How much of this board is alt right or incels?

Red pill people

So there's a lot of people with alt-right views here.  Not Republican, but borderline white nationalist (See: the South Africa thread, unpopular opinion thread)

There are also a lot of people who spew Red Pill/Pick up artist/incel terminology on here.

Where did they all come from?  Did they see some "women will cheat on you unless you're a rich banker" on a red pill forum when they were 14 and decided this was their calling?  Have you ever met anyone like this in finance?  How do we get them to leave?

Most Helpful


So there's a lot of people with alt-right views here.  Not Republican, but borderline white nationalist (See: the South Africa thread, unpopular opinion thread)

There are also a lot of people who spew Red Pill/Pick up artist/incel terminology on here.

Where did they all come from?  Did they see some "women will cheat on you unless you're a rich banker" on a red pill forum when they were 14 and decided this was their calling?  Have you ever met anyone like this in finance?  How do we get them to leave?

How many more people on this board are whiny liberal college kids who can't stand the idea of people who disagree with their jaded perspectives and instead have to label them all as alt-right-incel-nazi-facists just so they can make it through the day? Pop a Vicodin and chill the fuck out dude. Your incessant need for board consensus under a singular worldview and acceptance is pathetic. 

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion


Looks like I found the snowflake.  

I would say you'll grow out of it, but seeing how many green-haired Starbucks socialists there are in their late-20s/early-30s can't say I'm too confident. 

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

Am I off-base by observing that most white people that fall victim to this don't have any real cultural identity (ex: Italian, German, etc.)


Am I off-base by observing that most white people that fall victim to this don't have any real cultural identity (ex: Italian, German, etc.)

What makes you think German and Italian people lack a cultural identity? Are you insinuating people from 3rd world countries that have barely had electricity for the last 60+ years are somehow more culturally rich than two of the European nations that literally gave birth to the Renaissance? 

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

Would you tell black people that they don't have a real cultural identity if they don't see themselves as Nigerian, Kenyan, etc.? Try that and let us know how it goes for you.

I wouldn’t because they’ll start some “we wuz Kingz” shit that is less historically accurate than Star Wars’ galaxy a long time ago


Whether this is consequential or not I don't know, but there's definitely some overlap between the users here and the people that frequent places like 4chan. A couple weeks back I saw some kid use some 4chan vernacular and a meme + another responding in 4chan-speak.  I know for a fact they go there because I once visited that place lmao. They'll often parrot the same racial talking points and give off the same incel vibes you are talking about too so I'd reckon there's a decent presence here that use more fringe & alt right communities tbh. 


Wow.  If the harsh realities of the world hurt your underdeveloped sensibilities, then I suggest a cookie and a puppy. Take your micro agression triggerings and stop it.

FACTS are not conspiracy theory/ racist and no matter how much you wish them to be.  They be a hurtful truth to some, but they are facts.  Example:

  • 90+% of crime in NYC is done by minorities.
  • Asians have the highest IQ.
  • African Americans have the highest representation in the 4 US major sports leagues.
  • COVID vaccines have killed over 10,000 people.
  • Whites are the largest numbers on Welfare.
  • And so on...

Is this racist?  Alt right?  No, they are facts.  You might retort "Only 0.01% have died from the vaccines".  Guess what?  Thats a fact, also and 100% correct.


So stop your Trump Derangement Syndrome, turn off your TV and stop picking sides and being divisive.  We're Americans, for fucks sake.  Lets all start acting like it.

Namaste. D.O.U.G.

Well, we have a live one.  Thousands of people have not died from vaccines.  Where'd you read that?  Qanon facebook groups

"Only 0.01% have died from the vaccines"

Nope, that's not true either, we can do math

Jesus.  You need help.  Quick education for you, you dimwitted troll.  Go look up the VAERS system provided by the CDC.  As of last week, 11000 REPORTED deaths are included.  If 60% of the eligible people in US are "vaccinated", (80% of 330 million) then thats 160 million people (minus under 12) You can do the math from there, I hope.

Namaste. D.O.U.G.

1. I did not throw MS at you

2. I hate when people just state statistics without context - I think that's honestly the biggest issue with statistics in general, people throw numbers out and imply conclusions that can't be drawn from the data

3. For example, "whites are the largest numbers on Welfare." Is that because there is a higher count of white people in the U.S? Or are is there also a higher % of white people on welfware? Are there any other contributing factors that have better explanatory power? You state it as if "Whites" (what you used) are in some way oppressed. 


1. I did not throw MS at you

2. I hate when people just state statistics without context - I think that's honestly the biggest issue with statistics in general, people throw numbers out and imply conclusions that can't be drawn from the data

3. For example, "whites are the largest numbers on Welfare." Is that because there is a higher count of white people in the U.S? Or are is there also a higher % of white people on welfware? Are there any other contributing factors that have better explanatory power? You state it as if "Whites" (what you used) are in some way oppressed. 

Thank you. 

You understood the subtext and proved my point

+1 for you

Namaste. D.O.U.G.

"90+% of crime in NYC is done by minorities"

There's an important word missing from that sentence, which is "recorded". If you have an institutionally racist organisation like the NYPD counting the crimes, don't be surprised when the statistics conform to your prejudices.

And of course, if you weight crimes by the $ amounts involved rather than frequency, Bernie Madoff probably stole more than the last century of muggers and bag snatchers ever did.


"90+% of crime in NYC is done by minorities"

There's an important word missing from that sentence, which is "recorded". If you have an institutionally racist organisation like the NYPD counting the crimes, don't be surprised when the statistics conform to your prejudices.

And of course, if you weight crimes by the $ amounts involved rather than frequency, Bernie Madoff probably stole more than the last century of muggers and bag snatchers ever did.

This pack of blonde haired high schools in school ties walking out of the Presbyterian church on Madison ave uptown once mugged me at gun point. Jerks had a semi auto pistol pointed sideways at me and spoke in standard American English. Thing is I wasn’t surprised. The NYPD downplays UES Protestant crime, and hapless tourists keep coming to visit the Met.  I told the cop nearby to intervene and he laughed, his wife must have nannied the muggers. 


I was with you until the covid vaccine stat. That's just not true, COVID vaccines have accounted for 3 deaths in the US. Everything else is true though.…

So, about 11000 people have died AFTER receiving the COVID vaccine. This is from ANY cause of death seen by healthcare providers, because that is what the VAERS system reports. They could've died in surgery, from a heart attack, car accident, or murder.


I was with you until the covid vaccine stat. That's just not true, COVID vaccines have accounted for 3 deaths in the US. Everything else is true though.…

So, about 11000 people have died AFTER receiving the COVID vaccine. This is from ANY cause of death seen by healthcare providers, because that is what the VAERS system reports. They could've died in surgery, from a heart attack, car accident, or murder.

Not saying the previously cited stat is correct, but if you think a widely distributed vaccine of any sort only causes three deaths, then you should check your priors.


Asians do not have the highest IQ. That is a lie.

It's also a meaningless metric to judge intelligence, because Asians aren't the smartest either.

Indians and Iranians are the most successful immigrant communities in the US relative to size.


Lol please ignore this fool. Was shitting on a few commenters in the Deantis v. Harris thread an lo and behold this guy/gal was the leading retard. Thinks that Buttigieg would be an "unstoppable force" and seems to be a #DeathSantis loon as well. Just living in an alternate reality . . .……

"Some things are believed because they are demonstrably true. But many other things are believed simply because they have been asserted repeatedly—and repetition has been accepted as a substitute for evidence." - Thomas Sowell

We get it. George Floyd’s Black BodyTM was sacred, South Africa is safer than Monaco, and showing up to work on time 40 hours a week is way too crazy an ask given our Better Angels and need to have an honest dialogue on the urgent reality of 19th century socioeconomic practices the causal chain of which industrialization didn’t break.  

oh yea, and let’s go #BuckBreaking with Tariq Nasheed. 


I'm a self-described far-right conservative who utterly detests political correctness and woke ideology (which I believe is an evil secular religion) and even I was troubled by the racism of the South Africa thread. I think the wicked identitarian politics re-popularized by Barack Obama in 2009 has resulted in exactly what one would expect: an equal and opposite reaction from (some) white people--starting from some on the far right identifying with a white identity where they didn't before. 

Unfortunately, the evil woke religion desperately wants a foil, so to achieve that foil woke adherents do everything they can to encourage white people to react to anti-white racism with their own racism and/or white identity. The whole woke religion collapses without a foil; unfortunately, some of the less intelligent persons on the political right have taken the bait. Rather than respond to hate with love or to lies with truth they have responded to hate with hate. 

As Michael Knowles says, racism really can only be cured by acknowledging the supremacy of God and the truth that man is made in the image of God and that racism is an affront to the dignity of man which is an affront to the dignity of God.


If the only cure for racism is a belief in God, I don’t think the current trends bode well. The US (and world?) gets less religious every year.


If the only cure for racism is a belief in God, I don't think the current trends bode well. The US (and world?) gets less religious every year.

Belief in God isn't enough. Religious people have done a lot of bad things, especially with regard to race (on the other hand, atheists murdered 100 million people in the 20th century under their new religion, communism--people are just bad). The issue with non-racism under secular ideology is that it literally makes no sense. If we're bags of meat solely the result of accidental macroevolution then there are a lot of people who will fall under the principle that "all are equal, but some are more equal than others." Racism is purely rational in the secular context.

However, if we believe in God and then acknowledge that all men are made in the image of God and we believe that there is no Greek, no Jew, no male or female but all are one in Christ (as the Bible says), then being an identitarian is impossible.

To your point, however, I suspect racism will get a lot worse unless there is a new great awakening (which does happen from time to time).


I'm a self-described far-right conservative who utterly detests political correctness and woke ideology (which I believe is an evil secular religion) and even I was troubled by the racism of the South Africa thread. I think the wicked identitarian politics re-popularized by Barack Obama in 2009 has resulted in exactly what one would expect: an equal and opposite reaction from (some) white people--starting from some on the far right identifying with a white identity where they didn't before. 

Identity politics existed long before Barack Obama.  The fact that he himself was black just brought out the ugliness of people who don't like the idea that a black person might get ahead.  The fact that the identities being celebrated are now people who, a decade ago, might not have had equal rights and protections under the law, is scary to the poor white guy whose only consolation in life was that being white and straight made him more acceptable to society than someone with darker skin, or who identified as LGBTQ.

What was Jim Crow, or the KKK, except an assertion of white identity politics?  An attempt to "otherize" (yes, I know it's not a word, but whatever) dark skinned people, and legally at that?  JFK was repeatedly attacked and declared unworthy of the Presidency on the basis of his religious beliefs - what was that if not playing identity politics over religion?

The GOP Southern Strategy has long since been acknowledged by Mr Atwater and other architects of it as an attempt to rally white people to protect their position of social, economic, and political ascendancy. 

The only difference between modern identity politics and the ones that went on before is that it isn't an assertion that being a white, Protestant, straight man is the acme of American society.  We now have people from outside the traditional "mainstream" of American social norms demanding that they not only be given equal treatment under the law, but that we stop glorifying being white and Christian and straight as the assumed norm, from which everyone else is deviating to some degree or another.

Conservatives have a hard time accepting that turnabout is fair play, and the shit they've pulled over the years is now coming back to bite them.  I love all the digs about "cancel culture;" as someone old enough to remember when conservatives attacked and "cancelled" the Dixie Chicks over their opposition to the Iraq War, the hypocrisy couldn't be more clear.


Sad thing is this place has been a cesspool for these kinds of views since 2016. This place is pretty much on par with reddit, twitter as an echo chamber if you ever look at any political threads. Here's the sequence of any of those threads:  1)Somebody posts something not in agreeance with whatever right-wing ideology  2)Monkey shit brigade  3) hurling of ad hominems. Struggle to see how this place is different from reddit for discussion. Intolerance & philistinism is a disease both on the left and right. Given the quality of discussion, there's almost no reason for coming here nowadays if you are further along in your career unless you want to pay it forward virtually. Most of the good posters,excluding brofessor of course, left already or use here very sparingly now.


How does MS count as intolerance? This place isn’t the “right-wing version of Twitter” because people on both sides are allowed to freely discuss without getting censored. 


Genuine question here - Are you you cherrypicking what I said or just being intellectually dishonest? Any visible reward/vote system  (downvote/upvote, likes/dislikes, or monkeyshit/banana) tends to promote the echo chamber validation culture that is abundant on all of these platforms.  If a certain type of view is overwhelmingly "MS'ed/banana'ed", how is this place any different from the other platforms? How is that conducive to any kind of civil or reasonable discussion, especially with ad hominems often being thrown into the mix? Because mods won't remove your comment? I guess intolerance is supposed to only have your narrow definition of censoring/removing certain content but not include an inability to have reasonable discussion. 


Went back and looked over the SA thread before writing this.

Some thoughts;

It’s wrong to label racist comments as immediately “alt-right”. Plenty of liberals are racist and create racist policies. Racists exist on both sides of the political spectrum.

To answer your question, I’m doubtful that many of the comments you’re referring to come from people who work in high finance. I find it hard to believe people who work with competent POC day in and day out turn around and start to try to make comments about how the riots is due to DNA issues or is inherent in the race and white people “need” to govern the South African natives. That doesn’t sound much different than the original arguments that justified slavery where white people claimed they were “civilizing” black people. It’s annoying because it feels like somehow word has gotten out to fringe communities of people who could care less about finance that this site is on lax  on censorship (which is good) only to come in and destroy this site. Even a year ago you couldn’t really see content like this but sadly this isn’t the only thread that has taken this course. I remember seeing on a thread about AA some visuals that insinuated either all POC were incompetent on the job or that only white males were the ones doing the work. Stuff like that is objectively wrong and troubling to see. 

A lot of the pushback you’re getting on this thread is due to the conditioned fear of cancel culture that has been caused by society and the media where even legitimate conservative viewpoints are cancelled to oblivion. I pushed back on you earlier because you mentioned trying to “remove” these posters without any objective standard (which when taken is a slippery slope). Also you bringing “incels” into this was annoying considering your own romantic life (first reply to this thread sums it up well).

I do think cancel culture is real and protecting free speech is incredibly important but that doesn’t mean conservatives shouldn’t call out when things run amok like the SA thread or Jan 6 (which weren’t actions caused by traditional conservatives but have now been associated with conservatives). I don’t think an outright banning is a healthy idea at all because people are entitled to their opinion and any sort of ban seems like a slippery slope, but threads like this can help to counteract the SA thread.

Just in the future don’t make it political because it’s inaccurate to assume racism is found in one party and not the other, and combating arguments that promoted slavery is something that we can agree on irregardless of political affiliation.


Trying to actually give a thoughtful answer here:

1. Most people on this forum have taken economics courses. That immediately is a predisposition to being right wing or libertarian. The field of economics believes free markets are good and only disagree on how much to regulate them or not....much different from the liberal arts.

2. Most people on here have business related degrees and backgrounds. They understand how the world really works in terms of business rather than how it ought to work....again much different from your average liberal arts degree.

3. Sadly, there seems to be a lot of racial angst on this website.  Well, think about it. Kids on here are discussing competition to get into very few schools with very few spots available and then to apply to very few spots in IB and then very few spots in PE afterward.  Right or wrong, in their mind, a lot of posters feel the sting or perceive to feel the sting of affirmative action more so than if they were applying to a state school and then a job at a random insurance company afterword. I think this is way overblown on this website but if you're truly wondering about the root cause of the anger, that's probably it.

I think you have a lot of thoughtful right-wing posters who are very interested in the first two ideas like myself but then you have these hybrid racist posters who are predominantly driven by idea number 3.


The left is quite literally trending towards genocide of the right.  Nicole Wallace of MSNBC was advocating for drone striking conservatives on American soil.  The 1/6 people are being tortured inside their jail cells as if they were the Taliban during the Bush/Cheney era and are intentionally being made an example of what will happen if you oppose the regime. There is no due process for them.  They are political prisoners.  Also, see the dehumanization of these people when calling them "MAGAts".

The Capitol Police are now setting up offices nationwide to surveil the "deplorables".  They are immune to FOIA requests.  Sounds like the gestapo to me.  Also, they have antifa/BLM which is given a free pass to destroy cities.  Eerily similar to the Bolsheviks.  The FBI/CIA/NSA is spying on Tucker Carlson and will never be held responsible.  They orchestrated the Whitmer kidnapping plot and were present at the 1/6 riot.  They used the same tactics during the "War on Terror" in 2000s.

Go read Goldhagen's willing executioner theory and report back.  The neo communist have infiltrated every single major institution and will literally stop at nothing to destroy everything, and they are succeeding.  They are nihilists.  Liberal, hateful, bullshit is why America is rapidly declining and polls show levels of pessimism that are skyrocketing.

You are blinded by liberalism and are another cog in the machine creating a worse world for everyone.  Hope you're happy owning nothing and eating cockroaches just like your masters told you too.


This comment demonstrates how naïve you really are about what goes on in this country (similar to majority of metropolitan liberals), while simultaneously ignoring every point I made that is corroborated from various sources.  Congratulations on exiting the closet and coming out as an entitled moron.

Also, great day for this post considering FANG/Big Tech teamed up with the government to create a cyber terrorism database to monitor "white supremacy" and the ADL partners with paypal to fight "hate".  This is the inauguration of the Chinese social credit score system and will be used to persecute and sequester populists.

Once again - you are the problem.  People like you should be locked away in a rubber room for the rest of eternity. 

Enjoy your bugs serf


I explicitly said not regular conservatism but extreme right wing views


better questions

1. why do you care?

2. why must opposite opinions, no matter how stupid, be censored? wouldn't it be better to leave them out in the open and have people refute them for what they are? unless of course it's just spam (as in not furthering discussion, different from sharing opposing views/evidence) in which case WSO has a flag for that

3. if you knew the answer to your question "how many of them are there on WSO?" or "where did they all come from?" what would you do with that information?

I think what you meant to say is "these people bother me and I don't know what to do about it," so let me give you some food for thought there. idiots have been around forever, and it will continue to be so. idiots will cluster into groups and those groups will attack opposite groups. some of these groups will have smart people in them which makes it difficult to discern if the group's beliefs are idiotic or if their spokespeople are just morons.

to fix this, you can do the following: realize that idiots are permanent so you're just harming yourself by getting worked up about it; do not engage in logical arguments with the illogical; exercise some humility because ideas can exist independently of their creators (e.g. an idiot's comments should be given heightened scrutiny, but just because someone is an idiot doesn't mean 100% of the stuff they say is wrong, like if you think trump is an idiot, that doesn't mean that 100% of the stuff he says is wrong, even if the majority in your view is); stop being a hypocrite (bitching about people who live in anger on the internet...when you yourself are being angry at strangers on the internet); stop using ad hominem attacks, the fact someone's a virgin or lonely doesn't make them wrong, it may make them boring, but not necessarily wrong; and finally realize that arguing on the internet with strangers about shit that none of us will care about in 5 years is an enormous waste of time and your life will be better once you stop


I've pretty much accepted that 99% of this board is populated by RACIST whites - mirroring the real world as well. Even the whites that call themselves "liberals." They're just as racist as the other groups of whites that call themselves "conservatives." It just takes the right or wrong story/propaganda to bring out their repressed racism (like central park Karen). One of the many reasons I don't socialize with my "white" coworkers outside of work. Give it a few more years, this site will turn into Parler 2.0. It's rapidly headed there and will implode sooner than later.


I've pretty much accepted that 99% of this board is populated by RACIST whites - mirroring the real world as well. Even the whites that call themselves "liberals." They're just as racist as the other groups of whites that call themselves "conservatives." It just takes the right or wrong story/propaganda to bring out their repressed racism (like central park Karen). One of the many reasons I don't socialize with my "white" coworkers outside of work. Give it a few more years, this site will turn into Parler 2.0. It's rapidly headed there and will implode sooner than later.

wyte peepo bahd 

plz clap


I've pretty much accepted that 99% of this board is populated by RACIST whites - mirroring the real world as well. Even the whites that call themselves "liberals." They're just as racist as the other groups of whites that call themselves "conservatives." It just takes the right or wrong story/propaganda to bring out their repressed racism (like central park Karen). One of the many reasons I don't socialize with my "white" coworkers outside of work. Give it a few more years, this site will turn into Parler 2.0. It's rapidly headed there and will implode sooner than later.

Thanks for not spending time with us. 


Daily reminder that whatever the libs accuse you of, they generally are themselves.

Never discuss with idiots, first they drag you at their level, then they beat you with experience.

My favorite kind of virtue signalling is when the uber rich families in Scarsdale, Greenwich, Nantucket have BLM posters outside of their mega-mansions. LMAO


BLM doesn’t have good intentions. They are an anti Christian, anti white, communist organization that enriches its leadership. It is completely astroturfed with NGO/white donor funds, which is why all of its leaders are young women, sexual minorities, or overly invested in left wing yuppie dress and mannerisms. A black heterosexual male who is a descendant of American slaves and not Nigerian or from Barbados would never have a shot at its inner sanctum. 


Every topic about politics/relationships makes it pretty clear. Not having moderation definitely has its perks, but also has inconveniences.


Every topic about politics/relationships makes it pretty clear. Not having moderation definitely has its perks, but also has inconveniences.

Hey man, really sorry you have to deal with people you disagree with here. It probably sucks only having a wokie ideological circlejerk in news media, corporate newsletters, academia, all of social media, city government, congress, the White House etc. 

Encountering heretics can be difficult for the faithful, I understand. 


I'm not woke, but good try.

Also don't have a problem with differing opinions when it's based on facts and there's something to be discussed.


You're ridden in bad faith, my friend. As you absentmindedly repeat the same line about tolerating different opinions, you're also throwing the loose charge of wokeness at anyone who doesn't gleefully echo your lingo. You're part of the problem


I doubt that this site is filled with alt right people.  Finance skews conservative so there are going to be more conservative people here than liberal ones.  This is changing, though.  As the old people retire and new people join the investment world, the industry is changing because younger people are likely to be liberal.  The off topic part of this site has become a safe place where conservative finance people air their grievances about liberal people.  They can direct their anger at liberals in a place where other people are going to agree with them.  They are not going to express their confrontational and offensive views in the real world because it will not go over well.  


Ah yes offensive. Like pleading for freedom of association and freedom of speech, which we had before WWII mostly. Go publish an essay using only factual, undisputed peer reviewed information on either (1) AI algorithms predicting sexuality based on facial structure successfully and its implications or (2) cognitive distribution differences in men and women. Then come back here and let us know how fast you never work a serious job ever again in this “free” country that becomes more Turd World by the month. Hint: if you go and do this, the reason your life is ruined isn’t societal pressures. It is because companies know Uncle Sammy’s judges/EEOC/DoL will sue and investigate your boss for a hostile work environment until he is broke and disgraced too.  Crying “James Damore was actually right on most of his points” doesn’t matter. 


Ah yes offensive. Like pleading for freedom of association and freedom of speech, which we had before WWII mostly. Go publish an essay using only factual, undisputed peer reviewed information on either (1) AI algorithms predicting sexuality based on facial structure successfully and its implications or (2) cognitive distribution differences in men and women. Then come back here and let us know how fast you never work a serious job ever again in this "free" country that becomes more Turd World by the month. Hint: if you go and do this, the reason your life is ruined isn't societal pressures. It is because companies know Uncle Sammy's judges/EEOC/DoL will sue and investigate your boss for a hostile work environment until he is broke and disgraced too.  Crying "James Damore was actually right on most of his points" doesn't matter. 

Have you been drinking?


Right wing ideology can be summed up in two sentences.

1) Government does not work. Vote me into government and I will prove it to you.

2) The system is perfect. If you face any issues with your life, it is your fault for not working hard enough.

Frankly, (1) is lazy and (2) is downright spartan.


You should only consume redpill content to broaden your perspective post-relationship.

A moderate dose helps you have a better understanding of innerworking of men-women relationship.

Definitely not for teenage kids, and for guys who never touch a woman and think they are entitled to one because liberals has destroyed traditional society. 


Libero assumenda reprehenderit qui odio laborum. Quia omnis qui fugiat inventore saepe aspernatur. Provident eaque omnis et consequatur placeat. Magnam eveniet dignissimos explicabo quasi.


Vitae nobis deserunt ea. Dolorum sint fugiat ut et vero optio adipisci.

Autem minus tenetur repellat sed. Et enim sint consequatur corporis culpa beatae. Libero aperiam qui exercitationem non. Dolor minima neque vitae dicta ad. Harum suscipit nemo debitis voluptas maxime.

Adipisci possimus enim est alias eveniet blanditiis. Quas soluta voluptas sunt placeat voluptatem pariatur nostrum earum. Iusto iusto impedit occaecati consectetur illo quia et. Hic mollitia ut quia.

Quia ipsam quo omnis officiis veritatis velit soluta. Sint ducimus nulla sequi asperiores officia reiciendis. Voluptas sed voluptas pariatur quod aliquam. Minus neque deleniti voluptatem. Eligendi minima nesciunt quod deleniti incidunt ea sed.


Omnis architecto commodi tenetur et iusto iure. Mollitia facilis consequuntur iusto velit. Ut et aut magnam minima. Rerum voluptatibus et et consequatur corrupti harum id iste. Suscipit repellat est cumque rem nesciunt officiis.

Vitae quibusdam et natus. Incidunt quo possimus exercitationem id. Repellendus ut tenetur quisquam repudiandae. Et quasi minima porro ea beatae asperiores. Accusamus qui similique et a error impedit est. At numquam reprehenderit quam aut itaque eum. Repellat quibusdam voluptatem expedita repellendus iure sunt architecto.

Est vel beatae blanditiis architecto qui autem. Et architecto et eveniet sed. Dolorum accusantium magnam dolores quae ipsum in error molestias. Nostrum eos suscipit velit saepe.

Atque quae ab autem ut. Praesentium vitae architecto officiis earum eligendi inventore. Dolorem fuga omnis ut qui ad et nemo. Qui voluptatem et magnam unde. At praesentium doloremque sit est. Nulla corporis ut dolorem error sapiente fugit pariatur exercitationem.

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  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 01 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (22) $375
  • Associates (93) $259
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (206) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (149) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

“... there’s no excuse to not take advantage of the resources out there available to you. Best value for your $ are the...”


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bolo up
From 10 rejections to 1 dream investment banking internship

“... I believe it was the single biggest reason why I ended up with an offer...”