BCG gives FT offers to all incoming interns

BCG is giving full-time offers to all interns. Interns were called today and have three options

Interns can do a 6 week virtual internship with full pay

If the intern signs the fulltime offer within two weeks two additional options open up

Work for a nonprofit of your choice; if you do this you also get full pay

Work for a startup - 33 percent Pay(this option includes other things like working on the GRE working on your own startup etc)

If you don't sign within 2 weeks you have to do the 6 week virtual internship

Source: Me.


Yeah they got the short end of the stick....

This has been debated in other forums and this is contentious but from what I'm hearing a lot of their interns will be re-recruiting if nothing changes.


Why are they not using email for this? Like why are the firms calling people instead of sending out an email???

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It's probably no coincidence that they waited for Bain to come out with their update of no FT offers before doing this. Some sort of cool cultural advantage was the main thing Bain had going for them in recruiting away talent from the rest of the MBB, but that's really up for question now given the treatment Mckinsey and BCG have given their interns. From friends interning across the MBB, morale amongst interns at BCG and Mckinsey versus Bain is completely different, with the former group excited as hell whilst the other feeling down as shit. It's quite counterintuitive, but giving auto-offers is actually raising the desire to work hard and do well at the internship, it's no longer a dreaded slugfest and interns can focus a lot more on just trying to learn and get everything they can out of the internship. One can only dream, but hopefully the banking industry learns a bit from the consultants!


I do agree. But I can’t help but feel like there’s really bad dynamics going on here.

This tactic of waiting for the first mover and then based on that up your own game to impress even more...

It just looks so superficial and forced. i mean...if Bain would have waited even longer they could have easily offered something even more “generous” (guaranteed pay + guaranteed optional internship at Bridgespan Group, or whatever...). Or if McK would have waited even longer...

And then? Would everyone suddenly say “woah, I’m gonna re-recruit at Bain now because of that”?

Wirh BCG’s move, it just seems so much like an “easy win marketing gag” to me.

Not implying that what BCG offered is is! But by now I doubt that any of these games are driven by genuine courtesy vs. marketing efforts.


It's classic game theory/how competetive markets function. Can't really blame them. It's about how long you are able to withstand wait to see your competitors moves... then whoever caves loses. In another world, the firms could have cooperated and decided on a policy together so one wouldn't be worse off than the other.


The extremely stereotypical view would be that:

McKinsey is polished albeit arrogant BCG is nerdy and academic Bain is fratty and fun

Real life is ofc more nuanced and geographical/office-level differences will play a huge role, but this is the general view.

Do you believe this perception is different amongst advanced degree applicants? Care to elaborate?


I don't think they upped it. McKinsey gave full time offers and full pay, even if you choose not to intern, so I'll say McKinsey won this round even as the first mover.

You're right that it was definitely not a genuine move by BCG though. Does this make Bain look bad, since they did it right after Bain didn't give the offers? Certainly. And was it just about optics? Without a doubt. Considering they had NO communication with their current interns and they still haven't even reached out to their incoming full-time employees to say their job is safe or how start dates are affected...yeah, this out of the blue update was BCG just trying to claw its way back up since it loses cross offers to Bain on culture and to McKinsey on prestige.


Yeah I think you’ve got a point. With “up-the-game”, I meant this “do-good” option of BCG of going to a nonprofit or startup.

I mean...maybe I’m just too skeptical but that’s just way too much cliche at this point, BCG forcing themselves to come up with something super-creative and “helping the world”...

I mean, yes, ultimately it is definitely awesome and nice. But the circumstances don’t make it look genuine at all.

Nonetheless, I really hope for Bain interns that they will get something “more” as well, even if it’s just for morale now.

But this whole spectacle really looks a bit dirty to me.


Pretty much agree with the both of you. Certainly does appear to be an easy win marketing gag, but that doesn't take away from the benefits of it. Very easy reputational and cultural points for minimal effort. BCG loses a lot of talent to Bain yearly based on the better cultural reputation of Bain, and this is without a doubt a strategy to combat that.

Your viewpoint and ability to see through the smoke and mirrors is on the merit of you having years in the industry. But imagine being a senior in college with offers from both BCG and Bain, I can guarantee the fact that Bain didn't give auto-offers to their interns in the midst of an unprecedented epidemic whilst BCG went the extra mile is something that'd weigh heavily on your decision of deciding which firm's a better cultural fit. Optics are everything unfortunately, regardless of whether it was out of altruism or a cold strategy.


Hi I'm recruiting for BCG. Why is Bain's culture generally considered to be better?


It's not better or worse. It's just different. I wouldn't take much of what is said in this thread as fact, it's very much opinion based written by people who just think Bain is better. You will find many people who said the culture at BCG or McKinsey is better than Bain!


I recieved offers at all three and did a lot of diligence when selecting a firm.

Bain is the most "family" like of the three. They focus on fit. Maybe not a popular opinion, but everyone who knows how recruiting works would agree that their employees tend to be the least intelligent and academic of the MBB firms. They also tend to be the most charismatic though ;)

McKinsey is the most prestigious of the three. They focus on intellect and leadership, and their employees tend to be the most impressive/accomplished of the firms. The firm overall is not cutthroat but its profile is more likely than Bain/BCG to attract cutthroat types due to prestige.

BCG is a worse version of McKinsey and is trying very hard to copy them. They claim to focus more on culture (questionable) but they honestly work the most of the three firms because they have the most to compensate for. Employees here will tell you that they take ethically questionable projects that McKinsey has passed on because they're desperate for growth. Employee intelligence is between McKinsey and BCG. Very few people who consider all three firms go to BCG since its worse on prestige than McKinsey and worse on culture than Bain.

Maybe an unpopular opinion to some but I see no reason to sugarcoat my anonymous answer. Won't give away my firm, but I'm clearly not at BCG :)

Prospect in S&T - Equities:
Pretty much agree with the both of you. Certainly does appear to be an easy win marketing gag, but that doesn't take away from the benefits of it. Very easy reputational and cultural points for minimal effort. BCG loses a lot of talent to Bain yearly based on the better cultural reputation of Bain, and this is without a doubt a strategy to combat that.

Your viewpoint and ability to see through the smoke and mirrors is on the merit of you having years in the industry. But imagine being a senior in college with offers from both BCG and Bain, I can guarantee the fact that Bain didn't give auto-offers to their interns in the midst of an unprecedented epidemic whilst BCG went the extra mile is something that'd weigh heavily on your decision of deciding which firm's a better cultural fit. Optics are everything unfortunately, regardless of whether it was out of altruism or a cold strategy.

100% agree. As a college kid you literally couldn't care less "why" your prospective employer would give out auto FT offers. The motive behind might not be so sincere but frankly for us kids we just wanna keep our heads above water. Who cares if it's "genuine" or not? Totally understand the cynicism but at the same time it's "easy wins" like these that mean the world to incoming recruits and paint the firm in a much better light compared to competitors


> BCG loses a lot of talent to Bain yearly based on the better cultural reputation of Bain

Where do you get this nonsense?


What do you mean? With the BCG option, you only get 1/3 pay if you work at a startup.

With the McKinsey option, you are paid for the full summer and can do whatever you want (including working at a startup or nonprofit). McKinsey is literally paying you to do whatever you want, whether that's intern with them or not, with the promise of a FT job at the end of it.


Nah man, and I'm saying this as one of your "rivals". Bain is an excellent place to work. Who cares about what two other firms did if it doesn't actively harm you? One firm adding extra icing on their cake doesn't suddenly turn yours into stale bread.


Not at all. Was an ACI last summer and it was beyond a doubt the best summer I could have experienced. You chose the best possible place you could be.


How bad will people like me have it when I planned to apply to FT consulting later this year for 2021? Do you guys think FT consulting will be low numbers?

I’m in London btw


Consulting firms generally have some spots opening up for FT excluding those for interns, not sure if this would still be the case this year.


Do we know if BCG is doing this for all offices? (I am an incoming intern from the London office and haven't heard back yet)


Thanks folks...this is helpful to know. Let's see what BCG does for the London office. I know that McKinsey London has given the FT offer, Bain is proceeding with virtual internships but haven't heard from BCG yet. Fingers crossed.

Summer Associate in Consulting:
Thanks folks...this is helpful to know. Let's see what BCG does for the London office. I know that McKinsey London has given the FT offer, Bain is proceeding with virtual internships but haven't heard from BCG yet. Fingers crossed.

This is a lie, I'm a McK London Summer BA this year and literally HAVENT heard back from them yet lol, just a reassurance call, stop spreading fake news x


It's not a lie. Mck has given FT offers to all incoming summer 'Associates' in the London office. Maybe it's not the same for BAs. But all incoming summer associates from LBS have got FT offers.


Incoming McK summer (undergrad) in a large MENA office. HR emailed today requesting legal docs for onboarding; however, no mention of any FT offers (I didn't ask either) or change in duration of the internship & pay.


London: SA PwC: Full time offers EY Parthenon: Cancelled internships Deloitte: Cancelled internships w a video


For anyone argued how much Bain shortchanged their offerees and doesn’t care about their employees, what does this group think about BCG now that FT offers have been pushed with no or minimal stipend?


To be fair though, most people in this thread were talking about how Bain was put in a hard position re: making the intern FT offer decision public first and how BCG appeared opportunistic in comparison by making theirs after Bain. It seems now that the positions are reversed and BCG made the hard decision to release this publicly first, while Bain can make a more positive impression. Perhaps Bain now has the opportunity to appear compassionate in comparison by either not delaying start dates or offering a more substantial stipend that doesn't just go to the 2+ month delays? Will be interesting to see what happens this week.


I don't know what McKinsey's cross-offer win rate is against Bain/BCG, but I'm sure it's quite high, and in the fall it's probably going to be just about 100% lol. They're the only firm that has shown they're always going to treat their employees right, and they're also the only one that's big enough to be financial stable right now. I wouldn't feel nearly as safe taking a Bain/BCG offer given these market conditions.


I mean your comment was a bit unfair. It's easy to say that others are biased against you and more difficult to say that you may have made sweeping generalizations they found inaccurate?

Also, separate point, but why single out BCG as throwing MS when you very clearly said Bain and BCG in the original post? You might want to check who is being biased.


Not BCG but I don't really understand the correlation between not guaranteeing FT offers for interns to "not treating employees right." People that I have talked to who had the choice between multiple MBB offers generally cited better culture, people, or work. I have never heard "My start date got delayed so screw BCG." Perhaps those are exactly the type of people Bain is trying to weed out by NOT guaranteeing FT offers.


@incoming BCG interns, which of the three summer options are you considering doing ?


Guys, for those of you trying to discern who "cares" the most about their employees, please remember these are unprecedented measures which may differ between competitors.

McK is probably not more "loyal" than Bain, and BCG is likely not trying to fuck you over permanently with a delayed start. Times are tough and not everyone will have the benefit of cruising into this crisis with at least some form of employment at a top tier firm. But you guys do. Take it in stride and don't use this as an opp to compare prestige or anything like that, these guys hired you for a reason and won't arbitrarily lose you because everyone has to WFH all of a sudden. Big picture, that is the truth. Godspeed and focus on your own internship / career


No idea on other countries only know about NA. Tbh these firms give 95% return offers anyway there’s minimal downside to locking talent up early. Also believe a lot of them saw last year that people get more out of the internship when they’re not solely focused on doing things to get an offer. People who’ve made it to this point with MBB aren’t going to suddenly turn into slackers because for this


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Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Consulting

  • Partner (4) $368
  • Principal (25) $277
  • Director/MD (55) $270
  • Vice President (47) $246
  • Engagement Manager (100) $226
  • Manager (153) $170
  • 2nd Year Associate (158) $140
  • Senior Consultant (331) $130
  • 3rd+ Year Associate (108) $130
  • Consultant (590) $119
  • 1st Year Associate (539) $119
  • NA (15) $119
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (148) $116
  • Engineer (6) $114
  • 2nd Year Analyst (347) $103
  • Associate Consultant (166) $98
  • 1st Year Analyst (1051) $87
  • Intern/Summer Associate (191) $83
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (553) $67
