Short Emory

Ok, so I'm going to be an ungrateful piece of shit, but somewhat rightfully so.

I graduated from Emory University a few years ago (I'm not saying the year because I know people who go on here), the 21st best school in the nation according to U.S. News & World Report, but definitely, a fucking complete non-target for IB or anything else in business. And don't come and tell me that you knew some finance beast who went to Lone Pine or some insane firm after graduating. That kid simply should not have been at Emory. He was there for some other reason, maybe he was poor and got good aid, or because he liked Atlanta, or some other reason. He shouldn't have been there. Not to sound like a cocky POS, but I was one of those kids. When I was applying to colleges, I got into basically every school besides the top 5 ones. Think Northwestern, Dartmouth, Duke, Stern, UChicago, Cornell, UND, Berkeley, etc. So I wasn't a genius by any means, hey I'm in finance for fucksake, but I should not have been at Emory. I should've been at one of those schools. I only came here because I got really good merit financial aid. But, now having experienced the job placement capabilities from Emory, the lack of looks from firms because of my school, I'm telling you: don't come here if you care about a job.

Emory has this hype culture around it which I just don't understand. I remember when I was a little high school senior talking to people at different schools, kids at those schools I mentioned were genuine. They didn't say, "oh you can easily get into any IB firm from here." They were truthful. Their school would open doors, but you had to seize them. However, the one school that did say the former that was, you guessed it, Emory (Shitty Memory) University. Talking to the current students there, they hyped this fucking place up so much. They made the network seem incredible. The career office seem extremely helpful. The people seem super driven. But, I can certifiably say to you, that's all a sham. The network here is garbage. When I try to network with the few Emory alum for a PE job (and when I did so for IB recruiting), they don't respond, because anybody that finagled their way past the shit reputation of Emory did it so on their own merit, and rarely decide to help the current students because chances are, the students networking with them SHOULD BE AT EMORY (ie do not have good work ethic). Because the The career office didn't reach out to me FUCKING ONCE. NOT ONCE IN MY 4 YEARS. Every internship I got was on my own merit, or I knew one of the few good people at Emory with a decent connection. And, although there are a lot of smart people here, most of them are fucking lazy. These aren't the super scholars of HYP or similar schools. These are, primarily, not all, but most just rich ivy-rejects that pull Truist and tell prospective students you can easily land EVR, CVP, PJT, GS, MS, BX. But no, you simply cannot (unless you are diversity, there are A FEW diversity students pulling good offers. But diversity is really the only chance you got).


And all the clubs at Emory, in the bschool there are few good ones which promise incredible networks just like the current students. And the best one is maybe an associate at BX RE. That's about it. Yet they prominently display the likes of groups like GSO, as if you have a chance out of school. Reality check: YOU DON'T. THE ONLY CHANCE YOU HAVE IS IF YOU BAG A NASTY IB OFFER AND EXIT. AND THAT IS NEXT TO IMPOSSIBLE UNLESS YOU ARE DIVERSITY. So many, NOT ALL, but SO MANY STUDENTS LIE to young students, highschool and college freshman/sophomores alike. IF YOU CARE ABOUT YOUR CAREER IN IB OR PE OR HF, DON'T GO HERE PLEASE. 

So, I know I'm being an ungrateful piece of shit. They gave me a great scholarship where I paid maybe 1/3 or more of the other schools I got into that gave me no aid. And I definitely met a few very smart and kind people there who nurtured me and helped me get close to what I wanted. But, man, I FUCKING REGRET MY DECISION TO HAVE ATTENDED EMORY SO MUCH. IT HURT MY CAREER PROSPECTS. THE LITERAL INSTITUTION LIED TO MY FACE SO I WOULD COME THERE SO THEY COULD BOOST THEIR MOTIVATED STUDENT POPULATION, WHICH IS VERY FEW. HOW CAN YOU LIE TO A KID LIKE THAT. I can NEVER support an institution that would encourage lying about SUCH AN IMPORTANT LIFE CHANGING DECISION, WHERE TO GO TO COLLEGE, JUST TO BOOST THEIR NEXT YEARS' PLACEMENT DATA. HOW DARE THEY SEEK INTEGRITY IN THEIR STUDENTS WHEN THEY DON'T HAVE ANY OF IT THEMSELVES. THEY BOTH LIE AND ENCOURAGE LYING IN THEIR STUDENTS WHEN SPEAKING TO PROSPECTIVE STUDENTS. And yes, I'm biased. I don't like Emory. I wish I had never gone. But, I'm 100% certifiably saying, they lied to me, and dozens if not hundreds, if not thousands of other students. I swear I my fucking parent's graves.

I will never forget such a disgusting institution. So, the moral of the story is, 1) if you genuinely care about your job and are choosing between a full ride (or close) and a better school (top 10 for example) that gave less aid, IF YOU REALLY CARE ABOUT YOUR CAREER PROSPECTS, CHOOSE THE BETTER SCHOOL. PLEASE DONT MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE I DID. And 2) Emory University (MORE SPECIFICALLY THE GOIZUETA BUSINESS SCHOOL, LIE, I SWEAR ON MY LIFE. THEY LIE AND ENCOURAGE LYING). PLEASE THINK TWICE BEFORE GOING HERE


I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you’ve had a rough time recently. That said, your post doesn’t come across very well and probably doesn’t give the best impression of you.

I’ve always had the impression that Emory was more healthcare focused. That said, Emory is a core school at my bank and there were so many Emory kids at the (non-diversity) insight days. I know of a couple of people who just graduated who turned down FT IB offers at MS/JPM for non finance jobs.

If you had such a bad experience at Emory, why didn’t you transfer?


If you mean Lazard, yep. That's the only good bank we can place at. CVP is another one but they have taken all diversity besides one white guy who got it quite a few years ago. 

And I appreciate the benefit of the doubt. Definitely not happy at the time I did there, and I get I'm coming off like a dickhead. But, I cannot stand by and see an institution support students blatantly lying to prospective students about false job prospects and programs for business school (from what I hear from current students there now, it's the same story). Moving to why I didn't transfer, my family couldn't afford it. My next school would've costed over 2 times more with the aid I was originally given, which would not have been available had I transferred after a year at Emory. But, if I had accurately known about the job prospects there, and not had been lied to my multiple, multiple students with the support of some of the business school staff (again I fucking swear to god this is true), I would've gladly gone to one of the better schools I listed even if I had to pay an arm and a leg. Significantly better opportunities. I wish I wasn't so naive and believed the Emory students I talked to. 


It’s not Wharton but just a quick LinkedIn search shows recent grads (‘20 and ‘21) at PWP, GS (TMT), Jefferies, Citi, Moelis, Lazard, Gugg, Piper, JPM, Greenhill, Lincoln, Rothschild, HSBC, BMO, BNP, Stephans, and Nomura. When people are throwing out Emory, it’s because is easier to get into than any of the ivies. The placement isn’t perfect but it isn’t anywhere near as bad as you make it seem.


I call BS. Last graduating class placed into GS, JPM, BofA, PJT, Moelis, Lazard, PWP, CVP, Houlihan, Blair, Jefferies, etc. No shit it’s not easy to land these offers, but people consistently do it. 

I don’t know what motivated you to post this but mentioning diversity candidates multiple times makes me think you’re a scrub who has been babied for your whole life and cannot come to terms with the fact that you just aren’t good enough to land a MF associate job.



Ok, so I can't post the link because I just made this burner but, here is the name of the Youtube video: "Investment Banking Target Schools (Using Data)" by Peaks Frameworks

I urge you to look up this video because it is quite enlightening

Above is a video detailing IBD presence by school. This data is for analysts graduated from 2014-2019, so you will have to excuse it's age but it's arguably more reliable than just the two most recent years, as there hasn't been any incredible development at Goizueta (Emory's BSchool) to magically make it a target and render the prior data useless. So, I think this data is more than statistically significant (excuse my lack of a p-test but piss off stat majors) for Emory's potency as an IB sender 

Here you can see Emory barely makes it to the bottom of the list. 30th place. Here we have, 3 BofA, 2 Barclays, 0 CVP, 5 Citi, 4 Suisse, 2 EVR, 5 GS, 3 JPM, 12 LAZ, 0 MC, and 2 MS. (And for any idiots who think, well Stanford is 26th, it's not a target, you're right, Stanford really isn't a target for IB, because they can bag buyside offers).

So, over 6 years of placement (it's 6, not 5, check your math), we have 2 at MS, 3 at BofFuckingA, and other incredible numbers. I don't know where your "people consistently [land these offers]" idea comes from, but the definition of consistency is "the achievement of a level of performance that does not vary greatly in quality over time." The fact that we have 3 people at BofA and similar numbers across firms, "people" do NOT consistently "land these offers." A FEW PEOPLE, land these offers. Every 3 years on average we send ONE PERSON to MS. This is not year after year consistency. And these few people are THE OUTLIERS AT EMORY. THESE ARE NOT "TARGET" OR EVEN "SEMI-TARGET NUMBERS." Only for LAZ can that argument be made. Chances are, they shouldn't be there, because Emory has a culture of overpromising and under-delivering. They promise the numbers of a school like UT Austin, and then clock out at the bottom of the list. And to a rising HS senior, it makes sense. Emory is 21st in the nation, two times higher than UT Austin's 42 rank in national universities. Why wouldn't Emory place better? Because that ranking comes from med students. Their business program is garbage. 

If you are going to mention statistics or placement capabilities, at least show the source man. You must be an Emory student with these false promises and lack of data. I would like to think Emory has gotten better at fulfilling at least a few kids' promises while destroying the rest, so if you have actual data please share and show the source/evidence (this isn't sarcastic, I'm serious). If you don't have numbers to back up your story, to me it's just empty promises. 

And to touch on diversity candidates, I would love a breakdown for how many of these students at GS and CVP and PJT are diversity. Nobody cares about BofA or HL or Blair or Jeffries. My grandma's homeschooled dead cat could place there. I'm talking about the PJTs, the CVPS, and GS. Those banks that separate the semi-targets from the non targets (Emory). Please show me our TRACK RECORD for sending NONDIVERSITY kids there. Not one year, but a "consistent" pattern, as you put it. Because from my experience, that doesn't exist. And yet, they promise those NONDIVERSITY kids the same opportunities as NONDIVERSITIES at other schools. Also, I'm diversity BELIEVE IT OR NOT. I'm mostly frustrated for my NONDIVERSITY friends that struggled to place after graduation and continue to struggle, not myself. The lies hurt them more than they hurt me, but they did still hurt me don't get it twisted.


“Culture of overpromising and under-delivering”, this shit is truly laughable. Nobody is promised or entitled to a PJT or CVP offer, no matter what school you go to (even a “finance beast” such as yourself lmao). Anyone with half a brain can run a quick LinkedIn search and see what I’m talking about in regards to placement being good.

All your saying reads as entitled, arrogant, and elitist. Maybe that’s coming across during interviews and is the reason you’re not landing the offers you think you deserve.


Did I mention SnT? No, I don't believe I did. I mentioned IB, PE, and HF. And yep, continue using blank numbers and anecdotal evidence rather than actual data. Bring some actual numbers like I did


Oh, my bad dude. It's totally not like I'm trying to dissuade prospective students in the future from coming here if they have a better offer. Better to use 3+ year old figures.  


You said you graduated a few years ago. What profession are you in now?


If you were such non-top 5 Ivy material, getting a 4.0 in business and aggressively networking should’ve been no issue.  Getting a 3.5 and working in some Atlanta satellite office with an eye towards transferring to a bigger hub should’ve been easily executed with your hands tied behind your back. 

Instead, you’re rambling here about not getting some of the most competitive positions in this economy without hard skills or a graduate education.  All the while, the school gave you substantial aid.  You were 18, every school fights for enrollment and it is delusional to think there is some Emory admissions cabal tricking gullible legal adults. 

Do prospective students a favor and tell them what you would do differently if at Emory again, aside from transferring. I have advised dozens of prospective law students not to attend in more nuanced terms.  I also tell the unpersuaded what to do to protect themselves, rather than yell online in all caps.  Be helpful, do not post advice for your own sense of self. 


Dude, did you even read my post? Re-read the first line. I get I'm being ungrateful. But somewhat, not completely, but somewhat rightfully so. Great they gave me substantial aid. I worked hard in HS to gain that, through meritocratic efforts. I didn't lie in my college application. I maintained my integrity. So, why should they have lied to me and other students, compromised their integrity and their current students' integrity just so they can gain more talented students? I don't care if anybody believes me on this. This is the absolute truth, which should mean something to you as you enjoy law but not my concern. All I wish for some kid in the future to think more critically about his decision, to not make the same naïve decision I did in believing straight up lies, not bends of truth but complete fractures of it. I want him to not regret where he went to college. 

And then I talk about my opinion. You can think it's wrong which is fine. It's my personal experience. And you are delusional if you think somebody in business wouldn't lie to someone else. I get you do law and think the world works in a perfect little fashion where institutions and banks function in accordance with some legal scripture, but it isn't. I would hope you don't see it in this way, as the whole point of studying law is to find those infractions of it, due to the undeniable fact that people do break the law. Countless true stories on WS should tell you that, from Wolf of Wall Street to HFs.

There is a difference between fighting for enrollment and purposefully misleading students while promoting their students to do the same. There is a very specific program within the academic institution as well as specific people within that program I would love to gaslight, but I won't. Why? 1) You wouldn't even know them. 2) To reduce my personal risk from the exposure I already subjected myself to by posting here. 3) That's not my purpose with this post. 

My purpose of this post was 1) to vent my frustrations with a LARGELY HONEST (Emory College, from what I know) but PARTIALLY DISHONEST (Goizueta Business School) institution and 2) to dissuade kids from coming there. Sure, you can place in IB from there. My prior comments regarding placement data displayed that. But it is exponentially harder than the institution and many of its students (NOT ALL BUT MANY) will claim. 

Be skeptical. Don't just take my advice as the whole truth. It's my personal experience. Although I am telling you they did lie (100% verifiably), whether you belief that or not is obviously up to you. If you ARE DECIDING BETWEEN EMORY and ANOTHER SCHOOL for IB placement, I've given you the data. It's possible but not great. That is the truth. IF YOU'RE ALREADY HERE, my best advice is IF YOU AREN'T DIVERSITY AND YOU REALLY WANT TO PLACE WELL, START EARLY. Emory is a non target for every strong IB besides LAZ, so you have to make it up with your work ethic. Buy read the whole of Rosenbaum, do M&I. GET YOUR TECHNICALS DOWN. IT IS NEVER TOO EARLY TO START. But if you aren't here yet, I would recommend against it if your IB or buyside career is of most importance to you.


Dude, did you even read my post? Re-read the first line. I get I'm being ungrateful. But somewhat, not completely, but somewhat rightfully so. Great they gave me substantial aid. I worked hard in HS to gain that, through meritocratic efforts. I didn't lie in my college application. I maintained my integrity. So, why should they have lied to me and other students, compromised their integrity and their current students' integrity just so they can gain more talented students? I don't care if anybody believes me on this. This is the absolute truth, which should mean something to you as you enjoy law but not my concern. All I wish for some kid in the future to think more critically about his decision, to not make the same naïve decision I did in believing straight up lies, not bends of truth but complete fractures of it. I want him to not regret where he went to college. 

And then I talk about my opinion. You can think it's wrong which is fine. It's my personal experience. And you are delusional if you think somebody in business wouldn't lie to someone else. I get you do law and think the world works in a perfect little fashion where institutions and banks function in accordance with some legal scripture, but it isn't. I would hope you don't see it in this way, as the whole point of studying law is to find those infractions of it, due to the undeniable fact that people do break the law. Countless true stories on WS should tell you that, from Wolf of Wall Street to HFs.

There is a difference between fighting for enrollment and purposefully misleading students while promoting their students to do the same. There is a very specific program within the academic institution as well as specific people within that program I would love to gaslight, but I won't. Why? 1) You wouldn't even know them. 2) To reduce my personal risk from the exposure I already subjected myself to by posting here. 3) That's not my purpose with this post. 

My purpose of this post was 1) to vent my frustrations with a LARGELY HONEST (Emory College, from what I know) but PARTIALLY DISHONEST (Goizueta Business School) institution and 2) to dissuade kids from coming there. Sure, you can place in IB from there. My prior comments regarding placement data displayed that. But it is exponentially harder than the institution and many of its students (NOT ALL BUT MANY) will claim. 

Be skeptical. Don't just take my advice as the whole truth. It's my personal experience. Although I am telling you they did lie (100% verifiably), whether you belief that or not is obviously up to you. If you ARE DECIDING BETWEEN EMORY and ANOTHER SCHOOL for IB placement, I've given you the data. It's possible but not great. That is the truth. IF YOU'RE ALREADY HERE, my best advice is IF YOU AREN'T DIVERSITY AND YOU REALLY WANT TO PLACE WELL, START EARLY. Emory is a non target for every strong IB besides LAZ, so you have to make it up with your work ethic. Buy read the whole of Rosenbaum, do M&I. GET YOUR TECHNICALS DOWN. IT IS NEVER TOO EARLY TO START. But if you aren't here yet, I would recommend against it if your IB or buyside career is of most importance to you.

I don’t practice law anymore.  I never enjoyed it, I am under no illusion that exaggerations and fabrications are absent in any major American institutional network, private or public, for profit or not for profit.  Every single one has blood on its hands and will scalp its supposed “clients/beneficiaries” in a heartbeat if given the chance and incentive. 

Unless posters above are lying, there are plenty of recent Emory grads in IB. As much as an Ivy? No. More than a non-target? Absolutely.  And whatever you claim Emory did with encouraging students to lie, most top 50 American universities are doing the same.  The notion some private university in Atlanta is an outlier is pretty preposterous.  If you think your outcome was bad, ask the humanities majors in your class with 4.0s.  At a school of Emory’s caliber, more will be making sub 50 5-10 years out than more than 100k.  Until you get to HYPS, the BA/BS doesn’t resemble what it was 50 years ago.  Yet it costs more for less and less. 

And yes, diversity programs suck and are a far larger boost to employment than some layman 18 year old or 30 year not in a white collar field could fathom in their most cynical moments.  Thing is, you’re a proactive person.  Maybe Emory didn’t get you to where you wanted.  Most dreams are unfulfilled.  Give your warning to high schoolers in more mellow, but severe, tones and let them know what to do once in college in a coherent organized way.  That is a gift you can give. 


This is a terrible take. Stop being ungrateful. Emory is a very solid school with pretty good presence across the street and a really collegial culture. It's not an Ivy but its certainly not a non-target. If you are failing PE/HF interviews thats on you. Not on Emory. Emory has placed at every bank on the street in the last few years. Be more appreciative of a school that gave you financial aid and allowed you to enter finance.


Even without the banking presence, it cannot be emphasized enough how advantageous it is to graduate without life ruining debt, which seems to be the case here. People go to an Ivy and leave with six figures of principal payments.  With a great job it is still stressful and psychologically taxing.  There are tons of Ivy graduates, with PE and HF jobs, who would go back in time and take the Emory scholarship offer and risk not getting to where they are now, so that at least they don’t have negative net worth in their late 20s. 


you are dead wrong on this statement js: Guggenheim, BMO, MS, and I can go on, all have emory pipelines. Just because you didn't land your dream job doesn't mean you blame the school. Take some responsibility and realize that maybe you did something wrong. Your take is horrendous and I hope no one actively decides against going to emory just based on this factually incorrect statement


As a current Emory student, this post is way off the mark. For reference, I am at a top shop and Emory has placed at pretty much every bank on the street within the last few years. Emory is not dissuading anyone. It does not compare itself to HYPWS. However, it places on par or better than a lot of its peer semi-targets. Additionally, Emory is extremely generous with financial aid, giving students like you, the chance to graduate and go into finance without crippling debt. Lastly, Emory is not limiting at all. I have networked with numerous alums who are senior level bankers and PE partners. I don't think Emory limited them from succeeding. If you really want a prestigious job, stop sulking about your college mistakes, and do better now.


2 notes

1- your data is blatantly false. E.g. I know of at least 4 people at Moelis at the moment so saying 0 within the last 5 years is wrong. 

2- you are acting as if Emory has a huge population targeting banking. I would say there is somewhere between 25-40 kids every year that even attempt banking recruitment and all of them usually place. In my class, every person that networked and actively worked hard in recruiting got UMM offers at the minimum. 


Very interesting you say this. I'm an incoming freshman at Michigan Ross and received a generous merit package from Emory to attend their school ($25K/year). I had an alumni interview and had another current student at Goizueta reach out to me (think that was part of the Scholars Program). Both of them basically told me the job prospects were amazing coming out of Emory--most people go into IB and consulting, they said. Now that I think about it, both students seemed to try extremely hard to 'sell' the school to me, which is very interesting... Ultimately, my parents and I decided Michigan would be a much better fit for me, and the job opportunities coming out of Ross are significantly better than Goizueta, especially for IB. So yeah, I can see what you mean by the current students make Emory seem much more glamorous than it is. 



Not surprised they still do this lol. I don't know why they hype it so much. Was friends with one of the first Goizueta Scholars. Placed poorly and he felt many of my same sentiments. Over promising and under delivering. People think this is a joke.

If you have the money, Ross is a no brainer. It was one of my favorites applying. Got in but no aid. But great choice. Would've taken Ross any day over Emory.


Can only speak to personal experience but many of my friends went to target schools and networked pretty extensively and had similar placement to Emory. You are acting as if it’s a shoe-in to an EB if you’re at a target which is blatantly false. At any target, save for maybe Brown, there is a huge population of students gunning for IB so it’s not easy at all. This post needs a reality check. 


Nah read the guys experience above. Not just me. They genuinely do over promise and overhype their placements severely. You can place IB, but chances are it won't be great


Seems pretty bizarre that you’re valuing one person’s experience who is not even in college yet and are discrediting everyone else’s experience. And I would assume you’re going to cite the data from a few years ago that you mentioned earlier but perhaps things have changed. 


Honestly you do sound a little salty but your point still stands. Met with upperclassmen students studying finance at targets/semitargets and none of them considered Emory even when some of them applied and got accepted. I know its anecdotal but the people from my high school that went to Enory were dumb as shit, so it wouldn't surprise me if your analysis was at least half-true.


Why would you ever think Emory is a good school? I had to Google it after reading your whiny diatribe. Highly doubt you rejected an Ivy like Dartmouth for a college I’d never heard for a few hundred k in student loans that you could pay off in a couple of years in banking or consulting.


I saw your post before recruiting season, I thought you were just bad-mouthing Emory. Now I'm going through recruiting, I begin to feel you. Yes, people do make it to the top firms but mostly at their own merits. Emory does make recruiting for IB a little unnecessarily difficult and the school, to me, just doesn't have a recruiting vibe somehow.


Sorry to hear. My sibling attended and is crushing it at a top buyside firm.  Such is life, you have to hustle no matter what.  The reputation is very good and the endowment is going to help them in the long run as northeast bias subsides. 

You say you are at a top 3 MF PE, sounds like a great outcome. 


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Sint dolor qui ut id fugit fuga et. Voluptate commodi est voluptas vel. Ut a culpa tempora quia. Non temporibus similique possimus sunt ut.

Career Advancement Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 01 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 01 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (21) $373
  • Associates (92) $259
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (68) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (206) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (149) $101
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