I liked Iron Man 1 and 2

I haven't been able to follow the plot of a Marvel movie since and have given up on them. They make me feel stupid, but I know I'm not. So it leaves me wondering what the actual stupid people who watch these things must be thinking throughout the movie.

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad. https://arthuxtable.com/

+1 SB. In my opinion, they're actually good movies.....but when you do the same movie with the same plot, themes, and pacing for like 20 movies, it gets old after like movie number three..


Plenty of women love Marvel movies...for the hot guys in the movie and somehow those women think they know Marvel Comics well...without reading a single comic book.

Persistency is Key

I agree. Every single movie is the exact same thing.

That said, I love watching them- they're like cheap beer to Scorsese et al's aged and rich scotch.


Just rewatched them and this is so true.  Nolan's Batman's are sooooo much better


4channers views are not unique at all.  There are millions of them and they all use the same lingo "cuck", "cope", "sneed", and a bunch of ethnic slurs, have all the same views, and they are anything but free thinking

Most Helpful

being even slightly conservative leaning on many college campuses is terrible. You cannot express any ideas without fear of liberal retaliation. Half the "liberals" who will attempt to socially outcast you for your beliefs are just parroting whatever "woke" infographic they saw on Instagram that morning and have no real thoughts of their own. I try not to get political on Instagram, but their was one issue that was important to me, so I put put something up. Not even an hour later, a classmate I knew by name but had never spoken to  screenshotted my post and made a tik-tok attempting to dox me. Looking back, I shouldn't have particularly cared one way or another, as anyone with a brain could have seen I wasn't the person the classmate tried to paint me as... but in the moment I was speechless and worked up about it. Long story short... the  "woke" left is the worst thing possible for this country.  


Nothing quite like being the one dude in the humanities discussion session debating with everyone else in class. Personally I didn't care too much about taking the heat because I was a business major so it would just be one gen end on my schedule and then I'd go back to my business school which was mostly moderate liberals with some conservatives sprinkled in. Can't imagine being a LAC major though... no way I could have got a GPA reasonable enough for recruiting. 


Probably depends upon what campus you are on.  In the working world in finance it's the opposite, especially in the south.  Most of the conservatives are total snowflakes, so use this time to develop a thicker skin.  Also look beyond Fox News and the usual propaganda.  Good luck.

It is not a thing in the working world.  In the past 10 years, I have had only had one political conversation with a client, who happens to be a friend.  No one shares their political views at work.  The crazy thing about this site is that all these conservatives spend so much time directing their frustrations at liberals.  Even the young people are so immersed in this toxic dynamic.  

If you are conservative student and are worried about politics, go a school where your views would be more accepted.  Alternatively, just avoid politics.  



Probably depends upon what campus you are on.  In the working world in finance it's the opposite, especially in the south.  Most of the conservatives are total snowflakes, so use this time to develop a thicker skin.  Also look beyond Fox News and the usual propaganda.  Good luck.

I’m sure my experiences would have been different at a school like Alabama, but schools like that fall in the minority not majority these days. I started working during Covod so with everything being remote it’s difficult to gauge political opinion. When I interned though the shops ranged from mostly conservatives to mostly liberals so it is kind of a grab bag. That being said the political opinions of most F500s and bulge bracket banks aren’t  some sort of hidden secret... I don’t doubt CRE  in the south is different but again that is a subset of finance that doesn’t fall in the majority. I actually haven’t watched any Fox News in a month lol and my viewership is pretty erratic. Most of my views come from my own critical thinking of macro issues.


Just take humanities that aren't as easily politicized, for example I was a STEM major and I took humanities classes on the history of science and science writing


Just take humanities that aren't as easily politicized, for example I was a STEM major and I took humanities classes on the history of science and science writing

Maybe there was an optimal selection of humanities classes that could have worked. I didn’t really put much effort into the selection process though because these were gen-eds- just picked whatever worked around my business classes.


 the  "woke" left is the worst thing possible for this country.  

I mean it's definitely a problem and somewhat of a serious one, but this is a bit of a stretch.  I'd personally argue that the manifold attempts by the "right" to water down democracy (gerrymandering, voter ID laws, reduced voting hours and locations, and apparently widespread admiration for autocrat Viktor Orban) are worse for this country.  

EDIT: And as usual on WSO, some people can't help throwing MS when they disagree with an opinion.  


I agree both sides have their respective issues. And not to get into an argument, I just have never seen the logic in this: what is there to oppose about voter id laws? Seems to me like a common sense issue. You need ID for many important government related things, so why not for voting which is probably the most important civil right/duty a citizen has? 



 the  "woke" left is the worst thing possible for this country.  

I mean it's definitely a problem and somewhat of a serious one, but this is a bit of a stretch.  I'd personally argue that the manifold attempts by the "right" to water down democracy (gerrymandering, voter ID laws, reduced voting hours and locations, and apparently widespread admiration for autocrat Viktor Orban) are worse for this country.  

EDIT: And as usual on WSO, some people can't help throwing MS when they disagree with an opinion.  

Voter ID laws being dIsCrImInAtOrY is such a stupid issue for leftists to hang on to. Canada, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Sweden, The Netherlands, France, Italy, Belgium and Ireland (there are more too) all require voter ID. Are all of these countries racist? Of course not. Most of them are more left-leaning than the US. The only racists around this topic are the people arguing POCs are too stupid to figure out how to get their ID online or find their local DMV. The vaccine passports themsevles are racist seeing as how the least vaccinated populations are minority ones, particularly the black community, and now in places like NYC they're going to deny them equal access to public accommodations. How classic, Democrats telling majority POCs they can't use the same gym or come into the same restaurants as the rest of the mostly vaccinated white folk.  


"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

It's  more important to be 100% present and engaged when you are with someone, than be 'good' about communicating frequently via text/phone while you're not.

Corporate Strategy and Commercial Development in the Sports, Media and Entertainment world. One of the most salient features of our culture is that there is so much bullshit.

Nature > nurture

I'd go as far to argue that 80% of your characteristics are heritable, and this explains human differences across the board.

"Work ethic, work ethic" - Vince Vaughn

I disagree with the 80% remark. I'd say people have something I guess you could call a "soul" that makes each of us unique and is not from either parents blood. Something I would have had regardless of what family I was born into. You can call these the "mutations" that make us different from just the combination of our parents DNA but I like to think it's something more, or mutuations we were going to have regardless of the environment. Maybe it's so I can believe I am unique, but the truth is I actually am different from most people (I know everyone says this but I've had multiple people say I'm the most unique person they've met - and I recognize it too because I often don't get why most ppl do certain things - prob b/c they noticed others do it and follow). I don't thinks that's just because I happened to have more mutations than most when I was born.


Most things you care about aren't worth defending to people.

I used to get really amped up about a lot of things and have a ton of opinions, then I realized that it really doesn't make a difference because either: (1) I'm correct and it's not worth arguing with a moron or (2) I'm wrong and will look like an asshole, so I'll keep it to myself.

Makes the days a lot easier.


Whichever comment gets the most upvotes can't be a good answer to the question 

Anything is possible my dude 

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

ALL problems with society are rooted in the seven deadly sins, and the solutions lie in the virtues. it's truly no more complicated than that

the vast majority of statistics we see in mainstream media/centralized government/financial firms/academia are full of biases designed to fit the narrative

most personal problems can be fixed with discipline and the longer you avoid that, the longer your problems will permeate

most medical ailments are not the result of bad genetics but bad lifestyle, though interestingly enough your lifestyle can impact your genetics so some "genetic" problems could likely be a mirage with bad lifestyle choices you or your ancestors made the cause of said genetics





I would agree for something like 80% of issues, but I think one of our biggest problems in society is realizing that some things are counterintuitive to general moral assumptions.

For example, free-markets which allow and even encourage greed actually raise the standard of living for everyone. Egaliatarianism, on the other hand, makes everyone's life worse in the end.

Now, if you look into it deeper, you could point to further problems from the 7 deadly sins. Take for example huge lefties who ignore situations like Cuba and Venezuela....perhaps a case of being too proud to admit you're wrong.  Or take even the leaders of those countries, who are too proud to admit that they were wrong and are happy to keep their people starving rather than hurt their pride and change policies.


Actually, I'd argue that capitalism is moral and socialism ("egalitarianism") is immoral and that there is no counterintuition. The premise of capitalism is that people can freely use their labor (and excess labor, which is what capital is at its core) in voluntary transactions. "Greed is good" is not a pretense of capitalism. Voluntary transactions is its pretense. Socialism is essentially where the majority claims for itself entitlements that must be paid for by the labor of others. At its core, socialism violates the Commandment of thou shalt not covet, Paul's declaration that if you don't work you don't eat, and the parable of the lazy/evil servant. 


To add to this, I believe there are certain sins and things accepted by society that are in fact sins, which by definition are things that bring us further away from God.

One thing that many people fail to realize is that their tongue can be of great ruin. Also, there are expressions that put God down and take the Lord’s name in vain and many people say ‘it’s nothing’ like when some people say “God D**n it” and think that it is a colloquial expression meaning Fuck it or something, when in spiritual reality they are distancing themselves from God in a way that Lucifer finds very pleasing to hear these words. There is a spiritual war going on and to control the tongue is to control the body and some of these verses can be considered on that note. 


Also, there are some who do not believe in spiritual warfare, but that is exactly what Lucifer wants. The devil’s greatest trick was convincing the world he does not exist.

If you want to curse something, it is better to just say “Shit” or “Fuck” - no need to bring God into the equation in a negative way. 

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Looks like Isiah has to be on his best behavior to make up for all those sins he's been accumulating with his 19 year old girlfriends


Well said. Shame that an inherent trait within modern progressivism is to celebrate degeneracy and people's choice to ignore the pursuit of virtue rather than emphasize the righteousness found in virtue itself. 

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

Human's are social creatures (this shouldn't be too controversial) so that means I don't think it's possible to really reach your potential life satisfaction alone. I'm not saying traditional marriage is the only way to solve this, but the whole "you need to be happy by yourself before you can be happy with someone" is bullshit. I'm perfectly fine alone but I know my life would be more enriched with someone to share it with. 


I don’t think it’s so much being happy alone that is the prerequisite but that people should be whole ass, self-sufficient human beings before they drag and unload their problems unto someone else. I know plenty of people who use relationships as distractions or as crutches.

No man is an island but plenty of people just plain shouldn’t be dating/ in relationships. 


Human's are social creatures (this shouldn't be too controversial) so that means I don't think it's possible to really reach your potential life satisfaction alone. I'm not saying traditional marriage is the only way to solve this, but the whole "you need to be happy by yourself before you can be happy with someone" is bullshit. I'm perfectly fine alone but I know my life would be more enriched with someone to share it with. 

Yeah? Try getting married at 22 and having to figure your own shit out while now having to manage a relationship, children, a career, and a household. 

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad. https://arthuxtable.com/

Oh no? The school system is run by girls, for girls, with female university graduates greatly outnumbering their male counterparts.

Real wages for women have been rising for years, while real wages for men have been falling.

Women live longer than men. Fewer women are destitute and homeless

The vast majority of charitable dollars go to female causes.

The court system is heavily biased in favor of women.

Any man who criticizes a woman is immediately labeled a misogynist, mansplainer, etc. 


The US political system should become much less democratic to limit the influence of demagogues. Includes both Trump and the progressive left. A large portion of US society should have no say in how the country is governed. I think this is at the very least more than half of the current electorate. It would be better if they permanently checked out of politics.


lol you retard. The problem with US politics isn't "demagogues" (who don't exist), it's the tyrannical network of faceless, unelected bureaucrats, corporations, intelligence community members, think tanks, financial institutions, the military, academia, media, tech, and pharmaceuticals. 

If anything, we need more demagogues to keep those fuckers in check. I'd much rather have tyranny by a caesar than tyranny by woke tech oligarchs. The people who should have no say in how the country should be governed are the neurotic, mentally ill upper classes pushing their insanity on everybody else.

"Work ethic, work ethic" - Vince Vaughn

To Yankee Doodle's point, most of us support less representation from the dregs of society. The problem is, no one can agree on who are the dregs. Some might say you need to pass a competency exam to vote, but I might say that if you graduated from an Ivy League school you shouldn't have the right to vote since you are likely educated beyond common sense.  


To Yankee Doodle's point, most of us support less representation from the dregs of society. The problem is, no one can agree on who are the dregs. Some might say you need to pass a competency exam to vote, but I might say that if you graduated from an Ivy League school you shouldn't have the right to vote since you are likely educated beyond common sense.  

lol @ educated beyond common sense


"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

You think you'd be better off with Cocaine Mitch? (Though technically, he wields power currently so if the situation is shit, it's on him)

Never discuss with idiots, first they drag you at their level, then they beat you with experience.
larry david

The US political system should become much less democratic to limit the influence of demagogues. Includes both Trump and the progressive left. A large portion of US society should have no say in how the country is governed. I think this is at the very least more than half of the current electorate. It would be better if they permanently checked out of politics.

yes yes yes yes yes - populist policies aren't good policies


Each team should be allowed one punch per game in soccer.

Kids should be encouraged to fight sometimes to learn that their bodies are not made of glass and more like wood.


My antivax friends say they have a 99.99% chance of surviving the live virus BUT they are scared shitless of a vaccine containing a little bit of its DNA


Body count matters. More specifically non-relationship ones. Having often sex with random men or women is impulsive, damaging, and speaks volumes on one's perspective on sex and relationships. Almost every female friend I have who have gone down that path who claim they are capable of "just messing around" are either deep in therapy or have severe trust issues. It might be a douchebag way of thinking, but I would want my future partner to have only been in long-term relationships. Before the feminists say anything, I hold myself to the same standard as well. Life is short, and with almost 4 billion women in the world, you bet I'm avoiding that kind of baggage if I could. Someone else can deal with that shit.


I agree with you on this one. But, in general in big cites guys or girls can rack up the numbers. I feel like I’m smaller cities people live in more close knit circles and you cant really sleep around without people knowing you’re a slut. In NYC, you can pretty much do whatever the fuck you want and many times no one will ever know. But, like you said, there are ramifications and sometimes sleeping around carries much baggage with it and at times an inability to form long term healthy relationships. Because you’ll go through the honeymoon stage of the relationship and have hot sex, but when the sex life declines, the relationship may not be able to bear getting through real life problems and being able to truly love the other person in a 1 Corinthians 13 type of love.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

I know plenty of girls who pretend they are chaste as shit when they need to lock some nerdy dude down. This is all while sending 2am texts to my deadbeat buddies who “don’t deserve them” etc. Some of them had random dudes paying for trips or their apartments and you would’ve never known. 

just assume the worst my man 


This is not just a theory btw. There are multiple studies confirming exactly this. The more sexual partners a woman has the harder it is for her to pair bond.


Because while you're right, we're still farther from it than you think. On a scale of 0-5, even Teslas are at a level 2 (there is a specific scale for this, can't remember the name). Tesla's aren't even autonomous the way they used to be, all they do is keep you in the lane with adaptive cruise control that requires you hands to be on the wheel (they dialed it back and only the grandfathered Teslas have the best autonomous features now). 


Because while you're right, we're still farther from it than you think. On a scale of 0-5, even Teslas are at a level 2 (there is a specific scale for this, can't remember the name). Tesla's aren't even autonomous the way they used to be, all they do is keep you in the lane with adaptive cruise control that requires you hands to be on the wheel (they dialed it back and only the grandfathered Teslas have the best autonomous features now). 

Intel Mobileye, GM Cruise, and Amazon's Zoox quietly have very, very legitimate Level 4 systems. They are just not particularly public about it yet. The most difficult part for autonomous cars at this juncture is scaling up, acquiring legal recognition, and dealing with the political fallout of some technical errors. It will all happen VERY slowly and then very quickly.


Hard to benchmark but I believe luck plays up to 25% - 50% impact on your life outcomes.  Work Ethic is obvs important but I do believe luck plays a bigger part than most people want to admit 


Counterintuitively, thinking too much about how much success depends on luck can be detrimental to you, since you'll be less encouraged to work hard. I try to use that fact to see where I'm lucky, where I'm unlucky and where I'm neither to know what I can use to my advantage and where I have to work hard.


Telecom should be turned into a utility soon. We have the technology to get everyone in the US streaming HD video simultaneously now, and internet is increasingly essential to everyday life. Remote work really threw this into sharp relief. I normally wouldn’t support government involvement in private industry, but it’s clear that Telecom is essentially a cartel. Plus, the pricing structure for things like cellular data has almost no relation to their cost to provide. I really think that a national telecom provider could work well.


The Democratic political establishment intentionally perpetuates low standards of living for urban minorities in order to maintain their voting block. 

Their policies are designed to destroy family units and enable violent and antisocial behavior so that no generational social or economic development takes place. They accomplish this by inflaming racial tensions, restricting zoning, empowering unions, restricting education options, encouraging substance abuse, and avoiding prosecuting violent crime as much as possible. 

This has the effect of creating a permanent voter base that is permanently disaffected and easily manipulated into action. 


To add to this, one thing I noticed is that Democratic policies actually do a good job of alleviating the symptoms of low standards of living, but those same politicians and often those same policies are the cause of the low living standards in the first place. It's a perfect recipe for tricking casual citizens into having an immediate reason to vote for them in every election. Create a problem and offer a shallow surface-level solution that will tempt desperate citizens to vote for you even if it makes the problem worse. And also direct the blame to the rich, capitalism, systemic oppression, etc. 


Liberals caused the fall of both Western and Eastern Roman Empires

Never discuss with idiots, first they drag you at their level, then they beat you with experience.

As a preferred store of value, especially among 3rd world and non-stable economies, yes. As a daily currency? Unlikely. While Bitcoin will remain the king of cryptos, others will take up the reigns for daily use and others. Much like the dotcom boom where thousands arose and only a handful rose from the ashes, I think the same will happen with Crypto. Bitcoin, Ethereum, and a small handful of others that are best-in-class at a specific, necessary function will be here to stay. I agree, I think cryptos and digital currency is the future (as well as some state-backed digital currencies, too many people are too stupid to think anything not state-provided is legit and will forever rely on a government's guidance), but I don't think Bitcoin's role in that future will be as a day to day currency. 


Life is not worth it.

I'm not advocating for suicide - if you're alive, you should make the most of it; from a practical standpoint, we don't know what lies on the other side, and my western upbringing makes me fear eternal punishment for taking my own life.

However, humans aren't built to feel pleasure all the time, therefore everyone will experience some sort of suffering at some point of their lives. And there's no specific reason that we know of for life to be like this, but it is. It could be an endless stream of pleasure, but it isn't. Unless you believe that there's a bigger purpose for life (and there's no evidence to believe so, so it's no more than an individual opinion someone can have), there's no reason to bring children into the world.

BTW, I'm not depressed and I have no suicidal urges. I'm not religious nor do I believe in any kind of higher power or esoteric stuff either, but I have ascribed my own meaning to my life, so I refuse to die before I attain several objectives I've set for myself (which will certainly take me decades to do).


However, humans aren't built to feel pleasure all the time, therefore everyone will experience some sort of suffering at some point of their lives. And there's no specific reason that we know of for life to be like this, but it is. It could be an endless stream of pleasure, but it isn't. Unless you believe that there's a bigger purpose for life (and there's no evidence to believe so, so it's no more than an individual opinion someone can have), there's no reason to bring children into the world.

Fellas, is reproduction/population growth a giant pyramid scheme??


Voluptatem labore quaerat non maiores voluptates ut molestias velit. Odio similique distinctio aperiam eum. Magni facilis omnis voluptatem est illum consequuntur nulla. Assumenda aut aut quia quo maxime debitis. Ex qui eaque qui beatae ex quo. Excepturi laborum eum illo.

Eum id voluptatem dolorem quia aut aut. Rerum sit ipsa aperiam natus enim consequatur doloribus. Et eum sit tempora similique est. Delectus atque ea modi consequatur tenetur voluptas labore.

Maxime quia a quod aspernatur non id. Ut quisquam et ratione soluta quis. Assumenda aut ea eos at. Molestiae veniam omnis vero unde excepturi sapiente hic.


Corrupti blanditiis praesentium dolor qui reiciendis aspernatur eligendi et. Possimus eligendi exercitationem consequatur at.

Illum ea quis voluptatem ut consequatur sit hic rerum. Sed amet quis veritatis maiores. At iusto harum aut optio. Sapiente qui distinctio qui et rerum optio. Consequuntur accusantium nemo sit tenetur eligendi. Ea sit sint et possimus.

Ea pariatur nihil voluptatem et. Voluptate ducimus ducimus perspiciatis.

“Millionaires don't use astrology, billionaires do”

Quia ab necessitatibus et minus facere. Omnis cumque quis ex quod non possimus. Iure voluptatem illum omnis doloribus totam voluptas nihil. Non occaecati et aspernatur quidem.

Non fugiat voluptas eaque aliquam cum. Eveniet vitae voluptas ipsum blanditiis modi dignissimos pariatur. Adipisci voluptas earum qui impedit minima. Est adipisci cum voluptatem quo exercitationem omnis omnis ex. Placeat consequatur unde distinctio.

Provident nulla aliquam neque ut explicabo. Sed natus ea facilis dolorum. Voluptas ut et inventore sit aut ipsam. Inventore quidem quo id. Nulla omnis quo possimus perferendis mollitia eum est. Omnis qui id cum iste consequatur quaerat.

Suscipit iste dolores delectus ea. Tempora autem cum accusamus sunt quo eaque. Recusandae voluptatem ut accusantium dignissimos. Aut odio repudiandae voluptates laudantium voluptatem eum.


Laboriosam eum non quibusdam. Excepturi odit temporibus rerum adipisci omnis nesciunt. Corrupti officia cupiditate cupiditate nihil ut voluptas.

Minus consequatur ipsam ipsum sunt accusantium. Qui sapiente amet autem quas omnis quaerat. Nam voluptatem velit sequi illum accusantium.

Excepturi minus vel minima impedit qui. Voluptatem ratione quod ab. Iusto non saepe omnis eaque autem dolorem.

Atque qui dolorem consequatur quasi consequatur voluptatem. Aut reiciendis minus quas necessitatibus harum dolor. Omnis quod esse ut dignissimos sit omnis excepturi occaecati. Enim veritatis tempore voluptatem.


Numquam officia aliquid iusto commodi voluptates inventore neque. Sit molestiae harum pariatur et veritatis. Sunt corporis sapiente consequatur beatae numquam veniam. Exercitationem voluptatem ullam aspernatur aliquam nisi.

Et quasi eveniet officiis eos aut ad vel. Quae ut aperiam qui qui nesciunt inventore dignissimos aut. Voluptatem ut quasi blanditiis eius exercitationem velit. Et dolorem ex alias omnis. Facere debitis sapiente quis amet ut. Fugiat eligendi debitis sint dolore.

Itaque quo fuga illo sunt. Quidem consequatur et illo eum nam ex ut. Aliquam quia est et sunt. Ut sequi quis architecto. Quisquam dolores saepe dolor sunt. Voluptas eos vel sed quisquam excepturi. Dolores aliquid eaque porro.

Est recusandae quae repellat sit vero ipsum neque. Cupiditate sunt quidem at quod corrupti excepturi aliquid rerum. Sit illum libero quis ut non.


Minima fugit et qui quas aliquam debitis. Reprehenderit officia corporis est dolores sunt unde reprehenderit velit. Recusandae exercitationem qui alias ut corporis est. Non vero et consequuntur.

Exercitationem voluptatem vitae distinctio ratione. Quae ut culpa voluptatibus et quasi nesciunt eos. Mollitia sit atque quaerat rerum nemo molestiae architecto. Sed ab omnis assumenda numquam in est dolorem aut. Corporis quia optio natus. Et velit molestias eligendi aut ipsam optio alias.

Occaecati ut molestiae mollitia sit. Aut sit quae sit explicabo quisquam voluptas sit. Quod error dignissimos quas saepe cumque quos.


Career Advancement Opportunities

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  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 17 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 19 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 97.7%
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Professional Growth Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

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  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Investment Banking

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  • Vice President (22) $375
  • Associates (93) $259
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (206) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (149) $101
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