Rank these degrees in terms of prestige

Please rank the following degree programs in order of prestige, as perceived by you.

Please note that they are not listed in any specific order.

-Oxford MBA
-NUS MBA- Singapore
-Wustl Msf
-CBS Msc
-MIT Mfin
-Georgetown MBA
-UT Austin MBA
-Rice MBA
-Emory MBA
-Nova Msf
-LBS Mfin
-Syracuse MBA

Danke !



First one we will circulate the emails to .... 1: PJT, GS, Evercore, MS, Moelis, Lazard

If we don't get significant response then we reach out here... 2: JPM, Centerview, Greenhill, Perella Weinberg Partners, #1 Industry group that resides in baml, UBS, DB, barcap, cs (Citi m&A, baml LevFin, cs sponsors, Barclays natural resources)

we will look more for middle market opportunities for these folks but still get chance... 3: Citi, BAML, Credit Suisse ________________________________________MEGA FUND CUT LINE*________________________________ 3B: Barclays, DB, UBS

We have doubts about you and probably all small and smaller middle market pe firms only... 4: fig and real estate groups(specialized) of BB, Holihan, and Jefferies 5: Wells Fargo, RBC, BMO, HSBC, Lion tree, gugg, Roth(london team)

Not considered to be reached out, usually instructed by the PE not to... 6: RBS, Key Banc, Small boutiques, Soc Gen, BNP, Nomura, Mizuho, SunTrust, Capital One


When the thread starts off by asking people to rank in terms of prestige on WSO, it can only end badly.

My money's on fellow state school UT Austin. "Weird" carries its own prestige.

(In all seriousness, if the goal is finance in the US, and you have $100K growing on a tree somewhere, MIT is a non-horrible choice in terms of actually getting an entry-level analyst job at a US bank)


It's called a money plant. Thought it was obvious.

GoldenCinderblock: "I keep spending all my money on exotic fish so my armor sucks. Is it possible to romance multiple females? I got with the blue chick so far but I am also interested in the electronic chick and the face mask chick."

I don't get these stupid threads, and why they're front paged. This site is getting retarded by the day.

You want my opinion? Fine. I'll interview/put on the roster anyone you graduates from these schools and programmes. My team would hire anyone from here and maybe some more too. Truth is, your programme's "prestige" doesn't matter one bit to any established BB/MF for fulltime roles. If it does, then sorry to put it to you, but you may be working for some shitshow shop like Peak Partners (No relation to Peak Partners SA), or Wu Tang Financial (no relation to the WSO member).

What matters is prior work experience and your networking efforts. What we want to see, and what differentiates one candidate from another gunning for the same position is prior work experience. Which group you've worked in, what deals, how many deals, what you did, what they say about you in the field - all these parameters. If you nail these points and you graduated from the University of Phoenix, my fund will still consider interviewing you.

What's more ridiculous is, as TNA pointed out, comparing programmes with completely different endpoints. Some place you at analyst roles, some place you at associate roles. If you are concerned about which one will give you a job in finance, all of them can. But if you want a job in NYC finance, then certainly being in New York would help.

GoldenCinderblock: "I keep spending all my money on exotic fish so my armor sucks. Is it possible to romance multiple females? I got with the blue chick so far but I am also interested in the electronic chick and the face mask chick."

Ok, let me put things into perspective. OP, like most others on WSO, are prestige whores. They want to follow the well-trodden path of BB/EB IB-PE-MBA-HF. The end goal is always either PE or HF.

Truth is, no one's asking for a candidate who's followed the path. What we are asking for is a guy who has handled the stress of working in a high-pressure situation, like a deal, and has produced a consistent result, so that we can be assured of the quality pf work during such difficult times. We really don't bother with who did what before joining the firm. For instance, some of my MDs are complete nontarget guys who gained years of experience in consulting/industry/IBD/AM/PWM, etc. before joining this firm and making partner. The difference is, they joined after they had 7-8 years of work experience, and usually joined in as senior associates or VPs. Most people in my analyst batch cone from similar backgrounds (except maybe less so from industry).

GoldenCinderblock: "I keep spending all my money on exotic fish so my armor sucks. Is it possible to romance multiple females? I got with the blue chick so far but I am also interested in the electronic chick and the face mask chick."

Yes, but what about cause and effect here. Unless you are lucky or hustled like hell you cannot be assured of obtaining the requisite experience and are even a lower chance of having access to an effective network.

You may have been the lucky one, or you hustled like hell. But in finance, we work on 'expected values' and don't give much credence to two or three sigma outlier events, brah.


Ok, here's the thing. If you had a few internships in college related to any of the divisions within our fund, we would consider your candidature. If we see a certain guy who was determined to join our company and actively networked and marketed himself to people within the firm, we would interview him, regardless of whether he worked in IBD or consulting or PE. Problem is getting that kind of prior experience, since those feeders tend to usually value prestige.

But say you worked in a small 5-10 person no-name PE shop but worked in a set of deals that covered an industry we're exploring, then we'll consider you for an interview. Now, how do you know such cases exist? Networking and asking around.

GoldenCinderblock: "I keep spending all my money on exotic fish so my armor sucks. Is it possible to romance multiple females? I got with the blue chick so far but I am also interested in the electronic chick and the face mask chick."

INSEAD MBA Oxford MBA UT Austin MBA Emory MBA Georgetown MBA MIT Mfin LBS Mfin Rice MBA NUS MBA- Singapore CBS Msc Wustl Msf Nova Msf Syracuse MBA

“Elections are a futures market for stolen property”

Really odd, but I've had obsessive kids over the years. Funny how through all of my political and socio-economic discussions, the one thing that fuels the crazies is my opinions on specialized masters degrees. Oh well lol.


Don't worry lol, I doubt I have 10 years to spend on WSO like @TNA" This isn't Lincoln-Douglas debate. This is a worthless debate about @TNA" 's fake news. In fact I'm planning to change my login into a randomized password and happily retire. My posts will stay.


Don't worry lol, I doubt I have 10 years to spend on WSO like @TNA This isn't Lincoln-Douglas debate. This is a worthless debate about @TNA 's fake news.
In fact I'm planning to change my login into a randomized password and happily retire. My posts will stay.

But before I could pick it up and hand it over to you, the little creature poked outside my pocket, like a red panda in thick foliage, then propped itself up till its wings were exposed to the cool air around me. Then, with a last bit of effort, the creature pushed itself away from my pocket and took its first steps of flight. It went soaring in the air towards the skies, while I stood there, now alone but overcome with a feeling of joy.

And thus my last flying fuck flew away before I could give it to you, and whatever shit you planned to do.

Who cares? Beer anyone?

GoldenCinderblock: "I keep spending all my money on exotic fish so my armor sucks. Is it possible to romance multiple females? I got with the blue chick so far but I am also interested in the electronic chick and the face mask chick."

The ongoing fued (obsession?) between @whattherock and @TNA is pure comedy. You cannot make this stuff up.

Dude you're turning into the Going Concern or Simple As in the (famous) IlliniProgrammer vs. Brady feuds of six or seven years ago. I always thought they were a bit immature for trying to stir things up.

Seriously, Villanova and UT Austin grads ought to be pretty chill and unelitist. And I think they have more in common than they think.

Irony of ironies I'm friends with Brady today. And once I can get around the fact that he gets the same rush out of the idea of being a Baker Scholar at HBS that I get out of getting a Yamaha R6 up to 160 mph on the track, his way of thinking becomes a little more understandable. Our ubermensches are merely in different places (I'd argue mine has a lot more fun).


I was under a diff user at the time but IP vs Brady... that's some legendary shit. It's cool that you're friends with the guy but he came off as an insecure douche in constant need of a blow job. He would not be able to survive down here in the south where we loathe "prestige".

edit: you did betray the non-prestige crowd and go to Princeton though....


I doubt that you can put craving for prestige on par with a quick adrenaline rush.

In my view, racing motorcycles, flying hang gliders and other experimental aircraft, hitting 200 feet in Lake Michigan to explore some new shipwreck-- and doing it safely-- carries its own prestige that transcends pedigree. If you discover a new wreck in Lake Superior and it turns into an article in National Geographic, nobody cares whether you went to HBS or BMCC.

So you went to HBS, work at Blackstone, and own a Ferrari that you barely ever drive. Good for you bro. Me and my Yamaha R6 can beat you and your Ferrari in a roadrace with a few turns in it.

Owning the plane is cool, but if you can't also fly it-- and fly it well-- you're merely a well-heeled passenger.


I think you're either lying or miserable because why else would someone spend his whole life studying maths when his real passion lies in extreme sports. Polar opposites.


I don't mind vouching for IP here. I like to be a race driver but it's not a realization that everybody gets, so I studied math. by the way, both are not "people heavy", so they have something in similar.


I think you're either lying or miserable because why else would someone spend his whole life studying maths when his real passion lies in extreme sports. Polar opposites.

To be sure I get to arb my firm's health insurance, which really ought to run me a five figure number that starts with 3 or 4.

Look, my family always encouraged me to do lots of different stuff and try to have a large cross product of vectors covering different dimensions. Take all of the math class and write computer programs, but also do varsity Swimming and Water Polo (before that, I did wrestling in junior high, like my Dad did when he was in high school)

It may be surprising, but I'm actually pretty darned happy. As a middle-class guy I always grew up knowing that working and earning a living was a responsibility, but it wasn't your whole life. Your life was your family, friends, and hobbies. Which for my grandparents was bowling and baseball, and for my Dad was sailing and taking kids waterskiing. And me personally I want hobbies that demand my full attention and also create really cool stories.

Work is a responsibility that demands 40-60 hours of your time. Ideally it is a gentle master with an easy yoke and light burden that gives you plenty of free time to live the rest of your life, and hopefully the capital to make the other 100-120 hours of your week fun.

If your idea of fun is sitting in a cubicle all day working on stuff, you're missing out.


What I mean is the phase you're going through now is called puberty and people have that around 12- 18 when you were sitting at home studying maths.


What I mean is the phase you're going through now is called puberty and people have that around 12- 18 when you were sitting at home studying maths.

In the US, most people call it math. (My guess is India or at least a foreigner which means you may have your own insecurities you're currently working through)

Look, however you want to look at it, an adult is someone who can take care of themselves. In that sense, all of us who are working have reached adulthood. Maybe I'm an overgrown kid. I think most men are. But I also think most of the hang glider pilots and divers I know are incredibly mature. (This is slightly less true of motorcyclists, but for those who do track days, the maturity level certainly increases. Also to be sure, about 25% of these people are women.)

I'd like to think I have more fun than most 30-year-old adults, and it's possible that some of those adults will get jealous or insecure and become opposed to me doing what I do on the weekends. That probably isn't your story, but it could explain your take on this situation.


What I mean is the phase you're going through now is called puberty and people have that around 12- 18 when you were sitting at home studying maths.

In the US, most people call it math. (My guess is India or at least a foreigner which means you may have your own insecurities you're currently working through)

Look, however you want to look at it, an adult is someone who can take care of themselves. In that sense, all of us who are working have reached adulthood. Maybe I'm an overgrown kid. I think most men are. But I also think most of the hang glider pilots and divers I know are incredibly mature. (This is slightly less true of motorcyclists, but for those who do track days, the maturity level certainly increases. Also to be sure, about 25% of these people are women.)

I'd like to think I have more fun than most 30-year-old adults, and it's possible that some of those adults will get jealous or insecure and become opposed to me doing what I do on the weekends. That probably isn't your story, but it could explain your take on this situation.

For the record, I'm based in London where people say "maths".

I don't really have an issue with your "math" degree or with you riding your Yamaha every day to work like Shia LeBeouf in Wall Street 2. I just don't think it is something so uber cool to brag about it like some 15 year old.

EDIT: And I'd rather be a HBS Baker scholar than ride a Yamaha at 150 on a race track.

Best Response

storyofmylife:What I mean is the phase you're going through now is called puberty and people have that around 12- 18 when you were sitting at home studying maths.

In the US, most people call it math. (My guess is India or at least a foreigner which means you may have your own insecurities you're currently working through)

Look, however you want to look at it, an adult is someone who can take care of themselves. In that sense, all of us who are working have reached adulthood. Maybe I'm an overgrown kid. I think most men are. But I also think most of the hang glider pilots and divers I know are incredibly mature. (This is slightly less true of motorcyclists, but for those who do track days, the maturity level certainly increases. Also to be sure, about 25% of these people are women.)

I'd like to think I have more fun than most 30-year-old adults, and it's possible that some of those adults will get jealous or insecure and become opposed to me doing what I do on the weekends. That probably isn't your story, but it could explain your take on this situation.

For the record, I'm based in London where people say "maths".

I don't really have an issue with your "math" degree or with you riding your Yamaha every day to work like Shia LeBeouf in Wall Street 2. I just don't think it is something so uber cool to brag about it like some 15 year old.

I don't ride to work every day.

I don't brag about it at work.

But when people start obsessing about pedigree like HBS or Oxford, heading over to a 600cc bike and doing a burnout or two kinda refocuses everyones' attention on what's actually cool.

Immature? Maybe.

Effective? Absolutely.


I didn't. But I take your point that it feels like smoking now, so I'm cutting my WSO account.

If you do that, you're not growing as an adult-- and that's something that I want to see for you-- for your own benefit as a professional. It's the difference between being 20 and being 30, and if you can hit 30 sooner professionally, that means better career outcomes.

We're not trying to gang up on you man. TNA can be a bully on occasion, but I don't see that here. In this thread, I see a vendetta (which may be deserved but we lose that context in forums).

Tighten your stomach, stick it out, grit your teeth and bite your tongue when TNA posts stuff you disagree with, and wait until you have a really strong fact-based non-adhominem case to prosecute the fact that UT Austin has a great program-- and don't make it personal. That's what discipline looks like and it can be a huge win for you and your school.


Voluptatem consectetur veniam accusantium sed. Porro quia et placeat aut sapiente harum. Doloremque dignissimos perspiciatis eveniet sapiente recusandae ipsam veniam.

Et et est fugit facere et nesciunt asperiores rem. Ut similique voluptas rem nemo excepturi quas et. Architecto repellendus officiis eum harum. Omnis inventore amet earum dolorem perferendis enim explicabo dicta.

Illo voluptate eveniet eos. Quia aut id omnis sint dolor adipisci.

Neque eaque quia in a. Doloremque illum magnam non. Voluptatem dicta in dolores ipsam maxime.


Ad aut sed quas minus omnis aut. Facere reiciendis ut est autem est qui sunt iste. Facere reiciendis sed voluptatem ut est a quo. Veritatis voluptas eius laboriosam architecto. Sit ab itaque aut minus quidem molestiae.

Ut atque ut assumenda vel tenetur fugit libero. Aut eaque et omnis dolorem debitis. Et sequi blanditiis voluptatem sit adipisci autem.

Est nobis perspiciatis dolorum facilis. Impedit perferendis inventore minima omnis omnis perferendis beatae. Temporibus impedit labore rerum dolore. Est et vel voluptas et enim deserunt repellendus. Sed impedit est ipsa veritatis culpa beatae facere.

Voluptatem et iusto magni ullam atque. Corporis voluptas rem adipisci. Voluptates ex eveniet qui enim molestiae laboriosam vitae blanditiis. Totam assumenda magnam fugit labore qui distinctio.

GoldenCinderblock: "I keep spending all my money on exotic fish so my armor sucks. Is it possible to romance multiple females? I got with the blue chick so far but I am also interested in the electronic chick and the face mask chick."

Career Advancement Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 01 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 17 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 19 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 01 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

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  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 05 97.1%

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June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (22) $375
  • Associates (93) $259
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (206) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (149) $101
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