Menlo Ventures Overview

Est Annual Revenue

Company Details

At Menlo Ventures, we invest in entrepreneurs that Think Big. We seek passionate teams with big ideas that can disrupt existing industries or create entirely new markets. Our track record over the past 34 years of helping companies achieve market leadership through great strategy and great execution speaks for itself: over 300 companies, creating tens of billions of dollars in market value and hundreds of thousands of jobs.

With over $4 billion under management since 1976, we are one of the largest technology venture funds in the world; the kind of partner you want when seeking to change the world. Just as important as our financial strength is our personal commitment to our entrepreneurs. We view ourselves as true partners with shared goals and visions and we are active board members in almost every portfolio company.


(650) 854-7059, Menlo Ventures- Menlo Park
3000 Sand Hill Road, Building 4, Suite 100, 94025 CA
United States

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