Penn State any good?

I'm applying to Penn State, and I was wondering if it's any good for me to get placed in any banks. I've heard decent things, but I just want to know for sure. Other choices are Marquette, DePaul, OSU, Loyola



Penn State is not a primary target for ibanking, but over the past few years the number of firms (I interviewed with Goldman, Merrill, TD Securities) have stepped-up recruiting at Penn State. That said, even though they "recruit" at PSU, they usually only interview a very select number of candidates. I am currently in banking on wall st (graduated last year) and have been back for on-campus recruiting. To get interviews from a non-target like PSU, there are a number of steps you need to take: (1) major in business w/in the Smeal College of Busines, specifically acctg or finance (2) MINIMUM overall GPA of 3.6 (3) add a second major like math, econ or a major foreign language (4) MUST have multiple summer internships related to finance or acctg (I had 1 but worked as research asst and investment clubs) (5) network as much as possible with anyone from PSU that is currently on wall st (I have noticed the headcount from PSU growing over the past few years) (6-MOST IMPORTANT) prepare like crazy for the interviews - recruiters on wall st want undergrads from PSU who know their stuff otherwise they won't give you the time of day, so make sure to be prepared for every question they may ask you w/out having the answer memorized and be ready to confidently nail the answer.

Now actually producing is the tough part, but it is possible, so make the first step and get to Penn State or aim higher and you're already on your way. Best of luck

This is insane and utterly idiotic. Seriously, state school kids are fucking morons. Their entire lives revolve around their football team and beer pong. Goodness sakes. These kids need to get a life.

why we as a country are obsessed with sporting leagues occupied by felons-in-the-making with nothing but contempt for the rest of us puzzles me.

This is insane and utterly idiotic. Seriously, state school kids are fucking morons. Their entire lives revolve around their football team and beer pong. Goodness sakes. These kids need to get a life.

Brady what are you even saying... you aren't better than anyone because you went to an Ivy school....Get off your prestige high horse. YOU need to get a life.

The answer to your question is 1) network 2) get involved 3) beef up your resume 4) repeat -happypantsmcgee WSO is not your personal search function.
This is insane and utterly idiotic. Seriously, state school kids are fucking morons. Their entire lives revolve around their football team and beer pong. Goodness sakes. These kids need to get a life.

What's wrong with a badass football team, slutty girls and beer pong? Sans poor exit options (wait, isn't Penn State a GS IBD target now? Well maybe not now, now), I see nothing wrong here.

Ace all your PE interview questions with the WSO Private Equity Prep Pack:
This is insane and utterly idiotic. Seriously, state school kids are fucking morons. Their entire lives revolve around their football team and beer pong. Goodness sakes. These kids need to get a life.
Are you fucking kidding me? You went to NOTRE DAME! They have a TOUCHDOWN JESUS what the shit are you talking about?
If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford
This is insane and utterly idiotic. Seriously, state school kids are fucking morons. Their entire lives revolve around their football team and beer pong. Goodness sakes. These kids need to get a life.

I would rather go to Michigan or UC Berkeley than your Alma mater.

This is insane and utterly idiotic. Seriously, state school kids are fucking morons. Their entire lives revolve around their football team and beer pong. Goodness sakes. These kids need to get a life.

From the guy who's entire life revolves around jerking off to the HBS admissions website...


kind of sad, but this is probably a generational thing. the guy was born in the '20s and went to brown. in the UK, many parents groups are actually trying to silence their own kids in the public schools for speaking out against molestation by staff and other students, because it is a british public school tradtion and you are expected just to endure it, as if it toughens you up or something. paterno probably absorbed these values from an ivy league that was waspier and more britishy in his day.


What I think is fucked up is the fact that Joe P gives 50 years of his life to coaching and a allegation that he knew something or turned a blind eye is all that it takes to ruin his career, reputation and get him fired. I mean no court, no jury, no trial. Nothing. Allegation and done with.

What I think is fucked up is the fact that Joe P gives 50 years of his life to coaching and a allegation that he knew something or turned a blind eye is all that it takes to ruin his career, reputation and get him fired. I mean no court, no jury, no trial. Nothing. Allegation and done with.

There is no doubt that JoePa knew about what Sandusky was doing and still kept him as his assistant coach. He should not only be fired but never again allowed on Penn State campus. And any object on campus with his name should be instantly removed, as if he has never existed.

What I think is fucked up is the fact that Joe P gives 50 years of his life to coaching and a allegation that he knew something or turned a blind eye is all that it takes to ruin his career, reputation and get him fired. I mean no court, no jury, no trial. Nothing. Allegation and done with.

Ant, this has to be one of the worst things you have ever posted. It is fairly clear that Joe Pa knew that his assistant coach had sex with a 10 year old boy.

I am not cocky, I am confident, and when you tell me I am the best it is a compliment. -Styles P

I feel bad for Joe Pa tho, he did something- it just wasn't enough. After 61 years he deserves better, he's being scapegoated on some level. I do feel that he did too little, but at the same time he probably believed that when nothing was done that Sandusky was innocent. Don't forget that this was a man that JoePa thought the knew, thought was a friend, and worked with him for 30 years. I assume that Joe would rather believe (however wrong it was) that this man couldn't possibly have done it- and the lack of action supported this. The smarter thing would have been to go to the real cops, and I bet he sees that now.

Reality hits you hard, bro...
I feel bad for Joe Pa tho, he did something- it just wasn't enough. After 61 years he deserves better, he's being scapegoated on some level. I do feel that he did too little, but at the same time he probably believed that when nothing was done that Sandusky was innocent. Don't forget that this was a man that JoePa thought the knew, thought was a friend, and worked with him for 30 years. I assume that Joe would rather believe (however wrong it was) that this man couldn't possibly have done it- and the lack of action supported this. The smarter thing would have been to go to the real cops, and I bet he sees that now.

Sweet old Joe Paterno is in reality an incredibly self-serving man. For years he has pushed back against administration urging him to retire, before he gets his 400-whatever career win. Even today his narcissism shone through as he attempted to remain as coach for the rest of the season instead of actually thinking about his f***ing players and resigning immediately, so that the incredible media spotlight that will be on them for the rest of the season might actually be a little less glaring. I don't understand how you can not even ask Sandusky about McQueary's allegations, much less call the damn cops or follow up after you tell the AD, and then still have the audacity to consider yourself a role model to a bunch of 19-22 year olds.

This does not take away from his educational and philanthropic contributions, but the man is clearly an egomaniac.

Edit: The BOT did a nice little chicken sh** move by firing him over the phone instead of in person. Piss poor.


He said that he didn't do enough which means many different things. All I am saying is this is fresh, all the facts are not out and people are attaching him as if he raped the kids himself.

He said that he didn't do enough which means many different things. All I am saying is this is fresh, all the facts are not out and people are attaching him as if he raped the kids himself.

What facts are going to come out that can possibly affect Paterno's culpability? If he had gone to the police when he was first notified, or if there were communications between him and the University's administration where he was pressing for action, those would have been the first things brought up after everyone looked to him. Nobody is going to sit on that kind of information with the whole nation calling for your termination. The bottom line is that, regardless of whatever verdict is leveled at Sandusky, Joe Paterno took the bare minimum of steps required by law when faced with allegations that a subordinate was committing an awful crime. No one is saying Joe had to go physically stop Sandusky. The point is that he should have alerted the police and taken the steps incumbent upon a man of his influence at State College - and supposed integrity - to follow-up.

He said that he didn't do enough which means many different things. All I am saying is this is fresh, all the facts are not out and people are attaching him as if he raped the kids himself.

Not sure how much you have followed the story or watched ESPN the last week or so. But yes there is facts these allegations were coming due starting way back in 2002, JoePa did nothing then. Further 11months ago when they went onto a deeper investigation again he basically did not do what society deems is correct. He basically admitted this today . You really think the trustees made this decision based on 1 day of information and facts?


Most important in all of this is profit. The line has moved to PSU +3.5. Will the team rally around the memory of their former coach, who probably hasn't called a play in 5 years, and pull the upset or does Nebraska, motivated to stop sexual assaults against children, send a message and beat down the Nittany Lions and thus cover the spread.

Your thoughts?

Blah, I am in different to this story. I simply think that Joe is being railroaded.

Going to have to disagree here. If Joe Pat is the moral compass he's made out to be, I would think he would've tar'ed and feathered this fucker for rapping 10 year old boys in showers. Just me though.

Ace all your PE interview questions with the WSO Private Equity Prep Pack:
Blah, I am in different to this story. I simply think that Joe is being railroaded.

Yeah, the 84-year old who's made millions coaching football is clearly the victim in all of this...

Is Nebraska -3.5 this weekend at Penn State the bet of the season or what?

Nebraska - 2.5 (opening line) may have been one of the best bets of the season. NOW, Neb - 3.5 could end up being the lock of the decade. Just thinking about the football teams (and ignoring the scandal) penn st is ridiculously over rated, they have no offense whatsoever. I'm not a huge believer in Nebraska, but how do they not win by a touchdown or more?

twitter: @CorpFin_Guy

It's worth stating that JoePa had a courier arrive at his home last night with a letter for him instructing him to call the phone number in the letter. Once he did, he was fired via that phone call.

~50 years of service, most winningest coach in D1A football, fired over the phone.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.
Why were the president and the AD fired?

Were they even aware of Sandusky?

double post

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.
Why were the president and the AD fired?

Were they even aware of Sandusky?

Yes, they were.

Watch ESPN or read the report in the OPs link.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.

Game over? The dude is 84 how long did you think his game was going to last? This was the last year of his contract and he was going to leave anyway. This gave the university a chance to save a little face, expedite his departure and look like they're actually sorry about it. The guy will be a legend forever there and in College Football.

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford
Game over? The dude is 84 how long did you think his game was going to last? This was the last year of his contract and he was going to leave anyway. This gave the university a chance to save a little face, expedite his departure and look like they're actually sorry about it. The guy will be a legend forever there and in College Football.

Dude's always going to be a legend in college football and it doesn't detract from his record BUT it's a gross oversight as a coach, especially when the guy is being charged with 40 counts of molestation. You can't tell me that Pa shared the locker room with Sandusky for over 30 years and didn't figure this out... it was the fact that he knowingly tried to cover it up.


Joe reported it to his higher ups. How come the 28 year old grown man didn't just call the cops. I fail to see how one is excusable and the other doing the same thing is covering it up.

Joe reported it to his higher ups. How come the 28 year old grown man didn't just call the cops. I fail to see how one is excusable and the other doing the same thing is covering it up.

I agree, it's not excusable for any of the parties.

Neither are facing jail time and neither should be affiliated with the Pennsylvania State University going forward. However, in this country we tend to hold people in positions of power to a higher standard and level of scrutiny and I wouldn't be surprised if the guy who witnessed the act got to keep his job (or at least fired later in a more discrete manner).


Breach of protocol? If you see action not being taken after knowledge that sexual molestation was potentially occurring in your locker rooms, you're shouldn't follow up and report it to the state police?

There's a difference between negative duties (think Kitty Genovese) and being a good, moral person. Jesus

Breach of protocol? If you see action not being taken after knowledge that sexual molestation was potentially occurring in your locker rooms, you're shouldn't follow up and report it to the state police?

There's a difference between negative duties (think Kitty Genovese) and being a good, moral person. Jesus

Campus police have the same authority as regular police. They are a division of the state police.

Paterno reported it to his superiors, one of which is the head of campus police.

Where is your disconnect here?

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.

Reports have come out that Sandusky also pimped out boys to wealthy donors...WTF is wrong with people

I eat success for breakfast...with skim milk
  1. McQueary's employment status with the university is irrelevant when examining Paterno's lapse of judgment...
  2. No one is calling him a ring leader, get your straw man shit out of here
  3. Who cares if McQueary didn't report it? That's irrelevant (so fucking childish... BUT BUT IF MCQUEARY DIDN'T DO IT WHY DO I HAVE TO????)

Joe did not proceed with this to the best of his ability. Agree or disagree?

1. McQueary's employment status with the university is irrelevant when examining Paterno's lapse of judgment... 2. No one is calling him a ring leader, get your straw man shit out of here 3. Who cares if McQueary didn't report it? That's irrelevant (so fucking childish... BUT BUT IF MCQUEARY DIDN'T DO IT WHY DO I HAVE TO????)

Joe did not proceed with this to the best of his ability. Agree or disagree?

Holy fucking shit this is the dumbest logic I have ever heard.

McQ, a grown fucking man, saw the act, did nothing to stop it or contact the police. He told Paterno.

Paterno then told his superior's one of which oversees campus police.


You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.

Let me tell you what. I am over 28 now and I walk into a school shower and see a grown man fucking a little kid and I am going to kick that dude in the fucking teeth. I'm not going to run away like a pussy and allow that kid to continue to get fucked.

Joe hears a second hand account and reports it. The real scum bag is the dude who saw rape and ran the fuck away.


Paterno should of bought a gun and killed the dude because someone else told him he saw something. I mean the grown man who saw the rape and just walked away somehow is a hero for reporting it to a fucking football coach.

Paterno should of bought a gun and killed the dude because someone else told him he saw something. I mean the grown man who saw the rape and just walked away somehow is a hero for reporting it to a fucking football coach.

No one's calling him a fucking hero this guy as much of a bum as Paterno was in handling the situation...


How is that flawed logic?

Paterno knew that there was very likely a case against Sandusky and did not proceed truthfully to the best of his abilities...

Sure, he's a great coach. Does that make him exempt from this instance?


And why not report it directly to campus police?

Did he just forget about this shit when it was obvious that Schultz had failed to report the incident? What happened to following up and being responsible?

Brilliant response all around hahaha

Anything else to add?

You are arguing that Paterno didn't report it to the right people and then said Schultz wasn't the head of the campus PD.

You are just arguing for the sake of arguing and it is becoming obvious that you don't know what you are talking about.

Willing to bet you are still in college.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.

Once again, this is a second hand account. How about people report it to THEIR supervisors before calling the cops all the fucking time.

Joe reported it. He didn't tell the guy to hush up. He didn't call Mr. Molester in and tell him to keep a lid on it. He reported it to his higher ups.


[quote=ANT]Once again, this is a second hand account. How about people report it to THEIR supervisors before calling the cops all the fucking time.

Joe reported it. He didn't tell the guy to hush up. He didn't call Mr. Molester in and tell him to keep a lid on it. He reported it to his higher ups.[/quote]

This is what cracks me up. Joe reports it and this guy calls it a cover up.

Where the fuck am I?

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.

End of the day, the MAN who saw the rape and walked away it at fault. This is a golden opportunity to kick the shit out of someone and you just go home. Pathetic.


How about doing both? Reporting it to your supervisor AND the police?

Ant, there are relevant exceptions to hearsay admissibility in the court of law which you can examine your own leisure, but you are confusing the issue of legal culpability with the morally right thing to do...

Can / has the state pressed charges against Paterno? No, because they don't have a case against him

Can PSU fire him for not following up on the incident? Of course

How about doing both? Reporting it to your supervisor AND the police?

Ant, there are relevant exceptions to hearsay admissibility in the court of law which you can examine your own leisure, but you are confusing the issue of legal culpability with the morally right thing to do...

Can / has the state pressed charges against Paterno? No, because they don't have a case against him

Can PSU fire him for not following up on the incident? Of course

It was reported to the head of campus PD. How is that not sinking into your brain?

PSU fired Paterno to save face and make it appear like they actually give a shit.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.
Well, given the manner in which they fired Paterno, it looks like they actually DO give a shit...

They care about saving face, they don't care about any of this, are you serious? PSU is being viewed as a place where little boys get raped right now. What better way to make it look like they are making moves than to fire the face of PSU.

Paterno IS PSU.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.
It was reported to the head of campus PD. How is that not sinking into your brain?

And he was fired for not following up when the "head of campus PD" ignored the situation. Anything wrong with that?

It was reported to the head of campus PD. How is that not sinking into your brain?

And he was fired for not following up when the "head of campus PD" ignored the situation. Anything wrong with that?

No. The AD and schultz deserve the jail time they are going to get.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.
It was reported to the head of campus PD. How is that not sinking into your brain?

And he was fired for not following up when the "head of campus PD" ignored the situation. Anything wrong with that?

What would you have him do? Call a press conference and alert the media that both the administration of the university and a police investigation and the motherfucking District Attorney all found no evidence of wrongdoing? You would have him further continue to accuse a man who the entire community would likely have refused to believe could do such things? I'm all for protecting the kids and maybe this is what he should have done, but I DON'T KNOW WHAT WAS SAID TO HIM YOU STUPID TWAT! Without knowing what he knew at the time, I can't say he did the wrong thing. You're a fucking idiot and can't be reasoned with. Suppose tomorrow someone comes to you and says, "Guess what, your dad touches little boys in the shower." Are you going to believe them? NO, you're going to be like fuck you my dad is a saint and he is well respected and would never do that, and I would believe you when you say that. NO ONE would have ever thought Sandusky would do this. Find one person in his 30+ year tenure at the school who would have thought, yea he's a pedophile, just one.…


Plus, they still need McQueary's testimony and a man with no job and nothing to lose would be the first to "forget" something that happened over 10 years ago...

Look, my point is it is too early in all of this to truly understand what Paterno did or did not do. Based on the information we have available today, he didn't do anything wrong. I don't think him not going door to door to tell everyone what he was told at the time warrants his termination via telephone after making PSU what it is.

Well, his contributions to PSU as a coach are separate from the case at hand. The Board of Trustees obviously thought that there was enough of a moral lapse to let him go so ignominiously before the end of the season. If it wasn't such a clear cut case, they would have let him bow out gracefully at the end of the season.

The facts aren't clear but it could go both ways. Paterno worked with this asswipe for 30 years... it's impossible to say if he had a clear conscience the rest of the way or if he knew more of the shady shit that was going down.

Look, my point is it is too early in all of this to truly understand what Paterno did or did not do. Based on the information we have available today, he didn't do anything wrong. I don't think him not going door to door to tell everyone what he was told at the time warrants his termination via telephone after making PSU what it is.

Well, his contributions to PSU as a coach are separate from the case at hand. The Board of Trustees obviously thought that there was enough of a moral lapse to let him go so ignominiously before the end of the season. If it wasn't such a clear cut case, they would have let him bow out gracefully at the end of the season.

The facts aren't clear but it could go both ways. Paterno worked with this asswipe for 30 years... it's impossible to say if he had a clear conscience the rest of the way or if he knew more of the shady shit that was going down.

The media forced this decision.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.

This kind of thing sucks, it's like throwing one of your closest friends under the bus. You beat the shit out of him and he says he'll never do it again, but it never stops...


Here is another question. When I was 10, I never for a second thought showering with another man, (grown man especially) was OK.

Why the hell didn't these kids tell their parents and if they did, why didn't THEY contact the police?

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.
Here is another question. When I was 10, I never for a second thought showering with another man, (grown man especially) was OK.

Why the hell didn't these kids tell their parents and if they did, why didn't THEY contact the police?

That's crossing a line. You CAN'T put this on a 10 year old kid, man... get real. How can you even ask why a rape victim doesn't come forward, you don't know how traumatized they must feel. To be taken advantage of by someone you trust, and on top of that they are 10 DUDE. That line of logic is messed up, and I don't condone what you're offering up here. I just want to see justice served and don't want to see a man vilified without having his right to defend his side of the story, which we have yet to hear. The victims and the victims' families are not at fault in this. It is a sick tragic thing, one I wish wasn't even being discussed, but in no way is it their fault for not acting any differently than they did. You can get angry at a 28 year old former quarter back who is 6'4 220 for not intervening and beating the shit out of a pedophile, but not the victim.

Here is another question. Why the hell didn't these kids tell their parents and if they did, why didn't THEY contact the police?

Right here.

You're putting Onus on a child to have the composure, maturity, and courage to tell their parents they were violated. That's a lot to ask of a 10 year old. If they did and their parents didn't act, then that is a terrible thing to consider.

"The experience was so overwhelming and dark," Anderson. "But I didn't feel that I could talk to anyone. My parents were pretty uninterested in my needs."…

You can't evaluate the mindset of a 10 year old and expect them to have the decision-making capability of an adult... to do so is unfair on your part. Additionally, even if they were an adult, asking why they didn't do more is akin to asking a rape victim why they didn't come forward. Yes, it would be great if they did so that they may have the opportunity to prevent it from happening to others, but that is a very delicate area to tread in, and I cannot begin to try to call into question the thought process of someone undergoing such a trauma. I think that they are the only ones who can make the determination of what to do in that situation, and for ANYONE to judge them one way or another is simply cheap.


I agree with ANT, McQueary should also face punitive consequences. He saw the act, why didn't he go to the police? I hope that scumbag gets his along with Sandusky.


The guy that saw the actual act needs to kill himself. What a pussy bitch.

Paterno did the bare minimum, the absolute bare minimum. This guy has so much fucking clout and is a God at PSU, and he does next to nothing after hearing the news. On a moral level, this guy is a piece of shit.

I really don't understand people running to Paterno's defense. If that were your kid getting pounded and you found out that Paterno didn't do anything of note to solve the problem and seemingly moved on with his life, I think you'd probably want him dead.

Not to mention, Paterno was on the board of Sandusky's foundation (apparent sex ring). And Sandusky would hang around the PSU campus and football facilities for YEARS after the incident that was witnessed. The dude was around the PSU weight room within the last two weeks!

So, yeah, JoePa isn't guilty of any crime...but he sure as shit seemed to have no problem with a fucking child rapist hanging around him or his players.

How is this defensible?


^ yeah where the fuck was that guy in all this? does he think it is normal for a grown man to be sexually attacking a child?

we get all high and mighty judging the nazis, etc. and the average german for not standing up to them, but talk about fucking failing the test of integrity on this one. that kid needed an adult to help him THEN AND THERE. i used to think that we as americans are exceptional in that we say fuck you to authority figures when it is immoral, but i have to start rethinking that.


To add: The fact that the 28 year old graduate assistant did something worse does not mean that Paterno did no wrong. Two wrongs don't make a right, folks. It's humorous to hear people defend Paterno for telling his boss as enough but excoriate the 28 year old for doing essentially the same thing.

And holy fuck, do we really hold people to such low standards? Do we really hold our leaders to such low standards? Paterno is/was a GOD on PSU's campus with more power than just about anyone, and THAT's what he did? And some of you find that acceptable?

Holy fucking shit.

To add: The fact that the 28 year old graduate assistant did something worse does not mean that Paterno did no wrong. Two wrongs don't make a right, folks. It's humorous to hear people defend Paterno for telling his boss as enough but excoriate the 28 year old for doing essentially the same thing.

And holy fuck, do we really hold people to such low standards? Do we really hold our leaders to such low standards? Paterno is/was a GOD on PSU's campus with more power than just about anyone, and THAT's what he did? And some of you find that acceptable?

Holy fucking shit.

This entire story is sickening. There was an interview with one of the victims' older sisters, who is now a junior at penn state, and she described hearing her classmates joking about the kids getting "sanduskied."

Aside from the pedophilia, this episode reveals the obsession with sports on college campuses, which results in athletes and coaches being held to a different moral standard. They don't give a damm about the professors or the students' actual quality of education while coaches and athletes are treated like gods.


Again, it doesn't seem like many of you have read the link the OP provided.

Sandusky had emeritus status, meaning he had the same privileges as regular faculty, including an office at PSU.

Further, I believe I read in the report that PSU also allows former coaches unrestricted access to PSU football facilities, including the locker room.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.
Again, it doesn't seem like many of you have read the link the OP provided.

Sandusky had emeritus status, meaning he had the same privileges as regular faculty, including an office at PSU.

Further, I believe I read in the report that PSU also allows former coaches unrestricted access to PSU football facilities, including the locker room.

What is your point? I don't think that fucking little boys in the ass is a privilege of regular faculty.

Again, it doesn't seem like many of you have read the link the OP provided.

Sandusky had emeritus status, meaning he had the same privileges as regular faculty, including an office at PSU.

Further, I believe I read in the report that PSU also allows former coaches unrestricted access to PSU football facilities, including the locker room.

What is your point? I don't think that fucking little boys in the ass is a privilege of regular faculty.

King, your ignorance is truly boundless.

You seemed confused as to how Sandusky is able to rome around PSU campus whenever he wants.

That's how.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.
Again, it doesn't seem like many of you have read the link the OP provided.

Sandusky had emeritus status, meaning he had the same privileges as regular faculty, including an office at PSU.

Further, I believe I read in the report that PSU also allows former coaches unrestricted access to PSU football facilities, including the locker room.

What is your point? I don't think that fucking little boys in the ass is a privilege of regular faculty.

King, your ignorance is truly boundless.

You seemed confused as to how Sandusky is able to rome around PSU campus whenever he wants.

That's how.

Are you serious? My point is that the fucker should've never been allowed BACK on campus after the truth of him fucking children came to the light. I'm saying that fucking a little boy in the ass and getting caught should lead the school to ban him from campus (along with having him arrested.)

What is your argument even? How is this ignorant? that you?

Again, it doesn't seem like many of you have read the link the OP provided.

Sandusky had emeritus status, meaning he had the same privileges as regular faculty, including an office at PSU.

Further, I believe I read in the report that PSU also allows former coaches unrestricted access to PSU football facilities, including the locker room.

What is your point? I don't think that fucking little boys in the ass is a privilege of regular faculty.

King, your ignorance is truly boundless.

You seemed confused as to how Sandusky is able to rome around PSU campus whenever he wants.

That's how.

Are you serious? My point is that the fucker should've never been allowed BACK on campus after the truth of him fucking children came to the light. I'm saying that fucking a little boy in the ass and getting caught should lead the school to ban him from campus (along with having him arrested.)

What is your argument even? How is this ignorant? that you?

well it wasn't revoked, and that is how he had the right to still be where he wanted at PSU.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.
Again, it doesn't seem like many of you have read the link the OP provided.

Sandusky had emeritus status, meaning he had the same privileges as regular faculty, including an office at PSU.

Further, I believe I read in the report that PSU also allows former coaches unrestricted access to PSU football facilities, including the locker room.

What is your point? I don't think that fucking little boys in the ass is a privilege of regular faculty.

King, your ignorance is truly boundless.

You seemed confused as to how Sandusky is able to rome around PSU campus whenever he wants.

That's how.

Are you serious? My point is that the fucker should've never been allowed BACK on campus after the truth of him fucking children came to the light. I'm saying that fucking a little boy in the ass and getting caught should lead the school to ban him from campus (along with having him arrested.)

What is your argument even? How is this ignorant? that you?

well it wasn't revoked, and that is how he had the right to still be where he wanted at PSU.

Dude, the fact that it wasn't revoked and that he wasn't arrested is the entire reason why this is a scandal and the entire reason why this is a thread.

You are making a point about nothing and an argument against no one.

Best Response
Again, it doesn't seem like many of you have read the link the OP provided.

Sandusky had emeritus status, meaning he had the same privileges as regular faculty, including an office at PSU.

Further, I believe I read in the report that PSU also allows former coaches unrestricted access to PSU football facilities, including the locker room.

What is your point? I don't think that fucking little boys in the ass is a privilege of regular faculty.

King, your ignorance is truly boundless.

You seemed confused as to how Sandusky is able to rome around PSU campus whenever he wants.

That's how.

Are you serious? My point is that the fucker should've never been allowed BACK on campus after the truth of him fucking children came to the light. I'm saying that fucking a little boy in the ass and getting caught should lead the school to ban him from campus (along with having him arrested.)

What is your argument even? How is this ignorant? that you?

well it wasn't revoked, and that is how he had the right to still be where he wanted at PSU.

Dude, the fact that it wasn't revoked and that he wasn't arrested is the entire reason why this is a scandal and the entire reason why this is a thread.

You are making a point about nothing and an argument against no one.

King, you are so dense it is unreal.

You are clearly confused about how he was able to go wherever he wanted at PSU. There is a lot of stuff that should have happened in this situation, but it didn't and because it didn't, the man still had free rein to go and do what he wanted.

I am not arguing that someone should have done something, I am telling you why he was still able to come and go as he pleased.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.

Dude, I have already said this...I CLEARLY understand why he was able to go to PSU whenever he wanted. You are not enlightening anyone.

What I am saying ALONG WITH EVERYONE ELSE is that he should have been arrested in 2002 and should have been rotting in jail for the past 8+ years. I'm saying that he should not have been allowed back on PSU's campus or anywhere else other than prison after getting caught.

No one is arguing with your worthless logistical point, we are having an argument about the morals of the situation and whether or not JoePa did enough.

Are you a troll?

Dude, I have already said this...I CLEARLY understand why he was able to go to PSU whenever he wanted. You are not enlightening anyone.

What I am saying ALONG WITH EVERYONE ELSE is that he should have been arrested in 2002 and should have been rotting in jail for the past 8+ years. I'm saying that he should not have been allowed back on PSU's campus or anywhere else other than prison after getting caught.

No one is arguing with your worthless logistical point, we are having an argument about the morals of the situation and whether or not JoePa did enough.

Are you a troll?

Actually dipshit, he should have been arrested in the late 90s when he did this and was caught the first time.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.

Neither of you were really arguing with each other and it was pretty funny to read through.

looking for that pick-me-up to power through an all-nighter?

Wow... just fucking wow... With the exception of one person (now two) in this thread, you are all looking at the media bullshit and letting the blame fall on Joe Paterno. Wow... For as much power and clout as the man held, he was still just on staff and had to report to people above him. Look at all of the facts we know, and realize that we don't know everything. Until the dust settles, stop being a bunch of fucking idiots and talk about this until all of the facts have come forth. Once that point happens, then you can discuss the moral obligations and all of that bullshit. Until then, just shut up and watch thing unfold before you form an opinion based on the media's witch hunt of Joe Paterno.

Wow... just fucking wow... With the exception of one person (now two) in this thread, you are all looking at the media bullshit and letting the blame fall on Joe Paterno. Wow... For as much power and clout as the man held, he was still just on staff and had to report to people above him. Look at all of the facts we know, and realize that we don't know everything. Until the dust settles, stop being a bunch of fucking idiots and talk about this until all of the facts have come forth. Once that point happens, then you can discuss the moral obligations and all of that bullshit. Until then, just shut up and watch thing unfold before you form an opinion based on the media's witch hunt of Joe Paterno.

I am not sure if you are referencing me, but if you are not, I am the main person fighting off the nut bags in terms of hanging Paterno from the rafters.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.
Wow... just fucking wow... With the exception of one person (now two) in this thread, you are all looking at the media bullshit and letting the blame fall on Joe Paterno. Wow... For as much power and clout as the man held, he was still just on staff and had to report to people above him. Look at all of the facts we know, and realize that we don't know everything. Until the dust settles, stop being a bunch of fucking idiots and talk about this until all of the facts have come forth. Once that point happens, then you can discuss the moral obligations and all of that bullshit. Until then, just shut up and watch thing unfold before you form an opinion based on the media's witch hunt of Joe Paterno.

Did someone go to a big ten school? Buddy the scandal is blown well apart the facts are well on the table. Blame all the media and everything you want but there is more than enough proof to put sandusky and whoever else away for a long time. Likewise Paterno basically admitted himself "he did not do enough".


This is about to get even worse. Not sure if this article has been posted yet, but take a look…

The cover-up thing sounds plausible. The guy was 55 and at the top of his game. In this article (…), Sandusky said "I am a little disappointed I couldn't become a head coach." A ton of prominent athletes/coaches have charities and they still do their normal jobs. Why wouldn't he go for a head-coaching position then? Either everything was swept under the rug by Penn State (unlikely IMO, unless more details come to light later), or his "unique method" of fundraising took priority over his coaching career (more likely).

JoePa obviously deserved to be fired...but I can't believe McQueary is being allowed to coach on Saturday. JoePa had more influence, but McQueary saw what happened...which should make him more culpable. They're going to have to give him a ton of security...given how there were so many PSU students rioting in the streets, it wouldn't surprise me at all if somebody decided to try and put him in the hospital. My guess is that he'll be gone soon as well

EDIT: Nvm, McQueary isn't coaching on Saturday due to threats

This is about to get even worse. Not sure if this article has been posted yet, but take a look…

The cover-up thing sounds plausible. The guy was 55 and at the top of his game. In this article (…), Sandusky said "I am a little disappointed I couldn't become a head coach." A ton of prominent athletes/coaches have charities and they still do their normal jobs. Why wouldn't he go for a head-coaching position then? Either everything was swept under the rug by Penn State (unlikely IMO, unless more details come to light later), or his "unique method" of fundraising took priority over his coaching career (more likely).

JoePa obviously deserved to be fired...but I can't believe McQueary is being allowed to coach on Saturday. JoePa had more influence, but McQueary saw what happened...which should make him more culpable. They're going to have to give him a ton of security...given how there were so many PSU students rioting in the streets, it wouldn't surprise me at all if somebody decided to try and put him in the hospital. My guess is that he'll be gone soon as well

McQ is not going to be at the game on Sat now for "his own safety"

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.

I find it very hard to believe that if any of you worked with someone for as long as Paterno worked with Sandusky that any of you would actually contact the police based on something you heard second hand, even if it was something like this, killing hookers Ridgeway-style, etc.

By the way, state police had Sandusky on wire tap saying to a victim's mother that he "maybe....maybe not" touched her son. This was about 10 years ago and nothing was done. While what Joe did was probably the bare minimum, considering the circumstances of his relationship to Sandusky, I can't say I would have acted differently. If someone tells you your brother was caught in the shower with a child, you simply believe it? Fuck no, and any of you who say otherwise are retarded. There were so many opoprtunities to stop this before Joe Paterno's actions made any difference to the case. No one seems to be talking about that the DA from the beginning of the investigation has been declared legally dead after going off the grid almost 6 years ago.

This is just like the Duke Lax case a few years ago. The school has to pretend to give a shit so they take some wild measures against people who turn out to have no/minimal involvement just so they can satisfy Nancy Grace and Jemele Hill. And the state police are going to attempt to clear themselves of doing anything wrong, which is exactly what police do, so try not to believe them because they had more than enough info from previous investigations and still did nothing.

I will be cheering proudly for PSU football this weekend, especially since Taylor Martinez throws like a girl and does not deserve to lead the Cornfuckers to a bowl game.

I find it very hard to believe that if any of you worked with someone for as long as Paterno worked with Sandusky that any of you would actually contact the police based on something you heard second hand, even if it was something like this, killing hookers Ridgeway-style, etc.

By the way, state police had Sandusky on wire tap saying to a victim's mother that he "maybe....maybe not" touched her son. This was about 10 years ago and nothing was done. While what Joe did was probably the bare minimum, considering the circumstances of his relationship to Sandusky, I can't say I would have acted differently. If someone tells you your brother was caught in the shower with a child, you simply believe it? Fuck no, and any of you who say otherwise are retarded. There were so many opoprtunities to stop this before Joe Paterno's actions made any difference to the case. No one seems to be talking about that the DA from the beginning of the investigation has been declared legally dead after going off the grid almost 6 years ago.

This is just like the Duke Lax case a few years ago. The school has to pretend to give a shit so they take some wild measures against people who turn out to have no/minimal involvement just so they can satisfy Nancy Grace and Jemele Hill. And the state police are going to attempt to clear themselves of doing anything wrong, which is exactly what police do, so try not to believe them because they had more than enough info from previous investigations and still did nothing.

I will be cheering proudly for PSU football this weekend, especially since Taylor Martinez throws like a girl and does not deserve to lead the Cornfuckers to a bowl game.

Fun fact: Nancy Grace's husband is an iBanker

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.
I find it very hard to believe that if any of you worked with someone for as long as Paterno worked with Sandusky that any of you would actually contact the police based on something you heard second hand, even if it was something like this, killing hookers Ridgeway-style, etc.

By the way, state police had Sandusky on wire tap saying to a victim's mother that he "maybe....maybe not" touched her son. This was about 10 years ago and nothing was done. While what Joe did was probably the bare minimum, considering the circumstances of his relationship to Sandusky, I can't say I would have acted differently. If someone tells you your brother was caught in the shower with a child, you simply believe it? Fuck no, and any of you who say otherwise are retarded. There were so many opoprtunities to stop this before Joe Paterno's actions made any difference to the case. No one seems to be talking about that the DA from the beginning of the investigation has been declared legally dead after going off the grid almost 6 years ago.

This is just like the Duke Lax case a few years ago. The school has to pretend to give a shit so they take some wild measures against people who turn out to have no/minimal involvement just so they can satisfy Nancy Grace and Jemele Hill. And the state police are going to attempt to clear themselves of doing anything wrong, which is exactly what police do, so try not to believe them because they had more than enough info from previous investigations and still did nothing.

I will be cheering proudly for PSU football this weekend, especially since Taylor Martinez throws like a girl and does not deserve to lead the Cornfuckers to a bowl game.

Wrong. Sandusky confessed to the crimes back in 1998 when he told the victim's mom that he wants her forgiveness and wants to die. The 2002 shower incident witnessed by McQueery was NOT the first or only incident of this. The cops, joepa, and other higher-ups at penn state knew about Sandusky's perversion going back to 1998. I don't give a flying fuck how long paterno worked with sandusky or how close their relationship was. Paterno should have done the morally right thing and made sure sandusky was punished ASAP for his heinous crimes. Rather, Sandusky was allowed to voluntarily retire while still having access to the facilities and continuing his molestation of little boys under the guise of his "charity" for disadvantaged children. Unfuckingreal.

Have fun cheering for a football team that was once led by a pedophile and a pedophile enabler.


I don't think any more detail is required. You either agree, or disagree, that knowledge of a colleague ass raping a little boy is worthy of being brought to the police. Jo Pa admitted he knew. He admitted he was told, and while he brought it to others inside the University, he did not bring it to police. These are the facts, as they stand without moral judgement.

Now, given those facts you can pass judgement on him, or not. You are free to argue that he did all that was required of him, or you are free to argue that he should have brought it to the police and that not doing so makes him a degenerate and maybe a criminal. My personal view is that anyone that knew should be hanging from the rafters, including Jo Pa. If that was my kid that got a penis in the rear, I guarantee you I'd be at old Joe's house well before the cops, and we'd have a nice long chat about why he didn't end that child rapist immediately.

He admitted he was told, and while he brought it to others inside the University, he did not bring it to police.

This is a highly debatable opinion.

He informed Schultz, who was head of campus PD. How is that not informing the police?

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.
He admitted he was told, and while he brought it to others inside the University, he did not bring it to police.

This is a highly debatable opinion.

He informed Schultz, who was head of campus PD. How is that not informing the police?

Even if you allow that, do you think it's sufficient not to follow up? I mean, the guy continued to be on his staff for years so it's not like anyone had to go out of their way to know nothing had been done. So the real question is, once anyone of them found out, why wasn't it front and center until resolved? Why wouldn't any one of them take it upon themselves to confront the guy, dig around to see if it was true, and make sure that if it was, the real police were involved and arrested the guy? This isn't a booster giving a student athlete a car, where you could say "eh, no big deal, wink wink nod nod". This is child ass rape. Any human being that discovers another human being ass raping a 10 year old kid should make damn sure it stops, and that the rapist is hung from a tree by his balls.

He admitted he was told, and while he brought it to others inside the University, he did not bring it to police.

This is a highly debatable opinion.

He informed Schultz, who was head of campus PD. How is that not informing the police?

Even if you allow that, do you think it's sufficient not to follow up? I mean, the guy continued to be on his staff for years. So the real question is, once anyone of them found out, why wasn't it front and center until resolved? Why wouldn't any one of them take it upon themselves to confront the guy, dig around to see if it was true, and make sure that if it was, the real police were involved and arrested the guy? This isn't a booster giving a student athlete a car, where you could say "eh, no big deal, wink wink nod nod". This is child ass rape. Any human being that discovers another human being ass raping a 10 year old kid should make damn sure it stops, and that the rapist is hung from a tree by his balls.

I am confused by this. The first time this came to light was in 98, Sandusky retired in 99.

As I have said numerous times (and is in the grand jury indictment if you read it) Sandusky had emeritus status, giving him full privileges as regular PSU faculty.

Also, per PSU policy, former football coaches have unrestricted access to PSU football facilities, including locker room.

Sandusky has not been a part of JoePa's staff since 99.

If you are going to hop in and comment, please do your research first.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.
Are you really equating child rape and child rape enabling to getting arrested for having pot?

He is saying don't cheer for a football team because they have a connection to criminals.

I don't see why you have to lump the entire PSU football team (college students) into the same group as Sandusky. That is as stupid as not telling someone not to cheer for the Ravens because Ray Lewis is on the team.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.


No one is debating the logistics of why former football coaches are on campus. They are saying that a former football coach who was caught fucking a little boy in the ass should have these privileges revoked / be put in prison. Not to mention, he sure as shit shouldn't be allowed to run a charity for at-risk kids anymore.

I don't see what you don't get here.


No one is debating the logistics of why former football coaches are on campus. They are saying that a former football coach who was caught fucking a little boy in the ass should have these privileges revoked / be put in prison. Not to mention, he sure as shit shouldn't be allowed to run a charity for at-risk kids anymore.

I don't see what you don't get here.

No, certain people are once again confused about how Sandusky is able to be on PSU campus and seem to think he is a part of JoePa's staff. He hasn't been for 14 years.

I am in no way defending Sandusky. He is a piece of shit. But Sandusky's emeritus status and former coaching privileges are something given to him by PSU, not JoePa. There needs to be more blame placed on the PSU higher ups and less of a witch hunt on JoePa here. It is way too early to be looking to hang JoePa from the rafters.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.

Nothing I posted suggested Joe Pa went out of his way to protect him. I've consistently said he seemed not to follow up, which to me is the same thing. Also, he already publicly acknowledged that he should have done more, that he should have followed up. So maybe innocent until an admission of guilt applies here?

Nothing I posted suggested Joe Pa went out of his way to protect him. I've consistently said he seemed not to follow up, which to me is the same thing. Also, he already publicly acknowledged that he should have done more, that he should have followed up. So maybe innocent until an admission of guilt applies here?

Fact of the matter is there is a lot we don't know still. This is going to get a lot worse before it gets better.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.
Nefarious, you have got to be a Penn State alum, right? Otherwise, there's no way you'd be going all reacherman on us here.

No, I did not go to PSU and have no connection to the school.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.

Again, are people really equating drugs to child rape? I wouldn't equate drugs of any sort to child rape or child rape enabling. Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit.

Letting a guy get off the hook for ass raping children is worse than a dude buying and doing oxycodone.

The first is an unthinkable moral failure...the latter makes you sleepy and incoherent.


Quidem ut beatae fugit voluptas eos iusto corrupti. Quae non animi in aut corporis ut nemo eum. Officiis officia error aspernatur nesciunt eum dolores. Voluptates quia fuga facere cum exercitationem officiis eligendi.

Esse possimus repellendus recusandae non. Nisi maiores similique quia quod aut fugiat qui ut. Iusto ex quisquam eos aut accusamus ullam dolor. Libero saepe iure ratione voluptas nisi commodi quo nesciunt.

Eos soluta cumque explicabo et consequuntur ipsa incidunt. Repudiandae doloremque non labore perferendis nobis dolores exercitationem quae. Voluptatem consectetur sit et. In consequatur rerum nihil dolor repellendus qui quae. Sint dolorem dignissimos illo iusto dicta vero. Sunt nesciunt aut et voluptas sapiente quo.

Expedita nulla nihil voluptas. Rem placeat maiores similique sit labore inventore. Veniam iure vero commodi quia. Quia dicta eos exercitationem reiciendis perferendis quasi cupiditate. Rerum id sit ut. Dolorum fugiat dicta ab tempore aut ea.


Et adipisci commodi et laborum. Enim nihil id quaerat aut sunt sed. Possimus totam necessitatibus quas quidem ab nobis. Et eius debitis possimus atque. Qui quaerat vitae consequatur porro fuga quia. Voluptatibus nam illo exercitationem ut sint.

Autem aut nobis pariatur magnam magnam sint sequi. Dolorem consequatur iure qui harum. Enim minus quia aliquam dolores sint quis.

"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now and at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."

Quia et qui voluptates et illo fugit asperiores alias. Quaerat omnis sed ad rerum adipisci iusto.

Excepturi neque magnam officia similique rerum sed et. Magnam minima rerum laboriosam voluptas. Labore reiciendis culpa ab qui amet suscipit.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.

Accusamus nihil quo sunt. Voluptate inventore tempore non et quas. Distinctio quam perspiciatis occaecati ut magnam magni aut dolorem. Quia velit quis ipsam ab iure temporibus voluptatem. Sint sed rerum sint. Quas architecto qui porro inventore error.

Quia labore aliquam explicabo vitae incidunt saepe. Blanditiis facere quo ab repellendus. Deserunt cumque enim atque et voluptatem eligendi.


Quia rerum eos distinctio voluptas natus rerum animi. Quas expedita facere neque ab et debitis aut. Nesciunt et quod repellendus aliquid et.

Iusto porro deleniti voluptatem minus deleniti. Qui nihil hic enim. Ea qui fuga rerum tempora.

Quas et consequatur aut occaecati quis numquam. Asperiores quo rem ducimus odio eum quos soluta. Perferendis et odit dolores qui accusantium eos.

Sint suscipit distinctio nemo laboriosam qui. Soluta sunt cum corrupti nemo. Corporis voluptates maiores eaque enim numquam repellendus soluta. Ut quo aut ad. Et est eveniet eos aut dignissimos rem quia. Ipsam dignissimos non amet impedit. Quod aliquid aut est possimus dolor fugit similique facilis.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.

Aut possimus itaque maiores facere dolor sed maiores. Soluta eum excepturi iure voluptatem dolorem dignissimos ut. Natus eius nobis corporis rem. Assumenda nulla maxime magni ea incidunt fugiat.

Sunt qui natus repudiandae similique. Saepe illum amet enim suscipit. Eius eos voluptas voluptatem iste neque. Suscipit velit et eligendi esse ut fuga.

Occaecati voluptate soluta vel culpa aliquam id quod. Explicabo ea odio in non error molestias. Ratione quo reprehenderit occaecati et exercitationem minima quisquam. Deleniti quia sunt ab quas vero. Voluptate illo expedita ea iste consequatur hic.

Corporis molestiae doloremque tempore molestiae natus. Nesciunt incidunt soluta magni quia numquam officiis.

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Betsy Massar
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Linda Abraham
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From 10 rejections to 1 dream investment banking internship

“... I believe it was the single biggest reason why I ended up with an offer...”