Jeffrey Chiang: You will never in your life ever work on Wall Street.

enuf said.

if you don't know the story behind this clown, ask one of your banking friends. i'm sure his notorious email must've rounded all the banks by now.

And, I know you frequent this forum, JC. goes to show you how small the Street is.


Hahah ya. We were forwarding it around at work today.

I'll post it tomorrow morning if noone does by then.

Dude (from UT Business Program) is honestly done.

Every bank, consulting firm, and buyside shop has a copy of the email now.

Prime example of why you don't fucking lie during the recruiting process.

Key points from the email:

  • He MANUFACTURED a BofA-ML full-time offer email and sent it to Morgan Stanley as leverage.

  • He threw a bitch fit with the traveling department of a firm regarding wanting to stay at the Four Seasons. His rudeness was so bad that the travel agent reported his behavior to HR.

EVERY firm on the Street now has a copy of the email as well as a resume.

Game Over.


Seems as if this kid has always been scum.

Some just dug this up for me:

"So during winter 2007-2008, Merrill Lynch has a four week long internship.

It invites five interns. They shall go unnamed except for Jeffrey Chiang. Jeffrey Chiang is a student at the University of Texas at Austin and formerly interned at Goldman Sachs. I am not one of the interns. I have no proof of this, and all I have is my word.

Internship: cold calls, generate sales lead. A large part of the internship included cold calling and selling some of ML's products to them. This selling part also included getting their email for newsletters.

What Jeffrey Chiang did: instead of calling, he sat there all day. Then, to prove his worth, he made up emails such as... [email protected]

Well, what about bounceback (when an email is sent and returned because the address does not exist?). Well.. Jeffrey Chiang, although unethical, is quite smart. He pressured the person typing the emails in not to type his.

Basically, everyday when Jeffrey Chiang turned in his sheets containing emails, none of the emails were typed in, but to the supervisors, it appeared as if Jeffrey was contributing.

It gets even better. When Jeffrey Chiang's practices were finally uncovered, a quick call to all the interns and database check showed he was guilty. Nonetheless, he vehemently denied his actions. Even though he blatantly admitted them to the other interns.

The next day, Jeffrey attempted to bribe one of the interns to keep his mouth shut. $20 for not saying anything. I think the look on the intern's face summarized the intern's reply.

Today, Friday, is the last day of the internship. Several are still there. I, obviously, am not. I have decided to let the world know, that Jeffrey Chiang is scum.

People like Jeffrey Chiang is what the subprime is in trouble."


Holy crap. Even people who don't know him are talking about him? This is crazy. He is most definitely a compulsive liar. He went around telling everybody that he was accepted to HBS and did an internship at Goldman soph year. It's not hard to believe that something like this would happen. I always knew his lying would catch up to him, but not on some forum. This world never ceases to amaze.

Best Response

Not posting his resume, though there are some interesting things on there... Here are the intial emails before the chain started going out across the world. As someone mentioned earlier, he goes to UT Austin.

From: xxxxx (BoAML person) Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009 4:43 PM To: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Other people at other banks) Subject: FW: Jeffrey Chiang

I don't know if this guy has come up on your radar screens in terms of analyst recruits, but you need to be warned about him. I should have been tipped off by the fact that he ran a "5K marathon" on his resume. I just figured something got lost in translation.

I interviewed him on campus, and while he was pretty weird/intense, he seemed like somebody who would crank and potentially make for a good analyst, so we waved him in for an office visit.

Things started going bad for him when I got a call from our HR department about him during our Superday. In making his travel arrangements with our travel agent, he had apparently made a big stink about needing to stay at the Four Seasons and blew up on the travel person. It was apparently bad enough that she went to the trouble to inform our HR department.

Our Superday reviews on him were pretty mixed, nonetheless. He had spent a summer at Gulfstar, so I did a bit of checking on him there, and it became clear that they were also very unimpressed with the way that he carried himself. So, we dinged him, but that is not where the story ends.

He had told one of the associates in our office that he was in the second round of interviews for MS's Palo Alto office. Well, our associate happened to mention this to his friend that works in the MS Palo Alto office and the associate at MS said that Jeff had had only had a phone interview but had indicated that he had an offer from BAML. When the MS team asked him to send proof of his offer, he manufactured the email below and forwarded to the MS team.

We have notified UT of this joker's behavior, but needless to say, this guy shouldn't be able to get a job at McDonalds after a stunt like this.


-----Original Message----- From: xxxxx (MS person) Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 12:58 AM To: xxxxx (BoAML person) Subject: FW: Bank of America Merrill Lynch Interviews

This is what Jeffrey sent Morgan Stanley to prove he received an offer from your firm. Given you told me you dinged him, should I assume this is fake? If so, that's unbelievable and his school should be notified, he shouldn't get a job anywhere on Wall Street.

-----Original Message----- From: xxxxx (Morgan Stanley person) Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 10:47 PM To: xxxxx (Another MS person) Subject: Fw: Bank of America Merrill Lynch Interviews

----- Original Message ----- From: Jeffrey Chiang To: xxxxx (Morgan Stanley person) Sent: Tue Oct 13 22:52:34 2009 Subject: FW: Bank of America Merrill Lynch Interviews

Best Regards,

Jeffrey Chiang Business Honors Program & Finance Economics Honors & Advertising Honors McCombs School of Business The University of Texas at Austin Email: xxxxx Cell: xxxxx

From: Park, Diana Sent: Friday, August 21, 2009 3:36 PM To: Jeffrey Chiang Subject: RE: Bank of America Merrill Lynch Interviews

Hi Jeff,

Everyone was very impressed with your interviews today. We are excited to formally extend to you an offer to join Bank of Ameria Merrill Lynch as an analyst next summer. You should be getting documentation in the mail to sign very shortly. If you have any further questions please feel free to email me. Again, congratulations and we look forward to having you join us next year.

Best, Diana

-----Original Message----- From: Jeffrey Chiang Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2009 4:28 PM To: Park, Diana Subject: Bank of America Merrill Lynch Interviews

Ms. Park-

I just wanted to follow up with you regarding my interviews and the recruiting process for Bank of America Merrill Lynch and where they are in the process. Please shoot me back an email when you can. Thanks for all your help.

Best Regards,

Jeffrey Chiang Business Honors Program & Finance Economics Honors & Advertising Honors McCombs School of Business The University of Texas at Austin Email: xxxxx Cell: xxxxx


Jeffrey Chiang’s Groups:

* Texas Exes/University of Texas at Austin    Texas Exes/University of Texas at Austin
* McCombs BBA Alumni Network    McCombs BBA Alumni Network
* Harvard Business School SVMP Alumni Association    Harvard Business School SVMP Alumni Association
[Comment removed by mod team]

Who would be this retarded, all he needed to do was work hard to actually do work during his internship...I mean he got interviews this year... Then he went a step further and forged a offer-esque letter to MS, from a bank at which he did not even interview in person yet....not to mention he had not interviewed in person at MS yet. If you were going to lie, why lead them on a track to discover your entire conspiracy. Did he seriously think that no-one would even try to follow up? I guess he got cocky from not getting caught from the MS thing. Is it not illegal to forge a letter of that nature? Identity Theft, Fraud, etc. Maybe only if he got the job...well don't worry, he will never get a job on Wall Street (unless he's shining shoes)

Reality hits you hard, bro...
enuf said.

if you don't know the story behind this clown, ask one of your banking friends. i'm sure his notorious email must've rounded all the banks by now.

And, I know you frequent this forum, JC. goes to show you how small the Street is.

I may have a J and C in my username, but I am not Jeffrey Chiang.

Sad thing is, I know the guy, and I never had any problems with him.

Wonder if this is grounds for expulsion from the university? I'd say it's a pretty big offense, and it surely does not bode well for the McCombs brand name.



Big lesson for all wallstreet-hopefuls (I am one): don't ever lie, and be nice to people.

And bitching at the travel agent? What's up with that? I guess intern gigs at BBs can really inflate some people's ego, but one must realize that if you're an analyst, you're right at the bottom of the pyramid. I've seen all too many times IBD summer analysts thinking they are above IT directors of 5-year experience just because they are in IT, which is so very unfortunate.


This dude is going to kill himself, or given his previous tendencies, fake his death.

Obviously he is getting what he deserves, but I couldn't imagine knowing that I would never be hired by a WS firm. Granted there are many more careers that this guy could pursue but it will be a far cry from making it rain on WS.

Usually I would say good luck, but this time I will have to go with good riddance.


"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan

It's time to let Jeffrey tell his side of the story.

If you know Jeffrey Chiang, PM me with his contact info. I'd love to interview him and give him front page space to tell his side of the story.

Jeffrey, if you're reading this, get in touch with me and we'll talk. Maybe we can find a way to make some lemonade.

Edmundo Braverman:
It's time to let Jeffrey tell his side of the story.

If you know Jeffrey Chiang, PM me with his contact info. I'd love to interview him and give him front page space to tell his side of the story.

Jeffrey, if you're reading this, get in touch with me and we'll talk. Maybe we can find a way to make some lemonade.

I admire your stance, especially as you have the ability to do something about it.
Get busy living

Funny story. The extent to which this guy is publicly destroyed on the web is a bit beyond good taste, isn't it? Posting his mail add and CV on Dealbreaker so all ego-free souls can have a go at somebody who's now globally declared a loser is beyond the Geneva internet conventions in my opinion. Who's to blame if this guy kills himself? Counterstrike?

Funny story. The extent to which this guy is publicly destroyed on the web is a bit beyond good taste, isn't it? Posting his mail add and CV on Dealbreaker so all ego-free souls can have a go at somebody who's now globally declared a loser is beyond the Geneva internet conventions in my opinion. Who's to blame if this guy kills himself? Counterstrike?
This industry is all about OTM which is a very important point.....he can't be trusted. HOWEVER, I'm with edmundo, and there may be hope yet, but as Ricky Richardo used to say, "Lucy, you got some esplaining to dooooo!!!"
Get busy living

The kid from Yale whose emails were doing the rounds a few years back.. forged his resume and there was that weird video resume showing him weightlifting, playing tennis and ballroom dancing lol


Dude is slowly getting rid of all his online profiles and such. Look at this…

As you see he has a LinkenIn profile but when you click it it has been deleted...

But through the magic of Google cache....…

Another is his facebook page/elect Jeff Chiang for 2nd Year Class Rep

Which previously looked like...…

Trying to hide...not working too well becasue "Jeffery Chiang" is the 31s most searched term on Google. lol…

I finally found his Facebook...but he deleted it....

Look at the 4th down...its deleted

You know its him b/c if you do the cached version

His friends are mainly Texas students or Alums.

Also, Dealbreaker is ripping him apart, email, phone number, address, I know more about this guy then I do of some of my friends.

Lol he is seriously f*cked for lying on his resume to this degree and dedication. All I've got to say is...

"what's wrong with working at mickey d's? -fuld"

Reality hits you hard, bro...
Dude is slowly getting rid of all his online profiles and such. Look at this…

As you see he has a LinkenIn profile but when you click it it has been deleted...

But through the magic of Google cache....…

Another is his facebook page/elect Jeff Chiang for 2nd Year Class Rep

Which previously looked like...…

Trying to hide...not working too well becasue "Jeffery Chiang" is the 31s most searched term on Google. lol…

I finally found his Facebook...but he deleted it....

Look at the 4th down...its deleted

You know its him b/c if you do the cached version

His friends are mainly Texas students or Alums.

Also, Dealbreaker is ripping him apart, email, phone number, address, I know more about this guy then I do of some of my friends.

Lol he is seriously f*cked for lying on his resume to this degree and dedication. All I've got to say is...

"what's wrong with working at mickey d's? -fuld"

wtf. i guess you know how to do diligence, but dude ur creepy


[Deleted! No longer relevant.]

The truth is you're the weak. And I'm the tyranny of evil men. But I'm tryin', Ringo. I'm tryin' real hard to be the shepherd.

@Edmundo... doubt you will ever get in contact with him unless he comes forward to yo. His email, home address/home phone (at one point), etc. were posted on dealbreaker. He has to change his contact stuff or else face the barrage of emails that he is bound to get. I hope you get an interview with him, it be interesting to hear what he has to say.

Reality hits you hard, bro...

He has a solid resume. He could've likely gotten offers from BB's without the lie. Very unfortunate for him... he'll never get a job on Wall street. But perhaps this is what the kid needed. Its not the end of the world that he isn't working on wall street,hopefully he'll become a better person from it and be a cautionary tale to anyone considering it.


To give you an idea how long 5000 miles is, the circumference of our planet is a little under 25,000 miles around the equator. JC claims to have run around a fifth of our planet.

To give you an idea how long 5000 miles is, the circumference of our planet is a little under 25,000 miles around the equator. JC claims to have run around a fifth of our planet.

huh? 5k race. 5k = 5 kilometers = 3.1 mil

K stands for kilometer

try again, multiple choice: a) 1 Kuric b) 1 km c) 1 Å

Ace all your PE interview questions with the WSO Private Equity Prep Pack:


My boss seems to seriously want to bring you in for an interview. I don't think he wants to give you a job. Rather, I think he just hates our travel agent and wants to unleash you.

When you come out to London, though, don't settle for The Four Seasons. Insist on The Ritz, Claridges, The Dorchester, The Savoy, or Browns. In fact, tell the agent that London is beneath you, and that you'll need a penthouse in Hotel Costes and a chartered helicopter from Paris the morning of your interview. And don't just settle for any helicopter, make sure they commandeer Marine One for your personal use. Finally, insist that Megan Fox be your stewardess. Now, she may be busy, and she may not be cheap, but is that your problem Jeffrey? No--it's that penis of a travel agent who isn't trying hard enough to please you.

And you know what? You should complain, Jeffrey, because you're interviewing for an analyst position at a bulge-bracket bank. Here's the hierarchy: God, The Pope, The Queen, Oatmeal Creme Pies, You. You're only one away from OCP-status, Jeffrey! Perhaps the agent can convince all of London's plebians to stay at home on the day of your interview so as to make your stay less hectic. I don't know, though--I don't know if there will be enough time to arrange it all.

Let me apologize in advance for offending your sensibilities. It's the last thing I would want to do before getting you to sign a contract that says, "You will get my fat ass coffee for one year."


I've seen quite a number of typos from professionals/HR, especially in e-mails. But I don't think I've seen any of them misspell their company name.


This is kind of an old thread, but I just received an automatic email response after applying to an opening:

"Thank you for submitting your details to Barcalys Capital"

Rare, but it happens.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Are you a CEO, CFO or other executive facing these or similar charges? Why should you go to jail for a crime someone else noticed?

If anyone knows Chiang, would you please tell him to reconnect his phone as per the top of his resume. I've called a few times since I got the email yesterday afternoon because, to be honest, I just gotta know.

Chiang, if you're reading this, I will find a place for you in finance. We're going to have to change your name, because the conference call with my buddies at other banks was just too priceless, and legitimately EVERYONE, not just VP and below, but Ds, MDs, and even a vice chairman has heard of your shenanigans. But, you've gotten their attention, and there are still a ton of third world countries to exploit, and while we've got plenty of people scoring negative in the "moral compass" category, we've yet to see someone as ridiculously inventive as you. 2 BSBAs, a BComm and a BA? HBS and IBD M&A in one summer? Summa cum laude but you haven't even graudated yet? Normally people just lie about their GPA, but you didn't round up the number, no sir, you just rounded up everything else. A 5 K marathon?! I can't even imagine what that is, maybe 5000 marathons, I don't know, but I like it. All you're missing is a footnote (1) PF for the pending Chiang takes over the world transaction. Assumes I won't get caught lying nonstop.

Hit me up with a PM Chiang, lets talk shop.


If anyone knows Chiang, would you please tell him to reconnect his phone as per the top of his resume. I've called a few times since I got the email yesterday afternoon because, to be honest, I just gotta know.

Chiang, if you're reading this, I will find a place for you in finance. We're going to have to change your name, because the conference call with my buddies at other banks was just too priceless, and legitimately EVERYONE, not just VP and below, but Ds, MDs, and even a vice chairman has heard of your shenanigans. But, you've gotten their attention, and there are still a ton of third world countries to exploit, and while we've got plenty of people scoring negative in the "moral compass" category, we've yet to see someone as ridiculously inventive as you. 2 BSBAs, a BComm and a BA? HBS and IBD M&A in one summer? Summa cum laude but you haven't even graudated yet? Normally people just lie about their GPA, but you didn't round up the number, no sir, you just rounded up everything else. A 5 K marathon?! I can't even imagine what that is, maybe 5000 marathons, I don't know, but I like it. All you're missing is a footnote (1) PF for the pending Chiang takes over the world transaction. Assumes I won't get caught lying nonstop.

Hit me up with a PM Chiang, lets talk shop.


Ha ha. Alright, I concede I know nothing about marathons. I've never heard the 5k term being used, so I thought it referred to 5000 miles since the guy above me used miles as the unit of measurement.


Ha ha. Alright, I concede I know nothing about marathons. I've never heard the 5k term being used, so I thought it referred to 5000 miles since the guy above me used miles as the unit of measurement.


Michael Scott?


Still I dont get why it is sooo huge. I mean the kid lied on his resume a little like most, and forged an emaila bout an accepted offer.

Its not like bernie madoffed it. Infact its not evne too amusing to read. That other guy who did the email about boneing all the women in korea, now that was funny

Big 4 Accounting Guide to Getting Hired Contains interview questions, exactly how to answer, resume guide, how to make an impact and a guide to the firms and service lines.

@yachman - does he seriously have a case?

"... then, lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it."

I really feel bad for the dude. His whole life he probably didn't have much going for him and probably got super paranoid before offers came out and made the lie. There is a good chance he would have gotten an offer from somewhere...not now though.

The guys at BAML research I work with all thought this was hilarious, apparently some of the bankers there wanted to call him and tell him he got an offer yesterday as a prank...hahahaha


Kids make stupid decisions that they look back and immediately regret. I'm sure a lot of the bankers on wall st. today did similar if not worse shit and still do, yet it doesn't always get caught on e-mail. He got scared and was an idiot, but should his wall st. life be finished because of it, definitely not. That is the one thing that kinda sucks about tech today.. I honestly don't think the kid deserves this that bad, even though he obviously needed something like this to give him some humility.


true. then again i believe (or would like to believe) that this experience will not only force him to find a career somewhere else, but will make him reevaluate his whole life-scheme, priorities, and - who knows? - maybe actually do something good for the world.

then again he might just jump off a building... just as likely. "I'VE GOT NOTHING TO LIVE FFFOOOOOoooorrr r r r r .. . . . . . . . " thump.

"... then, lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it."

I don't see this simply as a stupid decision.

We all have momentary lapses of judgment, moments of weakness, etc. that come from feeling insecure, anxious, etc. at that very moment we do something stupid.

This seems to be more than that - it's behavior that comes from a lack of integrity.

That's why I think a lot of folks have been merciless. He lacks integrity. It's not just one thing, but a series of things - not just in the email chain, but if what some of you folks say is true, what he says in the resume may also come into question. In other words, it's a recurring thing that reveals a lack of integrity, not just a lack in good judgment.

And I don't feel sorry for him as a result. Because there seems to be be bigger issues for this guy than just making a dumb mistake. It's a series of things that reveal his fundamental values (or lack thereof).

My guess is that from his perspective, he probably feels like a victim now even if he regrets what he did -- because he feels that everyone is overreacting. Even worse, he may even try to justify his behavior because he may not feel that he's doing anything "wrong" (or that if other people are crooks, it's okay for him to lower his standards for behavior).

What is sad is that this kid probably didn't grow up a bad guy, but that for some reason or another he became so cynical and jaded about how the finance world works that he gave himself permission to justify to himself his own bad behavior.

The more interesting part is what happens to him next.

Best thing for him is to take a self-imposed sabbatical for 1-2 years - not just for the world to forget about him, but the time out hopefully will be good for him to reassess his own values and priorities. Let's hope he has good people around him in his life (family, close friends, etc.) to help him through this, to guide him to a better path, to build up his sense of integrity before he re-enters the real world. Because if he doesn't have good people around him, it could be a nasty downward spiral...

If you were in his shoes after you did something like this, what would you do?

Alex Chu
If you were in his shoes after you did something like this, what would you do?

1) Default on all existing student loans 2) Write a book about what a meat grinder Wall Street is and how even honest kids have to compromise their lofty morals to earn a seat at the table 3) Use book proceeds to open a pot co-op in California

A student at UT told me Mr. Chiang got expelled. That seems very extreme, but could it be true?

Pshhh rumors, let me assure you that he's still ballin'

========================================= We are excited to formally extend to you an offer to join Bank of Ameria
A student at UT told me Mr. Chiang got expelled. That seems very extreme, but could it be true?

Pshhh rumors, let me assure you that he's still ballin'

I literally just spat tea at my newspaper after reading your username. Good showing old boy.


What are the grounds under which he would be expelled? Maybe if he lied about his grades and such he would definitely be suspended indefinitely from his career center and OCR.


I doubt the guy could get expelled because its an external issue - namely his lying about employment opportunities and resume. Lame, but hardly a matter to get expelled over.

Give it about 6 months (tops) and everyone will have forgotten about it.

I doubt the guy could get expelled because its an external issue - namely his lying about employment opportunities and resume. Lame, but hardly a matter to get expelled over.

Give it about 6 months (tops) and everyone will have forgotten about it.

We had an MBA at my school who had an offer (a while ago) from an automaker and accepted it. He kept interviewing and accepted another job. When the automaker found out, they said they were not going to recruit anymore at our school, and our school subsequently expelled him in his last semester of his MBA program. Ouch.


Eh, in that case, I wouldn't have even interviewed with them...because I would've just used the offer to leverage with others, which he obviously did.

Still, the school should've have gotten involved like that. I mean, if they're bringing any of the Big 3 to hire their students, they clearly don't have the students' best interests in mind. Do they not watch the news? Damn...


i had to share this:

Dean Bruner's Blog Robert F. Bruner, Dean, Darden School of Business Employment and the Harbinger of Shift

".... I see five ways in which this environment may be shifting the culture of employment: .... Less tolerance for error. Companies are less forgiving about typos on a resume, poor preparation, inappropriate attire, and rude manners. Above all, ethical lapses are fatal. One firm shared with me the story of an applicant (not from Darden) who blatantly misrepresented his credentials. When confronted with the facts, he brashly insulted the executive and the firm. Word of his behavior has spread. He foolishly spiked his employment chances in that company, and possibly the industry, city, and region. Conduct your search with absolute integrity...."

funny how he emphasized that the student in question was not from darden... lol.. UT are so fucked for the next few years... i wonder how their tuition will reflect this... it always was kinda low but was it always at 26 k per year?

"... then, lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it."

5k is just around 3 miles. That's what, around 13 per cent of a marathon? Normally the distance runs go 5k, 10k, half-marathon, marathon, and then it's ultra running.

The truth is you're the weak. And I'm the tyranny of evil men. But I'm tryin', Ringo. I'm tryin' real hard to be the shepherd.
Isn't a 5k marathon just a shortened version?

Although this thread is a few years old, I can't help but point out that the word "marathon" refers to 42.195km long race, hence there can be 3k run, 5k run, 10k run, half marathon, and (full) marathon, but never "5k marathon". People who think 'marathon = long distance running' are not uncommon, but a guy who claims to have "ran in multiple marathons" should know better, since all of those events were probably titled something like "West Village 5k Run", or "NYU 5k Walk/Run", etc., but never a "5k marathon".


"JC, you will never work in banking!"? Come on, man.

Changing your name is a piece of cake. Either he forfeits some external aspects of his life (address, cell #, facebook friends), or he forfeits the pursuit of the career he has presumably spent most of his life angling to achieve - i.e., banking. To me, if you're set on banking to begin with, it's a no-brainer - you change your name, dust yourself off, and try again. B2, you sure you'll recognize this guy when he comes to your bank to interview as a "John Smith" next year? And man, if he makes it, that guy will be laughing all the way to the bank...


i was in nyc last month meeting a few of my friends in banking, they brought a VP with them. All the VP could talk about was this guy. He most certainly stole my thunder.


I wonder what he's doing now. Think he moved to another country and changed his name? Or better yet, working in another industry?


head of sales at Apple. he's also the guy responsible for the iPad

"... then, lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it."

What a bum. The kid clearly had what it took to get some interviews and people interested in his resume. Then he fakes an offer and SPELLS THE FIRM'S NAME WRONG (not to mention the word was America....America is the word he spelled wrong lol). Anyway, he won't get a job on the Street and doesn't deserve one.


From page - www analystforum dot com/forums/cfa-forums/cfa-general-discussion/91275328

Remember Jeffrey Chiang? The guy who faked an offer letter from BofA to send to people at Morgan Stanley and got busted. One reason being that he spelled “America” wrong in the fake offer letter email.

dealbreaker dot com/2009/10/jeffrey-chiang-will-be-receiving-no-new-o...

Well it turns out, he’s listed under the CFAI website as serving a disciplinary sanction for violations.

cfainstitute dot org/ethics/conduct/Pages/current_industry_relate...

Chiang, Jeffrey (USA) On 14 May 2010, CFA Institute imposed a Summary Suspension on Jeffrey Chiang (USA), pursuant to Article 11.3(f) of the CFA Institute Bylaws and Rule 7 of the CFA Institute Rules of Procedure for Proceedings Related to Professional Conduct. Summary Suspension automatically suspends Chiang’s participation in the CFA Program. Chiang failed to cooperate with the CFA Institute Professional Conduct Program in its investigation of his conduct.

Yea, no more finance career for this guy


sometimes when i'm bored or swamped with work i just think to myself, what is jeffrey chiang up to?

anyone know?

Get a life dude

Sorry Business Broker. We can't all be skeezy salesman.



Is he on LinkedIn?

He's on FB. I just checked it out. His profile is surprisingly not very private, although you cant see what this dumbass was posting around the time of his incident. Nonetheless, he has some stupid shit on there that is open to public eye.
"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest." - Benjamin Franklin

just read thru this thread - damn this is terrifying. that guy was a class A douche, but to think of what happened to ruined over a fricking summer internship. i wonder if he still thinks about this every day. and looks like people haven't forgotten about it either!

truly terrifying


I mean, he's just a focal point, the Beiber of Wall Street. Lot's of people do stupid things, but once or twice a year the best of the best make headlines. For him, yeah it's unlikely he'll work in finance but anything is possible. Outside of finance, it's unlikely anyone's really going to care. Still curious on the followup though

Get busy living

The level some people will to stoop to in order to get a job is just astounding. It's a FUCKING JOB, not life or death. If you don't make it into IBD, PE, HF, VC or whatever the fuck you're trying for, you won't die; I promise. Again, it's only a fucking job.


You're funny. Clearly, I go to a non-target. Hahahaha. Motherfucker, get real. I go to a top-target (Harvard/Wharton), currently a sophomore, and have an offer from GS IBD. While your pathetic sorry ass is stuck in WM. Get real, you stupid fuck. Fucking BO loser.


@StudentLoanBackedSecurities, UBS is a joke, enjoy.

@UFOinsdier, possibly.

This kid (YOU) posted this two weeks ago: "I am going to be an SA this summer at CS. Will going to CS this summer put be in a better position to join a "better" BB? Like GS? Would M&A be a good group to accomplish this?"

And this in a MS application thread two weeks ago: "Damn, are you serious? Anybody else heard anything similar to this? Also, how do I check the status of my MS application? Where do I go when I am logged in?"

You're the ultimate fucking troll. Hahahah, wow.... Pathetic.

"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest." - Benjamin Franklin

Actually, yes, good job, I have an offer from CS. When I posted that, I didn't think I would receive an offer for a superday from GS, but then I did (which I was shocked by). Anyway, fast forward, I did well at the superday, extended me an offer, and I accepted. Four other kids from my school are going to GS IBD this summer as well.


DreRTR just joined WSO like three weeks ago and posted an introductory thread this month saying he is "Interested in Investment Banking." Hahahah this kid is so full of shit, its hilarious. You are literally just as bad as Chiang. Keep it up man!!

"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest." - Benjamin Franklin

Good job, you found out I was interested in IB. I could have told you that. I wanted to create a thread at the time, but WSO said I had to introduce myself first in the introduction forum, hence why I posted that.


Wow, fighting on a post about a guy that shot himself in the foot and no longer has a shot in industry.....really bad karma

Get busy living

Wow, fighting on a post about a guy that shot himself in the foot and no longer has a shot in industry.....really bad karma

It's mildly entertaining although I have a sneaking suspicion I am being trolled because I think its pretty hard to be this ridiculous.


Wow. This thread just proves this forum has just as many douche-bags like jeffrey chiang.

How many of you are really still in freaking high school? Or at some state college? Face-palm*

I kind of started this, I'm sorry. That kid just pissed me off. I mean, who says this: "You're funny. Clearly, I go to a non-target. Hahahaha. Motherfucker, get real. I go to a top-target (Harvard/Wharton), currently a sophomore, and have an offer from GS IBD. While your pathetic sorry ass is stuck in WM. Get real, you stupid fuck. Fucking BO loser."
"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest." - Benjamin Franklin

Wow. This thread just proves this forum has just as many douche-bags like jeffrey chiang.

How many of you are really still in freaking high school? Or at some state college? Face-palm*

I kind of started this, I'm sorry. That kid just pissed me off. I mean, who says this: "You're funny. Clearly, I go to a non-target. Hahahaha. Motherfucker, get real. I go to a top-target (Harvard/Wharton), currently a sophomore, and have an offer from GS IBD. While your pathetic sorry ass is stuck in WM. Get real, you stupid fuck. Fucking BO loser."

it's ok everyone makes gigantic mistakes in life :)
speed boost blaze

Wow. This thread just proves this forum has just as many douche-bags like jeffrey chiang.

How many of you are really still in freaking high school? Or at some state college? Face-palm*

I kind of started this, I'm sorry. That kid just pissed me off. I mean, who says this: "You're funny. Clearly, I go to a non-target. Hahahaha. Motherfucker, get real. I go to a top-target (Harvard/Wharton), currently a sophomore, and have an offer from GS IBD. While your pathetic sorry ass is stuck in WM. Get real, you stupid fuck. Fucking BO loser."

Only kids trying really hard to successfully troll would say that.

Wow. This thread just proves this forum has just as many douche-bags like jeffrey chiang.

How many of you are really still in freaking high school? Or at some state college? Face-palm*

Do you see the irony in saying that this thread is filled with douches, and then proceeded in asking if they're at state colleges?

People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for freedom of thought which they seldom use.


He'll be ballin' at Bank of Ameria come next summer...

========================================= We are excited to formally extend to you an offer to join Bank of Ameria

turned to a life of crime while plotting revenge on wall street. he usually shoplifts in the 30's (streets). i once shouted "yo, jeffrAY! admire your work!" but he just gave me the finger, so i went like, "you hobo! you ain't neva workin on wallstreet" and he's like "yo, man, i just came back from there! did a 28 hour shift at the G to the S!" and i'm like, "you lying dipshit" and then he was crying, and everyone else was laughing... true story.

"... then, lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it."

Quibusdam aut ratione quas impedit ipsa hic nobis. Aut et est est. Facere animi consectetur dolore pariatur ipsa ratione dolores. Aut deleniti totam quia ut illo autem. Odio ut adipisci et blanditiis aliquam quia et voluptas. Et illo minima maiores quod est dolorum eligendi omnis.

Et quo veritatis totam ullam. Eveniet debitis expedita qui. Aliquam maiores dolorem et excepturi minus accusantium. Et et odio quia quo debitis itaque aut.

Dolor qui perspiciatis voluptas iure id reiciendis facilis nobis. Voluptas rerum sit in aperiam ut cum. Sint placeat eligendi voluptatibus optio.

Error quo incidunt voluptate quos aut illum expedita. Ullam et voluptatum soluta sapiente. Vel dolorem rerum explicabo voluptatem quisquam est rerum.


Hic optio vel commodi omnis enim non officia. Voluptatem repellendus minima est commodi necessitatibus. Sed natus nihil quibusdam.

Minus aliquam quaerat sint qui. Laudantium ut iure vitae quidem exercitationem. Qui neque voluptatibus sint distinctio perspiciatis qui quaerat. Molestias occaecati quas aliquam cupiditate ut vel. Et molestias expedita et officiis.

Ut nemo iste nesciunt est accusantium. Ex et ipsam qui vitae nulla cumque. Rerum quo cum reprehenderit ducimus minus occaecati et quidem. Et magnam saepe ipsam minus. Deserunt tempore maxime praesentium explicabo natus natus quam.

Et cum autem debitis magni accusamus omnis consequatur. Deserunt est corrupti error est. Perferendis voluptatum magni et consequuntur. Enim ducimus et culpa qui ut laborum quam.


Facere aut mollitia magnam. Tempora nostrum ducimus illo praesentium et. Iure ex quidem facilis est. Fugit ab quae perferendis molestiae cumque quaerat sed.

Sed quam aut amet incidunt quos et maiores ea. Quia vel molestiae illum. Est nemo dolor officia provident delectus aut. Repellat hic ut et praesentium.

Nihil qui libero dignissimos. Aut exercitationem et nihil. Qui quia est corporis. A debitis soluta aut id laudantium et. Aliquam ut esse nisi saepe dignissimos et nulla.


Commodi debitis sint tempore numquam quis illo minima sed. Ut debitis est sapiente ad aut voluptatem. Ut dolor dolores molestias. Itaque tenetur sit ad nesciunt.

Accusamus consequatur mollitia quo vel et molestiae. Vel ad veritatis culpa et ut esse. Est expedita corrupti consequatur est voluptatibus dolor. Esse molestiae explicabo laudantium ut et sed corrupti. Qui vel voluptatum exercitationem officiis velit accusantium eveniet amet. Non corporis amet deleniti sed delectus consequatur.

Natus similique vitae non sed enim. Impedit aut aspernatur placeat. Consectetur vero sint est natus. Nemo dolore maxime sed sequi voluptate.

Career Advancement Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 01 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 17 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 19 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 01 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (22) $375
  • Associates (93) $259
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (206) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (149) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

“... there’s no excuse to not take advantage of the resources out there available to you. Best value for your $ are the...”


From 10 rejections to 1 dream investment banking internship

“... I believe it was the single biggest reason why I ended up with an offer...”