Yale Vs Michigan?


I was admitted into Ross BBA and am planning on pursuing a dual-degree in CS. I was also admitted to Yale Econ and will also pursue a dual-degree in CS.

Ross #2 for Business (3-way tie)
Yale #1 Econ
Michigan #6/7 CS/CE
Yale is much lower for CS

I want to work in Wallstreet out of undergrad and am mainly focused on either investment banking (GS, JP, MS hopefully) or private equity (idk but I heard Blackstone was amazing). I know that in a recent Wallstreet report, Michigan Ross was ranked #3 after Stern and Wharton for interviews secured. Yale was ranked in the 30s.

I would also like to pursue an MBA (hopefully at Stanford) 2-4 years after undergrad if possible.

Finances are thankfully not an issue for me and I am an international student so both schools would cost the same basically.

Which school should I choose?


Since on top of the business/econ side, I'm doing CS in which Michigan is far superior to Yale at least according to the rankings, would Michigan be the more viable option?


This. You got into two good schools. Pick the one that will give you the better experience and that you feel more comfortable at. Personally, I'd opt for TSUN, but I'm also into College Football, College Basketball, and College Hockey.


Yale by a million. Michigan places well because it has 30,000 students so obviously there's going to be some that land interviews and jobs. Yale is a ton smaller and has way less kids interested in finance, so they might not be at the top of lists of schools with the most alumni on Wall Street, but it is one of the most respected schools in the country and no one can claim that they are equally prestigious.


Understood, but Ross only has 400-500 graduates so I don't think it'd be 30,000 vs. Yale's capacity.

Does the Ivy/Yale brand matter that much? Rankings-wise, I've noticed that Michigan outplaces Yale in these disciplines, so does Yale's prestige elevate it above Michigan?


Yes. I go to an ivy that is worse than Yale and it was immensely helpful during recruiting.

Also, my other feedback is that Yale will open any door you want it to. Ross might open a lot of the same doors to finance, but if you decide halfway through college that you want to go into consulting, law, medicine, or literally anything, you can do that from Yale because the school is so respected. Michigan is a good school, but it is just not on the same tier as Yale.


So costs thankfully aren't an issue. Could you just enlighten me on this because I've seen that Michigan outranks Yale for CS by a lot and has the #2 business school after Wharton, so does Yale's prestige matter that much?

I read that Blackstone would be difficult but how much for both Yale and Michigan if you know?


Why do you keep mentioning CS? No interviewer will care about that. If you want to pursue CS, go for it, but don't delude yourself into thinking it'll help for IB.


ale will probably always be more prestigious than Michigan- alumni, history, endowment... Placement is not a huge factor when it comes to prestige (ex: IU Kelley). With regards to CS, interviews and your coding test matter FAR more than your school- particularly in comparison to finance. I wouldn't even look at those rankings. SDSU is a top 8 represented school for FANG- Yale and Michigan aren't..

I wouldn't focus on placement into Blackstone- think more broad. Think Bulge bracket placement PER interested student (everyone at Ross wants BB, probably 15% of students at Yale do), think buy-side recruiting in general. The acceptance rate for Blackstone out of college is well below 1%. Yale helps more, (CEO of BX went to Yale btw) but unless you are at Harvard or Wharton, the reason you will intern at Blackstone won't be your school.. I go to USC and we have 2 kids going into Blackstone this year- one was INCREDIBLY smart, one had incredible connections.. They, like you at Yale/Michigan, didn't get hired because of where they went to school- they got hired for who they are. I hope this helps... and remember that unless money is an issue- GO TO YALE


Yale, and this isn't even close. Sure, Michigan may have a higher ranked CS program, but that's indicative of its PhD program and the quality of research being put out there. That isn't relevant to you at all. Yale's undergrad CS program is more than good enough, especially since it sounds like you don't want to be a software engineer.

Yale will open up way more doors in terms of Wall Street recruiting, too. There are plenty of places that recruit there that won't recruit at Michigan (e.g. Crestview).

With all that said, I think you're missing the biggest point here. Yale's prestige is not for no reason. You will be constantly surrounded by some of the smartest 18-22 years olds on earth and get broad exposure to the liberal arts. College is about way more than just getting a job.

Go to Yale and don't look back.


Alright, I understand your point about Yale. I was wondering how far off would Ross be from Yale in terms of Wallstreet brand and recruitment?

I get the prosperity of Yale's liberal arts education but won't I still be taking good classes in Liberal Arts at Michigan? Surely, the top 10-20 schools in these categories are not vastly different from each other.

Also, while I haven't attended both universities, from reading many forums, I've heard that the average Michigan student will be let's say less capable/less interested in studies, but the top 30-40%, which I think I'll be interacting within Ross and CS, will be comparable to the Yale student body. Again, I'm not experienced in both schools but that seems reasonable.


You hit the nail on the head. Your experience is going to be DRASTICALLY different at these schools. Yes, the Yale name is better on a global scale. But if you want a great name (Ross) AND the quintessential "Big Ten/Sports/Parties experience, it is hard to beat Michigan. It just is. Michigan is the number 1 or 2 public university in the country, and unless you're the intellectual type who doesn't care really about sports, Michigan is most likely going to be a ton more fun than Yale. Plus, it's arguable that you have a better shot at getting into a top BB or EB from Ross because there's going to be more alums at those places who can potentially help you out. As someone said, there's not a great deal of Yale grads in finance, and that's not a good thing; the more alumni there are at a bank for you, the better.

I'm not saying pick Michigan over Yale, hands down. But again, if you're into sports and socializing, you want that rah-rah communal experience, you're gonna get that at Michigan AND you're going to be able to recruit at the top places in both of your chosen fields. I can't speak to CS (though you said Mich is top 10), but you're going to get a great crack at ALL the finance big boys at Ross -- GS/MS/JPM... all the EBs... one of the posters said you might not get directly into some of the top MFs coming from Ross, but quite frankly, it's very rare that anyone gets into a top MF straight out of undergrad (or if that's even desirable). Plus, if you really want a top MF eventually, you can get there by working at a top BB/EB, which you'll have a great shot at getting into coming from Ross.

End of the day, go with your gut. If you're not successful in life, it's not gonna be because you shunned Yale and, instead, "made the mistake" of going to the number 2 undergrad business school in the country.


OP literally just cited that Michigan's CS program is ranked higher. Yale being #1 in Econ is essentially a wash with Ross at #2. It's no question that the students at Yale will be more "intelligent" although some would argue that they aren't more intelligent so much as their parents are more connected. Michigan will provide a better overall student experience with athletics, social scene, and the general quality of life in Ann Arbor. Nevertheless, I still recommend Yale given it's prestige on Wall Street.

Relax, Brutus Buckeye.


Nobody looks at rankings once they're in the industry. Yale has a much better brand and reputation, and it's not even close for getting into IB. Top ivies just have a different "wow" factor


I'm trying to make the most well-informed decision here. This will stick with me for the rest of my life. I'm willing to make my life slightly harder now to make the best decision overall.

Also, Ross isn't as finance-centric as you describe it to be (relative to Wharton and Stern at least). It's definitely diverse when it comes to business fields.


I'm a Wharton grad. Your undergrad will stick with you for the rest of your life. You might not be in finance for the rest of your life, but I'd rather have Yale's network of politicians, consultants, doctors, lawyers, entrepreneurs, etc than nearly any other school, including mine.


Obviously, I'd like to have fun but my career placement matters drastically more. I'm willing to suffer a bit if it means I'll be at a better place out of undergrad. With that being said, I do think I'll have reasonable amounts of fun at both places (Michigan probably a lot more).


Coming from a Michigan guy, landing interviews is far easier with a top Ivy attached to your name. Takes a lot more scrapping to land top interviews from Michigan as compared to H/Y/P/S/Wharton, even if it is an incredibly fun institution with a large alumni base.

I know plenty of Ivy kids who landed IB interviews/internships without knowing that much about the IB world (not to say this is the norm, just some anecdotal evidence), whereas for many of the kids at Michigan, whether they are in Ross or not, it takes a lot more to land the same opportunities. At the end of the day, go where you want. Michigan is a great place, wouldn't trade it for the world, but from a career standpoint Yale is hard to pass up.


HAIL TO THE VICTORS. Tbh you'll probably have an easier time recruiting at Yale but your experience will be much more enjoyable at Michigan. GO BLUE.


Yale student recruiting for SA2021

1) You aren't "admitted" into a major at Yale, you can change literally whenever to just about anything (besides the few majors that require a specific application. Based on how much of a hardo you already are, you're probably gonna try and double major in Econ+CS and Global Affairs or EP&E, I can already tell)

2) Yale has a joint major between Econ & CS that is one major instead of two. Same number of credits as any other major to get a degree in "Econ & CS"

3) Ross will have 10x the amount of kids as Yale pursuing IB easily -- you'll have to be the best from Ross to get a gig, whereas even meddling Yale students get IB gigs. At most 20% of a Yale class will apply to IB, with only ~10% actually taking it seriously and doing prep, whereas the other 10% throw in an application and say fuck it (some still get jobs this way, too). That just doesn't happen at places besides HYPSMW

4) Yale has a much better international student scene. Shit's lit out here, so many internationals - 11% of campus is "international" but in reality it's more like 20% because of the way international students are counted (citizenship, where they have homes, etc.)

5) there might be fewer alums at banks from Yale but they will always go to bat for us. Also, off the top of my head, Yale alums run M&A at two of the BBs, and they are the single most represented school at another one. There aren't buckets of Yalies across banks but there is an extreme overrepresentation at the MD & senior levels of Yale alum.

6) There are opportunities you will only get from going to one of HYPSMW. Certain niche boutiques only recruit at these.

7) If you ever at any point decide to do something besides banking, Yale is the more valuable degree

8) (underrated) if you go to Ross, you will have to be near perfect on your technicals/pure finance knowledge. From an LA background like Yale, we get leniency during interviews.

9) Yale is sending 4 kids to BX fulltime this year, three of whom I know personally. They come to campus and take the best kids to the most expensive restaurant in town every year to recruit them. Jon Gray's two kids both go here, Schwarzman went here, they recruit often. None of this year's four had connections -- one Phi Beta Kappa mech engineering, one a stats whiz, the other a national champion athlete/captain who did some pretty great stuff on the side, and one more I don't know well but wasn't a connection. I have an associate who turned down a BX summer offer for an elite EB this summer. At least 2-4 get summer offers every year.

10) You're drastically overvaluing the importance of "department" ranking. Nobody gives a damn that Stern or whatever is the #2 business program when you compare it to Harvard, for example. CS... Yale is making massive investments & hiring hella new profs, not my field but I know the head of the department pretty well and they're very serious about it. I have friends at Google, FB, Snap, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, etc all ranging from SWE to Product Management to strategy and so on. Also, department rankings are heavily skewed towards graduate research output... why would you care about what some PhD CS candidate was doing?

11) do you really think the top 30-40% of Ross is comparable to Yale? This isn't me trying to be elitist but... for 99% of Americans who haven't bled big blue since birth, they'd go to Yale. I know countless kids from Michigan/who got into UMich here. Yes there are definitely plenty of non-Ivy kids that are just as smart/talented as those at Ivies, but the ones at Ivies usually got in for a reason -- they're as smart/talented and generally have a few other qualities about them that make them stand out. They're rich as balls (billions), world champions at something obscure like bridge or polo, world class musicians, elite athletes (Ivies actually win a lot of national championships at the highest college level in the USA... Yale's lacrosse, crew, sailing teams are as good if not better than any other in the country, for example), SOMETHING that differentiates them

12) Michigan will obviously provide a more "fun" experience, but Yale honestly is a good and fun time (in non-Corona circumstances), as long as you're not some weird finance hardo like most of the people on this website are

13) Agree that GPA essentially doesn't matter at Yale... I know an international CS major with a 2.4 GPA who is working at one of Facebook, Amazon, Google, Microsoft as a SWE intern this summer lmao

14) Yale students will actually get PE or HF gigs straight out of undegrad as well as the traditional IB kids. Yes, already mentioned BX, but there's LOTS of quant+non-quant hedge funds and prop trading shops that take students, from D.E. Shaw to Jump Trading to Citadel to RenTech to Bridgewater to P72 etc etc etc -- know CS, Econ, History, Math, English, African American Studies majors at those. Also kids will go straight to PE like Advent


As someone who has friends who went to Yale and went to a top state school (think UMich/UT/UCB), I would 100% choose Yale. Especially if money isn't a concern, there's no reason not to.

If you want to work in finance, your comp sci degree holds almost no relevance and as such you shouldn't focus on that as a differentiating point between the schools. All you should be focusing on is brand name and ability to get a job. At Ross, you need to work much harder in differentiating yourself than you would have to at Yale. At Yale, kids who have 1 internship and a decent GPA can get a top tier banking offer. At Ross, the kids with similar jobs probably had internships every summer, got into the right clubs, a 3.75+ GPA and hit the phones way harder during recruiting just to be competitive with the kid from Yale.


Woah that's a lot of stuff to read. Thank you first of all.

I'll address a few that I believe need to be addressed. I've seen the Econ+CS major but haven't looked into it much. I know Yale is investing into CS but I've been hearing that line for the past 5 years (seriously). I do believe that the top 30-40% are comparable to Yale. You're deflating the value of Michigan now. This is not only my opinion; I've seen this on multiple threads and through an analysis of the common data sets.

It's great that those guys got into Blackstone. Hopefully, both the schools have viable opportunities. I'm not really that interested in quant so I don't think that information is relevant to me other than to justify the importance of the Yale brand.

While GPA doesn't matter that much, I think the 2.4 GPA guy is more of an exception to the rule rather than the rule itself.

I get that every rich and experienced kid is at Yale. I'm sure there are some (to a much lesser extent) at Michigan too, but unless it can be beneficial to me, I'm not really interested in that.

There are fewer alums at banks so maybe getting connections might be harder if that matters or not (since the Yale brand is elite).

Yale is an insanely good school. I think I'm closer to making my decision.

Oh btw, I know I'm not admitted to a major yet but I told them that I intended to pursue Econ so that's why I'm mentioning it.


If you have above a 3.5 at Yale, you have a legitimate shot at any group on the street, sans maybe PJT as they are the single bank we don't have a ton of alumni at (we have a few in RX, but overall this is the most notable bank with the least Yale representation)

A 3.5 at Yale is laughably easy to achieve

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Yale. Will provide you with many more networking opportunities in various industries post-IB, great alumni networks, great recruiting + not everyone is a finance whore and wants to get into IB like @ Wharton

As much as you want to deny it, IB is a prestige whore community, while this is slowly going away it is still VERY much so prevalent. Go to Yale.


Go to Yale. I go to Ross and although Michigan is a shit ton more fun than Yale, it’ll be easier to place from Yale. There’s a whole thread on IB recruiting at Ross that I recommend you check out. You’ll see that you pretty much need to be in the right organizations to place anywhere from Ross. I know you’re smart but sometimes getting into these organizations is a crap shoot. You’ll also have less competition for IB/PE in general. Michigan has its pros for sure, but Yale’s prestige (despite whatever rankings say) is really valuable.


I think people are overestimating competition at Michigan and making it seem worse than it is. From someone who’s at a PE analyst program, there are seniors and kids incoming who are from Ross (maybe 1 I believe but still).

I have gotten a pretty good understanding of the Ross scene from shooting the shit with intelligent people who went there. About ~60-110 get banking jobs I think that ‘show up to the presentations’, and like 130 Ross kids are actually interested and maybe add some of the other colleges who are really interested they get a few of the jobs. But people say that it’s really split between banking and consulting, but MOST kids come from rich families and are like ‘SJW-like’ (not my words) who don’t want to work in ‘finance’ or ‘investment banking’ (most people don’t actually want to recruit here, a lot of smart kids just go for PE or consulting).

I heard about good PE placements but they seem to be the kids themselves. Honestly the people from ross I know are really intelligent but everyone’s right- at that level it’s really the kid and not the school (if you say ross is the worst school of a group and are taking only 5 kids / 200 really smart ones, they’re gonna be smart no matter). So yeah I’d say Stanford or Harvard or Wharton kids I work with and the ~ 1Yale guy might be generally more intelligent but it’s hard to say on their high school applications any who made it to the top were guaranteed to get into those schools and wouldn’t have ended up at UMich. I’d say your ‘top 40%’ characterization is probably top 15-20% of Ross from what I can tell.

take Yale. it has the air of superiority and is just better even if ‘worse’ if that makes sense. you don’t learn dhit in school, the kids Ik from ross were in the good clubs and learned their stuff from there. so yeah, Yale. what do you even expect tho, if your education at Yale isn’t up to your standards go on YouTube or khan academy or some shit if you genuinely want to learn something. it’s free and probably better than the best school in the USA lmao.


go to yale mate. brands go a long way.

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This is such a straightforward decision - Yale 100 times out of 100. OP can’t be so dense as to think his “datasets” and preliminary internet research outweighs the lived experience of target school graduates who are in the exact field that he’s aiming for. Stop overthinking it.


I’ve read through literally every comment on here, and OP, don’t take this the wrong way, but it seems that you are very set on Michigan and are pushing back against almost everyone saying to pick Yale - this is a mistake on your end. The stats you quote about CS programs and whatnot are all irrelevant - no one except for high school seniors look at those statistics, and ironically, people will just assume that whatever you studied at Yale was already a tough program, especially in comparison to Michigan (even if it’s easier / worse).

Especially with how you said money isn’t a factor in this decision, it is just such an easy decision to choose Yale. for better or for worse (likely the latter), people will almost always assume you’re smarter than your peers going to tier 2 and tier 3 schools. do not fuck up this crazy lucky opportunity (that is, getting off the waitlist this late in the game for one of the best schools globally)


No one is saying that Michigan is bad. Michigan is great. What everyone is actually saying - and you will never seen a more unanimously agreed upon opinion in another WSO thread- is that Yale is incredible. If you’re still hellbent on Michigan, please just give up your waitlist spot to someone else who actually possesses critical thinking skills.


from the perspective of a CS major Michigan is a much better choice. However since you want to work on Wall Street in I-Banking/PE Yale is undoubtedly the better option. Yale CS/EECS is kind of weak though (I can say this I attend CalTech). I would look to take some CS courses abroad through NUS or Peking which should have study abroad options.

Regardless Congrats in getting into Yale and Michigan!! both are great choices.


OP needs to learn sooner rather than later that perception trumps reality (i.e. one of these schools has significantly higher perceived brand value amongst objective individuals who attended neither institution), and that he should think longer-term beyond his first job out of undergrad. Yale 100 times out of 100. This is coming from someone who went to a state school. Getting an IB job from either of these schools is more than doable, but for example securing a post-IB PE/buyside job will be measurably easier with the Yale brand on your resume. Do yourself a favor and set yourself up for longer-term success so that you aren't fighting extra uphill battles. Life and career opportunities only get more competitive the further removed from college you are, and having the Yale brand will help immensely.


I really don't understand why people use these graduate school rankings to determine the strength of the undergrad program. The grad school rankings reflect quality of research output. The higher ranked overall undergrad program always attracts more talented students, which allows the undergrad classes to be more challenging. CS at Yale is probably no joke, and is likely harder or at least equivalent to Michigan, but may have grade inflation (which is good for you!). To me, Yale is a no brainier.


I'll tell you as a CS+Math double major from MIT. CS graduate school rankings don't mean shit. It is highly irrelevant to you or really anyone. As a CS major, you are probably going to be sitting at home solving coding problem sets instead of listening to lecture anyway. If anything, smaller class sizes at Yale will give you a better experience than at a huge school like UMich. Literally anything you want to do at UMich, you will be better set up at Yale. Student life/social scene is also fantastic from my experience of visiting friends at Yale.

You got off the waitlist. If you are smart, you will take it.


For every one hour you are in lecture, you are spending quadruple that on a p-set. Yes, these particular rankings hold little value. I guarantee that no employer looks at graduate cs-department rankings and determine whether or not to recruit at schools for their undergrads. For someone who is presumably well read, it seems like you can't pick up on nuance. Obviously general school rankings matter to employers, but what I'm saying is that the OP shouldn't choose Michigan over Yale when Cs-graduate departments rankings hold little value because the overall ranking of Yale dominates Michigan.


Recent Ross Grad + CS at Michigan guy here.

You'll never be wrong for picking Yale. The Ivy League, Yale brand is just that good. Your career flexibility and prestige is as good as it gets, which I'm sure you know. If you are completely blank on which to choose and focused on broad prestige in regards to career this seems to be the more logical choice to make.

However, if there's something inside of you that wants Michigan ( as a previous poster alluded to), don't let a website like WSO completely change your mind and pick Yale for you. Whats awesome about deciding between two great schools is that its more about you as a person that decides your future opportunities than the school itself. Assuming you are an incredibly smart person who could finish in the top third of Ross, you'll have a good shot at any BB you wish. You'll have chances right out of undergrad at PE. No door in finance is closed by going to Ross, although a greater variety of doors outside this industry will be opened at Yale.

Second, my guess is you'll drop the CS goals real fast when you get to school. Most of the Ross kids who want to do finance are deathly afraid of the CS program at Michigan due to how difficult it is, and realize its a wasted effort to try do it when you do not need it to land the BB jobs. You definitely do not need it for IB / PE recruiting. Do CS if you wanna do Tech stuff. In that case, Michigan is an insanely good school. But if you're all in on finance, do not even worry about the CS stuff. not necessary.

When it comes to school experience, Michigan will undoubtedly be a far better experience where you will make so many unforgettable memories, without "setting you back in your career". This is not some perfectly negatively correlated trade-off where a more fun school means less success later in life. That would be Michigan State, not Michigan vs an Ivy. I chose Michigan over two Ivy league schools (not Yale though so not completely apples to apples with your situation I guess) because I knew it would give me an opportunity to interview at the top firms in my industry (consulting) and give me a more fun experience. I ended up with offers from the top firms in consulting, so choosing Michigan sure didn't close any doors for me. I had friends at Ivies who flew out several times a semester so that they could have some fun in college because they weren't getting much of it at their own school. Going to those Ivies would not have helped me career-wise, and sure would have been a lot worse of a college experience. With that said, Yale is Yale. The brand is better overall. No one will fault you for choosing that school.

Overall, if you're that smart and that committed to these finance goals that can be achieved by attending either school then go to Michigan, have more fun, and still get a job at Goldman / KKR vs go to yale and get that same job. If you care more about prestige and want a bit extra security while recruiting / ability to switch to other fields with the Ivy brand, go to Yale.

If you want to go to Michigan, go and don't look back. If on the fence, that Yale brand is truly special, so that may be the choice for you. Good Luck! Hope it works out for you and you're happy with your decision like I am.


Yale. No brainer to me. All the top IB/PE/HF/VC recruit there from undergrad. Not to mention, you can always pivot if you decide, Finance is not your thing anymore. If I were in your position, I would pick Yale in a heartbeat over Ross.


You were not admitted to "Yale Econ" - Yale undergrads don't have to choose a major until sophomore year or even beginning of junior year in some cases. Things may change - you might take your first few econ classes freshman year and decide that you would rather major in just CS or some other field (e.g. Math, etc.)

If finances are not an issue, then you pick Yale. This is an absolute no-brainer. Surround yourself with world-class faculty and resources and ambitious peers. The name / brand value of Yale is also much stronger than Michigan - especially internationally (in case you were to return to your home country).


Yale all day.

Bad on the people for even trying to convince you otherwise.

They're just fundamentally different tiers of schools and Yale will open more doors and keep more doors open for you down the line, especially if you aspire to do anything in the business world.

The only way one could even make an argument for Michigan is if you had some extreme tie to the area, needed to be in Ann Arbor (perhaps some significant family issue) and/or they were giving you some incredible sort of financial package and money was a huge issue for you.

Your major won't really even matter at Yale to be honest. You could be a CS major or an anthropology major. If you get good enough grades and can network well, you could probably get most jobs you'd desire.

Congrats on the acceptances.


Modi nihil voluptatibus cum vitae autem aut. Laborum perferendis labore nisi modi. Temporibus cumque facere vel impedit. Aut repellat accusantium dignissimos fuga aut reiciendis eos. Nesciunt et soluta similique eligendi. Nisi sapiente quas qui officiis quia molestiae.

Ut nobis nihil et et beatae consequuntur. Aut numquam ut earum quae ipsa et et ut. Voluptas delectus et rerum voluptatibus. Ipsum aperiam quia in in dicta cum. Voluptates odio velit est atque est.


Rem aut qui et vel. Placeat aperiam qui sunt. Qui quaerat illo laudantium iste veniam.

Exercitationem officia est quaerat laboriosam maiores aut. Quasi consectetur iste quaerat dolores dolores. Qui possimus voluptatum inventore dolorum beatae magni id. Enim aspernatur similique nihil consequuntur. Dolores molestias aut neque.

Ullam aut vel ipsa quia ut quas. Delectus tempore nihil ad corporis. Enim odio et possimus sed unde soluta. Voluptate eos et vel asperiores.

Commodi ipsum dicta deserunt provident. Rerum inventore iusto totam expedita velit est. Commodi velit blanditiis omnis accusamus adipisci. Quaerat aliquid itaque quo minus veritatis totam. Eum cupiditate consequatur nisi nemo ad nam et voluptate.


Maiores sed non porro eum et dicta et. Quas earum eos nulla earum. Sed error dolorum provident fugit omnis. Consequatur architecto voluptatem veritatis blanditiis. Qui omnis et id rem repellendus non tempore. Deleniti hic et minus eius eaque iure deserunt.

Qui et soluta necessitatibus ut hic. Autem cumque voluptas et est. Inventore quo necessitatibus odio delectus. Voluptatum sequi eveniet non sapiente. Necessitatibus sequi sed et animi natus totam illo ex.


Aliquam quisquam autem et voluptates quis rem et. Ab ipsa officiis officiis sit distinctio dignissimos. Autem ea corrupti voluptatem explicabo qui debitis dolorem. Esse velit consequatur ipsa doloremque. Voluptas eum sit corrupti cupiditate dolor velit. Totam dolorem illum et nemo ex. Quam laboriosam omnis voluptatum necessitatibus.

Commodi veniam eligendi est eveniet. Alias quia non iste aut. Earum magnam quia qui sapiente. Sapiente iste soluta ullam ut. Porro ut explicabo tenetur nihil. Qui est officia et unde quibusdam fugiat.

Beatae fuga et atque dolores nisi. Iure nesciunt saepe beatae asperiores et consequatur asperiores.

Doloribus molestias ab aliquid perspiciatis unde ad. Aut possimus quae ex officia quo. Iure alias unde omnis pariatur. Aut nesciunt facilis sed iure asperiores. Facere quis qui odio itaque maxime sed laboriosam consequuntur.


Cumque et eligendi et enim quia. Quis quia qui ratione quis. Autem aut similique eveniet velit aut et.

Eveniet dicta maiores voluptate error temporibus. Eum officia perferendis corporis rerum asperiores nemo. Voluptatem repudiandae debitis et et repellat voluptatibus qui. Eum odit quaerat earum totam cum. Voluptas quo et alias delectus id.

Deleniti rerum nobis laudantium voluptas illum qui est. Ea explicabo et libero repudiandae sed eos neque.

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June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (22) $375
  • Associates (93) $259
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (206) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (149) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

“... there’s no excuse to not take advantage of the resources out there available to you. Best value for your $ are the...”


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Betsy Massar
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Linda Abraham
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From 10 rejections to 1 dream investment banking internship

“... I believe it was the single biggest reason why I ended up with an offer...”