E-mail from HBS '14 buddy

Ok. I'm going to get sh*t on REAL hard for making this thread but whatever. I just got an e-mail from a friend who just started HBS. I'm pasting the contents below verbatim, except for names of course.

"Sup Brady! It's great hearing from you. Hope chi-town is treating you well. But yeah, HBS just started, still going through orientation. Man, I'm having a f*cking blast so far. Tons of parties, people getting blasted every night. Of course once classes start, we will calm down just a little bit. Lol. But i've been going out to tons of spots in boston and meeting chicks left and right. You're right about the H-bomb. It's definitely powerful!

Half of my classmates are in relationships, but it's not going to last past black october. People are hooking up like rabbits already, and any long-distance relationship will not last. I have my eye on a few chicks; we'll see what unfolds.

You should join us for a trip once you're done with applications. We already have plans to go to brazil, vegas, miami, carribbean, europe. Pretty much wherever we want.

Anyways, gotta go. Let's keep in touch, and let me know if you need any help on mba essays. Best of luck, brah."

Harvard Business School
Class of 2014


Fucking pathetic. Stay retired.

Under my tutelage, you will grow from boys to men. From men into gladiators. And from gladiators into SWANSONS.
Fucking pathetic. Stay retired.
He's like Brett Favre on the jets.
If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford
Ok. I'm going to get shit on REAL hard for making this thread but whatever. I just got an e-mail from a friend who just started HBS. I'm pasting the contents below verbatim, except for names of course.

"Sup Brady! It's great hearing from you. Hope chi-town is treating you well. But yeah, HBS just started, still going through orientation. Man, I'm having a fucking blast so far. Tons of parties, people getting blasted every night. Of course once classes start, we will calm down just a little bit. Lol. But i've been going out to tons of spots in boston and meeting chicks left and right. You're right about the H-bomb. It's definitely powerful!

Half of my classmates are in relationships, but it's not going to last past black october. People are hooking up like rabbits already, and any long-distance relationship will not last. I have my eye on a few chicks; we'll see what unfolds.

You should join us for a trip once you're done with applications. We already have plans to go to brazil, vegas, miami, carribbean, europe. Pretty much wherever we want.

Anyways, gotta go. Let's keep in touch, and let me know if you need any help on mba essays. Best of luck, brah."

"Anonymous" Harvard Business School Class of 2014

The only thing that made me laugh here was the idea that the dude thinks things are gonna calm down once classes start. I remember saying the same thing to myself at pretty much this same point in the year. I was wrong.

Ok. I'm going to get shit on REAL hard for making this thread but whatever. I just got an e-mail from a friend who just started HBS. I'm pasting the contents below verbatim, except for names of course.

"Sup Brady! It's great hearing from you. Hope chi-town is treating you well. But yeah, HBS just started, still going through orientation. Man, I'm having a fucking blast so far. Tons of parties, people getting blasted every night. Of course once classes start, we will calm down just a little bit. Lol. But i've been going out to tons of spots in boston and meeting chicks left and right. You're right about the H-bomb. It's definitely powerful!

Half of my classmates are in relationships, but it's not going to last past black october. People are hooking up like rabbits already, and any long-distance relationship will not last. I have my eye on a few chicks; we'll see what unfolds.

You should join us for a trip once you're done with applications. We already have plans to go to brazil, vegas, miami, carribbean, europe. Pretty much wherever we want.

Anyways, gotta go. Let's keep in touch, and let me know if you need any help on mba essays. Best of luck, brah."

"Anonymous" Harvard Business School Class of 2014

The only thing that made me laugh here was the idea that the dude thinks things are gonna calm down once classes start. I remember saying the same thing to myself at pretty much this same point in the year. I was wrong.

So true. B-school doesn't calm down socially except during job interviews and finals.

This guy worked his butt off to get to where he is, so i'm happy for him. He almost never went out in college and worked 90 hour/weeks for the past 4-5 years. So he's ecstatic about the chance to relax, have fun, and have the social experience that he missed out on.


So your 'friend', who undoubtedly knows you have a hard-on for HBS decides to send you an email about how awesome it is there to rub it in your face? Sounds like a real douche canoe.

(Bankerella -- Did I use it in a sentence properly?)

So your 'friend', who undoubtedly knows you have a hard-on for HBS decides to send you an email about how awesome it is there to rub it in your face? Sounds like a real douche canoe.

(Bankerella -- Did I use it in a sentence properly?)

I sent him an e-mail just to catch up and see how things were going at school, along with just basic questions on how he's enjoying it. And that was his response. So no, he did not send an usolicited e-mail just to rub it in. He's a nice guy, not a douche.

So your 'friend', who undoubtedly knows you have a hard-on for HBS decides to send you an email about how awesome it is there to rub it in your face? Sounds like a real douche canoe.

(Bankerella -- Did I use it in a sentence properly?)

I sent him an e-mail just to catch up and see how things were going at school, along with just basic questions on how he's enjoying it. And that was his response. So no, he did not send an usolicited e-mail just to rub it in. He's a nice guy, not a douche.

Did he know you were going to post a private email to a public forum?
What a fucking loser.


Who the fuck writes like that? Sounds like one of those typical tests (Lower School English Comprehension) where you read through a "letter" from a friend and answer retarded questions.

[quote]The HBS guys have MAD SWAGGER. They frequently wear their class jackets to boston bars, strutting and acting like they own the joint. They just ooze success, confidence, swagger, basically attributes of alpha males.[/quote]

I feel like the people in that 1984 Macintosh ad before the chick throws the hammer through the TV screen, when everyone is watching the TV, except instead of TV, its just the letters H B S going on forever.

“...all truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” - Schopenhauer

dear brady~

i am sincerely concerned for you man. you are obsessed with HBS and i feel like you're setting yourself up for a tremendous disappointment... and i'm not talking about the disappointment of not getting in. i'm sure that you can have fun, meet people and enjoy your life even now if you really put your mind to it. stop posting things like this... there is more to life than business school!

best, sayandarula

Money Never Sleeps? More like Money Never SUCKS amirite?!?!?!?

Now on a serious note, what is the purpose of this thread?

[quote]The HBS guys have MAD SWAGGER. They frequently wear their class jackets to boston bars, strutting and acting like they own the joint. They just ooze success, confidence, swagger, basically attributes of alpha males.[/quote]

To show case how bad everyone wishes they were at HBS but wont admit it.

“...all truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” - Schopenhauer
Best Response

I swear if I hadn't met you Brady I would also think you were trolling here...you really need to get the B School obsession out of your head. An MBA from a top school will not save your life or automatically make you don juan. I swear, you are like a broken record with this b school shit. If you want to get good with women, go ask women out....don't go to b school.

what happens if you don't get in? Will life be over? no.

What if you do? Will your ego likely explode to douche-canoe dangerous levels? likely.

Either way, have mercy on us.

I swear if I hadn't met you Brady I would also think you were trolling here...you really need to get the B School obsession out of your head. An MBA from a top school will not save your life or automatically make you don juan. I swear, you are like a broken record with this b school shit. If you want to get good with women, go ask women out....don't go to b school.

what happens if you don't get in? Will life be over? no.

What if you do? Will your ego likely explode to douche-canoe dangerous levels? likely.

Either way, have mercy on us.

Just playing devil's advocate here, but the last time I met Patrick face to face, it was at his apartment while he was in b-school (M7, obvi). Literally one of the nicest and most expensive apartments in the city, all-new construction, hardwood floors, 18 foot ceilings. One of those places with 24-hour staff and modern sculptures in the lobby.

When I walked in at 10 AM, the place looked like someone had driven a train through it. Green baize laid out for poker, cards everywhere, empty bottles of expensive liquor, shades drawn against the morning sun. The guy himself seemed like he'd had a rough night, but he still looked pretty buyside, considering. I don't recall specifically what the mess consisted of, but cigars and random discarded lingerie would not have looked out of place in the scene.

PLUS, I happen to know for a fact the dude traveled broadly and did pretty well with chicks while in school. Also before school. I'll spare you guys the details and just say that even I ( even I!) envied the shit he did. (I'm not blabbing, but we kinda run in similar circles; word gets around.) If he weren't such a nice guy, he'd probably come off as a douche-canoe of epic proportions just based on the facts of his life.

My point in saying this is not to kiss Patrick's ass, but to point out that business school is where some of the brightest/best twentysomethings in the world go to party. You can't argue that fact. As such, it is nothing like the way most people live -- not even most of the finance folks on this board. After a while it's easy (for me personally, at least) to forget that.

It is true, though, that b-school won't make you anything you weren't before. How can that be true if b-schoolers ball noticeably harder than others? Pretty simple -- selection bias. Most of the ones who get in have something in common.

Now: any ideas as to what that might be?


So to put it succinctly, you're saying that B-school is a club in which only the cool kids are allowed in to party?

Fear is the greatest motivator. Motivation is what it takes to find profit.
I swear if I hadn't met you Brady I would also think you were trolling here...you really need to get the B School obsession out of your head. An MBA from a top school will not save your life or automatically make you don juan. I swear, you are like a broken record with this b school shit. If you want to get good with women, go ask women out....don't go to b school.

what happens if you don't get in? Will life be over? no.

What if you do? Will your ego likely explode to douche-canoe dangerous levels? likely.

Either way, have mercy on us.

What did you two do in the apartment?

Something tells me this is going to be better than Shades of Grey

Just playing devil's advocate here, but the last time I met Patrick face to face, it was at his apartment while he was in b-school (M7, obvi). Literally one of the nicest and most expensive apartments in the city, all-new construction, hardwood floors, 18 foot ceilings. One of those places with 24-hour staff and modern sculptures in the lobby.

When I walked in at 10 AM, the place looked like someone had driven a train through it. Green baize laid out for poker, cards everywhere, empty bottles of expensive liquor, shades drawn against the morning sun. The guy himself seemed like he'd had a rough night, but he still looked pretty buyside, considering. I don't recall specifically what the mess consisted of, but cigars and random discarded lingerie would not have looked out of place in the scene.

PLUS, I happen to know for a fact the dude traveled broadly and did pretty well with chicks while in school. Also before school. I'll spare you guys the details and just say that even I ( even I!) envied the shit he did. (I'm not blabbing, but we kinda run in similar circles; word gets around.) If he weren't such a nice guy, he'd probably come off as a douche-canoe of epic proportions just based on the facts of his life.

My point in saying this is not to kiss Patrick's ass, but to point out that business school is where some of the brightest/best twentysomethings in the world go to party. You can't argue that fact. As such, it is nothing like the way most people live -- not even most of the finance folks on this board. After a while it's easy (for me personally, at least) to forget that.

It is true, though, that b-school won't make you anything you weren't before. How can that be true if b-schoolers ball noticeably harder than others? Pretty simple -- selection bias. Most of the ones who get in have something in common.

Now: any ideas as to what that might be?

I swear if I hadn't met you Brady I would also think you were trolling here...you really need to get the B School obsession out of your head. An MBA from a top school will not save your life or automatically make you don juan. I swear, you are like a broken record with this b school shit. If you want to get good with women, go ask women out....don't go to b school.

Coming from a dude who went to Wharton you should probably take this advice to heart.

Reality hits you hard, bro...
I swear if I hadn't met you Brady I would also think you were trolling here...you really need to get the B School obsession out of your head. An MBA from a top school will not save your life or automatically make you don juan. I swear, you are like a broken record with this b school shit. If you want to get good with women, go ask women out....don't go to b school.

Coming from a dude who went to Wharton you should probably take this advice to heart.

Go ask them out? No, don’t underestimate the ladies’ man status Brady fancies about. He’s dreaming of the “Prince Harry” effect: with a snap of fingers, tons of bikini ho’s flow in. At his presence, any specie with a vagina within 10 miles wants a taste of his dick. More like this, http://photoblog.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/08/24/13458170-kim-jong-un-surr… which is what HBS would offer him, in his own mind.

--Money can't buy happiness. it can only buy orgasms. --Who the hell says I want happiness? Orgasms all I need.
I swear if I hadn't met you Brady I would also think you were trolling here...you really need to get the B School obsession out of your head. An MBA from a top school will not save your life or automatically make you don juan. I swear, you are like a broken record with this b school shit. If you want to get good with women, go ask women out....don't go to b school.

what happens if you don't get in? Will life be over? no.

What if you do? Will your ego likely explode to douche-canoe dangerous levels? likely.

Either way, have mercy on us.

You seriously need to consider a temporary ban or at least a bschool forum ban.
If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford
I swear if I hadn't met you Brady I would also think you were trolling here...you really need to get the B School obsession out of your head. An MBA from a top school will not save your life or automatically make you don juan. I swear, you are like a broken record with this b school shit. If you want to get good with women, go ask women out....don't go to b school.

what happens if you don't get in? Will life be over? no.

What if you do? Will your ego likely explode to douche-canoe dangerous levels? likely.

Either way, have mercy on us.

You seriously need to consider a temporary ban or at least a bschool forum ban.
Curse filter set to HBS, Harvard, business and school?
I cant wait to finally go to HBS. Sounds like I may actually lose my virginity there.

You'll lose it to Citibank's student loan department first.

What the fuck is a douche-canoe? Is Brady one?

"Steve Dush-koo-nu".

[quote]The HBS guys have MAD SWAGGER. They frequently wear their class jackets to boston bars, strutting and acting like they own the joint. They just ooze success, confidence, swagger, basically attributes of alpha males.[/quote]

Final thing, the amount of times I've heard 'hooking up like rabbits' from you on here Brady, you lose all credibility. Fake email is even worse then your obsession with HBS, as you need to manufacture things in your mind to support your delusions. Anyway man, I thought you were up at Harvard teaching?

These pretzels are making me thirsty.

haha where did that come from kramer

This to all my hatin' folks seeing me getting guac right now..
These pretzels are making me thirsty.

Harvey Specter doesn't get cotton mouth.

I'm gonna get the can opener.
Ok. I'm going to get shit on REAL hard for making this thread
To give credit where credit is due, at least you are good at predicting the future.
<span class=keyword_link><a href=/company/goldman-sachs><abbr title=Goldman Sachs&#10;>GS</abbr></a></span>:
What the hell is black october?

Don't say "Comes after Black September". That's a tasteless joke!


Brady I hope you're aware of how irrationally excessive and unhealthy your obsession with HBS is. Your friend's email is typical of any school's orientation (excluding the overseas trips, although I'm sure that happens at all other top B-Schools). You don't need HBS to have a good time and get girls. You already have the money and prestige (working at a hedge fund + graduate from Wharton undergrad) so if you're not getting girls right now, it's because of your personality. A little bit more prestige in the form of HBS therefore isn't going to change much, if anything.

Stop putting HBS on a pedestal. It makes you look childish, stupid, and out of touch with reality.

Brady I hope you're aware of how irrationally excessive and unhealthy your obsession with HBS is. Your friend's email is typical of any school's orientation (excluding the overseas trips, although I'm sure that happens at all other top B-Schools). You don't need HBS to have a good time and get girls. You already have the money and prestige (working at a hedge fund + graduate from Wharton undergrad) so if you're not getting girls right now, it's because of your personality. A little bit more prestige in the form of HBS therefore isn't going to change much, if anything.

Stop putting HBS on a pedestal. It makes you look childish, stupid, and out of touch with reality.

This. Go to Cornell instead.

But Rhaegar fought valiantly, Rhaegar fought nobly, Rhaegar fought bravely. And Rhaegar died.

> You're right about the H-bomb. It's definitely powerful!

Telling girls you are bisexual is less radical and more credible, and probably as effective.


Wait, Brady is a Wharton undergrad graduate and works at a hedge fund? And he's obsessed with HBS for what reason? Most of us aren't prestigious enough to take a shit in the same bathroom as you, let alone look you in the eye during a conversation. You're "living the dream" for 98% of people on WSO -- shouldn't that already feel pretty good?


> When I walked in at 10 AM, the place looked like someone had driven a train through it. Green baize laid out for poker, cards everywhere, empty bottles of expensive liquor, shades drawn against the morning sun. [,,,] I don't recall specifically what the mess consisted of, but cigars and random discarded lingerie would not have looked out of place in the scene.

Poker cards everywhere... Empty bottles... Gee, that must have been a crazy night! I bet there were a few dirty dishes around as well.

> When I walked in at 10 AM, the place looked like someone had driven a train through it. Green baize laid out for poker, cards everywhere, empty bottles of expensive liquor, shades drawn against the morning sun. [,,,] I don't recall specifically what the mess consisted of, but cigars and random discarded lingerie would not have looked out of place in the scene.

Poker cards everywhere... Empty bottles... Gee, that must have been a crazy night! I bet there were a few dirty dishes around as well.

Yep. Bit of a difference between cards and bottles in an average apartment and the same in an apartment of that badassitude.


So 2 wharton alum having a heart to heart? You guys are like, twins then?

“...all truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” - Schopenhauer

i'm sure many of you folks reading are thinking to yourselves: hmm, so in order to be a baller, i need to already be a baller. seems like a tautology. what's a scrub like me to do?

the solution: schmarvard

it's a new school i'm planning to found. for 10 easy payments of $129.95 USD, you too can be a baller. all you will need is a 750 GMAT and a desire to ball hard.

a schmarvard admission ticket will include poker chips, condoms, travel guides, and a pocket-sized book of pickup lines.

orientation will mostly consist of jello shots and a short speech beginning with: "here at schmarvard, we believe in cultivating the inner baller, and so have done away with frivolous things like classes and business departments. go forth brave ones, and ball. hard."

weekly galas will naturally include the finest champagne dripping off the teats of exotic burlesque dancers.

so watch out for schmarvard, coming to a new england city near you.

Going Concern:
i'm sure many of you folks reading are thinking to yourselves: hmm, so in order to be a baller, i need to already be a baller. seems like a tautology. what's a scrub like me to do?

the solution: schmarvard

it's a new school i'm planning to found. for 10 easy payments of $129.95 USD, you too can be a baller. all you will need is a 750 GMAT and a desire to ball hard.

a schmarvard admission ticket will include poker chips, condoms, travel guides, and a pocket-sized book of pickup lines.

orientation will mostly consist of jello shots and a short speech beginning with: "here at schmarvard, we believe in cultivating the inner baller, and so have done away with frivolous things like classes and business departments. go forth brave ones, and ball. hard."

weekly galas will naturally include the finest champagne dripping off the teats of exotic burlesque dancers.

so watch out for schmarvard, coming to a new england city near you.

For all of you scrubs out there who are wondering, "I wonder how these hard ballers ball so hard at strip clubs," I will be teaching the strip club comportment portion of the curriculum at Schmarvard. This class is traditionally at least 2x oversubscribed... but if you act now, you can skip the auction system altogether and guarantee yourself a spot on the class roster for one easy processing fee of $949.95. That's just $949.95. Spots are filling up. Act now.


but if you act now, you can skip the auction system altogether and guarantee yourself a spot on the class roster for one easy processing fee of $949.95. That's just $949.95. Spots are filling up. Act now.

Auction....now that's a word I haven't heard in hmmmm let me think, 24 hours? Around where I am right now that's a curse word


reading brady's thread just makes me feel like talking a 8-year-old kid who keeps repeating to say how much he wants the ice-cream from mcdonald's.

Man, i get girls everywhere and have fun anytime. Putting the HBS name along with everything, you make youself like a loser. I don't need that to "glorify" my life.

Such a waste of time to see your friend's email. Sorry, but it's just stupid.

Brady from what I understand you are a wharton undergrad graduate and work for a HF, you could be one of the most respected people on this forum but instead everyone fucking hates you. I'm a sophomore in college, good school but I havent really done shit with my life yet, but I can still see you are a giant fucking douchenozzle who has no life, has never touched a girl and fantasizes about a person you will never be and a life you will never have. you will not be a "baller", you will never be an alpha male hyper educated BSD because you have a shitty beta personality and are just a huge phaggot. even patrick who is the moderator of this site which is rapidly growing in popularity and has been featured in multiple news articles, is not afraid to call you out on this.

that is pretty much you--"hyping the night up to something it can never be"--and other people see it like dom sees it at the end--"yeah--gay as fuck"

some people just can't be cool, accept it and move the fuck on

Jesus. A little much, no?

Brady from what I understand you are a wharton undergrad graduate and work for a HF, you could be one of the most respected people on this forum but instead everyone fucking hates you. I'm a sophomore in college, good school but I havent really done shit with my life yet, but I can still see you are a giant fucking douchenozzle who has no life, has never touched a girl and fantasizes about a person you will never be and a life you will never have. you will not be a "baller", you will never be an alpha male hyper educated BSD because you have a shitty beta personality and are just a huge phaggot. even patrick who is the moderator of this site which is rapidly growing in popularity and has been featured in multiple news articles, is not afraid to call you out on this.

that is pretty much you--"hyping the night up to something it can never be"--and other people see it like dom sees it at the end--"yeah--gay as fuck"

some people just can't be cool, accept it and move the fuck on

Jesus. A little much, no?

Does Chris Hansen ever do half measures? I think not. Ref: ToCatchAPredator

I hate victims who respect their executioners
Brady from what I understand you are a wharton undergrad graduate and work for a HF, you could be one of the most respected people on this forum but instead everyone fucking hates you. I'm a sophomore in college, good school but I havent really done shit with my life yet, but I can still see you are a giant fucking douchenozzle who has no life, has never touched a girl and fantasizes about a person you will never be and a life you will never have. you will not be a "baller", you will never be an alpha male hyper educated BSD because you have a shitty beta personality and are just a huge phaggot. even patrick who is the moderator of this site which is rapidly growing in popularity and has been featured in multiple news articles, is not afraid to call you out on this.

that is pretty much you--"hyping the night up to something it can never be"--and other people see it like dom sees it at the end--"yeah--gay as fuck"

some people just can't be cool, accept it and move the fuck on

Calm down Beavis.

This hits the nail on the head. Worthless post Brady, but this thread has spawned some of the best posts of all time. Guess that's what being an MVP is all about.


This hits the nail on the head. Worthless post Brady, but this thread has spawned some of the best posts of all time. Guess that's what being an MVP is all about.

, but I can still see you are a giant fucking douchenozzle who has no life, has never touched a girl and fantasizes about a person you will never be and a life you will never have. you will not be a "baller", you will never be an alpha male hyper educated BSD because you have a shitty beta personality and are just a huge phaggot. even patrick who is the moderator of this site which is rapidly growing in popularity and has been featured in multiple news articles, is not afraid to call you out on this.

Damn. Hit the showers and cool down bro.

, but I can still see you are a giant fucking douchenozzle who has no life, has never touched a girl and fantasizes about a person you will never be and a life you will never have. you will not be a "baller", you will never be an alpha male hyper educated BSD because you have a shitty beta personality and are just a huge phaggot. even patrick who is the moderator of this site which is rapidly growing in popularity and has been featured in multiple news articles, is not afraid to call you out on this.

Damn. Hit the showers and cool down bro.

No, you don't get it. He is the master of an art: kissing one's ass while dissing another one. brilliant

--Money can't buy happiness. it can only buy orgasms. --Who the hell says I want happiness? Orgasms all I need.
Brady from what I understand you are a wharton undergrad graduate and work for a HF, you could be one of the most respected people on this forum but instead everyone fucking hates you. I'm a sophomore in college, good school but I havent really done shit with my life yet, but I can still see you are a giant fucking douchenozzle who has no life, has never touched a girl and fantasizes about a person you will never be and a life you will never have. you will not be a "baller", you will never be an alpha male hyper educated BSD because you have a shitty beta personality and are just a huge phaggot. even patrick who is the moderator of this site which is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDx4D1mRfJArapidly growing in popularity and has been featured in multiple news articles, is not afraid to call you out on this.

that is pretty much you--"hyping the night up to something it can never be"--and other people see it like dom sees it at the end--"yeah--gay as fuck"

some people just can't be cool, accept it and move the fuck on

Wow kid. Calm down. I guess you got overly excited because your mom is letting you stay up past curfew.



Are you not worried that someone at the HBS admission office will see all your HBS threads? From your past posts it will be easy to figure out who you are.

I think your better off flying to Brazil and joining Short. Hell fly down to New Jersey and bang Princeton girls with IP. You will be seen as a total baller, when wants to take an Asian girl back to his place in his rusted Honda and gives her a lecture on high paying dividend stocks.


Are you not worried that someone at the HBS admission office will see all your HBS threads? From your past posts it will be easy to figure out who you are.

I think your better off flying to Brazil and joining Short. Hell fly down to New Jersey and bang Princeton girls with IP. You will be seen as a total baller, when wants to take an Asian girl back to his place in his rusted Honda and gives her a lecture on high paying dividend stocks.

Haha. Point well taken. Short is gonna have a blast in brazil.

Including IP, i have 2 friends who will be at princeton for the MFin. I will try to visit them if i have time. Although ivies are not known for hot chicks, princeton has the best talent in the ivy league.


I wonder if Paul Tudor Jones cries himself to sleep every night, knowing that he missed the 2 greatest years of his life.


Let me just make one thing clear Brady didn't attend Wharton, he did although attend UPenn...

That is all I have to add.

The answer to your question is 1) network 2) get involved 3) beef up your resume 4) repeat -happypantsmcgee WSO is not your personal search function.

So what do all the BYU kids at these top MBA's do?

Oh, and this is a serious question - there are a lot of them. I know at least a dozen.

"If you want to succeed in this life, you need to understand that duty comes before rights and that responsibility precedes opportunity."
So what do all the BYU kids at these top MBA's do?

Oh, and this is a serious question - there are a lot of them. I know at least a dozen.

The BYU kids tend to stay together, stay pure, have kids.

Many of them try to go out and ball hard without... uh... balling. So they are just there, stone cold sober in the middle of the night, drinking ginger ale, trying to network and fit in with a bunch of shitfaced monkeys until they can justifiably go home to their wives.

You can pick them out in the Facebook photos afterwards. In the pictures of all the drunken people doing shots and holding onto each other for dear life, the BYU kids are the bright, perky, blue-eyed white dudes (usually with blondish or sandy hair) off to one side of the photo, standing up too straight, smiling too widely, and holding (too obviously) a half-full cup of ginger ale and/or Sprite. (Diet coke for the hardcore, though I think there may be a rule against it.)

By the time they get to b-school this isn't even hard work for them anymore. They get tons of practice from their teens on up; they're battle-hardened veterans of a thousand resolutely cheerful "parties" with unspiked punch.

I will say this for them, though: they tend to be exceptionally good (and even slightly dirty) dancers.


****! even I can speak better than that. Highly doubt the possibility of Brady getting in someday by having friends with such style and mentality. Anyway, HBS is not as an Everest as it used to be these days. But whatever, guess there are always people who need this kind of source to jerk off.

--Money can't buy happiness. it can only buy orgasms. --Who the hell says I want happiness? Orgasms all I need.

This is just sad on so many different levels.

CNBC sucks "This financial crisis is worse than a divorce. I've lost all my money, but the wife is still here." - Client after getting blown up

If you wanna drop the H-bomb so much, why don't you just lie? I've never been one to lie to hook up with a chick, but fuuuuuuu. If you're looking for a soul mate, would you really want to be with somebody who would use going to Harvard as criteria?

Wharton u-grad working at a hedge fund and still like this over Harvard?.... lol dude, lol. you're one of those people that just doesn't know how good he has it. It's kinda sad.

If your dreams don't scare you, then they are not big enough. "There are two types of people in this world: People who say they pee in the shower, and dirty fucking liars."-Louis C.K.


WSO needed another one of these posts.

Anybody still remember the 16 year old hedge fund manager?

[quote]The HBS guys have MAD SWAGGER. They frequently wear their class jackets to boston bars, strutting and acting like they own the joint. They just ooze success, confidence, swagger, basically attributes of alpha males.[/quote]

im going to get into HBS and then decline just to spite you Brady

My drinkin' problem left today, she packed up all her bags and walked away.
Kenny Powers:
im going to get into HBS and then decline just to spite you Brady

If you do that and prove it, I will fucking hire your ass. I don't really care about spiting Brady, but that would be trolling on a colossal scale. You don't need a Harvard MBA if you can troll that hard.


Between the guys/girls I know from undergrad who are at B school , there's almost an even split between HBS/GSB. But the people I know at HBS are almost an order of magnitude douchier than GSB. I don't know why

<span class=keyword_link><a href=/company/goldman-sachs><abbr title=Goldman Sachs&#10;>GS</abbr></a></span>:
Between the guys/girls I know from undergrad who are at B school , there's almost an even split between HBS/GSB. But the people I know at HBS are almost an order of magnitude douchier than GSB. I don't know why

Totally agree. GSB has some intense douchebag filtration going on. HBS, on the other hand, has a special VIP priority lane for douchebags. That's why I fly HBS at every opportunity.

[Comment removed by mod team]
[Comment removed by mod team]

You guys realize he wrote that email himself, right? It convieniently touches up on every topic he's been raving about. He thinks attending HBS will put him on a fast track to finally losing that v-card he's been holding for over 20 years. I think we should all just pitch in and get this kid an escort for his birthday.

Brady, I used to like you despite your bitching because you seemed somewhat normal at times and offered me advice, but this kind of shit just makes you sound like a sad little man. Any tiny bit of respect that I've had is gone.

Under my tutelage, you will grow from boys to men. From men into gladiators. And from gladiators into SWANSONS.

I've NEVER seen anybody get shat on so hard as on this thread.


Brady for WSO Member of the Year.

[quote]The HBS guys have MAD SWAGGER. They frequently wear their class jackets to boston bars, strutting and acting like they own the joint. They just ooze success, confidence, swagger, basically attributes of alpha males.[/quote]

Umm...sounds like college..like...anywhere? Congrats to your friend on finally having a social life, I feel almost sad for you that THIS is something amazing to you.

I think someone at the beginning said this too, but saying you went to Harvard is not going to mask the fact that you're socially awkward. Once you try the "I go to HBS" line for the first time and inevitably fail, you'll glance over at the alpha male next to you (who probably went to Babson College) with a smokeshow hanging on his arm and hopefully it dawns upon you - it doesn't matter where you go to school.


Brady should turn down HBS even if he gets in, it is bound to disappoint given the expectations Brady has build up (unless he takes delusion to another level which would not surprise me)


HBS is good for specific reasons - mainly to get some jobs and to learn a little douchiness. It just sounds like a party blast to a lot of people because, once you spend your life studying calculus and building stupid little clubs, any party with boring half-ugly people is incredibly awesome.

If you want fun, go to the worst possible school (so you won't waste time studying) either in Rio by the beach or maybe somewhere in the Netherlands. Profit. You'll also save like a 150 grand to invest. Actually, ditch the school.

Dumb people are often hotter and have way more fun. I cringe a little bit whenever people describe b-school as the 2 best years of their lives. WTF are you doing with the rest of your lives then?


BTW, that Tyra Banks Owner/President program kills the MBA - you must be a real life baller just to enter it - not a promising kid, but already a winner. Maybe Brady should obsess about that.


i'm going to play devil's advocate and defend brady.

yes he is mental about harvard. but we all have our insane dreams. me, i want my pleasure compound in the philippines. you, you probably want something retarded and impossible too, but are not willing to admit it in a semipublic forum where you can be roundly mocked for it.

i'm going to play devil's advocate and defend brady.

yes he is mental about harvard. but we all have our insane dreams. me, i want my pleasure compound in the philippines. you, you probably want something retarded and impossible too, but are not willing to admit it in a semipublic forum where you can be roundly mocked for it.

And what is this pleasure compound you speak of?


I actually think we have just witnessed the greatest troll ever. Someone who was so committed to his trolling that he even played the part in real life. Multiple people commented that they would have assumed Brady was a troll if they had not met him in real life. Playing that part in real life allowed for those people to comment here about just how serious Brady is and now everyone assumes Brady really believes all of this stuff about HBS.

That commitment is what makes Brady the most successful troll ever in my book.

I actually think we have just witnessed the greatest troll ever. Someone who was so committed to his trolling that he even played the part in real life. Multiple people commented that they would have assumed Brady was a troll if they had not met him in real life. Playing that part in real life allowed for those people to comment here about just how seeious Brady is and now everyone assumes Brady really believes all of this stuff about HBS.

That commitment is what makes Brady the most successful troll ever in my book.

Challenge accepted.

That commitment is what makes Brady the most successful troll ever in my book.
Challenge accepted.
Trolling is easy, 24 hour commitment is difficult. Are you ready for the psychological impact this could have? You're going to need to go 'Donnie Brasco' to pull this off.
I actually think we have just witnessed the greatest troll ever. Someone who was so committed to his trolling that he even played the part in real life. Multiple people commented that they would have assumed Brady was a troll if they had not met him in real life. Playing that part in real life allowed for those people to comment here about just how seeious Brady is and now everyone assumes Brady really believes all of this stuff about HBS.

That commitment is what makes Brady the most successful troll ever in my book.

Challenge accepted.

Tzeentch: Loving the Warhammer 40k reference.

“...all truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” - Schopenhauer

So I actually just emailed this to my buddy at HBS who is int he Class of 2014. His response was:


i donno about the hooking up part,

but ya, we can pretty much go wherever we want

we have plans to go anywehre in the world

and we've been going out almost every night... there are 900 hundred people here

it's pretty crazy"

Basically I'm guessing the original posters buddy is legit but is exaggerating thing a bit. I mean have any of you guys ever actually hung out with Harvard people? They aren't exactly a bunch of Tucker Max's. All the HBS guys I know (and I used to work at a firm full of them) don't exacdtly have mad game or even spouses/gf's who I would call attractive so I doubt the crazy hooking up part.

So I actually just emailed this to my buddy at HBS who is int he Class of 2014. His response was:


i donno about the hooking up part,

but ya, we can pretty much go wherever we want

we have plans to go anywehre in the world

and we've been going out almost every night... there are 900 hundred people here

it's pretty crazy"

Basically I'm guessing the original posters buddy is legit but is exaggerating thing a bit. I mean have any of you guys ever actually hung out with Harvard people? They aren't exactly a bunch of Tucker Max's. All the HBS guys I know (and I used to work at a firm full of them) don't exacdtly have mad game or even spouses/gf's who I would call attractive so I doubt the crazy hooking up part.

Yeah, it's possible he was exaggerating a bit, but i don't doubt that he was being truthful about his experience thus far. The guy is not a liar, and he's pretty low-key, so even i was a bit surprised at the tone of his e-mail because he seemed genuinely pumped up. As I said, i'm happy for him since he busted his butt off all his life and totally deserves this.

So I actually just emailed this to my buddy at HBS who is int he Class of 2014. His response was:


i donno about the hooking up part,

but ya, we can pretty much go wherever we want

we have plans to go anywehre in the world

and we've been going out almost every night... there are 900 hundred people here

it's pretty crazy"

Basically I'm guessing the original posters buddy is legit but is exaggerating thing a bit. I mean have any of you guys ever actually hung out with Harvard people? They aren't exactly a bunch of Tucker Max's. All the HBS guys I know (and I used to work at a firm full of them) don't exacdtly have mad game or even spouses/gf's who I would call attractive so I doubt the crazy hooking up part.

Yeah, it's possible he was exaggerating a bit, but i don't doubt that he was being truthful about his experience thus far. The guy is not a liar, and he's pretty low-key, so even i was a bit surprised at the tone of his e-mail because he seemed genuinely pumped up. As I said, i'm happy for him since he busted his butt off all his life and totally deserves this.

gonna throw another SB at you for keeping this going.

So I actually just emailed this to my buddy at HBS who is int he Class of 2014. His response was:


i donno about the hooking up part,

but ya, we can pretty much go wherever we want

we have plans to go anywehre in the world

and we've been going out almost every night... there are 900 hundred people here

it's pretty crazy"

Basically I'm guessing the original posters buddy is legit but is exaggerating thing a bit. I mean have any of you guys ever actually hung out with Harvard people? They aren't exactly a bunch of Tucker Max's. All the HBS guys I know (and I used to work at a firm full of them) don't exacdtly have mad game or even spouses/gf's who I would call attractive so I doubt the crazy hooking up part.

I'm sure the 'everyone is hooking up' part is exaggerated. If you re-read what Brady posted, the guy says everyone is hooking up but that he has his eye on a couple of girls. I know my friends would have been like, "I fucked this chick that has some fat titties." then I would ask if she was hot and they would say, "Dude her tits were huge and I came on her face...hope her husband doesn't find out." and they would never answer the question because she wasn't hot and they were drunk and all they saw was a pair of tits to snuggle up to after blowing a load.

The fact the guy isn't hooking up himself is a red flag that not everyone is fucking like rabbits. I'm more inclined to think the vast majority of the guys are pretty much like Tzeentch pointed out...socially awkward. They probably assume everyone else is hooking up and that they are the only ones keeping an eye on a couple of prospects when, in fact, everyone has a few prospects and they end most night by moisturizing their penises alone in the bathroom with their roommate's body lotion.

And I'm sure plenty of hooking up goes on. I've known too many girls that are vacation bi-polar who turn into complete sluts when not in their home zip code. It's like their rules cease to existent when they are away from home.

With all that said, I do know a guy that graduated from Wharton in '10 and he is one sought after SOB in my neck of the woods. Before I actually knew him I overheard girls talking about him being one of the most eligible bachelors and that he went to Wharton...stuff like that. I just assumed the dude was probably a dick. Then I met him. Good looking guy, great personality and down to earth so I get the likability from the ladies.. I didn't know him before b-school so I can't say for sure what he was like, but he did UG at UVA, so I think it's reasonable to assume that he wasn't much different then.

The point being, bschool isn't likely to change your social abilities/inabilities a great deal and while some of those girls knew about Wharton being a great school, which added to his 'eligibility', I would certainly guarantee that none of them know why it's a great school, just that it supports their assumption he's a good catch. Anyways, he's dated, maybe fucked (I really don't know), just about every hot chick I've met in Atlanta but ultimately he's the one closing the deal, not his diploma.


"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan
So I actually just emailed this to my buddy at HBS who is int he Class of 2014. His response was:


i donno about the hooking up part,

but ya, we can pretty much go wherever we want

we have plans to go anywehre in the world

and we've been going out almost every night... there are 900 hundred people here

it's pretty crazy"

Basically I'm guessing the original posters buddy is legit but is exaggerating thing a bit. I mean have any of you guys ever actually hung out with Harvard people? They aren't exactly a bunch of Tucker Max's. All the HBS guys I know (and I used to work at a firm full of them) don't exacdtly have mad game or even spouses/gf's who I would call attractive so I doubt the crazy hooking up part.

I'm sure the 'everyone is hooking up' part is exaggerated. If you re-read what Brady posted, the guy says everyone is hooking up but that he has his eye on a couple of girls. I know my friends would have been like, "I fucked this chick that has some fat titties." then I would ask if she was hot and they would say, "Dude her tits were huge and I came on her face...hope her husband doesn't find out." and they would never answer the question because she wasn't hot and they were drunk and all they saw was a pair of tits to snuggle up to after blowing a load.

The fact the guy isn't hooking up himself is a red flag that not everyone is fucking like rabbits. I'm more inclined to think the vast majority of the guys are pretty much like Tzeentch pointed out...socially awkward. They probably assume everyone else is hooking up and that they are the only ones keeping an eye on a couple of prospects when, in fact, everyone has a few prospects and they end most night by moisturizing their penises alone in the bathroom with their roommate's body lotion.

And I'm sure plenty of hooking up goes on. I've known too many girls that are vacation bi-polar who turn into complete sluts when not in their home zip code. It's like their rules cease to existent when they are away from home.

With all that said, I do know a guy that graduated from Wharton in '10 and he is one sought after SOB in my neck of the woods. Before I actually knew him I overheard girls talking about him being one of the most eligible bachelors and that he went to Wharton...stuff like that. I just assumed the dude was probably a dick. Then I met him. Good looking guy, great personality and down to earth so I get the likability from the ladies.. I didn't know him before b-school so I can't say for sure what he was like, but he did UG at UVA, so I think it's reasonable to assume that he wasn't much different then.

The point being, bschool isn't likely to change your social abilities/inabilities a great deal and while some of those girls knew about Wharton being a great school, which added to his 'eligibility', I would certainly guarantee that none of them know why it's a great school, just that it supports their assumption he's a good catch. Anyways, he's dated, maybe fucked (I really don't know), just about every hot chick I've met in Atlanta but ultimately he's the one closing the deal, not his diploma.


No idea why you assume guys at HBS or b-schools in general are more socially awkward than the general population. Seems based on the faulty assumption that there is somehow an inverse relationship between social skills and intelligence/accomplishments. I did not ask my friend for intimate details since that's none of my business. I have to take his word that he and his classmates are getting a lot of attention from girls in boston and that the social scene is quite robust.

I agree with most of what you wrote in the latter part. A school by itself is NOT going to get you chicks. But i think in a lot of cases, a prestigious school-and the trappings that come with it-do lead to more confidence, which in turn makes you more attractive to women. All else being equal, for a guy, going to a place like HBS is the equivalent to a woman going up from a 5 to a 8 on the looks scale.


I just emailed this to my buddy at HBS '14 and he said

'Get off of WSO. You have a job'

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford

I just emailed my buddy at HBS '14 and he simply sent me this...

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My drinkin' problem left today, she packed up all her bags and walked away.


H.E. Pennypacker:
Long time lurker, first time poster. Simply had to create an account to get in on this. Brady, take a step back and LITERALLY FUCK YOUR OWN FACE.

that's a good first post

If your dreams don't scare you, then they are not big enough. "There are two types of people in this world: People who say they pee in the shower, and dirty fucking liars."-Louis C.K.
H.E. Pennypacker:
Long time lurker, first time poster. Simply had to create an account to get in on this. Brady, take a step back and LITERALLY FUCK YOUR OWN FACE.

that's a good first post

HAHAHA, amazing.

[quote]The HBS guys have MAD SWAGGER. They frequently wear their class jackets to boston bars, strutting and acting like they own the joint. They just ooze success, confidence, swagger, basically attributes of alpha males.[/quote]

Brady, if you're still in Boston, let me know. I moved up here last week for grad school. I'll be your wingman, you dont need to drop the 'H-Bomb', I'm English, we're golden.


Back to the original post. I don't get it. Are there really that many virgins on this site that have never tasted alcohol before?

Back to the original post. I don't get it. Are there really that many virgins on this site that have never tasted alcohol before?
half this site's in high school, so...yes
Douche Canoe:
Back to the original post. I don't get it. Are there really that many virgins on this site that have never tasted alcohol before?
half this site's in high school, so...yes
2/3 of the kids at target schools are nerds who were sheltered by their parents until they came to college.

now they think they're cool cause they finally get to 'rage' hard by nursing shit beers at frat houses all night and get with ugly girls.

then there's kids like Brady who never even did that in college.


Wow. I just read through this entire thread while eating ben&jerry ice cream and absolutely loved it. WSO at its best.

Not to further add fire to this, but i just talked to a college friend who is also HBS 2014, and he said similar things as the OP's friend, albeit in a much more restrained tone. As a matter of fact, him and his classmates are going to the hamptons this weekend to party at surf lodge, some sort of exclusive hamptons club. They're meeting up with vanderbilt and uva sorority girls to party. So yeah, it definitely seems like a lot of fun.

Going Concern:
I just read through this entire thread while eating ben&jerry ice cream and absolutely loved it.

hahahaha...I think that will be a new thing now, measuring a thread by whether it is ben&jerry worthy

someone should try Ben and Jerrying the do you believe in god? thread
Wow. I just read through this entire thread while eating ben&jerry ice cream and absolutely loved it. WSO at its best.

Not to further add fire to this, but i just talked to a college friend who is also HBS 2014, and he said similar things as the OP's friend, albeit in a much more restrained tone. As a matter of fact, him and his classmates are going to the hamptons this weekend to party at surf lodge, some sort of exclusive hamptons club. They're meeting up with vanderbilt and uva sorority girls to party. So yeah, it definitely seems like a lot of fun.

Lol. I sent you a PM. I wonder if we know the same people. My HBS buddy who wrote me the original e-mail is also going to hamptons this weekend with some of his classmates. They're hanging out with vandy girls who recently graduated from college and are working in NYC in pr/advertising/marketing. My friend is pretty overwhelmed with how much attention he's getting from girls since when we would go out in chicago, he got zero attention.

Wow. I just read through this entire thread while eating ben&jerry ice cream and absolutely loved it. WSO at its best.

Not to further add fire to this, but i just talked to a college friend who is also HBS 2014, and he said similar things as the OP's friend, albeit in a much more restrained tone. As a matter of fact, him and his classmates are going to the hamptons this weekend to party at surf lodge, some sort of exclusive hamptons club. They're meeting up with vanderbilt and uva sorority girls to party. So yeah, it definitely seems like a lot of fun.

Lol. I sent you a PM. I wonder if we know the same people. My HBS buddy who wrote me the original e-mail is also going to hamptons this weekend with some of his classmates. They're hanging out with vandy girls who recently graduated from college and are working in NYC in pr/advertising/marketing. My friend is pretty overwhelmed with how much attention he's getting from girls since when we would go out in chicago, he got zero attention.

It's almost like these two are the same person...hmmm
If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford
Wow. I just read through this entire thread while eating ben&jerry ice cream and absolutely loved it. WSO at its best.

Not to further add fire to this, but i just talked to a college friend who is also HBS 2014, and he said similar things as the OP's friend, albeit in a much more restrained tone. As a matter of fact, him and his classmates are going to the hamptons this weekend to party at surf lodge, some sort of exclusive hamptons club. They're meeting up with vanderbilt and uva sorority girls to party. So yeah, it definitely seems like a lot of fun.

Lol. I sent you a PM. I wonder if we know the same people. My HBS buddy who wrote me the original e-mail is also going to hamptons this weekend with some of his classmates. They're hanging out with vandy girls who recently graduated from college and are working in NYC in pr/advertising/marketing. My friend is pretty overwhelmed with how much attention he's getting from girls since when we would go out in chicago, he got zero attention.

Come on man, how long are you gonna keep this up? I'm not sure what would make the better reality series - Brady's year long odyssey in applying to b-school or the self-loathing period after he doesnt get in?

Wow. I just read through this entire thread while eating ben&jerry ice cream and absolutely loved it. WSO at its best.

Not to further add fire to this, but i just talked to a college friend who is also HBS 2014, and he said similar things as the OP's friend, albeit in a much more restrained tone. As a matter of fact, him and his classmates are going to the hamptons this weekend to party at surf lodge, some sort of exclusive hamptons club. They're meeting up with vanderbilt and uva sorority girls to party. So yeah, it definitely seems like a lot of fun.

Lol. I sent you a PM. I wonder if we know the same people. My HBS buddy who wrote me the original e-mail is also going to hamptons this weekend with some of his classmates. They're hanging out with vandy girls who recently graduated from college and are working in NYC in pr/advertising/marketing. My friend is pretty overwhelmed with how much attention he's getting from girls since when we would go out in chicago, he got zero attention.

Brady, this is something that I don't understand. Your buddy is going to HBS, not paying for the Yankees. I don't get how going to HBS makes girls swoon over. Although it is quite an accomplishment, most girls from my experience just want guys who are fun to be around/give them an emotional connection. Also in NYC, going to HBS seems like less of an important quality in terms of dating (much like working on Wall street, to all the college monkeys reading this!!!), given the amount of young, good looking, rich guys in the city.

I assuming either he is attracting women who want to settle down ( which is highly unlikely given that these girls are in there early/mid 20's living in NYC), or going to HBS has made him extremely confident (the more plausible scenario).

Wow. I just read through this entire thread while eating ben&jerry ice cream and absolutely loved it. WSO at its best.

Not to further add fire to this, but i just talked to a college friend who is also HBS 2014, and he said similar things as the OP's friend, albeit in a much more restrained tone. As a matter of fact, him and his classmates are going to the hamptons this weekend to party at surf lodge, some sort of exclusive hamptons club. They're meeting up with vanderbilt and uva sorority girls to party. So yeah, it definitely seems like a lot of fun.

Lol. I sent you a PM. I wonder if we know the same people. My HBS buddy who wrote me the original e-mail is also going to hamptons this weekend with some of his classmates. They're hanging out with vandy girls who recently graduated from college and are working in NYC in pr/advertising/marketing. My friend is pretty overwhelmed with how much attention he's getting from girls since when we would go out in chicago, he got zero attention.

WOW!!!! Dude suddenly got game now. How powerful.

You do know you could go out right now and score hotter chicks than your friend if you don't act like a huge weirdo, right? And, if you need confidence, hit the gym. It will give you more attention than the MBA, but its cheaper and you'll be around hot girls instead of ugly nerds. Heck, plenty of guys just lie to get laid and most use better stuff than "I'm an MBA student" for that. Buy a boat or something...

But seriously, get help


Call me crazy, but I feel like it's a lot more enjoyable to just go out with friends on weekends than pay $200K to do it. And, when you really think about it, chances are that if you can get into an "M7" business school, you'll be working for a while afterwards to pay off your debt and make it back to where you were before you went, especially if you've been smart with your money, lived reasonably frugally, and had a decent job (which you almost certainly did if you got into one of those schools in the first place.)

Call me crazy, but I feel like it's a lot more enjoyable to just go out with friends on weekends than pay $200K to do it. And, when you really think about it, chances are that if you can get into an "M7" business school, you'll be working for a while afterwards to pay off your debt and make it back to where you were before you went, especially if you've been smart with your money, lived reasonably frugally, and had a decent job (which you almost certainly did if you got into one of those schools in the first place.)

Completely agree.


Brady you are 30 years old not 25 anymore, act like it. Reading this thread/everything you post on this site leaves me with little hope of you being happy at any point in your life.

The answer to your question is 1) network 2) get involved 3) beef up your resume 4) repeat -happypantsmcgee WSO is not your personal search function.

I still want an answer to the similarities between derivatives and brady

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford
Going Concern:
I still want an answer to the similarities between derivatives and brady

looking through old posts i think there is a good chance they are the same person

and if that's true that would be a little disturbing

LOL that would be hilarious, as brady comments on derivatives posts.

Going Concern:
I still want an answer to the similarities between derivatives and brady

looking through old posts i think there is a good chance they are the same person

and if that's true that would be a little disturbing

Best. Troll. Ever.
Going Concern:
To be fair, a lot of what Brady says is true ... but you unpreftigious bros will never know that feel.

Thanks for being fair brother. Tell me brother, what are your thoughts of London being preftigious? Is London as preftigious as New York? Or is London just not on the same level of preftige? What are your thoughts on this brother?

The whole meme of spelling "prestigious" as "preftigious" is hilarious.


God I can't wait to go to Harvard in a few years. it's going to be epic. I can picture it now....wifey and me...studying together for a class/exam while taking a trip to the fucking MOON.


Is it a big surprise that people who go to B school , at least those who have it paid for and have a guaranteed job at the end , party like mad? What would you do?


Officia est delectus ut vero. Eos magnam reprehenderit dolores fuga odio officiis ad. Et aut maiores ut ea dolor rem aut et. Deleniti quidem mollitia perferendis qui facere.

Laudantium occaecati rerum voluptatem exercitationem accusamus. Voluptates nesciunt quia vitae et ut illum eveniet. Fugit eius voluptate soluta harum ipsa quisquam enim doloribus.

Fugiat dolores neque tenetur corporis doloremque et nesciunt eius. Assumenda et delectus et quia. Nisi ut quaerat cum illo.

Repudiandae qui ducimus molestiae. Eaque est accusantium et illum ipsum.


Dolor culpa possimus voluptate quis non et. Rerum sed maxime blanditiis excepturi praesentium aut dolorum itaque. Sunt non vel veritatis aut.

Quis aut nihil odio quisquam sit ex et. Aperiam aliquam amet assumenda unde quis asperiores omnis. Commodi dolorum iusto beatae nam aut. Omnis unde et et officiis quasi officiis aut. Laudantium fugiat dolor et et ut.


Modi expedita perspiciatis debitis quas et iure. Eaque qui quidem sit consequatur id praesentium saepe labore.

Exercitationem at et nesciunt mollitia eum quasi. Nemo quod eos consequatur non. Necessitatibus suscipit repudiandae velit eum. Laudantium totam quam odit consequatur illum placeat.

Voluptatum nesciunt vitae saepe nihil. Atque corporis accusantium reiciendis ab voluptatem. Animi eos ea ducimus quod. Perferendis error aperiam tempora rerum. Rerum quae et voluptatibus sed ut modi. Delectus aut repellendus est.


Doloribus dolor exercitationem quia recusandae vel quae. Porro sint possimus et delectus aspernatur qui blanditiis. Quisquam debitis blanditiis excepturi quod illum.

Ut quam hic eum eveniet aut perferendis enim omnis. Tenetur fugit et rerum. Qui nihil inventore vel exercitationem suscipit quisquam illum nihil. Labore natus iusto veritatis animi nisi rerum.


Voluptates nihil itaque unde nihil ipsum magnam labore. Voluptatum dolores blanditiis necessitatibus dolorem. Reprehenderit suscipit non aut laborum asperiores minima dolore.

Eos rerum quos unde omnis harum quaerat sint velit. Libero laborum eos dicta. Sunt veniam magni temporibus saepe ipsum odio non. Culpa labore ab molestiae distinctio.

Officiis aut quod est commodi. Quis illum ut quas quaerat. Voluptatem vel consequatur voluptate repellat eum. Magni odit excepturi dolorum doloremque modi rerum. Voluptates dolore voluptas voluptas at consectetur et. Non commodi voluptas cupiditate impedit debitis.


Cupiditate aut impedit dignissimos fuga qui ut perspiciatis. Explicabo officiis repellendus optio animi et repellat repellendus officiis. Eveniet possimus similique molestias expedita impedit consequatur molestias non. Debitis aut quaerat sunt est rerum occaecati. Adipisci dolorum dolores velit quia aut.

Quis pariatur est voluptates ut magnam id. Explicabo et asperiores possimus. Hic ut reprehenderit laborum voluptatem. Fugit veritatis qui qui sed vel.


Maiores harum excepturi sit alias incidunt quia. Et esse maxime qui ut. Harum possimus nostrum culpa facilis consequatur amet. Unde totam aliquam praesentium numquam est velit.

Ut at aperiam dicta. Qui nulla iure a dolorem quo aut. Est eveniet esse libero accusantium quibusdam.

Voluptas explicabo laboriosam est sunt ducimus eius tempore a. Dolores fuga molestias dolor eveniet et ut consequatur. Dolores sit non laudantium quia nihil qui. Ut occaecati totam nihil qui. Blanditiis est sit explicabo voluptatibus tempora.

Blanditiis delectus dolore cum aut qui. Fuga rem voluptatum facilis. Iste omnis possimus odio eligendi dolor sit.

Career Advancement Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 01 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 17 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 19 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 01 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (22) $375
  • Associates (93) $259
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (206) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (149) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

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