Part 2- Finally Got It - Top MM Offer- Thank You WSO

So my previous post (//…) had people commenting on it asking how i went about networking/using linkedin. Here is my advice on basically reaching out to someone cold on linkedin/just how to game the networking system. My method might not work for all, it might seem weird or odd but it did work for me. I am sure many might criticize or disagree with what i did/do on certain steps, but again it did/does work for me and i am just trying to help as others have asked me how i was able to go from 0 SA interviews to 16 FT:

So, before reaching out to someone "cold" (meaning adding them even if you dont know them), i would turn off your setting on linkedin where it shows the person that you viewed them. its a free service and all you have to do is go under somewhere on settings and click 'anonymous' for when you view somones profile. the only catch is that while you are anonymous, you can no longer check who has viewed YOUR profile as well. mine is always on this feature so people dont know that i've been looking at them (can be viewed as odd/creepy) before i finally reach out.

when reaching out to the person, be very polite and in the message you send them (limited to like 160 characters i believe if you are not connected) just breifly say your name, year in school and that you would love to speak with them over the phone about the firm/job/industry they are in/have and would value any time possible

i've done this a lot and would say about 8/10 people i add respond back because i stay polite and dont waste their time. always ask to at least speak on the phone as emailing people questions is pretty annoying and does not really allow you to establish much rapport with the person

hopefully you get on the phone with them, and before doing so, make sure you have good questions ready to ask [you DO NOT fucking want to have an analyst/associate/VP or MD put aside time for a phone call or lunch for you and you not be prepared to ask some intelligent questions. thats a spit in the face. also be prepared to answer questions yourself- ex: basic basic technicals like walk me through a DCF, if depreciation goes up by $10, why do you want to do banking, how do you calculate WACC, what are the 3 main valuation methods, whats a recent deal you saw etc...

i've been asked by douchey people some of these questions on the spot on a networking call just for them to see how serious of a candidate i am so it can only help to be prepared!!] about either recruitment/what they do/how they like their firm/culture/know some recent deals that group/bank has done/know about their vertical or product group (use search function on WSO to learn more about verticals or M& etc. etc. + NON RELATED BANKING QUESTIONS. what do you like to do for fun, where are you from, what do you see yourself doing in 5 years etc. etc. Show that you are not a 4.0 socially awkward kid that jerks off to WSO and dealbook and has a life/substance outside of finance. Being sociable/well rounded is just as important to being well versed when it comes to accounting/valuation/high level finance because techincals can be taught but if you are a socially awkward person no one (or in most cases) will want to hire/work with you as what bankers do is not rocket science and they want to be around people they can have a beer with/talk to chicks in a bar with/watch a sports game with etc. while working as well

also be patient. if the person talks for 3-5 min straight in person or over the phone, dont interrupt. be respectful, maintain eye contact (if in person) and be engaged. ask follow up questions ABOUT what they said and dont just jump to another unrelated topic

from here (and add on linkedin people regardless if they went to your university or not...i've received help from people in Ivies, State schools, private school on east coast, west coast etc. etc. just be nice and you'll be surprised how willing people are to help) show you are sociable and intelligent and also interested in following in "their footsteps". make sure to say this at least 2-3 times the first time you make contact with the person. By making the person you are talking to feel a little superior-
a) you make that person feel like their cock has grown another 2-3 inches and they will like you for saying that they are someone you want to be like
b) makes that person more confident and they will associate that good feeling from the conversation/interaction with you

also before meeting/speaking with that person on the phone- google the name persons name. some people have blogs or facebook accounts and see if they have "liked" any groups or interests on facebook and bring it up in conversation if you have that mutual hobby/like (or even if you dont. lie if you have to but make it believable. dont say something abstract if you cant support it like you enjoy spear fishing if you have never been but saying you like action movies when you dont is easy to bullshit. use discretion here please...this is a good lesson to learn if you want to move up in finance as well...its a lot of sales..)

before ending the conversation whether in person/on the phone, express your interest in the firm. dont be a pussy. show you know what you want but dont ask for the job. say you are interested and would love to stay in contact before recruiting kicks off for SA or FT and would love to reach out again if questions arise as "you are a great resource and someone i hope to continue learning from".

then, SEND A THANK YOU EMAIL. i dont care if you said thank you in person. send the email--> good to have it in writing. this can help if they forward your thank you email to someone higher up and they see you are polite and have proper etiquette or even if later on they see the email it can only help.

with the thank you email, attach your resume if you haven't already. just say that this is what your resume looks like right now and you might make some changes but after your previous "conversation and how much it helped/taught me, i would also love your input on my resume as i value your opinion. please feel free to glance it over at your convenience, no rush and thank you again!" be a gitty little school girl and act like they are the world to you in terms of what they recommend/have to say. its a nice way to suck up subtly and makes them feel better about themselves/more inclined to help you

from here, follow up with the individual again maybe 3-4 weeks later with another intelligent email/question about something going on in europe or with their bank or with a deal their bank just closed/another bank is doing. this shows you are following the markets/politics/economy and you do not live under a rock. stay in contact and follow up to see when recruitment is kicking off and before it does (like a week or two before) send your most RECENT updated clean resume. i've had analysts/associates forward this resume for me to their head of HR who then got me interviews in LA/SF/NY all for the same BB/MM. you'd be surprised how far someone's 'word' can take you if it comes from a respected analyst/associate even

repeat this process many many times across many many banks (and even in different offices- ex if you really want to work at BAML, reach out to people in multiple offices, not just SF or NY and think you are "good") and the reward will come (reward= interview, then you have to prep/suck more dick from here to get an offer). its a long process and one i wish i started as a sophomore rather than a junior but if you are willing to put the work anything is possible

just remember, i had a sub 3.5 gpa and received basically 0 interviews for SA and was able to receive over 15 Full Time interviews thanks to networking, reading WSO/M&I, reading- WSJ, bloomberg, dealbook,,, Rosenbaum book, wso technical guide etc. etc. Put in the work, have fun along the way, be balanced in what you do and you'll increase the odds of getting what you want (nothing is guaranteed and luck always helps!)

last piece of advice (sorry for long post)- ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS be polite to everyone you talk to/meet. i've had someone in an LA office intro me to someone else in another office in SF at another firm that i ended up having a superday/offer from because the guy in LA wasnt able to get me an interview in his office for another reason.

hope this helps! :) Cheers and thank you WSO for making my journey possible.


apologies for grammar mistakes, if i ranted or if i jump abstractly from one thing to another. i'm pretty tired, still tipsy and wasnt able to get laid tonight :( so thought i'd do something productive before i rub one out

I don't throw darts at a board. I bet on sure things. Read Sun-tzu, The Art of War. Every battle is won before it is ever fought- GG

so thought i'd do something productive before i

you had to include that part...

Haha sorry didnt think it was too graphic. thanks for adding the picture for me as well :)

I don't throw darts at a board. I bet on sure things. Read Sun-tzu, The Art of War. Every battle is won before it is ever fought- GG

So, before reaching out to someone "cold" (meaning adding them even if you dont know them), i would turn off your setting on linkedin where it shows the person that you viewed them. .

Thanks a ton for this. I've been trying to lateral, and I've been doing the opposite with less success. My thoughts were that it would at least get them to view my profile and hopefully spark something when I reach out. However, to be honest, it really only works for recruiters as your thoughts on it are probably right i.e. no one wants to add the creeper.

Best of luck and Congrats.

Best Response

Great post! You definitely used linkedin premium? (since with the general version i can't check profiles of people outside my network).

actually no. i found a loophole in linkedin that allows you to see someone's full name even though normally you cant see their last name other than a last initial when they are a 3rd connection.

Heres how-

lets pretend you see someone by the name of "Patrick H." on linkedin and the individual works at GS. You cannot see the persons full name, so log out of linkedin. then go to google and search "Patrick H Goldman Sachs linkedin" and you will find a 'public' profile on linkedin and be able to see the person full name. the point of logging out is because if you dont, and click on the google search link you'll just end up seeing the same "3rd" level profile. but when you are no longer logged in, linkedin does not show you that restricted profile, rather a full "public" (public profiles should show the full name and might hide some details of work experience) profile.

then from here, log back into linkedin and in the search bar, search the entire name like "Patrick Henry goldman sachs" and you should be sent to that individuals profile again. but now, even though it will still be a 3rd connection, the full name WILL be visible and you will then be able to connect to the person. if for some reason you still cannot connect, come back to WSO, find the company's page under "company search" and find the email template for the person. you have the full name so it shouldnt be hard to reach that persons work email is risky/ballsy, but if you are polite and dont ask for too much in a cold email (keep it under 5 sentences) then the person wont get upset.

he/she will prob ask you how you got the email address and you should not lie but simply say you found their profile and found the GS email template and took it upon yourself to go from there. i've done this several times and the person was not creeped out or upset but called me "persistent and resourceful". thats the angle you got to go for when you're hustling/networking

I don't throw darts at a board. I bet on sure things. Read Sun-tzu, The Art of War. Every battle is won before it is ever fought- GG

Great post! You definitely used linkedin premium? (since with the general version i can't check profiles of people outside my network).

actually no. i found a loophole in linkedin that allows you to see someone's full name even though normally you cant see their last name other than a last initial when they are a 3rd connection.

Heres how-

lets pretend you see someone by the name of "Patrick H." on linkedin and the individual works at GS. You cannot see the persons full name, so log out of linkedin. then go to google and search "Patrick H Goldman Sachs linkedin" and you will find a 'public' profile on linkedin and be able to see the person full name. the point of logging out is because if you dont, and click on the google search link you'll just end up seeing the same "3rd" level profile. but when you are no longer logged in, linkedin does not show you that restricted profile, rather a full "public" (public profiles should show the full name and might hide some details of work experience) profile.

then from here, log back into linkedin and in the search bar, search the entire name like "Patrick Henry goldman sachs" and you should be sent to that individuals profile again. but now, even though it will still be a 3rd connection, the full name WILL be visible and you will then be able to connect to the person. if for some reason you still cannot connect, come back to WSO, find the company's page under "company search" and find the email template for the person. you have the full name so it shouldnt be hard to reach that persons work email is risky/ballsy, but if you are polite and dont ask for too much in a cold email (keep it under 5 sentences) then the person wont get upset.

he/she will prob ask you how you got the email address and you should not lie but simply say you found their profile and found the GS email template and took it upon yourself to go from there. i've done this several times and the person was not creeped out or upset but called me "persistent and resourceful". thats the angle you got to go for when you're hustling/networking

Thank you for your very clear explanation. Will definetly help me a lot :)


Great post. To me,(I work for Trustee) is inspiring to see that, because i dont have that much networking to contact people about my interest on moving towards IB. I will do some approachs, being polite and showing interest, and as you said, also be prepared to. Than ks fr Sharing and Good luck !



I don't believe your story for a second

fine with me. my ft offer wont disappear just because someone doesn't believe its true :) haters gna hatee..

I don't throw darts at a board. I bet on sure things. Read Sun-tzu, The Art of War. Every battle is won before it is ever fought- GG

Mollitia id omnis aut impedit omnis error. Est tenetur aut rem eaque. Et nihil assumenda asperiores sit sequi fuga.

Similique accusantium et quisquam sint in optio assumenda. Doloremque minima voluptatem voluptas tempora ratione. Non quia aperiam ut sapiente. Odit consequatur rerum reprehenderit sit. Iusto recusandae quis velit.

Placeat mollitia sapiente nam tempora placeat. Laudantium est quia consequatur libero id sit aliquid eos.

Aut nisi delectus mollitia cupiditate. Culpa et magni assumenda earum voluptatibus. Quos optio qui dolores omnis.

Career Advancement Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 01 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 17 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 19 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 01 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (22) $375
  • Associates (93) $259
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (206) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (149) $101
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