Praying for Lily

I am posting this because I need the WSO community's prayers, your good vibes, positive energy, anything you can send my family's way. Monkeys, I am going through a very difficult time right now. This site has helped me in many ways, I have tried to give back. You all know I am a family man - if you are religious, please say a prayer for my daughter Lilliana Hope.

I am posting this in success stories - I hope and pray that this proves to be correct. My intent here is to communicate my daughter's battle and raise awareness for premature births. If you can send some good vibes my way, I really could use them.

Please, any trolls out there, please stay off of this thread. This is my life.

This is Lily's story. This is Lily's Battle.

disclaimer: ^ this is not an easy read.


Sending some positive vibes toward your family. Hope Lily gets another wonderful day of life and many more to come.

Power and Money do not change men; they only unmask them

The stuff that doctors are able to do nowadays is crazy. My prayers are with your Lily and your family

I didn't say it was your fault, I said I was blaming you.

Praying for you, the daughter, and your family.

There is life and death. I'm going to bust my ass to make an impact 'til the latter comes.

My wife and her twin sister were born extremely premature and were not expected to make it; both survived and have led very healthy, happy and successful lives. I said a prayer for you and your daughter to have similar results.


My thoughts and prayers are with you and your precious daughter.

Hang in there and God bless.

"Rage, rage against the dying of the light." - DT

As a soon to be father a little girl myself (due in October)....I can't even imagine what you must be going through. Wish you and your family all the best my man. We did have a few scares at the beginning of the pregnancy, but all of the medical staff was so amazing and got us through it. It gave me a new appreciation of the field of medicine...those guys are everyday heroes. And from reading your blog, I think you'd agree.


I am non-religious, but I am praying for you! Remain strong even if you feel weak inside, be there for your wife.


Best of luck AVP, I'm hoping for the best

"You stop being an asshole when it sucks to be you." -IlliniProgrammer "Your grammar made me wish I'd been aborted." -happypantsmcgee

Just wanted to pop in- have been pretty much offline on WSO for a while for obvious reasons.

Lily is doing REALLY WELL!! I'm confident it's because of all of the good energy and prayers that are being sent her way- they are working, so please keep them coming!


Thank you everyone for the prayers, well wishes and PMs. I try to answer all PMs, but if I have overlooked yours please accept my apologies... Tough to stay on top of them all.

The amount of support I have received from WSO has been amazing- second to Facebook, it's the second-highest referring link for the blog, which has had about 11,500 views as of this writing. It amazes me that the two groups taking the most interest in Lily's battle are a) my closest friends and family and b) total strangers from WSO.

That says something special about this community. I've never met most of you in person, yet everyone here is pulling for my kid, praying for her, or sending good vibes. They are working miracles, thank you all from the bottom of my heart. It means a lot.


Follow me on insta @FinancialDemigod

great to hear lily has been doing awesome! the picture of lily holding one of your fingers is really touching. such a little creature is battling for life and she is strong!

best wishes


Glad to see your kid is still going strong, hope all remains well!

"You stop being an asshole when it sucks to be you." -IlliniProgrammer "Your grammar made me wish I'd been aborted." -happypantsmcgee

Just read todays update. Really excited to hear the positive progress! And congrats to getting a sliver of normalcy in your life this weekend. Best wishes to your growing family.


Thanks all for the prayers and well wishes. Things are beginning to look up, ever so slightly, but it's getting easier to start thinking about her coming home. Beat case, we're looking at late September.

On that note - I can't make the conference for obvious reasons, but maybe we can have a little WSO get together in the city once she comes home-- I want to thank each of you personally for your prayers and well wishes! Least I can do is buy you all a round!!

Follow me on insta @FinancialDemigod
Thanks all for the prayers and well wishes. Things are beginning to look up, ever so slightly, but it's getting easier to start thinking about her coming home. Beat case, we're looking at late September.

On that note - I can't make the conference for obvious reasons, but maybe we can have a little WSO get together in the city once she comes home-- I want to thank each of you personally for your prayers and well wishes! Least I can do is buy you all a round!!

AVP, for sure, keep us updated. Great to hear things are looking up! Once she is home, feel free to make an event in NYC so all the members in town can celebrate with you :-)


Sorry to hear about today's update, but it sounds like all-in-all she's still trucking. Keep it up, Lily!

"You stop being an asshole when it sucks to be you." -IlliniProgrammer "Your grammar made me wish I'd been aborted." -happypantsmcgee

According to the latest update, Lily has no brain damage, which is great to hear! Keep up the fighting!

"You stop being an asshole when it sucks to be you." -IlliniProgrammer "Your grammar made me wish I'd been aborted." -happypantsmcgee

Wishing the absolute best outcome for your family. Please keep us posted. Chin up.

I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass... and I'm all out of bubblegum.

After reading the recent bankrella thread, I really hope Lily don't go into finance.

Lily, if you're reading this, please go to med school !!!!!!!!!!!


Very cool to see so many people sending you and your family positive thoughts; I too will be sending tons. And that's a beautiful name...


All the best and beyond my brother from another mother. My heart goes out to you and the family.

Baby you're the perfect shape, baby you're the perfect weight. Treat me like my birthday, I want it this way and I want it that way. It makes a man feel good baby.

Great news to hear about the brain scan. Congratulations to you, your wife, and Lilly for hitting a milestone. Keep truckin' through the many more I'm sure are on the way!

Much love and best wishes from down south!


You definitely have my prayers, and I am very happy to hear that good news is coming in!

If it's worth anything my wife's sister was born under similar circumstances, I believe 4 months premature as well, and she spent many months afterwards in the hospital and her parents weren't sure what would happen to her.

She will be 30 years old this year, healthy, and has a beautiful 2 year old of her own; my nephew! Stay strong and keep us posted with the good news.


whish you all the luck and strength in the world your life had put you and your family on the tough challenge - it is a chance for you to rise as a human being

will send many positive thoughts to her i hope for the best

ps - congratz on the success so far


Wish the best for your daughter. Hope she feels better soon. My prayer and thoughts to your family.

"I am the hero of the story. I don't need to be saved."

AVP, you are younger than I thought. Why have an avatar of an old guy? I saw your blog. From the pictures of your baby, she seems like a fighter. I think she will make it just fine. Best of wishes for your family.


I closed my eyes and said a prayer; I really do wish you all the best and pray that she continues to respond well (saw the great news in your blog)

"Dont compromise yourself; you're all you've got" - Janis Joplin

I've just read all the updates and a tear came down my chin while reading. My prayers go out to Lily and your family. She's a fighter and will pull through.

CNBC sucks "This financial crisis is worse than a divorce. I've lost all my money, but the wife is still here." - Client after getting blown up

i know someone who was born about 4 months premature. she literally fit into the size of her father's palm. she came out perfectly normal in the long run, no neurological or development issues. a lot of people are born premature and live long, normal lives. my friend's parents still marvel that such a small, delicate mass of flesh grew into a healthy adult, but these things do happen.


God bless you Lily. Keeping you, your wife, and your daughter in my prayers, AVP.

Lily: Origin: English - The lily is a flower symbolic of innocence, purity, and beauty.

May your daughter grow up to exemplify all of those qualities.


So sorry, AVP. This is the first I've seen of the story as I've been AWOL since we had our own baby at the end of May. He was a premie, but not nearly as early. Hang in there bro. You've made it a long way and there's absolutely nothing better than being positive and having people rooting for you. It's amazing how babies sense your feelings. You never know whats going to happen, but she has fought hard this long, so you have to continue to believe she will continue to fight.

A friend of mine is also having a difficult time with his daughter. She is a fighter too, just like Lily. Both of your girls are going to make it. They have to.

"It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed." Theodore Roosevelt
Something Creative:

Didn't know you and your girl popped out a kid, too, congrats! Best of luck to your friends as well.

"You stop being an asshole when it sucks to be you." -IlliniProgrammer "Your grammar made me wish I'd been aborted." -happypantsmcgee


I have read all your blog posts and my heart goes out to you. I'm glad to see from your latest post that Lily is doing much better, she's absolutely adorable.

Also, I just wanted to share that my Aunt had her daughter at 25 weeks and my cousin went through much of the same medical issues that Lily is going through currently. Fast forward 20 years and my cousin is a pre-med student majoring in Bio-Chem with a 3.8 GPA, who received a partial athletic scholarship. She's an all around amazing young woman, just as Lily will be!

Best Response

Just wanted to pop in- it's been a few months since I've been on WSO given all that's going on. But I want everyone here to know how much I appreciate your support, well wishes, and (as applicable) prayers.

The PMs I have gotten have all been so touching. The stories of hope that some of you have shared have helped tremendously, even though I've been laying low on the boards- I read the comments, and appreciate them so, so much.

As some of you already know, Lily is really doing well. We had a scare a few weeks ago with pneumonia and two collapsed lungs- but she fought through it!

The support of complete strangers has been amazing. Thank you. From the depths of my heart - I mean that - thank you.

It has been a very difficult summer but we are hopeful to bring lily home by the end of September. It will be a VERY happy day :)

Something creative- please know that I am keeping your friend, his family, and especially his daughter, in my thoughts and prayers. My heart aches for him and I wish him nothing but strength, courage, and hope.

Thank you again, WSO, for your support. The blog has had about 35,000 views now, about 5,000 of which originated from WSO. Amazing.

I hope to soon be posting a celebratory event in manhattan, where I can thank each of you personally. Plan on fall- not too far away!

Follow me on insta @FinancialDemigod
Just wanted to pop in- it's been a few months since I've been on WSO given all that's going on. But I want everyone here to know how much I appreciate your support, well wishes, and (as applicable) prayers.

The PMs I have gotten have all been so touching. The stories of hope that some of you have shared have helped tremendously, even though I've been laying low on the boards- I read the comments, and appreciate them so, so much.

As some of you already know, Lily is really doing well. We had a scare a few weeks ago with pneumonia and two collapsed lungs- but she fought through it!

The support of complete strangers has been amazing. Thank you. From the depths of my heart - I mean that - thank you.

It has been a very difficult summer but we are hopeful to bring lily home by the end of September. It will be a VERY happy day :)

Something creative- please know that I am keeping your friend, his family, and especially his daughter, in my thoughts and prayers. My heart aches for him and I wish him nothing but strength, courage, and hope.

Thank you again, WSO, for your support. The blog has had about 35,000 views now, about 5,000 of which originated from WSO. Amazing.

I hope to soon be posting a celebratory event in manhattan, where I can thank each of you personally. Plan on fall- not too far away!

Fantastic news buddy. I'm sure she's looking forward to getting home too. All the best.


Best of luck AVP and Lilianna!

If you ain't gettin money dat mean you done somethin wrong. " If you have built castles in the air , your work need not be lost; that is where they should be . Now put the foundations under them." - Henry David Thoreau

It has been months since I posted here. As strange as this might sounds, baby Lily came to mind this weekend and I kept thinking that I need to check the site to know how she is doing.

I am happy to know that she is home with her family and won the battle.

Power and Money do not change men; they only unmask them


If you ain't gettin money dat mean you done somethin wrong. " If you have built castles in the air , your work need not be lost; that is where they should be . Now put the foundations under them." - Henry David Thoreau

Vel sit velit deserunt quas. Maiores occaecati magnam quas molestiae est. Explicabo quisquam aut qui corporis nemo voluptas omnis. Excepturi voluptatem corporis ut accusamus aspernatur dolorem. Eaque temporibus culpa nihil debitis quo ut. Ipsam quia aut soluta eos odit autem.

Harum impedit quia minus voluptas quia. Libero rerum id cumque quia. Sint et corrupti ut ipsa ut voluptate. Laudantium reiciendis suscipit est quod inventore aliquam. Iste voluptatibus et quia est.

Doloribus dolorum delectus natus recusandae natus. Ducimus laboriosam nostrum commodi ut. Error quis reiciendis ut expedita dolor.

Follow me on insta @FinancialDemigod

Sapiente voluptatum sequi amet nostrum odit. Ullam qui est blanditiis similique officia quisquam. Qui nesciunt nisi cupiditate consectetur porro iste quos.

Fugit perspiciatis repellendus sapiente. Sequi aut ducimus hic et veritatis rerum. Ea enim quas perspiciatis quis dolorem. Omnis amet placeat nostrum accusantium sit quis. Odit aut odit maxime laborum.

Rem impedit ut reiciendis aspernatur vel eum labore. Omnis harum voluptatum eum esse id. Facere minus fuga magni asperiores aut. Ut recusandae quia voluptas delectus repudiandae sed eos voluptatem. At totam sint est ex. Delectus accusantium hic sint.


Explicabo rerum id ducimus pariatur facere omnis dolorem. Quia distinctio doloremque illum exercitationem. Perferendis cupiditate ut qui id. Et earum ipsa odit in porro qui. Nam est culpa voluptatem debitis ea nam natus nulla.

Laudantium quidem illum ipsa. Quidem et nostrum omnis occaecati aut. Dolores labore provident architecto et incidunt deserunt.

Et tempora voluptas et cum laborum. Porro corrupti quo itaque. Nesciunt quia aut possimus velit tempora qui.


Ut autem qui non omnis molestiae. Ut vitae maiores neque magni officia natus laboriosam. Voluptatibus nihil eaque id numquam beatae expedita voluptatum. Accusamus facere consequatur voluptates sit.

Nemo reiciendis nisi fuga reprehenderit architecto. Voluptatem et sunt est magni omnis autem quis. Optio natus ut ut. Suscipit consequuntur praesentium et ea saepe. Fuga dolor animi quod nobis rerum perferendis. Molestiae illo in dolores dignissimos.

Consequuntur neque minima iusto et magni sed ea. Quo adipisci minus necessitatibus ut veniam et officia. Dolore est aut assumenda repellat optio et ut.


Enim voluptas quia laboriosam. Labore provident commodi est minima. Ut sed sunt accusamus. Recusandae aut similique maxime dolor. Quis qui neque deleniti cupiditate.

Quasi veniam et dicta magni reprehenderit rerum rerum. Quas iste expedita impedit quidem sed. Totam porro cupiditate nisi sapiente eaque. Pariatur laboriosam quo vel aut.

Suscipit est voluptatibus vitae laborum est. Eum rem saepe vel et magni officiis est error.

Saepe necessitatibus eveniet et magnam doloremque quas dolores. Mollitia repellat esse dolor veniam eum. Explicabo omnis quia exercitationem repudiandae sed et ut neque.

Follow me on insta @FinancialDemigod

Eius asperiores eum ut eius. Fugit aut fugit atque voluptatibus. Quod qui dolores eligendi reprehenderit ipsa quos qui. Debitis veritatis deserunt fuga accusamus quidem sed dolor aut. Voluptatem tenetur alias libero perferendis. Ut dicta earum sed minima saepe qui.

Voluptatem asperiores omnis dolor temporibus sequi commodi nemo. Et omnis sit voluptatem consequuntur ullam veniam reprehenderit. Eligendi asperiores repellat quidem impedit velit architecto ea.

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