What are your pettiest peeves?

In the spirit of going stir-crazy while working from home, thought we could share (completely inconsequential) things that have been grinding our gears lately. Mine:

  • People who are perpetually in "EST" no matter what time of year
  • People who sign off their emails with "Ciao"
  • That aggressive associate who insisted on setting his default outlook font to bright blue Times New Roman (callback to my analyst days)
  • Faux cursive email signatures
  • Shitty deal toys. We're talking about plastic instead of glass, crappy fonts, lazy details etc. You slaved away months of your life for this deal, at least put a modicum of effort into it.
  • People who insist on using military style times (e.g. let's schedule this call a 1650). We're in an air conditioned office bro and the closest thing you have to military experience is watching Saving Private Ryan
  • Lawyers and accountants who refer to their firms as "shops" -- idk why but K&E associates love doing this, as do big 4 transaction services people
  • Baggy shirts / pants / suits. Come on, it's 2020. At least pretend like you care about looking good.
  • Obnoxiously narrow lapels
  • Notch lapels on tuxedos (I mean come on)
  • Skinny ties, tie clips, pocket squares, etc. in a work context
  • Coffee shops that fill up literally to the brim. I guess you're getting an extra couple sips, but not worth spilling coffee all over myself
  • Adults who disassemble their sandwiches to take out the tiniest pieces of vegetables they don't like. That piece of tomato won't kill you dude
  • ENDLESS HOURS on meaningless changes in presentations / graphs, etc. (No one cares about the CIM. It's all made up any way.)
  • Attorneys who "only have a couple 'nits' to the LOI/ Purchase Agreement, etc."
  • Attorneys who just bill hours and do not provide value to clients (Yes, this is the best value for the company. No, redlining the purchase price is not good negotiating.).
  • Having a call to prepare for a call (or meeting for meeting).
  • Bad formatting (missing periods, different size/ type of fonts, etc.)
  • "Who just joined?".
  • People who are not focused on results (The owner of a business cares if you got him/her a boat load of cash. Not a pretty graph or pitch deck.).
  • All the recent Tobin vs. RBC posts.

Probably a lot more, but these are at teh top of my mind.

Johnny Cashflow:
  • Attorneys who just bill hours and do not provide value to clients (Yes, this is the best value for the company

Attorneys who bill for time and do not provide any services you need are committing fraud

Johnny Cashflow:
- Having a call to prepare for a call (or meeting for meeting).

Yes, a prep call for a call/meeting is annoying.

  1. People who start emails with "Gents"

  2. Meetings that should be emails

  3. People who expect an agenda for a meeting and then promptly ignore it entirely and go off on their own tangents

  4. People who are lazy in an effort to show authority - like after you agree on a meeting or call time with someone, the "boss" will send an email that asks "Please send a calendar request?" instead of just sending the fucking calendar request and cutting out a step.

Commercial Real Estate Developer

Probably because no one talks like that in real life. As cringe-worthy as it is, I've heard people say things like "circle back" out loud. I've never heard anyone address a group of people as "Gents" yet somehow I get an email like that once a week.

Commercial Real Estate Developer
Associate 3 in PE - LBOs:
Why. What’s wrong with using gents? What’s the alternative?

Literally anything

Commercial Real Estate Developer

That is a great peeve! No one, especially a manager, wants to read long winded email (or document), especially if has a lot of fluff in it. More is not always better. In fact, writing excessively long emails or documents takes away time that could be used more productively.

Some people think if the document is long, it must be valuable. I could be wrong but I have noticed that there seems to be correlation between the number of words in a comment or topic and the number of silver bananas one gets on WSO.


Concise always better, but I've never seen an email that wasn't more efficient than a meeting or call.

To me, "let's hop on a call" or "let's huddle up" are the mantras of poisonous wasters of time and destroyers of value.



4. People who are lazy in an effort to show authority - like after you agree on a meeting or call time with someone, the "boss" will send an email that asks "Please send a calendar request?" instead of just sending the fucking calendar request and cutting out a step.
This type of shit just drives me up a fucking wall. A related thing my boss will do is ping me to ask if I'm setting up a meeting we just discussed with someone else or if he is. If you even have to ask that question that means you should just set up the meeting yourself.

(Mostly) Unnecessary consultant-speak.

If I have to join another "Team-ing" session I am going to blow my brains out, after I finish boiling the frog, put the pencils down, and cut the lawn with scissors.

Did I socialize that for you? Are you aligned with this leading practice? No onsies/twosies here, let's just make sure this is tick n tied and we stir fry the idea wok in a productive POW-WOW next time.


Only adding ones that have not yet been mentioned.

  • May catch a ton of flack for this, and highly doubt most people notice it, but it drives me nuts: loud chewing. I don't necessarily perceive it as unprofessional, but the noise itself is maddening

  • Backpocket material requests that become science fares

  • Director / VP / Associate that makes a juniors do a ton of work and preface it with saying "I don't think we will ever use this"


Loud chewing is spot on. I hate it with every fiber of my being. Close your god damn mouth when you're eating.

Also #2 - call them "science projects" v. fares but same damn thing. Going down a rabbit hole of analysis so some over-involved MD can come to the same conclusion they would've after the first iteration...."huh, i guess the numbers really are bad...oh well, thx." GO DIE!


Personally: when a neighbor puts dog shit in my garbage can

Professionally: when someone sends me an email that says. " give me a call this morning, " without even knowing my schedule for the day.


As in people who write times with “EST” whether or not we are, in fact, in standard time. It comes off as an effort to be pretentious without actually knowing what you’re writing. Just write “ET” like a normal person and don’t worry about it.


Edit: I think saying EST is colloquial for just saying you’re in the eastern time zone. I feel like I see ET a lot less or maybe I haven’t noticed. Interesting.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Had no clue what the difference was between EST and EDT before reading this post. Thanks bro I'll make sure not to use EST in my next email so you don't blow a gasket.


I never knew there was a difference. I always use EST in emails, regardless of the time of year, because I work with people from all over the US. I am not trying to be pretentious or anything like that. I just want clients to show up at the right time.


I don’t like it when people call out the name of the Lord in vain. I feel it is a bad look and usually done by people with lackluster faith. If someone is an atheist, why are they calling out to God? If they don’t believe in God, calling out to what they don’t believe in is meaningless. The fact that the phrase is synonymous with saying ‘Fuck’ or ‘Shit’ is bullshit. If you want to cuss - fine. Express yourself - say fuck ten times. But bringing God info the situation in a negative way is not only idiocy, but offensive. If I believe in God, who are you to disrespect Him in front of me? The standard practice of doing this is overlooked by many in society, probably making Lucifer happy every time someone mutters the Lord’s name in vain. But, ah - God bless them. ‘For they know not what they do.’

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee
I don’t like it when people call out the name of the Lord in vain. I feel it is a bad look and usually done by people with lackluster faith. If someone is an atheist, why are they calling out to God?

As someone who is a "doubter," I try not to use the word god unless I am specifically speaking about religion. I slip up once in a while but I try not to say "oh my god" or "god damn it."


Most people use "God dammit" in a nonreligious sense. While that sounds contradictory, "God dammit" is a non-literal phrase that is in the common lexicon, not a literal command for the Christian God to damn someone, or often, something, to hell.

Commercial Real Estate Developer
Most people use "God dammit" in a nonreligious sense. While that sounds contradictory, "God dammit" is a non-literal phrase that is in the common lexicon, not a literal command for the Christian God to damn someone, or often, something, to hell.

I understand that most people use this phrase in a non religious sense and get that it is used colloquially.

But, they are still saying the words and calling out to God, whether they mean it or not.

Does this phrase have spiritual ramifications? I believe so. It should. Maybe it is a misguided call for help from the soul. Or a brief moment of the unexamined life unknowingly calling out to its creator in an improper sense.

The guise of phrases being colloquially understood and accepted in society does not change the fact that God is called out, which means something, especially in terms of spiritual warfare. The phrases and words coming out of our mouth should always be true to self. Our ‘yes’ should be ‘yes’ and our ‘no’ be ‘no’.

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony.” - Mahatma Gandhi

I feel that this is a dissonance if your words are not one with your self, even if used in a societally acceptable manner. The discovery of the dissonance could lead to a much needed examination of life and self, but often goes overlooked as you said.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

I actually have it tattooed on my shoulder in the original Hebrew text.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee
Now this some cry baby shit

The thread topic is literally pet peeves. What do you think pet peeves are? Get a dictionary bro - you seem to be unable to think.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

I have no issue with people cussing. Its quite standard in the military.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee
Analyst 2 in CB:
When people say "Jesus Christ" it bothers my brain on a weird level.

I was sitting on the roof deck of a penthouse in Manhattan one night smoking a bowl with Malcolm X's daughter after some Apple event earlier in the night. We went out for ice cream after with some other people and ended up at the top of this building in UWS. It was just her and I outside and the other people were inside.

At one point in our conversation, she yelled out "Lord Jesus" as she found something to surprise and amuse her. This took me back for a second and I decided to ask her about it. Especially with her background and her dad's background, I thought they were Muslim. I have nothing wrong with that, but felt her saying this was somewhat out of character. I asked her if she believed in Jesus. She said she did believe in Jesus, but was Muslim. She said that when she said the phrase, it was like she was calling out to him - 'Jesus, can you believe this?!?' Which I think is a big difference in taking God's name in vain.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

LOL weren't you the guy who posted a shirtless gym picture to WSO, loser


The fact of the matter is between the two of us, only one person has a six pack and it’s not you.

Step up your game bro, all I hear is weak ass shit.


"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

People who pack their own lunch and claim its for health when we know they're just cheap.

People who refer to themselves as "athletes" because they compete in exercise (triathlon marathon etc)

Dr. Rahma Dikhinmahas:

People who refer to themselves as "athletes" because they compete in exercise (triathlon marathon etc)

You do not think that someone who does a triathlon is an athlete? What should we say about the designated hitter in baseball?


Kenny_Powers_CFA has some choice words on this topic

"Some things are believed because they are demonstrably true. But many other things are believed simply because they have been asserted repeatedly—and repetition has been accepted as a substitute for evidence." - Thomas Sowell
Dr. Rahma Dikhinmahas:
People who refer to themselves as "athletes" because they compete in exercise (triathlon marathon etc)

You just went full simple Jack. Never go full retard.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

https://media1.giphy.com/media/3owzW2qI07rokGALfy/giphy.gif" alt="viceroy gunray" />

Commercial Real Estate Developer
Most Helpful

outwardly, I'd never bitch about any of this , but since we're being silly here

seconded on chewing. if you can't keep your mouth closed the entire time, you need to take smaller bites

people who aren't direct. quit pussyfooting around the subject, after we're done with small talk, get to the point

people who assume everyone agrees with their political views and therefore it's appropriate to share with coworkers and clients

water cooler chat. I fucking hate it. no Adam, I did not come in here to listen to you tell a story about some teeball game or a journey cover band or whatever the fuck else is going on in your boring life, I'm hungover, sweating gin like a hungover colonist, and I'm just trying to get some coffee so I can watch the bloomberg babes in silence (caroline hyde, why haven't you returned my messages?). sharing the same space by accident does not mean I want to talk

this will sound sexist, I really don't give a fuck. the women in my office who look fantastic, know they look fantastic, make clothes that accentuate how fantastic they look, and then give me the evil eye if my reptilian brain has a moment of victory and I glance. I never stare or purposely look, sometimes it's hard to ignore an ass in a sundress ok? ITS RIGHT THERE, WHERE ELSE AM I SUPPOSED TO LOOK. I would expect some glances if I came in wearing spandex shorts and a tanktop, so should you.

narcissists in my family. just because we're related doesn't mean I give a fuck about your opinion, and don't use "checking in on me" as an excuse to only talk about yourself, it's shallow.

instagram thots - we get it, you have an ass and bad posture. put some clothes on and study, you won't always look like that

barstool sports, so boring

people who think first base is sex

saying "no problem" instead of "you're welcome" or some other polite response (in person I mean). really fuckin grinds my gears

complaining about technology during a meeting. we get it, you couldn't call into the line because you're stupid and forgot to press pound, no need to waste 5 minutes of the meeting on your ineptitude.

cheap people. I once saw a woman complain about a $8 tito's and soda. she paid with a platinum card, had thousands of dollars worth of jewelry on, $500 sandals, and drove a range rover.

staying in that same vein, bad tippers. if you can't spend enough money to leave a good tip, eat a restaurant where you can, I realize it's stupid and we should do it like Europe, but this is reality, so don't be a dick.

people who use speakerphone in public or in a non-soundproof office

most people on airplanes. clipping toenails, taking off shoes and socks, standing up when the plane lands, aggressively putting your hands on my seat to walk past (there's no turbulence Karen, learn to walk without shaking my seat so bad). this is uncomfortable for everyone, so mind your business, pretend you're in school, and it'll all be over soon

dudes who wear bracelets and aren't buddhist monks

people who use filters on pictures of themselves


selfie sticks

actually, selfies in general

steakhouses like ruth's chris, capital grille, and the like. too much butter, they all taste the same, meal takes forever, and it's always the most expensive meal I have a year. I hate that this is the de facto place for b2b entertaining

people with thinning hair that can't let go

cologne. I should notice you smell nice, not wonder if a plastic bag is on fire

duck lips in photos, stop it.

guys who wear a golf shirt with a sportcoat outside of a country club. don't, just don't. wear a dress shirt for cryin out loud

preferred pronouns in your email signature. I'll call you by your first name, ok Sam/Alex/Taylor/Pat?

anonymous posting on WSO

then give me the evil eye if my reptilian brain has a moment of victory and I glance.
They probably do that to prevent any further advances. When you're speeding on the highway and the police catches you, they will issue a fine. No matter how understandable or involuntary your speeding was. It's nothing personal.

this will sound sexist, I really don't give a fuck. the women in my office who look fantastic, know they look fantastic, make clothes that accentuate how fantastic they look, and then give me the evil eye if my reptilian brain has a moment of victory and I glance. I never stare or purposely look, sometimes it's hard to ignore an ass in a sundress ok? ITS RIGHT THERE, WHERE ELSE AM I SUPPOSED TO LOOK. I would expect some glances if I came in wearing spandex shorts and a tanktop, so should you.

anonymous posting on WSO

Agreed, never understand this. Chicks walking around one step away from office fantasy porn star and expect you not to notice.

On the opposite, pet peeve is chicks who don't have fantastic bodies but dress like they do. I always think this is like a football team that doesn't have a good O-line or RB, yet they think they are going to hammer the running game. More than one way to win.


No problem is passive aggressive and is assuming that the request would've been a problem for you, as the recipient.

It's passive aggressive, is negative, and shows lack of social awareness, just like the dimwit junior in your group who will say "Correct" randomly when you're making a factual statement during discussion

That's my pet peeve. Juniors who say "Correct" when they can just say "OK"

  • One person makes a joke on a call/in a meeting. Everyone pretends to have a turn at cracking a joke. Cue forced laughter x 8 times.
  • Internal meeting about deciding on X where no one takes a stance on their opinion, and the conclusion of the meeting is that everyone needs to do more due diligence to decide on X.
  • Corporate-isms. Synergy, kick the tires, optimize, etcetc
  • People who can't make a decision because they get held up on 1 minor (usually irrelevant) point
  • People who can't handle swearing. If the printer isn't working and I say "for fuck's sake" to myself, I don't need you to give me the stink eye.
  • People who constantly self-deprecate. "Hey I'm not the college grad here but..." Dan you've been in the business for 40+ years. Why do you keep bringing this up
  • People who want something more creative, proceed to complain that all the new ideas aren't good enough, then revert back to their original idea, explaining why they think it's the best one overall.
  • Emails that are not in black font. What next, WordArt?
  • French cuffs. We aren't at a fashion show.
  • Every guy thinking that he is a car guy, or that every guy should be a car guy. None of you bastards have probably changed your own oil in 15 years, you just like jerking off to the newest 911 or M5.
  • "Here at ABC Co., we work hard and play hard". Diane in HR, I bet good money that you do neither
  • People who can't complete work without a detailed step-by-step instruction. Always seems to be a quiet asian girl in accounting
  • Every guy saying he is in phenomenal shape, he's just nursing an injnury at the moment
  • when associates have nothing to do all day and decide to give you work 5PM on Fridays

  • associate offering extra meaningless work to the MDs that noone asked for (which means analyst has to do this work)

  • being staffed on long term projects that everyone knows are not going no where but require so much research and analysis that make your eye hurt

-MD who comes up with crazy shit ideas for analysts to do: want you to do 7 models, spend the weekend looking for information impossible to find, run 10000 scenarios, DCF on the company noone wants to buy

-MDs who change their mind after they see more than two drafts already

-VPs knowing about scheduled meetings for weeks and only tell you less than a week ahead

  • Having to do endless analysis and models although every single one including MDs know this deal is not going to happen

Most of these are pretty good, but I strongly disagree with the 24-hour clock one.

I don’t personally use it because I don’t want to look like a dbag (so feel free to call me hypocritical), but there’s only 24 hours in a day and it’s not hard to have a distinct designation for each hour. We seem to do just find with having 30 days in a month without having to reset the count halfway through so I am pretty confident the country can figure out that 2100 hrs is 3 hours from midnight aka 9pm.


people chewing with mouth open and/or slurping. drives me up the fucking wall.

people who can’t deal with swearing.

people who can’t go on mute on a call even though they’ve been taught how to do so multiple times.


forgot one. people who put any sticker on their car with some sort of mileage on it. whether it's 0.0 saying you don't run, or a full ironman or MOAB 240, you're a douche. I'm generally anti-stickers on cars, but if you have a subaru outback, you need something to distract. maybe some cool stickers from places you've been, but the ones with various running distances, just fucking stop it

  • fake crying/someone telling you how hard they've worked to succeed. I feel this is done a lot on shows like shark thank or any other contestant shows.

-people complaining they didn't get a job/offer/something because of how they look or XYZ. Maybe you just aren't good enough and should find a way to get better.

-acting like you're the only person in existence. Tons of example, but most recent one I can think of is when someone lets their dog run leash free in a public area.

-commenting on things when the person has no one what the topic is about. It's okay to remain silent or say you don't know. Happens a lot with politics, but not in other things.

-steering the conversation to a topic you want to talk about. I now it only happens in America, but "how are you" isn't really meant to open the door to hear about how bad your day is, unless you're a significant other/family.


One more I thought of:


Huge pet peeve. Weddings use to be a ceremony about two families coming together and celebrating new life.

Now its just more, we've been living together forever, we already have a life together, and we just want to get married because we want to have a kid and don't want other couples to look at us weird (though I sometimes feel the chick really wants to have a wedding and the guy caves.) Which is fine, I don't care ether way. I do care that just because you decided to go get an official sheet of paper that I need to take 5 vacation days, spend ~$4k, and pretend that these two people are the best ever when I've seen them both get arrested. Additionally, I listened to a lot of my older relatives talk about their weddings when they were early 20s, and they sounded awesome, it seemed that it was a great time frame, because you got a lot for your money and people partied hard. Now it cost stupid amounts of money and everyone is 35 trying to party like theyre 21.

To clarify, I'm not against marriage, I think its a beautiful thing when done right. But I always think its now like if you physically got you college dipolma ten years after you graduated and told everyone you're having a graduation party and to show up and bring a check; they would look at you like you're nuts.

(Side note: other pet peeve is wedding economics. People buy so many services and things for their weddings that go unremembered or unused. I'm not saying you shouldn't buy flowers if you want, or special drinks; my main beef is with photographers. I feel photographers have added so much useless service just to hike the bill. If you're in a wedding, you only really need like 5 photos to hang on your wall, is anyone really buying the photo of the grooms shoelaces or the best many fakely fixing the grooms collar. Their shoudl be a show on TV about it, called Haggle Wedding. Instead of paying the phootgraphers 5 grand for the day, here's $800 bucks, take these five or six specific photos, see you later.)


The wedding industrial complex is absolutely fascinating as a business model, IMO. I'm sure that there are tons of books and articles about it. You're right, it went from a fun party with your family and closest friends to a flex-fest for social media over the last few years, with an ironic lack of originality when it comes to decorations, photo poses, and even clothes (who remembers the omnipresent mason jar craze of the early 2010s?).


On the general side:

-Holding your fork like a caveman -People who eat salads lathered with sauces/dressing and then act all high and mighty about eating “healthy” -The Hermès “H” belt, awful awful awful look, especially at the office. There was a LinkedIn post a couple weeks ago by Deutsche with a business analyst rocking it, cringe levels hit the roof -People who say “would of” instead of “would have” (I don’t really understand how you can make this mistake)

On the work side:

-Random people who message you on LinkedIn and botch your name -Random people who “network” by asking me (S&T in office X) to get them a job in “TMT investment banking in the Zanzibar office”. My dude/dudette, let’s be realistic here, I’m willing to help but realize that if you ask me this magnitude of a favor my odds of finding someone to pass your resume to are no better than yours. If you really want to go across divisions at least stick to my same office -People who put a semester abroad/seminar on their LinkedIn/resume as if it was a full degree. No man, you didn’t “go to Wharton” because you took a class there freshman year summer -Clients who take you for granted by asking you all sorts of things and then don’t thank you. I just see at as a matter of very poor manners at the end of the day


You guys mentioned most of mine above, but would also add those ridiculous "sock ties" as a more random addition:

sd Worst accessory ever made... maybe even more than the ferragamo belt but this is donned by a different crowd


Biggest pet peeve right now: Zoom video calls that would normally be conference calls if we were in the office. Like wtf


Wonderful weather we're having

I’m a fun guy. Obviously I love the game of basketball. I mean there’s more questions you have to ask me in order for me to tell you about myself. I'm not just gonna give you a whole spill... I mean, I don't even know where you're sitting at

I agree with you. Just say "hi."

This is especially pointless if we're just passing each other in the hallway and you don't even slow down to hear a response.


Managers who would be 100% useless if they didn't return work back for the dumbest comments. No Susan, we don't need to split out meals to find out which accounts are deductible, they are already operating at a one million dollar loss.

In the same line of thinking, managers who don't understand that you might have to go outside of normal conventions and procedures to complete something. Critical thinking and decision making is a lost art in public accounting.


I support coffee shops filling up the brim. The stupid nincompoops who want to leave 8 ounces empty as room for cream can go fuck themselves


Work emails on a Saturday night One uppers (that guy is fast.. yeah well I was really fast in 8th grade...) fuck those fucks Weak margaritas

Greed is Good!

1) When the boss makes a joke and the whole team laughs in the most cringe way, especially in a video conference. Maybe I'm an asshole but I'm looking back in the camera with a straight face

2) The boss making your team physically open their camera on zoom calls to "make sure everyone is actually where they say they are" ... Like fuck you, I gained 20 pounds, haven't cut my hair in 6 weeks, and am rocking a porn stache. You don't need to see me, my ears work just fine

3) Anyone who wears a "luxury" belt with the fat logo in your face. If I see you walking down Park Ave in a suit and I see an LV logo at your waist, I've already mentally smacked you in the face

3) Anyone who wears a "luxury" belt with the fat logo in your face. If I see you walking down Park Ave in a suit and I see an LV logo at your waist, I've already mentally smacked you in the face

I hate these people too. Typically seen in low-brow European dudes that likely either make porn or sell drugs for a living, "Insta-hoes" and their male equivalents, nouveau-riche Asians who didn't have the time to learn manners, and possibly half of NJ and Staten Island.


Bought a LV belt when I was in my younger 20s. Then when I realized when I got in the real world, I looked completely stupid wearing a $500+ belt that had a huge LV logo. I realized it was more a show off item than something to actually be proud of. Actually, I am glad I lost it, no idea where it went in my house and no regrets.

"It's okay, I'll see you on the other side"

Quod non exercitationem consequuntur accusamus similique reprehenderit. Veniam in officia incidunt pariatur officia optio omnis dolorem. Voluptatum sapiente repellendus odit tempora occaecati. Aut odit quia non laborum accusantium.

Vel quod assumenda animi et occaecati est et. Sapiente earum quaerat perspiciatis. Dolorem ipsa beatae repellendus molestiae eos. Praesentium quia veniam officiis ratione. Et autem quis consectetur ut qui.

Libero ipsam dolorem nemo fuga sed velit. Quia voluptatem et excepturi in consectetur nemo. Id delectus quis aut id deleniti ex. Qui eum rerum nemo eos. In quia numquam qui. Ipsum nihil occaecati eos aliquam et.

Placeat commodi et commodi earum qui iure. Molestiae quidem voluptatem illum repudiandae totam recusandae. Suscipit deserunt veniam fugit voluptatum qui voluptatem aut. Saepe omnis reiciendis vero sit.


Eos ea commodi quasi laborum tenetur. Esse laborum voluptatibus maxime et corporis nihil vero. Laborum rerum sit reiciendis laboriosam ut. Aut harum et aut vitae quo neque amet. Ea quaerat animi ullam quod laboriosam placeat.

Magni est maxime dolorum provident consequatur repellendus. Deserunt occaecati atque dicta sed facere accusantium qui molestiae. Repellat sunt incidunt perspiciatis qui dolorem dolores. Nam rerum sit quos numquam.

Modi maiores aut veniam aut officia. Fuga voluptates provident dicta et. Tenetur et voluptatem a doloribus.

Cupiditate aut fuga nihil. Qui consequatur in eos optio assumenda nobis. Facere natus culpa repellendus dignissimos itaque velit. Amet quis sed sit. Sint rerum esse vero. Quos quia consequatur aliquam eius.

Commercial Real Estate Developer

Impedit sed aut molestiae dicta soluta. Laborum molestiae unde et neque cupiditate fugit. Delectus aut et ratione quas.

Placeat numquam aliquid alias amet nulla et. Accusantium natus neque reiciendis illo exercitationem.

Saepe ipsum nihil et quo nulla cum. Non cumque non omnis nemo voluptatibus ea quibusdam. Deleniti alias magni soluta amet. Qui nihil et et repudiandae aperiam saepe atque. Voluptatibus cupiditate voluptates commodi et omnis iusto. Doloribus tempora facilis qui eum rerum minima velit.

Career Advancement Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 01 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 17 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 19 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 01 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (22) $375
  • Associates (93) $259
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (206) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (149) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

“... there’s no excuse to not take advantage of the resources out there available to you. Best value for your $ are the...”


From 10 rejections to 1 dream investment banking internship

“... I believe it was the single biggest reason why I ended up with an offer...”