Looking for 8 Mentees to place into internships/FT for IBD/Trading/Big 4 Ad/MBB Consulting

List, closed, thank you all =)
Within 48 hours, we had 130+ applicants and 5 mentors.

--Using this thread for a "What do you want to learn/What would help you?" thread.

We're going to invite recruiters, MDs, VPs, to speak to mentees, do resume reviews, share contacts, etc.

Very excited for this class.


Why: This year WSO helped me out.
I want to return the favor.

Summary: This is a long-term mentorship/investment for the duration of 6 months.


  1. James (wolfy)
  2. Jon
  3. Andrew


  1. monty09
  2. anyonewantsjob

Mentors: Myself (more below), my two pals from Cornell and Claremont. --Asking for more mentors (personal favors) from friends in industry at Harvard, MIT, W&M, and UCLA. -- and of course, experienced WSO-ers willing to take on the time commitment.

Guest speakers (so far): Friends from targets (2008-2010 grads), Ex-Goldman Sachs, BlackRock, Ex-McKinsey, Ex-Google, possibly recruiters from MS/GS/Barcap/Prop shops/MM IBD, WSO friends.

Contingency format: This experimental class, 2011-2012 will end in 6 mo., then you guys will be alums helping an new 2012-2013 class.

Tangible outcomes. An interview, polished resume, huge resume book (maybe legal issues), info. interview experience, shared rolodex, new network for life.

We're closing the list at 12AM Wed. Nov. 24 EST. Absolutely cannot take more requests after that. We have over 110+ requests.

Ideally: Our primary focus is on building networks (academic, institutional, social, digital influence) and nurturing relationships (Harris Williams going to bat). The rest: polish, technique, social skills, mock interviews, technicals, job banks, resources, field-trips (if we get there). The goal is to land a mentee an interview--then it's all on the mentee to close an internship/FT job. He/she is expected to pay it forward (explanation: not "pay it back," it's a movie with Kevin Spacey) for the younger class.

Update 2 (6PM Dec 2nd USA)
*The next steps

1. If you haven't received an email yet, please be patient!
2. Once you receive the email, send a resume and the completed Excel form.
3. All emails should be sent by Saturday.

We will interview/pyscho-check 30 shortlisted because of liability, personal info. we're going to share, etc, get to know you, etc.)

Original Post:

[Track record: 4 of my mentees received SA positions at BBs (hearing back today from GS's accelerated) and elite boutiques. 2 more are seniors who have landed strategy consulting offers. I'm looking for a new group for 2011-2012.

My previous employers are always looking for interns and new talent. I also have an extensive Asia rolodex. The tradeoff is you have to help somebody else later on and do a great job (so I don't look bad and you won't ruin it for the next guy). That's it.

Below is what I'm looking for, and you can post your stats or suggestions on what you want to learn, your difficulties, frustrations in the thread.


1.) Looking for 3 non-target, non-public Ivy, state school or obscure liberal arts students with a decent (3.4+) GPA. No freshmen please. Sophomores/Juniors.

2.) Looking for 1 target-Ivy or Ivy Plus (including MIT/Caltech/Williams/Amherst) freshman who is looking for a prop. trading, PWM, hedge fund, advertising, consulting internship. 3.8+ GPA. One of my MIT mentees (freshman, Course 6/15) swept 12 offers--it's possible, don't jump to conclusions.

3.) 2 Seniors who have the worst luck finding a job, who got turned down after all the superdays, and are basically screwed. GPA has to be a realistic 3.4+.

4.) 2 students with 2.8-3.3 GPAs (not exceeding) from a variety of backgrounds, who have done their homework and want a 2nd chance. Freshman-Senior.

When you PM me, PM which category you are in, with your email, so I can email everyone at once.

I'll send everyone an email, and start requesting resume, and we'll see if I can accommodate more than 8--maybe a large conference/Web-Ex call + I need to get the infrastructure going.


As you can see, these are some data points I'm using for research for an e-Book I'm writing for charity. Called "This Job is Yours, Jobless College Student."


Basically our mentor-mentee group,

  1. Gives you the notes/guides/career bank postings we all share. So if we have a BC/NYU/Columbia group, we'd trade EagleLink job postings, etc.

  2. Do mock interviews, case studies, informational interviewing. Sometimes it's better between friends to get the jitters out.

  3. Actually introduce you to decision makers. They're looking for headcount and familiarity. I want to build relationships and teach others to do the same.

  4. Mentees in turn, build their own rolodex and share it with out network. It's a future investment on both sides.

  5. We're basically a family, and if one gets an offer, he/she tries to pull the other in. Kindness is not forgotten.

Completely free.


PM me and I'll send you an email; will take resumes. This isn't a competition, just giving mentees who have a shot (meeting GPA cutoff), a better shot.

****** Update 2
Hey guys,

I'm getting over 60 requests, and each PM has your story, situation--and I definitely don't want to leave you out. Schools from Cornell to UChicago to top LACs, go-getters, hustlers, people who've tried over and over again.

I'm going to get the two people I usually partner with to do OCR, and see if they can be mentors as well. I'm going to respond to each PM though, and then get out an email list, and email you guys after the cut off has passed.


**Also, please include,

  1. your email in your PM, that makes it easier when I email all of you after work.

  2. Which category (1, 2, 3, 4. No shame in being in the 4th one).

I have to review resumes first so there's no first come first serve by the way.

-- Got 13 PMs, keep em coming.


I'm at [top electronics] Strategy Group (intern) in Singapore, was at [top ad agency], and I had 3 internships with BlackRock Boston -- and senior of year of high school, State Street Global Advisors through my high school, the Boston Latin School.

I graduated May 2009, but didn't finish my honors requirements so I could have a delayed diploma after HR turned me away hundreds of times until my due date was different--not my experience. So I have a Feb. 2010 diploma. I did 2 internships post-graduation and will be pursuing a masters in accounting to reset the recruiting cycle.

It's not my credentials that makes me a good mentor, but the fact that I scored interviews as a Communication major with an OK GPA, no finance coursework, from a #100 state school (That I am very proud of) -- at top firms- - that brings value to students who want to learn how to hustle.

I also invest a lot of my time in my mentees, sending them articles, books, job postings that pop up in the 5 job banks I have login's to. From someone who has both been an interviewer and someone who has begged for an interview, I won't look down on your resume, your GPA, or your pedigree. My goal is to just help you start your professional life, and someday, you help a poor kid who was just like you.

Given my handicap (my own fault because I didn't take school or high school seriously), I'm pretty sure my mentees with a target, math/econ/finance background can land interviews better than me, with my advice and resources.

My interviews: KKR NYC, Deloitte Consulting, RBCCM, Piper, BNP, GS Mid-office, BlackRock, Bloomberg, Lippincott, Landor, MS TMT -- all through unconventional ways. I got an accelerated Deloitte Consulting interview by tweeting at the strategy partner who was featured on Facebook. He took my resume, got a reply 4 days later.

I also spent 15 months, 120+ hours a week writing cover letters, revising resumes, shaking hands, crashing 80+ info sessions at HBS, Harvard, MIT, BC, BU, Mt. Holyoke, Smith, etc.

I went to a Japanese career forum without speaking Japanese and just nodding and using the language I used with my ex-girlfriend, put on a Morgan Stanley badge I got from HBS to attend the Boston College/Northeastern career fairs--went through Bloomberg's B-Discovered Day--Everything, everything I could to get a job.

But I failed, and failed, and I failed again until now.

I came to Beijing, China with a one-way ticket to [top ad agency], landed my [top electronics] internship in Singapore, and now I am interviewing with elite boutiques in Singapore--while FedExing my resume/pitchbook to MBB consultancies here. I know that my major and degree does not compare to an Ivy hard-science/math, so I am applying to USC Marshall and UT-Austin McCombs's M.Acc./MPA Program.

GMAT took me 3 miserable months, squeezed in a 730. I don't know finance like you guys, but I make great decks, and I know how to network the Chinese way, the American way.


To clarify, you were unable to get a job on Wall Street, let alone in America.

You should seriously reconsider your ability to give career advice when you ended up being such a loser. These kids don't have the critical reasoning skills yet to decipher good advice from terrible advice and you're taking advantage of their desperation.

I'm immensely supportive of giving back to the younger generation. But you're completely unqualified to be giving them any advice.


I'm pretty sure they can decide on their own. I tutored for 10 years, some of the most under-performing students. The best tutors I've found are the ones who've failed before, improved, and have a contextual understanding.

I was very close to final rounds in 09. I missed very important cyclical recruiting cycles. I was unable to get a job on Wall Street, but I received many offers after I failed, and now, in the US.

I'm definitely not taking advantage of anyone, but that's your opinion. I appreciate the objectivity though.


12345, what harm can come from wolfy reaching out to help these kids? Unless I am missing something, he's not asking for money or any other form of compensation for his services. In fact, I would argue that the fact he's failed in his attempts to garner employment previous uniquely quaifies him to help these people out as he has seen the effects of missteps in the recruiting process first hand. Furthermore, the worst case scenario is that this guy gets these kids resumes and passes them on to a few people and nothing comes of it. So what? All that does is leave them right back where they started no worse for wear. I understand your position and agree that, while wolfy may not be the MOST qualified, any and all advice and assistance at this point can do nothing but help. Short of doing something overtly detrimental to one of these 'mentees' I really don't see any downside to this venture for anyone willing to partake in it.

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford
Furthermore, the worst case scenario is that this guy gets these kids resumes and passes them on to a few people and nothing comes of it.

Do you think it's not possible for a teacher to give bad advice to a student? It's like when career services advices freshman to put mission statements on their resumes. They don't know any better and it makes it harder for them.

The worst case scenario is the kids following in his footsteps and become labeled as freaks and very weird dudes. They would be way worse than if they had developed their own careers.

Furthermore, the worst case scenario is that this guy gets these kids resumes and passes them on to a few people and nothing comes of it.

Do you think it's not possible for a teacher to give bad advice to a student?

The worst case scenario is the kids following in his footsteps and become labeled as freaks and very weird dudes. They would be way worse than if they had developed their own careers.

Fair point, I was presupposing that these kids would have, at least, a cursory knowledge of what the general do's and don't's of networking and such were but I would hope that, should this chap suggest something that sounds ridiculous, they would think twice.

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford
Fair point, I was presupposing that these kids would have, at least, a cursory knowledge of what the general do's and don't's of networking and such were but I would hope that, should this chap suggest something that sounds ridiculous, they would think twice.

If they were already familiar with the topic they wouldn't be applying in the first place. It self selects.

Best Response
Fair point, I was presupposing that these kids would have, at least, a cursory knowledge of what the general do's and don't's of networking and such were but I would hope that, should this chap suggest something that sounds ridiculous, they would think twice.

If they were already familiar with the topic they wouldn't be applying in the first place. It self selects.

That's ridiculous...so someone already familiar with the recruiting process wouldn't want/need help in navigating the waters? It never hurts to have someone else look over your shit before you push it out to everyone. I highly doubt that anyone would use this as their SOLE source of information but whatever. It really isn't worth getting into a debate over. If the dudes want to submit their shit and have it looked over they will and if they don't that's cool too.

Wolfy: I will say that, while you make some pretty bold claims as to the success of your previous mentees, it would do you a great deal of good if you could come up with a way to prove or allow applicants to verify your track record.

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford

Thanks happy; 12345--I see your point.

Basically, I just wished someone told me the steps I needed to take when I was a sophomore. I think if I had a mentor at that time, it would have spared a lot of circling and desperation.

Simple things such as, make your resume perfect before you send it out hundreds of times.

No regrets though because I'm a better, more mature candidate now than if I had gotten an offer as a senior.

12345: Definitely wouldn't suggest anything crazy. You have my word.

Definitely wouldn't suggest anything crazy. You have my word.

Didn't you advise someone in another thread to end emails with "thank you for reading my cold-email".

Thanks happy; 12345--I see your point.

Basically, I just wished someone told me the steps I needed to take when I was a sophomore. I think if I had a mentor at that time, it would have spared a lot of circling and desperation.

Simple things such as, make your resume perfect before you send it out hundreds of times.

No regrets though because I'm a better, more mature candidate now than if I had gotten an offer as a senior.

12345: Definitely wouldn't suggest anything crazy. You have my word.

Personally, I can definitely relate to similar situation. I always wish that I could go back in time and start my college career all over. I first chose my major in civil engineering at a community college because of an advice from a friend in high school. Then, transferred to a business school for accounting due to listening to advices again from another group of friends. Never bothered to conduct an in-depth research on Google about my career path or what I'm truly interested in. I have to admit that that was one of the biggest mistakes I've made in my life.

Until I was a rising junior in 2007, I came across the stock market and started realizing the power of finance and how money flows throughout the world. Ever since then, I started paying constant attention to Bloomberg, stock market, economies around the world, and that is when I sparked my interest in joining investment banking. On top of that, I already missed the boat for joining the Big 4 since I was a transferered student and too late to join the Beta Alpha Phi accounting club and that just shed most of my chances with the Big 4. I decided to stay in school in 2009 to learn about finance, took on a dedicating role in finance club at school, wound up in many meaningless club meetings until a couple of sophomore and junior who just had summer internships with JPM and Deutche.

Because I went to a non-target state school, and no prior alumni network has connections to Wall Street to my knowledge, these 2 kids are the first generation breaking into Wall Street successfully. I felt so eager when I first heard this exciting news as they introduced our finance club to the SEO program. I thought I'd finally have a shot. Unfortunately, I discovered that SEO would only accept sophomores and juniors. I was so angry and frustrated with myself, and all this happened in 2009 as the employment rate hitting its lowest point. I felt like running into a dead-end with my career.

To be honest, up until now, I still haven't found the perfect formula to networking to many in i-banking. However, I'm thankful to learn that at least there are still some alumni from my state school able to break into Wall Street. That simply opened my eyes wide and changed my philosophy that it is not a "must" going to an Ivy League school in order to work on Wall Street. Those couple of kids did not exactly help me land on the job I wanted, but they certainly served as great mentors opening up my sight. And I will always be thankful for that. It's not a dead-end for me yet. I'm still very attached to finance, stock market, and economies. I'm sitll active in job-hunting and networking with the proper professionals. I strongly believe that I will someday break into the field until I meet the right individual. If I do get an offer, I would definitely return a favor to the younger generation. Especially my undergrad school in the South region. There is an urgent need for the people down here to understand more about finance and students who are potentially passionate about investment banking. And I would love to volunteer my time and efforts to educate them.

So, that's my little personal experience + story, sorry for being so long winded, thanks for taking time to read


I'll let my mentees connect with my previous mentees with their work emails and offer letters. Let me get some results first with these mentees. Fair?

I still feel that this is a fat old dude who is using WSO to hunt for resumes of pretty young girl interns who cannot get a job and are desperate for an internship.

If at any point he requests that applicants 'attach a picture' I withdraw all support for this endeavor

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford

I've been on here 4.5 years, not fat at all. No pics, take it with a grain of salt, and the usual disclaimer.

We'll have conference calls via Skype with all the people, I'll share my resume, LinkedIn outside of WSO. Now I have to blank out some things after I explained my credentials.


Hey everyone, thanks for the support. Definitely will do more than my best.

How about we set a

Cut off for 11:59pm Tuesday on the 23rd?

That should be 11:59AM my time Wednesday morning.

I'm getting over 40 emails since I posted this hours ago. Thanks for the emails--I'll email details and my own resume.

If you haven't PM-med your email, please include it, so I can make an email list for you guys.



For everyone who doubts wolfy's legit-ness:

How many fucking UMass Amherst / Boston Latin School grads do you REALLY think are in Singapore? I would never go so far as to post someone else's identity on WSO, but knowing his background you could do... what?

(hint: it rhymes with SchminkedIn.com)

“Millionaires don't use astrology, billionaires do”

=) I'm on LinkedIn--add me. The deleting company details is just a formality.

LinkedIn: Singapore, Moderator of BlackRock Alumni, member of WSO LinkedIn Group, something about a bakery, first name James if you use the track tool... (creepy but ok) -- happy to help WSO-ers since 2006.


Since LinkedIn doesn't release last names in searches, dude's name comes out as "James Z." Of course, my immediate thought was: I wonder if he's related to Jay?

“Millionaires don't use astrology, billionaires do”
which public ivies are you talking? Berk and Michigan and UCLA-ish or UConn UVM and whatnot as well? :P

Oh what the hell, just send them all in. I was referring to the original 8.


Hey guys, the spam filter is preventing me from posting (do not PM this username), so I had to use this name to give updates:

  1. I have at least 55 of you from very talented, diverse backgrounds who want a mentor. -Top 5's, Ivy's, state schools, top LACs, a lot of names I've seen before on the forum.

  2. I'm finishing a project for work now until the morning, but after the deadline cut-off, I'll send everyone who PM-ed me an email.

  3. Since I only could handle 8 mentees, in addition to the 5 I have left right now, I've asked my two best friends from Cornell and Claremont McKenna to help.

  4. I also save every email of those who offered to help, like the BlackRock MDs who messaged me last year.

  5. What we'll eventually do is split the mentees into 3 classes. MAYBE, maybe we can accommodate all 60+. No promises. I can handle 20 at most myself.

  6. Thank you for all the support and your stories. This must be stressful, frustrating to all of you, but time and time again, people who have no jobs, have landed jobs. I see this on my Linked In network from 2009. It's remarkable.

Last thing for today is,

I have a spreadsheet of contacts. I'm trying to reach out in an original, fresh way. When I begin to craft my cold-emails or when I run out of ideas, I follow this:

The Creative Process:

This guy is very respected where I used to intern.

Cheers, James


Hey Wolfy - I read through this thread (as well as your previous thread in January) and just wanted to stop by and say thanks for helping a few kids out that need it. This is the kind of thing that makes WSO great. As someone said in the other thread - "Jesus Tapdancing Christ, you're a true hustler." If that kind of persistence the only thing your mentees take away from this, they'd be very well served.

- Capt K - "Prestige is like a powerful magnet that warps even your beliefs about what you enjoy. If you want to make ambitious people waste their time on errands, bait the hook with prestige." - Paul Graham
What email?

Not to be a dick, but I'm pretty sure he's just looking for current undergrads.

“Millionaires don't use astrology, billionaires do”
Nouveau Richie:
What email?

Not to be a dick, but I'm pretty sure he's just looking for current undergrads.

I understand that, but I have to try everything at this point to break in. If wolfy can't help me he can't help me, but if he has a spot that would be perfect for me and I DON'T try, I would never forgive myself.


Hey, if this is legit, props for you my friend for reaching out to complete strangers online and offering to help them out. And taking verbal abuse from college kids.

----------------------------------------------------------------- Hug It Out

Hey guys, I'm waiting until the cutoff time (in about 2:30 hours) to get everyone's request, then sending an email. I'm getting a lot of emails, so sorting them by school, category, putting them in Excel.

My two friends volunteered as well, one in strategy consulting, one who got offers in MM IBD, strategy consulting. They just finished interviewing--so I think the advice would be very current/valuable.

If any other WSO-ers have time on their hands, we can see how to split up all these requests.

Thanks CaptK: the only MDs and VPs who gave me interviews were all mentors themselves, and they told me to do the same when I have a larger network, more knowledge, etc.

Although this is for undergrads, I'm reaching out to monkeysama as well.

hey slim: thanks for being honest and straightforward. I have a lot of networking stories/techniques to tell. I think I'll make a quick PPT after I wrap up projects at work.

Thanks for all the messages guys, I will read and reply to all PMs. It's about 90+ so it'll take some time...

Keep at it! Thx.


The best possible mentor, thanks monty09--will email you details later, include you on the list.

Give me about 24-48 hours turnaround to categorize/sort out all the students.

Thanks all, list closes in 34 minutes.

This thread will be open though for WSO-ers to become mentors.


Just sent you a pm wolfy. Thanks a bunch.

Its 11:20pm EST right now though, did I miss the deadline? (since the first post says that the cutoff is at 11:59pm, but you just posted that it'd be closing in 34 minutes at 10:16pm EST)


Hey Opi--didn't realize that, I thought I was on a 12 hour time difference, but okay I still got 8 more PMs after yours, don't worry.

We're probably not qualified for b-school MBA recruiting Password, but I assume it's almost the same, after attending some bschool info sessions.

Sure we'll take them into the mailing list/general pool But focus mostly on undergrads--because they have the hardest time getting a job to start their professional career.


Hey kmzz, email is coming--I'm reaching out to more mentors right now to see if we can accommodate more people. I'm responding to all the PMs, that have questions, etc.

Nouveau Richie:
... ...


...you still there wolfy?

It's coming! still here

monkeysama: got your follow up. thanks!

p.s. networking in singapore is not as easy or on steroids as is beijing. maybe it's because I didn't go to a single club (there are probably 3 of them) yet. and the KTVs are whorehouses apparently.

Something tells me all our email addresses just got submitted to a porn site.

i guess we can just wait a bit seeing as Singapore probably doesn't see a 2 day holiday like the states

Something tells me all our email addresses just got submitted to a porn site.

i guess we can just wait a bit seeing as Singapore probably doesn't see a 2 day holiday like the states

Yeah there's no thanksgiving unless it's at an American hotel. I spent thanksgiving looking at friends' turkey pics on fb.

apologies about the delay

Something tells me all our email addresses just got submitted to a porn site.

You say it like it's a bad thing...

More is good, all is better
looking forward to how this works...i have already threw some ideas out there and excited to see what comes of this

anyone that wants any direct feedback about energy trading please do pm me.

hey monty I'm going to send an email to all 5 mentors tonight. we're all finishing up GMATs, networking, full time job... so apologies for the delay. i forgot how exhausting it is to return home and bam it's 2am

Did any Canadian kids apply to this? If so wolfy, I would be open to helping them out if they want it.

Granted depending on their resumes/backgrounds.

YES! I am a Canadian kid and I did apply. Still no response though. I can PM my resume to you if you'd like.


Hey I have all your emails (not going to a porn site)--Canadian kids are welcome too. Official emails will go out tonight.

If you guys did not get a PM back yet, that means I still haven't gotten to them. I'm having a lot of back and forth convos with a lot of students. Trying to finish each one.

I took monty's advice about a formal program-- had to structure this first, get senior bankers on board to do conference calls (I did this last night), and buy the website so we can have a repository, etc.

I just registered thisjobisyours.com (online in 12 hours or so)


Thanks for breathing in air on here, wolfy, at least we're aware that you havent left us behind

I know you're busy and all so I'm not choking you, looking forward to hearing from you, and sorry to hear about such lonely thanksgiving =/


Wow. Just wow. This is one of the best and most constructive uses I've seen for WSO. The best of luck to you, the mentors and the mentees. I'm sure we'll see some really good things come out of this!


"You stop being an asshole when it sucks to be you." -IlliniProgrammer "Your grammar made me wish I'd been aborted." -happypantsmcgee
didn't get an email response either

Okay let me make an email list with my new domain. the email is going to come from [email protected] -- will do it at home since email is blocked at work

I just met with a WSO over rotisserie dinner next to my work place. Great chat!


Email is going out right now to 40 right now (blastoise is first on the list). Keep it patient guys, I have to do the spreadsheets and configure the site. And I have work in 3 hours.

Email is going out right now to 40 right now (blastoise is first on the list). Keep it patient guys, I have to do the spreadsheets and configure the site. And I have work in 3 hours.

Awesome, I'll get back to you ASAP by end of tomorrow night.


Now that I'm sending out the email (request for resume, fill out excel sheet) 40 at a time (if you didn't get it today, you'll get one Friday USA and Saturday USA).

What do you guys want to learn, to work on? Besides a speaker series where I invite MDs/VPs and recruiters to answer questions--any techniques/skills to review?

Let me know!

Now that I'm sending out the email (request for resume, fill out excel sheet) 40 at a time (if you didn't get it today, you'll get one Friday USA and Saturday USA).

What do you guys want to learn, to work on? Besides a speaker series where I invite MDs/VPs and recruiters to answer questions--any techniques/skills to review?

Let me know!

Networking through multilayers will be very helpful I think. For example, using a contact to develop contacts and how to leverage that.


Now that I'm sending out the email (request for resume, fill out excel sheet) 40 at a time (if you didn't get it today, you'll get one Friday USA and Saturday USA).

What do you guys want to learn, to work on? Besides a speaker series where I invite MDs/VPs and recruiters to answer questions--any techniques/skills to review?

Let me know!

The most important thing for me would be to be able to get one on one feedback from people in the industries I'm interested in along with ideas on which positions to apply to. I hope that makes sense.

Now that I'm sending out the email (request for resume, fill out excel sheet) 40 at a time (if you didn't get it today, you'll get one Friday USA and Saturday USA).
Hey Wofly,

Don't mean to nag or sound impatient, but have you sent out all three batches of emails already?

No rush or anything if you haven't. I'm pretty sure i was one of the last to PM you, so was expecting to be in the last batch anyways, but I just wanted to make sure I didn't miss anything since it's now Sunday. Thanks dude.

whats site?

I am against anyone higher then assoicate speaking but thats me

well we just have emails for now i'll PM you


I applied to the mentee program. I'm looking for some more work to completely polish my interviews. I have a feeling that I framed my cover letter & resume in a way that it overstates my ability to work with financial models, etc. But I need that as a selling point as my GPA could use some work. (You never realize how important all the decisions in your life were until you actually want something).

So yeah, I'm looking to polish my interviews up, gain some more technical knowledge, and network, as I have almost no network outside what my dad has given me (MD @ RBS).

I don't get the earlier hate in this thread, I'm always suspicious with giving people information, etc online, but James seems completely honest and nice, and I need all the help I can get!

Already has helped me quite a bit actually...some people here are just paranoid.

I applied to the mentee program. I'm looking for some more work to completely polish my interviews. I have a feeling that I framed my cover letter & resume in a way that it overstates my ability to work with financial models, etc. But I need that as a selling point as my GPA could use some work. (You never realize how important all the decisions in your life were until you actually want something).

So yeah, I'm looking to polish my interviews up, gain some more technical knowledge, and network, as I have almost no network outside what my dad has given me (MD @ RBS).

I don't get the earlier hate in this thread, I'm always suspicious with giving people information, etc online, but James seems completely honest and nice, and I need all the help I can get!

Already has helped me quite a bit actually...some people here are just paranoid.

Hey wildshoe, I'll help you out on this. Yesterday afternoon I sent a cold email asking the O.W. Asia head if he could pass me along, and he graciously did to Singapore. Unfortunately, Singapore HR didn't think I was a fit for internships, but it works. I'll forward you the email I sent. It's all in the framing.

Hey james there were no attachments to the email you sent me. I dont know what file to send you back

Hey Nikhiln,

I'll send an email back again. I think the spam policy on my email account went beserk, and some people didn't receive attachments. I'll send you it again. Confirm that you got it, thx

I'm interested in learning how to network effectively to get an interview, especially when you have no contacts within a firm.

Which firms are you guys looking to be introduced to?

More specifically, which category:

  1. IB industry groups
  2. Asset Management
  3. Trading firms
  4. PE shops
  5. VC
  6. Strategy/Management consulting
  7. Recruiting heads
I'm interested in learning how to network effectively to get an interview, especially when you have no contacts within a firm.

Which firms are you guys looking to be introduced to?

More specifically, which category:

  1. IB industry groups
  2. Asset Management
  3. Trading firms
  4. PE shops
  5. VC
  6. Strategy/Management consulting
  7. Recruiting heads

Love to be introduced to IB Industry groups, Trading firms, PE, VC, and Management Consulting.

(Still waiting for email - not to bother you or anything :D )


Got the email. Sweetness. Thanks again for putting this together. I look forward to helping WSO craft more success stories :)

Any mentees who have google chat, add me if you guys want to chat, [email protected] to get to know you guys and see where you are coming from and what you are pursuing

Hi. Tried to send you a message but it gmail says your address is invalid :C. You can send me an email at [email protected] if you want.


Main thing I want to learn is getting interviews and interview prep. I think I am a good "fit" for my target area(trading), but am from a small school. Even with a 4.0, they are dinging me before I get interviews because of my school most likely. I have a successful business I started and own, and professional poker playing experience helps with the psychological side of trading as well.

So mainly I need to be able to get my resume to people who will read further into it than my school, and then I need to continue practicing the brain teasers and probability questions that are in most interviews.

Main thing I want to learn is getting interviews and interview prep. I think I am a good "fit" for my target area(trading), but am from a small school. Even with a 4.0, they are dinging me before I get interviews because of my school most likely. I have a successful business I started and own, and professional poker playing experience helps with the psychological side of trading as well.

So mainly I need to be able to get my resume to people who will read further into it than my school, and then I need to continue practicing the brain teasers and probability questions that are in most interviews.

I'm interested in trading too. I think that even if you have a great background if you are in any way a "non-common" background type they ding you, which is my problem as well. It would be great if this program could set us up with people that would be willing to give resumes a more thorough look-over or help candidates get interviews.

Main thing I want to learn is getting interviews and interview prep. I think I am a good "fit" for my target area(trading), but am from a small school. Even with a 4.0, they are dinging me before I get interviews because of my school most likely. I have a successful business I started and own, and professional poker playing experience helps with the psychological side of trading as well.

So mainly I need to be able to get my resume to people who will read further into it than my school, and then I need to continue practicing the brain teasers and probability questions that are in most interviews.

Schwallie, you should specifically request Gene as your mentor, he's the only one that has legit trading experience. I think he could help you a lot.

“Millionaires don't use astrology, billionaires do”
Nouveau Richie:
Main thing I want to learn is getting interviews and interview prep. I think I am a good "fit" for my target area(trading), but am from a small school. Even with a 4.0, they are dinging me before I get interviews because of my school most likely. I have a successful business I started and own, and professional poker playing experience helps with the psychological side of trading as well.

So mainly I need to be able to get my resume to people who will read further into it than my school, and then I need to continue practicing the brain teasers and probability questions that are in most interviews.

Schwallie, you should specifically request Gene as your mentor, he's the only one that has legit trading experience. I think he could help you a lot.

Hey Nouveau, your email is coming in tonight's batch. Would probably be a good idea to redact some people's names until they say it's comfortable/etc.

Talk to you guys soon. Setting up forums, chatroom, and infrastructure this weekend.


I am interested in learning more about interviewing/networking skills.

I also want to find my particular interest in finance. My primary interests are in IB, Trading, VC, or Quantitative. It's hard to narrow it down more without talking to people in each field. My brother did an internship as a quant, so I know a fair bit about that, but I've only read about the other areas.

I am interested in learning more about interviewing/networking skills.

I also want to find my particular interest in finance. My primary interests are in IB, Trading, VC, or Quantitative. It's hard to narrow it down more without talking to people in each field. My brother did an internship as a quant, so I know a fair bit about that, but I've only read about the other areas.

I think in order to be a quant you need to be from MIT or have a phd in a quantitative field (although there probably are exceptions). Probably more selective than other routes.


Main thing I want to learn is how to network and interview effectively as well as learning the technicals. I've got no contacts in the industry so my main method is usually just cold emails/calling through linkedin. I'm also hoping to find a specific field in which i'm interested in. While I've read about all the different fields, nothing sticks out in particular although consulting, IB, PE, asset management are the most interesting to me.


Thanks Wolfy for reaching out to me! In the 2011-2012 mentee class, I am primarily interested in bouncing off networking ideas with mentors and fellow mentees, practicing technical questions, and sharing some stories / experiences along the way. I am focused on cold emailing/calling to an internship at boutique-level IB.


Hey guys, if you haven't gotten an email, I'll resend the last 2 batches. Some of you got the email but no attachment (??) -- ugh spam filter, and I'm getting flagged by your universities. I'll use my school email to send once again.


I have already received my email but am contemplating on one thing that I cannot shake off from my mind in the past few days. My biggest concern about this mentoring program is finance.

This is a 6-month long mentorship. It's free of charge but at the same time it's viewed as an unpaid internship (if selected). I cannot help but wonder how every applicant is doing financially. Anyone got any undergrad debts? Anyone has already found other offers in either finance or non-finance? Anyone is already making a salary? I'm concerned with financial security/prospect going into the future about this program if happen to land on employment 6 months later. Is employment after mentorship only available in Singapore?

Aside from that, relocation fees could be costly. The culture, food, being away from friends and family...etc..all these issues pop into my head in this very instance. How much is everyone who applied to this expecting to throw in for investment?

I have already received my email but am contemplating on one thing that I cannot shake off from my mind in the past few days. My biggest concern about this mentoring program is finance.

This is a 6-month long mentorship. It's free of charge but at the same time it's viewed as an unpaid internship (if selected). I cannot help but wonder how every applicant is doing financially. Anyone got any undergrad debts? Anyone has already found other offers in either finance or non-finance? Anyone is already making a salary? I'm concerned with financial security/prospect going into the future about this program if happen to land on employment 6 months later. Is employment after mentorship only available in Singapore?

Aside from that, relocation fees could be costly. The culture, food, being away from friends and family...etc..all these issues pop into my head in this very instance. How much is everyone who applied to this expecting to throw in for investment?

Sorry to be rude, but seriously, WTF are you talking about? What do you think is going to happen in this mentorship exactly?

It's not taking place in Singapore or anything weird like that, it's just a network of people online that help each other find contacts, practice interviews, learn about the industry, etc. (It's basically an undergrad finance society like you would see at various colleges, only with WSO as our mutual affiliation and our meetings happening almost exclusively on the internet.) Nobody is moving because of this, or taking a semester off, or quitting their job, it's just something that happens concurrently with your normal life.

“Millionaires don't use astrology, billionaires do”
Nouveau Richie:
I have already received my email but am contemplating on one thing that I cannot shake off from my mind in the past few days. My biggest concern about this mentoring program is finance.

This is a 6-month long mentorship. It's free of charge but at the same time it's viewed as an unpaid internship (if selected). I cannot help but wonder how every applicant is doing financially. Anyone got any undergrad debts? Anyone has already found other offers in either finance or non-finance? Anyone is already making a salary? I'm concerned with financial security/prospect going into the future about this program if happen to land on employment 6 months later. Is employment after mentorship only available in Singapore?

Aside from that, relocation fees could be costly. The culture, food, being away from friends and family...etc..all these issues pop into my head in this very instance. How much is everyone who applied to this expecting to throw in for investment?

Sorry to be rude, but seriously, WTF are you talking about? What do you think is going to happen in this mentorship exactly?

It's not taking place in Singapore or anything weird like that, it's just a network of people online that help each other find contacts, practice interviews, learn about the industry, etc. (It's basically an undergrad finance society like you would see at various colleges, only with WSO as our mutual affiliation and our meetings happening almost exclusively on the internet.) Nobody is moving because of this, or taking a semester off, or quitting their job, it's just something that happens concurrently with your normal life.

I call troll on that guy.

Nouveau Richie:
I have already received my email but am contemplating on one thing that I cannot shake off from my mind in the past few days. My biggest concern about this mentoring program is finance.

This is a 6-month long mentorship. It's free of charge but at the same time it's viewed as an unpaid internship (if selected). I cannot help but wonder how every applicant is doing financially. Anyone got any undergrad debts? Anyone has already found other offers in either finance or non-finance? Anyone is already making a salary? I'm concerned with financial security/prospect going into the future about this program if happen to land on employment 6 months later. Is employment after mentorship only available in Singapore?

Aside from that, relocation fees could be costly. The culture, food, being away from friends and family...etc..all these issues pop into my head in this very instance. How much is everyone who applied to this expecting to throw in for investment?

Sorry to be rude, but seriously, WTF are you talking about? What do you think is going to happen in this mentorship exactly?

It's not taking place in Singapore or anything weird like that, it's just a network of people online that help each other find contacts, practice interviews, learn about the industry, etc. (It's basically an undergrad finance society like you would see at various colleges, only with WSO as our mutual affiliation and our meetings happening almost exclusively on the internet.) Nobody is moving because of this, or taking a semester off, or quitting their job, it's just something that happens concurrently with your normal life.

He trolling you


Thanks Wolfy for setting this up, the main thing I want to learn is how to network with my current contacts and interview effectively. I have some contacts in the industry through various recruiting events and I've kept in touch with some of them often. I am interested in passing networking initiatives by the mentors and fellow mentees in addition to practicing interview questions (i.e. behavioral and technicals). Look forward to sharing my stories and experiences as we go along.


Fuga placeat illum et aut sit. Vero ab dolorem nisi harum sit nemo.

Quo dolore molestiae et. Est non sunt aperiam praesentium saepe et ipsum. Aspernatur pariatur animi nulla deleniti. Autem totam veritatis ipsa nemo quidem asperiores sit.


Aut quam ut ad aut vel eos. Voluptatibus asperiores harum quam est recusandae qui et culpa. Est voluptatem et delectus quidem et amet exercitationem iusto. Ut similique eos sed iusto et. Velit numquam sed officia consectetur et. Pariatur error illum veniam voluptates atque quidem illo iure. Voluptates sapiente velit non.

Voluptatum molestiae et culpa ut. Eum est incidunt neque et consequatur. Iusto molestias tenetur ab voluptas. Id placeat dolorem eaque ut hic quis.

Qui repellat velit voluptatem excepturi natus velit aperiam. Laborum quas eos repudiandae expedita saepe officiis quia sit. Omnis rerum nam nihil saepe nihil quia dolores.

Earum quia molestias quis consequatur nesciunt dolorum. Repudiandae sunt officiis reprehenderit est est nisi at. Ut harum ea et minus omnis cupiditate delectus. Sed eveniet ut modi minima quam soluta suscipit.


Quo accusantium minima cumque ea excepturi omnis molestias. Perspiciatis enim dolor suscipit perferendis. Dolorem quisquam molestias mollitia blanditiis. Eaque minima quasi nostrum quod. Similique vel est laudantium et.

Eum consectetur nemo est non. Ut non voluptas quia amet explicabo. Eos facere et nobis nostrum expedita voluptas rerum. Soluta ad earum sed vel qui assumenda. Nihil aspernatur exercitationem sit odit.

Reprehenderit perspiciatis ratione est dignissimos suscipit facere nobis. Totam maxime ducimus veniam rerum. Quod iste suscipit ut incidunt.

Debitis reiciendis est iure tenetur exercitationem officiis amet. Placeat consequatur ut reiciendis sunt. In facilis dolores provident quasi enim.


Quae quia sapiente et facere totam. Id nesciunt iure dolores facilis dolor quidem. Optio pariatur eum consequatur dignissimos tenetur aut quaerat. Possimus ratione sit fugiat doloribus repellendus aut est. Velit nulla mollitia nulla voluptas. Libero delectus non commodi sed velit nemo.

Rerum et amet error at suscipit. Error aut est voluptas distinctio. Vel quae rem dolorem ratione maxime cupiditate.

Aut quibusdam veniam aut odio. Earum sint ut ipsum repellat ratione nesciunt quisquam. Nam dolor aut sit officiis doloremque perferendis placeat. Quos voluptates voluptatem sapiente illum architecto sequi itaque. Et labore qui magni iure. Autem nam mollitia iste consequatur unde.

Libero molestiae excepturi quis. Minus temporibus vitae dolores optio voluptates.


Rerum voluptatem natus possimus magni quas rerum minima. Nostrum voluptatibus fuga magni sed expedita. Maxime expedita inventore est autem.

Excepturi eos aliquam consequatur omnis reprehenderit et. Dolor et rerum enim quos dolor laboriosam iusto. Occaecati dolores eaque sequi esse vero officiis. Cumque nesciunt ut veniam dolorum omnis. Asperiores asperiores sint quis quasi quisquam. Et aut sit perferendis sit mollitia accusamus. Voluptatem qui officia autem tempora velit dolorum.

Quia culpa excepturi qui sed sit praesentium. Quae cupiditate ut iste et ea facere. Eos officia non nisi qui. Consequatur ea iure exercitationem repudiandae sapiente. Est minima aut et deleniti eius voluptatem est.

Mollitia est omnis occaecati dolores natus autem dolorem. In ex nihil voluptatum animi voluptas et itaque. Molestiae rem maxime qui consequuntur quia recusandae eius non. Natus velit non ipsam nisi delectus. Quae est in quibusdam voluptatem aperiam aut.

Career Advancement Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 01 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 17 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 19 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 01 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (22) $375
  • Associates (93) $259
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (206) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (149) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

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