easy job suggestions for GF to start contributing?

Went and did it boys, finally got myself a GF after years of endless dating and trying.

She is great, however.. only downside is, holy fck they’re expensive. Not only am I now paying for double the grocery shopping and double the electric/gas/water bills but there’s all the additional costs involved, for example:
“I want to eat dinner out” “let’s go for brunch” “i want to go on holiday” “I want Starbucks” “I want to go to the theatre” “It’s my besties birthday you’re coming and need to buy her a gift” literally had to spend $200 on some necklace for some hoe I’ve never met before just because it was my gf’s f
cking “bestie”

I feel like im going broke having a gf, the added financial stress it’s given me genuinely wants me to go back to being single. But I’m old now in my 30s and want to settle down so trying to deal with it.

She’s unemployed and wants to be a house wife, so basically just sits and chills all day spending my money. I can’t afford it. She did make this clear from the start she wanted to be a house wife to raise the kids and that she doesn’t want to work. I first thought it was fine because I earn a good salary and I do want a house wife to raise my future kids. But Jesus I had no ideal how insanely expensive it would be. My added cost bill to support my gf is thousands a month.

Now I want to have an honest conversation that I can’t continue like this and she’s going to need to start pulling her weight to help with expenses.

What are some easy decent paid jobs I could suggest to her? I was thinking to suggest like a job at Starbucks or a supermarket but feel she would look at me with disgust if I say this. Also she is very introverted so i feel they wouldn’t be good for her anyway. Any recommendations?

Thanks all!


Great suggestion and glad you posted up top. The funniest thing to me is realizing that few to no people actually read the comments on these threads after 20-30 comments

Yet some accounts are still continuing to comment elaborate paragraphs, thinking somehow they’re contributing valuable insights to the discussion when there’s not even a discussion happening, it’s just a bunch of random comments that few to no people actually read, maybe aside from some random unemployed former Corpfin manager who’s been lurking on this site for like 20 years and has 100 WSO accounts lmao 



it’s just a bunch of random comments that few to no people actually read, maybe aside from some random unemployed former Corpfin manager who’s been lurking on this site for like 20 years and has 100 WSO accounts lmao 

LMAOO that’s crazy - I could totally see that


Does she have a college degree? You can tell her to go buy groceries and stay in and cook more with all this extra time she has.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee
Most Helpful

you say she's great but then don't describe anything even remotely great, you actually proceed to describe a horror show. This leads me to conclude that you enjoy one thing about her that I won't mention for obvious reasons. Sounds like you should release her back into the wild bro. I want to slap the shit outta you (for your own good) for spending 200 on a necklace for her friend that you never met. what the fuck are you doing dude. that alone should have been enough to walk away. that is outrageous to expect you to do that and I hate to break it to you, she isn't going to become more reasonable over time. 

Edit: This just occurred to me, but was she homeless before you guys met? 


Brutal honesty here, posts like this is why I spend my down time at work reading this site and Reddit.

I absolutely love knowing how better my life and choice of wife is compared to most others. It’s like my therapy or something. So thank you for this post man. I’m going to be happy for the rest of the afternoon.

Now, on to your problem. Based on how you wrote your post, it sounds like you sucked at dating. Maybe you’re fat and ugly, maybe you have a terrible personality or lack charisma, or maybe you just have bad dating luck. But it seems like some form of desperation has set in for you. You mention you’re getting old and just want to give a serious relationship a try. That’s a terrible mindset.

I sympathize that you’re approaching 40 and have never had a serious girl and feel like your window is closing. But c’mon man, don’t you have any deal breakers or must haves for a partner? Like what are her benefits for you?

She’s over 30, unemployed and not making you happy. There is nothing wrong with being a housewife. Many couples want the woman to stay home and run the household. That’s fine. But if that is the dynamic of the marriage, the wife has to be financially savvy. This chick seems to have zero financial acumen, or she does have it and knows she can milk your wallet.

So my advice is to take a step back and ask yourself if this women wife material. Be honest with yourself, is she just hot and your ugly and that’s what you want? Because those women tend to bounce once the alimony or child support is locked in. When someone loves you, they cannot take financial advantage of you, because true love wouldn’t allow that to happen.

Nowhere in your post did you mention anything she does to help you or make you happy. This sounds like one of those sad situations where an average looking guy who never had success dating, gets so excited to get a gf, he is blind to all the red flags. The only thing your post was missing was this chick being a single mom! I understand that finally having consistent sex is amazing for you, but is it really worth it man?


He mentions she has no job and doesn’t do much to make him happy.

Buying gifts is one thing. He said this unemployed woman made him buy a 200 dollar gift FOR HER FRIEND. Not for her, for a friend he never met.

You can’t be the real Phil. He would never stand for simp behavior in his nyc crew.

Smoke Frog

having consistent sex

And that's before it gets old, which it does very quickly and every time.

If you come to battle, bring a shotgun.


"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

Entire thread is insane ignore all these dudes, no one has asked you what you want and if she makes you happy. I bet you if you told them she is 23 they would react differently. Her requests are very normal and actually pretty minimal poor lady has not exactly asked you to lease her a new car and buy her gold weekly. Now, you say you want someone traditional and she wants the same thing. Do you actually see her so far bringing those qualities and making your life easier?

Is she doing the cooking, cleaning already at home? Is your laundry done and everything the way you like it? Does she go and purchase food/drinks you like when she knows you are stressed at work? Has she drawn you a bath? Does she make you smoothies for your health? Essentially does she know all the details that make you feel special. If she makes you feel special and goes extra mile you know she will treat your kids 10x more than way and her whole life will be focused on them, if not well...

As for your job suggestions, those are a total insult and expect her to slap you in the face. Her job is to support you emotionally so you can make more money so you can create the game plan. If she wanted to work at Starbucks she would have chose to already. Now if you had friends/family with a business and she could help them thrive that is a different story.


Your comment would make some sense if they were married for a few years but they have just been dating for what seems like a short time. It is completely insane to have a stay at home girlfriend that you met on hinge 3 months ago. 'No one asked if she makes you happy' she makes him so happy that he made a post to complain about her shitty behavior and is debating breaking up with her. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that since she is 30+ and unemployed and yet still likely thinks she is above a job at Starbucks (as you even say is a job for the unwashed masses) that she very likely is not taking care of all the house work / cooking / cleaning, but hopefully I am wrong because good lord if she can't even do that while he pays for her to sit at home all day.... 


Good perspective finding a spouse is hard and we do not have yet all the information. That said OP has just mentioned finances for now and said he always seeked this sort of arrangement in theory. So what made this lady the one to give a shot versus the others, one poster says “oh hes 30 plus so hes settling”, disagree maybe he was never mentally prepared to have a spouse, oh he has to be fat and ugly is beyond idiotic thing to say.

Many people meet their spouse on hinge I literally know someone who has two kids and met their spouse long distance on hinge. 
To your first point, there I am with you but nooo way man you figure this stuff out now not 2-3 years into marriage if you cannot financially make marriage work you dont jump into it. If she cannot support you emotionally today why even go futher.


I’m all for traditional gender roles, but a lot of women disguise themselves with the “I’m traditional and want a provider” while they’re actually just trying to leech off a rich dude and spend all his money. IMO there’s no reason the women shouldn’t work when they don't have kids unless she contributes in other ways (cooking him meals, doing his laundry, etc…)


I feel bad for all my finance bro friends that commit an insane amount of time to their job and all the stress and BS that comes with it only to have a nagging, useless, and entitled stay at home wife-type. Double pity points if the girl is ugly and the guy is fat or has an office bod.

See this all the time. At this stage in the game you wont be able to change someones behavior, that desire will need to come from within. You are set up for a miserable marriage and the 'easiest' solution that most guys do that causes the least amount of pain short term is to just put up with it and try to earn more money.

There will never be enough buddy. You can't change someones nature. But you can change who you are dating.


Dude this just makes me sad to read. Not in a 'holier than thou' way, just genuinely sad. I'm sorry that you haven't had a ton of success dating (maybe like another poster said you might be overweight, not good looking, short, maybe just avg but introverted, etc). I guess you're approaching 40 now, what I would have said 10yrs ago is go and maximize yourself today (physically not appealing? go to the gym ad get ripped, even below avg looking guys that get ripped consistently go on to at least have decent luck with girls afterwards. dress poorly? dress better. smell average or not great? wear nice cologne). You can still do that today of course

What seems to be going on here is this girl is taking advantage of you, you're thrilled to find a girl who wants to date you and you're going to be VERY hesitant to let her go -- wondering when or even if another girl will say yes to dating you -- but bro if you marry this girl in 10yrs when she's divorced you after a kid of two and some cheating you'll be really regretful you made this decision today. 

Modern dating is rough, I get it. But don't make a really shitty decision that you know if your heart you will regret. Go work on yourself on overdrive for the next 6-12mo and put yourself out there in every possible social situation to meet women (meetups, bars, parties, sports leagues, etc) and it should work out. Best of luck man, I am rooting for you

Edit; Hold on, is this post even real? If your post history like 5 months ago you said you were 29 and now you're saying you're in your 30s (seemingly implying you are well in your thirties vs. literally just 30). 30 is a HUGE difference from 39, if you are the former you have a TON of time to find someone real and much better



Dude this just makes me sad to read. Not in a 'holier than thou' way, just genuinely sad. I'm sorry that you haven't had a ton of success dating (maybe like another poster said you might be overweight, not good looking, short, maybe just avg but introverted, etc). I guess you're approaching 40 now, what I would have said 10yrs ago is go and maximize yourself today (physically not appealing? go to the gym ad get ripped, even below avg looking guys that get ripped consistently go on to at least have decent luck with girls afterwards. dress poorly? dress better. smell average or not great? wear nice cologne). You can still do that today of course

What seems to be going on here is this girl is taking advantage of you, you're thrilled to find a girl who wants to date you and you're going to be VERY hesitant to let her go -- wondering when or even if another girl will say yes to dating you -- but bro if you marry this girl in 10yrs when she's divorced you after a kid of two and some cheating you'll be really regretful you made this decision today. 

Modern dating is rough, I get it. But don't make a really shitty decision that you know if your heart you will regret. Go work on yourself on overdrive for the next 6-12mo and put yourself out there in every possible social situation to meet women (meetups, bars, parties, sports leagues, etc) and it should work out. Best of luck man, I am rooting for you

Edit; Hold on, is this post even real? If your post history like 5 months ago you said you were 29 and now you're saying you're in your 30s (seemingly implying you are well in your thirties vs. literally just 30). 30 is a HUGE difference from 39, if you are the former you have a TON of time to find someone real and much better

Man sounds like he’s speaking from direct experience lol


Yeah I was terrible with girls until my senior year of college. Average height but chubby and average face. Then I massively recomped and it was like night and day. I’m offering this advice because I’ve personally gotten waaaaay more dates after doing this vs before. Would highly recommend to anyone who’s struggled in the dating scene 

also FYI it’s not like I’m even massive either but it’s clear I’ve got a decent amount of muscle. Doesn’t really even take as much as you think, as a guy we think being big is like 2-3x bigger than what a girl thinks is big / muscular. So even with mediocre muscle building genetics you can do pretty well (again from a man with mediocre muscle building genetics lol) 


Save your white-knighting for anime girls. 

No one is saying he should marry a career woman, the issue is that she seems to be going above and beyond in spending despite not working. He's gonna be broke af


If she is cleaning the bathrooms and toilets and tub, keep her. 

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

You seem like a nice kid, so take advice from an old mom-raising young children is a stressful full-time job, and stay-at-home mothers deserve a lot of credit. That said, for this generation a childless young woman ( and 30s is young) who sits around all day and expects to be supported by others is just lazy and will not put in the hard work necessary to be a good wife/mother. There are lots of nice girls out there. Keep looking.


She isn't a mom yet, nor is she pregnant, so she has no child-related responsibility. It is one thing to quit work to take care of your kids. I did that and I respect it. It is quite another to not work and take care of absolutely no one and expect others to support you. 


Does she want to be a housewife because she wants to manage the household, raise kids, and take care of things on the home front so that you don't have to deal w/ it?  Or does she want to be a housewife so that she can sit at home and do nothing. 

Frank discussion where you tell her that belt is tightening and she needs to contribute is in order.  I mean spending $200 on her bestie is insane.  You should have said no - I'll come, but I don't know her, am not buying her a gift (let alone an expensive one).  We're not going out to brunch today, how about you make us something?  Honestly, if being a housewife is what she wants, and she refuses to work, you should regularly be coming home to a clean house, a home cooked meal, and appreciation for taking care of her.  Especially at this point when she isn't responsible for any kids. 

If that's unacceptable to her, she just wants to mooch off of you and you're better off moving on, having much less sex for a while, and not making the mistake of a lifetime by marrying this girl

I come from down in the valley, where mister when you're young, they bring you up to do like your daddy done

Can’t she get a baito or some sort of easy part time job?
My gf and I agreed that once I pass a certain income threshold (~300K) she can quit M&A and work part time in a luxury furniture shop her uncle owns.
This is pretty common in some countries, as a matter of fact my gf’s aunt has this exact profile and works 3~4 hours a day in her husband’s shop (which is easy work, 2~3 clients per hour max). She gets to keep all her salary as pocket money for her daily non-essential purchases (Sbucks, trinkets, going out, friends, etc…).
Sounds like the problem is your gf’s boomer mindset, you can’t live the high life AND be a stay-at-home wife anymore: everything is expensive, salaries are shit, and it’s not like stay-at-home wifes in the 50s got to go out for dinner every other evening anyway. So either she accepts to be more frugal and dial back her spending (of your money), or she accepts to get a baito to get some pocket money.


Stay at home moms are a thing. Stay at home girlfriends are not.

And if a stay at home girlfriend is expensive enough, and doesn’t offer much besides her body, is she really any different from a hooker employed at a long-term rate?


The most prestigious stay at home wife or gf is one who opens a clothing boutique in central Manhattan that costs over 200k a year in rent for a tiny store that has 3 customers a month. 

However, OPs salary should be high enough to cover these costs.


Otherwise, his wife or gf should not open this boutique.  



The most prestigious stay at home wife or gf is one who opens a clothing boutique in central Manhattan that costs over 200k a year in rent for a tiny store that has 3 customers a month. 

However, OPs salary should be high enough to cover these costs


Otherwise, his wife or gf should not open this boutique.  

True, very few stay at home wife jobs are more prestigious than this


I’m reading this different than most people in this thread. Honestly sounds like you couldn’t afford this chick from the start and you forced it. Plenty of women are used to super upper class lifestyles where daddy spoiled them. If you can’t continue to give them that life, and that life is what they want, you should leave them alone or you’ll end up broke.  Good luck lol 


I think it is a fair assumption to presume that OP is potentially earning under 100k per year, because he views spending an extra thousand per month would be a lot for a relationship, what like 2-3 nice dinners per month? Just wait til your gf becomes a wife and wants a car, a fancy wedding, or a nice home, a kid, or another kid, that'll be far more than whatever you're paying - and what's she spending this all on in the present anyways?


On top of that, it sounds like OP struggles with money management and does not know how to properly budget. If you're earning under 100k per year, you shouldn't be spending that much in general, and should focus on saving rather than spending.

Also, why can't OPs gf pay for stuff?


I think it is a fair assumption to presume that OP is potentially earning under 100k per year, because he views spending an extra thousand per month would be a lot for a relationship, what like 2-3 nice dinners per month? Just wait til your gf becomes a wife and wants a car, a fancy wedding, or a nice home, a kid, or another kid, that'll be far more than whatever you're paying - and what's she spending this all on in the present anyways?


On top of that, it sounds like OP struggles with money management and does not know how to properly budget. If you're earning under 100k per year, you shouldn't be spending that much in general, and should focus on saving rather than spending.

Also, why can't OPs gf pay for stuff?

Ah good point. When I was earning under 80k a year as a first year analyst, I would've balked at the idea of dropping that much on my gf.

Now I'm making a bit more, and while I still don't spend that much on her consistently, we probably spend about a few hundred each weekend eating at restaurants, but she'd pay for half the meals. Then just some gifts around holidays, birthday, and other special occasions that may cost a few hundred or a thousand here and there. Oh and then ~10k on a few nice trips each year domestically and maybe 5-10k on international trip. But she'd also chip in as she makes around the same as I do


An extra 1k a month even if you earn decently well over 100k can keep your wheels spinning in the financial mud for your entire life. It is borderline impossible to outearn a spender. "Ill just make more money" will have you living a miserable, sad, and stressed life where you wake up at 50 and slaved to your employer. The mindset of a chronic spender is that of any other addict - even worse is it isnt her money. So with that comes entitlement, people like gf in OP often see money and have to find a way to spend it. 

As you said nail on head this behavior will never change. Just the number of zeroes does. With the wrong wife you can be financially stuck earning 300k+ a year due to:

- new cars

- home improvement projects

- private schooling

- lavish events like weddings (though her daddy likely has her covered there)

- vacation homes

- lavish vacations

- expensive toys

- jewlery

- designer bullshit 

- eating out 

etc. etc.

It wont end. Money is one of the biggest things men should filter for women when dating , and vice versa, yet it is almost always ignored. Its fine to want to be a SAHM, its fine to want nice things in life, but if you are an individual who expects a nice lifestyle while contributing nothing to the pursuit of that lifestyle then that is an absolutely critical failure of character that I see all too often with spouses of my frends and colleagues


It is borderline impossible to outearn a spender. "Ill just make more money" will have you living a miserable, sad, and stressed life where you wake up at 50 and slaved to your employer. The mindset of a chronic spender is that of any other addict - even worse is it isnt her money. So with that comes entitlement, people like gf in OP often see money and have to find a way to spend it. 

This is great advice. A friend of mine is a pro athlete. He's been playing for 6 years and is surprised that I've saved more than him. He was (and still is) out-earning me 3-to-1.

While ago, he told me that he has credit card debt from his GF's spending and "just needs to make more money"... He still hasn't out-earned her spending, and she's started dipping into their savings recently. 


Not sure why everyone seems to be attacking you or your girlfriend instead of adding any advice, the majority of people in this world are financially illiterate and lack budgeting fundamentals.

I think you should encourage her to do something that she enjoys and will make passing time go by for her. She doesn't have to be fully committed to a corporate job working 40+ hours a week if she will raise the kids. You mentioned she's an introvert; If she enjoys reading, maybe she can get a part time librarian job working 3 days a week for 8 hours a day (and that can be her "spending money"). She can also clean houses, they make pretty decent money and you can set your own schedule and pick up as many houses or apartments as you want and agree with the owner to clean them X times per month. 

Just my $.02... hope the talk goes well!


Sounds like you should have a level setting conversation about expenses and spending. Tie that into setting goals and have a positive and optimistic tone without making accusations or acting like you have it all together too. My current gf came from much better means than I did, so I had to set realistic expectations once she was off her parent's credit card. For example, I would say "I want to have $1M by the time I'm 30, and to do this I need your help, let's cut back on this, only eat out a few days a week, less gifts for each other, etc." I wouldn't be offensive about it, but try to bring positivity into personality changes. If she's the one for you, you're in it together, and you should tell her to hold you accountable as well. 

She can also do "side hustles" to help out, all while being a stay at home mom. She can deliver on instacart, walk dogs / dogsit, or other more gig-economy type jobs that can assist in the discretionary budget side of things.  

Last, I found it helpful to cut back on spending with wellness challenges. I'm doing a more lenient 75-hard challenge (can't workout twice a day in IB but can largely do the other parts) and found this really has reduced my credit card bill. We both go out to eat less and try to eat at home more and have no money spent on expensive drinks. Every little bit helps, and you have to build habits together if you want it to work long term.


What I find fascinating is that there is a high likelihood that many of the men chiming into this thread to condemn this man's choice in girlfriend are the same men who also frequent threads decrying "feminist" women who have career ambitions and the concomitant ability to contribute financially. To be ideologically consistent you can complain about one or the other, but not both.  


Your hate is so obviously seething through…most individuals regardless of gender would tell him to break up with her as it’s clear what’s going on.

It’s not the stay at home part that’s dangerous - it’s the fact that she’s funneling money from him without any clear attempt to better their relationship or contribute to it.

Go spout your nonsense elsewhere.


"Seething hate"? I think you're projecting your own feelings brother. I'm just pointing out the need for idealogical consistency. I respect men's decision to pursue either type of woman (stay-at-home-types vs careerist), but you need to understand the reality of each. The OP claims she's made it clear she's vying to be a house wife, and that he expressed a desire for that as well. The GF is currently just acting the part. Even the necklace bit isn't that outrageous when you consider how in a married couple where the wife stays at home the husband's money is technically what is being used to buy everything, even gifts for friends. Since she's made it clear she wants to house wife, I would only consider her to be in the wrong if she wasn't actually helping with the house (ie. cleaning, cooking, childcare when they have children, ect). Since the OP has now realized he can't afford to or doesn't want to support someone in a house-wife type role, he needs to reconsider what his ideal partner looks like and adjust his dating strategy moving forward...If this also happens to be a "teachable moment" for men who claim they disdain feminist women with careers while simultaneously complaining about women who don't carry their weight or contribute financially, so be it.  


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What the fuck are we doing here? I completely understand wanting to be a stay at home mom, it is an extremely important job and I think in a lot of ways it is more beneficial for the children. Hell, I would like my future spouse to stay at home at least for the first couple years with the kids if possible. But I will NEVER understand the stay at home wife, let alone stay at home girlfriend. What really are they contributing? Cooking, cleaning the apartment, some laundry and that's the maximum. You are only two people, that is not nearly enough. I mean my mom and all of my friends moms who stayed home as moms, all worked for years before they had kids and this was in the 90s where a greater amount of women stayed at home. They didnt just go "oh I want to stay at home" and be unemployed and "take care of the apartment" WHILE MARRIED without children, let alone just just DATING. Stay at home mom is a very tough job if she isnt working now, she is going to be in for a rude awakening when actually raising the kids. Staying at home as a wife/girlfriend doesnt prepare you at all for whats to come as a stay at home mom, it's nothing more than lazy cover for her not wanting to work. It will most likely be a couple years before you guys have children if you stay together, she needs to go get a job and earn a living as well, absolutely no excuse to be completely codependent already.


Comes from low self esteem from a lot of men, especially in highly paid circles like finance and medicine. See it quite a bit.

When you only value yourself by your paycheck and you make that one of, if not 'the', defining personality trait you have, then dont be surprised when others only value you for your paycheck as well.

The irony is I get the trade off a bit if the woman is a smokeshow. But more times than not the woman is actually pretty busted herself, because she's  married to a guy that is already a slave to his job without many other interests and that leads to him looking like shit


I had a manager have a similar situation: he was making high salary, but his wife was spending a lot of money every month on really expensive stuff (think shopping on Fifth Avenue regularly). 

I’m not sure what happened between them but one night me and some friends went to a strip club and I saw him there by himself with some latina dancer on his lap lol 


OP, you mentioned you're both 30+, so a grown-up by any standards, even Western. So I reckon it's time you two do that grown-up thing, when – if something worries one of you, you do a sit down and talk business in a calm, civilized, and evidence-backed fashion. Think a Q&A at a management presentation, not negotiations on reps & warranties.

What do I mean by that? Make a spreadsheet or something – you're on an finance-circle-jerk forum, so you know, one of those you know how to make. Hopefully one of those you haven't really made in years, but don't worry, the muscle memory will kick in at c. 15-minute mark. Put together monthly data for marginal increase in bills, groceries, plus some categories for her personal expenses that you cover, plus "big" annual shared expenses that you cover (e. g. a holiday) divided by two divided by twelve, etc. Think carefully – it's unlikely you'll get a second shot at this. "Oh, I also forgot to add X" a week later won't work. The key here is to round to the nearest $100 / month, so she doesn't think that you're cheap and actually track every penny (we kinda know you do but hey I'm trying to be helpful (kidding)). Another crucial point is that you prepare – you do this exact exercise on your own first, and then effectively reproduce together with her from scratch like it's the first time you're doing this. "Babe, look, this is how much extra weight I'm pulling each month." One of the following happens:

  • She gets worried. "Jeez, I didn't realize it's that much, I'm sorry, etc." What you do now is tell her that you'll cover bills, groceries, vacations, etc., and – assuming you've followed the steps above and did preliminary analysis – you already have an idea what her montly allowance should be. Assuming everything goes well, you just hit her with cash weekly / bi-weekly / monthly, whatever you two work out. Then she does with "her" money whatever she feels like, and you don't feel like an ATM machine.
  • She gets pissed off or something. What you do now is run for the hills, I guess? 

Look dude, if Carmella Soprano had an allowance, why shouldn't you chick?

On a side note, however – she almost literally warned you from the beginning, what did you expect?! Couldn't you like... do the spreadsheet thing above beforehand and estimate if you could pull this off? Come on!

If you come to battle, bring a shotgun.

My question is how has she been supporting herself when she was single and not working? This will tell a lot about her and her character. Does she have rich parents/family? Sugar daddies? Or sucker boyfriends that pay for everything and is constantly in a relationship? She sounds like a walking red flag and a terrible partner choice, but to each his own if you won't dig deeper and look at the big picture. 


If she's into being a housewife and you're cool with it, that's great, but it's also important to have an honest chat about finances. Maybe you could suggest some remote work options, like freelance writing or virtual assistant gigs, which can be introvert-friendly and still help with expenses. Communication is key here, so just talk it out and find a solution that works for both of you.


For every $200 (or whatever you feel allocation should be) spent tell her that’s a BJ she owes you.  Soon you will have an account with her owing you 20+ BJs. This system works.

You asked for easy job suggestions, tell her this is an important type of job. 


Do you love her?  Is she pleasant and agreeable?  Does she support your vision, mission, battle, adventure?  Will she be a good mother?

If yes, marry her.  Teach her the importance of managing money while on this journey.  Don't screw around, make a decsion and act, now.

You ain't going to be counting dollars on your deathbed, bro.



What is EA?

Equity Analyst?

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

I'm telling you right now, the issue isn't the income. She can work all she wants, she will still find a way to outspend that income. I've dealt with a girl like this in the past, and the reason I stayed with her wasn't out of love or desire, it was pure desperation. You want to be in a relationship, and that's great, but it really seems like this girl is a drag on your mental health. This is a little experiment I use to find out if a partner is good or not. You need to remove your rose tinted glasses and ask if your life would be better with or without this person, and if that is a yes, you need to break up. If you are to stay together, you need to set very clear boundaries on spending and what she is and isn't allowed to buy, and if she resists that means you kinda know shes in it for the money


This relationship sounds doomed and OP sounds like a complete pushover. There are women out there that dont act like this but OP is so desperate to make it work, he's letting her take complete advantage. Posts like these always remind me how social stunted people can be. 

And the people saying this is normal behavior makes it funnier. Gotta assume those guys havent been in a real relationship or are on fast track to divorce themselves. 


Nihil illum unde eligendi autem dolores. Amet soluta id illo impedit aut ut quis est. Rerum ut ipsam sequi aut. Est ut quaerat occaecati nihil tempora.

Est magnam dolorem corporis impedit aut recusandae. Illo asperiores tempora ipsam. Id ut ut dolores perferendis. Debitis ut voluptas asperiores occaecati nobis et assumenda.

Nihil quo tempore est cum aspernatur ut ut quo. Et non ad soluta in officia dolore. Provident dolorem est dolorum modi aut sed sit et. Consequatur dolores facilis cumque in eos. Ab aspernatur dolorum ex qui quidem molestiae.


Dolor quam eos dolore. Aut ea sunt temporibus. Ab voluptatem est sit maiores illum consequatur.

Quo hic molestiae dignissimos odio. Ut accusantium recusandae dolorem voluptas. Beatae unde vel iure quisquam. Id officiis omnis alias temporibus quae sed quis. Enim repudiandae pariatur eum dolores delectus voluptatem. Nesciunt aut in dolores accusamus ut debitis.

Iusto est libero ut necessitatibus ut repudiandae quidem. Quia facilis unde ducimus eligendi numquam totam blanditiis sit. Quis enim possimus quos omnis molestias.

Career Advancement Opportunities

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.8%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 25 98.3%
  • Goldman Sachs 17 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 04 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.8%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 07 97.7%
  • William Blair 03 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.8%
  • Goldman Sachs 17 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 07 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (21) $373
  • Associates (91) $259
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (68) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (205) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (146) $101
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