I wanted to say Idaho for the bants but the ms isnt worth it. I'd go with Arkansas or Louisiana. Maybe even Hawaii because you could get sick of it and you're pretty isolated?


Go for it, shit on Idaho. I just threw you an SB as a promise between men that I won't throw monkey shit. (because I can't)

Make Idaho a Semi-Target Again 2016 Not an alumnus of Idaho

Don't really have anything against Idaho. It does have fantastic natural sceneries and reminds me of being a badass cowboy. But definitely the SEC states like BobTheBaker mentioned for sure.


I feel like it has to be one of the SEC states. Louisiana, Mississippi, or Alabama. It must suck to live in Montana or Wyoming or something but at least the nature scene there is great.


The nature scene is arguably better in SEC states. In Wyoming and the plains states, it’s just flat grasslands, dirt, and a couple mesas which are cool.

Only reason people think that qualifies for breathtaking nature is because they never visit those states in the first place. 200 years ago, people thought the nature there sucked lol

Best Response

I disagree with all the hate for Mississippi and Alabama (and I'm from Philadelphia, so pretty unbiased). While the stats in aggregate point to a bad state, if you're in a good circle I think those states could be pretty great. If you like the fraternity alumni of SEC school life with very hot white chicks, it's not too bad. My cousin is currently in a fraternity at Alabama and he's basically living the dream.

I'd take living in MS/AL over say South Dakota or Nebraska easily.


your argument for Mississippi/Alabama is that if you are in a frat at an SEC school it's great? Really? that's it? I think that confirms how shitty those states are.

adapt or die:

I disagree with all the hate for Mississippi and Alabama (and I'm from Philadelphia, so pretty unbiased). While the stats in aggregate point to a bad state, if you're in a good circle I think those states could be pretty great. If you like the fraternity alumni of SEC school life with very hot white chicks, it's not too bad. My cousin is currently in a fraternity at Alabama and he's basically living the dream.

I'd take living in MS/AL over say South Dakota or Nebraska easily.

Yeah, my step-niece (zero relation at all) is hot as f*ck and she just graduated from Alabama. All of her sorority friends are mind numbingly hot. It's ridiculous.


Good luck getting that experience once you're past college age though (18-24 or so). Most of those frats are not going to let some older dude hang out with them that readily and once you get outside the SEC sorority girls, the quality of white girls in most southern states (outside of Florida and Texas) is horrible.

The Real Max:

The entire south sans a couple incredible cities (Houston, Austin, Atlanta).

Honestly? This is generally true for the north, Midwest, plain states, and west coast, too. There's a reason people squeeze themselves into big cities.


I love Austin and Houston but my god, Atlanta is one of the trashiest cities I've ever had the misfortune of staying in. Not only that, I found the people there to be very difficult to get along with, confrontational, and sketchy.


Lived in the Atlanta area for 10yrs, recently moved. And your assessment is spot on. And the traffic, jesus... my worst commute to my office was 2hr, one way; average was 1.5hr. And I lived ~30 miles from my office.


MD is the worst state I've ever been in. Baltimore is a liberal dystopia. A zombie apocalypse.

“Elections are a futures market for stolen property”

This is a stupid waste of time and complete bullshit. Every state is different and attracts a different kind of people. So it comes down to your personality. California has a lot a positives but has a lot of negatives too. So it depends on the person.

Follow the shit your fellow monkeys say @shitWSOsays Life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid - John Wayne

Oklahoma was pretty fkn run down everywhere I went for baseball there, Mississippi as well for the same problem. But hey cheap fast food, gas, and tobacco. Good ol' Walmart country.

Edit: Oh yeah throw Iowa in there as well, they voted for Reagan's Second Coming Ted Cruz

Uhh, I don't know how it is in your f*ggot country, but in the United States Ronald Reagan has a sterling reputation. Canada, on the other hand, has an effeminate, limp-wristed pretty boy loser as prime minister.

Virginia Tech 4ever:

Oklahoma was pretty fkn run down everywhere I went for baseball there, Mississippi as well for the same problem. But hey cheap fast food, gas, and tobacco. Good ol' Walmart country.Edit: Oh yeah throw Iowa in there as well, they voted for Reagan's Second Coming Ted Cruz

Uhh, I don't know how it is in your f*ggot country, but in the United States Ronald Reagan has a sterling reputation. Canada, on the other hand, has an effeminate, limp-wristed pretty boy loser as prime minister.

Lol, at writing "F*ggot"... this is the interwebz brah, and it's also the US of A


^not that there's anything wrong with that...


who on earth would put oregon last? i'd be surprised if it were in anyone's bottom 5 or 10 tbh

Make Idaho a Semi-Target Again 2016 Not an alumnus of Idaho

Tfw you were going to post the exact same comment but Dick motherfucking Fuld beats you to it... +SBd

"A modest man, with much to be modest about"
Going Concern:

It basically an oasis down there

but it's not a... ...get ready for it... WALL STREET OASIS
Make Idaho a Semi-Target Again 2016 Not an alumnus of Idaho

If I'm ever a BSD I want to buy a ranch in the South just to get away from it all. I'd have a bunch of ATV's, hunting stuff, trucks, etc. I actually went to school with a kid whose parents were massive swinging gargantuan bsds. His mom was (still is) the CEO of one of the world's biggest AM firm and his dad sold a company for 100's of millions. They'd take a jet (private of course) down to Montana over the summer to their private ranch. I never went, but from what I heard it was pretty amazing. So ya, I'd love to visit the South for a little and maybe vacation there.


If I'm ever a BSD I want to buy a ranch in the South just to get away from it all. I'd have a bunch of ATV's, hunting stuff, trucks, etc. I actually went to school with a kid whose parents were massive swinging gargantuan bsds. His mom was (still is) the CEO of one of the world's biggest AM firm and his dad sold a company for 100's of millions. They'd take a jet (private of course) down to Montana over the summer to their private ranch. I never went, but from what I heard it was pretty amazing. So ya, I'd love to visit the South for a little and maybe vacation there.

So you do realize that Montana is not in the South?

My only complaint with the South is their disgusting humid weather. None of that in Montana!


Florida. I met people down there working menial jobs (i.e. cleaning gas station toilets) which represented a significant step up in their life from elsewhere in the states. There seems to be a heavy concentration of these types down there, hence why they get my vote.

"I'm talking about liquid. Rich enough to have your own jet. Rich enough not to waste time. Fifty, a hundred million dollars, buddy. A player. Or nothing. " -GG

Whenever there's a story about someone who accidentally got a concrete butt implant froma fake doctor or ate someone's face while on bath salts, it's Florida for the win.


people of every race, religion, ethnicity, and creed seem to be able to eat faces in Florida. Other states are far less accessible

Make Idaho a Semi-Target Again 2016 Not an alumnus of Idaho

Why hasn't anyone mentioned New Jersey, yet? I might just add Oregon for how shitty Portland is. I've never in my life seen a greater concentration of homeless people. My girlfriend and I literally had to tip toe over sleeping homeless people on one sidewalk near downtown, and this was still during daylight around 7 pm.

"That was basically college for me, just ya know, fuckin' tourin' with Widespread Panic over the USA."

and the best state is obviously, Virginia. Even if Kaine and McAuliffe has hallowed us out over the last 8 years.

"That was basically college for me, just ya know, fuckin' tourin' with Widespread Panic over the USA."

South Dakota. The only redeeming feature is Rushmore, which is boring as shit.

"There's nothing you can do if you're too scared to try." - Nickel Creek

People here are bashing southern states like Alabama and Mississippi along with the south in general, kinda hate that since the south does have a lot of good people in it and some of the best Americans I have met have been southerners.

Now all that being said, from my experience, the worst state I ever had the misfortune of living in has to be Georgia. Before I get to the people, I have to talk about the pollen, my god it is irritating. I think I might have developed allergies when I was living down there. The weather is the inconsistent thing ever, cold one day but hot the next, very frustrating to deal with.

Now lets get to the people, granted that my experience was just in the Atlanta area (hear Savannah is pretty good though) but I was the most miserable in that state. Georgia is like the worst parts of the south that people hate mixed in with the elitism and snobby attitudes you find in coastal areas, it is practically Alabama and Mississippi's pretentious cousin. At least when I was in Mississippi (Oxford to be exact), the people were friendly and cool people to chill with even though the state itself had its many problems.

I found absolutely no southern hospitality in Georgia compared to the other southern states I was living in. Just a lot of condescending and cynical people who rarely smiled at you (like they do in other southern states) and were difficult to get along with.

I am so happy to have left that state.

Is it the worst state in the country? I don't know.

Is it the worst state I've ever lived in? Yes.


My family and I visited Savannah on the way to Florida and it was one of the best places I have ever seen. Everyone was nice, friendly, and willing to go the extra mile to help you.

As I said in the post, it is because I was in Atlanta (and occasionally in Athens for the weekends, overrated college town in my experience). I have heard a lot of good things about Savannah and the only decent Georgians I've met were from there so maybe it was just Atlanta.


I haven't been to the South, but I have been to New Mexico (Ruidoso, Albuquerque, Taos), and I can't imagine a more boring place. Mediocre mountains, boring cities, nothing to do that you can't do in a better state. It deserves the nuclear bombing it receives.

And the people? They're nice enough, but they are hideous! It's a bit harsh to put it that way, but the proportion of ugly people in New Mexico is significantly greater than in the general population. I don't if it's radioactive water or aliens, but it's the strangest thing.


They're stupid too. I went there to stay at the NRA center (red flag, I know but I'm a gun nut) for a night and this guy who was camping next to us asked us if we were from the PRC because of how we talked. So we asked him what the hell the PRC was, and he responds, "the people's republic of california."


Which reminds me, I wanted to buy real estate in Ferguson, MO after the riots a couple years ago. Figured the city would get a bunch of funding for after-school programs, police, social justice workers etc which would drive home values up (and riots down).

Looks like the market is heating up! Anyone want to go in with me?



is this real life bro? you honestly think D.C is a worse place to live than Mobile, Alabama? people just need to stop posting at this point.


I'm making Washington DC count as a qualifier in this.

WTF? Easily one of the better places in the US. The only way you would put places like North Dakota or Mississippi above DC is if you really dislike people who are highly educated. Otherwise, I'm struggling to understand your position.

There are states which make you think they are depressing, but once you start living there and you have nice neighbor, I feel then all are great.


Gonna bump this since it had good banter nine months ago. Let's see what we get

Make Idaho a Semi-Target Again 2016 Not an alumnus of Idaho

anywhere in the Midwest outside of Chicago. Can you imagine living in Kansas?

A lot of hate on the South for people who have never even been to the top cities (Savannah, Charleston). Cheap cost of living, very attractive women, less congestion/traffic, warm winters- all good IMO.



Upper midwest for sure - Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Missouri, Michigan. Horrible. Bad weather, terrible cities. There's a reason these places are losing population, they suck.

The south at least has good weather and nice people. I would do Alabama/Mississippi any day over the states listed above.

Illinois is off the list solely due to Chicago, and Michigan has the most shoreline of any state besides Alaska. Absolutely gorgeous parts of Michigan in all four seasons, and even some decent skiing up near the UP. It's also a top five state for golf in the country.

"I don't know how to explain to you that you should care about other people."

California, New York, and New Jersey

California - Liberal cesspool with equally bat shit crazy politicians (i.e. Maxine Waters threatening to nationalize oil companies because of high gas prices few years back)

New York - Some nice people but again, a liberal hell hole with extremes (i.e. Queens is like Little Karachi) with the number of douche bags outnumbering the normal one's

New Jersey - Depressing as hell and nothing to see with a constant feeling of doom and gloom


Austin? San Diego? Denver? These are all places that are also on most "best places to live" lists. It's all BS

I didn't say it was your fault, I said I was blaming you.
That is the stupidest fucking list I've ever seen. Detroit is not even on there are you kidding me?

I was gonna say that that's pretty weird. Though you've probably never even been to Detroit, or if you had you probably never left the hotel/wherever you had to work, so it's probably pretty weird that you would say it.

This whole list seems very off.

If your dreams don't scare you, then they are not big enough. "There are two types of people in this world: People who say they pee in the shower, and dirty fucking liars."-Louis C.K.

Yea, just because people in those cities care about their mental health makes them more depressed. Dumbest shit I've seen.

"You stop being an asshole when it sucks to be you." -IlliniProgrammer "Your grammar made me wish I'd been aborted." -happypantsmcgee

''There’s one easy way to gauge the mood of the country — what are people searching for on Google? Google Trends to the rescue. We can type in a query to see how many people from different geographic regions searched for the word “depression” in Google.''

People in detroit don't use the internet.


No, we're just not pussies when hard times roll around... we tend to be more idiotic and have been in the shitter for as long as I can remember (which really isn't too long in the big picture), so we're probably just used to it ha

If your dreams don't scare you, then they are not big enough. "There are two types of people in this world: People who say they pee in the shower, and dirty fucking liars."-Louis C.K.

Me too, but it's just weird when somebody who's probably never even been/barely been there is so outraged at the city not being on the list.

If your dreams don't scare you, then they are not big enough. "There are two types of people in this world: People who say they pee in the shower, and dirty fucking liars."-Louis C.K.

"Dr." John Grohol completed graduate training in clinical psychology at Nova Southeastern University. Dude must be legit.


In b4 a Ron Paul post.

The answer to your question is 1) network 2) get involved 3) beef up your resume 4) repeat -happypantsmcgee WSO is not your personal search function.

Yea, NW isn't too surprising, but Denver? Really? I must have missed something...

"You stop being an asshole when it sucks to be you." -IlliniProgrammer "Your grammar made me wish I'd been aborted." -happypantsmcgee
D M:
Yea, NW isn't too surprising, but Denver? Really? I must have missed something...
Denver is fucking beautiful. I'd live there long term for sure. Though I also love to ski so that may have something to do with it.

Detroit, Michigan.
All that is good in this world left Detroit a long time ago, and hasn't returned.

"A man can convince anyone he's somebody else, but never himself."

Multiple wives would be pretty rad. Not sure it can be the worst state based on this alone.

Cheer up, Bateman. What's the matter? No shiatsu this morning?

Indiana - stay away from this freaking place. I regret to have spent the peak of my youth (23-30) in this sh**ehole. At some point in time (and may be presently too) it had the largest number of KKK members. This place is a hell hole for an immigrant. Add the shitty weather (hot&humid summers and freezing winters) to the mix.


Sint ea eveniet iure aspernatur rerum rem ut sed. Quidem ut nulla ut quia nihil distinctio laboriosam. Cupiditate quasi magnam sequi maiores cumque iste consequatur. Totam voluptas fuga facere perspiciatis. Nisi molestiae deleniti reiciendis labore fuga qui repellendus.

Voluptatibus voluptatem libero impedit voluptatem aut eveniet. Ipsum voluptatem sit tenetur omnis quasi occaecati nisi enim. Vitae placeat eos sapiente impedit numquam. Expedita numquam saepe accusamus vero ipsa qui voluptate. Fuga rerum ut omnis laudantium impedit nulla.

Error nostrum in consequatur animi laboriosam quis et. Nihil neque omnis in laboriosam. Doloribus et eum sint dolorum ut libero dolores.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Esse pariatur consequatur veniam laudantium nam. Porro quaerat praesentium error iste sit temporibus eligendi. Nesciunt omnis consequatur minima quam dolor modi.

Saepe odit reprehenderit aperiam placeat. Tempora officiis occaecati dolor quod eos provident. Eius adipisci cumque sed dolorum.

Modi necessitatibus sequi est. Atque qui modi officiis tenetur tenetur fugit quo. Et qui ducimus ipsa ipsum. Iusto totam eius magni.

Delectus quaerat aut tempora culpa sit necessitatibus. Sed cupiditate vitae consequatur optio aut aut qui minima. Porro cupiditate ab ea rerum dignissimos aut. Hic sed sint aliquid corporis minus dolor. Saepe aliquid recusandae est. Quos nemo consequatur quia molestias doloribus.


Nihil quidem at ut atque tempore. Perferendis possimus iusto voluptas debitis sit beatae eveniet. Adipisci eaque dicta deleniti.

Qui labore et voluptate molestias. Officia quas aut quo voluptatem. Amet harum sed repellendus quis error id tempora. Officiis in voluptatem minima impedit officiis saepe voluptas et. Quos similique ex voluptates repellat.

"I don't know how to explain to you that you should care about other people."

Aperiam ea voluptas voluptates facere suscipit. Sed vitae libero et incidunt. Officiis modi reiciendis odit. Temporibus nihil dolores nisi quasi odit.

Omnis saepe ipsa voluptatem reprehenderit nisi mollitia nobis. Repellat maiores et placeat molestias ipsam suscipit. Soluta dolorem rem id voluptas. Aut quia dolor voluptatum dolorum aut. Eos atque qui repudiandae esse non laboriosam aut velit. Et aut porro dolores.

Quod consequatur dolore harum facere excepturi. Voluptatum praesentium doloremque omnis accusantium aliquam ut. Quia itaque sit qui qui rerum.


Dolores et earum et molestiae aliquid ut ut. Dolorum consequatur et soluta rem qui autem explicabo. Autem tenetur laborum dolor iusto. Esse enim eaque officiis consequuntur eum saepe. Aut itaque est assumenda iste reiciendis sint.

Autem impedit fugiat veniam nobis repudiandae fuga odio ut. Et deserunt quasi cupiditate at harum temporibus eligendi. Delectus doloremque dicta enim molestiae.

Fugit quos ad voluptatem accusamus totam. Ut voluptates explicabo architecto officia commodi. Sint cumque est autem odio dolor et natus est.

Et consequatur itaque eum expedita nam enim ipsum. Inventore totam maiores corporis. Officiis sunt corporis corrupti sunt. Dignissimos est aut culpa. Ut magni distinctio sunt cupiditate ut necessitatibus.


Corporis quod quia accusamus itaque aut. Nobis ut sint reprehenderit perspiciatis ipsa et minima. Nisi voluptatem est nemo dolor ipsum deleniti. Sit dolorem id voluptatem ut esse neque. Ut vel molestiae deserunt voluptas error ut.

Quod sint numquam et qui non laudantium. Et voluptatem laborum doloremque magni ut quas. Sint repudiandae et et sed incidunt repellat. Molestiae distinctio error totam quidem culpa aut molestiae. Doloribus corporis magni tempora ea voluptatem ea nam. Occaecati sed fuga rerum natus aut soluta velit et. Recusandae quis nulla illo doloribus.


Quis sed eos aliquid consequatur dolor aut. Sed eos enim cumque autem doloribus nulla. Est exercitationem quia est nesciunt dignissimos eum culpa.

Eligendi reprehenderit provident facere fugiat voluptatem voluptates. Et sit sit optio vel. Magni dolorum quia quibusdam vitae omnis.

Adipisci animi optio nisi illo incidunt aut. Recusandae cum possimus aliquid. Sunt vel consectetur pariatur sit repellat aperiam.

Sunt sequi occaecati esse ea voluptas fuga laudantium. Sunt temporibus qui commodi consequatur quos. Aut aut sit iste cum.

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