Does the world just feel weird and wrong/different to anyone else recently?

I’m not sure how to really explain this, but everything has felt really weird and kinda meaningless for the last like year or so. Society feels like a sham, girls don’t feel trustworthy at all, consistent social culture doesn’t exist, everyone is just on their own, etc. It feels like lord of the flies, I constantly feel like everyone is out to get me and nobody really cares. What are we doing? What does money even get you? Is there anything to look forward to? Are societal trends fucking me or am I just a pussy? I have heard this feeling reciprocated by other kids in my demographic (20-25 year old guys), but idk if that’s selection bias or what.


Second this - frankly I can not see myself being anything more than physical with any girl for a long time. Rather be lonely on a Monday than getting fucked over on a Friday.


I’m fucking a girl regularly. She calls her ex autistic. There’s no loyalty, once I’m not fucking her anymore she’ll say that same shit about me to the next guy

Most Helpful

This may just be the lockdowns, but I am also disillusioned with the way things are today.

Our culture sucks. We’re inundated with an endless loop of videos, posts, and comments. I find myself spending more time online than talking to other people. I feel like one of those fat humanoids in WALL-E glued to their screens. The few times I do get to talk to a friend, I have to be very careful about what I say. God forbid I offend a demographic, or support the “wrong” cause. Yeah we have freedom of speech, but any wrong word can have us banned by social media, fired by our company, canceled by a doxxer, or lambasted by the media. Our speech has been forcefully sanitized to a point that I don’t even feel free anymore. I can’t say what I want, or joke around to bond with my close friends. It wasn’t like this in the 2000s and early 2010s. What the fuck have we come to? When will this end?

The entertainment and media is somewhat off. I feel there’s been a sharp drop in creativity the past few years. Look at the movies. Every major Disney movie in the past few years was either a sequel, reboot, or live action remake. Avengers, Star Wars, Aladdin with Will Smith, you name it. These movies were shitty parodies of their former selves. These films dominate the headlines, and clever, full-of-life movies like Coco (still Disney, I know) get crowded out. These studios are not creative anymore. They’d rather revive an old brand and make a quick billion in the box office than make something truly great, like the next Lion King or the next Dark Knight. Television is dead. Comedy is declining because comedians fear pushing the limits. YouTube videos aren’t as fun as they used to be. I don’t feel a creative spirit coming from the creators. Everything is clean, PC, and corporatized for ad revenue. The algorithm bombards us with these videos until we feel numb. Porn is making me numb too. I spend a long time looking for the “right” video, but I’m never really satisfied in the end. The music today SUCKS. I’m not a “born in the wrong generation” person. It just sucks. Name one good mainstream song that came out after 2015. Despashito? Oh please. Everything feels so dead. There’s no heart and soul to anything I watch or listen to today. Maybe I’m being too pretentious idk. Fuck this.


This is some incel shit dude. If you don’t have the balls to say that shit to your friends you probably really aren’t that close to them brother


It’s not the friends I’m worried about. It’s other people who can’t mind their own business. A while back someone filed a complaint against me after overhearing me say something “problematic.” They had nothing to do with the conversation. Around the same time, a friend had to talk with their student dean because they posted a “racist” video in a group chat. The video was the tamest thing I had ever watched (if anything, it was anti-racist). Sure I will be open with my friends when I’m certain no one else is around. But for the most part it’s just not worth it to joke around anymore.


Just consooooom boy! Wfh, order Uber eats, watch Netflix, swipe right, repeat. You’re a soulless bot and they love it.

Srs, wanna break the cycle? Call people on the fucking phone. Meet people in person for drinks and meals. Go to the gym on a regular basis and become friendly with other regulars. Stop watching shit tier movies, shows and sportsball. Meet a chick who is wife material, not another soulless drone, and have a huge brood of kids. Do all that or die soulless, your choice.


You can miss me with the kids comment but this is so on point I wish I could give multiple SBs

just trying to live like Hunter S Thompson

I feel like you may be the same M&A guy who's responded to other threads about kids (maybe even mine for all I know)

legitimately curious - you seem to have many reasons for wanting kids, what are they? I'm not looking to argue because it's a personal choice, I'm legit curious.

also, have you always wanted to be a dad or was it something that came later?


I absolutely hate this take on current media. Sure, Disney is taking over the mainstream media and everything is just superheros or reboots, but there is so much to be found in independent cinema these days you just need to be on the lookout for it. A few movies from my watchlist that all came out in the last 5 years, some are definitely more niche than others and my taste generally runs to the dramatic, but still there is plenty out there: Nine Days, The Green Knight, Pig, No Sudden Move, Uncut Gems, Zola, Prospect, Boys State (documentary), I'm Thinking of Ending Things, Borg vs. McEnroe, Velvet Buzzsaw, Lady Macbeth, Foxtrot, Palm Springs, High Flying Bird, Les Miserables (2019, not the Victor Hugo story), A Hidden Life, Knives Out, Apollo 11 (doc), The Peanut Butter Falcon, Sound of Metal, The Art of Self Defense, Booksmart, Ingrid Goes West, Free Solo (doc), Cold War, The Favourite, Widows, Mid90s, and on and on. Not to mention contemporary international and the entire back catalogue of cinema (there are old movies out there that are more interesting or engaging than most stuff being put out today), there is plenty out there of high quality media to watch if you want to, you don't have to solely rely on what the Mouse is pumping out.

Also, listen to different music man, the mainstream is always going to cater to the lowest common denominator. It's the same thing as film, just because the millionth Drake album that sounds exactly the same as everything else is on top of Spotify's algo doesn't mean that there isn't good music being put out today (I'm far less versed in music than I am in film, so I can't quite rattle off examples, but I know there is stuff out there). Also, there is the same factor as film where you have 60 years of great music out there that you haven't fully explored. I just recently discovered and dove into The Velvet Underground and LCD Soundsystem, I love their music and enjoy it a lot, it's fresh to me and is basically as relevant to me as if they had released it yesterday. 

Being disillusioned with modern society and the current state of affairs is fair and understandable, and honestly I think you'd have to be pretty crazy to look around and think everything is fine. But there is a lot of incredible art out there being made, and a lot that was already made ready to be discovered. If you go through all of that and still feel numb to it, it's probably not the media that's getting you down. 


I want to be free to say whatever the fuck I want. I want comedians to be able to make jokes about women, blacks, Jews, Mexicans, Arabs, Indians (red), Indians (dot), Chinese, fags, trannies, dikes, you name it. This was 100% condoned about a decade ago. Just listen to the comedy specials from the late nineties to the early 2010s. Chris Rock, Dave Chappelle, Louis CK, Patrice O’Neal. This is the era when shows like South Park and Chappelle’s Show shot into the spotlight. Comedy was on fire. Why? Because people were free to say what they wanted. They could experiment and push the boundaries. Do you think a show like South Park or a sketch from Chappelle’s show like “The Niggar Family” could come out today? It would never get approved by the studios, let alone accepted by the press. Just look at Dave Chappelle’s recent special, “Sticks and Stones,” where he takes on cancel culture, celebrity scandals, and the LGBT mafia. It was loved by the public, but it got a 35% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. If even a behemoth like Chappelle is barely getting accepted by critics, how in the world will a totally unknown comedian, the next Dave Chappelle perhaps, ever get a shot at releasing a special of his own? How will the average layperson ever get to laugh and enjoy these jokes?

Comedy is not just for the laughs though. It is also one of the oldest and most effective ways of criticizing a society and the way things are. These supposedly tolerant and progressive wokies who want to “tear down the system” have ironically shut down the subversive and critical nature of comedy. They want comedy to exist as long as it doesn’t push boundaries or offend anyone. Does comedy even exist at that point? Are we even free? No we’re not. I hope this scourge ends.


Pre-2015 was a vibe, 2011-2014 were probably the best years of my life while being a college student. Vines was cool but didn't consume our lives like TikTok/Insta nowadays. Political atmosphere wasn't that bad either which was a huge plus. Girls weren't that fake back then (met my wife at the end of 2014). Ngl, Tinder in 2013 was great for those who wanted to stay single/have options. Casual relationships wasn't a big deal back then but now it's become way more common that it's surprising to see as an outsider looking in at the dating atmosphere currently amongst friends. A lot of my friends post-college constantly complained how bad this dating environment is.


In response to quality of media, I started playing video games again during the pandemic and think Call of Duty WZ is an amazing product that allows me to hang with the boys. I've basically cut the cord on everything else and anyone giving advice will say to get away from a screen so who gives a shit about the quality of content? Netflix, HBO, etc put out trash and not even worth the subscription IMO. 

Separately, we just need to be kinder, more genuine, and down to earth as a group. I cannot get over how superficial people are and how comp/spending dominates conversation nowadays... Can't tell if that is part of getting older or just what we have become. My city is just a massive dick measuring contest full of losers with credit cards.



"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Best thing I’ve done this past year was delete all social media with the exception of LinkedIn and Facebook (I hate this one too but use it for housing groups, etc.).

I’ve cut down on my time out partying mindlessly until 5 in the morning each weekend as well and now spend more time just straight up doing nothing. I’ll post up in a comfortable spot turn everything off, make a pot of coffee, grab a few books, a note book and pen, and just let my mind wander. I love it. I come up with all sorts of ideas and new thought patterns. I feel amazing after I do.

It also gives me time for just reflection on my own life. It’s helped produce clarity.

I think having that time of just “nothing” and letting our minds wander, is something most of us need right now. It would probably ground us all a bit as well and help our social interactions when we’re together.

I agree that I think our society is becoming very very hollow and distorted. Big media is literally destroying us, eating our souls alive. Get off that shit and start getting comfortable with nothing, you’ll end up with something. Promise. Friedman out -


Anonymous Monkey

I'm not sure how to really explain this, but everything has felt really weird and kinda meaningless for the last like year or so. Society feels like a sham, girls don't feel trustworthy at all, consistent social culture doesn't exist, everyone is just on their own, etc. It feels like lord of the flies, I constantly feel like everyone is out to get me and nobody really cares. What are we doing? What does money even get you? Is there anything to look forward to? Are societal trends fucking me or am I just a pussy? I have heard this feeling reciprocated by other kids in my demographic (20-25 year old guys), but idk if that's selection bias or what.

I assure you the world is filled with beauty and love. The trick is to do your best to be around that. For example, my hobbies include getting away from all the noise and closer to nature. Reduce my level of exposure to negative people etc.

SafariJoe, wins again!

couple things wrong with this

1. no one is forcing you to work in IB or another career with bad work/life balance

2. if you're on social media at work, you're not at work, go do something else during downtime in the office

3. no one is forcing you to be on social media or other areas where this cognitive dissonance enters your conscience

4. I have many friends with as demanding schedules as IB analysts (both now and in our 20s) and most don't have these issues, blaming your employer for your dating life is just stupid


Sounds like ya'll are stuck in the convenience trap. We've automated & digitized so many tasks and points of friction that we're starting to realize the inconvenient journey itself is what made the end results interesting & colorful. 

An example of this is as simple as asking a person a question vs just Google searching it. Sure you can get every answer possible out of Google but the person can provide emotional/personal context behind their answer which leads to an interesting discussion

Created a 1-step skincare solution for men. Purchase + reviews appreciated:

I'm not sure how to really explain this, but everything has felt really weird and kinda meaningless for the last like year or so.

- life has no inherent meaning, you need to create meaning

Society feels like a sham

- it is

girls don't feel trustworthy at all

- girls aren't, women can be

consistent social culture doesn't exist

- you're looking in the wrong places or hanging out with the wrong people

everyone is just on their own

- duh

It feels like lord of the flies, I constantly feel like everyone is out to get me and nobody really cares

- don't flatter yourself, no one's out to get you

What are we doing?

- waiting to die

What does money even get you?

- opportunities

Is there anything to look forward to?

- friends, food, sex, a really good shit, drugs, happiness, sadness, pain, the future

Are societal trends fucking me or am I just a pussy?

- I think you know the answer chief, you choose to allow yourself to be "fucked by societal trends," though maybe you could elaborate on what those trends are

I have heard this feeling reciprocated by other kids in my demographic (20-25 year old guys), but idk if that's selection bias or what.

- every young man goes through a little of this at that time of their lives. I sound like a broken record but a good trip (literal), a good trip (psychedelic), and a good nut usually gave me the reset I needed until I stopped giving a fuck about others' opinions

just trying to live like Hunter S Thompson

I'm not sure how to really explain this, but everything has felt really weird and kinda meaningless for the last like year or so.

- life has no inherent meaning, you need to create meaning

Society feels like a sham

- it is

girls don't feel trustworthy at all

- girls aren't, women can be

consistent social culture doesn't exist

- you're looking in the wrong places or hanging out with the wrong people

everyone is just on their own

- duh

It feels like lord of the flies, I constantly feel like everyone is out to get me and nobody really cares

- don't flatter yourself, no one's out to get you

What are we doing?

- waiting to die

What does money even get you?

- opportunities

Is there anything to look forward to?

- friends, food, sex, a really good shit, drugs, happiness, sadness, pain, the future

Are societal trends fucking me or am I just a pussy?

- I think you know the answer chief, you choose to allow yourself to be "fucked by societal trends," though maybe you could elaborate on what those trends are

I have heard this feeling reciprocated by other kids in my demographic (20-25 year old guys), but idk if that's selection bias or what.

- every young man goes through a little of this at that time of their lives. I sound like a broken record but a good trip (literal), a good trip (psychedelic), and a good nut usually gave me the reset I needed until I stopped giving a fuck about others' opinions

You think life has no inherent meaning?

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

No, i think you can create meaning as well as find meaning, but I'd take inherent to mean predetermined, permanent, and existing regardless of who's talking about it, and I think everyone's meaning to their life is different.

also the whole point of this was complaining about how the world feels weird and one of the reasons is that it doesn't feel like life has meaning. I say tough shit, go find meaning and do meaningful things, it's not the universes job to do that for you

just trying to live like Hunter S Thompson

absolutely, or if it does, it's not inherent for us.

Just as evolution is great only for the system and kills most of the participants, I just can't see the meaning behind crackbaby-turned-crackhead who die before 30's lives. Did they find meaning? fulfillment? are those only for people born to decent enough families? 


Yeah. Like im scared that one of these girls will one day be the mother of my child. Honestly I am just having faith in God that he gives me a wonderful woman to be my wife and the mother of my child. I don't want a thot or hoe who would encourage my child to go hoe around for the "experience". 


Agree, I also feel that. In my view the problem is social media in general.


True, but do not compare a heroin dealer with a corporation with 500 Stanford graduates in an office analyzing the best ways to exploit your craiving for dopamine and novelty when you touch a phone.


If you do the following I promise this feeling will diminish and you will feel much more fulfilled. Lift heavy shit, go hard in recreational sports (basketball, ultimate frisbee, sand volleyball, softball, etc.), eat red meat, drink tons of water, read quality literature (can be anything from Monkey Business to Marcus Aurelius), watch quality movies (check out the underrated or best movies threads on here), interact with animals, find solid friends, delete social media (except for maybe sports and business), listen to podcasts in something that actually interests you (not just so you can say you listened to a podcast), stop watching the news so frequently, get a shit ton of sun, find a quality partner (one that is ambitious, fun, etc. I promise you you will be more fulfilled with a person you truly love than trying to hookup with random people), find things that make you laugh, learn an instrument and both learn to play your favorite songs and write your own, go on vacations to nature hotspots (national parks, Caribbean islands, etc.) if you can afford it (if you can't, you can definitely go hiking, camping, etc.), cut out porn, drugs, alcohol and processed/fast foods (notice how I didn't say sugar or carbs), do charity work that actually means something to you, listen to real music (not today's garbage, IMO, 1970-1985 as the absolute golden age of music, you had Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, The Who, Queen, ELO, Tom Petty, Boston, Elton John, Rush, Billy Joel, Supertramp, AC/DC, Genesis, Van Halen, Journey, Eagles, Meat Loaf, Fleetwood Mac, all in their prime, and the list goes on. If you look it's crazy the amount of killer albums that came out from 1976-1981 alone, also look into metal like Dream Theater, Iron Maiden, Queensryche, Delain, Avantasia, Seventh Wonder, Disturbed, Ayreon, Kamelot, etc.), meditate (this one is huge) and just generally work on improving your life. Basically, if it isn't something you could have done 40+ years ago, it's probably not good for you. If you do even several of these things (would recommend starting with your physical health, but my top ones would be meditate, go hard as hell in lifting or sports or both, sun, water, meat, and friends/quality partner, the rest like music and movies are more minor and easier to implement), you will find that you can be happy irrespective of society, and it will get to the point where you actually feel bad for other people because they don't know how rewarding these habits are. I'm not going to go all Tyler Durden and say society is 100% evil, but it has definitely been on a decline. I mean look at the recent Tesla bot. We're really too fucking lazy to go out and get our own groceries now? You'd be surprised how many people feel the same way but just don't know how to address how this issue negatively impacts them personally. At some point you will realize that you are pretty much powerless to change society as a whole so it gives you the freedom to focus on yourself and your own happiness and purpose, which you will soon realize is what you should have been doing all along. Holy shit I used a lot of parentheses.


You feel this way because it is true.

The history of all hitherto existing society is, an Hegelian sense, a dialectical one between two opposing philosophies on man’s place in the universe. One is the individual, the thesis, the proposal that man exists independent of his environment in a materialist way; he can work, build, create, speak, meet, own, trade and share on equal terms with other sovereigns. 

The second, the antithesis, is a view of people as parts of a complex system, almost like cells in a body, each playing their part but existing solely in furtherance of the leviathan which they constitute. The antithesis believes humans are fungible, disposable where needed for the greater good and are best organised de haut en bas. One could argue the synthesis of these views exists in strong nationalist or fascist movements, where individual rights are encouraged and strong whilst these further the aims of the race/nation.

Throughout history, I’d argue the antithesis has generally prevailed, but has been unable to stamp out the thesis outright. With the Enlightenment, and the discovery of the New World, American exceptionalism, the triumph of free markets over the Soviet system, the thesis has been in the ascendancy for close to two centuries, as the philosophy of the Western world. 

However, as this strength has been corrupted and decayed, we see the fortunes of the thesis match those of the West in general. This strange, historical anomaly of individual sovereign rights is flickering and dying out. We are, perhaps, the last generation; maybe there will exist one or two after us, in the more remote holdouts, but the customs, morals and beliefs which link new citizens to the generations which came before have been utterly severed. 

There was, almost by historical accident, a brief period of time where your liberty as an individual was greater than ever before or since. Older millennials caught the very end of it; I am sure you remember it. You could disagree, even offend, and still be treated equally in the eyes of the law. In this time you could own something real, a car, and it was yours. The government could not switch it off remotely. You could buy a cd, dvd or a book, and Apple or Amazon couldn’t retroactively censor it, removing things you thought you owned. You could send a message and it would be received unmolested; not blocked by Facebook as if you’d had too much to think. Your health was your responsibility, your body sacrosanct; you could not be forced to undergo treatment to help the collective, or be fired from your job for refusing. You could run your business as you saw fit, not be cut off by your payments provider for ‘giving a platform’ to people the government disliked. Those days are over.

Now, as the antithesis ascends, collectivism continues to encroach on those who inhabit the tails of the distribution. Soon, you will be trusted to do less and less. To pick a simple example, self-driving cars will be sold without steering wheels, and you won’t be able to drive at all. Any suspicious route will be tracked; forbidden routes will simply be impossible to get to, or scrubbed from maps like is already done in China. Acquiring enough land to live off will be prohibitively expensive. Innocuous books, even speeches, will be labelled seditious materials and used to justify detainment under anti-terrorism legislation. Already you are not permitted to ‘do your own research’; this is too dangerous and you might fall prey to misinformation. Better that you listen only to approved sources.

It is also likely that, in time, it will be seen as abhorrent and unconscionable that humans once killed animals for food, burnt trees for warmth, and buried waste in the ground. Instead, the antithesis demands a cyclical economy; everything will be borrowed temporarily from, and returned to, the central apparatus of the state. People raised in this society will think it crazy that any couple could create a new human, unlicensed, unvetted, and have rights over them through their formative years. Instead this privilege will be reserved to he state, or else meted out by the government only to approved parent candidates. This may correspond to members of the ruling caste: the party apparatchiks. In either case, children will be exclusively educated by the state, following a curriculum approved by the state, until human labour is barely needed at all. Then the number of permits will decrease year on year, to a trickle.

This is, effectively, a sort of extinction event, just another in a long history of slow genocides. The future of western peoples may look much like that of the classical civilisations: Carthaginians, Phoenicians, even Romans. Humans will still inhabit the lands, they may even claim the titles like the Holy Roman Emperor, but he was no Caesar and those nations will no longer exist. The language will fall into disuse; the histories will be mocked, as myths turn to legends. Architectural, linguistic even genetic relics will persist, as that which distinguished these peoples from others are eroded or dissolved. 

To answer your question, I ask you, what would you do as a Roman in 400AD? What could you do, except foresee the river Tiber flowing red. You might choose to face down Visigoths but surely it would be hopeless. I think you’d resolve to obey the new system, acquire enough denarii to buy a villa away from the city, write books and raise a family. And hope that in a thousand years, there might yet be a renaissance.


I' m assuming you're an american.

Banks are going to be required to report all transactions over $600 dollar.

Not completely relevant, but I just wanted to kick you while you're down.

Now for the curb stomp. A vast majority of your fellow American's either don't give a shit or can't wrap their noggins around what' happening.


I think a lot of it has to do with globalization and once largely homogenous countries being flooded with foreigners and anyone who speaks against it being labeled "racist".

Used to be you had your community of people like you. They looked like you, talked like you, acted like you, etc. Nowadays you walk down the street of any major city and it's probably more people not from that city or even country than actually are from. What do I as a conservative white, Christian, male born in the US speaking English have in common with an Indian person, is Hindu and speaks English as a second language with a heavy accent and is a liberal? What do I have in common with an Asian person who doesn't speak English and is Buddhist and votes Democrat? What do I have in common with an African-American who secretly hates all white people? Absolutely nothing, and if I say ANYTHING about it I can risk getting "canceled". 

Why would you ever want to mingle with people in society now when society is just a melting pot and you're not allowed to not like anything? I'd rather just stay inside. Globalization, social media, BLM, 3rd wave feminism and liberal policies are destroying our societies in the name of "equality" and no one is allowed to say or do anything about it. 



I think a lot of it has to do with globalization and once largely homogenous countries being flooded with foreigners and anyone who speaks against it being labeled "racist".

Used to be you had your community of people like you. They looked like you, talked like you, acted like you, etc. Nowadays you walk down the street of any major city and it's probably more people not from that city or even country than actually are from. What do I as a conservative white, Christian, male born in the US speaking English have in common with an Indian person, is Hindu and speaks English as a second language with a heavy accent and is a liberal? What do I have in common with an Asian person who doesn't speak English and is Buddhist and votes Democrat? What do I have in common with an African-American who secretly hates all white people? Absolutely nothing, and if I say ANYTHING about it I can risk getting "canceled". 

Why would you ever want to mingle with people in society now when society is just a melting pot and you're not allowed to not like anything? I'd rather just stay inside. Globalization, social media, BLM, 3rd wave feminism and liberal policies are destroying our societies in the name of "equality" and no one is allowed to say or do anything about it. 

Omg. Wow and wow. So shocking. Have you ever traveled????

SafariJoe, wins again!

Imagine being an adult and still not knowing how to coexist with people different than you



Imagine being an adult and still not knowing how to coexist with people different than you

It's not that he's saying he can't coexist with others, it's just that he wants to live with people similar to him. What exactly is wrong with stating a preference?


Please go back to your farm then dumbass.  But chances are you aren't from a rural area and you're just some sheltered suburban Nazi who thinks farmers play in wheat fields all day.


I felt this way.  You're becoming an adult.  Figure out your escapes, find new goals and work towards them, consume less news, don't ever doom scroll, delete instagram app from your phone (use a web-browser so you don't have to delete your account, the lack of interface will make it harder to scroll endlessly), delete facebook (if your actually 20-25 you should have done this years ago), avoid generalizations, gain perspective, and realize that no one has it figured out.

At your age its really hard to figure out if problems you're dealing with are exclusive to you (and you need to address them) or if they're just problems everyone has (and you're being a pussy).  It could always be worse. 


Looks like every Jordan Peterson watcher has decided to write a mildly philosophical wall of text on why people of other ethnic groups, or companies banning hate speech makes them depressed.  Maybe stop being so bitter and angry all the time, reading through 4chan and red pill forums?


Lolz, Peterson is a weakling who actually says liberals are needed in a society, like conservatives are. You hate him nonetheless, which is enough to show your true colours. I pity him, because he's wrong. Liberals know no moderation. You'll find child fuckers, genocidal maniacs, terrorists and zoophiles among their ranks, they are never, ever marginalized. Actually libs demand you feel bad for ''marginalized'' people''.

Never discuss with idiots, first they drag you at their level, then they beat you with experience.

Everyone you don't agree with is a genocidal maniac, terrorist or wanna be Stalin and must be "eradicated"?  Reported.  Sounds like you're just making up excuses so you don't feel bad about killing your political opponents.  Sounds like you read far right websites that feed you fringe headlines like "all white people are evil" and have convinced you that anyone outside your bubble feels that way


"dude just stop being mad"

-The oversocialized liberal response to a global risis. Because only a sick person would take issue with our society, right?

Peterson is also a milquetoast normie. He shouldn't be making you this upset.

"Work ethic, work ethic" - Vince Vaughn
Intern in IB - Gen

I'm not sure how to really explain this, but everything has felt really weird and kinda meaningless for the last like year or so. Society feels like a sham, girls don't feel trustworthy at all, consistent social culture doesn't exist, everyone is just on their own, etc. It feels like lord of the flies, I constantly feel like everyone is out to get me and nobody really cares. What are we doing? What does money even get you? Is there anything to look forward to? Are societal trends fucking me or am I just a pussy? I have heard this feeling reciprocated by other kids in my demographic (20-25 year old guys), but idk if that's selection bias or what.

Bro - have you ever tried a hard 1hr - 3hr workout and then FOOD? It’s life changing bro - you should try it.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

I see you post a lot about your long workouts so I'm wondering, aren't you worried about the effects that regular overexercising has on chronically elevated cortisol levels? From what I've read it seems pretty evident that over the long run if you workout for 2+ hours a day as I presume you do, your cortisol levels will constantly be high, and that's pretty much enemy numero uno when we're talking about really anything related to physical improvement, whether it be muscle building, recovery, mood, etc.


No I’m not worried about overtraining. I have overtrained before and one symptom is burnout and inability to recover and low T. I avoid overtraining. I know what it feels like and overtraining means no gains. 

You have to realize that endurance athletes often push the limits and boundaries, but for me it is pretty hard to train to the extent that my endocrine system is affected. Typically I have small areas of my body that get tired like my butt from riding too much or my hamstrings from all the kicking in Muay Thai yesterday.

If you really want to see people pushing the boundaries of training and perceived over training - the leaderboard on is insane and dwarfs my training hours many times over. I may workout more than anyone on this forum, but am greatly overshadowed on Slowtwitch. 


"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

The fact that he didn't differentiate elevated cortisol levels from overtraining should inform how much he's thought about your question.


Just had my trade dispute rejected by Schwab for a loss of 35k. This single issue alone should be a gigantic red flag to anyone who trades on their platform. If they have a system error, and you do not video record your trading (they actually said this), they will not honour their fuck up. Switching everything away from them. Fuck this company.

We’ve just been through a major life event on a global scale— for the first time in our lives for most of us. But as Billy Joel said, we didn’t start the fire. Think about your grandparents for instance. My grandmother saw ww2, civil rights movement, economy booms and busts, 9/11, and everything in between. 


Couldn’t agree more with some of the stuff you said. Life has sucked recently. I think it leaves room for a lot of questions about purpose, fulfillment, dreams, etc. Massive philosophical holes like that tend to arise whenever we struggle to fill them with our made up answers. When times are bad our answers for it all just don’t flow as freely. To be honest, I get all of these answers for me filled by Christ. And I’m not talking here to be a Bible beater that forces something at you, but to be crank I really cant logically come up with a better option. If I hadn’t had Christ over this past year and a half I would be severely depressed. There’s nothing to lean on that didn’t seem like it could fall with a single tweet or CDC statement. Nothing to look forward to, no one to truly connect with, etc. I truly have come fo the point in life where I think it takes way more faith to not believe in God than to believe in him. To look at all creation, every plant and animal, and human body, and say it all came from a massive bang billions of years ago. I find so much peace in Christ and the faith that there is a bigger omnipotent being out there that created me, knows me, and loves me, no matter the ever changing hell that goes on on earth. I hope that you could maybe find that peace too, cause I know he wants to give it.


I miss the 90s.

The top 3/4 movies every single year were better than anything done since at least 2010. They were inspirational and plots were unpredictable.

Wrestling was cool. Now you have The Rock, from 90s wrestling being the top movie star..

The vast majority of libs weren't batshit insane, nor attempting to destroy society. You could disagree with them without them feeling the need to ruin your life.

Videogames had worse graphics, simpler concepts, yet told better stories. Now it's all about milking consoomers as much as possible.

Girls were hot and actually girls. Now it's a race about who's the most mentally ill.

Simpsons were funny.

Etc. etc.

Never discuss with idiots, first they drag you at their level, then they beat you with experience.

You couldn't steal a candy from his daughter.

Never discuss with idiots, first they drag you at their level, then they beat you with experience.

I miss the 90s.

The top 3/4 movies every single year were better than anything done since at least 2010. They were inspirational and plots were unpredictable.

Wrestling was cool. Now you have The Rock, from 90s wrestling being the top movie star..

The vast majority of libs weren't batshit insane, nor attempting to destroy society. You could disagree with them without them feeling the need to ruin your life.

Videogames had worse graphics, simpler concepts, yet told better stories. Now it's all about milking consoomers as much as possible.

Girls were hot and actually girls. Now it's a race about who's the most mentally ill.

Simpsons were funny.

Etc. etc.

Nostalgias is real. My god, video games are 10000x better now than in the 90s. But if you're saying you are a deeply unhappy person, no argument from me.

"I don't know how to explain to you that you should care about other people."

From Halo to Call of Duty, their best games were Halo 3 and Modern Warfare 2. It doesn't even come close.

Age of Empires has started making expansion packs for Age2, 20 years after it came out, because it's the one with the best gameplay.

Total War made a remastered version of Rome, because that's the fan favourite.

As for me being unhappy, look at yourself in the mirror before saying anything. You are angry and bitter. The only difference is that your side is in charge, these are your ideas. The unhappiest people on the planet, the permanent hyperventilating and overreacting, are the ones with your ideas. Society sucks, you agree with that, and it's your fault. You are to blame.

Never discuss with idiots, first they drag you at their level, then they beat you with experience.

1994 was a big year for movies:

- The Lion King

- Pulp Fiction

- Shawshank Redemption

- Forrest Gump

- True Lies

- Clear and Present Danger 

- Speed

- The Mask

- Mrs. Doubtfire 

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

That's exactly what I was thinking. Name one movie made from 2010 onwards that's better than the top 4 on your list. None. Those are all classics.

Never discuss with idiots, first they drag you at their level, then they beat you with experience.

I think Kobe’s death is somehow related to all of this tbh. it kind of started the whole spiral. RIP black mamba we love you. 


I would not say this online or publically. Our overlords and brave politicians decide what is best for us and we must follow. I'm hoping they allow me to go to Chilli's this weekend, but if there is an outbreak I will gladly stay home and inject myself with vaccine hourly.

Please take this down before you are sent for reeducation. 


Surprised no one else has really brought this up yet. When you take what OP, myself, and others have already said, then add in the fact that people are becoming millionaires selling NFTs of rocks and the market right now is just an absolute house of cards, leading to everyone and their mother piling money into CumAssShitCoin, of course that doesn't exactly help the situation.


The detachment from reality is actually mind blowing. Like people are acting like the housing market where prices only go up everywhere despite that fact that fundamentals make 0 sense. Like wtf are people doing valuing businesses off NNTM? If you explained that logic to a fifth grader they’d be like, “yeah, that doesn’t make sense”

Monty Burns

Surprised no one else has really brought this up yet. When you take what OP, myself, and others have already said, then add in the fact that people are becoming millionaires selling NFTs of rocks and the market right now is just an absolute house of cards, leading to everyone and their mother piling money into CumAssShitCoin, of course that doesn't exactly help the situation.

 Yeeep. At this point it's a bubble over another bubble over another bubble. Lolz central banks.

Never discuss with idiots, first they drag you at their level, then they beat you with experience.

its the fucking endless easy dopamine we shitface ourselves with day in day out that's fucking us up 

recently tried to get into playing some video games again, not a chance bro, shits too slow and I have to work for my pleasure, better just fuck off onto the couch and scroll instagram 

I'm from Europe 

When I was your age I went through similar feelings, I can relate to the struggle. You will get through this over time.

1) Be intentional with your time. Instead of scrolling through IG, watching shitty movies etc., go for a walk. Reconnect with an old friend. Talk on the phone with someone and make small talk. Covid has diminished everyone’s “outer circle”, which IMO is a critical cause of the depressed thought processes of people nowadays. Push yourself out of your comfort zone, make small talk, learn from your outer circle where you can.

2) I’m now 30. Many of us, including myself, felt this exact way at your age and grew out of it. Women in general are immature at 20-25, as they get older they wise up. You will be fine. On your end, you will get more comfortable in your own skin over time. I received this same exact advice and scoffed at it, but it’s true.

TLDR hang in there. You will grow out of this naturally, and in the meantime push yourself out of your comfort zone and get to know your outer circle.


There is actually some significant science / philosophy to back your feelings.

People are feeling a heavy amount of change across the world. COVID is an extreme example, but we have officially entered the Information Age’s prime. Change used to take 1,000s of years, then 100s, then 10s, now every year we experience significant technological and societal change.

With the added speed of COVID, our sense of “normal” has been hit out of balance. Now we are asking people to go against there own nature (maintaining status quo), and generally it is creating culture shocks in the business world and in your personal lives (which are very intertwined).

What I said probably sounds lame, but case in point is the number of job resignations we are seeing across America. The time of Big Corp jobs based on top down management is an a Industrial Age concept, and a new type of work/life preference and thus culture has emerged. Because of the disconnect between Corporate Hierarchy and individual mindsets, people are feeling burnout across all industries. Most company’s are trying to solve the disconnect with $$$ (cough cough huge raises across Wall Street, arguably the industry with the largest disconnect between employee and company culture).

If you’re interested, there are Harvard studies on humans Survive/Thrive stress responses which is hypothesized to be a cause of the resignations across America.

TLDR; Humans are in “survival” mode right now and only responding to stressors which is likely why you feel society is down in the dumps


I'll agree with your observation, but for a very different reason. Compassion has been erased as a value from society. Anyone who shows care and concern for someone else is now derided as a woke SJW snowflake libtard. The last President built his brand on being nasty to anyone and everyone. A third of our country has decided that wearing a mask and taking an FDA-approved vaccine is such a violation of their personal rights that they care not if their neighbor succumbs to a deadly communicable virus. The country is slowly but steadily breaking apart. Eat at Arby's.

"I don't know how to explain to you that you should care about other people."

This is spot on, 100% agree. I despise the current society we live in. A lot of people around me just smoke weed, trade meme stocks/cryptos, do tiktok vids, upload slutty pics on insta etc. I obviously am not friends with them but they are my friends' friends or similar circles so it's not like I can fully isolate myself. There was a comment about movies above which I totally agree with. I love watching old pre-2015 movies so many masterpieces, heck I would even go to the cinema like once-twice a month, whereas now I haven't even been to the cinemas for ages bc there just isn't enough good movies. Idk if you have watched arguably the greatest Sitcom of all time Friends, I love listening to the jokes on LGBTs etc. nobody cared at that time, good old days. Now you gotta think thrice before something comes out of your mouth.. Tbh my family has a networth of $20M but I am still working in MBB, averaging 70 hours a week, not for the money but for self-fullfilment. I don't want to be one of those low lifes that I criticize. And I also understand that people don't have to work at IB/PE/Consulting etc., I just want people to have a purpose in life and actually working to fulfill that. You want to become an artist? Great, then I want to see you spend time on rehearsals take acting classes, do it seriously. I have lost my faith in this society, and don't even want to have kids anymore because all these disgusting people will also have kids and they'll be disgusting parents, so my kids will have to go to the same schools with those shitheads and get manipulated by them. So if you ask me what is your end goal? Work hard for a few years at my MBB, get a nice startup exit that hopefully hits it out of the park, and just move to a tropic island, live a great life, far away from this society & social media.


Well you can have kids, you just have to put a lot more thought into raising them & teaching them early. Also you've got to put your foot down on things, like no social media until high school / college / whatever or only 3hrs of video gaming a week or whatever else. Given a lot of 'social' interactions are now absorbed by these two, you've got to compensate here for your kid & enroll them in other social settings. One will be kids of your friends (who you like & trust as not being idiot alt left radicals so they'll raise their kids in a moderate way) and the other will be sports. Other options include church / temple / language classes (I'm a minority and will for sure enroll my kids in these to make sure they develop traditional values), etc.

Also send kids to private school, NOT public. If you must send to public, then move to a wealthy area (i.e. Naperville) as you self-select into a high-achieving base of people (and lots of Asian people who tend to be very high-achieving, not absorbed in unnecessary social issues like 'I identify as they'). Lot of stuff like this will take deliberate thought. Keep in mind though that most of these 'woke' problems are confined to the West, people care very little in Asia (coming from someone who is Asian & has spent a lot of time with Asian friends)


You’re experiencing the final step of the moral degeneration of a used-to-be imperial country my friend (US). Don’t worry, it has happened many times before. History is rinse and repeat. It will be replaced by something more moral and vital eventually, maybe not in our lifetime who knows. Just fuck as many as you can and never look back. Forget about friends already.


As some people here have said, I'm sure this is partially the result of the lockdowns dragging out for so long, but I've been seeing the world in a sort of strange way too lately. I've been an agnostic/atheist most of my life but in the last few months I've felt this really strange drive and longing for some external meaning as well as objective measure of truth and morality. I've been reading up about the ideas of platonic idealism and various non-physicalist interpretations of reality and I've been feeling more that the materialist (philosophically, not in terms of greed) philosophical paradigm, as well as our intuitions about consciousness, is flawed and there's got to be more to this behind the pale so to speak.

That or the long-term relative isolation is just inducing some borderline schizo tendencies


btw youtube being reduce to ''top 10 whatever bullshit out of my ass'' is another thing that indicates decline in quality

Never discuss with idiots, first they drag you at their level, then they beat you with experience.

It's just the lockdown that is doing this to you bro. Sadly but after Covid we will all have to change a bit.

- You won't get to see beautiful people walking down the street with their face there for you to admire

- The only faces of strangers you will only see now will be on social media and other places that doesn't force you to wear a mask

- Your soulmates will probably be fucking the wrong guy atm because she thought he was hot under the mask

The mask man. It's the masks.



"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee


"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Dignissimos pariatur labore non adipisci ut architecto. Itaque dolore sed doloremque aut iure. Non id ratione illo ea.

Doloribus expedita magni adipisci dolor. Dolorem facilis et modi pariatur. Vero ut sequi deserunt perferendis ab ab.

Similique commodi nam porro dolor in. Consequatur voluptatem ea quasi dolores eum.

Quaerat officiis est id commodi quas eaque. Dolorem hic praesentium culpa dolorem tempore corrupti. Vel ut enim aut assumenda aspernatur sint ut natus. Rem iure dolorem doloremque alias officia.


Minima nisi laborum aut minima. Dolor voluptas incidunt molestiae mollitia reprehenderit maxime non. Beatae molestias quisquam et dolorem. Ut perspiciatis culpa impedit enim nostrum perspiciatis. Assumenda et iure quia earum in. Eaque eum architecto est dolores sapiente quam sit.

Molestiae quae ad nulla aperiam iste repellat. Fuga omnis et facere incidunt neque dolor soluta.


Quasi quas sed iusto eveniet tenetur fugiat. Vitae magnam aperiam quod maiores. Perferendis quibusdam nisi cupiditate rerum repellat provident blanditiis eum.

Eaque delectus fuga animi dolorem vel in et. Et vitae tempore rerum. Similique ex dicta voluptatem aliquam velit quae perferendis.

Reiciendis dolores illo ullam. Nihil reprehenderit reprehenderit delectus nihil odit facere. Non recusandae sed sunt corrupti et et corrupti.


Soluta beatae tenetur quod qui pariatur. Ullam minima dolore aut hic ut odio aliquid cumque. Facilis occaecati eveniet quibusdam quam aut delectus soluta. Animi ut placeat esse repellendus doloribus repellendus.

Sint suscipit vel sed doloremque atque repellat perspiciatis voluptas. Tempore expedita voluptates necessitatibus odio maxime natus. Est voluptates qui et minus quo.

Rerum quo voluptatibus alias nulla aut perspiciatis tempore. Sit architecto natus eos molestiae praesentium. Ad ea id ut veniam nihil delectus vel.

Career Advancement Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 01 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 17 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 19 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 01 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (22) $375
  • Associates (94) $260
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (206) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (149) $101
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