
Social media is trash and serves no societal benefit unless heavily regulated and reined in. Our brightest minds are getting addicted to these dastardly short term dopamine feeding cycles that eat away at their abilities to think critically and deliberate about themselves and their choices and form arguments bigger than the 20 word aLlY InStAgRaM posts that have become so prevalent on these Orwellian platforms




Social media is trash and serves no societal benefit unless heavily regulated and reined in. Our brightest minds are getting addicted to these dastardly short term dopamine feeding cycles that eat away at their abilities to think critically and deliberate about themselves and their choices and form arguments bigger than the 20 word aLlY InStAgRaM posts that have become so prevalent on these Orwellian platforms

This.  It is insane the amount of political-science majors at my T25 university whose only way of discussion and critical thinking is spitting out words they see on these ally, SJW posts.  during the primary debates, my old roommate read twitter the whole time instead of actually watching the debates.  Rather than thinking about the candidates himself, he relied on random people's twitter reactions to determine who to vote for.  

[Comment removed by mod team]

You don’t need to be smart to be an investment banker. It’s a monkey job without critical thinking.


I read once that it’s about a 50/50 split. That being said, I get pineapple on my pizza every chance I get. The sweetness of pineapple complements tomato sauce heavenly


Hot take: there are now two realities in America thanks to our media. The mainstream media, on both sides of the political aisle, has complete lost all credibility and reporting integrity. I saw a colleague make an Instagram post of a side-by-side picture of peaceful BLM protestors with their hands up next to a picture of alt-Right Trumpsters breaking into the Capitol. The caption: "how can anyone with a brain say BLM protests were violent?" Someone replied with a side-by-side picture of BLM protestors destroying/looting Walnut Street in Philadelphia next to Trump Protestors chanting in the street. Those two people live in two completely different realities. Neither is right, neither is wrong. They are being fed sensationalized news that fit their perceived narrative. I hate Trump, but knowing i am a victim to my own echo chamber thanks to the media, I decided to read through his speech prior to the Capitol riots. I was left confused: where did he incite riots? Nowhere in Trump's hour long speed did he "incite" violence. Every single news article saying otherwise has cherrypicked tidbits and ordered them differently. The capitol riots last week were a result of a bunch of looney right-wind extremists doing what they do best: being fucking stupid. We had prominent activists and representatives "inciting" violence last June during the George Floyd protests and nobody condemned them. The name of the game is clicks, views, and advertising revenue. Our media truly has been corrupted, and has created two different realities.

If you disagree with me, please answer me this: why didn't Twitter permanently suspend Slate during the george floyd riots? https://twitter.com/Slate/status/1268415955937513473?s=20


Agreed. Social media makes the fringe look like the norm and further drives polarization.

My hot take is that it’s all intentional. This social media divide, identity politics, racism, hyper-partisan red vs blue politics, etc. I just don’t know if it’s 1) driven by foreign actors (China? Russia? Both? Iran?) to destabilize and harm America in lieu of actual war or 2) driven by the political class, and their donors, to keep the working/lower/middle classes fighting so that no real economic reforms can be achieved.

Or both?


Really puts into perspective how the media in partnership with gov is gradually eroding the boundaries of freedoms of speech and into criminal offense.


"Both sides bad!!" centrists like you live in a third reality I guess, where people of color fighting for racial equality is the same as white supremacists looking to overturn a free and fair election. 

I can freely admit that both protests were violent. There was a not insignificant amount of property damage caused by the BLM protests. But, 96.3% of those protests did not cause any property damage at all and 97.7% of protests did not result in injuries to any protestor, bystander, or law enforcement. You're correct about one thing: mainstream media (like fox news) zeroed in on the most violent aspects of those protests, maybe because they're racist (fox news) maybe because they need controversy to get attention. 

Don't you think it's sad that the message of racial justice was drowned out by MSM's inappropriate focus on the violent actions of a few individuals? Is it that easy for you to dismiss these protests as violent and overlook the extrajudicial killings against, not just George Floyd, but Breonna Taylor, Sandra Bland, Tamir Rice, and the literally dozens of other innocent black people?

Let's contrast this with the capitol riot. Trump may not have literally said "come riot at the capitol" but he certainly has been repeating baseless conspiracy theories about the election with no evidence. The rioters came to the capitol to overturn the election and the FBI has evidence that they planned to murder high profile democrats like Pelosi and coerce Pence into illegally throwing out the certified electoral votes. These aren't the actions of a few lone wolf protestors. There were thousands of protestors, not to mention the nearly 45% of republicans who said their actions were justified - that's 33 million people.

If you honestly cannot tell the difference between the two sides, you're either too lazy to put in the effort or you don't have the capacity for critical thought at all. Must be nice to just disassociate from the most important issues of our time - I'd love to have some of that privilege.



"Both sides bad!!" centrists like you live in a third reality I guess, where people of color fighting for racial equality is the same as white supremacists looking to overturn a free and fair election. 

Oh please!

I can freely admit that both protests were violent. There was a not insignificant amount of property damage caused by the BLM protests. But, 96.3% of those protests did not cause any property damage at all and 97.7% of protests did not result in injuries to any protestor, bystander, or law enforcement. You're correct about one thing: mainstream media (like fox news) zeroed in on the most violent aspects of those protests, maybe because they're racist (fox news) maybe because they need controversy to get attention. 

Way to pick a non-partisan source! A human rights professor at Radcliffe who uses they/them in their Wikipedia profile. GTFO

Given that ~20 million people protested, if a large number of protests HAD been violent, America would be in the midst of a civil war as I type this.

Don't you think it's sad that the message of racial justice was drowned out by MSM's inappropriate focus on the violent actions of a few individuals? Is it that easy for you to dismiss these protests as violent and overlook the extrajudicial killings against, not just George Floyd, but Breonna Taylor, Sandra Bland, Tamir Rice, and the literally dozens of other innocent black people?

Is it that easy for you to dismiss the nonviolent actions and overlook the good nature of countless police officers and focus simply on the small number of bad apples?

Let's contrast this with the capitol riot. Trump may not have literally said "come riot at the capitol" but he certainly has been repeating baseless conspiracy theories about the election with no evidence.

Yeah, because the left never invented a ridiculous Russian conspiracy theory to explain Trump's election in the first place. 

Oh, wait...

The rioters came to the capitol to overturn the election and the FBI has evidence that they planned to murder high profile democrats like Pelosi and coerce Pence into illegally throwing out the certified electoral votes. These aren't the actions of a few lone wolf protestors. There were thousands of protestors, not to mention the nearly 45% of republicans who said their actions were justified - that's 33 million people.

Yes thousands of right wing loonies, roughly comparable to the number of violent and destructive BLM protestors.

If you honestly cannot tell the difference between the two sides, you're either too lazy to put in the effort or you don't have the capacity for critical thought at all. Must be nice to just disassociate from the most important issues of our time - I'd love to have some of that privilege.



Only thing your percentages prove is a poor understanding of math.

Probably, 99.9% of the time, Trump rallies have been peaceful. Well, that 0.1% of the time, they ransacked the Capitol.  It does not make it any less bad just because the other 99.9% of protests were peaceful.

EDIT: Note also that probably 99.99% of traffic stops involving a black man do not end up with someone being killed by a police officer. The whole point of the BLM movement is that even 0.01% is not ok.


The violence caused by BLM/ANTIFA is no different than the Alt-right violence (which I think was horrible as well).  Did you not see how they captured an entire area of Seattle and renamed it "Chop?" Or how the entire town of Minneapolis was destroyed? I know of people whose small businesses were burned down in the June riots. People in my suburb (30 mins from the largest city in the state) literally asked my parents for guns to protect themselves.  

Of course I agree with the message of the PEACEFUL protesters.  I actually attended a peaceful protest in my small town.  Obviously what happened to GF, JB, and BT was horrible, and police brutality should be something everyone works to end.  But don't pull this "the radical left are a bunch of angels" BS.  


People who post and comment in the off-topic forum on WSO are losers

Yes, you and me both


Absolutely. Especially with brownie chunks, perfect 

“The three most harmful addictions are heroin, carbohydrates, and a monthly salary.” - Nassim Taleb

What brand makes mint brownie? The closest I've ever seen was mint cookie, but mint brownie sounds like it could be better

I’m a fun guy. Obviously I love the game of basketball. I mean there’s more questions you have to ask me in order for me to tell you about myself. I'm not just gonna give you a whole spill... I mean, I don't even know where you're sitting at
  • Simp is a silly insult because we are all simps (I think it was descartes who said, "I think, therefore I simp". 
  • Napoleon, ho chi minh, Cyrus, genghis khan, Ulysses S. Grant and Lawrence of arabia are all criminally underrated leaders (and both military and economic thinkers). I know this is controversial as a hot take because they have legions of dick-riders, but I believe they are still grossly underrated. 
  • Roosevelt was the closest we ever came to a authoritarian dictatorship in the US, not Donald Trump (even though Donald Trump is verifiable scum, I don't think he took us close to a dictatorship). 
  • We can print the dollar in perpetuity (with modern day finance, and especially MMM this is less of a hot take). 
  • Gender identity is meaningless, but we shouldn't just allow M to switch to F willy-nilly. We should just have 1 gender, call it X. Not more X, Y, Z etc. 
  • Racism will only end when we have something meaningful to hate a portion of the population over. (I am content that it is maybe moving in the direction of economic stratification or cultural attitudes). 
  • People shouldn't be forced to live if they do not want too (suicide should be an option, like the futurama suicide booth). 
  • If we had done nothing after 9/11 we would be better off (this is easier said than done, however). 
  • We spend entirely too much money on special education. It should be a low-bid baby sitting affair if we need to provide a place for special needs children while their parents work, not an educational endeavor. 
  • We should endeavor to eradicate slavery from the world based on economic argument, not moral posturing. 
  • EVs will not replace the majority of cars (very controversial nowadays). 
  • All drugs should be legal (including heroin)
  • Your greatest value to society is how you treat others, if you treat others poorly for no reason I view you as worse than a dog.
  • If we want results in society the buck will have to stop at losing freedoms. For instance, I feel if we want to lower school shootings we need to make it illegal for the media the publish the name of mass shooters, if we want to stop disinformation we need to regulate the freedom of the press. Authoritarianism will, by necessity, bleed into the aim to make the world a more just, safe, and educations society. Either embrace authoritarianism, or fight against it. But don't pretend to be for freedom while asking for the removal of freedom.  

Genghis Khan isn't underrated.

Historians know that he was one of the most effective and pragmatic leaders and a pioneer in military strategy.

Mongolians had a network of surveillance and scouting regiments + modern combat strategies that Germans rebranded as blitzkrieg. All of which are typical of modern post WW1 militaries.


Genghis Khan kills and fucks women where ever he goes and conquers. Guy murdered upwards of 200 million people. I don't care how good his combat strategies are and how effective his military reforms are, he is not underrated, but overrated as a person.


Your right about miltiary leadership, I was thinking more about being underrated when thought of as a nation-builder with confidence towards his direct reports and tolerance towards different ideas when I was thinking about good ole khan. 

[Comment removed by mod team]

Social media is detrimental to the individual; people are using these platforms to express their alter ego. In doing so, they incapacitate their ability to live their real lives.

Whether it’s ‘influencers’ or corporate CEOs (and their ‘caring’ posts about social ‘issues’), the sanctimonious posts and faux optimism that riddle these platforms are nothing but a frivolous expression of pompous self adulation.


okay, you got me now

Never discuss with idiots, first they drag you at their level, then they beat you with experience.


no one ever sits on their deathbed wishing they got into more political arguments with strangers, more time on social media, or more time in the office. yet, that is exactly what most people spend too much time doing.

@ me next time you coward :)

"I don't know how to explain to you that you should care about other people."

Working in finance is the equivalent of being a plumber for the global financial market. Keep the shit moving, and don't forget it always flows downhill.

Big Tech companies are shaping our future. The ones that are public will unfortunately only do so with the aim of improving shareholder value. This is vastly different than nation states proposing public policy measures that shape future generations. I don't trust companies like FB, Google, Apple, Twitter, etc. to do what's best for society. I think they'll permanently ruin social structures / norms.

Religions should be viewed as humanity's first attempts to structure society. Obviously without a system for repercussions, no one would believe / follow, so proposing that the structure comes via divine knowledge seems like a fair/reasonable way to enforce the thinking. Having general rules that everyone follows / abides by, makes life and forming social groups considerably easier.  

Humans are not any smarter today than they were a few thousand years ago. The capacity for the brain to learn/understand things has simply shifted to different topics. I also think that your average persons emotional intelligence has decreased over the past few thousand years (ability to work with others, form coalitions, negotiate, express oneself properly, etc.)

We are in a "cold" war currently, and it has been ramping up for decades. This war is on predicated on information. Questions like who to trust, what is actually happening, and what are the facts are becoming increasingly difficult to answer. 


The early 2000s was objectively better than last 5 years.

Censorship just meant uptight conservatives with a giant stick up their butts trying to ban cursewords and nudity on TV.

Liberals were actually liberals who just wanted free speech and a more tolerant society (read as "let us divorce how ever many times we want" or "don't give me that 'wrath of God BS' when I'm watching Sex and the City").

The only real "enemy" we had was small number of crazy Arabs trying to kill everyone.


The censoring of pro-Trump phrases by facebook on its platform and the ban of Parler in app stores is no different than the Chinese governments' censoring on Baidu (Chinese search engine), and them banning twitter and youtube from the app stores in China.

It's so wrong and I didn't even vote for Trump nor have Parler downloaded.


I heard this take, maybe from a comedian, maybe from a military guy, not important, but the premise was that we shouldn't be anti-bullying, we should be anti-bitchiness, because bullies will continue to exist, and life will continue to throw literal and proverbial bullies at you, so rather than trying to alter the world to what you want it to be, develop yourself into someone who can withstand bullying. 

I'm not sure I agree (probably haven't thought about it deeply enough), but it was an interesting take that's so anathema to current thinking


There is a major difference given the fact that Facebook/Apple/Big tech are private-sector companies whereas the censoring which occurs in China is done by the government. People always going on about a free market and less regulations for companies so there should be no complaints when a private company chooses who it allows to access its services.


1. Politics/political parties are pointless. They’re just a front for appropriating power to a few individuals. In an educated society, a direct democracy can be maintained. 

2. Society has become super sensitive to the point where it limits honest discourse & inhibits growth. One person says “she” instead of “he” and pandemonium ensues. Only two genders exist. It’s fine to be homosexual but Stick to the gender you are born with. 

3. The US will always be entangled in global wars. The American capitalistic system and markets relies on a strong dollar. A strong dollar is only secured by a mighty military. If the military cedes power to another nation like China or Russia then the dollar will fall. So basically, the military serves a purpose more than just to physical security. They basically preserve our way of life in America. 

4. The government could accomplish way more as a society if public programs such as social security & welfare were eliminated. You shouldn’t have kids you can’t afford and if you are 65, you could have saved your money since the time you started working so that you could retire. 


I'd tend to agree, except I like no pulp for mimosas. 

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

“I bout the new iPhone 2 years ago for $1000 and now other people are buying the same one for $300 today. They shouldn’t have to buy it for less because I paid a lot more for it. It’s not fair!” - your idiotic logic


Do you not know how to fucking read?

The folks that paid for the $1000 iPhone aren't saying that the people who spent $300 should pay more or the same, but that they should be responsible for the purchase they willingly took on themselves. Also where are you seeing tuition prices going down? That iPhone is now more than $1000. 

It's now a matter of who has to own up and write the check, not changing the system to something where most people can actually afford it. Shaving $10K off loans one time doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things if tuition is still $60K a year next year, and more the following year. 


Not that I'm surprised after the last four years, but WSO going all-in opposing liberty, democracy, and freedom is a sight to behold. 

Commercial Real Estate Developer

"Healthy" desserts are pointless unless you have something like diabetes or a gluten allergy. If you feel that you are eating badly, having a watered-down dessert food provides no meaningful benefit besides making you feel good about breaking your diet. I feel this way because the only people without metabolic disorders who I have seen eat these kinds of foods are overweight people who stay overweight.

I’m a fun guy. Obviously I love the game of basketball. I mean there’s more questions you have to ask me in order for me to tell you about myself. I'm not just gonna give you a whole spill... I mean, I don't even know where you're sitting at

1. As a country in the USA, we're not so much a racist country, we just hate poor people (even though racist people have very loud voices). 

2. We should not get mad at people for judging others; 99.9% of decisions you make its okay to judge stuff, but if you do it in very specific 0.01% you're a bad person. 

3. We need to restructure what we teach in schools, but we won't because we would have to retrain an entire teaching staff. 


Correct. A ravioli dessert. 

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

1) Americans who are poor and struggling / feeling miserable in America can improve their life drastically by moving abroad to non-English speaking countries and teaching English there. You can live like a king in, for example, South-East Asia while tutoring some rich kids English, and there is a huge demand for it. English is the most valuable skill in the world, and all people born in America are privileged to have this skill from birth.

2) Being black in America is much better than being black in 90% of other countries. There are many perks to being black in America that, at least for dudes, balance out the disadvantages. For girls, they don't (better be a white girl than a black girl).

3) Politics don't matter as much as Americans believe.

4) Republican government is better for hard-working Americans, even poor and minorities.

5) Work is a waste of time and it shouldn't be the purpose of life. You should work until you have enough money to not work anymore and spend your limited time on things that really matter (love, piece, conscious journey through life, understanding and discovering yourself and the world).

6) Americans spend too much money on things that don't matter (like paying huge rent, going to posh restaurants, owning a lot of outfits and other stuff), which makes them into slaves of society - working to buy something to make an impression on somebody who doesn't matter.

7) Prestige and society opinions don't matter.

8) Children and marriage are fake values.


Would be interested to hear why you think #4. Not necessarily disagreeing, I have just found that people always believe their political party is better for the middle class. I would make the case the Republican platform (traditional pre-Trump platform) is better for people who are wealthy and highly skilled while the democratic party is better for the "average" person because it seeks to shift some of the riches from the highly productive to the less productive (the average). 


-High minimum wage leads to people being substituted with machines (at a particular wage rate it's beneficial for almost each business), which leads to low-skilled workers losing jobs.

-Increase in minimum wage leads to inflation, because businesses price in COGS. Thus, you'll be making $200 more and spending $100 more on the same food and $100 more on the same rent.

-High corporate taxes lead to businesses doing operations outside of US (outsourcing jobs), which leads to both high- and low-skilled workers losing jobs.

-High personal taxes on both income and capital gains lead to people working less (including hustling and creating side-businesses less) and investing their money elsewhere, which leads to less businesses and as a result jobs for both high- and low-skilled workers.


I expected this comment. The answer is: politics matters but not as much as Americans believe. People who are happy/miserable under one party, will stay happy/miserable under another one. You can be marginally better off under a particular party (which I argue is Republicans for hard-working Americans), but at the end of the day your happiness is in your hands and it doesn't really matter if Trump or Bernie is the president.


Sugar is one of the worst things in our society today and is probably responsible for far more health issues than we know. I've tried to cut back on all unnecessary sugar (fruit is still fine) and get extremely upset when corporations and the government don't make serious strides to reduce sugar intake. 

Example: Gatorade launched a new electrolyte + antioxidants drink last year targeted to athletes. Guess what? 19g of added sugars. Max recommendation for adult males is 36g, so that drink is making up over half of recommended sugars. I get it, they need to sell products, and sugar sells, but at what cost? 


Totally get your point, but it's not the company's fault that some fatass drinks a drink meant for athletes. During long lifting or cardio sessions, many people find it necessary to intake fast-digesting carbs (sports drink, candy, etc.). This level of consumption is not at all harmful and it providing necessary energy for the body. Blame the fat and dumb people instead lmao. 



I don't think you can really blame the marketing ether; Gatorade commercials are exclusive geared toward people doing intense things. The company has to do what they have to do to make it taste good; but its also not their fault that people drink it when they shouldn't. 

But that's essentially every company. Should Nike demand bank statements and credit scores if you but $200 Jordans or should Lexus be worried about someone's personal finances?


Fiber (and protein) can slow uptake of the sugar (or something like that) so you have a longer time period to burn it off.

However fruit is actually really not great for you but it’s the best way for most fatass indulgent Americans to get some fiber in, so what can you do


WSO has the among the worst user interface platforms on the internet. Nothing fucking works (why do I have click on banana / MS 10 times). Get it together.

Hot take1: Senior levels of finance are overrated as a career mechanism for building wealth. Save as much as you can as a junior-mid level employee and deploy all your capital through investments, & striking out on your own. You will leave the finance-os in the dust from an earnings and life satisfaction perspective.

Hot take2: I fucking hate, HATE when people give long winded answers / explanations / go on speaking tangents. If you can't say what you want to say in three sentences or less (ideally less), you're wasting everyone's time and are full of shit.


WSO has the among the worst user interface platforms on the internet. Nothing fucking works (why do I have click on banana / MS 10 times). Get it together.

Hot take1: Senior levels of finance are overrated as a career mechanism for building wealth. Save as much as you can as a junior-mid level employee and deploy all your capital through investments, & striking out on your own. You will leave the finance-os in the dust from an earnings and life satisfaction perspective.

Hot take2: I fucking hate, HATE when people give long winded answers / explanations / go on speaking tangents. If you can't say what you want to say in three sentences or less (ideally less), you're wasting everyone's time and are full of shit.

Your comment was longer than 3 sentences.


- Americans are some of the least racist people in the world

- Marriage is an outdated and archaic concept that makes little no sense in today's socioeconomic environment

- Love doesn't exist, pheromones do

- Being an attractive women will set you up for the rest of your life, and you will essentially be playing the game of life on recruit difficulty

- Billionaires are not required to do any charity work

- IQ is a very real concept, and there are some people that will never be smart enough for certain job roles, just like I will never be as good as Federer at tennis (though I do try)

- Black people are, in a very small part, responsible for their own current economic and financial conditions

- Most human beings are incredibly vain, selfish, debased creatures that will follow the next hottest trend blindly, which is how you get 15/16 year old untalented TikTok millionaires

- If you have an enormously high body count, man or woman, you are a slut and do not have the ability to commit to a monogamous relationship...the craving will always be there

- Simps and cucks fund the lifestyle of morally bankrupt women, so we can't blame the women for taking advantage of them via platforms like OnlyFans (best part is that a male is the CEO and the real one whos truly cashing out)

- Overweight girls are not attractive and no amount of "Big is Beautiful" campaigns are going to change that. Being unhealthy is unattractive. 

- Women who place an inordinate amount of emphasis on a man's height because "it makes them feel safe" yet shame men for having standards are juvenile beings

- Money doesn't buy happiness, but it sure as hell can buy you things that make you happy


"Black people are, in a very small part, responsible for their own current economic and financial conditions" - I think the "in a very small part" kind of made the take cold, no?


yep. which is more reasonable. obviously it's easier to maintain wealth than to acquire it, but still black people have a lot of opportunities in US which some people claim they don't have cause it's easier to blame the society than study precise sciences 24/7 for decades (which is one of the most reliable ways to acquire wealth, and black people as well as all others have this opportunity).


slavery was wide-spread everywhere in the world. US is not unique in that at all. black slaves were actually sold by black slaveowners in Africa and shipped across the world. in Czar Russia (which existed as near as just the last century), for example, most people were slaves. there were houses of so-called honored people, and each honored family of 5-10 people owned 30-50 slaves. in modern India, there are still people in different castes given by birth. so if you're unlucky to be born in the lowest caste, you won't have anything in life no matter how hard you try. people won't even touch you.

Jim Crow and Segregation - how did you expect the society to go from slavery to freedom? of course it takes time. people will still not treat you as an equal cause they just owned you like an animal. it takes several generations for these differences to be forgotten. same happened in Russia, for example. when slavery in Russia was abolished, slaves didn't know what to do, so honored people offered them to buy a small piece of their land and in return keep working for them. and everybody agreed cause you cannot do much without any land. so former slaves who were just freed became slaves again, but now by choice. this stuff takes time. and America is not unique at all. the only difference is that Americans are so nice that they hate themselves for things they've never done themselves and try compensate for it with their own sacrifice. in Latin America, for example, there are no diversity programs, no guilt, no nothing; black people are still discriminated against there, and nobody cares.


Labore corrupti sed iste corrupti alias qui id rerum. Eum ea qui natus et blanditiis labore. Harum repudiandae exercitationem neque sunt dolores.

Repudiandae veniam voluptatem rerum maxime quae vel. Quo voluptas saepe sit quibusdam.

Voluptatem libero ad nesciunt voluptas consectetur ut ipsum. Laudantium quidem sint dolore atque quae ipsum accusamus. Totam esse laboriosam distinctio laboriosam illo sint. Facere error esse laudantium molestiae. Quis quis et qui id id quibusdam. Et hic corrupti id quis est.

Nulla excepturi aspernatur repellendus nihil quidem ea sapiente. Recusandae iste distinctio ex laudantium necessitatibus dolorem modi. Eius aperiam voluptas blanditiis sint magni magni porro enim.


Magnam et ab ea laborum reprehenderit unde quam ut. Minima tempore animi eum. Sed vero aut libero veniam ipsam voluptatem est.

Ea numquam aliquam aliquid praesentium eveniet alias. Tenetur accusantium aut perferendis ut ut sit. Distinctio et eaque occaecati magnam. Quis velit voluptas qui laboriosam magni ut doloremque.

Rerum maxime velit aliquid non nulla corporis atque. Mollitia provident modi rerum. Illo minima beatae dolores perspiciatis voluptate cupiditate.

Tempore eius veritatis repellat mollitia. Dicta tempora earum est architecto suscipit. Suscipit voluptas eos minus. Sint odit voluptatem sint incidunt voluptas perspiciatis vitae. Ipsa dolorem non veritatis molestiae nihil quas accusantium.


Quam odio nam nostrum dicta aut consequatur. Ut qui ea ducimus non eius itaque et rerum. Omnis voluptatum ipsum placeat laborum rerum deleniti qui ab. Adipisci voluptatem est voluptatum ex et quae sit.

Et ut ab magnam saepe eum. Rem inventore eos quo molestiae dolores.

Quam voluptatem neque officiis. Quae aut quis hic et. Itaque ut excepturi ad suscipit. Ipsum eum labore in est perspiciatis deleniti.


Non unde in esse ab qui nihil. Velit laboriosam eum distinctio repudiandae nemo qui.

Ut consequatur necessitatibus deserunt impedit vel. Ullam pariatur recusandae aspernatur provident. Voluptas dolorum enim enim consequatur voluptates. Architecto quidem velit eos iusto velit temporibus labore consequatur. Non aspernatur ut reiciendis aliquid iste minus est.


Consequatur mollitia ab labore soluta voluptates illum similique. Sunt delectus corrupti quo voluptatem voluptatem. Non saepe aliquam enim rerum amet libero. Qui repudiandae eligendi dignissimos aut temporibus molestiae esse.

Aliquam quia ut pariatur accusantium officia. Doloribus et tempora aut autem. Odit fugiat esse consequatur ad. Est dicta nostrum laboriosam magni consequatur ad et. Non recusandae architecto quo sapiente culpa.

Et animi architecto harum consequatur. Eum numquam aut et ut.

Vel voluptate voluptatem incidunt amet debitis et. Ut ipsam in ea inventore temporibus iure. Eos veniam sunt porro magni dolores dolores illo. Iste officia est placeat quae.


Animi quis tenetur autem vel recusandae vitae possimus. Est tempora dolor consequatur rem quia. Voluptatem cum doloribus doloremque et.

Id neque est excepturi aut. Est deleniti tempora eos dolor qui animi recusandae qui. Voluptatem atque odit magnam in quae. Aut quasi quos voluptate unde et qui debitis non. Aspernatur porro provident neque in dignissimos soluta aut.

Voluptas sapiente ratione iure voluptas. Eum libero sit facere velit vero sint vitae.

Alias porro occaecati accusamus ullam nostrum. Non quia dolores quis nihil. Fugiat consectetur numquam qui et numquam porro ipsa. Qui perspiciatis quam ea dicta suscipit ab.


Corrupti nostrum quos ut tempore aliquam eligendi animi. Ut reiciendis aperiam magnam ducimus dolore quo. Ut repellat et in dolores accusamus sint ea. Est quod ut eum amet rem qui.

Nemo corrupti et soluta placeat reprehenderit qui eum quasi. At saepe aut error.

Aut animi perferendis placeat molestiae totam. Maxime non ut quas quibusdam distinctio maxime. Rerum qui illum minus quaerat. Voluptas ratione commodi facilis possimus in. Temporibus a id eveniet exercitationem. Hic molestias consequatur explicabo perspiciatis.

Laboriosam assumenda vel architecto est repellendus sint. Totam nobis sed impedit aut unde totam. Dolorem inventore dolores adipisci nam et omnis.


Quia harum ipsum ipsa ad distinctio. Eos sed dolores labore totam ipsa quia deserunt voluptatem.

Quos non id quidem doloribus. Magnam commodi rerum deserunt odit aut.

Nisi occaecati enim dolores rerum est. Aut culpa harum blanditiis illo ad quo. Tenetur pariatur aperiam qui quia rerum et. Non doloremque autem laboriosam ex ea. Quia recusandae velit dignissimos et aliquam praesentium vero atque.

Career Advancement Opportunities

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.8%
  • Goldman Sachs 18 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. New 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 04 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.8%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 07 97.7%
  • William Blair 03 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.8%
  • Goldman Sachs 17 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 07 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (20) $385
  • Associates (91) $259
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (68) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (205) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (146) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

“... there’s no excuse to not take advantage of the resources out there available to you. Best value for your $ are the...”


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Linda Abraham
From 10 rejections to 1 dream investment banking internship

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