What investment banking is in simple words and my story

There are a couple different paths that you can take as a finance major:

  1. Commercial Banking
  2. corporate finance
  3. Financial Planning
  4. Hedge Funds
  5. Insurance
  6. Investment Banking
  7. Money Management
  8. Private Equity
  9. Real Estate
  10. Other

I picked investment banking…

In investment banking you will be working with companies, CEOs, CFOs, and other corporate strategy personal to help grow their business. This can be helping them with buying another company or issuing capital. They may also be interested in selling their company. It is your job to advise them and help them pick the best option. This requires analytical due diligence to guarantee that you are advising the company in the right direction. The analytical due diligence is where the majority of the hours come from. You may have to change the growth rate on a model several times and re-run the due diligence to guarantee that you are really giving the best advice.

This part of the job is basically the sole factor for burnout. If you can make it through the tedious due diligence work and constant revision, the rest is easy, in my opinion. -less alcohol, now only have a couple drinks once per week. This is assuming that the conclusion you have come up with for the client is correct, if it is not, the whole deal can blow up. The other half of the job is meeting with clients and pitching the material that you have created.

If you are a social person and can intelligently express your ideas you should have no problem. Building the model are fun and interesting, but my favorite part of the job is meeting with the clients hearing their stories and helping their business. Investment banking can be a very rewarding career financially and can be fulfilling emotionally knowing that you are helping business, which is helping people and communities. There are people who get into this business and abuse it, but they are easy to spot and usually are unhappy with their life. I have seen it too much during my interviewing and work at various banks. If you are only doing something for the money, stop, and doing something that makes you happy. For me that is banking.

Everyone ask me about my social life. Since I became a banker it is different than before, but it is better. I go out to nicer places, eat better food, and can afford to go to different entertainment events like concerts. Just the other day I saw Markus Schulz, front row, and got his autograph, stuff I could never do before. My time is much more limited than other people’s time, so when I want to do something I make it happen. My time is valuable to me, so I don’t waste it watching re-runs of friends or surfing facebook. Too many people waste their time doing dumb stuff, and banking has taught me the value of time and how important my family is to me. I make time to call them and I make time to hang out with my friends.

As far as relationships, I have a great girlfriend. She is extremely understanding of my career and we get along great. She also works in finance and knows the pressure/stress that I am under daily. She is very supporting and isn’t out for my money. We don’t live together and she pays her own bills. When we go out to eat or for entertainment, she always offers to pay half and pulls her weight. Couldn’t ask for a better girlfriend, the key was building the relationship before I became a banker. I can’t speak to starting a new relationship while being a banker, but from watching the guys I work with it looks very, very hard. It is also who you target, a lot of people play up the investment banking job to girls, don’t do that! Meet a girl that likes you for you, not your job.

A lot of people talk about how great the money is and they buy all these things. I am saving money and paying college debt right now, but if I wanted I have the money to buy things that I have always dreamed about having, like nice cars, a house, and awesome clothing. I don’t do this though, and I don’t really plan to until I start a family. Right now I am happy wearing old clothes, I sold my car because I live in the city, and I have a good, but not over the top apartment. Don’t get me wrong, I wear nice business clothing, but I have learned to be happy with what I have. My life style is one that could be sustained on roughly over minimum wage.

I came from a non-target west coast school and a family where I was the first college graduate. My dad and mom worked very hard to make sure we made it every month. I had no contacts in banking when I started school and no contacts in any other finance areas. When finance classes began and I saw investment banking described in a book it caught my eye. The social and analytical aspect was a perfect combination for me. Since I was at a non-target there was no information about banking or how to break-in. I turned to the only place I knew, the internet. In my searches I found Wall Street Oasis and Linkedin. I began to read all the guides about how to break-in and I began to build out my Linkedin.

Going to school during the day and cold emailing people on Linkedin at night. I was also reading everything investment banking related that I could find and studying technical questions like a mad man. At this time I also joined my school’s small investment group and began to develop my analytical skills. With much effort and no luck I wasn’t able to get an investment banking internship. My first internship was on the east coast working for a major bank on the community banking side. I got this internship from cold calling and emailing people at the bank.

My senior year of college was déjà vu, a lot of networking and hard work that didn’t land me an investment banking job. I only had two investment banking final round interviews. One at Goldman Sachs in New York, which I got from cold calling, and another at the bank I currently work at, so I won’t name it. After finishing school I got a job working on the Asset Management side of the same banking I interned with previously. I still wanted investment banking and continued to network.

It was extremely difficult being from a non-target school and interviews for investment banking were basically impossible to get. I took the asset management job and continued the grind of networking. Now that I was in a major city networking was easy! I got coffee with everyone I could and grew my network tremendously. Within less than 6 months I was having interviews at investment banks and received an offer. At times I wanted to quit and give up the dream, but I knew I could do it. If you are still trying, don’t give up, keep trying, you can make it!

I was a first generation college graduate, with no contacts in the industry, from a non-target west coast school, with no investment banking internships, and I made it. Hard work pays off. Keep networking, keep studying, keep trying!

We're all gonna make it brah.

Mod Note: Best of WSO, this was originally posted April 2013


Love hearing success stories such as yours! I am in the same boat as you and will work hard to achieve my final goal. Thanks for sharing and good luck along your journey.


Stopped reading after zyzz, sry.

“...all truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” - Schopenhauer

Great story. Love that his, mine, and many other banks pull in bankers from all areas of the country and types of backgrounds.

"Now watch this drive." -W.

Great story. Completely agree that if you want to break in for the right reasons, then hard work and perseverance can pay off in the end. You have to create your own luck at the end of the day.

Also good to hear that you enjoy your job and do it for all the right reasons. This was just the sort of response I was hoping to get on my recent post:


Like you, it really is the social and analytical combination about a career in banking that stood out to me, as well as the early responsibility and career advancement which it brings.

After a relentless recruiting season I managed to land three IBD Summer Internship offers this year at top firms, which I put mainly down to hard graft and determination. After your insight, I can't wait to get started this summer– best of luck to you in the future.

hmmm sounds like a marketing in disguise to me...

for what??? notsureifsrs

I put some lulzy stuff in there so it wasn't so dry. u mad?

"Don't touch the watch." -Patrick Bateman U AWARE BRAH? bankers gonna bank \o/ Trance Crew \o/
hugh mirin:
gjdm, would rep

Thanks jeff, we're all gonna make it.

"Don't touch the watch." -Patrick Bateman U AWARE BRAH? bankers gonna bank \o/ Trance Crew \o/
Will rep on recharge.....

luzed brah.

I still want those reps...


maybe srs

not srs

"Don't touch the watch." -Patrick Bateman U AWARE BRAH? bankers gonna bank \o/ Trance Crew \o/
You are zyzz brah I'm mirin'

I am not zyzz brah.

We are all zyzz brah, we all have a little zyzz in us.

Keep hustlin cuz

"Don't touch the watch." -Patrick Bateman U AWARE BRAH? bankers gonna bank \o/ Trance Crew \o/

inb4 detectives


what were your ugrad stats? gpa, major etc.

edit: oh and +1 5k+ rep back

Frank Sinatra - "Alcohol may be man's worst enemy, but the bible says love your enemy."
inb4 detectives


what were your ugrad stats? gpa, major etc.

edit: oh and +1 5k+ rep back

Lulz. come at me bro.

Gpa: 3.6 (not the best) I was in 6+ clubs on campus and held a management position in most. Also started a club with a friend. Had a guy at Goldman Sach tell me that if my gpa was above 3.5 and I had multiple clubs that I managed it was better than just having a 4.0 and being only a club member.

Major: finance, with chemistry minor. (I was really into science)

I learned quickly that if I nailed the technically questions in my interviews that interviewer didn't care or even ask about gpa. A good gpa is only to get you the interview, but it is easy to get around this if you network had enough.

"Don't touch the watch." -Patrick Bateman U AWARE BRAH? bankers gonna bank \o/ Trance Crew \o/
Myron Gainz:
would rep IRL. mirin hard brah. Have you been able to maintain the gainz though while in banking?

Thanks brah.

Not when I first started, had to get up to speed. I am doing a lot better now. Hitting my macros and lifting heavy. Could always do better, but I really have stepped it up lately. Lifting cuts into my sleeping time, which sucks, but got to do it. I feel better when I lift and I have more energy, rather than getting another hour of sleep.

"Don't touch the watch." -Patrick Bateman U AWARE BRAH? bankers gonna bank \o/ Trance Crew \o/
great write up, thanks

No problem man, in the future I will post more detail about how I got my internship and job.

I owe this place a lot. Happy to give back to fellow monkeys.

"Don't touch the watch." -Patrick Bateman U AWARE BRAH? bankers gonna bank \o/ Trance Crew \o/
Group Therapy:
great write up, thanks

No problem man, in the future I will post more detail about how I got my internship and job.

I owe this place a lot. Happy to give back to fellow monkeys.

sounds good, can't wait to see the rest. please pm me the link once you post to make sure i dont miss it
WSO Content & Social Media. Follow us: Linkedin, IG, Facebook, Twitter.

I might or might not print out the first half of this onto note cards to hand people when they ask me what IBanking is ... would save me hours haha.

Great post overall.

Maximum effort.
I might or might not print out the first half of this onto note cards to hand people when they ask me what IBanking is ... would save me hours haha.

Great post overall.

Lulzed hard.

I tried to say it as simple as possible. Bankers seem to talk over everyone’s head, and the person you are talking to will stop listening to you after discounted cash flow or follow-on offerings of common stock. That stuff doesn't mean anything to a sloot you are hitting on or your friends/parents. If you talk on a leave where people can understand you don't feel dumb, you will have much more success communicating.

"Don't touch the watch." -Patrick Bateman U AWARE BRAH? bankers gonna bank \o/ Trance Crew \o/
kid pulls.

What's your chill:pull ratio?

I haven't seen a chill:pull ratio that high since McCoy!


This is good stuff man. I'm in the same boat you were in: first-generation, no industry contacts, non-target. But the more challenges that come my way the more motivated I am to break in and accomplish my goals. Thanks for the great post!

So you emailed random people through linkedin, what did you say? I tried emailing random people on linkein which yielded very little results.

Same question I have because I have had similar results to TheKid1


A Miscer writing on WSO about how he made it in IB, I don't even

I guess...we are all gonna make it. I never should've doubted Zyzz.

In all seriousness, great write up. It's an oddly comforting feeling knowing there are other's with similar interests as me in banking. For some reason I never would've thought there'd be others who frequent both WSO and Misc, there seems to be such a disconnect between the two communities and demographics. This is in fact inspiring. Srs.



~High GPA Crew~ ~Firms Reach Out to Me Crew~ ~Round Down My GPA to Look Modest Crew~ ~Never Use 'Incoming' on LinkedIn Crew~
Best Response
kid pulls. What's your chill:pull ratio?

Over 9000 srs

Good job. Is it a BB you got into?

No, I ended up getting a MM gig helping start a new office. My firm decided to start a new office in a geographical area that they had not had a presence in before. I am the lead Analyst working directly for two managing directors. There are no other associates or vice presidents above me. It is extremely nice because I get to do all the analyst grunt work, but I also get to act like the associate/vice president and attend the pitches with my bosses. My role jumping does come with a cost though; I work 110+ hours/week. It is a little hard at times, but I know that the situation I am in is very unique. My team is killing it too, we are closing deals left and right.

So you emailed random people through linkedin, what did you say? I tried emailing random people on linkein which yielded very little results.

I am going to make more post explaining my process later. One post at a time.


Lulzed at sig. strong crews to username ratio

"Don't touch the watch." -Patrick Bateman U AWARE BRAH? bankers gonna bank \o/ Trance Crew \o/
Lol surpised by the response from this post. The writing is pretty low quality and contradicts itself in a few places (i.e. buys nice things / could live on little over minimum wage - yea right brah). Seems very stream of consciousness and all over the place. Would've expected a bit higher QoW from a banker.

I said that I could afford nice things, but I am saving and not spending my money right now. The nice dinners and trips I was talking about in the other section are paid for by the company. You must not have seen the word SIMPLE in the title, I wasn't using the writing style of a Harvard professor, I was trying to make it plain and simple brah.

Most of my food expenditures are paid for by the company. I only buy cheap foods like oats and chicken to eat at home or at lunch. My phone is paid for by the company. I don’t have internet or cable at home. All I really pay is rent. Yeah, I could almost live on minimum wage, but only because I don’t pay large bills like food and phone cost.

Not even mad bro...haters gonna hate

"Don't touch the watch." -Patrick Bateman U AWARE BRAH? bankers gonna bank \o/ Trance Crew \o/

Would you mind sharing your networking techniques? For example, how do you ask people out for coffee? And what do you talk about during that time (I assume half non-finance stuff and half how to break-in)?

I just moved to the city for another job and wanted to network my way into investment banking just like you! This gave me hope! Awesome post!!


Awesome post. Glad I took the time to read it. +1 for "My time is valuable to me, so I don’t waste it watching re-runs of friends or surfing facebook."

All the best. I'm sure you'll keep killing it.

Move along, nothing to see here.

what exactly are we supposed to be aware of brah?

''You can fool some of the people all of the time, and those are the ones you need to concentrate on.'' — President George W. Bush 0.5 bb
what exactly are we supposed to be aware of brah?

If you have to ask that question you aren't aware, aware yourself.

"Don't touch the watch." -Patrick Bateman U AWARE BRAH? bankers gonna bank \o/ Trance Crew \o/
Group Therapy:
what exactly are we supposed to be aware of brah?

If you have to ask that question you aren't aware, aware yourself.

Tell me how brah. I have no idea what you're talking about.
''You can fool some of the people all of the time, and those are the ones you need to concentrate on.'' — President George W. Bush 0.5 bb
Group Therapy:

what exactly are we supposed to be aware of brah?

If you have to ask that question you aren't aware, aware yourself.

Gr8 job bro. Group therapy sucks in btw !! How was the unicorn slayer ?? Any new tracks worth checking out ??


Non-target, first generation college student... I gotta say, you give us hope. Just accepted a f100 internship for this summer, and had pretty much gave up hope on IB... until this.

Aware, thanks Jeff. Miscers gonna Misc, but grats on CEO 10k/day you're no longer povertybrah

Thanks Dr. Jimmy Rustle! Feels good brah, feels good. We're all gonna make it.

Non-target, first generation college student... I gotta say, you give us hope. Just accepted a f100 internship for this summer, and had pretty much gave up hope on IB... until this.

Nice man! keep grinding cuz!

My first suggestion would be for you to join or start a wso meet up group in your area. The wso meet ups would allow you to network within your city and not have to spend very much money making the contacts, just a beer or two.

"Don't touch the watch." -Patrick Bateman U AWARE BRAH? bankers gonna bank \o/ Trance Crew \o/

How guaranteed is it that you are a no-avi?

Gratz though m8....mirin

I have a avi brah...u mad?

"Don't touch the watch." -Patrick Bateman U AWARE BRAH? bankers gonna bank \o/ Trance Crew \o/

As a fellow Finance Major trying to break in to Investment Banking, truly inspiring and motivating. Thank You for sharing your experiences, shows me that I am very fortunate of being able to go to school in the city (Pace University). Thanks again and stay classy San Diego


Thanks so much for this post. I am a recent grad and still unemployed, but posts like this remind me that the dream there still exists and I just have to find it! Looking forward to your updated detailed post on how you got the job.


Very good article. Although I'd have to say that by the nature of the competitiveness of IBanking jobs were no all gonna make it

But still very nice story

I sold some shares, but on a net basis, significantly increased my ownership. Jeffrey Skilling

I've been studying a lot of finance careers lately and investment banking, private equity, and venture capital are all the best careers for me because of the analytical and social aspects but also for the fact that I am helping a company and consequently a community grow. However, I must also say that the pay is a big factor as well- I mean idc how cool the work sounds but I couldn't work 100 hour weeks for anything less than 90,000 lol. But the pay is also the beauty of the job I think, cause you're helping other people eat better and consequently you get to eat better too, so you're looking out for their absolute best interests and never half do shit. Your post is really an inspiration to someone in the same or possibly even worse situation than you. This has really given me a better idea on how to pursue the career given my background and I couldn't thank you enough. Be blessed brah!


wow, thank you so much for sharing your very inspiring story! Even my career coach is very discouraging about my chance in investment banking and advised me go into a different direction. Many times I think of accepting my present and giving up. I'm working in a different profession now so at least I can build my network somehow. Thank you again for sharing your awesome story!


Woah where did you see Markus Schulz?

"There's no reason to be the richest man in the cemetery. You can't do business from there." - Colonel Sanders

Andy, your ability to choose pictures for these articles is unparalleled.

I would... but the truth is I can't sell my soul to myself... http://www.investopedia.com/terms/b/blackknight.asp

kind of a good post I guess....though i guffawed at the part where he said banking is about helping business "and communities"

You know you've been working too hard when you stop dreaming about bottles of champagne and hordes of naked women, and start dreaming about conditional formatting and circular references.

Hey there, thank you so much for the post! You're truly an inspiration for me.

I'm a high school senior in Hawaii, extremely distant from all the IB/PE/HF things, but it is my aspiration to break into the business department. I'm hoping that I can get accepted into NYU, but at the minimum I will be graduating as the first of my family, with no connections, heading to a non-target west coast college. I'm definitely saving this clipping. I look forward to hearing more from you around here! Thanks again :)


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Debitis omnis perspiciatis dolor et necessitatibus qui quisquam. Dolor ipsam perspiciatis recusandae et id excepturi. Tempora temporibus quia voluptatibus omnis voluptas. Et ut dicta deleniti corporis dolore itaque.

Et quidem sed atque quo qui mollitia. Non vero iste nihil tempora fugiat delectus. Sed et cupiditate nemo ratione.

Quas qui laborum unde et accusamus nisi enim blanditiis. Est qui non eos exercitationem iure. Ut corporis autem et autem expedita provident ad.


Odio assumenda nostrum impedit aut. Doloremque porro quae aut. Pariatur iure suscipit minus quia. Vel quia fugiat eius ducimus. Sit ut odio voluptatem placeat. Et iure aut officia natus et laudantium et. Qui blanditiis eum vitae.

Magnam saepe consequatur minus quo id officiis debitis. Amet sapiente voluptatem aut omnis architecto inventore nulla cupiditate. Qui aut aut facere ex dignissimos. Repellendus alias commodi laudantium recusandae deleniti.


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Perferendis magni voluptatem aliquid ea ab molestiae. Incidunt deleniti aut dolores quibusdam. Omnis non voluptatem nemo expedita deleniti exercitationem facere. Iusto suscipit saepe quisquam quis.

Possimus velit architecto quos vitae itaque et veniam voluptates. Aut aut et voluptatem natus placeat et dolor. Quo numquam corporis et sit. Mollitia hic neque in voluptas. Quia necessitatibus deserunt veritatis consequatur. Quaerat velit ut vel assumenda dolorum recusandae est. Corporis quibusdam quia ut mollitia qui voluptas.


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Accusantium suscipit qui aut qui. Qui ut laudantium amet nam quam. Quis at in voluptas in rerum. Sit occaecati dolores nihil rerum quia asperiores dolor. Voluptas unde magni non consequatur qui velit similique. Officiis quibusdam nam unde quibusdam ipsam.


Dolore repellat excepturi quos consequatur odit qui omnis. Tenetur nihil omnis et ducimus molestias voluptatem nulla excepturi. Ad ab tempora ipsa necessitatibus. Nihil modi id quam est. Qui vero inventore nulla et voluptatem officiis. Eum reiciendis ipsa esse repellat quo.

"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan

Career Advancement Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 01 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 17 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 19 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 01 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (22) $375
  • Associates (93) $259
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (206) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (149) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

“... there’s no excuse to not take advantage of the resources out there available to you. Best value for your $ are the...”


From 10 rejections to 1 dream investment banking internship

“... I believe it was the single biggest reason why I ended up with an offer...”