke up because she started getting shrooms and lsd and i couldnt handle the lifestyle mentally. 

Glad I confirmed with myself that i didn't like it or needed it. 


This is like the tattoo thread - a bunch of boring people gathered together agreeing with each other on how lame they are.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Tattoos and weed are complete opposites of each other.

One is some artwork on your skin while the other messes up your brain and body.

Weed doesn’t mess up your mind and body. What are you talking about?

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Tattoos and weed are complete opposites of each other.

One is some artwork on your skin while the other messes up your brain and body.

Drugs, rock n roll, and tattoos have gone hand in hand for decades. There is a common theme that people who are squares don’t typically get involved. On both threads the squares are speaking up, hence the commonality.


"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee
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Best answer on here by far. Hit virtually every point. Weed is great - while I personally chose to stop partaking in it a couple of years ago, I know plenty of friends who have no issues dabbling in it, and it helps them out immensely. My aunt is medically prescribed for her back pain, and after rounds of surgeries, narcotic pain meds, and everything in between, there's nothing that suits her more than some plain ole green. Love that for her. 

HOWEVER, like everything, it's a balance. Smoking in public is trashy in my opinion, as I personally hate the smell of it. Extremely disrespectful to do it indoors, unless it's your own home - and still, if you share an apartment with roommates who don't partake or if a neighbor can smell it, it's just common decency to stop. My college roommate probably went thru an ounce a day, but he was respectful enough to head out to the backyard to do it. Mutual respect goes a long way in scenarios like these!

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I am defensive because finding 420 has been such a revelation in my life. I think it is very healthy and my psychiatrist prefers I have 420 over alcohol or too much caffeine. 

Unfortunately, I can’t smoke in my apartment and have to vape instead. When I used to smoke bong rips all the time, I was in much better shape physically and mentally. 

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Be careful with vapes, while it's new technology one of my buddies who's an ICU doc tells me pretty horrific stuff he's seen in lung scans of people who vape a lot. Basically our lungs can't clear the oil (unlike smoke) and it just builds up like residue in there. Now you're in amazing shape so maybe your lung function is already so high that you're an outlier, but once he told me that I threw away every pen I have and just do glass. If smell is an issue check out myfreedomsmokes, they have devices where you use real weed but light with a torch and it vaporizes it. Almost no smell, roughly same high as the bong, and very little coughing.


just trying to live like Hunter S Thompson

Do you use the 510 Cartomizers or the PAX pods? Or do you vape flower? I don't trust the 510s. The PAX pods, however, I am all for. A good deal of it is how PAX does business. Their carts are proprietary, so they are the only authorized supplier. They require significant QA from the manufacturer as well (this includes strain composition reporting and regular testing of the flower going into making distillate to be checked for a number of potential issues) and provide proof that, at least with the PAX Era Pro, you can pull up on their app. 510s don't have the same QC, so I'm a lot more hesetant. 


I cut back meaningfully after smoking nearly every night for several years, now just sticking to the odd weekend, before a movie, or when me and the boys are getting goofy.

Mass generalizations are silly and if you have passionate views on one side or the other you need to get a grip, it just doesn't fucking matter.  For me, it became a tool for procrastination and a way to delay processing reality.  In other words, at night when I'd peak at my packed calendar for the next day, instead of dealing with the anxiety and thinking through a quick game plan, I'd get ripped.  Not sustainable.

Not to mention ya boy would delete all the remaining groceries in the apartment.  1am, dodging responsibilities, eating peanut butter with a butter knife out of the container.

Most Helpful

You can guess by my username what my thoughts are on the subject. A couple of thoughts:

  1. If you want to make something illegal because it has the potential for ruining people's lives, that's retarded, we allow laziness, alcohol, virginity past 30, and obesity in this country, so stop the hypocrisy. While I see arguments to be made for keeping meth and fentanyl illegal, pot makes absolutely zero goddamn sense, and furthermore, if people are given the freedom to improve their lives, they must also have the freedom to destroy them, that's true classical liberalism. Not infringing upon my rights or those of your fellow human? Godspeed, go forth and fuck thyself over.
  2. People smoking in public places not outside or in a place where it's invited is rude just like farting in a grocery store, talking on speakerphone in public, holding a FaceTime call on the subway, etc., are, so don't do it. Smoke on your premises, in a club, in an outside venue where you're not disturbing others.
  3. Of course there are people who lead unproductive lives and use marijuana recklessly, but I think you're conflating correlation with causation. I'd argue it's equally possible that someone who lacks discipline is more likely to have fallen into a pattern of habitual use that takes away from other more productive activities. At the same time, plenty of people lack discipline when it comes to exercise and diet and don't do shit with their lives, so is it the food's fault? Or is it a lack of discipline?

As I've said on these forums many many times before, I've been smoking pot nearly every day for over 20 years, I never do it during the workday (nightmarish hangovers excluded) and never do it when I have things I need to get done like work, charity, family demands, etc., so selfishly I must push back. It's not what's being used, it's the user. Just because the vast majority of people that use a substance do so irresponsibly doesn't mean that the substance is necessarily bad. It could be both and, it could just be the user, but it's definitely not just the substance, otherwise I would not be where I am today.

I say live and let live, if you want to use, do so responsibly, meaning take care of your must dos and treat ganja as a glass of wine, not an escape from a reality that you don't enjoy. I've never understood why people smoke all day long, and most people I know who blaze most certainly do not do that. They're more like me, smoke after their day is done, smoke on weekends with friends, not sparking it up before the Monday morning zoom call or just blazing on the couch all day while mom does their laundry. 

And in closing, whoever believes that nonsense about not wanting to alter your mind, bullshit. Humans have been altering their consciousness as long as we've had the tools to do so. Roman emperors went to Greece and tripped balls with ancient LSD laced wine, Mexicans have been eating psilocybin and mescaline for millennia, pot has been around for millennia, and as soon as we could find alcohol, we started getting after it with mead and wine. I'd say it's more against human nature to be 100% sober all the time just like it's a bad idea to be fucked up 100% of the time. It's about balance. If you think it's not for you, that's fine, but stop with the bullshit of "oh once you have your life together you won't want to," bullshit. I make a significant income, have a great sex life, am in great shape, sleep well, and have great friendships, changing one's consciousness and fulfillment in life are not mutually exclusive.

stay irie kiddies

just trying to live like Hunter S Thompson

My point stands. What is true for you may not be for everyone. Vast vast vast majority of people using it daily have issues, as others have stated in this thread (ex: anxiety). But you are right, other vices are the same way. I also know a lot of people that say "i use x every day and I have no issues" (addict talk) when it's clear they do

No one said anything about making it illegal. But in general it's bum enabling behavior. A good comp is video games. Sure you can have everything in life and play them. But more times than not a daily gamer is a loser


Thank you for a thoughtful reply, my point still stands too. Just because the majority of people who do something are bums does not make the activity itself automatically negative. And if you're insinuating I'm an addict, I must push back on that too because physiologically, marijuana does not have addictive properties. There are no withdrawal symptoms, and during times where I've been unable to smoke (e.g. travel), I have never sought it out nor had any issues with day to day life, so while I think I may be an exception to the average, the exceptions must be counted in the sample set and we, as a society, must not make population level claims when the population is not homogenous. More on the addict thing, when you say that you know people who use something every day and don't have issues, what do you mean? Define "issues," because issues could be everything from sometimes I forget that I left my wallet in my jeans pocket instead of the nightstand to I can't hold down a job and I'm on the verge of bankruptcy.

Not sure what you mean by "bum enabling behavior," care to expand on that? Are you saying that allowing weed in society is enabling people to be bums? That's my initial reaction, but I can't read your mind and don't want to put words in your mouth. That phrase does rub me the wrong way however.

I think all we can safely say is that people who use things habitually without moderation or discipline are likely living life suboptimally. Beyond that, agree to disagree. 

just trying to live like Hunter S Thompson

You can guess by my username what my thoughts are on the subject. A couple of thoughts:

  1. If you want to make something illegal because it has the potential for ruining people's lives, that's retarded, we allow laziness, alcohol, virginity past 30, and obesity in this country, so stop the hypocrisy. While I see arguments to be made for keeping meth and fentanyl illegal, pot makes absolutely zero goddamn sense, and furthermore, if people are given the freedom to improve their lives, they must also have the freedom to destroy them, that's true classical liberalism. Not infringing upon my rights or those of your fellow human? Godspeed, go forth and fuck thyself over.
  2. People smoking in public places not outside or in a place where it's invited is rude just like farting in a grocery store, talking on speakerphone in public, holding a FaceTime call on the subway, etc., are, so don't do it. Smoke on your premises, in a club, in an outside venue where you're not disturbing others.
  3. Of course there are people who lead unproductive lives and use marijuana recklessly, but I think you're conflating correlation with causation. I'd argue it's equally possible that someone who lacks discipline is more likely to have fallen into a pattern of habitual use that takes away from other more productive activities. At the same time, plenty of people lack discipline when it comes to exercise and diet and don't do shit with their lives, so is it the food's fault? Or is it a lack of discipline?

As I've said on these forums many many times before, I've been smoking pot nearly every day for over 20 years, I never do it during the workday (nightmarish hangovers excluded) and never do it when I have things I need to get done like work, charity, family demands, etc., so selfishly I must push back. It's not what's being used, it's the user. Just because the vast majority of people that use a substance do so irresponsibly doesn't mean that the substance is necessarily bad. It could be both and, it could just be the user, but it's definitely not just the substance, otherwise I would not be where I am today.

I say live and let live, if you want to use, do so responsibly, meaning take care of your must dos and treat ganja as a glass of wine, not an escape from a reality that you don't enjoy. I've never understood why people smoke all day long, and most people I know who blaze most certainly do not do that. They're more like me, smoke after their day is done, smoke on weekends with friends, not sparking it up before the Monday morning zoom call or just blazing on the couch all day while mom does their laundry. 

And in closing, whoever believes that nonsense about not wanting to alter your mind, bullshit. Humans have been altering their consciousness as long as we've had the tools to do so. Roman emperors went to Greece and tripped balls with ancient LSD laced wine, Mexicans have been eating psilocybin and mescaline for millennia, pot has been around for millennia, and as soon as we could find alcohol, we started getting after it with mead and wine. I'd say it's more against human nature to be 100% sober all the time just like it's a bad idea to be fucked up 100% of the time. It's about balance. If you think it's not for you, that's fine, but stop with the bullshit of "oh once you have your life together you won't want to," bullshit. I make a significant income, have a great sex life, am in great shape, sleep well, and have great friendships, changing one's consciousness and fulfillment in life are not mutually exclusive.

stay irie kiddies

Thanks for this. I bet a lot of people don’t know what “irie” means. 

I used to be the wake and bake type, but now I don’t have any 420 until after the day is done when I get back to my place. 

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Started smoking regularly in high school, smoked almost every day for the first few years of my career. Getting home at 2am and hitting a quick bowl to relax was fucking clutch. I've smoked with successful entrepreneurs in 12k sf houses and with F500 execs on a ski vacation. Some people can't handle it and will lose motivation or productivity, but that's true with alcohol, sports, video games, the internet, and thousands of other things. Currently in MMPE, have buddies who are now VPs at MFs that smoke regularly too. I don't smoke every day anymore, and try not to smoke much at all for the sake of my lungs, but on weekends I definitely will still take an edible and chill if I don't have any plans that evening. You just need to be able to prioritize responsibilities and separate what you do in leisure time from your professional life. Don't blame external factors for your personal failings


Good points. A bong filters a lot of the smoke - it’s not that bad for your lungs especially if it is a high end bong.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

It's honestly a little scary seeing people get so worked up and have such passionate opinions about what others might do or put in their bodies. Leave others alone so long as they're not infringing on your rights or those of others. It's not hard.

If you do smoke, be respectful and don't bother others with the smell (edibles, dabs/vapor - plenty of options) or get in the way of important work and events by being intoxicated (regardless of whether that's being high or drunk). If you don't smoke yet care about others smoking away from you, get a grip.


Will say I used to do it all the time. I started younger in highschool did throughout college and through the first few months of banking everyday. Don’t have any regrets but if you do it daily like I did I think it is because there are some underlying things you aren’t dealing with. That said - stopping is extremely easy. I did it everyday and have stopped cold turkey and didn’t experience any withdrawals other than being slightly constipated for 1 day but when I have stopped. However every time I have stopped while working out nothing happens. It is harmless compared to other things but at the end of the day it is still a substance and a substance that can be abused / alter the state of mind. I would say after growing up more I will never use daily again just because I sincerely enjoy being sober. I will say though it is a great way to unwind sometimes and I love doing it and going on a hike or going outside. I have also done and worked out while on it and you get a great pump. However I will say I prefer to workout sober. For those that are in crazy sports ie MMA, Football, hockey, lax, other high impact sports it is almost a necessity (the topicals and 1:1 THC to CBD edibles work great). Those folks are in pain constantly and while I don’t think cannabis is a pain reliever / has the same numbing affect as alcohol or opiates, it is much safer and has a much lower likelihood for destructive abuse. For some people with extremely traumatic pasts it’s the only way they can function. There are plenty of people who can smoke and be productive. There are also plenty who can’t, however if it wasn’t the weed that was going to make them unproductive or lazy but naturally it contributes to it if there is a certain type of person who is characteristically lazy. It should be legal globally as it is less dangerous than alcohol (however all substances are bad and I am in now way saying that chronic marijuana use is good). As with everything just practice moderation. If you use it daily no judgement, I did as well because I initially used to deal with issues in my life then it just became a habit. However, it is extremely easy to stop as there are no extreme physical withdrawal symptoms (maybe some for some chronic users that don’t exercise, but they are moderate). The addiction is psychological and it is less addictive than virtually everything else. 



"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

I used to smoke sometimes with my bros. Definitely think it's safer than alcohol and should be treated as such. For example, I never smoked so much that I had a bad time - literally never have and have smoked enough. Versus with alcohol I have so many negative experiences after drinking too much - alcohol is way more dangerous.


80 Weed Quotes to Take You Among Stars

Are you here because you want to see stars on earth? Then first go ahead and Google if it is legal in your state and then we will talk about the rest, well I am kidding, or am I, who knows? But reading is legal in all the states so crush your stuff, get a blunt, roll or joint, whatever you call it, and read ahead to find the coolest Weed Quotes and Sayings for the humble stoner in you and get high on words, also pass these quotes to a homie as you would have passed the joint.

What state is the best state in the world? The high state. Being high not only slows down the world for you but it also makes you calm. It makes you leave behind the miseries of your life for some time and you might actually come out of your high state with a solution.

So enjoy being high on things that you love with weed and these Smoking Weed Quotes and Sayings that you will relate to 100 percent because all stoners are brothers and sisters in disguise:

Weed Quotes

1. “I find it quite ironic that the most dangerous thing about weed is getting caught with it.” – Bill Murray

smoking weed quotes
smoking weed quotes

2. “If somebody gives me a joint, I might smoke it, but I don’t go after it.” – John Lennon

3. “If you want to smoke marijuana in your basement, I don’t care! I’m not going to get a search warrant and kick your door in. I think that’s foolish.” – Bill O’Reilly

4. “Let us burn one from end to end, and pass it over to me my friend…” – Ben Harper

5. “The only serious side-effect of marijuana is that you might get arrested.” – Alan Watts

weed quotes

6. “They’ve outlawed the No. 1 vegetable on the planet.” – Timothy Leary

7. “To make marijuana against the law is like saying God made a big mistake.” – Bill Hicks

8. “When you smoke the herb, it reveals you to yourself.” – Bob Marley

9. “I have always loved marijuana. It has been a source of joy and comfort to me for many years. And I still think of it as a basic staple of life, along with beer and ice and grapefruits – and millions of Americans agree with me.” – Hunter S. Thompson

10. “It really puzzles me to see marijuana connected with narcotics … dope and all that crap. It’s a thousand times better than whiskey – it’s an assistant – a friend.” – Louis Armstrong

weed quotes

11. “The illegality of cannabis is outrageous, an impediment to full utilization of a drug which helps produce the serenity and insight, sensitivity and fellowship so desperately needed in this increasingly mad and dangerous world.” – Carl Sagan

12. “Of course I know how to roll a joint.” – Martha Stewart

13. “That is not a drug, it’s a leaf.” – Arnold Schwarzenegger

14. “Even if one takes every reefer madness allegation of the prohibitionists at face value, marijuana prohibition has done far more harm to far more people than marijuana ever could.” – William F. Buckley, Jr.

15. “The criminalization of marijuana did not prevent marijuana from becoming the most widely used illegal substance in the United States and many other countries. But it did result in extensive costs and negative consequences.” – George Soros

weed quotes

16. “Why is marijuana against the law? It grows naturally upon our planet. Doesn’t the idea of making nature against the law seem to you a bit … unnatural?” – Bill Hicks

17. “‎Some of my finest hours have been spent on my back veranda, smoking hemp and observing as far as my eye can see.” – Thomas Jefferson

18. “Is marijuana addictive? Yes, in the sense that most of the really pleasant things in life are worth endlessly repeating.” – Richard Neville

19. “I think that marijuana should not only be legal, I think it should be a cottage industry. It would be wonderful for the state of Maine. There’s some pretty good homegrown dope. I’m sure it would be even better if you could grow it with fertilizers and have greenhouses.”- Stephen King

20. “Hashish will be, indeed, for the impressions and familiar thoughts of the man, a mirror which magnifies, yet no more than a mirror.” – Charles Baudelaire

quotes about weed

21. “I’d like to see the government back a program of research into the medical properties of cannabis and I do not object to its responsible use as a recreational relaxant.” – Sir Richard Branson

Marijuana Quotes

22. “I’ve been smoking marijuana for 44 years now, and … I think it’s a tremendous blessing.” – Lester Grinspoon

23. “I think people need to be educated to the fact that marijuana is not a drug. Marijuana is an herb and a flower. God put it here. If He put it here and He wants it to grow, what gives the government the right to say that God is wrong?” – Willie Nelson

24. “Marijuana saved my life. I have no doubts about it and you don’t need to show me any data.” – Greg Scott

25. “Alcohol and marijuana, if used in moderation, plus loud, usually low-class music, make stress and boredom infinitely more bearable.” – Kurt Vonnegut

weed quotes

26. “By regulating marijuana, we can put black market drug dealers out of business and eliminate the rebellious allure that attracts young people.” – Sal Albanese

27. “Marijuana is quite possibly the finest of intoxicants. It has been scientifically proven, for decades, to be much less harmful to the body than alcohol when used on a regular basis (Google “Science”).” – Nick Offerman

28. “It is beyond my comprehension that any humane person would withhold such a beneficial substance from people in such great need simply because others use it for different purposes.” – Steven Gould

29. “I think pot should be legal. I don’t smoke it, but I like the smell of it.” – Andy Warhol

30. “I don’t consider weed to be any worse than having a beer.” – James Franco

weed quotes

31. “I know you’re supposed to tell kids not to do drugs, but, kids, do it! Do weed! Don’t do the other stuff, but weed is good.” – Kevin Smith

32. “A friend with weed is a friend indeed…”- Pops O’Donnell

33. “When I was a kid I inhaled frequently. That was the point.” – Barack Obama

34. “Make the most you can of the Indian Hemp seed and sow it everywhere.” – George Washington

35. “The War on Drugs will go down in history as the most racist crusade since slavery.” – Thor Benson

weed quotes

36. “Many artists and writers have used cannabis for creative stimulation – from the writers of the world’s religious masterpieces to our most irreverent satirists.” – Jack Herer

37. “I got high, and forgot I wasn’t supposed to get high.” – Ricky Williams

38. “Why use up the forests which were centuries in the making and the mines which required ages to lay down, if we can get the equivalent of forest and mineral products in the annual growth of the hemp fields?” – Henry Ford

39. “Stop killing each other man. Let’s just smoke a blunt.” – Tupac

weed quotes for Instagram

40. “If you grew up in the 60’s or 70’s, and didn’t do drugs I don’t trust you.” – Danny Danko

41. “Writing to me is like hitting the herb. No problems, Mon. No worries.”- A.K. Kuykendall

42. “Marijuana enhances our mind in a way that enables us to take a different perspective from ‘high up’, to see and evaluate our own lives and the lives of others in a privileged way. Maybe this euphoric and elevating feeling of the ability to step outside the box and to look at life’s patterns from this high perspective is the inspiration behind the slang term ‘high’ itself.” – Sebastian Marincolo

Inspirational Weed Quotes

43. “If you substitute marijuana for tobacco and alcohol, you’ll add eight to 24 years to your life.” – Jack Herer

Inspirational Weed Quotes
Inspirational Weed Quotes

44. [Marijuana] doesn’t have a high potential for abuse, and there are very legitimate medical applications. In fact, sometimes marijuana is the only thing that works.” – Dr. Sanjay Gupta

45. “People say you can abuse marijuana. You can abuse cheeseburgers. Does that mean we should close Burger Kings.” – Joe Rogan

46. “We talk to each other in code. We said that 420 was a special number. It was a time. It was a date. It was a symbol for what we did for passive resistance.” – Rick Cusick

47. “It makes me feel the way I need to feel.” – Snoop Dogg

48. “A man of words and not of deeds, Is like a garden full of weeds.” – Benjamin Franklin

weed quotes by Benjamin Franklin
weed quotes by Benjamin Franklin

49. “When weeds go to heaven, I suppose they will be flowers.” – L.M. Montgomery

50. “Weeds are luckier than flowers because they are not killed for their beauties!” – Mehmet Murat ildan

51. “There was no time to weigh chances. There was no such thing as chances anyway, in the distorted perspective of the weed fumes.” – Cornell Woolrich

52. “Every weed’s fate is to bow in front of the wind!” – Mehmet Murat ildan

53. “Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction.” – Bob Marley

weed quotes by Bob Marley

54. “Cannabis is just way too healthy for a sick health care system.” – Sebastian Marincolo

55. “You know what I’m really tired of is people getting arrested for the possession of marijuana. It’s just a plant. It makes no sense.” – Madeline Martinez

56. “Instead of taking five or six of the prescriptions, I decided to go a natural route and smoke marijuana.” – Melissa Etheridge

57. “It’s hard to be mean when you’re stoned.” – Bill Lee

58. “Struggle is the enemy, but weed is the remedy.” – Kid Cudi

weed quotes

59. “When the wind likes a path, the weeds around that path will tremble all day long!” – Mehmet Murat ildan

Funny Weed Quotes

60. “Get a puff, weed will not judge you.”

61. “It is quite hilarious that the most perilous thing about marijuana is getting caught in its possession.”

Funny Weed Quotes
Funny Weed Quotes

62. “The Almighty made weed, human made beer”

63. “Cannabis is not a drug it is a plant, therefore I am not a drug addict. I am a farmer.”

64. “We had a joint last night, got so high that we started searching for our friend while he assisted us look.”

65. “Marijuana is a gift from mother nature. God gave it to us. So take this opportunity and use it. Take advantage.”

Funny Weed Quotes

66. “I do not enjoy mathematics, but when I do, I am usually buying marijuana.”

67. “The person who said that great things are always free must have had a garden full of weed.”

68. “A whole day minus marijuana is just like a learning institution.”

69. “Being under the influence of weed the whole day without telling anyone means that your body is still 100% efficient.”

70. “To say that smoking weed is against the law is like implying that God made a mistake.”

Funny Weed Quotes

71. “I smoked weed, got high and forgot that I was not supposed to get high.”

72. “Nothing is more pleasing to the eye like a bag of marijuana.”

73. “It is difficult to be nasty when you are high.”

74. “I beg you not to feed me with your nastiness, unless it looks like a bag of cannabis.”

weed quotes funny
weed quotes funny

75. “Every day is a perfect time to smoke pot.”

76. “I am sorry, my marijuana is so loud I cannot hear your nastiness.”

77. “You realize that you are a pot addict when your pals bring you a Bob Marley cake.”

78. “I do not have to smoke a joint to have a pleasant moment, but I am always hyped when I am high.”

weed quotes funny

79. “I will continue smoking pot until everything makes sense or I fall asleep.”

80. “I do not have to smoke a joint to have a pleasant moment, but I am always hyped when I am high.”


"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Yo man these are DOPE

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

"I think people need to be educated to the fact that marijuana is not a drug. Marijuana is an herb and a flower. God put it here." - Matthew McConaughey

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

lol oops nice catch - I was testing you - you passed ;)

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

To me this comes down to 2 camps of ppl.  Camp 1 are guys that like to smoke once in a while, or pop a gummy when they log off for the night.  No issue w/ these guys.  They can have conversations that don't involve weed and, are productive ppl, and you wouldn't know that they liked weed unless they told you. 

Camp 2 are guys whose identity is inextricably intertwined w/ cannabis culture.  These people are fucking insufferable. I went to high school w/ a lot of these guys and every single one of them works the same shit job that they worked when we were 18.  They have no purpose in life now that marijuana is legal and the legalization crusade is over.  It's rare to have a conversation w/ them where they don't talk about how awesome weed is, how closed-minded ppl who don't smoke are, or where they tell you that weed actually cures cancer, COVID, and broken bones.  These ppl are fucking losers.  

If you like weed but it's not central to your identity, God speed.  If you couldn't tell someone about yourself w/out mentioning weed, you annoy the fuck out of everyone around you.

I come from down in the valley, where mister when you're young, they bring you up to do like your daddy done

I have the marijuana leaf tattooed on both my eyelids, can I still be a part of Camp 1, please? 

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Yeah, you just can't blink. 

I come from down in the valley, where mister when you're young, they bring you up to do like your daddy done


Imagine completely misinterpreting this thread and missing the point. Wild.

You expelled energy making a post about weed in 2022. Bruh you're a lame.

Thoughts on MARIJUANA - lmao. 


Can we stop with the self righteous finger pointing. Lets acknowledge that if you’re not upper class dealing with trauma or depression and can’t afford or are marginalized from professional mental health, marijuana is the most accessible therapy. Also, people smoke cigarettes in parks/public, how is marijuana different? If they aren’t hurting anyone, let people make their own choices and lead their own lives. 


Ah yes because poor people are guaranteed to be so miserable that they must be criminals or drug addicts!

You’re the self righteous one by thinking that only people in your position can have a happy life.


They aren’t mutually exclusive and while writing or talking with friends/family, exercising, eating healthy, etc. is optimal for self actualizing, the fact is most people don’t have support systems, processing trauma is difficult and mental illness is prevalent and generally unaddressed in society. Yes agreed sobriety is ideal but I rather empathize with people who feel driven to habitually smoke weed/drink than condemn them


Edibles. Much more civilized. Yes, it takes a while to kick in and you need to have a 3 or so hour window. Seltzer kicks in quicker, if you are so inclined. No smell. No smoke in your lungs. No smelly clothes. And sex is way better. Most fun I've had in years is saying home with my wife on some edibles after the shop opened up down the street (I'm in Boston)


Of course the study cites higher suicide tendencies among people who cope with alcohol, weed, or anything else... dumb point. And I disagree that it benefits people with schizophrenia, it doesn't. It also doesn't make an individual more likely to develop it. Maybe show signs earlier. If you read this and thought it was air-tight enough to post it, then you're retarded. 


So you're sharing the work of Alex Berenson. He's a conspiracy theorist whose work was denounced by a group of 100 doctors, scientists, and clinicians. The book is a scare tactic that harkens back to the idea of "Reefer Madness". There is no causal link between Marijuana and any of these things. Even the doctor who ran the clinical studies that Berenson relied on came out and said that there is no causal link and the data only shows a correlation. Adding to that, the doctor came out and said newer studies show there is a genetic factor involved here that appears to show a link between cannabis use and schizophrenia, and that there is nothing that actually shows cannabis use on its own leads to schizophrenia. Oh, and Cannabinol is actually shown to help improve QoL for patients exhibiting schizophrenic symptoms. The same holds true for the use of high CBD strains to treat epilepsy (look up Dravet syndrome and the clinical efficacy of Epidolex).

If you're going to quote someone, don't quote a guy who was willing to imply that American scientists didn't think there was value in Cannabis. Cannabis is now getting its time in the research lab because the medical community is realizing that it has the potential for medical use in the treatment of multiple diseases. Schedule I drugs like Cannabis are extremely hard to do research on. You need a DEA license to research Schedule 1 drugs, and there's only a small pool of researchers that have it. Now, if you really want to get into it - since 1970 there have been multiple efforts to reclassify or decriminalize Cannabis. Starting in 1972, NORML fought for well over a decade, including winning in court, to get the DEA to allow research on Cannabis. The DEA basically made it impossible to do research on Cannabis for nearly 40 years while being okay with allowing the rescheduling of Marinol (synthetic Cannabinol) multiple times. Go figure. 

Now, if we want to get a little more into the weeds, go and read the Shafer Report, which argued that Cannabis shouldn't be included in the CSA, and instead decriminalized and treated differently. The report compared it to the use of alcohol, saying that it was not like other drugs and should instead be decriminalized. Instead, the Nixon administration ignored it in favor of classifying it as a Schedule I substance. Former Editor-in-Chief of the Merck Manual Robert Barlow was actually quoted saying "There is still little evidence of biologic damage even among heavy users" and "the chief opposition to the drug rests on a moral and political, and not a toxicological, foundation." Coming from the EIC of the Merck Manual, that's a pretty strong position to take... but if you want to listen to a guy like Berenson, by all means. 

Next time you post something as biased as this, go ahead and do some actual research on what the scientific literature shows. 


Have very mixed feelings.

On one hand, generally libertarian on these kind of issues.

On the other, totally agree that a lot of people

who smoke are bums. At my boarding school, people who got into smoking daily started notably becoming less intelligent, athletic, and extracurricularly successful. Saw the same thing at the Ivy I went to. I think there’s definitely a casual link if you’re doing it more than 1-2 times per week, kind of like alcohol.


Some horrible takes on here. If smoking weed in public is “disrespectful” then smoking cigarettes in public should be a jailable offense.

And to all those who say weed smokers are bums, then you must acknowledge cigarette smokers are suicidal and dillusional.

Look at all of you. How are you all still stuck in the box the US government put you in 100 years ago? And it stems from racism against the Mexicans ya fools get over it.


who knew the leap from "stoners are bums" and "smelling up a public area with weed is disrespectful" to "if you believe that you are racist" but alas here we are


This has to be one of the strangest things I've seen on WSO. There are still people who actually think that smoking generally makes a person, as a few people said, a bum? I used to be the kid who would be legitimately depressed when I found out a friend had their first beer at a party in high school, and even I think this is ridiculous.

Let me just throw something out there for some of you. Of the most successful people I personally know in finance (specifically those I've gotten to know outside of work, or the people who don't need to hide anything), I am confident that the majority smoke or have smoked with some regularity. Maybe this is unique, but among these people are founders of $15bn+ hedge funds, PE/VC founders and senior partners, the global heads of several different groups spanning all divisions of an investment bank, and even the global head of what is arguably one of the most legendary and desirable groups in finance.

All of these people know how to keep themselves in check. Many happen to be great parents, friends, and members of their communities as well. FWIW, nobody would ever question a thing if we were talking about alcohol - a substance that can much more easily destroy your life. Live and let live.


Your insinuation that a person you've never met and know nothing about may have substance-driven coping issues is...strange to say the very least. Can I trust that you'd say the same about those who enjoy a happy hour after work? Because you can objectively show up to a happy hour and order enough drinks to drink yourself to death without much effort if you were feeling down.

This isn't really worth debating, but I'll say that assuming the worst in people tends to suck away a lot of joy in life.


it was very common in London to smoke. Know many including some who are now MDs at well known firms (IB/PE) who''d smoke. Think many gave it up after marriage. 


My thoughts on marijuana really depend on how much I smoke/consume. If its only a little bit I usually don't have any change in thoughts. Maybe a little more relaxed but mostly the same as normal. If I have few edibles though, my thoughts typically go to the future. I think a lot about what is going on in life and what decisions I could have made better. Its a pretty introspective high for me. 

Now shrooms...thats a different ball game. I think I could solve all of the worlds problems with microdoses of shrooms on a regular basis.


A lot of surprising opinions in here. I would think if you asked this question outside of a banking forum, the response would be more what you'd expect.

My personal opinion is that THC in moderation is good and frankly a healthier alternative to alcohol, but that's just what works for me. I like a gummy from time to time.

I think you can be very successful even doing it everyday, but I also think the dopaminergic response of THC consumption alters the reward system and can impact one's intrinsic motivation/desires. It's different for everyone, to say anything conclusively is just generalizing.


my thoughts on the issues you raise

  1. 100% agree smoking in public is annoying but that's the same with cigarettes, vapes, even my beloved cigars. that's more of a manners issue than specific to pot in my opinion. and on smoking all day, yeah that's not productive but like you said so is drinking all day and there are plenty of alcoholics out there. part of me wonders if it's because our body takes longer to process alcohol so it's technically possible for someone to rip the bong and then be stone cold sober for a meeting in an hour yet if you're ripping shots it last longer. who knows
  2. I don't follow here. you say a lot of people who smoke aren't doing much with their life. bro, plenty of people don't do shit with their life, why does that affect you? and your comment on jamie dimon versus someone who doesn't have a job and smokes everyday, again I don't follow what your question/complaint is. you're saying if the CEO of a bank smoked every day you wouldn't have an issue, so it feels like you're saying that if someone has their shit together and smokes daily, it's cool, but if not, you're not cool with it? explain please

my thoughts on pot in general - it should be treated like alcohol, legally and socially. we can quibble over the level of physical dependence it generates, whether or not it's addictive, but what is clear is that from an economic, physiological, and societal standpoint alcohol and tobacco are far worse for both the user and others around them, so marijuana should be legalized recreationally, taxed, and regulated for purity. prohibition has never worked, let's stop pretending it will. on the social side, I'd be fine if it came to a time when in addition to/instead of offering a guest a drink, I offer them to share a joint with me. not enough to melt into the couch, just like I'd give you a beer, I'd say let's go have a smoke or something like that. I don't, however, think there should be any different stigma attached to a casual pot smoker versus a casual drinker, that's illogical


my thoughts on the issues you raise

  1. you're saying if the CEO of a bank smoked every day you wouldn't have an issue, so it feels like you're saying that if someone has their shit together and smokes daily, it's cool, but if not, you're not cool with it? 

my thoughts on pot in general - it should be treated like alcohol, legally and socially. 

This topic really blew up. 

But the second point you made above, that's exactly what I'm saying. Majority of people I see smoking are out in public, probably meaning they can't smoke at home, vs. other people who are probably monetary successful and smoke have an area at there house. Not saying one is right wrong, just want I see. 

I agree it should be treated like alcohol. 


Magni esse reprehenderit culpa quo fuga vel. Fugit recusandae perferendis ut adipisci ipsum quasi. Et quia error eum ut. Occaecati ratione est ullam.

Sint non tenetur ex sint facere quia eius. Odio consequatur est quia accusantium.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Iure ad dolorem quod repellendus modi vero rem. Rerum hic et doloribus magnam totam. Non eos aut enim aliquid eligendi ullam doloremque mollitia. Accusamus qui rem quas exercitationem ipsam. Repellat et deserunt veritatis molestiae recusandae libero quis quisquam.

Ut nulla est voluptatem consequatur eveniet id. Soluta dolore sequi expedita necessitatibus assumenda. Molestiae blanditiis impedit ea odit. Omnis omnis aut pariatur incidunt omnis velit qui. Sit eligendi sit ad velit placeat sit asperiores. Et cum et debitis. Facilis voluptas rerum molestiae quaerat.


Aut officia veniam reprehenderit et exercitationem eveniet. Ea et et maiores et provident ea cum. Sit assumenda rem quas sunt impedit ut. Ut accusantium itaque dolorem beatae ex quae est. Ex aut cumque in explicabo dolores. Nostrum sint in quod corrupti distinctio veniam. Voluptatem quo et quasi nihil nesciunt.

Sint perspiciatis qui voluptas dolor nemo dolorem. Adipisci quia soluta optio voluptate ut rem. Velit qui ullam et recusandae repellendus aut rerum doloribus. Quae quisquam illo quis voluptatum amet.

Placeat pariatur eveniet distinctio minus dignissimos et. Repellat autem velit porro unde facilis explicabo iste. Est corrupti voluptatem rerum et vitae quam voluptates impedit. Aut corrupti eum ex provident repellendus.

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